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In preparation for tying My Colony into Ape Apps accounts, the upcoming release of the My Tokens app, and switching RP Forums over to the new forum software, the Ape Apps Account Portal has been updated with a few new necessary features.

First off, there is now finally a password recovery feature if you forget your account information. Just click on the 'Forgot Password' link on the login page.

Once you log in, there are a couple of new things. First of all, you can now log out, both on the account portal page, and globally.

Logging out everywhere and purging all sessions will sign you out of any app or game you have been signed in to. Right now for some reason it works on apps and games but not the forum here, but I'm working on that...

Additionally, there is now a change password feature in the account portal, which is long overdue.

Finally, I have added a session management section, where you can view each active login session on your account from any device you have signed in with, and you can log out each device individually from the account portal. This will be handy if for some reason you logged in to My Colony on a school or library computer and forgot to log out when you were done, you can actually just log yourself out from anywhere.

So anyway, that is what's new with the accounts page. There will be more coming in the future as well, but I needed these aspects to be in place before I could add account login to my top game.
7y ago
I always do a save colony before exiting. It seems to happen when I log in for a short period and there have been trades that happen while I was away.

Log in
Collect gifts
Oh shoot I don't have time to play
Save colony
Log out

Next time I log in it's as if the trades didn't happen.

I don't notice it as much if I do a few other things before I save colony and log out.
6y ago
I like EZ Database! Thanks for making it.

Can you add many-to-one support in the relationship field type so that a record with a foreign key to another table can multi-select values from the foreign table and have those multiple values displayed separated by semicolons?

This would make lookup tables more functional.

For example, I’d like to use EZ Database to make a migraine headache log. One table is for the log, and another table is to hold medicines taken, and yet another table is for triggers. One Log entry can have multiple values from medicines and from Triggers. But to do that in the current version, I’d have to add multiple lookup fields to support something like “medicine taken 1”, “medicine taken 2”, etc. it would be much better to have a single “Medicines Taken” field that referenced multiple records in the Medicines table, with each medicine listed in the log separated by semicolons.
6y ago
When trying to log in in the game, ot keeps showing the loading bar thingy under my log-in data...
I can leave the window but everytime it will give me this response.
6y ago

After a while the game logs you out of the server and to log back in (web version on chrome) you have to click on the more options menu option to get the chance to log in. However, since you aren't logged in the app assumes you don't have premium so shows you ads but the problem with this is that the more options is hidden by the ad, as shown in the attached image. I have paid for premium so it is rather annoying being shown ads before I can log in to the game to verify that I have paid for it.

Please can you sort this minor issue out.
5y ago
I found this game yesterday and would love to try it, but it won't let me log in. I've created an account, or I wouldn't be here.
Every time I try to log in I get this message:

What am I doing wrong?

11mo ago
You can now set up your forum avatar. Go to and sign in, and you will see the option to set up a new picture. After updating your avatar, you have to log in/out of the forum again for the update to get pushed out to the forum. If you don't want to go through that, it will happen automatically in a day or two.

Also on the accounts page, you can now tie your existing .amk files to your Ape Apps account. Keep in mind that once you do that, the .amk becomes locked to your account. Eventually, when you log in to My Colony or any other Ape Apps app/game with your Ape Apps account, it will find all of your previous purchases tied to your account and automatically upgrade accordingly, so you don't have to worry about using the .amk files anymore.
7y ago
Ok guys and girls here is my first official Mod. It's in its very early stages but i will constantly update it as i rebuild the in game textures. I will try to keep a change log active as i make updates and chages.

Change log:
Ice Deposit, Ground 1, Sand, Deposit, Brick House, Refinary lvl 1 and 2, Panel lvl 1, Gold Smelter, Gold refinary, Factory, Pub, Restaurant, Colonist 3, Hydroponics lvl 1 and 2, Grass, Fir trees and the Complex buildings Green and Blue.

New, Small Shelter and Green dome

Hope you guys enjoy and please leave your comments below as there always welcome.

I hope that the mod looks good as i know im changing most details and feel of the game. If you guys want to see more let me know.
7y ago
So, after playing for some hours, I've decided to make a list on what I'd like to see.

These won't all be directly effecting gameplay but are meant to make the game more user-friendly.

