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New GBT Price Controls Implemented

I have implemented new price controls onto the Galactic Board of Trade, effective immediately. All prices have been reset to the defined game value, and all trade history has been removed, and all current GBT contracts have been expired and should be returning to players inboxes within the day. This change will also filter through and impact all player GDP's.

The Galactic Trade Authority will no longer accept any contracts that are more than 4.5% outside of the 3 day moving average of all trades submitted for each resource. In addition, the Galactic Trade Authority will no longer accept contracts that are below 75% of the base game price for each resource.

More GBT changes are coming to the next My Colony 1 update as well, so stay tuned for more.

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Thank you, bastecklein!
Face the fear, build the future.
Great Great! :)
Proud Member of the MyColony Discord Communities
Nice !!!!
But we need an increased selling cap now :D
Wonderful! :D

For the GDP, if i remembers right, in region style map, once a city have registered the value, the game will continue to use the value, even if the game data have ben changed.

You have plan to reset the city data in the new current value?

Maybe an integrity check: compare the type and number of buildings, and check if the GDP and recourses produced/consumed correspond with the correct game data.

Doing a similar diagnostic at every game start don't have much sense, maybe only in new update, or better, if the update have change something.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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