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New techs and structures: Black hole manipulation

please note that I haven't done much research into this, so don't take these numbers seriously. The main idea that I'm getting across is that diamond, obsidian and triantanium would be instrumental in the construction and research of these structures. Structures that use the black hole manipulation tech will be far more capable than the most advanced human structures and would occupy much less space. They would also require far more power and water than any other structure in the game.

Unholy he3 generator - generates an unholy amount of he3 from unholy amounts of regolith using a constant supply of water and uranium. The ultimate space saver for lunar colonies.

power: 10,000
reg 200,000
he3 500,000
gold 400,000
steel 500,000
alu 10,000
dia 100,000
chips 50,000
tri 20,000
ura 50,000
obs: 25,000
arts: 2,500

tech required: black hole manipulation

Alien he3 storage - using black hole manipulation technology and strong materials, massive amounts of he3 can be stored in the same amount of space as a large he3 tank.

space 2x2
upgraded from large he3 tank
power: 500

build costs: bast can figure this one out

tech required: black hole manipulation.

Alien Hypercube - The alien hypercube uses super durable materials like diamond, triantanium and obsidian, and space compression technology to compress millions of cubic feet into a 2x2 area using a controlled singularity or black hole. The hypercube would have ten times more jobs, colonist and tourist space than the fantasy land arcology and provides enough food production and medical care to support all of it's inhabitants, the only challenge is power. Each cube would require 250k power. Also, each cube would require 500 water and 100 he3 each second, so the need for he3 would skyrocket as people start building these.

space: 2x2
power needs: 250,000
consumes: 500 water and 100 he3 per second.

build costs:
ore: 20,000,000
water: 50,000,000
alien arts:50,000
ancient instructions:100,000

Research required: Black hole manipulation

Miniature theme park - this building provides an unholy amount of entertainment for a vastly populated and overcrowded colony. Uses a controlled black hole or singularity to house roller coasters, water rides, shops, and even a lake.
entertains: 100,000
tourists: 100,000
jobs: 100,000
admission fee: $50
space: 3x3

build costs, bast can figure this one out.

Research required: Black hole manipulation

New research - Black hole manipulation - learn how to compress massive amounts of space and stuff into a tiny area.

Lete me know what you think. I'll add more to this thread as I develop the idea. It's 2am though, and I need my sleep for now.
You never do the half of thing Amorphus i love this idea but we can't extract mater from black hole
But with a white hole we can
So your structure can be 2 time more big
Thanks mars, your my #1 supporter, haha.

I originally called it black hole manipulation because there's a theory floating out there that states that some black holes could contain an entire universe's worth of space compressed into an infinitely small dot, and if you happen to survive entry into a black hole, you would enter that universe, and that universe could have black holes of it's own. A universe within a universe, makes my head hurt.

So we can name it "dimensional pocket manipulation." The purpose of this tech is to compress large amounts of space into a tiny area, enabling colonists to live in buildings that are a small fraction of the size that they would normally be. The same thing can be achieved by creating a pocket dimension with tons of area, and then you only need to build a small portal to that pocket so that people and things can go in and out.
Amorphus said:I originally called it black hole manipulation because there's a theory floating out there that states that some black holes could contain an entire universe's worth of space compressed into an infinitely small dot, and if you happen to survive entry into a black hole, you would enter that universe, and that universe could have black holes of it's own. A universe within a universe, makes my head hurt.

So we can name it "dimensional pocket manipulation." The purpose of this tech is to compress large amounts of space into a tiny area, enabling colonists to live in buildings that are a small fraction of the size that they would normally be. The same thing can be achieved by creating a pocket dimension with tons of area, and then you only need to build a small portal to that pocket so that people and things can go in and out.

So I think you mean to allow us to make custom dimensions and stuff? Like make a dimension that only generates whit uranium or whit gold for example. That would be cool to add
maybe, but it wasn't my intention to suggest that we be able to edit the pockets, but that would be cool if bast and the engine could stand for such a feature, now that you mention it.

