Search - Asteroid

This would be a mechanic that creates Asteroids near your base or really anywhere in the world. It would be quite rare and would create a 5x5 structure and an 8x8 "dent" in the world where it landed. It would be mined for rare metals/resources and could hold crash with a "fragment". This fragment would be either an Easter Egg from My Colony or a structure of an unknown civ. After the Asteroid is harvested the building/fragment would be left. This could add a collecting aspect to rare alien buildings and add to the lore. There are two buildings that can affect asteroids. The Asteroid Zapper would eliminate the chance of any Asteroids landing within a set radius, while the Asteroid Attracter would increase the chance of an Asteroid landing within a set radius (like if the game rolls for an Asteroid and it detects that there is a AA in the range it would roll again or something). Asteroids would be harvested by the rover for that resource (If Asteroid contains 15000 ore, 9000 gold, and 1000 oil then a gold rover could collect that gold and would leave the rest.) The models are the UnknownAlien Asteroid, Asteroid Attracter, Asteroid Zapper, Normal Asteroid, Future Asteroid (sometimes foreshadowing is rather obvious), and Bug Asteroid.
I do think that each planet should have it's own events and hidden challenges, and I like the idea of a dust storm.

Dust storms would indeed darken the map, but just in case the player sets the engine to always-day, I would override that with this disaster. Dust storms would tear at structures and increase their decay speed substantially during the storm. Also, the storm should randomly deposit ore in open plots. This would be a rare occurance to have ore deposited on a plot of land. Colonists exposed to the storm would lose some health, but their health would only go down as far as 50% due to the storms. These storms should stop occuring would the atmosphere reaches 1 million.

The ice world disaster would be hard to implement though because bast has yet to implement any sort of heat aspect to the game. ice and crystalline meteor impacts would be nice, and the user would need to build shield generators in order to protect their buildings and colonists. Any meteors that manage to land on an open plot of land will either leave an ice or blue crystalline deposit depending on their type. This should not happen often. This would stop happening after 1 million atmosphere though.

lunar planet: meteor bombardment - meteors made from regolith and aluminum pound the moon every hour or so, so it's important to keep your structures shielded. Buildings that meteors land on take massive damage, and colonists and rovers would be killed on impact. If a meteor lands on an empty plot, it will drop regolith or aluminum depending on what type of meteor it is. This ends when the planet is over 1 mil atmosphere.

asteroid - living on an asteroid can be dangerous, because meteors are constantly colliding with the asteroid due to the asteroid being in an asteroid field. meteors made from any of the base resources, ore, gold, aluminum, uranium, regolith, crystalline, and ice, land on the asteroid in spurts. In fact, meteor strikes would happen the most often on asteroid planet types. When a meteor lands on an empty plot, it leaves it's resource behind, but if it lands on an ore node with the same resource type, it adds it's resource to that node. Be sure to build shield generators to protect your buildings and colonists.This way asteroids can get at least some aluminum. This ends after 1 mil atmosphere, so be sure not to terraform the asteroid if you like this effect.

I would make it so that paradise planets, or planets with atmosphere's between 5-15 mil atmosphere, would have no negative disasters.
6y ago
Hello guys!

Space mining isn’t a very new concept - Extracting resources from asteroids and comets.

However, it’s still can be cosidered as a good source of valuable reources.

Here are my ideas!

Generally, you’ll send mining vessels to the resource fields, and a stream of resource will be provided, until the resource field of the asteroid is depleted.
The resource fields are randomly generated. Each resource field contains one type of extractable resource, amount varies. Some resources requires special classes of mining vessels to extract.
While the mining vessels can be built from Space Mining Operation Facility (SMOF). Better mining vessels requires more resources, and even techs.
New resource fields are generated to replace any resource fields you didn’t work on. Resource fields you’re extracting will not be replaced, it’ll provide resources (extract rate depends on the mining vessel) until it gets depleted or you abandon the extraction operation.

There would be an interface for managing your space mining.
Space Radar will search for at most 5 resource fields available for extraction, you can begin extraction operation among the provided fields.
Extraction Operations List allows you to check the remainding resource in the fields, assigning mining vessels, and options to abandon the field.
Mining Vessel List allows you to construct new vessels, check vessels, and dismantle vessels.

Of course, I’ll share some examples of resource fields.

Resource Fields
Rocky Asteroid - Yields ore
Ice Comet - Yields water
Electronic Scraps - Yields microchip
Metallic Asteroid - Yields steel or antanium
Golden (wrecking?) Ball - Yields gold
Smooth Asteroid - Yields aluminium
Radioactive Rock - Yields Uranium
Crystalline Asteroid - Yields Crystalline
Biomass - Yields food??? Or wood???
Grey Asteroid - Yields regolith
Starship debris - Yields triantanium
Gas Cloud - Yields helium-3
Adrift Ancient Remains - Yields alien artifact or alien relic
Oil Spill - Yields oil
Old Computers - Yields softwares
Roadroller - Yields memes
Adrift Relics - Yields a collectable special relic*

So... How do you guys think?

*Notes: This will be explained in another post.
Note: This is all for human colonies.

So I've currently got a region colony which currently has quite a few problems regarding resources. I've got 2 maps full of just tree farms, a map where 1/4 is full of wool, my clay production is sad, and my bricks, pottery, and toys have nothing to do. Additionally, the endgame right now is pretty fast to get to, and as buildings and techs are easier to add to the game than new features, I think it'd be nice to have quite a bit more content. So, to fix these problems and a few more, here are some idea for buildings and some other general improvements I have:

Make megatrees grow A LOT faster. They are so slow, you can barely sustain a middling zolarg colony with them. Sugar canes covered the entire map before I even got 5 new megatrees.

Disable auto-trading on the GBT. It's really cluttered now.

Widen the game. Currently, the tech tree is growing upwards, with new techs and building being added for later in the game than current ones. Instead, focus on adding more buildings and techs to current techs and mid-game play.


Advanced Biology: Requires Low Gravity Husbandry. Unlocks: Underground Tree Farm.

