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My Colony 2 v0.11.0 Released

Today My Colony 2 v0.11.0 is heading to the "stable" channel, and should become available for all users soon. This is the last update before the "beta" heads to Android, and there are a few goodies inside, so let's take a look!

Firstly, Research is now being utilized!

I have added three techs (pictured above) in order to get things started, and as a result, the Hydroponics Farm, Ore Fraking Operation, Advanced Ore Refinery, Dormitory, and Warehouse all now have tech requirements before they can be built.

Moving along, clicking on a building will now give you some options, you can Rotate, Power On/Off, or Sell a structure now:

Next, Pavement has been added to the game, although it may be a bit glitchy still. The glitchyness is related to rendering, so you can build pavement in your maps without worrying about ruining anything.

I have also added the Advanced Builder Bot to the game, and several of the existing structures have been moved over from the Builder Bot to the new Advanced.

Finally, I have added the ability for the Engine to utilize Premium content, and added a Small Warm Light Post and a Golden Shelter as a proof of concept. In addition, modding and multiplayer now require Premium.

So that is this update in a nutshell, although there are a lot of smaller changes that you will notice here and there as well. The upcoming v0.12.0 is going to be a large content release with a lot of new structures, techs, and units, and it will be the first version published to Android. Publishing to Android will allow me to collect more feedback and bug reports, so it should really help development out a lot. I plan to have iPhone, Windows Store, and Steam releases sometime this fall.

Thanks for playing My Colony 2, and stay tuned for more!

hello and good night, i have been looking forward to play my colony 2 but i cannot find a way to download it, can anyone help me please?

a friendly taco
Here you go:
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I'm happy to see your still working on stuff, and hope it goes well mate.
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Is there a habitat for humans?
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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