Search - babies


People begin saying babies are overwhelming the colony.
They occupies the housing too much.
It’s a real challenge, but if you cannot afford housing, what else we can rely on?

My idea would be nurseries.
Nurseries will recieve babies (babies only, remember. Once the baby has grown up they’ll seek for regular housing) until goimg full. Besides, nurseries also raise average IQ of the population - this is also a good place to give babies some education.
Most importantly, cheaper than regular large housing.
A basic nursery requires workers. But when you have researched something better, you will have the awesome auto nurseries.

Your ideas?
Another day, another big new change for the upcoming My Colony v1.0.0. Prior to this update, with the rare exception of a few retired colonists, you didn't have to worry much about how old your population was. That's about to change. Starting in v1.0.0, your colonists can now make babies, and babies can't get jobs. So you will now have some unproductive mouths to feed!

The Stats window now gives you a breakdown of your current population by age group. By default, Colonists will not work until they are 18 years old, however there is going to be a new "child labor" policy you can implement to force younger kids into the workforce, at the expense of some approval from the population. I might also add a similar "work until you die" policy, where you force the elderly to work instead of retire.

Speaking of retirement, it is now based on age rather than money. By default, colonists will be leaving the workforce at age 65.

Childbirth actually changes the equation of the game a bit, as it is not impacted by your Immigration policy, and does not care about how many available houses you have. This means that at some point, you aren't even going to have to worry about immigration in order to grow your population, as the natural birth rate will take care of it. However, it takes those newborn workers until the age of 18 to enter the workforce. You also need to make sure your housing can keep up with the births. It's a lot to consider!
5y ago
I hope everybody is having a good week! Today after several weeks of work, I am putting the finishing touches on My Colony v1.0.0 which will be heading out to all platforms over the coming days, just in time for the holidays! There is not a lot of new content in this update, and pretty much nothing that I had originally planned to add to it is here, but that is ok! What you get instead is almost a total re-write of the underlying simulation engine, which I think will improve performance on most devices, greatly reduce save-file sizes (and save corruption instances), and greatly expand the possibilities for new features in the coming updates. With all of that said, let's take a look at what has changed. This will probably be a longer write-up than most, so sit tight!

First of all, I really wish I had more time to work on this update, as I do not consider it to be complete by any stretch of the means. Sadly though, because of the time of year I had to push the update now, otherwise I would not be able to release until sometime in January. For one reason, I have a lot of family stuff coming up for the holidays. Also, the various app stores do not process submissions during this time of year (so that their employees can have some holiday time off), particularly iPhone, so I have to get the update in now before the release window closes. So I want to apologize to everybody for the lack of new content and incomplete nature of this update, given what I had promised previously. I hope you are not too mad at me, especially since it has been about a month since the last update! I did put a ton of hours into this one though, and I think (hope!) in the long run the game will end up being a lot better for it.

Since these patch notes are longer than normal, I will split them up into sections.

Game Data

First I want to talk about some game file changes. Since the format of the game has evolved a bit since the first release of My Colony in 2016, there have been a lot of properties and settings added over the months and years that are no longer applicable today. I have done a little bit of cleanup and reorganizing of the game data in this release, and if you have an older, larger colony, the first time you open it in v1.0.0 it might take a little longer to load as this cleanup procedure takes place on your game data, possible up to a minute or more. This is normal. Afterwards, the disk size of your game data should be a lot smaller, which should be great for all versions of the game, as save file corruptions are sometimes a problem on various platforms. It should also make cloud sync a whole lot faster and more reliable. I believe it will also help with issues where web browsers like Chrome delete My Colony saves to keep the game under the browser's storage quota. Just for an example, the save file for my main colony which has around 270k population is now only about 600kb, which is a massive reduction from before.

I am working on a way to export an entire region game (and all of it's sub colonies) into one single backup file. I had meant to have this feature ready to go for this update, but simply ran out of time. Be aware that it is coming soon though. The new file size reduction is one of the reasons why I am able to implement this feature properly!


There is a large change to how Regions are generated now, when playing on a map type that features a river terrain, such as Earthlike, Abandoned World, and Lava World. The River formations are now generated on a region-wide basis, instead of on a map-by-map basis, giving the entire region a more continuous look and feel. So now when you start a new region on one of these map types, it will have to generate the river template, which may take a minute on slower devices. It is a one-time thing though, so I think the time trade-off is worth it.

In addition to automatic region generation, you can now also include a template file that the game will use to create your region. The template parser works best when using a 250x250 black and white image, but it will accept any image file you have. For example, consider the following template file:

When applied to a Lava World region, will create the following regional map:

These new region generating and templating features can make for some very interesting regional maps!

Once you are inside of a region map, you will notice some additional changes. There is now a 1 tile green border surrounding regional cities. If you mouse-over this border, you will see the name of the adjacent city in the region and if you click on it, it will ask you if you want to switch over to that city, without having to back out to the overall regional map first.

