Search - IQ improve

I think that "Simulated Ship Yards" would be a better name for an upgrade to ship building. The term "Ancient Alien" implies that the technology is from another world, which may not be accurate. The term "Simulated Ship Yards" is more accurate, as it implies that the technology is based on simulations. This is important, as simulations can be used to test new designs and to improve the efficiency of ship building.

Here are some of the benefits of using simulations for ship building:

Increased efficiency: Simulations can be used to test new designs and to improve the efficiency of ship building. This can lead to faster production times and lower costs.
Improved safety: Simulations can be used to identify potential hazards and to improve safety procedures. This can lead to fewer accidents and injuries.
Reduced environmental impact: Simulations can be used to optimize the design of ships, which can lead to reduced fuel consumption and emissions. This can help to protect the environment.
Overall, I think that "Simulated Ship Yards" is a better name for an upgrade to ship building. It is more accurate and it has the potential to improve the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of ship building.
11mo ago
emmafrost1 said:
I think that "Simulated Ship Yards" would be a better name for an upgrade to ship building. The term "Ancient Alien" implies that the technology is from another world, which may not be accurate. The term "Simulated Ship Yards" is more accurate, as it implies that the technology is based on simulations. This is important, as simulations can be used to test new designs and to improve the efficiency of ship building.

Here are some of the benefits of using simulations for ship building:

Increased efficiency: Simulations can be used to test new designs and to improve the efficiency of ship building. This can lead to faster production times and lower costs.
Improved safety: Simulations can be used to identify potential hazards and to improve safety procedures. This can lead to fewer accidents and injuries.
Reduced environmental impact: Simulations can be used to optimize the design of ships, which can lead to reduced fuel consumption and emissions. This can help to protect the environment.
Overall, I think that "Simulated Ship Yards" is a better name for an upgrade to ship building. It is more accurate and it has the potential to improve the efficiency, safety, and environmental impact of ship building.

I agree.
11mo ago
These are some ideas that I have for the regions feature. I have not played the game and experimented with regions, i just now saw the comments for updates 70-72 and I'm excited that this feature was added. I can't wait to get these ideas out so that maybe I could possibly help improve the feature. I'm assuming that all of the resources produced by every map pool together and can be used to improve any map, but I could be wrong and each map has it's own resources and you have to trade between maps to transer resources.

1.) Regional contribution to atmosphere level - This idea is obvious and would probably be implemented without me saying anything. Each region should be able to produce atmosphere that contributes to the atmosphere of the planet as a whole, just like how bast mentioned that each region would contribute to the same research and civics pool. However, if this feature is to be implemented, I recommend a nerf of all terraforming structures... or a raising of the total atmosphere needed for the planet to be earthlike. The point to terraforming is that it is supposed to be a lengthy process, and it would encourage the player to frequently switch between many maps in order to build them all up to contribute to the atmosphere level.

2.)biomes - This may be hard to implement, but wold give the map a varying texture to it, and would give some regions different strengths and weaknesses over other regions. You could base the biomes on each region, but that may look too rigid and blocky for you. Instead, you could use procedural generation to make more natural looking biomes on the global map that look much more appealing to the eyes and would transform in their own ways as the planet is terraformed. The different biomes would cross between regions using this method as well.

An example of multiple biomes would be like having different bodies of water criss-crossing the map, having snowy, dessert, and jungle areas in different parts. Crystalline could come naturally with snowy areas, trees with forest areas, and sugarcane and mutant trees with jungle areas. This also opens up the way for more resources to be added, like sand, glass, glassware, cacti, potted plants (cacti+pottery), snow, and snow globes(snow + glass). For planets with no atmosphere, ice bodies or dry lake-bed could be used to represent where water will form after a certain atmosphere level. The player could build structures on the ice/lake bed, but these buildings would be destroyed if they happen to be there when the atmosphere allows water to form in those areas.

3.) estimated production in non-active maps - this one might help with performance. Instead of having all maps producing and keeping track of all of the colonists and jobs and needs when you are in any map or on the display screen, I would use the following method:

Upon exiting a map, have the game take the most recent production and consumption rates. Then after the player creates cities in multiple maps, have the game add the production and consumption rates of all of the inactive maps together the make a total production and consumption rate for each resource. Add these rates onto the active colonies rates and you will have a grand total for the entire planet. Of course, this rate will change whenever you switch maps, but you are only dealing with one or two formulas per resource in order to keep production going instead of thousands of worker rounds in each map going on at the same time, and you are only dealing with one map producing and changing in real time instead of all of them being in realtime.

This method cuts out all of the updates regarding unemployment, individual colonist actions and stats, population changes, and possibly other functions that happen in an active map. The active map would be the only map keeping track of these stats among it's colonists. Yes, while the production and consumption rates of each inactive map will stay the same as long as they remain inactive, I think that the trade-off is worth it, even if it does represent a small compromise in keeping the game a non-idle game. This would also allow for more resources to be implemented into the game and individual maps could get more developed and densely populated without negatively impacting performance.

In fact, it doesn't have to be a compromise at all if you reduce the production of the inactive maps by a certain percentage. I would also pause the game altogether when viewing the global map, or players could just let it idle at the global map and collect resources without the risk of any of their maps starving to death. On that note, if you run out of food or water, you could have it take 1% off of the overall health of each inactive map's population(which should take off 1% of each individual colonist's health open opening that map) and cause individual health loss in real time in the active colony.

This method would also allow you to increase the size of global map grids exponentially, allowing for more regions/maps to be available to the player to build in. And overall it may even improve the android problem that you are having.