1. Optional Accounts: You would be able to make a My Colony Account in which you can save colonies on. This will allow users to log into the account from multiple browsers/platforms and play their colonies on multiple platforms. Meaning a player playing on the native client could switch to a mobile device.

2. Military/Militia: Creating a colony is not easy, you will meet some resistance.

My idea is you would eventually be able to create Militia. Specifically, Militia Soldiers, Patrol Bots, and Patrol Ships.(Space ships)

Militia bots and soldiers would be able to patrol and try to break up riots/protests, at the risk of accidently killing colonists(Which lowers your approval rating and the overall happiness.)

As a Colony, you won't be able to attack other colonies or capitals directly, but Capitals would be able to.
Capitals get access to Soldiers, Tanks, Transport Ships, Cruisers, and Dreadnaughts. (In addition to militia units.)

A few new buildings, Weapons factory, Training Area, Barracks, Space Depot. Also the Command Center, and Tank Factory for Capitals only.

United Earth, Zolarg Empire, and League of Independent States are all at war with each other, and you would be allowed to send units to them to fight against the other nations. These capitals won't normally attack any colony with a large force unless the "Front" moves far enough away from it. (Only if your charter was not originally from that faction)

All Commonwealths controlled by players would be neutral unless they attack first or the Front goes far enough away from the entire commonwealth.

If your colony is attacked and defeated, you will be annexed to the faction or Commonwealth that attacked you. If it was an AI faction, you will have a 1 day delay before you can request annexation to anyone. It's 3 days delay if it's a player commonwealth. The attacked can demand a maximum of 5% of your total money as tribute. No other resources will be touched. (Besides population loss from the fighting.)

Capitals can send units to help defend a colony or to be used as a staging point for an attack. Also, if you fail to pay taxes to your capital, your capital will be allowed to send a raiding party to your colony to pillage the money. The raid can take up to 30% of your total money, along with damaging infrastructure and possibly killing colonists.

That's really all I can think of for this.

3. Removal of Protesting: This feature seems to be...broken, or not fully thought out. Many times I find colonists protesting for no reason or for a reason they bring on themselves. I tend to see colonists protesting their low health instead of going to a clinic to get healed. I also see colonists protesting absurd commute lengths even though they could've picked a closer one.

4. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be allowed to quit their jobs and find a new one if they don't feel happy with their current job. This can be commute lengths, salary, etc. Letting them be freely able to quit and get a new job may remedy the issue.

5. Personal Transports: Colonists would be allowed to purchase personal transport vehicles. They would drive from their house to a parking lot, from there they would walk to their job, and the amount they walk would be their commute length.

6. Shops/Stores/Consumer goods: Colonists can spend money they earn buying items from stores you can build. This is mainly to help the colony gain extra income.

7. Entertainment Tweak: If a colonist is unhappy they will seek entertainment to increase their happiness instead of protesting for no reason until their health kills them.

8. Tabbing Out: Your colony will continue to run even if you're not currently tabbed onto it, just as long as the game is still loaded.

9. Payroll Assistance: When payroll is paid, payroll assistance will arrive instantly regardless of whether or not the capital player is online. The capital players will be billed the amount once they log online.

10. Bug Fixing: This is self-explanatory. I'm not going to elaborate on it.

Well, this is a list, feel free to add to my ideas or make your own ideas.
7y ago
Ballistic said:Ok guys and girls here is my first official Mod. It's in its very early stages but i will constantly update it as i rebuild the in game textures. I will try to keep a change log active as i make updates and chages.

Change log:
Ice Deposit, Ground 1, Deposit, Brick House, Refinary lvl 2, Panel lvl 1, Gold Smelter, Factory, Pub, Restaurant, Miner, Colonist 3, Hydroponics lvl 1 and 2, Grass and Fir trees

Hope you guys enjoy and please leave your comments below as there always welcome.

Didn’t know I had to rebuild the file myself and SOMEHOW add it to my iPad Air 2. Wow. Just wow.
7y ago

I just updated to 0.53 and created an Ape Apps account. Verified it and can log in to the website. When I try to "sign in" in the app, nothing happens. It just stays on the same screen. The button shows an effect like it's been pressed but nothing actually happens. There's no "login failed" or "succeeded" message. I've tried a restart with no luck.