In addition, you can now order a rover or other unit to drive onto that green border area, and the unit will be transferred to the adjacent city. Players have wanted this feature since regions first came out, and it basically works just as you would expect it to.

Simulation Changes

This is where the changes start getting big, but I have tried to implement them in a way that will hopefully be unnoticeable to most players. For v1.0.0, I have rewritten the core simulation engine from scratch, moving it from an individual colonist based simulation, to more of a macro simulation using buildings as the core point of focus for the game. This change was mainly done for performance and scale. When I had originally created the game, I did not really expect colonies with more than a few hundred colonists at most. My original inspiration for the colonist part of the game was a title I found on Steam called Spacebase DF-9, which sadly got abandoned by it's creators. But in that vain, each colonist had it's own stats, it's own bank account, it's own mood, name, health, happiness level, job, house etc. With a few hundred colonists, this works out pretty good. With 100,000 or even 1,000,000, this becomes a CPU and memory nightmare.

Over the years I have done various tweaks and hacks to try to get around this design issue, but it's never worked out perfectly. At the end of the day, there was no way to get around the fact that the way that the game was originally envisioned and designed was simply no longer compatible with the way that the game had eventually turned out. My Colony has become, at it's core, a city simulator game based in outer space. It does feature things that you will not find in a traditional city simulator game, but at the end of the day, this is what it has basically morphed in to. So I have made changes to the game to better reflect this reality.

The individual colonist, as he has existed in prior versions of the game, no longer exists. He has been replaced by statistics. The game now operates on a system based on the residential structure and it's proximity to available amenities, such as entertainment, medical, educational, and work. This is now reflected by clicking on a building and looking at it's stats screen.

Where a colonist decided to live is based on the overall value rating of the residential property. Where a colonist decides to work is based on the location of the job site in relation to occupied residential buildings. Therefore, maintaining full productive capacity requires balancing all of the desirability factors for your residential buildings and keeping your job sites in range to those buildings.

It may sound complicated, but it's really not. In general, a colony that was well designed and balanced before this update should still work without too many issues. I have tried to design this in a way that would be as minimally disruptive to existing colonies as possible.

The largest potential issue people will see is in regards to medical care. Simply put, before medical care was barely required, and now it is absolutely required. If your colony lacks medical facilities, people will die. If you start seeing people die every month for no reason, make sure that you have enough medical clinics!

This new simulation engine has changed the way approval rating is calculated. It is now a function of the overall value of every residential structure, weighted by the number of colonists living in that structure. Overall colony approval rating will impact production in this way: if overall approval falls below 30%, you will start to see riots, which will in turn decrease the number of people who go to work. To make the transition to v1.0.0 easier, I have disabled rioting for this release, to give players time to balance their colonies. It will be activated in v1.1.0 though, so you should not ignore it.

In a way, it is sad to make this change, as I've always liked having the ability to select a colonist and see where they live, how happy the are, give them money, etc. These options are now gone from the game, along with certain policy items that were related to individual colonists. That said, the change has reduced the memory consumption of the game significantly, and will also allow the game to grow in ways never before possible, so I think that overall it will be a good thing, and I hope people are not too disappointed by it!

Colonist Lifecycle

Colonists now age properly in this update, and they will also have babies. You now need to balance your colony in a way that can support children and elderly, who are unable to work. Before you could just have a 1:1 ratio of population to jobs, now you cannot. A new section has been added to the population stat screen that lets you see the current age distribution of your colonists.

Colonists will work between the ages of 16 and 70 and they will have kids between the ages of 16 and 40. After the age of 50, they have a chance to die of natural causes, and that chance is higher or lower based on the health rating of your colony.

This has been the hardest part of the game to balance in this update, and will probably take several updates to get it right. You do not want the birth rate to be too high at the beginning of the game, because it is hard to take care of babies when you are just starting out. However, you do not want it to be too low later on, because you need enough new workers to support the aging population.

As I said, this will probably take some time to get right. It will be a bit more difficult for large existing colonies, because before this update, almost all colonists were aged between 20-35 years old. If you have a large existing population, all of these people will probably be retiring around the same time. To ease these issues, I have added new deportation policies to the game, with the options to deport all elderly and children.

Random Changes and Improvements

The Stats screen now has two new sections, Utilities and Game Data, both of which were going to be a lot cooler than they are now, but I ran out of time. Keep an eye on these, because they will be getting better in the future.

On the main construction sidebar, you can now right-click on a building to quick-jump to the encyclopedia article for that structure. In addition, mouse-hovering over a building now shows a bit more information, such as the entertainment/medical/educational capacities of the structure.

For vehicle construction buildings like the Small Vehicle Factory, you can now mouse-over them when they have multiple units queues up to see exactly which types of units are currently in the queue.

On regional maps, the day/night cycle is now synchronized across the entire region. Before now, one city could be daytime, and the city right next to it could be night.

Tourism has been revamped, much in the way the rest of the simulation has. You will now probably make a lot more money on tourism than you had previously.