4. individual region naming - this will further help you to keep track of which region is which, even though you can tell which is which by looking at the map. I just think that each region should be able to have it's own name.

5. Being able to transfer rovers/workers from one region to another - you mentioned this one in update 70, so I know that you aim to implement this one. I'm just adding my twist to it. I don't think that rovers should have to smoothly pass from region to region. I think you should be able to select a region and have a listing of what rovers it has and how many of each type. Then, you should be able to specify an amount for each rover type to transfer and specify a destination region. I think it would be too overpowered for rovers/workers to be able to smoothly pass to another region to collect resources and then come back, and I think it would be detrimental to game performance. The player should have to deal with the resources that they have in the map during real time. If they run out of an important resource, such as regolith, they can just start on another region/map, harvest the regolith from there, and then return to the map they were working on, assuming that all of the resources from every map are pooled.

I don't think that colonists should be able to leave the map at will either. i think that at most, if at all, the player should be able to transfer unemployed or homeless colonists to another region to supply workers where needed, but I don't think that colonists should smoothly be able to walk between regions. I think if a colonist wants to leave the map, they could maybe be transerred automatically to the mother colony or to another region, but not by just walking across the border. I think that the player should have to provide adequate housing, entertainment, healthcare, and education in each map for the buildings in that map. I do like the idea of having a map solely for food production that provides all of the food needs for the entire planet, and a water map that does the same, so those resources could be poured into a global resource pool that any region can pull from.

But those are my ideas. let me know if you agree with me or not. Hopefully bast can use these to make a beter system for regions that uses even less performance than it does now. Sorry for the longest post in history.
5y ago
my colonists are going full retard

how do i improve their 49 IQ rating?

where do i build them short buses? :D

i wanted to search the forum about this but i can't seem to find the search bar...
6y ago
Museums and the Internet Relay Booth will improve IQ when your colonists visit them.

No search function yet.
6y ago
It's still the oldest and the largest it depends on the criteria you use. Noz and us had a heated debate about it.

The basic concept of a Federation hasn't changed, a community based on discord based on mycolony enthousiasts. Commonwealth leaders, their members. Anyone who plays MyColony or antiquitas is welcome.

The community (federation) is there to have fun talking about the game and helping you grow. With trades, tips & tricks, sharing knowledge.

We are smaller now then we used to be. Due to certain changes in the game a lot of people stopped playing and left the fff or were removed after several weeks of inactivity.

We are always looking for ways to improve our colonies and our federation.

Just come to the server and see for yourself, you don't have to officially join if you don't want yet. But you can be on the server and talk to people. Until you decide you want to join, members have some benefits others don't like more channels and options to grow inside the federation to be important and help actively improve the FFF.
5y ago
Hello guys! (•ω•)
The name is Wadaling.

Despite insectnoid colonies is an interesting experience and I love it, there’s actually not much contents for pre-independence, it really need some new contents, besides some bug fixes.
For this reason, I am now trying to put new ideas for insectnoids on this forum.

These are my current ideas. Hope they are helpful to improve it.

Topic regarding lack of education facilities

My ideas about new means of insectnoid productions, for pre-independence

Thanks for reading!
4y ago

To add a little more entertainment whilst playing the game there should be a global chat along side the commonwealth chat.

To further improve the chat feature for mobile the box you type your message should move up the screen so it isn't hidden behind the keyboard so that people can see what they've typed.

Instead of having the messages that people have sent pop-up over the top of the game the orange chat bubble should display a number of messages that the user hasn't seen so that it keeps the playing part of the screen clear.

Let me know what you think and any ideas to further improve chatting in-game.
4y ago
tony24334 said:Hey guys, where can I change language setting? The language I use in my OS is Chinese, but I want change to English, anyone can help?

Hello, I'm one of the Chinese translator of the game.

A sad fact to say, the game currently does not support toggling between OS language and English.
(Yet I have the same thoughts with you, such option would improve the gameplay experience.)

If you wish helping to improve the Chinese translation, we, the translators, would like to receive your feedbacks.
Or you can join the official MC translation Discord server through this link:

Have a nice day!
Today I have added a couple of new features to the Ape Apps Launcher.

First, if you right-click on one of your installed apps now, you will have the option to switch to the Beta channel. Now you can run the Beta edition of Ape Apps software right from the launcher.

Next, I have started to improve the mobile interface for the Launcher, so that you can install the PWA on your Android or iOS device.

To get it, browse to on your mobile. On Android, there will be a green Install icon in the top-left corner of the app. On iOS Safari, click on the toolbar button that looks like a rounded square with a up arrow in it, then scroll down and select Add to Home Screen.

I will continue to improve the launcher as time goes on. At this point, the installable Progressive Web App edition (same link as above) is considered to be the primary and will be getting the most development attention, although the downloadable Desktop editions will receive support as well. Given the increased restrictions on un-signed desktop apps, especially on mac, but on Windows too, non-Linux users are encouraged to switch to the PWA edition. Well, everyone is encouraged to switch!

Until next time, let me know what launcher issues you have or features you want added, and stay tuned for more!
2y ago
Hello @bastecklein!

Here I have some models of "tile improvements" for the Terra Nova 4X game.
I attempted to go for a quite simplistic style for them.

