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Updates and Announcements - Page 14

Death 3D Completed

If you've been wondering why there hasn't been a My Colony 2 update for the last several weeks, it's because I decided to finally complete another game in the My Colony Universe that I started back in 2018 - Death 3D!

Death 3D has now finally hit v1.0.0, and with it comes the completion of the premium episode (the Pegasus), along with new map editing tools, new scripting options, gamepad control improvements, bug fixes, and more.

Finish the fight with the two new Episode 2 campaign maps that finish out the Death 3D story. First is E2M7 - The Brig. Here, you will help a fellow prisoner escape from his cell, incite a prison riot, and cause general havoc among the Galactic Freight guards and staff!

Having cleared the rest of the ship, you will finally arrive at E2M8 - The Bridge, where you will finally come face to face with the captain of the Pegasus, none other than Wurm (from Deimos fame).

If you are familiar with the Deimos trilogy story, you will know that poor Wurm has had a tough life, and in E2M8, you will finally be putting him out of his misery, all in the name of freedom for the League of Independent States!

Lore Updated

To go along with the finalization of the canon events portrayed in the Death 3D storyline, I have updated the My Colony Universe Wiki articles on Wurm and The Pegasus. If you have any interest in the My Colony Universe lore and storyline, I highly suggest checking out the articles, but keep in mind, they contain several Death 3D storyline spoilers.

What Comes Next?

I had initially envisioned Death 3D to have a third episode titled "Death on Earth," however the current game engine is not really adequate to carry out the story and gameplay that I have in mind. Therefore, at some future period, I will release a followup game called Death II - Death on Earth, with will be the flagship title for a new and far more capable First Person Shooter engine.

As for the current Death 3D game engine, it is currently also being employed for the game Dungeon Infinity, as well as another game I have been working on titled Wizards and Dungeons. I also plan to use it for one final title, which is going to be a real-time 3D adaptation of the Deimos trilogy, probably called Deimos 3D.

In the meantime though, I will be returning to work on My Colony 2, which I plan to release onto iOS this month, as well as a new turn based strategy game I am working on called Terra Nova, which will be available in beta form on my website later this month as well.

Until then, head over to Ape Web Apps or your favorite app store and check out Death 3D!

#death3d #deimos

My Colony 2 v0.14.0 Released

My Colony 2 v0.14.0 has just been released and should be hitting all devices in a timely manner. I had originally planned to focus on the Water World for this update, but it ultimately ended up being completely different! That's fine though, because this release brings a lot of interface changes and some good new content to boot. Let's take a look at what's new!

I have added a new glow effect to units when you select them so that it is easier to tell which unit you have selected. Also, I have brought back the gesture from MC1 where you can click/tap on a unit twice to select all units of that same type (within a 40 tile radius).

This change solves two feature requests at once, so it's all good. I still need to bring back the drag/box select for Units, which will happen in due time.

I have started to expand the Encyclopedia with the new Structures section.

Right now it is only a glorified list of all structures in the game, but of course you will eventually be able to click on them to get all of the detailed information.

Speaking of expanded dialogs, the Engine Settings screen has a new Interface section. Here, you can adjust the size of the in-game chat text, and turn off the Camera Mode toolbar button, since players who use a mouse may never need to click on that button anyway.

And finally for dialogs, I have started to implement the Statistics screen, although it still has a ways to go.

The stats will be greatly expanded in the future. For now you can get some general information about the planet as a whole, a list of all settlements (as well as the ability to instant jump to each settlement location) and details on all players on the server. If you are the server owner (or a moderator), you can even conduct player moderation tasks on the Players screen.

In addition, you can also now finally change your player color on the Players screen by selecting your own name. These player moderation options are also available now in the Dedicated Server console.

Speaking of the Dedicated Server console, you can now easily switch your game between regular and dedicated server mode! On the game listings screen, click on the settings gear icon to launch your game in either mode. This allows you to play on your own server when you are at home, and then switch it over to dedicated mode when you are away.

And finally, you can now restore your game backups from the game listing screen by clicking on the new Restore Backup option that is at the bottom of your games listing.

I have updated the Chat Commands guide with new console commands that have been added to the game. Most of these also can be accessed by in-game UI, but those who prefer to type have the option as well. To go along with these, and as I lightly mentioned earlier, you can now assign a Moderator to your server to help watch over things when you are away. A moderator currently has the ability to kick a player for 5 minutes, as sort of a time out. The server admin can ban a player for however many days they deem necessary. Feel free to suggest more options for both Admins and Moderators.

Pictured below, you can see three new building options that have been added to the popup that appears when you select a building, which are Sell Confirmation, Upgrade, and Clone.

The little sell confirmation dialog will appear when you click on the sell button, so that you do not accidentally do something by mistake. The clone button works as in MC1, allowing you a quick way to "build another" of a certain type of building without searching through the build menu. And of course the upgrade button is there because we can now upgrade buildings, just like in MC1!