Bioengineering: Requires Advanced Biology, Human Cloning. Unlocks: Megatree, Megatree Farm, Human Repair Lab.

Synthetic Biology: Requires Bioengineering, Transcendence. Unlocks: Bioprinter.

Commercial Shipping: Requires Faster Than Light Travel, Galactic Finance Theory. Unlocks: Small Shipyard, Planetary Freight, Ship Showroom, Refueling Station, Mega-Elevator.

Asteroid Mining: Requires Commercial Shipping. Unlocks: Asteroid Tether.

Underground Tree Farm: An upgrade to the tree farm which goes 5 stories underground for 5x faster production. About the same cost as a dig site. Requires: Advanced Biology

Megatree Farm: An upgrade to the underground tree farm for 2x production. Requires: Bioengineering.

Human Repair Lab: Heal humans by giving them robotic parts. Consumes civics and robots. Requires: Bioengineering.

Bioprinter: A 3x3 building which prints any organic material and consumes food, water, and robots. Produces 5 units of one of wood, charcoal, sugar, or wool every 5 ticks. Needs no workers. Requires Synthetic Biology.

Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and water. Requires Clay Production.

Advanced Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and ant paste. Requires Ant Paste Synthesis and Clay Production.

Toy Store: Just sells toys in exchange for money.

Build-N-Bricks: Sells toys for even more money than the toy store (they're Lego knock-offs). Has a lot of entertainment capacity, too.

Ansible Array: Produces 10000 Bandwidth. Consumes ether, software, and a lot of power.

Ape-Apps-plex: An endgame software producing building, churning out software by the thousands while consuming robots. As an idea, make it require a technology called "Singularity".

Small Shipyard: 5x5 building. Produces Miniships much faster than the shipyard produces starships. Consumes less resources too. Still very expensive. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Planetary Freight: 2x7 building like interstellar freight. It is not an upgrade. Enables a new feature for auto-trading with commonwealth members. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Ship Showroom: 9x9 building. Consumes both Starships and Miniships very slowly. Sells them for an unholy amount of money to the richest of your colony. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Refueling Station: 5x5 building, is just a pipeline leading to the sky like the space elevator. Refuels Starships, produces an unholy amount of money while consuming oil, crystalline, and ether. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Mega-Elevator: 2x7 upgrade to Space-Elevator. Is much wider. Even bigger trading capacity and immigration. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Asteroid Tether: a 7x7 building which is unbelievably expensive (like really expensive, 10x hall of congress maybe?) and costs many Miniships to make (you have to pull the asteroid over), but produces immense amounts of ore, regolith, aluminum, gold, diamond, uranium, and alien artifacts. Maybe 10000 ore, 10000 regolith, 50000 gold, 10000 aluminum, 10000 uranium, 5000 diamond, and 100 alien artifacts every 150 ticks? Requires: Asteroid Mining
4y ago
I like the idea, but it needs to be thought out further. Since we don't want every planet to provide every natural resource, some planets would need to be limited on how many Biomes that they have.

To do this, we would need to group the biomes into certain categories based on temperature and atmosphere level. Here is a rough categorization:

mountains(if bast ever adds multilevel terrain)

sandy river
sandy mountains
jungle river
tropical beach
tropical ocean

cold bog
snowy river
snowy mountains
cold beach
cold ocean

no atmosphere:
red desert(default red planet terrrain, can become any flat biome when terraformed. Will explain further below)
red mesa(becomes mesa once terraformed)
red mountains(can become sandy, cold, or regular mountains once terraformed)
red riverbed(becomes either sandy, cold, or regular river once terraformed)
red seafloor(becomes any type of ocean once terraformed)

icy plains(default ice planet terrain)^
icy mountains^
icy riverbed^
icy seafloor^

lunar plains(default lunar terrain)^
lunar mountains^
lunar crack(becomes any kind of river once terraformed)
lunar mega crater(the water in the crater is ocean water and can become any type of ocean when terraformed)

asteroid plains(default asteroid terrain)^
asteroid mountains^
asteroid crack^
asteroid mega crater^

Too Much Atmosphere:

lava plains(default lava terrain)^
lava mountains^
lava riverbed^
lava sea floor^

abandoned world:
ether river
ether ocean
dark dessert(a desert on the abandoned world, but containing dark purple sands)
dark mesa(a mesa with cliffs that contain layers of sediment. The layers are all different shades of purple)

Something like that would work. At the creation of a region, the region generates hot, cold, and temperate zones. These zones won't change even when the planet is terraformed. Lava world will always have only hot zones, and ice world will always have only cold zones.

Planets that start out with no atmosphere start off with their own set of biomes, but once the planet is terraformed, the map regenerates the biome map with earthlike biomes based on the heat zones and former biome types. Certain planets will require exceptions, but most planets would generate all of the earth like biomes once created or terraformed. Forest world, for example, would only generate biomes that contain lots of trees, like forest, tiaga, and jungle(along with rivers and oceans), and abandoned world would use the biomes in the abandoned world section in place of some of the earthlike biomes. Desert planets would of course only have hot zones and only use desert biomes like desert and mesa(pretty boring of you ask me).

I think that covers my idea. Let me know what you think.
4y ago
This topic isn't meant to be a complaint, it's just my ideas of what could be done to improve on the existing planets' designs. I realize that bast isn't working very much on new content and I support that, since what he is doing now is better for the game than making new content. I just figured that I would cover all of the planets for my planet-hub topic. That way people can get my opinion of all the planets.

earthlike Planet specific ideas:

earthlike planet summary: I think that this planet is fine as it is. It's supposed to be a training planet that gives the user the perfect conditions to build a colony, so I think it should be left alone. There are some ideas that I have regarding all planets that also apply to this planet, but I don't have any ideas regarding this specific planet. I do believe that every race should have this planet type so the player can learn to play this race under the best conditions, with the exception of zolarg because they already have a world with the best conditions to grow, their just a harder species to manage overall. reptilians and LIS get the abandoned world, which is earthlike but doesn't have any ore.