The tile improvement models contained in this pack:
Camp - Probably for forest tiles.
Farm - Food-yielding tile improvement.
Fishery - Offshore tile improvement that provides food yield.
Fortress - Advanced fortification building that provides better defensive bonus for units on it, but also with a longer construction time.
Industrial Compound - In case of low productivity, this will help to boost your industry a bit. Removes food yield on the tile, however.
Military Base - Basic fortification tile improvement for early game.
Mine - Can improve tiles with mineral resources, provides productivity boost.
Offshore Platform - Improves offshore resource tiles and provides productivity yield.
Oil Refinery - Can improve land-based oil tiles. Yields productivity (and possibly power as well).
Plantation - Improves tiles that has plants of great economical values like spice and cotton. Yields money.
Solar Plant - Basic power yielding tile improvement (if power is ever to be implemented in the game).
Starport - Yields money.
Suburb - Increases population limit of the city it is adjacently or diagonally attached to by 5.
I am considering changes/enhancements to the My Colony 2 engine to be able to handle/support builder type games that are slightly more simplistic. I am thinking of making a sequel to My Land using the Scroll3D rendering engine, but I was thinking that maybe instead of rewriting the entire game logic engine from scratch, I could make a few changes/additions to the modding tools of My Colony 2 to allow for easily creating My Land style builder games as well.

These improvements could unlock the ability for modders to create even more types of games in the future using the MC2 engine.

Changes I am thinking of implementing to the engine in order to facilitate a My Land 2 game. This is more of a checklist for me so that I remember what I need to implement, but this thread can also be used for ideas/suggestions of things that can be added to the engine to either improve MC2 itself, or to help mod creators:

A toggle/option in the game Meta object to allow for instant building, ie just click on an option from the build menu and then place it, no rovers/builders required. This same feature could be utilized for creating RTS type games with the engine, such as a Colony Wars 2 someday.

Spreadable map resources. This is already there in MC1, where resources such as trees and crystalline will spread over time. My Land needs this for grass and other terrain items spreading, and it could probably be used in MC2 as well.

This has already been a requested addition for MC2 anyway, but basic Terrain Modification, such as changing the elevation at specific areas, might be desired. For instance, in My Land you can build irrigation ditches to water your crops. So this ability would be necessary in the engine.

Of course, for a farming game, the engine needs to support Wildlife. My Land has chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, etc. The MC2 engine will need to support basic animals running around. It could be cool for the game in general, some worlds could have native animals that could be utilized for certain things.

For a My Land game, the engine will also need "morphing" terrain objects. For example, a tree sapling object, that "grows" or morphs into a young tree after a certain amount of in-game time, which in turn can morph into a full grown tree.

A Click/Tap to Harvest option will need to be available to terrain objects to allow resources to be collected without a rover.

The engine will also need collectable objects, such as the eggs that a chicken can lay. Animals should be able to spawn objects on occasion. An Apple tree can spawn apples, etc. A collectable object system could be expanded well beyond the needs of a My Land type game. You could even envision it leading to an RPG type game using the player perspective mode of the game. There are a lot of possibilities here.

Connecting structures will be needed. By this, I am talking of a fence like structure, where there are multiple .vpp (voxel) models assigned to be able to make a connection. There shouldn't be too many different models required, since a 3d object can be rotated as needed. Basically, a straight fence, a 90 degree corner, a three way, and a four way connection I think should cover all scenarios, unless I am missing something.

So these are the additions to the engine that I can think of off of the top of my head which will be needed in order to create a My Land sequel using the My Colony 2 engine. I think adding this stuff will also improve the base MC2 game, as well as unlocking completely new styles of mods that can be made using the engine!
1y ago
Hello again!

Looking back into the commercial and entertainment buildings in MC1, most of them are pretty much optional, since they can be simply replaced by buildings that can churn out billions of money and entertains large masses of people respectively.

As a result, you get pretty plain colonies dominated by very few variety of buildings at the end. This can be a boring sight, to both player themselves and the colonists.

Hence today, I'm presenting my rough idea of start considering colonist quality of life in terms of variety.

By that, I do not mean introducing more classes of "service demands". To keep things relatively simple, and not to complicate the gameplay, the diversity elements has nothing to do and do not share the same mechanics with the 4 existing service satisfaction rating (entertainment, education, health and security), hence not a factor of administrative approval ratings of a settlement, and no coverage mechanics is considered - the diversity elements applies settlement-wide directly.

Now into the details - First, what is a QoL element?
All people of a society have different wants and needs, even a person's demands or wishes can span across multiple aspects of life. What makes a society successful is not just valued by its capability utilizing resources, but also how its people benefits from the fruits of their hard and honest work.
Each QoL element represents an aspect that caters higher needs and improves quality of life of colonists. Below are all the ideas in my mind:
  • Homeland Contact
    Some colonists are more comfortable when keep in touch with things they are familiar with, like older social network and family of distant homelands they come from. Some communication infrastructures can satisfy such needs, and if possible, establish interstellar mail and delivery services greatly helps.
    Certain Earth-themed decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
  • Social
    What makes a comfortable and forward-going society is a society that people keep socialized and connected that they can support each other. A place large enough for gatherings is just what you need to begin.
  • Relaxation
    At times colonists not only need to rest their body, but their strained minds as well. They need a place to clam down and pacify themselves. Having parks and meditation space are the most effective, but many non-vigorous recreational activities such as exercises and grabbing a booze will do the trick as well.
    Certain decorations also provides minor improvements of this aspect.
  • Dinning
    Ever getting enough of plain standard rations that your tongue simply rejects it? Then it's time to improve your meals with higher standard cuisines!
  • Environmental Comfort
    Simply plain steel plates and concretes everywhere can be depressing. What about some refurnishing to make the colony more beautiful and appealing?
    All decorative buildings improve environmental comfort.
  • Housing Comfort
    Home sweet home!
    More advanced housing, particularly those more luxurious, or with high level of automation that smart systems are installed, provides higher housing comfort.
  • Games
    From excitement from competitive events to alternative experiences form simulations, they all can diversify a colonist's life experience and provide happiness from achievement.
  • Luxuries
    The highest standards of life imaginable or even beyond imagination.
  • Commodities Access
    A good flow of commodities, goods and services in local market can effectively take care the smaller demands of colonists.
  • Information
    Questions, confusions and lack of options troubles people. Not all directly have the answers, but one can always provide them the ways to find a solution - letting the information flow.
    All education buildings provides some information flow. However, a powerful public media infrastructure provides the largest flow of information that can satisfy the colonists' curiosity.
  • Spiritual Support
    Beliefs, faith, religion or even simple psychologist services caters spiritual needs of colonists, which at desperate times, can keep them from depression of dangerous levels.