The Overview statistics window now displays the total number of real-life hours you have played the game (since v0.91.0, as it was not tracked before then), as well as the amount of game-time that your colony has been around.

There is now a new Medical build category.

When a colony under embargo starts paying taxes again, they now regain their "motherland relations" at a faster rate.

The Brood Training Center now provides some education.

Increased the number of students for the Transcendent Academy, Mound of Scholars, and Internet Relay Booth.

Increased medical capacity of the Bloodletting Station, Healing Pods, and First Aid Station.

Increased the guest capacity of the Large Park, Paste Treatment Spa, Torture Booth, Live Autopsy Slab, Suppertime Arena, and Internet Relay Booth.

Added slight Entertainment and Education boost to the Real News Station.

Added slight Education boost to the Live Autopsy Slab.

New Content

New Unit: Ether Rover
New Structures: Ether Storage, Integrated Medical Clinic, Small Hospital, University, Ant Paste Rejuvenation Clinic

What's Next?

There is still much to be done. I would have preferred to just work on this update for three months and add everything I want to it, but I did want to give everybody something to play over the holidays. My immediate plan for My Colony v1.1.0 is to add the #1 most requested feature since the game originally came out, Mass Transit. I already have the entire system mapped out in my head and I think it's going to work well, and will function within a single city and even across region. This means you will also be able to have houses in one region map where people work in the adjacent region map. So this is what will be coming in v1.1.0, unless there are major issues with this update, in which case it will be v1.2.0.

After that, I want to implement crime and security, which will be the focus of the next update. Crime is already factored into the land value rating of all buildings, so a lot of the work is already done. I just need to do the work to finish it off. If I had more time, Mass Transit and Crime would have been done in this release, since I have already started implementing both "under the hood."

Finally, I promised online competition and leaderboards for this update, and I just didn't get to them. I have not forgotten about it though, but I am pushing it out until after Mass Transit and Crime, as I have already sort of started on Mass Transit and Crime, and I think people will probably get more out of those two features anyway. So I am tentatively scheduling the online competition update for v1.3 or v1.4.

Beyond those, that is all I have planned in the near future for major gameplay changing updates. After that it will be back to the regular bug-fix and content update grinds. I do still need to flesh out the other civs a bit more. At some point I want to add AI controlled factions, as I want to add a new map type that is already inhabited by a primitive species and you will either have to coexist with them or exterminate them. But that is a little bit further down the line.

So that's all for v1.0.0. It should be hitting all devices over the coming days, so be on the lookout. Let me know in the forum what issues and requests you have. There are literally a ton of engine changes to this update and so I do expect problems, but with your help I will get them all ironed out over the coming updates.

This happens to be the 100th major update to My Colony, and I want to thank everybody who has been with me over the years, helping me create this amazing game that we all love! I never could have imagined when I first started on it in 2016 what it would have eventually morphed into. A lot of the greatness in the game comes directly from suggestions I have gotten from you guys, so thank you to everybody who has supported the game over the years, and stay tuned for a lot more to come in the future!
5y ago
who you kidding that 3 hours is all build time and fill time .
FACT stats go up During BUILDING so it is quite easy to get a tempery 95 % rating and it WILL stay stable as LONG as you Build and add more housing .
The effects dont cause a problem until you idle the game in city . and fact is you want FULL income from resources Idling IN city or a single city you MUST do .
You sure are not getting 6 billion ore in 3 hours lol .

you dont show how many colonist the city has .
But lets say there are 300 k you will have 30 k babies a hour lol .
really come on FACT babies FACT 30 k homes that DONT excist Fact now you have 30 k homeless .
Fact all stats drop like a rock . PS FACT once stats drop its darn near impossible to get them backup .
Besides FACT for some reason Homes will randomly show zero stats THIS IS A KNOWN BUG i posted .
FACT you post under another my colony forms to another post pointing out some of this lol .
You know this is fact You know i am not just talking out my but lol .
4y ago
colbya said:Nice as i see 3 hours running all that is colonists influx and building time all of it .

No, build a city take some minutes, is pretty fast to build 144 adv shipyard with 10-15k turbo drone. Most of the time i don't touch anything.

colbya said:and yep I can do that my self so what is your point ?

you have ask to do a similar test, you don't remember?

colbya said:as for 5 million in one city lord you must have a NASA super computer lol .

No, this is the 1.0.0 big change, colonists/worker don't take much computer power anymore.

colbya said:Now let THAT city fill STOP building and let it just RUN in city 3 hours .

Like i have already said, this is my modus operandi. Build everything, and wait until the GDP stop growing. I don't touch the game meanwhile, i don't build house all the time...

colbya said:FACT stats go up During BUILDING so it is quite easy to get a tempery 95 % rating and it WILL stay stable as LONG as you Build and add more housing .

Nop, only if you use a bad setup.

colbya said:The effects dont cause a problem until you idle the game in city . and fact is you want FULL income from resources Idling IN city or a single city you MUST do .
You sure are not getting 6 billion ore in 3 hours lol .