Waterworld specific ideas:

Waterworld summary: This planet is really fun to play because you have to be carful how you design your colony layout. I wouldn't chancge anything about this planet and I'm not going to suggest anything because all of the ideas that I have bast is already going to implement soon. There are other ideas that pertain to all planets that apply here, but no specific ideas come to mind when thinking about this planet.

red planet specific ideas:

Red Planet Summary: I really like the simplicity of the map, and I like the laid-back feel that you get when playing it. I also like how quickly it allows you to grow your colony. There is not much more that I would like to see added to this planet aside from the general ideas that I have below that don't apply to any planet. This planet is very well-designed.

red badlands decorations: I think that the red planet map should generate decorations that resemble badlands structures, or weird rock structures that form because wind wears it down into awkward shapes. This should make the map aesthetically pleasing.

generated lake-bed rivers: per the dry lakebed tile idea below, i think that rivers of those tiles should be generated on red planet maps. This allows the red planet to become just like an earthlike planet once terraformed, with rivers that produce infinite amounts of water. It gives the map a more dynamic feel.

Dust storms: These planetwide storms can last for months and would make it more difficult to see your colony. Solar panels would stop working, but you could implement a windmil to take advantage of the storms and it would produce more during these storms than normally. You already have added the ability to block out light by subtracting alpha from an overlaying object to simulate night time. You could create another overlay object for storms and give it a reddish-tan hue. Then just add moving particle affects and wind sounds and your done. These should disappear once the planet is terraformed. There shouldn't be a damage factor to these storms as the dust is too fine to really wear anything down.

Dynamic Terraformation: I think that this planet type specifically could benefit from dynamic terraforming and should be the first to receive such a feature if added since it's one of the most played maps.

Lunar specific ideas:

Lunar Summary: Lunar world is my favorite map because you can jumpstart your colony before you even get your first immigrant. I like the fact that it's terraformable and the regolith challenge is fun as well. There are a few features that could be added to make this world more immersive though.

Jagged rock decos: Since a lunar planet has no atmosphere, it has no wind on it's surface to smooth and erode rocks, so you should see some really jagged rock formations. I think this would add some aesthetics.

craters: I think that large circular patches of darker terrain tiles should exist on the map. These terrain tiles would act the same as lakebed tiles in that they will become water tiles as atmosphere increases. Craters should be random sizes and distances between. I would even have them generate partially off of the map and across region maps to give a very appealing region view. This may might that craters could envelop most or all of some maps, and some maps might get no crater tiles at all, but that's the beauty of it. the player should also have the option to fill in a crater tile or water tile using regolith where they would otherwise use ore on other planets. The player should be able to turn regular tiles into crater tiles as well with the cost of money.

meteor showers: these showers would pummel structures below periodically. Any that land on empty tiles could generate regolith nodes and could have the chance to generate mini-craters that would fill with water upon terraforming, this is why I think we should have the ability to turn crater tiles to regular tiles, and vise versa. The damage from these meteors shouldn't be catastrophic, but it should cause some damage depending on the structure. These meteors should stop once atmosphere is above 1 mil.

Atmosphere leach: Since most planets like the moon aren't big enough to keep an atmosphere forever(there are exceptions), there should be a significant drain on atmosphere that must be compensated for. It could also be a benefit if a colony's atmosphere is too high though. A drain of 5k per minute would be a challenge at first, and you would have to beat that mark in order for condensors to operate.

Forest Planet ideas:

Forest Summary: I don't have much to say about this world, it's pretty straightforward albiet annoying at the start. Not really a big benefit to this world aside from the fact that you don't have to mess with the atmosphere at first until you get bigger. I'd honestly play abandoned before forest any day. Here are some ideas I have in mind though:

Rivers: this should be an addition. Any forest world requires lots of water in order for trees to grow.

mega trees: i think that mega-trees should generate on the map at first and begin to spread. Players could try to preserve these so that they'll have a huge supply later on. Once they they're gone, they're gone.

Asteroid planet ideas:

Asteroid summary:
I like the asteroid world. It's just like lunar, but harder since you don't have alu nodes. I used to play this world back before we had ways to get infinite diamonds. Might take a crack at it again to see how far I get. I have a few ideas regarding this world.

craters: the same concept as the lunar planet.

meteor showers: the same concept as lunar planet

Extreme atmosphere leech: asteroids are definately not large enough to keep an atmosphere for long. Because of this, they are drained by 50k per minute. 100 minutes is all it takes for an earthlike atmosphere level to drop to 0. Major benefit later in the game though when atmosphere is increased rapidly by pollution.

Awkward rotation: An asteroid has a very randomized shape in real life. it can be elongated, flat, and even spherical. Because of this, days and nights on this planet last for random times. Short nights lower colonist energy. Short days reduce happiness. long nights can increase colonist energy and long days can raise happiness. This amount increased or decreased would only apply if the length of a night or day goes past the minimum or maximum limits. if a limit is exceeded, the same amount of energy or hapiness is taken away or given, no matter how far past the limit a day or night is.

Abandoned World Ideas:

Abandoned Summary: I really like the abandoned world map, but my idea for a twilight themed abandoned world would add a mystic and ancient feel to the map. I'd like to see a much darker themed map than the light and cheery theme that it has now.

Rivers: aside form the twilight idea I would love to see rivers on this map.

Ice planet ideas:

Ice summary: I like the ice planet because it's a challenge to get through the crystalline bottleneck. I do have some ideas though:

glacial/ crystal decos: a slew of icy/crystalline decorations would look good for this planet.

unstable melting: When you heat up an ice planet, there's no telling where the oceans and rivers will form and where the actual land will be. Ice melts very unpredictably, so there should be no indication as to whether each tile is a lakebed or regular tile, but they should both still be there and have the same texture. It should be set up to where rivers will form as if randomly and instantly. This would be part of the real-life challenges of terraforming an ice planet, so would make sense here. Sometimes your colony gets destroyed just like in lava world, sometimes you get lucky.

