Search - capitol
(limit and ind parameters optional)


sx: Sector X coord
sy: Sector Y coord
limit: Return top X colonies (by population) (optional)
ind: When ind=1, return only independent (Commonwealth Capitol) colonies (optional)

Without optional parameters (return whole sector):

Note: Each sector is an x,y grid 2000x2000 in size, ranging from -1000:-1000 to

Returns JSON formatted sector data array:
[{"name":"United Earth","charter":"earth","capitol":"1","population":"124689321","maptype":"n\/a","theme":"#4B92DB","x":"0","y":"0"},
{"name":"dusty","charter":"8Dgg0e6H","capitol":"1","population":"149162","maptype":"Red Planet","theme":"#b35900","x":"544","y":"-232"},
{"name":"Prosperity","charter":"hMXn8PVe","capitol":"1","population":"148616","maptype":"Red Planet","theme":"#1976D2","x":"453","y":"-24"}]
  • data array, ordered by population:
  • name: colony name
  • charter: charter code
  • capitol: 1 or 0, is this colony a commonwealth capitol
  • population: the population of the colony
  • maptype: what kind of planet it is (Red Planet, Lunar, etc)
  • theme: theme color for the colony, hex code
  • x: x location within the sector
  • y: y location within the sector
6y ago
I have a few ideas after playing for a while. I think some of these are pretty good, some not that good. Feel free to give your own ideas or feedback. All ideas are meant to be standalone ideas and not all ideas will work with others as suggested.

1. Fixing Protesting: Too often I see colonists protesting for no reason, or because they won't fix the issue themselves. (Such as the colonist protesting about their low health while there's a medical facility with empty patient spots 5 tiles away.) I'd like to see colonists seeking out a way to fix their problems and only protesting as a last resort.

2. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be able to quit jobs if they feel a new job will give them a better time. This can be for better pay or commute length. This goes with suggestion 1.

3. Personal Transports+Parking Lots: Colonists would be able to buy personal transports and drive them to work. They would drive from their house to a parking lot then walk to work, this walking distance becomes their commute length. This means a colonist who lives 120 tiles from his workplace can drive to a nearby lot and walk 5 tiles to work.

4. Commodity Resource
Commodity Workshop
Commodity Sweatshop
Commodity Shop

Commodities would be made at the production facilities and then used by tourist trap buildings, and commodity shops. This adds another way to make money from colonists and tourists buying commodities.

5. Military

Now this is the hard one since it's been said this isn't a war game. Unfortunately I think in this simulation game with different factions, nations, and empires, not having a war mechanic of any form would be missing out on a huge amount of potential for the game. Especially with these "Federations" that are rising. Having war would add a new level of depth to the game because it wouldn't be solely a war game. So, here goes.

New Buildings:

Arms Factory-Makes Weapon Parts
Ship Factory-Makes Vehicle Parts
Barracks-Produces Militia+Soldiers
War Factory-Produces APC+Light and Heavy Tanks
Shipyard-Produces all the ships.
Transport Pad-Sends ground troops to Transport Ships and vice-versa.

New Resources:

Weapon Parts-Used for Infantry
Vehicle Parts-Used for ground and space vehicles.


Light Tank
Heavy Tank
Patrol Ship
Transport Ship

Now, I'll explain how this works.

If you are a colony:

You can build all the buildings and access all the resources, but you may only build Militia, Soldiers, APC, and Patrol Ships. You have to have unemployed colonists to recruit them. You can't attack anyone at all. Your capitol is able to request units from you, you can only send Soldiers and APC's. Militia and Patrol Ships remain at the colony. Military is not a big focus if you aren't independent. This adds a military aspect without making it a "war game" as most of the players are colonies and not independent nations. Heavy war focus is reserved for a smaller number of players.

If you are independent:

You have access to all units unlike colonies. You can attack other players and the NPC factions. You can have alliances(Federations possibly too) with other commonwealths. You can also have a state of war where you're allowed to attack. Warfare and military is a larger focus here. You can request units from your colonies, they don't have to send them. You have to send Transport Ships to pick up or sent any units to/from your colonies. You can send Militia and Patrol Ships to you colonies and send them back. Units sent from your colonies can be sent to attack.
Your ships are meant for difference purposes.

