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Private Multiplayer Region Inviting [0.87]

Currently I have no idea on how to invite a fellow player into a private Multiplayer Region, And I could use all the help I could get on figuring this out.

Some fellow online federation members and I, would love how to get a little testing server for our idea coming up on the topic regarding MP Region, But Whats a Multiplayer Region when you can't invite others into it, as said by Bast, you could invite others into a Private MP Region, as well we don't want random players joining because it's public to the community.

I would be grateful for an answer very soon, as we would like to get cranking on this idea we have in mind ASAP. 🙂
Oh I'm surprised that you haven't asked in one of the discord servers.

But you start a new game then select multi-player and then new. Then other users select multi-player and join using your charter code.

Do be aware that some people are having issues getting it to work.
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@cry8wolf9 The problem with Multplayer Regions is the Charter Code isn't displayed
And regarding Asking, I've asked people in the FFF, Seems they can't join due to no charter being displayed

Yeah noz is having random issues too. It is still in the experimental stage
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Yeah, I totally overlooked this aspect some how. There isn't a way to see the charter code of a private MP region. An epic fail on my part, but it will be corrected in v0.88.0
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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