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Try Ape Apps Launcher v2.0.0 Beta

I mentioned before that changes were on the way for the Ape Apps Launcher, and today the online beta is available so that you can check out what those changes are.

Ape Apps Launcher v2.0.0 is going to be released for both Desktop (as it is today) and as an installable Progressive Web App. Behind the scenes though, both editions of the Launcher are going to be based on the Progressive Web App code, which means that I will be able to make updates to the Launcher without having to rebuild and upload binaries for the actual Desktop host applications.

To check out the beta and keep up on the progress, head here:

The Launcher is not yet installable as a PWA, but it will be soon. This URL will be the permanent home of the Ape Apps Launcher going forward.

In addition to the standard Launcher, I am developing another launcher called Ape Web Apps TV Mode. This is designed to be used with a gamepad and on devices that are connected to a television, such as an entertainment P, an Android TV/Fire TV device or through a console web browser. Ape Web Apps TV Mode is still a ways off, but it will give you quick and easy to control access to every Ape Apps that offers full gamepad support. It is sort of like the Ape Apps Launcher version of Steam Big Picture mode. You can see the early development work here, just make sure you have a gamepad set up.

That is all for today. I am a bit stalled on My Colony 2 updates until I can get the new version of the Launcher finished, because there is some new code coming to the next My Colony 2 release that will break the current version of the Ape Apps Launcher, so I need to get the new one done ASAP. So I hope to get the native desktop edition of the new launcher done next week some time.

Until then, enjoy!

Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Speaking of Mc2, is there a certain reason you need premium to join multiplayer games? I thought it was always that you needed only an account? Or has that changed?
Join my Commonwealth! WAst4IOO : and join the NOZ discord:
Owner of Komet Labs!
Nice ! I'm waiting for the desktop release !

Luker124 said:Speaking of Mc2, is there a certain reason you need premium to join multiplayer games? I thought it was always that you needed only an account? Or has that changed?

Starting 0.10.0, some features like multiplayer require permium.
Once the game hits Android, some of its features are going to be moving behind the premium paywall, such as modding, multiplayer, and some of the world maps. Premium content is being added to MC2 because, unlike MC1, I do not plan on using in-app advertising banners in this game.
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
@Luker124 the premium requirement is to help cover my costs for the signaling servers that make the multiplayer even possible.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Ape Apps Launcher
All of Ape Apps on your Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop!
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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