My game is an offline game.
HTC 10
Android 7.0
MyColony 0.53
Paid user (doubt that makes a difference)

Let me know if you'd like more info.

Thanks (love the game btw!)
I can no longer log on after last update. It just keeps saying that it can't connect to your server. Nothings changed on my end. I use a Microsoft Windows phone. Do you have any idea why?
Tau Ceti rules!!!
7y ago
I can't log in at all now. It doesn't recognize my username or password. Oh well. I hope the residents of Tau Ceti will be ok without me.
7y ago
When I try to log in so I can start a new online game, I can't. It doesn't give me any error message, it just acts like it's loading... forever. It never actually logs me in.
6y ago
Two things I've noticed. First, you can take on multiple jobs/missions at a time. Maybe add a missions log to show all uncompleted or active missions.

Secondly, as I was writing down grid coordinates for my own log, I had two jobs taking me to the same planet. Upon arrival, I couldn't complete the missions. I assume it was a glitch from having two missions to complete there.

Looking forward to seeing what all comes in the future updates. My Colony has grown leaps and bounds since it was created and I can't wait to see how this game progresses over time as well. Keep up the great work!
6y ago
cry8wolf9 said:is it possible to make your own bug report system that records crashes?

I do log a majority of the crashes. The issue with the WebView in Android is that it is actually supplied by the Google Chrome app, and is essentially an embedded instance of Chrome within the My Colony app. If the actual Javascript code of My Colony crashes, I am able to log that just fine. But if the Chrome WebView crashes, which is largely what is happening, there is nothing I can capture.
6y ago
Over the last few days I've not been able to log in on my Windows Phone App, Windows 10 PC App, Play store App, Kindle App, or the Web App.
6y ago
hypo said:Had the same issue when I came back to the game this summer.
I had to log in/out of the game a few times to see it appear on Windows.

Have you checked that you have the premium activated for My Colony on your user page?

@hypo Just checked, and it seems that it doesn't recognize that I purchased it. I'm definitely gonna try that log in/out method. Sorry for the late reply!

Edit - Logging in/out hasn't seemed to have done anything, unfortunately.

Edit 2 - It's seemed to have magically fixed itself, thanks for the help!!
6y ago
I am able to log into the website, when I try to log into the app I get "Error parsing login data! Please try again.
6y ago
@Invincible do you have an error log file saved in your Documents/My Colony folder that might shed light on the issue? The Steam version should create an error log
6y ago
I can come up with something. It does write a text error log to your Documents/My Colony folder if there is an actual coding error within the app causing it, should be called like my-colony-vx.x.x-error.log

I have heard other people say that when it will not get past the loading screen, you can delete the "var_package" file found in this location:

C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME HERE]\AppData\Roaming\Ape Apps Launcher

The file for My Colony would be called 351_var_package.wvp. I am not sure which variable in there is causing the launch failures, although I though about adding a check in the code where if it does not get past the splash screen a certain number of times, it will automatically delete that file.
6y ago
sambucco said:Today I tried import Rum and it still not works. I have a question bastecklein, you are from Santa Clara in California? If yes, how you are able to log in as me?

I am not in California and am unable to log in as you.
5y ago
Hello Ape Apps support,
I just had the wierdest thing happen and I can't quite explain it. I took a break after I was upset with an update but hate can't last forever on a game I did enjoy so I want to come back. in 2018 I did purchase premium, so I logged into the ape apps website finding that it stated my colony from 2018 was premium and all was ok! Perfect wonderful.
I downloaded the app on my new phone and log into my account.

Well now I am plastered with the free level advertisements. and then when I log back into my account on another tab on the computer it says I am not premium anymore. I did screencapture showing I did have it below, but I just would like to know why this happened. I hope this can be resolved so I can re-create my little empire I once had and bring pleasentville back on the map.

Thank you for your help in advance!

Original login showing I DID buy premium

Capture now logging in showing I suddenly don't.

