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Some thoughts about revamping certain resources we can bring in from MC1 into MC2

Hello guys!

So several have past, MC2 have grown in terms of contents and its community. Many ideas to expand diversity of MC2 arises, though most of them carries some form of legacies from MC1.

By that, I'm reviewing the aspect of resources form MC1 and let's see if they can get some form of improvement and better organization before they get implemented into MC2.
Certain resources from MC1 is kinda...... weird, either they are not general enough to represent some aspects of commodities, or limited in purpose and utilization because of the narrow concept. Most of the resources in question I'll mention today are relevant to non-heavy industries, which will require some conceptual rebranding - for wider representation that possibly allows more buildings ideas, or reduce the redundancy of certain resources (if they are) by integration.

Pottery, in many ways, reflects the aspects of common customer goods especially home necessities which expanded examples can include furniture, utensils (which pottery themselves are) and decorations of different materials.
By pottery I don't think it can well represent that aspect alone. Home necessities, may it be decorative or utility, are not limited to earthwares, those can be made of plastic, steel, wood, etc, and in sci-fi genres of My Colony they can be even made of advanced materials we haven't think of yet. Ohh, yes, don't forget carpets (though cloth resource represented it already. But cloth is not our resource of interest today, since cloth itself has no problems).
My idea is perhaps an integrated resource called Common Wares. By that it not just includes pottery itself, but also other commodities that fits the general furnishing, consumer goods and necessities purpose for home, your office and public facilities.

Paintings, very obviously, reflects certain fine or some form of HIGH-END artistic creations (usually physical), which the aspect should not be limited to just paintings - In some ways just paintings is not suitable despite painting is still the most common form of art today IRL. In many ways we actually have forgotten some even very traditional artistic creations that can end up as high-end goods, like sculptures, fine potteries (those very beautiful ones separated from common, plain potteries), rugs with fine embroideries and calligraphy. More modern "art" can include some more modern ones like unique animated gadgets and other stuff you may imagine that are tailor made into fancy items.
I haven't think of a way to generalize them with some catchy title, so for now I'll leave it as it is.

Toys - represents games and non-food entertainment goods - perhaps one of the most underused resource in MC1 due to itself (and particularly its icon too) pretty much mostly refers to very traditional toys for kids by the definition in the game, it pretty much limits direct imagination and somewhat make some of the buildings like Playhouse, awkwardly child-themed where these places also serves adults.
In more modern aspects, where entertainment has expanded and evolved to new forms, new definition might be needed to represent these playthings. It requires no renaming though, include some modern gadgets and wider examples into the concept of toys beyond children playthings and refurnish its resource icon would suffice.
So change its icon to what? Simply less pieces of Lego, and try add something like a joystick or a ball. If someone thinks portable game consoles can be included as "toy", perhaps that too.
As a result, with expanded concepts and more possible fabrication recipes for toys, and finally allowing toys for more proper uses without becoming an awkward sight in the colony.

Wool - basically raw fibers that can be made into woven textiles. It's weird to see why it is not generalized as Raw Fibers to include other raw textile materials like linen, industrial hemp, raw animal silk, and even mineral wool. On alien planets I believe there can be more sources of raw textile fibers, which we can use them without need to create another new redundant resource that serves identical purpose while allows greater imagination.

Rum could have been a resource in question of revamping needs, but since it canonically becomes the most common type of liquor in the MC1 galaxy, I guess this part can't be touched then.

So here's my kinda messy ideas regarding some resources that might pass onto from MC1 and MC2, and their needs for revamping. Hopefully this can make resource more generalized for greater diversity of industries.
You can help by EXPANDING IT.
Sounds good, reminds me of some of my own ideas for resources a while back
I think the "art" category could be separated into Fine Art and Luxury/Designer Goods
Boat enjoyer
I believe that there is some potential here.
I third this.
Best of regards, Wastelander (formerly Architecture), Overlord and Designated Leader of the Earth States.

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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