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v50 - are you serious?

I don't even... Serious question, how did you come up with leaving people max. 10b? And lowering production of Investment Banks? AND adding resource decay in the same update? This is either a intellectually challenged or very poorly thought through course of action. There are a lot of people with populations exceeding 1m and maps larger than 400x400. How are we supposed to up our money inflow fast enough to cover hundreds of millions in payroll (+assistance) and infrastructure repair? How are we supposed to build so much storage for Gold, Aluminum and Uranium when we got tens or hundreds of millions laying around? Ever thought about that?

That's exactly how you lose the players who have been playing the longest, the loyal core of your fan base.

Rant's over, go be somewhere else.
Join Elysion! PNkXQTbj
Join the First Future Federation!
Gruul said:How are we supposed to build so much storage for Gold, Aluminum and Uranium when we got tens or hundreds of millions laying around? Ever thought about that?

How do you deal with every other resource in the game that has storage requirements? The existing storage options should provide ample space for a reasonable amount of resources. There is no purpose in having billions of any particular resource. You would have the same numbers of everything else if they didn't have storage requirements either, but nobody ever thought that was an issue.

You can't have an online economy in a game with near infinite money and resources, it just doesn't work. I have a duty to the majority of the players to keep a balanced market. Not the "lots" or people with over 1m population (there are 32 colonies over 1m btw). The GBT was so broken before that is was unusable for new players.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
bastecklein said: (there are 32 colonies over 1m btw).

what are the names of colonies over 1 million people?
Here is the list. actually didn't realize United Earth and Zolarg Empire were part of that 32, so its actually 30.

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Before my accounts's data was corrupted *cough* soft ban *cough*, I was well on my way to being on this list (might be only one with a phone processor). I was putting on almost 100k people a day before i was "corrupted". I needed 100s of millions in resources to fund this growth. Admittedly, i was one of the quintillionaites made by putting ridiculous postings. I always though it was the galactic emperor buying it to manipulate the stargate prices or something . Let the market tell me when to stop adding zeros i figured. Nobody made it to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000+ without this boost. If backup data for my account exists, maybe send me a copy.

In order to get to max population with a phone, my buildings had to focus on storage, jobs, and the ability to make huge trades to pay for all the expansion (warehouses, housing and investment banks). If i clogged my system making my own materials, my feeble phone processor will never make it.

With the new GBT rules this strategy will not be possible. This game has been fun and all, but i wont be able to play with the pc players at the top end. As soon ad i knew there was a leaderboard, i wanted on it.
Maybe put a memory on the stargate resource scroller to facilitate large offline-type purchasing.
I can't continue playing. With 10b money and lowered production is it not possible to run my main. I need 200b Infrastructure repair every hour. how should I do that? not possible.
Its me Lego.
I dont know, i think we should have grace period for the resources decay.

We can have grace period for atmosphere and trash to kick in the effect, why not resources. I have been saving up resources for my fellow commonwealth member, most of them are still running at its infancy and need quite a big amount of aluminum, alien artifact and uranium, which I did gifting to them, free or way under the market value for returned.

With this new update, new players are going to suffer the most. I have not much of impact since I have all buildings, researched and upgrade everything.

Charter code: T0gtaz50 (Both 0 are zero). Join me, I am resource rich.
bastecklein said:
How do you deal with every other resource in the game that has storage requirements? The existing storage options should provide ample space for a reasonable amount of resources. There is no purpose in having billions of any particular resource. You would have the same numbers of everything else if they didn't have storage requirements either, but nobody ever thought that was an issue.

Something changed in your attitude since we last discussed about the hack. I agree something needed to be done and some changes could have been done better.

I have a zolarg colony and just discovered antaura. It is common for a zolarg colony to easily have 1-2m aluminum in my opinion as compared to other races. I maxed out my storage and could only have 800k+ storage for aluminum. Previously can convert excess ant paste and antanium to aluminum. Now it seems you imposed aluminum is reasonable only if it is btw 1-2m. If that is the case rather than cap it with storage limit and decay why not impose an Emperor tax to bring these levels down and remove it from the economy. I think most players would have appreciated if by imposing these restrictions you give them a heads up and chance to realistically improve their storage capacity. Else might as well carte blanche tax the resources to a level you deem proper as there is no way to store. I am ok with the 2b tax hit as it was amassed thru aluminum trading, just feel zolarg should have a bigger aluminum storage as they are the only race atm able to mass produce it.

Also, for new players, there isnt any incentive to watch the propaganda ads anymore since it might give me something which I have no storage for it and just decay until I have the storage for it.

As for regulating GBT trade, increased civics is a hidden cost. It invariably drives up the prices as players would factor that in. Until the prices rises to a point most players feel worthwhile they would not trade. New players are the ones with the greatest need to trade as they need money and resources. With a depleted pool and high cost, it would deter players from entering the market. Requesting to buy/sell 50k essentials like water and food should not cost 5k civics.

I will hold on from going into my other colony until I figure the changes out first and plan my solution to the recent changes.

Thats all for now. Give it time and everything would work itself out as everyone used to say
ya, since this 50k was imposed, and resources decay at thousands per second. I would also reduce playing this game for now and see how it goes.
Charter code: T0gtaz50 (Both 0 are zero). Join me, I am resource rich.
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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