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Region City Corruption: Can't Get Back into Cities

Platform: Apple iPhone 7 Plus
My Colony Version: Build 0.73.0

Started a new offline colony with the new October 4th build to see if it was still an issue. And it is.

I've had this same problem over the last several versions. Basically, saves are hanging and then corrupting the game file. I've lost so many colonies to this, so many that the game isn't all that fun anymore.

NOTE: I've had this happen before with regular maps, but I didn't save any of the specific information from the splash screens. So, the below are details on what is happening with the new Regions feature in Offline Mode.


Start new Regional colony. Have game engine save options set to "Rarely."

Start a new Region City on the Region map. Play in the new region city. Regularly manually save. Save works fine and does not hang.

The "Rarely" auto save comes. Save hangs and will not complete, no matter how long I allow My Colony to remain open.

Close My Colony manually by going to the iphone desktop, then 'sliding' it closed.

Try to open colony. Regional colony map showing all the regional cities opens fine.

Try to get back into the Region city that I was working in when the autosave hung up.

Splash page says:
Syncing Data (sometimes it sits at this stage for quite some time)
Decompressing Data
Restoring Data

And then it defaults back to the Regional map. I can do this over and over, and the region city will not open. I cannot get back into it, yet the game is showing the production of supplies coming from that city just fine.

Even worse, one by one the region cities on my map are succumbing to this. On the main colony I'm currently playing I have 2 regions I can't get into, including the area I've designated for a bunch of government buildings that took a lot of resources to build and upgrade. One Region Colony I just deleted in frustration because all the regions were falling like dominoes.

I also tried:

Setting engine settings to never save. However, I've found that the game still tries to save itself once in a while, and yes, the above corruption happens. I just had this happen with a Regional city of a brand new colony that was started just this morning. So, out of the 3 regional cities I started, one of them is already corrupted and I cannot get into.

Just for kicks I set the engine settings to save "often." it worked for a few hours, and then wham. Corrupted region cities.

This is beyond frustrating. Why play if the cities just become corrupted? It's literally a waste of time to play.

Please fix! I really enjoy this game.
Playing on: Mac and iPhone
not sure if this is related: i started new regional yesterday, was all fine, left game and it saved the city. Today can't even get into region, fails at 'syncing data'... (win 10)
So does this only ever happen on auto saves? Never when you choose to save manually?
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
I've had saves hang when manually saving, but it's rare.

By the way, I have compression turned off. Have auto saving turned off, but it's still sometimes auto saving. These auto saves will then hang and freeze the app at least half the time (if not more). The dialog box also says that it's compressing the file (not sure if it actually is or if the text box that pops up is saying this in error). Had yet another region city corrupted today. So, I've stopped playing with Regions.

I've switched to offline regular cities, large size. I'm still getting hanging saves, but so far no city corruptions. However, I am getting a problem where after a hanging save that the game reverts to an earlier save point. And sometimes it isn't at the last manual save point. One time I did several manual saves, then had a hanging save. When force closed the app, restarted the app and reloaded the city, I found that I had lost several hours worth of progress during which I'd done those several saves.

Just all around strange and annoying save problems.
Playing on: Mac and iPhone
I am having same Issue with win 10 in region locked out of half my cities
using ape apps launcher
bastecklein said:So does this only ever happen on auto saves? Never when you choose to save manually?

I should clarify. Yes, it will hang RARELY when saving manually. However, if it does hang, then there is a high likelihood that the region city I was in will then be corrupted.
Playing on: Mac and iPhone
Hate to say this, but this problem is still happening even in the new update. Just had a second instance occur.
Playing on: Mac and iPhone
Have had another regional city corruption. But, this time it wasn't corrupted after a hanging save (although hanging saves are still happening).


In one regional city.
Choose to move to the regional map.
See the game save the current city.
Successfully arrive at the regional map.
Tried to go back into the same regional city.
City is corrupted and won't allow me in.

As a side note, when starting this new region, whenever I could successfully get in and out of the three regional cities I would go back to the main screen and then do an export save into the folder of my iPhone. I had hoped that if I did this that I could then reload a saved export file and recover all the cities of the region, losing only the very latest upgrades of the last session played.

But, that did not happen. After the regional city corruption I went to "Game Data" and then "Restore a Game File". Choose the regional colony and loaded it into the game.

However, the same regional city was still corrupted. Even though I had tested it before doing the "Backup Game File".

Question is, when I came out of the regional city to find it corrupted, did that automatic save somehow to the same place on my iphone, thereby replacing the good file with the file with a corrupted city?

I tried using "Restore a Recovery File" but apparently the "Backup Game File" option does not create a .mcb file. At least, I could not find a .mcb file anywhere on my iPhone.

This is so frustrating. Basically two days of regional city building down the tubes.
Playing on: Mac and iPhone
Xanadu said:Have had another regional city corruption. But, this time it wasn't corrupted after a hanging save (although hanging saves are still happening).


In one regional city.
Choose to move to the regional map.
See the game save the current city.
Successfully arrive at the regional map.
Tried to go back into the same regional city.
City is corrupted and won't allow me in.

I just had the same situation. My main city in my zolarg region has saved when going back to the region screen, but then I could not go back in.
I tried to reload the region, then to reload the whole game, but the main city is still blocked.
The second city on that region remains accessible.

I have a backup of my files from a few days ago, but I don't know which file contains the said city, since they get a numeric name...
My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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