Again, all aging part, approval rating.. regard colonists, if the city don't have colonists, you won't have any change, don't matter if you idle for 5min or 5 weeks.

colbya said:you dont show how many colonist the city has .

Around 19-20k, now i'm making new adv shipyards map.

colbya said:But lets say there are 300 k you will have 30 k babies a hour lol .
really come on FACT babies FACT 30 k homes that DONT excist Fact now you have 30 k homeless .

Nop, few weeks ago i have create a new inv bank map, total pop around 600k, 5k total birth (and 5k death) in 4h game play. pls use real number and not number from your imagination.

colbya said:PS FACT once stats drop its darn near impossible to get them backup .

You have done it? Or is just a hypotheses?
Because i have done an hard test in my beta map, for test the aging population. After few day all building have stop functioning ( pop was to young or to old, 90% was to old for work, very few baby). Solution? i have deported all, and start again. the map was full operation in few hours. And was before the aging final tuning.

colbya said:Besides FACT for some reason Homes will randomly show zero stats THIS IS A KNOWN BUG i posted .

You have only posted 2 random screenshot. You don't have posted any real info regard the houses stats, you don't even have posted a screenshot about the houses stats. I only see 2 maps with a bad setup.

Can appen if you place 2 or more houses and you don't place the utility at the right distance. An house can use the utility placed for an other houses, and the other houses won't have anymore utility with free slots. Isn't a bug, can be easy solved with a correct city setup.

colbya said:still enjoy the game and think bast is a cool guy and think the game is fairly priced and bast is honest .

For a 4-5$? yes, the price seems honest. And for a one-man-army, is a tremendous guy... :P
You should try a game, when the devs offend players and delete any post/topic with some critics.

colbya said:this is not ment to be a rant its ment to a point of how the effects mess up game play Bast knows all of this already its been posted already before i made this post .

No, is a post from someone still don't understood the 1.0.0 changes, and how the game work now.

The game Is perfect? Of course no. Have some bug? yes, but on pc side nothing to ugly (i don't play on mobile).

colbya said:I am just a old school programmer and wont link my stuff here and Bugs well bug me lol

You know what a bug is? when something should do A, and sometime will do B, or C, or LKHJOLJDLKFJD and crash. If something should do A, and do A, isn't a bug, but i you don't like A, is a bad implementation.

In this day, on the last version (1.3.0), most "problem" aren't bug, but bad/primitive implementation. For example, now for having a map with all building 100% worker, we need to have at least 15-20% more pop, for cover the hole all the time. Is a bug? of course no.

If you wanna try some bug, try to do a draconian lava world...

4y ago
Colonist don't become babies, they make babies. Is a new feature from the 1.0.0 update (almost 3 month ago).

We can't turn off.

If you can, i suggest to use region map, and not afk in city with pop inside.
4y ago
(All is for Human races only)(United Earth & League of Independent States)

First things first, I apologize for there being any grammar mistakes, am doing this from my phone, and I also don’t like to be too formal because I don’t really see a point of it.

Do I need to get rid of Trash and limit the amount of Atmosphere I have?

Atmosphere and Trash have absolutely no negative effects to your colony(as of right now), in fact it’s best to get as much of these two resources as you can. Reason for that being that Trash can eventually be used to make Plastic (Small Recycler) and eventually Plastic and Aluminum as well! (Medium Recycler)Also, if you really wanna boost your the amount of Atmosphere you have, the incinerator ( 2x2 building) produces a TON of atmosphere at the expense of burning away a lot of trash. Atmosphere can be used eventually to create a lot of water which is really useful in some colonies. The Ant Paste Synthesizer consumes trash as well to make Ant Paste.
(Do note, Atmosphere and Trash may effect gameplay negatively in a future update, however as of right now it does not)
(I personally currently have 42.8 Billion atmosphere, and 12.6 Billion Trash)

Aluminum! If you have this resource in your world DO NOT use all of it! Save as much aluminum as you possibly can because one it goes away, there’s not another way of making more until you get Alien Tech or you unlock the Medium Recycling Center! Aluminum can also be pricy at times aswell, but with that being said it is also an option to purchase it from the trade market, and also the Uranium Enrichment Facility allows you to purchase some Aluminum in amounts of 100.

Uranium Enrichment Facility? This building requires Uranium and Aluminum in order to function. It takes in 1 Uranium and produces 2. Meaning every time the bar is filled you will receive 1 Uranium.

Best way to get Civics? The most efficient way of generating high amounts of civics for United Earth is the Imperial Propaganda Office, while the Investment Bank generates more, the IPO is more space, and cost (the second clue for the challenge is a building not looked highly upon for it produces a resource only useful for the government and pubs) efficient considering the IB requires 4 tiles, 5k workers, and a couple thousand resources as well as $2.5M.

Best way of generating Research? The most efficient way of generating resource is without a doubt the Center for Artificial Learning. It generates about 1100 Research a second at max worker capacity.