Underwater crystal farm: This new building would need to straddle water and land and would be four-way rotatable so it can be placed in any orientation as long as the front 4 tiles are on water and the back 2 squares are on land. It is a 3x2 structure, and it consumes moderate amounts of water, crystalline, and alcohol to constantly produce large amounts of crystalline. The concept behind it is that some crystals grow faster in a water solution with the nutrients it needs to grow. Water also allows the crystals to grow much larger because gravity is much weaker in water as we all know. The fact that the structure would have to straddle land and water means that the planet will need to terraformed before a player can place on of these and get rid of their green crystals.

desert world:

desert summary: I don't have much to say about this map, haven't played reptilians that much. I do think that it could use some aesthetics though, just one flat plane of land is nothing to get all excited about. But here are some of the ideas that I have:

Yellow badlands decos: weird yellow rock forms, crackly ground, rough patches, and some shrubbery and cacti. These should randomly dot the landscape and would really up the aesthetics on this map.

Tar(oil) pits: instead of water flowing through the map, tar pits would give it a more desert feel, as you find these pits naturally in deserts. just like rivers on the earthlike planet yield infinite water, these pits should yield infinite oil. The major downfall with this benefit is that you need workers to collect the oil, and that can be pretty tedious and may slow down performance.

raise the atmosphere: Since deserts are supposed to be hot, we should raise the atmosphere to above earthlike. This also corrosponds to my thermal idea below. In addition to this, I would recommend adding a fully terraformed stage where atmosphere is reduce to between 5 mil and 15 mil. I'm not saying that deserts don't exist when atmosphere is at perfect levels because the saharrah wouldn't exist if that were true. It's just that since bast still hasn't added any thermal or moisture level factors to terraforming, I thought that lowering the atmosphere was good enough to simulate raising the moisture level and lowering thermal levels to make the planet cooler and wetter.

dry-lakebed tiles: I think that the dry lakebed tile idea would particularly help this planet as once it is terraformed from dessert to earthlike, you'll have rivers flowing through the landscape.
Sandstorms: Not to be confused with dust storms, the storms are much shorter, yet can be devastating to colonists and buildings. These storms should cause colonist sickness, slow down movement, and accelerate the decay of structures by a certain amount for the duration of the storm. Depending on the direction of the storm, walls placed on the map will block the storm from getting into your cities. It's best to surround your cities with walls so that you get as little exposure to the storms as possible, just an extra challenge. These storms should cease once atmosphere is reduced to earthlike and life is brought back to the planet.

Lava planet ideas:

lava summary: I liked this planet at one point, but I think it's rather pointless to play being that it doesn't have an end-goal and you're colony is never safe no matter how far down the atmosphere goes. My list of lava ideas on my planet hub topic should cover all of the ideas that I have for this planet, and they all still stand.

Fissure vents: These gigantic cracks in the planet spew forth ash and toxic gas into the atmosphere. Because of this, atmosphere is increased by 2 thousand atmosphere a minute, even if the atmosphere is reduced to between 5 and 15 mil, atmosphere will still pile up, requiring you to build more buildings that use up atmosphere to balance it out. The only thing that would need to be added is a passive loop that continuously counts down 60 seconds and then adds 2k to the atmosphere number value. Good luck terraforming this planet.

ideas for all existing planets:

Dry Lakebed Tiles: I've suggested this a few times, but basically dry lakebed tiles should replace water tiles in low and high atmosphere planets. These tiles can be built on, but watch out, because when atmosphere goes over 250k or falls under 30 million, these tiles will turn to water and any buildings on them will be destroyed. There should be an apparent difference in color shade or texture between regular tiles and the dry lakebed tiles. remaning Ice deposits should also turn into water deposits at the same atmosphere level.

Dynamic terraforming: I've mentioned this a couple of times too. It's simple, if atmosphere goes too low, the terraformed planet becomes barren, just as if it were a red or lunar planet; if atmosphere goes too high, then the planet becomes hotter, becoming first a dessert and then eventually a lava planet, with all the eruptions and lava spreading we know and love. . I also think that atmosphere requirements for all atmosphere stages for region games should be multiplied by the number of tiles on a region. This gives the player a longer playthrough and also encourages them to develop cities on every tile. I think that downside is worth it and it would be a fun challenge to work towards. I think that aside from the tiles changing texture, trees should generate across the map on empty space once atmosphere either rises past 5 mil or falls past 15 mil. I also think they should disappear while outside of those ranges.

Thermal factor: I feel like there should be some sort of challenge regarding keeping your colonists at a good temperature. Perhaps you could add a meter in statistics that indicates thermal level of the entire colony. Too hot or cold and your colonists will become sick and loose energy and hapiness. An earthlike planet, or any planet that's been terraformed to between 5 mil and 15 mil, will not affect the meter at least, but too much atmosphere and the meter will start to go up and too little atmosphere will start to subtract heat from the meter. You should be able to build coolers or heaters to supplement the loss or gain of temperature. Currently most planets start out at no atmosphere, which means that they will start out cold. Lava is the only planet that would add the the thermal meter at this time but I think that the desert type planet should have high atmosphere so it can add to the meter.

Regions acting as mc campaigns: Now, some people would disagree with me on this, but I think it's totally fair to call region mode and sort of "campaign mode." This is because with regions, you get a longer playthrough and it takes longer for you to develop the space given to you. I also think it's fair that region mode requires premium, as most well-developed apps offer a free trial(single map mode) and full version with campaign mode(region mode). Some of yall might disagree. but here are the main ideas that I have in mind:
- design random mandatory goals to have a chance to pop up for each tile a map occupies that grant the player money, research. civics, happiness, or other resources, kind of like quests. But these would be more like story-line quests. a medium map would contain four of these quests. These should take a decent amount of time to complete and should make the game progress slower.
- design smaller optional side-quests that pop up randomly occasionally and grant smaller bonuses.
- each tech should require a certain number of complete story-line quests before being unlocked, even if you have enough research. There would be only one quest per tile so this would encourage players to develop all the tiles to complete all of the available story quests.
-Make individual map progression depend on the completion of story quests. For instance, you can add a population cap that unlocks after the quest is complete, and for medium maps with four quests, you could increase the cap in increments to allow the player to develop further after each quest, but not indefinitely until all quests are complete.