Moving on, you will now notice that Border Lines are drawn around your settlements!

This makes it easy to determine where you can and cannot place structures.

There are other little engine changes and improvements throughout, but let's move on to the new stuff next, starting with a new map, the Abandoned World!

The lovely pink radioactive waters are back, and along with them come the new resource Ether, and the associated Ether Tank and Ether Pump. The Ether will eventually be utilized for power generation and other industrial uses.

Speaking of power generation, you can now harvest Uranium using the new Uranium Miner, which is stored in the new Uranium Silo, and can be used to power the new Small Nuclear Reactor, giving you way more power than you had before!

Lastly, I have made several changes to the Ice World, making it more difficult than before. You can no longer construct solar panels (or solar anything) or water pumps or Ore Fracking operations. The world is also darker than before, to highlight its cold inhospitable nature.

In exchange, the Ice World gains the new Crystal Glowrod, a light source powered entirely by Crystalline, and the Tundra Molehole, which is essentially an Ore Fracking operation, but for Regolith.

As always, there are other things here in the new update, but you can have fun discovering them on your own. I will be submitting this build to the Windows Store in the form of a premium PWA, so look out for that if you want to purchase the game through your Microsoft Account. And next month, My Colony 2 will finally be hitting the iOS App Store, so look out for that too. Until then though, thank you all for playing and supporting the game, and leaving your suggestions and feedback. And of course, stay tuned for a whole lot more #mycolony2 !!

My Colony 2 v0.13.0 Released

Today I am publishing the v0.13.0 update to My Colony 2, which should be hitting all devices over the coming days! This is another big content release as MC2 starts making its way into the hands of more players, who are going to need a lot more content to play around with. So without further delay, let's start taking a look at what is new with this update!

New Resources

Three new resources have been included with this update, which are Software, Aluminum, and Uranium. To go along with the two latter resources, Aluminum and Uranium deposits have also been added to all worlds (the Uranium is also glow in the dark, for extra fun).

I have also increased the abundance and availability of Gold, which was a little too rare in previous releases. And to go along with the new resources (and also add a little more flare to the various worlds), 5 new biomes and 4 new terrain objects have been added to the game as well.

New Units

With new resources, we're going to need new units, right? The hardy Aluminum Miner is back in the game, and can be built at the Construction Yard. Aluminum can be deposited at the Raw Materials Depot. I do not plan on adding the MC1 Aluminum Refinery to the game, as it was basically a useless structure.

New Structures

Of course, the corner stone of any update are the new structures, and there are a handful in this release. To start, there are several new types of pavement in the game, the Hardened Pavement and Checkered Pavements have been added to the game, as well as Artificial Grass from Cosmic Turf, Inc., for when your fancy Golden Shelter residents just need to have a yard to see out their window.

Pictured above next to the Checkered Pavement is the new Internet Relay Booth, which is a beginning game entertainment and education combo structure. And on the subject of early game structures, we also say hello to the Small Security Station, providing the first way to build up your settlement security rating.

In the last update, Rum was added to the game. We now have the Rum Cellar for storing it.

Pictured in the bottom-left below, and to go with the new Software resource, the Small Server Building and the Small Software Studio are now available to build, and the Bandwidth utility has also been added to the game.

You can also see the Small Statue pictured above. In addition to the statue, the Commemorative Plaque is back, which will let you label areas of the map for all to see.

Finally, the Bank is back, faithfully generating Money and Civics for your settlement, and is the first structure to actually cost Money and Civics for construction. And to help bolster your research output, the Research Facility has been added to the game, using a model provided by the great @GeneralWadaling .

New Research

With an influx of new structures, we're going to need some new research to go along with them. Three new techs were added in this update (all brought over from MC1), which are Basic Networking Infrastructure, Basic Education, and Advanced Chemistry.

Things I Forgot to Add 😕

In addition to what was added, there are a few items that were on my list that I forgot to add before submitting the build to Google Play, so they will probably be on deck for v0.14.0. On the New Game window, I was going to add a button to import a backup save file, since right now you can backup your game, but never import it again. So that was a big oops on my part.

In addition, I was planning on adding a little conformation box when you are selling a building, since it is too easy to accidentally sell right now, but I forgot that as well. Oops again.

And finally, you were supposed to be able to assign text to the Commemorative Plaque, and I forgot to add that part! Well, it will be there next time!

Coming Soon

Going forward, v0.14.0 is going to be yet another big content update. I plan on adding the beginning Uranium stack, including a miner, storage, and maybe a nuclear power plant (and if anybody wants to create a model of a Nuclear Plant, I wouldn't complain). I also want to start adding water based units and structures for the water world as well. And finally, My Colony 2 v0.14.0 will also be coming to the Windows Store, which should bring even more players and feedback into the game.