5y ago
I cannot login to my account on the android app. Resetting password does nothing. It started with attempting to buy user submitted offers from the stargate. It didnt work and subsequently i could no longer do anything with the stargate. Or log back in to my colonies. Even the one i wasn't playing on. Then i reinstalled the app, and now can't log back in.
Hi, I'd really like to buy premium but whenever I click on the link it doesn't take me anywhere and I stay on the same screen. When I try to log in it loads infinitely. I'd really like to support the app but it won't let me lol
5y ago
When I chat in the in-colony global chat, my name does not update depending on the colony. I'm on the windows version of the game, and this has been the case since the global chat was introduced. The way it works is that when I open the game, whatever the first colony I log into (for example if I log into my insectoid colony, then New Antonia will show up), that's the name that shows up in the chat for th rest of the session, even if I switch to a different colony, for example [NOZ] Ceres. The reason why it bothers me is that sometimes if I'm asking for a resource on the global chat, or when I need something that is for a specific colony, even just a charter code, it doesn't match the colony I'm actually in necessarily. So if my name appears as New Antonia, and I ask for uranium in my [NOZ] Ceres colony, then people won't realize what colony I want it for. I've heard that this doesn't happen for other platforms, so I just wanted to put this in here so that it can hopefully be addressed.
Below you can see me logged in as New Antonia, but my name still appears as Ceres in chat:
@delfa123 it shows up as premium on my end. Maybe try to log out/log back in?
4y ago
Hey! Having trouble logging in from the main menu, I switch accounts and so I went to log in and it doesn't even load or do anything. I'll refresh, hit enter, close out try it again, even restart my system, but zi can'tseem to log into my account
4y ago
Hi! You can just log in with your account. I bought MC on Steam and when I log in on my phone, it upgrades the game to Premium. Cheers!
3y ago

Since research was added in the last version, I just want to give a feedback on that, I think the research system would be better if research was not a resource. Two options:

  • Research power

You select a tech that you want to unlock, and then your various scientific buildings (academies, research labs, laboratories...) work on the tech.

It takes them a certain amount of time before you have the tech unlocked. They could also consume various resources specific to the tech in the process.

Research could be some kind of "research power", and techs take eg. 10000 days-researchpower (unit is days*researchpower) to complete. If you have 1000 research power, it will take 10 days. It works a bit like man-days.

BUT because you can't just spam research buildings and get techs in one day, building more and more research buildings will get you less and less research power per building, eg. power = [log(buildings)+1]*C, eg. 1 building = C power, 2 bds = 1.3*C, ...10 bds = 2*C, but maybe for another base for the log but you get it.

Inspired by @username

  • United Earth sends new techs

Second option : research does not exist, at least in the colony. We were discussing a lot about the lore exactly 12 months ago. There was an idea about the colony being sent by UE to colonize new worlds. Then the colony would owe UE resources. In exchange of this cooperation, UE regularly discovers new techs and sends the blueprints to the colony, which immediately unlock the tech.

Going independent has the advantage of getting rid of these taxes, while it has the disadvantage of having to research new techs by themselves (but maybe also get techs that were kept hidden by UE...)
Native version
As i type this i Am online and my connection is fine .
The game lets me log in no problem but as soon as i try to sign in to the game its self it says Non connection .
Well knowing I have a connection that IS ok as the game lets me log In on the main screen But not into the game its elf .
Anyway probly a tempery thing i do know your servere gets maxed out at times but i am posting just as feed back . Thanks
3y ago
The saving in MC2 is sort of a mess right now, and I don't know a clean way to fix it without destroying everyone's progress. The ideal solution really is to have no cloud sync at all.

The original design idea was to have no cloud sync. The problem arises from a bug early on in the code that I did recognize until v0.19.0 where every game was actually not only being synced to the cloud, but saved to the overall player library file. Each player has a library file that is cloud synced that contains the login credentials to every server they play on.

Behind the scenes, whenever you connect to a game, whether it is a local server or a remote one, the server code gives you a key to use to log in, so that other players cannot log in as you. This info was supposed to be cloud synced, but nothing else. Somehow I was saving each game's complete data to the library file as well and idk how I didn't notice it until so late.

So now, every player has every one of their MC2 worlds, as well as login credentials, saved to a single library file. So if you have a lot of cities, it actually takes a really long time to load/save, since you are essentially loading every single city and saving every single city, each time you load/save. The up side is that you can now access all of your games from any device. The downside is that it is one huge file and a single point of failure. It also, as you witnessed, will break things if you try to play on multiple devices.