What is the Department of Fish Mating Studies & is it Worth it? The DFMS is and was designed to simply be a building to send extra colonists to work without damaging your production lines. It simply just generates Research in amounts of 1 extremely fast while using Money, Rum, and Software. It can hold 5,500 workers, and it is a 3x3 sized building. It isn’t worth it if you have to worry about the resources required to build it, it is simply a job filler.

What is Tourism? Tourism is a quick way of earning passive income without the need of consuming a lot of resources. While you do not get resources produced by it you do get money. The amount of Tourists you can support can be found to the right of your Population number and it has the symbol of a colonist wearing a blue shirt, a red hat, and is looking through binoculars. Tourists will come in from the Space Port, and to increase your Tourism capacity, simply build more tourist buildings.

How do I get rid of Depression in my colony? In order to cure the depression within your colony simply build more entertainment buildings.

How do i cure Fatigue? Fatigue is caused by your colonists having to take too long of a trip in order to get to and from work, entertainment, education, and medical buildings. It is best to keep all of these buildings at an absolute max of 50 tiles, and a preferred max of 25 tiles. This means the path the colonists would have to walk, not a direct route through buildings. (like pac-man)

What is Ether and where can I get it? Ether is a resource primarily obtained by the Draconian and Zolarg race, however recently League of Independent States have been granted the ability to obtain it as well. When i say obtain i mean actually produce it from a source. The source can be found on Abandoned Planet and is found by Ether River tiles that have an infinite amount of Ether. This is obtained by building the Worker/Vehicle that can get get the Ether. Ether is used for human races for only two buildings currently, those being the Advanced Cloning Facility, and the Ether Tree Farms. Both buildings are the best for what they both do. (Immigration & Wood)

Is it useful to always Group Up my rovers? In most cases yes, however do not group them up if they are harvesting resources because it will slow down the rate at which you get said resources. If the rover is strictly for building, then yes group it up. Also, group if you are experiencing high amounts of lag.

Also, it is best to place a Resource Depot next to the resource you are harvesting (at most one tile away). This way the rovers do not have to take trips back and fourth and can constantly pick up and drop off immediately.

Why is Mobile so errr poor quality in some ways?

Well when it comes to this, and it’s from my experience considering I am a mobile player only and I do not actually own a computer. (am using an Iphone 8+) You have to consider the processing power of mobile phones, I mean, think of trying to calculate hundreds of buildings, manage the population, manage new buildings being built, the trees growing over time, the GDP of your colony, and more all at once. While many say this game is poorly optimized for mobile, it honestly is really optimized. While yes it may fry your phone and murder your battery, the fact that it’s possible to run something of this size at all from something in your pocket is insane.

If your colony is lagging horribly it’s best to group up your rovers, limit the number of buildings being built as low as you can, zoom in away from the majority of your buildings, and turn your settings down. With that being said, if you play in a Region you shouldn’t worry too much about lag however if your a single city colony, if you start experiencing lag even though everything i just listed is being done, then unfortunately there’s not much you can do.

What are Starships?Starships are another Endgame resource that does not currently really have a use other than for selling it for high amounts of money, I sell about 150k at a time and make a good $10-15 billion. Also, don’t sell it as a contract in the Trade Market unless you are doing it as a way of storage, nobody ever really buys them. If you want to make money, I would sell directly.

What is the Regional Bussing Authority? This is a recently added mass transit feauture that is useful simply for Regions only, it allows you to place one of these down in a Regional City that just has Housing & Colonists only, and place one down in an adjacent (right next to) Regional city that just has Jobs, and the colonists will then come from one city to another to work. It does not allow colonists to move from one city to another and stay there, they will only work. From what i have seen, 1 bussing authority transfers 400 colonists to an adjacent city. And as far as i know it is stackable. However in my personal opinion, it is better to just build the Housing and Jobs in the same city.

Is there a way to stop babies from being born? Unfortunately there is currently no way from stopping babies from being born within your colony, however there is an policy option granted by building the Hall of Congress that allows you to deport children from your colony.

How long does it take for them to grow up? If i am correct, and note i have not confirmed this nor has anyone else confirmed this for me. But it takes 15 minutes for a month to pass by in the game. The aging system is actually based on in game time so they will grow up based upon time, so it might take a good day or so for one generation of kids to grow up and begin working.

What are Embassies and are they worth it? Embassies are basically like a friend system, they allow you to build a building that allows a quick way to gift resources and send messages together regardless of if they are talking in global chat or not. Also, if you are human for example, and you get an embassy from a zolarg/draconian race. you will then also get zolarg/draconian colonists as well. and vice versa if your another race. The cross-race system has no benefits or downfalls, it is simply just a for looks or for bragging rights type of thing.

Is the arcologies worth it? if you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it even after i describe what they are then they are not, also note, the black/normal arcology consumes less resources than the Fantasy Arcology and has 500 medical slots, 2k education slots, 500 tourist slots, and 10k housing population capacity. However the downfall is it has 7k worker capacity. With the new addition of the sliders allowing you to make it so no one will work in it, it has become more useful if you need more education/medical/entertainment, however the Fantasy Arcology houses 16k people with no jobs or anything else, however it does use resources like Toys, Rum, and Cloth.