Next, how do QoL elements works?
Every building yields scores of the life quality aspects they are relevant to, for the settlement they are located. Every colonist also generates demands of every element in their home settlement by 1 point each.
The satisfaction rate of one aspect is calculated by
[ Score yielded by all relevant buildings in the settlement / Number of colonists in the settlement ] * 100%
Then satisfaction level of an aspect is defined based on the percentage value of the satisfaction rate.
For rate below 50%, it is considered Unsatisfied.
For rate >= 50%, it is considered Poorly Satisfied.
For rate >= 70%, it is considered Moderately Satisfied.
For rate >= 85%, it is considered Well-Satisfied.

Each element will provide Happiness bonuses based on the satisfaction level, which will be explained in the coming section.

Then what do QoL element affects?
QoL elements affects happiness score of a settlement.
Before explaining the QoL elements' actual effects I'll first explain my idea of Colonist Happiness.

Colonist Happiness is a quantitative value which is affected by administrative approval ratings and QoL satisfaction.
My proposed formula:
[ 100 + Happiness score from all QoL level ratings - Plain negative Happiness score factors ] * Approval rate percentage * Harsh policy multiplier
All settlements begins with base happiness score of 100.
Approval rating is a direct multiplier to all other elements - the changes in approval rating can greatly affect the result happiness score.
To prevent protests and riots, the result happiness score should be maintained above 100.
Every QoL element with at least Poorly Satisfied adds happiness score.
Taxation policies - higher the tax rate, the more happiness is negatively affected. It is a plain negative value factor.
Harsh policies like rationing, martial law and overwork policy applies lower-than-100% multiplier to happiness rating, so use these policies sparingly.

By satisfaction level, a QoL element yields the following happiness score:
Unsatisfied - Yields no score.
Poorly Satisfied - +5 happiness score.
Moderately Satisfied - +10 happiness score.
Well-Satisfied - +20 happiness score.
remarks: It's rough value without considering other factors and hence it may not be balanced.

How would the QoL diversity (and happiness) mechanics helps with the gameplay? Most important of all, it encourages players to construct buildings (particularly decorations) and resources (that are without large demand and just sitting in stockpiles) normally won't be used. Of course, the new demands arise from QoL needs for raising happiness rating may also give rise to some building ideas. Ultimately this helps with expanding diversity, which can make colonies flying with colors instead of only few buildings.
On the other hand, the QoL elements can pave way as an element for tourism, which the QoL factors or happiness ratings can be attractiveness factor that defines your tourism revenue - a possible way to make tourism more powerful to be a considerable source of income again compared to that in MC1.

This concludes my ideas this time. Hopefully you'll find something useful in my ideas!
9mo ago
I was just going to post the same thing... I just got the Center for Artificial Learning and couldn't find it anywhere unless I looked at All Buildings....

Small Research Lab and the Center for Artificial Learning still don't have a category to be filtered to and one for Research would be perfect. Could include the Museum as its supposed to improve colonists IQ, I think?
6y ago
49 !!!!! LOL When I had a 62 i thought that was bad .
49 is just about as smart as a dog .
Rename the game morons in space lol
6y ago
The reason for this is simple - I suspect it often causes extreme lag.
With the new bulldozer tool it has really gotten on my nerves. Everytime a new building/better version of an old building is implemented in the game you have to get rid of the old buildings. Sometimes it's a few dozens, other times it's hundreds of buildings. The more you remove in a short time the worse the lag.

Maybe it'll help improve performance if there was an option to turn of all animations, including the building animations.

\\Edit because of redundancy in the very first sentence
6y ago
Is there any other way to improve production of cloth other that synthetic textile mills? I want to get some more of it but it seems like it is way too slow and I do not want to use synthetic mills as I do not know any Zolarg colony I can establish dimplomatic relations with. Do you have any ideas on how do I boost production and/or know a Zolarg colony wanting to have diplomatic relations? Much appreciated.
My colonial charter code is j1Bh8ETD.

Also, when should I start designing my base towards 'end game'? Any suggestions? Open to suggestions.
Existing base design:

Thanks so much!
6y ago
So, after playing for some hours, I've decided to make a list on what I'd like to see.

These won't all be directly effecting gameplay but are meant to make the game more user-friendly.

1. Optional Accounts: You would be able to make a My Colony Account in which you can save colonies on. This will allow users to log into the account from multiple browsers/platforms and play their colonies on multiple platforms. Meaning a player playing on the native client could switch to a mobile device.

2. Military/Militia: Creating a colony is not easy, you will meet some resistance.

My idea is you would eventually be able to create Militia. Specifically, Militia Soldiers, Patrol Bots, and Patrol Ships.(Space ships)

Militia bots and soldiers would be able to patrol and try to break up riots/protests, at the risk of accidently killing colonists(Which lowers your approval rating and the overall happiness.)

As a Colony, you won't be able to attack other colonies or capitals directly, but Capitals would be able to.
Capitals get access to Soldiers, Tanks, Transport Ships, Cruisers, and Dreadnaughts. (In addition to militia units.)

