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How hard is Brutal? Is it harder than hard or easier than hard but harder than medium or harder than easier than medium? lol try saying that 5 times fast.
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
It is what it is. Brutal. Only way to get power is Crystalline processing, and you have to manually play to get more crystalline, which is sort of lame if that's all the difficulty is.

If you COULD artificially generate it idly, but you'd have to get to next-gen power production in the tech tree, then that would make it actually fairly tough.
No. I meant to ask how hard is it? Is it harder than Asteroid?
I love to give feedback and suggest new things!
I'm sorta not a good person to ask that, but It depends on your faction.

LIS on the Ice World is the hardest experience you're likely to have in the game so far. Crystalline needs to be processed for power, your only source of it for a LONG time. Crystalline will later run out, when you also need a decent Rum production line to plant more crystalline to keep the lights on.

Zolarg on the Ice World, on the other hand, is a bit tougher, since Crystalline is used to make sugar, which will eventually run out also if you also don't make more rum production to plant more crystalline so you don't starve all your people to death by accident.
Granted, this can easily be circumvented by sending 3 million food via a capitol or consulate equal to level 5.
This can make Zolarg easier than the LIS hands down as at the end of the day, if you do it right, you shouldn't need to import food for a long while, unless you started with anything less than a Small+ or Abundant resource world and wasted time in not rushing the tech tree as quickly as possible.

It DOES however make it very hard to get overzealous with expansion compared to the easier worlds where over-expanding isn't as heavily punished.

In Ice Worlds, if you run out of Crystalline at any point and can't mine anymore, you are completely done for. That planet will never progress further. Ever.

If there was a loss condition, that'd be it for Ice Worlds, since you can't buy Crystalline in any capacity, and I'm actually unsure if you can gift it to others.

In short: No other planet-type even holds a candle to Ice Worlds for difficulty and it's all due to the lack of being able to trade Crystalline.
Bug ice world is easy even as a starter world ( no gifting I could easly be selling crystal in a day )
I was growing the stuff in 4 hours .
LIS is brutal ( as unless it has been changed ( i understand its like trees and grows that way ( not sure discovered bug world ice .
But if you join under a charter and gift ore gold food water gold past its a brezze
It's hard if you lack patience. If you accept it and play it like it's supposed to be played it's hard, very hard but rewarding at the same time. Its often frustrating but that's what makes it fun at the same time.

I played on it all day experimenting with it and I feel like I wasted so much time.. I tried being patient however I just couldn't do it. I'm sure it is totally worth it in the end though!
Brutal difficulty is micro-management intensive. Very little leeway for wastage.
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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