And at some point in the not-too-distant future, I am going to implement a suggestion by @Sobeirannovaocc and release a node based command-line My Colony 2 dedicated server, which you would be able to host on pretty much any device, even on a 24/7 cloud server. So stay tuned for more info on that.

Anyway, that is it for this release! I hope you enjoy it. Keep the feedback, suggestions, and bug reports coming, and stay tuned for more MC2 in the coming weeks!


My Colony 2 v0.12.0 Released

I hope you are all having a great today! Today I am releasing My Colony 2 v0.12.0, which includes quite a bit of new content. I have also submitted this build to both the Google Play store and the Amazon App Store so that I can start getting better feedback on mobile performance and UI! MC2 is really starting to shape up into a real game now, so let's take a look at what is new in this release!

First, you may notice that My Colony 2 now has a proper title background image instead of a blank grey screen, which of course looks a lot nicer. Modders can obviously customize this to be whatever they want.

I started adding in the interface for the in-game encyclopedia, which you can see from the main slide-out menu. The only section so far is the in-game credits, which are automatically generated based on username data attached to game data and .vpp files. Check it out if you want to see who has all helped on the game so far! The neat thing is that the credits will be different when you activate a mod, so that you can see information on the mod creator as well.

Since the game is starting to get more resources, I made a change to the resource readout bar. It will appear static as normal until your resource list takes up more space than can fit on one line, then it will begin scrolling like it does in My Colony 1.

Speaking of resources, I added two new ones to this release, Rum and Sugar! I always thought that Rum in MC1 should have been made out of sugar instead of food, so that is how it works now in My Colony 2. Sugar is obtained through the new Sugar Extraction Lab which extracts trace sugars from your excess food. Rum is naturally made as the new Distillery. Unlock these structures with the new Microgravity Brewing tech.

As you may have noticed in the background of the above picture, the Solar Tower from MC1 has returned. You can unlock it using the new High Density Solar Panels tech.

Some good new structures pulled from @GeneralWadaling 's voxel batch have been added, including the Regolith Processing Plant, and Greenhouse Park, and the Trading Depot.

The Regolith Processing Plant is a superior version of the Regolith Compactor on Lunar maps. The Greenhouse Park is sort of like the Green Dome from MC1, except it will produce some food as well. The Trading Depot currently only generates a bit of cash, but is eventually going to be used to facilitate trade between players on the same world. So stay tuned for that.

You can now start generating Civics using the new Civic Center! The Civic Center is unlocked with the Colonial Civics tech. Civics in MC2 are slightly different from MC1, in that they are stored at the settlement level and are not shared between settlements, even if you have a logistics center. Civics are going to determine the "city level" of a settlement, and be a factor in deciding what sort of government options a city has available.

I have made a lot of fixes to pavement rendering in this release. In addition, Pavement is now slightly depressed into the ground once built. It is fairly subtle, but you can notice it when the lighting is right.

In addition, the engine can now automatically generate brick road patterns for pavement, which I demonstrate in this release with the addition of the Solar Road. I also want to add checkered pavement generation, which will probably be coming in the next update or so.

There are more little changes here and there, and you will see them as you play. For now though, I want to thank everyone for playing, leaving feedback, and helping with content! The next few updates are all going to be big on content, so stay tuned for more!


My Colony 2 v0.11.0 Released

Today My Colony 2 v0.11.0 is heading to the "stable" channel, and should become available for all users soon. This is the last update before the "beta" heads to Android, and there are a few goodies inside, so let's take a look!

Firstly, Research is now being utilized!

I have added three techs (pictured above) in order to get things started, and as a result, the Hydroponics Farm, Ore Fraking Operation, Advanced Ore Refinery, Dormitory, and Warehouse all now have tech requirements before they can be built.

Moving along, clicking on a building will now give you some options, you can Rotate, Power On/Off, or Sell a structure now:

Next, Pavement has been added to the game, although it may be a bit glitchy still. The glitchyness is related to rendering, so you can build pavement in your maps without worrying about ruining anything.

I have also added the Advanced Builder Bot to the game, and several of the existing structures have been moved over from the Builder Bot to the new Advanced.

Finally, I have added the ability for the Engine to utilize Premium content, and added a Small Warm Light Post and a Golden Shelter as a proof of concept. In addition, modding and multiplayer now require Premium.

So that is this update in a nutshell, although there are a lot of smaller changes that you will notice here and there as well. The upcoming v0.12.0 is going to be a large content release with a lot of new structures, techs, and units, and it will be the first version published to Android. Publishing to Android will allow me to collect more feedback and bug reports, so it should really help development out a lot. I plan to have iPhone, Windows Store, and Steam releases sometime this fall.

Thanks for playing My Colony 2, and stay tuned for more!


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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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