A few new buildings, Weapons factory, Training Area, Barracks, Space Depot. Also the Command Center, and Tank Factory for Capitals only.

United Earth, Zolarg Empire, and League of Independent States are all at war with each other, and you would be allowed to send units to them to fight against the other nations. These capitals won't normally attack any colony with a large force unless the "Front" moves far enough away from it. (Only if your charter was not originally from that faction)

All Commonwealths controlled by players would be neutral unless they attack first or the Front goes far enough away from the entire commonwealth.

If your colony is attacked and defeated, you will be annexed to the faction or Commonwealth that attacked you. If it was an AI faction, you will have a 1 day delay before you can request annexation to anyone. It's 3 days delay if it's a player commonwealth. The attacked can demand a maximum of 5% of your total money as tribute. No other resources will be touched. (Besides population loss from the fighting.)

Capitals can send units to help defend a colony or to be used as a staging point for an attack. Also, if you fail to pay taxes to your capital, your capital will be allowed to send a raiding party to your colony to pillage the money. The raid can take up to 30% of your total money, along with damaging infrastructure and possibly killing colonists.

That's really all I can think of for this.

3. Removal of Protesting: This feature seems to be...broken, or not fully thought out. Many times I find colonists protesting for no reason or for a reason they bring on themselves. I tend to see colonists protesting their low health instead of going to a clinic to get healed. I also see colonists protesting absurd commute lengths even though they could've picked a closer one.

4. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be allowed to quit their jobs and find a new one if they don't feel happy with their current job. This can be commute lengths, salary, etc. Letting them be freely able to quit and get a new job may remedy the issue.

5. Personal Transports: Colonists would be allowed to purchase personal transport vehicles. They would drive from their house to a parking lot, from there they would walk to their job, and the amount they walk would be their commute length.

6. Shops/Stores/Consumer goods: Colonists can spend money they earn buying items from stores you can build. This is mainly to help the colony gain extra income.

7. Entertainment Tweak: If a colonist is unhappy they will seek entertainment to increase their happiness instead of protesting for no reason until their health kills them.

8. Tabbing Out: Your colony will continue to run even if you're not currently tabbed onto it, just as long as the game is still loaded.

9. Payroll Assistance: When payroll is paid, payroll assistance will arrive instantly regardless of whether or not the capital player is online. The capital players will be billed the amount once they log online.

10. Bug Fixing: This is self-explanatory. I'm not going to elaborate on it.

Well, this is a list, feel free to add to my ideas or make your own ideas.
6y ago
As I said in the thread on military, I personally hate the idea of anything war related in the game. Also, baststecklein said there wouldn't be any player v. player on the game, so there's that
6y ago
1. Bast made this forum for that,
2. Bast said several times that he won't add military
3. protesting is working for me, can't confirm any bugs with that.
5. is already suggested
6. is already ingame
7. the problem is that most entertainment costs money and if they don't have money, they can't go there.
8.the game continues running, you only need to know how.
9. This is because the leader could set a payroll assistance of 1b%, go offline, give this payroll to his members without having it.
no comment on that
6y ago
another good idea and also with the paper of course make books and build a library to improve qi
6y ago
So I've just built triantanium refineries on my first colony and noticed they can be placed in a similar fashion to 1x1 buildings (autoplace between two clicks in a straight line). The game can get incredibly tedious when placing or replacing a large number of buildings and I can't work out why such a vital feature is only available in one building? If everything except decorative buildings could do this, it'd really improve my playing experience.

In a similar vein there needs to be a method of selecting and selling/destroying all of a building type at once. A destroy all button with a couple of confirmation boxes would do the trick, but ideally some kind of dragbox to target specific areas of the colony for *renovation* is in order.

Exporting/importing goods can get a little ridiculous. Import/export buildings of the same type should link together to increase capacity, or some kind of automated export options should be available (can consume resources and throughput depends on number of buildings. Making exports boring and tedious isn't a good way to balance them- higher tier structures can still be better by being more space efficient, dealing in more resources or having a lower transaction fee/resource cost to import and export goods.

Also: I've accidentally done what looks like a drag click a few times (I see a green box), and somehow got all the vehicles in my colony to go and park in one spot as well. A quick in-game manual explaining the controls would be great because I still have no idea how this happens.

I'd say these are the issues that jumped out at me the most when playing the game; it really ruins the experience when most of my time is spent on repetitive clicking instead of actually planning My Colony.

6y ago
Hey gamers

I spended a ton of time in this post. Here are 10 improvements that would make the game better and more fun ( its a ton of fun already!).

1. A schematic few from above

In games like sim city ds you have this function. This way you see your colony from above without any textures but with just a building/vehicle logo. This would improve game performance and would allow you to build behind big buildings easyer.

2. New Trees

New Trees would be cool with different types of wood for different types of houders and other stuff :)

3. Building row for vehicle

A way to make a build row for vehicles. So when one vehicle is done it Will work on the next one straight after.

4. Day and night cycle

This day and night cycle would allow/force you to build streetlights or other types of lightning.

5. United earth map

A way (no wifi) to be United earth itself and build on earth!

6. A scoreboard

I have already suggested it but i came up with a few types of scoreboards: gdp, population, highest resource production.

7. Multiplayer colony

A way to build on the same colony at the same time. Would be cool right? :-)

8. Different game servers

For multiplayer different game servers for example: a dutch server with dutch commenwealths :)

9. Underground?

A way to get under the ground and build there. Would save frames because you load them in apart from eachother and this would give you double the space!