Is there any way to passively generate Clay without the need of constantly building Clay Mines? Yes! if you build the Ultra Deep Dig site (built by drones) then you will get more alien artifacts as well as some clay over time!

Lastly, I just want people to understand this. This game is not something that will be perfect, I mean, it can, and it already basically is. But of course there will always be bugs and issues. That’s just apart of expanding a game. Not to mention that this game isn’t on some million dollar budget, it is made by one, amazing person, someone who makes hundreds of different games, all free to play! Bast is only human, so please do cut him some slack on some things okay...? Yes there are some issues with My Colony, some big, some small. But we gotta take it one step at a time and we gotta help bast, not bombard him with a million problems at once and expect him to fix it all in that moment.
Bast is the only developer I know. He is the only person I know that actually gets this involved with the community and actually reads all the forum posts and provides feedback. Like I personally could never! The amount of time, and patience that would be required to have something of this scale and keep it in tip top shape to ensure thousands of people are happy at once? Like that’s honestly insane, yet bast somehow manages to do it flawlessly. So @bastecklein, I would like to say thank you.Thank you for giving us something that brings us all together, and something that we can all enjoy. To the part of the community that has been here with us and has supported, guided, and provided helpful feedback. Thank you.

I hope this answers some questions you may have!

​If you have any other questions, please comment below and I will do my best to answer!

Posted 11-30-2020 (30th of November)

Update Version: 1.10.0
Just found some of their happiness drop super quick even I use stimulus package charge them to 100% ($300).
After use stimulus package, turn off "render colonists", wait one or two minute and turn of "render colonists" again, some of them back on protest. It's very annoying.

Right now the only thing I can do is close this game and wait some solution, because it cant do nothing and watch them keep dying. Now all the new colonies are like babies because the new one start from 0 years old, and they keep dying too. It's horrible.
7y ago
Been a very long time, but I think things have finally come around with all my personal stuff. Wife had the twins babies, for those who remember, and I've been working in a factory since February. Now I want to get back into helping out this game become better and reconnect with my online buddies, that's you patchdaddy!
7y ago
Hey guys, check out my thread in suggestions about lighted paths:

With these babies, you can light one block roadways going between buildings with no space on either side. Feel free to create and add your own ideas for lighted roads to that thread to contribute to the idea, and please vote yes on the poll if you haven't already. With these road tiles, night time will be so much more worth it.
7y ago
They cannot harvest them. They can mine them(on any planet). My babies have 899,800 right now.
7y ago
hushush said:They cannot harvest them. They can mine them(on any planet). My babies have 899,800 right now.

😕 How?
7y ago
Suggestion for My Land:

Crops could have genetically modified versions, such as:
Faster Growth: Grows Faster
Bigger Crop: Harvest worth more. If you take my machines suggestion it would instead give more units of crop.
Internal Pesticide: Immune to birds, but worth slightly less. If machines suggestion, it would instead give less units of crop.
Spreading: Spreads to nearby empty land. When spreading, small chance to gain or loose a genetic modification trait.
Beauty: Adds to land attraction value.

Animals Could also be genetically modified(would be passed on by breeding, small chance to gain or loose a trait):
Improved Metabolism: Requires Less Food to grow
Fattening: Higher max Value
Improved Breeding: Breed faster, but babies worth less when born.
Cuteness: Adds to land attraction value

It would be super duper cool if these could be mixed and matched in a settings menu. Each one would add an additional cost, and could maybe require researching(genetic lab building??)
5y ago
Hi, so I was wondering if it is possible to have the birth rate in the colony reduce dramatically after the housing cap is reached. I just find it a bit unrealistic that even though the colony is completely full people just keep giving birth...

I understand that with ageing and death now the births are needed to sustain the population, but it also is starting to bug me that every time i try to expand my colony I need to find a way to first house all the excess babies before having actual workers move in

I was thinking that you can have it so that the minor population doesn’t fully count as 1 person (the children live with the parents, taking up 0 space), or maybe to reduce the birth rate add “family planning clinics” that reduce overall births by a certain % in the colony.

Also, I still haven't unlocked independence or the higher tiered government things, so if there are government policies that can help fix this issue, please do tell me. Or maybe just spamming cloning facilities will outpace the infants moving in? I don’t know...
5y ago
I have created a new colony as of v1.1 and all seemed fine. I build slightly more clinics than I normally would before the medical update (they were never filled over 10% even when starvation occured) and it seemed fine. Suddenly my health dropped to 27% out of nowhere and it just keeps fluctuating in the graph, but the statistics say it is still 27%. Over the 6 hours I already have this problem I kept building more medical facilities, but it just won't improve the health. At this point of time I have 4% of my population working at medical facilities with space for 10% of my population. The medical coverage of my colony is at >99% and there is still no improvement.
PS: 1/4 of my colony are babies because my colonists keep f*cking like rabbits. Pls halp.
5y ago
Hello guys!