Some units have special abilities.

Militia: They can be ordered by the local government to police protesters. This can help break up protests and get rid of protesters but can result in people being killed and damage being done.

Frigates: These have an advantage over Patrol Ships when attacking them.

Dreadnaughts: These can bombard the surface during the ground assault.

Stages of Battle:

Space Battle-The defending fleet fights against attacking fleet. If the attackers win we move onto ground assault.

Ground Assault-Defending ground forces fight against the attacking ground forces and any aerial bombardment. If the attackers win the planet is annexed. If the defenders win the attackers can break off or from a blockade.

Blockade-The blockaded planet can not import or export anything. They can not make or accept trade offers. They cannot send units, have units requested from, or be sent units until the blockade is broken or lifted. The blockaded planet can try to break the blockade or if only a colony, a capitol can also try to break the blockade.

NPC Factions:

United Earth, League of Independent States, and Zolarg Empire will always be at war. They will control territory with shifting fronts. Once the front moves past a commonwealth the faction may ask you for an alliance, declare war, or nothing at all. They won't attack players very often, even if you're part of an enemy NPC faction. They're more likely to if you are. They're also more likely to if your commonwealth is at war with them or you're allied to one of the other factions.

Being Annexed:

So let's say you get attacked and you lose, then what?

Colony: You lose population from bombardment and soldiers being killed. Buildings are damaged and you've been forcefully annexed to anther power. The attackers can demand up to a max of 5% of your total money as tribute. (only one time) The attackers can't impose any other tributes on you for 7 days and you can't request annexation by another commonwealth for 2 days.

Capitol: It's the same thing but before you're fully annexed you can also choose a new colony to be the capitol of the commonwealth or choose for the entire commonwealth to be annexed. Penalties and limitations are the same but colonies annexed along with a capitol can't be charged the 5% tribute.

In the grand scheme of things, I think military would add a new layer of depth to the game and not trying to would be refusing to utilize a massive amount of potential to make a good game even better. But, it would only help those who choose to participate in it. I know I don't have everything about it sorted out and there's holes in my idea but this is simply a skeleton of 1 possible system.

I think these ideas are all good in 1 way or another, feel free to leave a comment,

6y ago
It seems that the Capitol(lv5) produces more civics than the Capitol(lv6).

Replicating Issue:
I rebuilt both capitol buildings and still see a lower production with level 6.



6y ago
Under FAQ last point, it says that you can repair all building with one click on “infrastructure repair” in the capitol.
My capitol Level is 6 but I don’t see that option to repair my buildings.
Here my screenshots of my Capitol options

Where can I find that option?
btw I am using the Windows PC Version.

6y ago
Today I am beginning to push out the v0.71.0 update to My Colony, and it should be coming to all available platforms over the next few days. This release further builds out and improves the Regions feature, and finally adds a Capitol building to the Reptilians.

First off, let's discuss the new Region updates. The first change you will notice is that now on the Region overview screen, there will be a faint dotted line showing the borders of your various region cities, allowing you to more easily discern the difference between maps. I had noticed that once you get several cities right next to each other, it was becoming difficult to tell them apart, especially when they are using different map sizes.

This change just makes it a bit easier to see what is going on in your region.

The next change is that road tiles now "link" between maps. Before you get excited, I do not mean that rovers and colonists are walking between maps (yet), but now when you have a map with a road tile built up to the edge of a map, that same road tile will appear on the edge of adjacent maps, if there is an open spot on the map for the tile. This right now is mainly to provide a bit of continuity on the region overview display between maps, as you can see in the example screenshot above. Right now it only works on roads, but I plan on doing something similar with rivers soon.

The next change to Regions, which is a big one, is that resource consumption and production for all region maps will now continue as long as any city in your region is currently active. Region cities continue to produce resources even on the region overview display. It wont take much playtime for you to realize that this is a major game changer for region-based games.

There are other small changes and improvements to the Region system, and you will notice these while you play, but they aren't major enough to describe each in detail. Basically, the entire Region system runs a lot better than it did one version ago, and the improvements will continue over the coming updates.