10. Move buildings

A way to move buildings arround so you dont have to destroy Them.

These are my suggestions and obviusly not perfect and not worked out. Tell me what you guys think :)

6y ago
I have no idea how to improve GDP, I've been played for a few weeks and my GDP is decreasing. I had almost 15,000M by now I just have 8,000M. What should I do?
Colony 1

Colony 2

6y ago
Heres is a Great Idea make it so you can togel the grid off and on !
effect lines ( squares ) no lines . Would improve map looks alot!
6y ago
Welcome to another exciting edition of the My Colony release notes! There were several changes made to the engine on this update, so let's see what all is new and what has changed.

My Colony v0.46.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • Added new experimental lighting engine to the game
  • Colonies now go through a day/night cycle
  • Added in-game link to the release notes
  • New engine settings: Building Animations, Lighting Effects, Day/Night Cycle, Particle Effects
  • New structures: Small Light Post, Glow Goo, Paste Boiler, Atmosphere Scrubber
  • New ad-free content: Small Red Light Post, Small Green Light Post, Security Wall, Security Wall Light
  • Zolarg Mound now produces a small amount of food even if you have no sugar
  • All buildings can now be built in "chain" mode, regardless of size
  • When the game has a display width > 1000px, there is a new building confirmation window at the bottom of the screen that shows total cost of all queued buildings
  • The ice world is now a bit darker by default
The biggest change was the addition of the day/night cycle to the game, which has been requested several times before. It can be turned off if you do not like it. I was hesitant to add it because I though I would need to draw new night-time graphics for all of the buildings, but instead I made it so that buildings and vehicles can generate light sources. On my computer, iPhone, and 2 Android devices, I did not see any noticeable lag associated with adding light, but that does not mean it can't hurt performance, especially on a large colony. That is why the setting can be turned off in the engine settings, as can night-time mode altogether. There is still work to be done on the lighting effect, most notably the fact that lights can be seen through buildings when they should be covered. Blocking the lights will require more calculations and might impact performance, so I am looking at options of how to do it correctly. I think the lighting though adds a nice look to the game's graphics, without requiring any extra art skills on my behalf :-)

Some changes were made to make Zolarg ice map a bit easier. The Mound now produces some food on its own (without requiring sugar), and there is a new Paste Boiler building that is like a Zolarg version of the Atmosphere Generator. In terms of strength, it's actually somewhere between the regular human Atmosphere Generator and the Medium Atmosphere Generator.

Humans get a new Atmosphere Scrubber building which should help manage atmosphere levels. I have not turned on the negative atmosphere effects yet, since I realize that people who have been playing a long time probably have a ton of atmosphere built up, and I don't want to damage their colonies. The game is balanced to where a new colony starting out should be able to easily contain atmosphere before it becomes a problem, but for existing colonies, turning on the penalty right now could be an issue, so I will continue to wait on it.

The new (work in progress) construction bar for Desktop and Tablet users has been implemented. It shows the number of buildings you have queued up and their total cost. I think this will be helpful information, since a lot of times it can be easy to get a bunch of buildings ready to go and then run out of resources. Let me know on ways that I can improve it.

I also brought back the 'Private Charter' option, which can be found on the statistics screen. I didn't even know that it was removed, which was an oversight on my part. Should be back to working like it always has though. Additionally, more engine settings have been added, including the often requested 'Disable Animations' setting, although I don't know why you would want to turn off my glorious animations!

The next few updates will probably focus on new content/structures more than engine changes, although fixes will always be made. I also plan on further changes and refinement over the next few weeks, as I want everything with the engine to look polished before the release of Antiquitas later this fall. Since Antiquitas will not be receiving near-weekly updates like My Colony does (and it wont be released as a beta), I want things to be fairly locked up on that game by the time it's out. Speaking of Antiquitas, I've got a bunch of new structures coming over the next few days, featuring amazing artwork from our own forum user @jova , so stay tuned for that!

Anyway, that's it for this update. Stay tuned, cause there is a lot more to come!
6y ago
To improve the League Trade Authority, rather than having a list of different offers from sellers and buyers. Instead, collect all posts of a single item together, grouped by price, showing the lowest 3 prices to buy at and highest 3 prices to sell at each with a number of units in total. That way it makes it simpler, but also means that if someone posts an offer selling 20,000 food but you only want 5,000 then you'd be able to buy 5,000 of that 20,000. Anything that doesn't make the top 3 highest sell and lowest buy prices is in the background, so if all the volume of any of the top prices is bought, the next highest/lowest price moves into view. It's similar to how trading markets work. I made a mockup of it in excel to explain it better. I've included a photo of what that looks like. Hope it's useful. :)

6y ago
Agreed, just wish they were more detailed to improve micromanagement. And I would like to see faster results of my actions in the charts.
6y ago
Let me first start off by saying that I know bast is focused on finishing antiquitas and he probably will not consider another race until he has time to focus solely on my colony.

So here are my ideas for races that could be put in the game. I can only include six because the poll only allows for six possible answers.

1. Automations:
Description: A Utopian sentient robot society whose sole purpose is to terraform worlds into beautiful paradises. They need less care than organic colonists, they have no need for a government since greed, deceit, and violence are not a part of their nature, and they only produce what they need to terraform the planet and survive as they give the rest back to their planet. They prefer to be an isolated society but warmly welcome and care for newcomers from other races.

