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Lander Movement Testing

I have been doing testing today with getting the lander to be able to fly around. You can see in the video below. Current behavior is to climb to a higher elevation and then fly to destination. The lander is also supposed to rotate it's body to face in the proper direction when flying, although it's not totally working right yet.

To issue a movement order right now, you click on the lander and then right-click to where you want it to go.

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
A bit more testing, this time with rovers.

I thinking I have found a better performing pathfinding method to where maybe I can have MC2 rovers work in the same manner as they did in MC1...

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Cool turning animation!
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bastecklein said:A bit more testing, this time with rovers.

I thinking I have found a better performing pathfinding method to where maybe I can have MC2 rovers work in the same manner as they did in MC1...

How does this new pathfinding method work and how much faster is it than the prior one?
What makes it faster @username is that, for example in MC1, the pathfinder ran paths on the entire map each time. Since MC2 maps are infinite, I had to find a different way. So what this new pathfinder does is it carves out a small section of the world containing the start and end points and a bit of buffer room around them, and just looks for a path within that. Most of the time a path will be found. If not, the buffer area can be expanded and retried a couple of times before failing.

So if Rovers are harvesting, and a deposit is 8 tiles away from a refinery, the pathfinder would be working on a very small map and paths would be resolved pretty much instantly.

Speaking of harvesting, the engine is going to store commonly used paths, such as from a refinery to a mineral deposit, and just reuse those instead of looking up a new path every time. Of course, if a new structure is built within the area of that path, then the stored path will be removed. But for simple harvesting operations, which is the bulk of what rovers do, the path finding will be quite fast. And for construction operations, your rover is generally not traveling great distances anyway.

It would get slower if you are trying to move things 200,300,1000 tiles away, although maybe driving a rover that distance wont even be allowed. I was thinking that maybe in MC2, Rovers have power that recharges when they are at a refinery or other type of charging station. Power consumption would effectively keep rovers within a realistic range.

As for flying units, for MC2 I didn't even bother with path-finding. I figured, why waste the memory and processing time, since they can just fly over everything anyway? Instead, I just make the unit climb to a higher elevation as to avoid structures, point itself in the direction of it's destination, and go.

Colonists will be different and just use a lower scale localized path-finding on the rendering thread. And as with MC1, you will be able to turn colonist rendering off altogether in the engine settings.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Cool, hope to see it in action when it gets implemented.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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