The next change I made was minor but will be helpful to some. The GBT now shows a little status display at the bottom, outlining your current max trade capacity, as well as the amount of each resource that you currently have available to trade.

This is helpful because often I would find myself making trades, but the GBT window covers up the resource output display, so you don't know how much you need to buy or sell. This should help make the GBT just a bit better. In addition to this, the trade frequency timer has been reduced, so you can now make trades faster than you could before.

Next up is the new Capitol building for the Reptilian race, the Chamber of Laws.

Now that Reptilians can have a capitol to call their own, the next update will be bringing Reptilian embassies into the game. I also need a new structure to produce Oil, for when the map runs dry.

Finally, some older structures have gained the ability to be flipped. All Microchip Factories, the Civic Center, and the reptilian Antanium Impactor.

I expect to maintain weekly updates to the game going forward, and the next few will continue to focus on Reptilians and Regions. There might be a slight lag before the next update, and I am going to be preparing Antiquitas for it's Steam release, but after that, it is back to My Colony updates.

Enjoy the changes, let me know of the issues, and stay tuned for a whole lot more!
5y ago

I'm at the Alien/aliminium stage.
I researched so i can upgrade my Capitol.

But it does not work to upgrade...
I've built every building there is.

And i got all material there is.
But yet, it does not work to upgrade the Capitol...

Anyone knows how to fix this bug?

Best regards,
JenzZeN (Westeros)
4y ago
On my red planet, I have declared independence and built my capitol. I want to upgrade it to level 2 along with my consulate to level 4 but I have no option to do so despite buying the technologies that would let me upgrade my capitol to level 6. Why Can't I upgrade them?

My next question is about the "needed by" building listed in the technologies. For some technologies it says that you will unlock things and that some things are "needed by". What does this mean?
4y ago
true I guess, however a level 6 capitol does cost 55k aluminium. Maybe instead of just a "Congress Hall" there could be multiple levels of it sort of like the consulate and capitol.
6y ago
In the capitol there could be a section called satellites where you could make different satellites based on how much tech you had and how many resources you have. There could be the basic satellite which you unlock just after independence that would generate research and money. Then there would be the small space station and large space station that would require colonists, food and water to make more research and money but also have an option to explore another planet as an extension of your main colony for some obscene amount of money and resources. It would require the technology "space stations" for 1,000,000 research as well as "provinces" for the missions. Then there would be the orbital battle station which would be ridiculously expensive and require 1,000 colonists as well as food and water. It would generate lots of research as well as being able to send out more missions.Also it would have the option to mass execute your colonists at the cost of a lot of happiness in the other people. It would require the tech "Orbital lasers" and "Defensive shields" Which would be 100,000,000 research each.

These structures would only hypothetically exist and not be rendered in-game. Under the satellites section there would be an option to create a satellite, manage the missions and use the satellites special features, as well as view your list of satellites. It could be a lot like the embassy section in the capitol except with no charter codes or physical buildings.

I think the basic satellite would look something like the Hubble space telescope
The small space station would look like the international space station
The large space station would look like the one from 2001: a space oddesy
The orbital battle station would look like a combination between the death star from "star wars" and the world engine from "man of steel."

Thanks for reading, I know it was a lot but i really hope that this is added to really enhance gameplay
6y ago
I’m having similar on iOS, game 0.44.2 (last at the moment) when my capitol was lvl4 and I built lvl5 I got both on the same place (this was on 0.41 I think) and on 0.42 or 0.43 I was able to sell the lvl4 capitol and upgrade the lvl5 to 6. I’m still able to build more capitols, any level. For the consulate I have it at lvl5 and when i sold it to put it in a new place I didn’t got the option to build a new one, not even lvl1 (I’ve closed the game without saving and reloaded and I got it back). I never had the option for a lvl6 consulate, if that exists on the game.
6y ago
Yes, its called annexing and requires a level 6 capitol for sure. I'm not sure if independence is required so the equivalent to the capitol could be used as well if it isn't required.
6y ago
LIS uses the Independance Hall when independence is gained, and no other bases use it. Consulate is for maps that have not gained independence, thus no independence required. Capitol buildings will show up exclusively once independence is gained and replaces consulates.
As I can't tell what resources you actually have (small pic and no glasses on at the moment), check the pages for those other buildings to see if you have the tech and resources:
The the dark pavement requires regolith to build and won't show up until you import some regolith.
Capitol lvl 4:
Center for Artificial Learning:
6y ago
Consulate or Capitol is in the Government buildings menu. You can click on the building after it is built and click the Policy button for laws/policies. If you have the Capitol, you may have a Commonwealth button that you can use to access some of those functions, such as sending resources to colonies under your charter.
6y ago
When I try to change salaries I can do it for one type of job then I can't click anymore (menu is bugged, can't click on any button, nothing happens) and have to click nevermind (to leave the menu, normally it should send me back to the global capitol policy menu) and double click again on capitol to reopen menu to change another salary.