Overall I think that these ideas for campaign mode should add a very interesting element to regions mode and would make it more worthwhile and entertaining to play and a player might be entertained for a very long time before becoming bored.

But anyway, those are my ideas. I wanted to go over each planet so that everything was covered in my planethub topic. I'll paste this link so yall can access it easily. Let me know what you think and which ideas you like/dislike.
5y ago
In real life, asteroids are not big enough to have enough gravity to hold atmosphere for very long. To simulate this, i would make it so that on asteroid map, atmosphere is slowly reduced over time, and the player has to make up for the loss in order to keep the asteroid at optimal atmosphere level. It would be a balancing act, but it would pose a unique challege for this particular planet.

In fact, I think that each planet should have a unique obstacle to overcome aside from the usually lack of a certain resource, just like the lava world has a specific challenge to overcome aside from the lack of certain resources. Red planet should stay as is though, since it's supposed to be an easy, stable planet that beginners can learn to play on. Every other planet should have at least something wrong with the environment that needs to be resolved before the colony can progress much further.

I'll keep adding ideas for more environmental challenges on other planets in this thread.
6y ago
Some suggestion:

The planets are like random placed on the map, is... strange. Is possible to use a more realistic map, with solar system (a star with 4-9 planet in orbit, maybe with different size, just 2-3 type for diversity), plus moon, asteroid camp, nebulas, comets..

harvest: asteroid (metals, ore, gold, uranium.. ecc), comets (water), nebula (helium)
5y ago

To begin, here are some technical informations :
-I am playing at mycolony on my computer with WIN8 (v0.71);
-I have purchased premium version till some times ;
-I am playing on a BIGGAAA region map (about 7 regions are really inhabited, but I must have maybe something like 30 regions in all).

Now that is my problem : I was playing on the game and at a moment I decided to change of region. So I returned to the region map (below) and I clicked on the region I choosed. But instead of loading my map, it displayed me nothing at all, and if I well remembered i had an infinite loading text at the bottomright corner indicating "saving game.." infinitely but did nothing. The other regions function. But when I tried to load this one now, I have a "Sync data" screen who closes itself after a few seconds, without loading my map. I tried also to load a recovery file but it didn't function.

Does it mean that I seem to have lost this part of my map for ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever and
ever ?

My computer appeared to be overload at the moment of the problem. And I guess it is the cause of the corruption of the file...

EDIT : here are the files of the game, I 'm not sure it can help but I put them here nevertheless.

EDIT 2 : I have also lot's of .mcx files but I don't know if they can be of some use.
5y ago
I'm not sure if this is so much a bug or if it was intended but it is certainly quite annoying.
Due to the prerequisites for certain buildings, I can't build them on the aquatic world. Examples include:

Solar towers
(I have High Density Solar Panels but also need Abandoned World Base or Asteroid Base or United Earth Base)

Black market bazaar
(No regolith on the map and will have to build my colony a long way to be able to make/import it)

(I can't build the miner, I have Diamond Mining but also need Desert World Base or Lava World Base or Ice World Base or Asteroid Base)
(Same as diamonds have the tech, but not the right world (needs forest))
5y ago
I noticed as I got really far into an asteroid world the terrain would actually start to change and would become more earth-like. This made me think that playing the ice world and lava worlds would do the same thing it's just harder to get to that point. I got to that point in the ice world but it's still an ice world. my people can conduct activity like normal outside but the world is still covered in ice and snowy and dark. I want to try the lava world but I don't want to waste my time if the train never turns to normal just like the asteroid does.
4y ago

I mean this shield:

Not star trek shield.

A planetary shield will be very very cool, but will require several millions of power to work, at least for fix the atmosphere.

Uhm.. maybe something analog to bandwidth and power system? With asteroid require at least 1000000 for start growing the atmosphere, and mars (red planet) just 300'000? Just few new building with the ability to make a shield around the planet/asteroid/comet, and become effective after some value.
4y ago
Dear Bast,

There are 2 game suggestions I hope would be considered either for this patch or for the next few patches (if this patch is too feature-loaded already) :

1. Would you consider making Oil to be store-able in Grav Warehouse? Practically all other "major" resources are able to be stored in Grav Warehouse, and Oil is the only one left out.

Painting, Salt Water, Fish are niche resources which do not need Grav's capacity. Aside from that, the rest of the resources except for Oil can already be stored in Grav Warehouse.

2. Would you provide a way for LIS to grow Synthetic Crystals in Abandoned World, Asteroid World, and Water World? The rest of the races can grow them in all of their worlds :
- Alpha Draco : can build Enslaved Extremeobug in all 4 of their planets.
- Zolarg : can build Tundrabug in Ice World, and can build Extremeobug in the other 3 planets.
- UE : can build Crystalbot in all 5 of their planets.
- LIS : can build Tundra Rover in Ice World, but no way to build Synthetic Crystal in Abandoned, Asteroid, and Water Worlds. They have to depend on imports/gifts until Research Converters.

Thank you beforehand.

4y ago

Using the region filesystem, adding a new area (like the starship game map), the "outside", with moons, comets, asteroid, meteorites. Pretty much clicking on a new icon, player will have a new over region map, all black, need to be explored (like colony war), with many thing accessible only after the site is reached by a starship.

This new area should be accessible through new structures, maybe on 2 or 3 level, with trade limit.

Base level: classic rocket launcher, base trade limit

Medium level: something like the starport, with a decent trade limit

high level: an insane structure, with insane starship storage, and insane trade limit (like 10B), like DS9.

The starship are need it for travel to the new zone, moving colonists (the only way to import worker) and for travel back to home the resources, because all new map don't have classic storage (they can't use the shared material in region map, the player need to ship colonist and material for build structure), each map should have a personal storage.

For the resourses, should be like a classic rover harvesting a rock. In this case the rover are the starship, and until are returning home, the player don't have the resources.

New map idea:
we can recycling most of the map, asteroid, ice planet (for comet), ecc

Bonus resources:
this is an other focal point, depending on the map, different zone should have different bonus material, like a zone with +500% uranium production, and other with 200% triantanium, or +1000% diamonds (yes, is a real thing).

