Hello, everyone. Today, I will be asking an question about narcotics. Please read the entire topic for your confidence.
Today, in one of my colonies, I had auto-trade enabled and it sent me some ant paste (human narcotics, according to Coloniae online reference). Upon the resource arrival from auto-trade, the ant paste
had not been consumed by anybody in the colony and it was just sitting there in storage as if it was never used. I would like to ask you these questions:
- I already know what narcotics are (in real life), but what is their purpose in the game?
- Why is nobody consuming the narcotic resource for their race?
- What will narcotics do to colonists, and how will it affect them?
- How does the narcotic system work?
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Potentially Benevolent Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.