Difficulty: Very Easy-easy
Production potential: the least out of all races
Main building resource: ore
Terraforming Potential: the most efficient out of all races
Economic potential: very low
Governmental potential: the least out of all races
research potential: average
growth rate: very high
Tourist potential: very high
Food and water production: the most efficient out of all races
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: very little.
Colonist eats: power and small amounts of oil, new colonists are built from ore.
Colonist entertained by: Work, walking around when planet is between 5-15 mil atmosphere, research.
Building method: buildings are built by vehicles, same as humans and insectoids.
optimum atmosphere range: 5-15 mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

2.) Reptilians
Description: A society built on honor for one's neighbor and zealous loyalty to the theocracy. These people are known for their vast uses of crystalline since a viable source of regolith, ore, and gold couldn't be found on their home planet. They synthesize the purest crystalline out of all races. The reptilians need less governing, but they can still build a very strong government unlike the automations. A more advanced race than humans, the reptilians build structures that are more autonomous and require less workers. Their honorbound and zealous disposition often prevents them from asking important questions though, which limits the amount of research they produce, and their technology and society allow them to function very well in all environments, which hinders their motivation to terraform even though they would still prefer to live in a hospitable environment. Because of the reptilians tendency to colonize planets with hostile environments, not many people want to move to reptilian worlds. The reptilians are not know for their capacity for trading and economics as they serve a theocracy, but they do need money to survive and trading is a means to an end for them.

Difficulty: medium-hard
Production potential: very high
Main building resource: crystalline
Terraforming Potential: the least efficient out of all races
Economic potential: average
Governmental potential: the best out of all races
research potential: low
Growth rate: low
Tourist potential: low
Food and water production: average
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: low to moderate.
Colonist eats: food and water
Colonist entertained by: religion, fighting arenas, human-like entertainment
building method: buildings warps are started and left alone to build themselves as the vehicle does other tasks. This slows down build speed though.
optimum atmosphere range: 2.5-30mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

3.) Jellyfish
Description: The Jellyfish thrive in high atmospheric conditions as they do not live on the ground but build their cities in the sky out of floating structures. The jellyfish survive solely on atmosphere instead of food and water. The jellies pride themselves in their various uses of atmosphere, but this drains the planet of all atmosphere eventually, so it's a race against time to develop the technologies and resources for adding atmosphere back to the planet. On their homeworld, a gas giant, native plants and animals balance the ecosystem by producing atmosphere, but even that isn't enough to support a fast growing civilization. The jellies are creatures of curiosity, which fuels their motivation for research, and their society promotes a balanced governmental authority. They tend to be avid traders and economists and are very welcoming, but their high atmospheric environment is inhospitable to most races, hindering tourism and immigration. Their terraforming methods are very effective, but their needs for atmosphere always put a damper on any terraforming effects. When colonizing a low atmospheric planet, they build bubble-like structures on the ground that rise into the sky as the planet's atmosphere increases. These bubbles need to be attached to one another so that jellies can travel inside of them, because they lack the technology to develop environmental suits to walk outside on those planets. The jellies also use different animals from their homeworld to collect resources and morph into structures.

Difficulty: medium
Production potential: average
Main building resource: atmosphere
Terraforming Potential: high
Economic potential: the best out of all races
Governmental potential: average
research potential: very high
growth rate: very high
Tourist potential: very low
Food and water production: the least efficient out of all races
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: depends on the planet.
Colonist eats: atmosphere
Colonist entertained by: regular entertainment
building method: worker animals are morphed into structures and cannot be helped by other workers, this causes a slower build speed.
optimum atmosphere range: 10-100 mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100

4.) Snowmen
Description: A younger race, the snowmen live in smaller tribes and work together to expand their reach. They look like yeti with thick white fur, but don't let them fool you, they are crafty. They thrive in taiga environments where wood and snow abound, but they have difficulty working and moving in warmer environments. They were uplifted and given space travel technology by this LIS, but they were never given the technology to colonize planets that aren't within the 1 mil to 15 mil range. Their tribal form of government makes it hard for them to form a strong government and they aren't recognized as advanced enough to be taken seriously by most space-faring races. Some people even keep them as slaves to do their work. As a result, the snowmen are cynical and inhospitable toward outsiders and have trouble accepting anyone of another race into their society. They devote all of their time to gathering resources and materials for building up the colony because they long to be recognized as an official space-faring race. Their mass production plans require many many jobs though due to their primitive machines and buildings, and this race has average growth, so progress through the game will be slower.

Difficulty: hard-brutal
Production potential: high
Main building resource: wood
Terraforming Potential: average
Economic potential: the least of all the races
Governmental potential: low
research potential: the best out of all races
growth rate: average
Tourist potential: the least out of all races
Food and water production: average
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: high
Colonist eats: food, water
Colonist entertained by: primitive and human-like entertainment
building method: built by workers/vehicles like xolarg and humans build.
optimum atmosphere range: 1-10 mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 1-10 mil

4.) Ancients
Description: Those purple buildings that you see in every advanced colony; yeah, they came from these guys. The most advanced race in the game, most ancients see all other races as inferior to them and usually won't trade with other races unless they have to. This god complex makes them too arrogant to see their mistakes or to try to improve their technology and they are more than willing to invite outsiders from primitive races to bask in the glory of their technology. As the most advanced race, they are inherently the best at resource production. Their buildings are more autonomous as well, but the ancients only mate once a year, so they are the slowest growing of all races. Their government is pretty effective due to the use of more advanced technology to enforce laws, but providing entertainment will be harder since these people require more intelligent entertainment that usually costs more. Every ancient would love to live in a paradise, so terraforming is a higher priority, especially since the ancient can only tollerate a 7.5-12.5 mil atmosphere range is required for ancients to survive without protection.