This is a list of building ideas which these ideas would sound good (or not) for the game.

Human (UE/LIS)
  • Community Pub
    This place is always a good place for gathering after a tiring day of jobs, serving high quality rum to the guests.

    An updraded version of Pub.
  • Grand Hipster Clubhouse
    For a hipster, what makes a better hipster bar? A larger clubhouse - Where they can party for all day long and enjoy overpriced rum that gotta worthes-every-penny you pay for!

    An upgraded version of Hipster Bar.
  • Gamer’s Club
    A gamer club for e-sport addicts, installed with high-end servers and comfortable facilities.

    Another bandwith-dependent entertainment facility that can be upgraded into Colonimulation centre.
  • Nursery
    Lacking space for rising your child? Nursery will surely take a good care of your child!

    Hopefully able to solve baby problems in large colonies. Mind that it only houses babies. Once they have grown up, these youngsters will leave nursery and seek for regular housing.

  • Royal Jelly Club
    What’s better than a club that serves Royal Jelly cocktail?

    Upgraded version of Gentlebug’s Club.
  • Hall of Hyperthonking Hyperthinking
    When an insectnoid is connected to the mind network, their brain is stimulated to think very quickly that they may be able to understand the Truth of the living beings.

    Can possibly a better education facility. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Brood Academy
    A large academy for young Insectnoids from all hives, learning about the basics being an Insectnoid.

    An even larger Mound of Scholars.
  • Broodie Nursery
    When your hives can’t hold any more young broodlings, you should build a place to rise them.

    Same concept as the human nursery, but it has a large capacity to meet the more enormous needs and extreme reproduction speed...
  • Guild of Royal Guards
    Where the Queen’s royal guards meet and assign daily tasks and roles, maintaining order in the hives. Only real gentlebugs can apply for a Royal Guard job, only criminals will be punished.

    Advanced security structure of Zolarg Empire.
Hello guys!

Age distribution is always a strategy and key factor of labour supply.
Especially, eventually you’ll need some freshman replacing the retired population, to keep your colony having a stable supply of workers.

That issue was also discussed in discord server :p

Currently the age range of immigrants are usually 20y~30y, and in early game, it’s observable there’s a big blank between age group 5y~20y:

Currently only way to ensure even age group distribution is to take chance enabling immigration when the blank shiftes to the immigration range. If doing this too late, it’ll be hard to maintain the balance.

In discord server, there’re some policy ideas that playes comes with.

@Invincible just suggested about an advanced setting for immigration on NOZ discord - Setting the age range of immigrants.
This will definitely help filling up the age group blanks.
It can be something like, entering a lowest age value and a highest age value, the immigrants would be from those age groups.

Meanwhile, there’re some players troubled by having too much kids in their colony...
I guess those players would like to have ‘birth control policy’. Controlling birth rate will ensure your colony is never overwhelmed by babies.

So, what do you think? Any more ideas you can think of? :D
I would like to second the portion about possible birth control.

I know that a steady birthrate is a vital part of a stable and self-sustaining civilization, let alone a colony in a colony sim, but when around a third of your population is 5 years old or younger and incapable of working until the age of 16, that makes advancing in any manner extremely taxing.

This is from my colony of 7 days (15 hours or so of actual gameplay) that is currently sitting at 5005 colonists.
5005 colonists, 3652 jobs, 3158 of them are filled. That leaves almost 1800 babies, and the remainder are either not smart enough for their jobs (Recently added more colleges and research buildings), or just lazy bastards that don't want to work.

I find it less than pleasant to see a population of that size only to find that only a little over half of it is actually useful for maintaining the colony and helping advance it. If I am in desperate need for workers I have to open up immigration or power up the cloning facilities which only partially helps due to the ever increasing needs of having 1800 useless 'colonists'

I am not saying that we should get rid of the babymaking, but either allow us to stop it for a time to have a controlled workforce, or at least slow it down a bit so large populations aren't overrun by their own offspring.
4y ago
The baby come from colonists, if the city don't have colonists, you won't have any babies....

With the 1.0.0 the game has improved greatly, no more population bug, no more approval bug, no more worker bug.. the files of the city have been reduced greatly in size.. now we can even have a medium city with 5 million colonists.. before was hard to use 700k, with 1 millions population was very easy to collapse the game.. we can setup a city with 200-500-700k worker in relative short time, we don't need to worry about colonists try to living in a house, and work in the other side of the city.

Now schools, clinics, entertainment building have a purpose, not just for aesthetics.

This is my last city... around 3h for reach the GDP

and the approval

once all building are done, approval stable for the rest of the time.
4y ago
Hey there,

my colonists become lots of babies. What can I do to stop that, because I don't need so much colonists.
Maybe this is a thing for a new update (@developer).

