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Cemetery Now Available for My Colony 1

Today I am releasing the first official collectable structure for My Colony, the Cemetery!

The Cemetery is the first release of the "Trick or Treat" series of Halloween related structures that will be coming out throughout the month, and is available to collect in-game for 25 Ape Coins until October 21. It is an early game structure that provides a modest amount of entertainment and tourism, and can educate 1 colonist at a time as well (for people doing ancestry research, of course).

I will be releasing several more structures to the Trick or Treat series this month, and each will probably be available for ten days before they are gone for good. This is the first "real" structure to be released as part of the Collectors system, although many users also picked up the Dev Solar Panel that was briefly available while the system was in testing.

You can find the Cemetery in the "New Content Available" window that is in the construction bar inside of My Colony 1.

will there be any free ones later on?
There are a lot of free buildings, the game comes packaged with 571 free buildings (and counting) @Azulories17
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I meant like, free collectible buildings that might be much rarer when they are no longer available
Nice update! I think I'll add this to one of my cities.
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

I know where to get Ape Coins, but I cannot find where I can spend them. I would like to start collecting new buildings.
I love this a lot.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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