Posts: 3185
Wubman said:Having each city being self sufficient simply isn't viable. Between the sheer size of the optimum efficiency layouts and the scale of resources they need to sustain them. It's simply not practical to have everything on the one map without making it too big, which defeats the purpose of having several small maps instead of one big map.
Take the Centre for artificial learning for instance, it would require a robots layout (which on its own takes a quarter of a small city map) and an alien microchip layout. The Robot layout also needs more microchips, and also aluminum. Aluminum generation means I now need to bring in the centre for relic studies layout (which my layout doesn't fit on a single small map length ways, although it can be modified), and then in order to even use workers in the relic studies you need to then make room for schools.
All of that space used to make a few layouts of what you originally wanted and then have to make another city doing the same even though you still have excess resources. Not trying to be a negative nancy here I just don't see having each district self sufficient as being a viable option in the late game.
bastecklein said:Now, it is possible that resource growth/consumption for all maps in the region to be simulated at all times, sort of the way Colonists are now simulated once populations reach > 2000. It will not be 100% accurate as if the colony was actually open, but it can be based on the recent resource growth/consumption trends that occurred the last time that particular colony map was open. That way your factories on map A are still "running" even when you are on map B or C. And perhaps I can add something like that to the next update, if you think it would help your situation.