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chrome 1.0.0 when pay roll comes due it is now making number of colonists go to 0 - Page 8


I have replicated the bug :D

Now i have a city with 278 population (5%=13.9), with 13 First Aid Station (2 slot each, 26 health slot) all empty, all house are orange in the health layer, all clinic full of worker, and no patient. Seems the game have problem with fractions.
Got a new laptop downloaded native client no deaths NO health centers either lololololol
Not a single health center no education zip no rec no deaths zero quite a few payrolls came and went rating is terrible 58 or so lol
Anyway when back to chrome the colony that had the bug now says corrupt so just loaded a colony that also had it payroll came and went colony is fine so far and refilling 33 k colonists lol anyway maybe that other now corrupt one which did load until was already busted . A other payroll with a older bugged city no deaths zero zip nada . Maybe all colony's left that still show it corrupted
all the it is heath care issue and that colony without even one has not had a single death lolol
and yea i just ran this new colony over 900 colonists for over 2 hours .
i have also replied this bug, and send the file to bast.
bastecklein said:
Please anybody who is having this issue, send the map to so I can observe it. I tried a patch with v1.1, but it was a blind attempt to fix based solely on what people have posted in the forum, as I have still yet to observe this issue for myself, other than the video somebody posted.

@bastecklein I send you an e-mail with three colony's with this issue. Hope you can get some insight in de bug! If you need any more information from me I'm happy to help!

Kind regards,

On beta, medical layer, all houses are orange, the healthcare structures are full worker but without any color (should be colored, right?), and of course without any patients.

@Ansom you also need to post the actual city file it is happening in, all you have attached it the region overview map. I am working on a way to export an entire region into 1 file but there is so much other stuff to work on I havent had the chance yet :-/
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
bastecklein said:@Ansom you also need to post the actual city file it is happening in, all you have attached it the region overview map. I am working on a way to export an entire region into 1 file but there is so much other stuff to work on I havent had the chance yet :-/


i don't have any option to export the city file. :(

(chrome, 1.2 beta)
Ansom said:
bastecklein said:@Ansom you also need to post the actual city file it is happening in, all you have attached it the region overview map. I am working on a way to export an entire region into 1 file but there is so much other stuff to work on I havent had the chance yet :-/


i don't have any option to export the city file. :(

(chrome, 1.2 beta)

From the title screen, you just open the options menu -> Game Data -> Backup and find the filename. The naming convention is region name - city name.mcz

I guess it wont work right if its an online game. I really need a way to export region maps properly, really for sending me a file, you can only do it with single city maps.

Maybe you can give me more info on the bug? What else is going on in this map? I know that my medical stuff is currently working on Beta without issue. Can you open the dev console (ctrl+shift+i) and see if there are any errors being reported? I was hoping to get this update released today so that I can finally be done futzing with the medical/health stuff and finally move on to some real updates.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
@Ansom After looking at the code, the Hospital is not showing up blue because there are no patients in it. This is a little "bug" to save on CPU performance so that the engine does not have to look up the game def for each building while rendering the overlay. I think nobody is in the hospital because all of the houses are so small that their "needed medical" rating averages out to 0, and since the whole colony is rated at needing no medical, it is just giving you a 50%.

I am making changes to this so it should get better, but I have reduced the importance of medical on populations under 250 in order to make it not so brutal for new cities.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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