Windows 10 + 0.51 version (even if it is happening since v0.49 or V0.5)
6y ago
Greeting again to everybody. Just in time for the weekend is yet another glorious update to My Colony, v0.61.0! There have been a handful of changes made in this release, so let's take a look at what I've done to your precious sweet space simulation game!

My Colony v0.61.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Independence Hall Level 3, Obsidian Furnace, Larger Residential Complex, Gravitational Compression Warehouse, Galactic Fine Arts Exposition, Patricians Den, Obelisk of Plenty, Unholy Obsidian Burner
  • New Resource: Painting
  • New Premium Content: Statue of Admiral Tots, Caution Sign
  • Preliminary My Tokens Integration: Players who have created avatars using the My Tokens app will now see them appear in their game as tourists.
  • Queen and Obsidiobug can now be built at the Unholy Mound of Worship
  • Star Gate can now import/export Obsidian
  • Customs Processing can now import/export Alien Artifacts and Obsidian
  • Space Elevator can now import/export Plastic
  • Black Market Bazaar now has a chance to produce Paintings
  • Medium Range Star Gate can now import/export Obsidian, Pottery, Paintings, and Ant Paste
  • Added a new keyboard hotkey shortcut for flipping structures (f).
  • Added 'Build Another' button to the object options screen to 'clone' an existing building
  • Added a building count to each build option on the construction sidebar
  • The Cloning Facility and Luxury Tower can now be flipped
  • Added engine support for blinking lighting effects, blinking has been added to the Landing Pad lights
  • Storage Limits have been implemented for Ore and Regolith
  • Obsidiobug can now be built on all Insectoid worlds
  • The Unholy Core Mine now has a chance to produce Obsidian
  • Ancient Instructions trading added to the GBT
  • Switching an offline colony into online mode now comes with a steep resource penalty.

There were quite a few small changes in this release, a lot of them relating to Obsidian now becoming a resource used in construction. All civilizations now have a way to produce Obsidian to varying degrees.

I introduced a couple of small UI changes based on suggestions in the feedback forum that I think people are going to like, one adds a small counter to the build menu showing how many structures of each type are built (currently up to 99, I might expand that), and the other adds a "++" icon to the object options for structures allowing you to quickly queue up a certain building type for construction. They will be pretty self explanatory in game, but if you want more information, refer to the relevant threads here and here.

I started adding basic support for My Tokens in My Colony with this release. You can get detailed information in this thread, but as of right now, Tokens you create have a small random chance to show up in your game as tourists. The Tokens stuff will be optional, but will also be expanded quite a bit over the next couple of months for those who wish to use this additional social feature for the game. To create Token avatars for both My Colony and the forum, you can check out the in-development web app right now at this location:

This LIS finally received a long awaited upgrade to their capitol building, the Independence Hall Level 3. Because of the way the LIS government tree works, it is actually the equivalent of the United Earth's Capitol Level 5 in terms of trade capacity and policy unlocks. I plan on getting LIS up to par with United Earth in government structures probably next update.