For other structure idea, better talk to @GeneralWadaling, several space idea are very nice.

4y ago
Well into a game started on an asteroid and I'm wondering if it is possible to produce wool at all. Atmosphere is well over 1mil, I'm growing trees, producing oil and sugar, but I've never seen an option for the wool farms or anything like that. Am I missing anything?
4y ago
Dear Bast,

1. The human's Helium Nanomine building can produce 9 resource types, which are all crucial resources for a human colony. I would like to suggest to add the following 2 resource types towards resources that Helium Nanomine can produce :
- Crystalline
- Wood

The reason is twofold :
- Flavor-wise, all of the 9 resources currently produced by Nanomine are resources that can be "harvested". Crystal and wood are other resource types that can be harvested.
- Nanomines can produce Diamond among others, but not Crystal. An endgame human colony roughly consumes somewhat equivalent amount of diamonds and crystals. Without Nanomines being able to produce crystal, all the excess diamond it produces are just excess waste without being able to be used.

2. A LIS colony established on Asteroid, Abandoned World, and Water World has no way to produce and grow Synthetic Crystal Deposit, because they can not build any of the bots required to do it. They can do the research but lack the bot required.

Literally every other faction such as UE, zolarg, and draco can do it in all of their worlds. The only hope for a LIS player in these worlds to get crystal is through GBT. Please give LIS in Asteroid/Abandoned/Water planets any of the bots that can be used to grow Synthetic Crystal Deposit once they completed Crystalline Synthesis research.

Thank you Bast.
3y ago
I’m thinking, and I feel like it would be cool if we not only had our one planet to colonize, but what if we had an entire solar system of linked planets that a player can spread to after they have started to produce starships. That could actually be a campaign, to colonize every planet and accomplish certain goals.

You could have three types of solar systems: one for “sol” or our solar system, which would contain all of our real planets, another for a pre-built fictional solar system Containing fictional planets like abandoned world, and a third Solar system that uses rng to generate a randomized system with any combo of planets, fictional or not.

As for the resources required to maintain multiple planets, I would suggest just treating each planet like you treat each map in a region and just process statistical data in all inactive planets. It’s inherently inaccurate as we know, but it gets the job done and adds to the gaming experience

As for the first systym, “sol”, i think adding a blastfurnace/mercury type planet, a Venus/high atmosphere type planet, and helium and methane has giants would be feasible. Asteroid planet would be Ceres, which is a dwarf planet in our asteroid belt, and ice planet would be Pluto.

I think you could use Europa for the underwater planet, and a Dyson sphere map would just be a special station that has to rely on power itself to survive. One other thing that would be cool would be titan. Sure, it’s a cold planet, but it’s not an ice planet. Most of its atmosphere is made up of organic materials like methane, and it has actual lakes of propane. Even that sand that covers Titan’s ground is made of organic compounds. You could give it a yellow-orange hue and make the planet your system-wide gas station. I can imaging it being as brutal to play as ice world.

Anyway, these are my ideas, let me know if you have questions.
3y ago
Tractor Beam- a large late-game structure used to generate large amounts of rare ore deposits around a central target. The way it works is that occasionally a meteorite or asteroid would pass by the colony (indicated in chat along with an animation in the sky) and the tractor beam would be able to capture it and divert its trajectory towards a selected radius. The meteorite (or asteroid) would create a large pit on the ground of the planet, with the resources scattered in and around the center of the impact. The tractor beam will automatically try to lock onto passing asteroids so that you don't miss the window if you're working on another part of your colony. If any buildings happen to get damaged or destroyed by the impact, your citizen approval will go down.

Also, will there be moons?
2y ago
My charger code doesn't seem to work, and the only way anyone has been able to join my colony has been if I show up in the list when creating a new colony. Apparently this has been happening for awhile, but no one told me until just now.

My colony is mega-world-asteroid-prime and the charter code is rUzlooG6. The web client and desktop client both report it as an invalid charter code.
6y ago
That charter is not in the database. Did you take your colony offline at some point and then go back online? If you do, it changes your charter.

I didn't see a "mega-world-asteroid-prime" in the database either. Is that how your colony name appears in the game? And are you sure you are playing in online mode?
6y ago
Sorry, it's mega-asteroid-prime, and once I went online I don't remember taking it offline. I was trying to put a screenshot in of my commonwealth and/or overview page but it doesn't appear I can. There are 5 total charters, 2 of which are mine (mega-world-alpha-prime and mega-world-diamond-prime), but you might be able to see 'Krackin' or 'Fire lands' on my charter, though neither have been active for some time. The last one is a 'My colony' member, so not likely helpful.

My home page from within the Commonwealth screen shows to be:

AND THAT may be the problem. No copy and paste I've done of that has shown that as an 'I' before. You can't copy the code out of the desktop client for some reason, it always forces a click of the link, and it looks like a lowercase 'l' onscreen. I'll have one of my kids test with an uppercase 'I' and see if it works.

6y ago
No. I meant to ask how hard is it? Is it harder than Asteroid?
6y ago
In the latest update, while playing on the ice world, I noticed something.
On the Encyclopedia it says that I AM able to build a regolith mine on the ice world. However i require the regolith miners to do that and on the encyclopedia says that they are only available to the lunar, asteroid and abandoned world bases. This severely slows down the ability to progress and develop on the ice world.
I hope this is looked into.
6y ago
why can't I plant Crystal? I'm lis on an asteroid.
6y ago
With the space elevator you can connect buildings in low orbit like asteroid mining, housing, tourism,defence installations etc.

Then obviously underground is under the colony you would have transportation, housing, mining, power etc.

These would be late game stages that you get. Probably underground first then space later.

So the colony would have 3 layers to it. No idea if this even feasible with the developer just an idea I've been kicking around.
6y ago

I saved 2 times and then I save and quit the game and as soon as I wanted to load my game its my game save corrupted file I was playing in average card in LIS mode in an asteroid world I am in version 0.47 .0 and I play my colony on google chrome my pc is windows 10
6y ago
I am in a colony offline on the asteroid and am really struggling to get aluminum? How do I get it? I have about 15 black markets as my only way of getting it and feel very stuck. Please help.
6y ago

Description: Need lots of water but don't have much atmosphere? Not to worry, this extractor will make more water than any old water extractor ever could.

