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In-game Chat


To add a little more entertainment whilst playing the game there should be a global chat along side the commonwealth chat.

To further improve the chat feature for mobile the box you type your message should move up the screen so it isn't hidden behind the keyboard so that people can see what they've typed.

Instead of having the messages that people have sent pop-up over the top of the game the orange chat bubble should display a number of messages that the user hasn't seen so that it keeps the playing part of the screen clear.

Let me know what you think and any ideas to further improve chatting in-game.
Honestly, I don't know why a global chat hasn't been implemented since I started playing. I've seen so many people try the game and immediately quit and never return simply because there was no one to ask in game at the time they joined. Not only does a global chat mean new players can get some help, but everyone else can also have people to talk to in-game.

I would also have to agree that it's hard to type on mobile because the text box covers the text. But in regards to the pop-up messages on the side it should depend on screen size whether it's the full message or a notification that there are unread messages.
Hello! I am a High Wizard from the Nations of OZ, come check out our discord server!

Agree to all of this , the game needs this
+1 for SURE
You can help by EXPANDING IT.
Coming to v0.91.0
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I completely agree with the idea of having a global chat in addition to the Commonwealth chat for more entertainment during the game. The suggestion to improve the mobile chat feature by moving the message input box up the screen is also very practical. I also like the idea of having the chat bubble display the number of unread messages instead of popping up over the game. These improvements would enhance the in-game chatting experience.
omegle new
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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