Reptilians got a couple of new structures this time, along with the ability to build the already existing Water Pool, which just goes great with their lovely River Pebbles. The new Reptilian Galactic Fine Arts Exposition unlocks a new resource the luxury Painting. This will be used by all civilizations for luxury structures, once there are enough of them out there for trading. The paintings are also available to the LIS through the Black Market Bazaar. In addition to Paintings, the Galactic Fine Arts Exposition also brings tourism to the Reptilian worlds.

The humble Zolarg got a couple of new structures this time, one for producing Obsidian, and a long needed upgrade to the Money Pit, the Obelisk of Plenty, which is sort of their scaled back equivalent to the Humans' Investment Bank. I still have a lot of Zolarg content to add, but their graphics take longer to do so my motivation has been lower to work on them :-/

Next, you will notice that the storage caps for Ore and Regolith have finally been implemented. I announced this back in December, so there has really been plenty of time to prepare. These were the last two resources without storage caps, so it only made sense to turn on. To aid with this, there is a new storage building called the Gravitational Compression Warehouse, which stores up to 4 million of everything. Basically, one of these buildings (or two maybe) gives you enough storage to build anything in the game and then some, so I think there is plenty of storage available for those who need it.

On the more technical side, the Windows 10 version had quite a few fixes and upgrades this time, and now gains the ability for cross-platform offline LAN multiplayer that all of the other versions already had. Due to the changes though, the Windows Store version now requires at least the Anniversary Update to Windows 10. Now, this update came out like two years ago now, so pretty much everyone should have the Anniversary Update. If you don't though, be sure to get it so you can upgrade to the latest version of My Colony. Or just use the Ape Apps Launcher, which works on any Desktop platform.

Finally, the price of My Colony Premium has now been raised by $1. I announced this change back in January, and have finally implemented it. The game has a ton of content at this point with free online play, and honestly I think its a bigger game than many offerings on Steam which go for $10 minimum. It would be nice if the game could have no free version and just cost $4 straight up for everything, no ads. The ads are actually the source of many of the game crashes on mobile, but honestly I can't feed my family without them, so it is what it is :-/ But I do appreciate everybody who has paid for premium and helped make this game what it is today!

So that's it for this update. Hope you enjoyed, and there is a lot more to come, so stay tuned!
6y ago
Version: windows desktop

I have found that I cannot send embassies to other colonies without having the first capitol building built. For example, when I turned independent, I built a Level 5 capitol right away, and whenever I would click establish embassy, it would exit out of the menu without showing me the list of embassies available to be built. I eventually built a level 1 embassy, and the problem was fixed.
Sorry if this has been fixed already.

6y ago
So not really an issue for my resource building (though it probably could be), but I set the work day to "light", gave my colonists a fairly reasonable living wage and salary, so all is good. They're mostly happy with things. However, the top concern is fatigue (just over 50%, no surprise since I have two Fantasy Arcologies on opposite sides of the colony) and my colonists are circling the capitol like it's a parade or something. Is this normal? 95% of the citizens circling the building are not protesting. They get off work, then at 15% energy they circle the building for a long time, then they probably sleep or go back to work. Not sure. I just think this is odd.

5y ago
You have to upgrade your government building (consulate, capitol..) you get higher gift cap

consulate lvl 1 lets you send 300
consulate lvl 2 lets you send 3k
consulate lvl 3 lets you send 30k
consulate lvl 4 lets you send 300k
consulate lvl 5 lets you send 3m
capitol lvl 6 lets you send 50m
stargate lets you send 100m
congress lets you send 500m
starport lets you send 1 billion
(Thanks DGUE for this)
The "Annex Land" Button at the bottom of your capitol's policy menu. It may require a certain level of capitol above and beyond level 1, but I'm not sure what level exactly.
5y ago
Good news everyone, tonight I will be pushing out the long awaited v0.77.0 release of My Colony! This is actually a pretty big update, and truth be told there is a lot more I wanted to get added in there, but I ran up against a time limit since the Apple App Store will not be accepting any new app submissions after tonight due to the holiday, so I had to push it out now. There is still a ton of new stuff and changes in this update though, so let's dive in.

First, want to mention some engine changes, since several key components of the game have been totally reworked. The code for the simulated or "virtual" colonists has been completely redone. Because of the change, some extra large colonies might experience intermittent delays every minute or so that will look like short freezes. After a few hours of play, this should sort out as things in your game file are rebalanced. Normal sized colonies should notice any impact.