Size 1x1
Workers: 6
power: 60

Uses medium amounts of regolith to produce the same amounts of water as the atmospheric condenser.
Also uses a large amount of he3.
Would be an alternative to the condenser.
Those who have asteroid, ice, lunar, and abandoned worlds would have access to it, or maybe you could replace the condenser with this building on those worlds to shake things up a bit.

Not sure what the worker round is for the condenser, but I think that this building should produce water at the same rate, only using regolith instead of atmosphere.

The extractor would consume 1 regolith for every 2 water it produces.
Would consum 20 he3 every 10 seconds.


Ore: 2,000
Regolith: 5,000
He3: 5,000
Steel: 2,500
Gold: 3,000
Chips: 50

Sell Price:

Ore: 500
Regolith: 2,000
He3: 2,000
Steel: 1,000
Gold: 1,500
Chips: 25

Let me know what you think of this one. I didn't quite know how to make the bubbles since the whole image is less than a hundred pixels across. I think I did good though.
6y ago
I have reached yet another milestone; 10,000+ colonists.

Also, finally got enough resources to do a major face lift on my colony and added a 5th colony (Callopee - LIS asteroid).

Now if only my colonists were smart enough to actually stay in the subterranean housing module closest to their work instead of the neighboring one I would be happy.
6y ago
v 0.46 took 90% of my money (about $12e+15) and the save issue it's not solved so I had to start a new game and leave my main frozen in a backup.
On my new game I needed some aluminium and went to the trade board LTA just to see other player posting 100al for $1,025,509,719,000,000 (about $1e+15) and it was sold seconds after.

Also the price for 250al on the Black Makrket went form $300k to $9M. The Export prices are really low and the 75% tax makes a gift of everything you try to sell, and waiting for someone to buy your resources on the LTA can take hours and there's always gonna be someone just selling cheaper to sell it fast making the game harder for new colonies.
Maybe the LTA/LTB should work different, perhaps putting the colonies in tiers based on their GDP or tech level to see different offers/requests on the market so players who still have $1e+42 doesn't affect players with $30M.
I know it said "hard" but having no source for al and this insane prices, makes the game impossible to continue. Having uranium and aluminium harvesters is pointless in the LIS asteroid.
6y ago
Dancinshroom said:So I created a game on a moon world under some random guy as an Independent state.

I am up to the point where I got microchips and now I need aluminium to make megabots and all that stuff.

There is no aluminium on the map...
Am I missing something here? I cant find any way to get aluminium other than to black market it for 8mill/250Al

Also I don't want to have to get around it until I advance to the aluminium generator as that is way to far down the tech tree.

Is there an easier way to get aluminum or something like that, this seems a little ridiculous that I'm bottle necked by aluminium this early on in the game.

Thanks all

If you started on a asteroid world, you're correct there is no aluminum.

You could buy it as said by others here, or start a second map that has aluminium and gift it to yourself. The abandoned world map has a lot of aluminum.

But you can also invest in diamond mining, build the giftshop and use that to buy aluminum or sell the diamonds and then buy the aluminum. With the league trade authority.

I would recommend starting a second map, it's not the fastest way in the short term but it pays off in the long run.
6y ago
Lis Asteroid has diamonds.
LIS abandoned world has aluminium.
Start an abandoned map, mie the aluminum and gift it to yourself.
6y ago
I'm not seeing the hospital issue but I've been seeing the precise same thing as the OP happen since .44, on Win10 Native Client, and I started a brand new colony on .47 as I thought maybe something was corrupted in my old 65K population colony. Less than 6K population, and my buildings are all starting to show this bug. I can't seem to attach screen shots in this forum, but the original post describes the issue I'm seeing precisely.

I'll add another detail that I just noticed. Several times now when I've clicked on the worker details, I've seen workers reportedly working at another building. For instance, I click on an Advanced Ore Refinery that isn't producing any steel. I see 6/6 workers. I click to see who the workers are (maybe they are protesting?). I have 1 unemployed, 1 sleeping and 1 working at my Microchip factory. I clicked a microchip factory showing 26/26 and see only 4 of the same-named person all unemployed. I close out, click the factory again and it says 4/26 workers. I click to check details, and there are 26 people listed, many of them repeats, all unemployed.

My approval rating is 83%, health 95%, and I haven't found anyone protesting (but I don't see how to get that list since we went to the new statistics interface, so there could be mass protests, I guess). I have colonist rendering turned off, and went with a permanent daytime setting. I'm on a mega-sized asteroid map with normal resource levels.

I have plenty of resources across the board. Lots of ore for the refineries, all pieces needed for microchips, etc. It is all production buildings seeing this though. Hydroponics labs, hatcheries, oil refineries, etc.

As I've tried to dig in, I noticed that for awhile, I had more jobs filled than I had population. I tried to remedy that with more landing pads and cloning facilities, and while I now have a population that properly corresponds to the 3% unemployment statistics shows, there is still an almost total lack of production going on.

This is an LIS colony. I will start a new Zolarg colony and see if I encounter similar behavior if I can get the time. The patience to get a Zolarg colony to a fun level is more than I am probably going to have today, though :-(.

Right now, this makes the game basically unplayable. If there is something I can try or info I can provide tell me what it is and I'll do it as I can.


EDIT: I closed out of the game and re-opened it, and left it running for a little while. It looks like most of my production has restarted, but now I'm seeing that I have a population of 6346 and 0% unemployment with a number of jobs filled at 6408. I've got 0 Illegal Immigrants, so I'm not sure how I've got more jobs filled than citizens, since I didn't think they could take out 2 jobs simultaneously.
6y ago
While yall may be wondering "what use would a campaign mode be, there's no war or conflict in my colony, so what would be the purpose," I assure you there would be a really big purpose for a campaign mode without involving any war or conflict elements at all.