So instead of having buildings that just say that they connect to a pocket dimension, we could have buildings that expand the map via pocket dimensions. These dimensions would create isolated grids that are detached from the main map grid, but can be viewed at the same time as the map grid, with a 2x2 area occupied by the indestructible pocket-side portal in the center. Rovers, tourists, and colonists would travel in and out at will, and you can build every structure in the pocket, except for a pocket dimension generator(to avoid nested pockets), mines, and any structure that takes resources from the ground(because the pocket is empty space. The portal would construct a metal platform that spans the pocket upon creating the pocket. @Bastecklein could use the same platforms that he might use in my space station in the pockets). The pockets would reflect the planet's atmosphere level and would still have the same atmosphere requirements for each building. I would make annexing land and building pockets independent of one another, so that the user could do both if their machine could handle that much grid space. I would also limit the number of pockets to the number of annexes a particular map has, just so that someone with a ton of resources can't build a hundred of these and then have their computer explode in their face.

What i was mainly getting at though was that we build a cube-shaped portal in a small 2x2 area and draw a portal on one side and then make it have space for 10 times the colonists as an FL Arcology. The name and a short description of the buildings should give the player a mental picture of a pocket dimension. Their imagination would do the rest.
I like the idea But more power then any other building ? star gate uses 20,000 k power lol
so more then that even ?
you dont show what the out put on this stuff would be
yes, that's because it's purely an idea. I haven't researched the numbers as of yet. Bast can decide what to do with the numbers. Remember at the top I said the main idea was to use diamons, obsidian, and triantanium to build these types of structures. Bast can fill the rest in if he wants to implement this idea.

Think about it though, I you had a structure that generated and maintained a pocket dimension, would that not take a ton of power? i mean, yeah, a star gate takes a ton of power to warp space and time between two points, but that's not nearly as energy dependent as creating a pocket from nothingness and keeping it open. So yes, it would require more energy than any other building. I mean, considering what those structures would do, expanding the map so you can build more structures, I would say that's a fair price to pay if you are out of room and you have enough diamond crystalline generators or power towers to support such an ability. it would make the game even further playable.

I was also thinking, if each planet had a random number of moons, you could implement the same isolated grid feature for any moons, but you would require a transport center for each moon. But moons would be differen't though, because they would be smaller maps of course alongside the big map, but they would also have their own ground and atmosphere level, which would complicate things very much because you would need to have an atmosphere count for each moon, unless bast just made the transport center indestructible and made it cost atmosphere to build. This would also enable big colonies to expand to already terraformed areas and also get rid of some of their excess atmosphere in the process. It gives the mental picture that atmosphere is transported en mass to the moon and released there.

Also, the same isolated grid feature could work with space stations in case bast doesn't want to create a whole new game based on making a space station. you could just build one along side your colony and control them both simultaneously. I wouldn't make the game very dependent on the feature though, because it would make it unplayable for those who have slow machines. In fact, you could make it a pro feature and be able to raise the pro price to $5. It would be worth 1 more $ to be able to get that feature in my opinion.
You need the Tesseract!
Dylan Carter
Conjurer in NOZ
Join the Nations of OZ!
About the portal thingey 2x2 machine or pocket creator or whatever you wanna call it.

When build, you can click on it and it would open a interface that shows some options like ore yes or no, water or lava, or something like that. (Just ideas) and upon creating, it will suck up all the surplus power to generate the world. The more power it gets, the faster it works. And when it is done, it will only eat a hell lot of energy if you enter it. When it is in idle state, it would consume around 1.2k power to prevent it from collapsing it in to the invined small point that will explode. But that only happens when you don't turn it off and power will run out. But if you turn it off, it won't explode.

And about the generation of it, it would take more power when more things are selected or when you prevent certain thing from generate. So a normal flat world would cost 10k power, but when you wand certain ores, it would consume 25-35k of power.
Keep in mind that it would use the surplus of power. Whit that amount used every minute, if you know what you mean. So every minute it would add the surplus to the amount of power that needs to be used.

When the power runs out during the creation, then the pocket won't generate in the way you wand to since the pockets can't handle low power and as I said, it will collapse in to the invined and explode. So b careful when you create your pockets.

Makes sense, probably not. But I just wand to get this idea out of the way. :)
I actually had the same idea but I was going to call it wormhole creation and then all of the buildings would be pocket x, like pocket towers or pocket warehouse, where they would all connect to a pocket universe

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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