The path finding has been totally overhauled, again. Because of a new map class which I will discuss in a bit, I needed to rewrite the pathfinding to work with different types of passable terrain. I do not see any serious bugs with the new system, but of course let me know if I am wrong.

Several changes and updates have been made to Regions. The main region map has been updated and will now group connected cities into "metropolitan areas." Hovering over a city will now show what it's top resource outputs are. Capitol cities will have a Star on them. And when you start a new Region game, you can either pick a normal resource distribution, or have a completely blank map. Now if you look at your Resource stats in the Statistics screen while on the Region overview map, you will get pie charts showing which cities are producing what share of the resources. And now when you are inside of a city, instead of seeing "Regional" as a resource input/output source, you will see "Regional (City Name)", so you know which city is providing or consuming the resources.

Next up, infrastructure repair costs have been dramatically lowered. The price also scales down with the size of a building, so you will not see a giant building like the Hall of Congress drain your entire treasury on repair costs. Large buildings also decay at a slower rate than before.

I had a list of about 40 or so hard crashes that were reported through the various app marketplaces which have been corrected, as well as all Javascript based crashes that were reported through the analytics console.

Alpha Draconians have gained access to the Abandoned World map. The stats on many buildings have been slightly tweaked to balance gameplay and also to allow each Civilization to use the new Water World map.

Which leads to the next new item, the brand new Water World map.

I have wanted to implement this map for a long time, but I knew it would require a rewrite of the pathfinding code and I was not looking forward to it. But now the work is done and we have Water World! I wanted Water World to be available to all civilizations, and making that happen required a handful of changes to existing building stats, as well as a bunch of new buildings to support the new map across different tech trees. Here is the new content added that is related directly to Water World:
  • Resource: Fish
  • Terrains: Salt Water, Palm Trees 1 & 2
  • Units: Enslaved Worker Drone, Enslaved Fisherbug, Fisherbot, Fisherbug, Used Ore Miner
  • Structures: Small Wooden Bridge, Steel Bridge, Aluminum Bridge, Gold Bridge, Electromagnetic Bridge, Gold Reducer, Sand Path, Fisherbot's Hut
The map should be fully playable across all civs and in both single and region play. The difficulty will depend on your Civ, with Humans being the easiest and Draconians being the hardest.

Next up, both Insectoids and Reptilians now have Starship building capabilities. I am going to be adding Trade Routes soon, and so I needed to get all civs up to Starships in order for it to work. Draconians also got a new Level 3 capitol which is probably the tallest building in the game by far, the Chamber of Kings:

Next on the list, the GBT will now let you know what the minimum and maximum accepted trades by the server are, that way you do not submit a high or low trade and get the "Strike" message from the server.

There was a complete rewrite of the in-game Encyclopedia and the printable Owners Manual. Both are now found inside of the main Statistics screen:

The Owners Manual is now a lot more complete and can be viewed in-game, exported as a file, or printed. The printout is about 200 pages long though. The Encyclopedia is way more detailed than before and everything is hyperlinked together. It is now actually a useful tool for beginners. The Video Tutorials are now watchable in-game. I removed the link to the reference Google Docs spreadsheet as it has not been updated in over a year and the encyclopedia basically renders it useless anyway.

There is probably more that I forgot to mention, but I need to hurry and post this so I can start getting the update pushed out to all platforms before tonight. Hope you enjoy, let me know what issues you find, and stay tuned for more!
5y ago
We also need a town Center. I was using consulates VERY effectively, but once I declare independence, I had to put down a capitol for every town in the region. town centers are [assumption] easier than accessing each town from a central capitol in one part of the region.
5y ago
Duane said:We also need a town Center. I was using consulates VERY effectively, but once I declare independence, I had to put down a capitol for every town in the region. town centers are [assumption] easier than accessing each town from a central capitol in one part of the region.

Great idea, building a capital or consulate for every town is annoying. Something cheaper and quicker that extends the reach of the capital to that city/district would be nice.
5y ago
Hello guys.