Thanks for help
4y ago
Hey out there

My Colonist become lots of babies what can I do to stop them?
Maybe this is a thing for a new update??? (@bastecklein)

Thanks for some help
4y ago
In 13th year of the colony, I have (according to ADU, save file reported as corrupted) 2,345 colonists total, including 1,237 students (minors) and 854 workers. No one retired, no one homeless. What bothers me is that the health bar of the colony is at 10 % and no matter how many Large Medical Clinic is in the colony (currently 10) it does not move up. LMC's are next to residential buildings and are fully staffed as far as I know. So medical coverage is at ca. 25,6 %. Also, no residential building shows any problem with medical coverage. I wonder whether babies are counted with med's calculation and if so can they properly use medical facilities?
4y ago
There currently is no way of stopping your colonies from having babies, your best bet is to get hall of congress and deport them or, you just have to keep growing
Electrogamer1943 said:There currently is no way of stopping your colonies from having babies, your best bet is to get hall of congress and deport them or, you just have to keep growing

okay. Thank you
4y ago
Ir seens that babies never grow up and became adults.
4y ago
So I've been out of the loop for well over half a year, a lot of fun stuff to come back to. Before I continue I just want to say I always appreciate all the hard work that goes into this game.

That said, I can't say I even remotely like the new baby system, I know deporting is an option, but like... I've started a new colony, and before when I played, I could just chill and let resources gather, just enjoy myself. Now it seems like a race against time.

My colonist won't stop having babies, my population is over half children, my people are hating me because of homelessness, so I can't genrate enough political power to declare indipendance so I can even access deportation.

I think the birth rates need a serious tweak. I'm playing on an ice world too, so resource gathering takes a lot of time, so it's not like I can just easily bullrush either.

btw I'm open to advice on how I should handle the above problem if any pro's have thoughts on it. I'm currently trying to crank out banks but I'm starting to stagnate around 50k of the nearly 200k i need.
4y ago

cobblestone walls - self explanatory.

wooden chair - crazy idea: what if when you’re sitting in a chair facing a table, you get a hunger bonus to foods? Good rp value if its a feasible feature.

storage chest : we’re gonna need more places to put our items eventually.

Packed dirt floor - a shovel could be used to make packed dirt floor just like a hoe can make farmland. This floor type could be good deco for barns and just good option for making simple pathways.

Stone bricks - could be made by smelting stone. Then used to make various things

Clay/bricks - when water is implemented, clay could exist beneath its surface. If you’re planning on implementing swimming, the player could swim over to a clay deposit and mine it. The shovel should be the best tool for mining it. Once gathered, it could be smelted into bricks, which would be used to build various things.

Hearth - made from stone bricks, iron, and coal. Good for deco and could be place in a room to raise the room temperature if cold biomes and hypothermia will become a thing.

Fireplace - same function as a hearth but uses clay bricks instead of stone bricks. Should also have its own unique look

Flower pot - made with clay, could be place on other furniture, such as tables, or in floor.

Fences - If you plan to implement breeding, which im assuming you are, you’ll want to make fences and gates. Fences would let you shoot projectiles through them and let you breed animals through them without having to go inside. They are a necessity if you are planning on implementing town and having them raided by mobs, as the mobs have to break them to pass through, all the while you’re townspeople are able to pick them off at range. Wood, stone, and iron could make up the first three tiers of fences.

Doors - when the baddies come out at night, you need something to keep them out of your area, and doors are just the thing. Maybe add a wooden door and then later add a reinforced door when you implement iron. A reinforced door can be controlled by any automation devices that you may or may not put in the game.

Sand/glass - Sand deposits could exist beneath water, just like clay, and also in arid biomes like desserts. Smelt sand into glass.

Lighting - i know you said you were planning to implement torches and lighting mechanics, I look forward to that. In the meantime, I also have a few ideas to add.
A lantern could be crafted with a torch, iron, and glass. The lantern could be put on furniture or the floor, but when selected in the hotbar, it could generate a light radius that follows your character. This would be a huge qol feature once the player obtains iron and glass. However, the iron lantern should have a short radius. Higher tiers of lanterns could have better radiuses.
Lumen lichen could be found underwater in some caves. This fungus provides a moderate amount of light and spreads slowly, so its renewable. It can be harvested and crafted into a water lantern with iron and glass. Used to provide light when placed or carried underwater. It must be placed in cave water to grow. If you are planning on adding oceans with multiple levels/depths, the water lantern is the first thing a player should get before diving in. Multiple tiers of these could be added as well.

Hay bails - made with 16 wheat. Good for deco and can be placed in an animal pen so that the animal will go to it and eat from it and then breed, instead of you having to breed them manually. Makes up to 8 babies as it contains 16 meals.

3y ago
Steps to reproduce:

1. Create colony with functional water/housing/food supplies
2. Disable all water/housing/food-related buildings
3. Allow storages to drain

Colonists don't die and still reproduce babies, even when there is no water, no food, and nowhere near sufficient housing.

This may be related to the health freezing bug: health is also frozen in the colony in which this bug appeared.
I've attached my broken colony here:

3y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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