The problem is, how to undo or break this behavior now, after the fact. Cloud sync is now expected behavior for a lot of players. Also, if the game data is removed from the library file, the next time somebody loads a colony, the game will see that the data is not in the library, and load up the last locally saved backup copy of the city, creating out of sync versions.

So anyway, I am not sure what to do exactly. I might just have to create a server specifically for My Colony 2 and save all colonies individually to the cloud and require online access to play the game. Or remove cloud sync completely and let players deal with the fallout for the next few weeks after the change. Or keep it as-is and see what happens. IDK what's best :-/
2y ago
I can still log in at V1.21, but when it upgrades to version V1.22, when I try to enter my save file it says "This server has rejected your login credential. Please make sure you are using a valid copy licensed of the game". So it means that My Colony is not free anymore?

There is an action that I perform when in v1.11 is:
- I change my colony name, save & exit the file, and after that, I didn't log in until v1.22 is updated. and then the error appears.

2y ago
I can still log in at V1.21, but when it upgrades to version V1.22, when I try to enter my save file it says "This server has rejected your login credential. Please make sure you are using a valid copy licensed of the game". So it means that My Colony is not free anymore?

There is an action that I perform when in v1.11 is:
- I change my colony name, save & exit the file, and after that, I didn't log in until v1.22 is updated. and then the error appears.
2y ago
Today I am releasing the v1.25.0 patch for the original My Colony, which should be hitting all platforms throughout the weekend. This update brings some critical bug fixes, changes to how the app is packaged, as well as a change to the Challenges system, so let's take a look!

The main change in this update is to the Challenges system, with the addition of the new Snap Challenges, Daily Challenges, and Three Day Challenges, all automatically generated by the My Colony server.

Challenges were well received by many players, but I quickly realized it was sort of a pain for me to keep up with the system, having to create new challenges, stories, and logos every day, so I sort of fell behind on it. Well, now there will always be challenges available, with the addition of the three new challenge types mentioned above, which are all generated by the server.

Every day, a new Daily and Three Day challenge will be added, worth one and two trophies respectively. In addition, there are now one hour Snap Challenges, which will be generated at random times by the server throughout the day, so you never know when a Snap Challenge will occur. These rapid challenges are worth one trophy, and should give more players a chance to compete in the system, since you have an opportunity to sneak in under the radar and complete a challenge before some of the big colonies even notice it's there.

With these three new challenge types, there will now always be plenty of challenges to compete in. Of course, bigger challenges will still be added from time to time worth a lot more trophies.

Moving on, I have fixed the issue with resource decay that was making new Alpha Draconian colonies impossible to create. The new rule with decay is that resources will never decay to below the amount you are given at the beginning of the game, even if you have no storage.

Next up, a change is coming to the Steam edition of My Colony. There was an issue before where people were abusing the fact that the Steam client added premium to their Ape Apps accounts and were using the Steam version of the game to give free premium upgrades to other players. Because of this, the Steam Premium key is now going to be removed from everyone's Ape Apps account. The next time you log in to Steam after the update, the game will ask if you want to connect your Steam and Ape Apps accounts, and there can now only be one steam account per Ape Apps account. If you log into the Steam client using a different account, the original Ape Apps account will lose it's Steam Premium. Also, the Steam version of the app will now no longer start up unless Steam is running and signed in to a valid Steam account.

It might sound like a mess, but for players who were being honest about it, you should not really notice any difference. I hated having to add some form of minor DRM to the game/accounts, but of course there are always people who need to abuse things, so this should fix the issue.

On the plus side, once you tie your Steam account to your Ape Apps account, your account will gain automatic login for all current and future Ape Apps titles released on Steam (when opened through Steam).

Finally, I am bringing back the packaged desktop Native Client versions of My Colony, which I have not released for quite a while now. Several players have said they wanted these packaged versions of the app to return, so they will be. I plan to have them uploaded to the Ape Market some time later today.

So anyway, that is all for this update. It should be live on the Progressive Web App version right now, and will be hitting all other platforms over the coming days. Enjoy!

2y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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