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My Colony 2 Chat Commands

This thread is to document commands that can be entered into the My Colony 2 chat, primarily for server admins and mods, but some for regular users as well. I will keep this thread updated as more are added.

To use a command, you simply open chat, and type the / symbol, followed by the command (with no space). Example: /setmaxplayers 8 to set server max players to 8.

Below is a table of all commands. If a command user-level is blank, it means anybody can use it. If the user-level is M, only mods (and admins) can use it. If the level is A, only admins can use it.

/setmaxplayers XSet the maximum allowed server connections to XA
/setmotd XSet 'message of the day' to X that will be shown to all users when they log in.A
/modup UPromote player U to moderatorA
/moddown URemove player U as moderatorA
/kick UKick player U from game for 5 minutesM
/kick U XKick player U from game for X daysA
/unkick UUnkick player UA
/settlementsList data on all settlements on the map
/setcolor XChange player color to X, must be valid hex code beginning with #

You can use this thread to ask questions about commands or suggest commands that need to be added to the game.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
oooh hell yea! command prompt!
Have a fantastic day!
~cakedon (formerly itsLiseczeq)
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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