Difficulty: hard-brutal
Production potential: the best of all races
Main building resource: ore
Terraforming Potential: high
Economic potential: low
Governmental potential: high
research potential: low
growth rate: slowest of all races
Tourist potential: average
Food and water production: high
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: low, but slow growth rate means that game progress takes the longest.
Colonist eats: food, water
Colonist entertained by: more intelligent entertainment
building method: buildings warped in like reptilians
Optimum atmosphere range: 7.5-12.5 mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100 mil

6.) Tallorians/rock men
Description: As Sulfur-based lifeforms, the tallorians survive and thrive in the hottest places of the galaxy. Their rocky exoskeletons protect them from any envorinment, but they prefer a hotter, higher atmosphere planet like their homeworld. The wildlife and spectacular views on rock men planets attracts attention from tourism and the rock men make a killing off of novelties. The rock men promote a balanced government, terraforming, and research stance and they have a stellar economy, but where they have an abundance of attention and money, they lack in production and growth.They have a somewhat similar technology to humans, but they use less resources as they are not a production focused raced.

Difficulty: medium-hard
Production potential: low
Main building resource: regolith
Terraforming Potential: average
Economic potential: very high
Governmental potential: average
research potential: average
growth rate: low
Tourist potential: Very high
Food and water production: very low
Micromanagement needs at beginning of game: medium
Colonist eats: ore
Colonist entertained by: human-like entertainment,
building method: buildings warped in like reptilians
Optimum atmosphere range: 20-40 mil
Colonizable atmosphere range: 0-100 mil
6y ago
I have researched the Ancient Alien Manufacturing tech and have all ressources necessary to build the Ancient Alien Manufacturing. but it doesn't appear in the building menu and I can't neither improve my Advanced Ore Refinery.

What can I do ?
6y ago
Selling/Deleting on a mass scale. So instead how currently we have to click on every single thing, just make it the same as for buy and building.

Turn On/Off Resource Spawn
I have started a new medium size game with abundant resources, but I DONT HAVE ANY ALUMINUM. Also diamonds. The main problem for this is lack of resources and too expensive on black market.

Be Able To Industrialize Factorys
At any building and building level, we should be able to upgrade it(for a kidney)(JK) so that it requires less workers. But everything else stays the same.

Vehicle System
My laptop can't handle hundreds of individual vehicles, so what I was thinking is that you use the same system as you currently do, where if there are multiple vehicles in one block, the game simply only displays one. But the problem is that it is actually many vehicles under one image, so the processing power is the same. But if you would be able to combine them into groups of ten or so, and simply make that group of ten only one vehicle that just has the stats of 10. So it would mine 10 times as Fast, as Much, and dispose of items ten times as much. BUT uses the power of only one. Might be a bit overpowered if unbalanced (I might know a way but message me for it) but overall its worth thinking about.

Dumb Humans Reorder Themselves Into Buildings
Whenever I try to put a worker into another factory or home, it doesn't let me confirm, so then it doesn't work (That's a bug on its own). But I was wondering if you could re code them so they live(automatically) in the nearest home to their job?

Mass Repairs
Just as it sounds, let us repair all damaged things but give us a total bill. And you know give us total bills for whenever we click "Upgrade All". Also include the amount of workers needed and power.

Improve The Money Out Put From Gold Mints
At the level they are introduced, they are to expansive and they don't produce enough money to be worth it.

Export Fee's
HOW. THE. ****. IS. IT. PROFITABLE?!?!?!? There is no profit(except two items) in export. Please balance this.

- DarkKing202/vlod202
6y ago
DarkKing202 said:
Improve The Money Out Put From Gold Mints
At the level they are introduced, they are to expansive and they don't produce enough money to be worth it.

Export Fee's
HOW. THE. ****. IS. IT. PROFITABLE?!?!?!? There is no profit(except two items) in export. Please balance this.

I have never found gold mints really expensive are u using ur vehicles to harvest gold and ore continually ? i was on 20k (production) quite quickly, and i was forced to build gold mint (even tho it doesn't have any upgrade and I will have to delete one by one) because I didn't have the money to build bank (which can be upgraded later).

It would be too easy without fees to get money i think.
6y ago
It won't be as bad once most of the engine updates are finished. Remember, Bast is creating a game engine from the ground up and is constantly trying to improve it. I remember way back in the day (version 0.18.0) you couldn't build a whole lot of buildings as quickly as you can now because it maxed out at like 10 rovers being able to even contribute.
6y ago
On the in-development web v0.49.0 game, I have just added a new performance related engine setting that you can test out, the Check Render Distance toggle:

This setting is On by default (and has been enabled for several versions of the game now). Basically, the engine splits large buildings up into small segments and draws them each segment at a time in the proper view order, so that buildings and vehicles in the background do not show up when they are not supposed to. This can slow down rendering on some devices though, so I have added in the option to turn this feature off in order to improve performance.

If you disable this option, you will notice graphical glitches which may appear familiar to people who have played earlier versions of the game. But if you are more concerned with performance than with graphical accuracy, you may wish to disable the feature and live with the glitches.

The glitches are a result of using an isometric perspective with the game instead of just a straight grid. The buildings are all normal 2d graphics, but are projected in a fake 2.5d-ish plane, whereby on larger buildings (such as the capitol), the "back" of the building is much further away from the camera than the front, but being one static image, the building has to be drawn from the top-left corner of the actual image file. This means that on larger buildings, vehicles and other smaller buildings which are drawn after the larger building actually show through the larger building.

To get around this limitation, the engine now "chops" all images up into pieces 1/2 tile width, and then stitches them together in an appropriate order. On large buildings though, this can turn one drawing operation into 20 or more. On some devices it's no big deal. but on some it can be a deal breaker. Play with the toggle and see what works best for you!
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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