Campaign mode would put the player into different scenarios that challenge their strategy skills and resourcefulness, would be a very fun adventure and storyline, and would teach newcomers how to play the game online. Honestly, I don't think that a campaign mode would be hard to make, I just think that it would take a lot of time to create and implement all of the content that is required for this to happen and I definitely don't expect this to be implemented anytime soon. Let me repeat that, I definitely don't expect this to be implemented anytime soon. @bastecklein is working on the rest of antiquitas and there are some features not yet but soon to be put in the game that would be required to make this happen. So if this does get implemented, I imagine it would be far into the future.

Anyway, here are my ideas for a campaign mode, although if bast makes a campaign mode he might do it differently:

1. Each race and spin-off race has it's own campaign series, starting with UE.

2. Each campaign would be broken into chapters. Each chapter is based on a specific planet related to that race. For instance, UE will have the planet mars(red planet), the earth's moon(lunar), and an exoplanet with alien wildlife(forest), while LIS will have the dwarf planet ceres(asteroid), Titan(ice), and a once inhabited exoplanet(abandoned). Each chapter would be unlocked by completing the one before it.

3. Each planet will have a global map that would show all of the playable locations on that map. Nothing fancy, just a map of the planet with a bunch of coordinates marked. Each of these locations/coordinates, when selected, will load a specific game file incorporated into the game. Once a file is opened, it takes the player to the normal my colony building field, which is pre-made and staged for a particular mission. Once all missions are complete for that location, the player is free to continue on playing the game, building up their colony normally, and trading with other locations on the same planet/chapter that have had their missions completed.

4. Some of those locations will need to be unlocked by completing missions in other locations, and there would be a few side-locations on each planet that don't have any missions but allow the player to build a Colony normally and send resources to the other locations. These side-locations would only be unlocked after the chapter and all missions are complete and after premium is purchased.

5. All locations would have an option to reset progress in case a player wants to replay a certain mission or restart a colony at one of the locations for whatever reason. This deletes the current in-game file that is in use and restores a copy from the backup version that is also integrated in the game.

6. Before adding any of this to the game, multiple terrain types would be needed. This is because if campaign were added now, there wouldn't be much difference between each location on the planet since we only have one terrain type, and it would be boring. Bast said that he is going to add multiple terrain types and a map editor, so I would wait until I created those before I worked on this, which is one of the reasons why I think campaign mode will be far into the future if added at all.

7. Terraforming aspect: Terraforming each planet would be done very slowly and would take multiple colonies/locations to generate or remove the needed amounts of atmosphere. Also, some other aspects and buildings for terraforming that would only exist in campaign mode could be added. For instance, in terraforming, you have to take atmosphere, heat, sea level, and oxygen percentage into consideration. Maybe add aheat aspect and create some buildings that reduce and generate heat based on what the planet needs. Or add a sea level and watch the global map fill up with water as the sea level rises and recede as it falls. You could do a lot of interesting things in campaign mode and it wouldn't impact the online mc universe. It might push the engine to it's limits though.

8. Research: research would be share by all colonies/locations on a given planet/chapter. Either research would be produced much slower or tech would require more research, but we want to make it so that all locations are contributing to the same research pool. Once a player moves to the next chapter though, the research starts at 0 again.

I think that this would be a very worth-while feature to put in the game. If any of you have any more ideas of how a campaign mode could be implemented, please include them here.
6y ago
The colonization of the planets and moons in the SOL - system weren't enough to sustain the population but humanity wasn't enough technologically advanced to reach new solar systems.

On the moon of planet earth people discovered while driling for ice an undergroundcity of an ancient alien species. No one knows where they went and even if they are still alive but with the technology they left humankind were able to reach every other planet in the current galaxy.

The lack of professional people and the always growing population forced the government to have even the average human to take control over planets. They were sent away with 2 workers, 2500 money units and a rover.

Humanity would have a bright future if it weren't for the uneven payroll shares for countries on the planet earth which lead to small wars which then turned into bigger ones until third world war occurred.

After many years the US government decided to annex the enemy territory under the name: United Earth. Many other nations decided to also join the U.E. for payroll benefits until the rest of the nations joined them because of the fear that U.E. will forcefully claim their country.

People around the galaxy have acknowledge the changes with different political views. Many planet owners see the U.E. as a necessary way for humankind to develop even further while some decided to be part of the League of Independent Nations because they see them as a threat for freedom or simply out of revenge for their past nation.

The U.E. saw the L.I.S. not as a threat but weren't able to reclaim the planets since the current war space ships weren't able to get over the planetary defence system which got spread all over the galaxy (but were mainly for shooting asteroid) until both fraction have discovered an ancient weapon which were able to destroy planets through forcing the stars to create a supernova (which have people around the galaxy create the theory that this weapon is the reason why the ancients are no more)

Both fraction mostly ignore each other while sometimes small conflict happens like shooting down of colonization space ships but many people think that the destruction of a solar system will lead to a war between both. (Until one point a U.E. system were destroyed by a super nova (naturally but they don't know about that and think L.I.S. is responsible for that) and decided to declare war on L.I.S. )

=> This could show how humanity killed themselves off as ancients (when they automate this weapon to kill off every advanced civilization which belongs to the other fraction and only colonization spaceships in space were left to unite to a planet again (=earth) while the were left with almost no resources. knowledge and understanding of society were lost in all those years of rebuilding and brutal leaderships

For the zolargs there is not much too say except for the years of slavery, the years of discovering the technology (the reptilian left behind) to leave their basic lifestyle behind (maybe worth to mention that reptilian may were more powerful but the zolargs breed faster which is why they had more manpower) and the hate towards other species since they don't have any other species on their planet ((=isolation) except for the reptilians in the past)

Why zolargs could go for a war even after a short peacefully time:
Their people are getting told that history will repeat themself if they don't stop humankind from spreading (=seeing them as a danger which is easily achieved because of the countless years of isolation between other species)

Hopefully the reptilian have a despotism likely form of government (to compete with the democracy for humans and communism (likely) for zolarg and) to explain their aggressive behaviour (If they are so evil)

Maybe for each species another name for the galaxy to show their cultural differences
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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