It may not be the first time I mention this idea. However, I still think it worthes introduction and discussion.

Now here, introduces the idea.

Colony Specialists can be hired in your colony to provide certain buffs and assistances for the colony, from production and revenues, to population and constructions.
The specialists gameplay will be unlocked once having your consulate/capitol type buildings built in your colony. From that moment, you can hire specialists using civics (and possibly money or some resources as well), from specialist tab of the colony statistics.
Colony specialists’ service requires civics to maintain, their civic consumption are at highest piority. So besides having enough civics to hire them, but also to maintain them.
Specialist slots are limited, however. This is to maintain game balance. Extra specialist slots can be unlocked when the population and government level (depends on the level of consulate/capitol) requirements are met.

Colony Specialists
Notes: Colour of the specialists represents they are from different factions. As follows: United Earth, League of Independent States, Zolarg Empire, Alpha Draconains.
  • <Plutocrats>
    Money revenue increase by 15%.
  • <Propagandist>
    Civic production increase by 15%, reduce unhappiness effect by 5%.
  • <Taxation Officier>
    +2 revenue per min per population in the colony.
  • <Gynecologist>
    Birth is 20% faster. When there’s no empty housing, the birth rate is 50% slower.
  • <Militia Officier>
    Crime rate decrease by 10%.
  • <Pioneer Squad>
    Harvesters carries 30% more resource. Construction is 10% faster. Expansion is 10% cheaper.
  • <Utility Engineer>
    Power and bandwidth output +20%.
  • <Rationing Officier>
    Under normal conditions, food and water comsumption is reduced to 95%. Under distress call conditions (starve, drought, plague, etc), the consumption is further decreased to 75%.
  • <Ore-seeker>
    Mining operation efficiency increase by 5%. Mineral deposits may regenerate on empty grounds.
  • <Agriculturist>
    Food and sugar production increase by 5%, sugar cane and wood resource abundance increase by 20%.
  • <Brotherhood of Zolarg>
    Approval rating increase by 5%. Entertainment capacity increase by 15%.
  • <Tinkbugs Union>
    Building decay speed is decreased by 50%.
  • <Alphaian Discipline>
    Prevents 70% illegal immigrants. Increase security capacity by 10%.
  • <Agency of Slavery and Colonization Probes>
    Enslaved insectoids and probes are 10% cheaper. Enslaved insectoids carries 20% more resource.

There might be more ideas later.
My Capitol is level 6 but I don´t have starships unlocked yet. I am also independent. Another player told me to click on my Capitol ---> Policy and then the option should be at the top of the list. But there is nothing like that. Anyone know the requirements/how to join a federation?
2y ago
I research the required tech after declare independence, but I can't build level 1 Capitol afterward, can anyone help me?
2y ago
Can't build Capitol after research one required tech(I assume there's only one required tech) and declared independence. Can anyone help me?
2y ago
I have all the material and research to create the capital, but I can't, is there anything else to do and I've lost it?

my congress is lv 5, and i still can't create the capitol
1y ago
While placing decorative flag in the capitol sector on my colony, it struck me as odd that we can only flip certain structures two different ways. It would be nice to be able to flip them four different ways. I have zero coding experience, but I cant imagine that implementing this would be too difficult.

Edit: I had originally created this as a poll, however it appears we cannot create polls on this new forum yet, so simply reply to this post with your response to the idea of being able to flip structures more then just two ways.
6y ago
I was going back and forth between my colony's Capitol area and my GBT, which are really far apart, and came up with a GBT shortcut. This would be for people (like me) who need to go back and forth between the GBT and something far away in their colony.

It would be on the bar with Settings, Technologies, etc.
Why don't you build another GBT closer to your capitol?
6y ago
the easiest way is to set the first rover that appears when you click on "find idle" to park next to the GBT, the second one next to the Capitol....
6y ago
Today My Colony v0.43.0 has been submitted to all platforms and should be arriving on your respective device shortly. I am still working on getting the bugs from the big engine overhaul worked out, and they are getting better for the most part, but the primary focus in this release was on new content. It had been quite a while since a new content release was made, and this is one of the largest ones ever. So without further delay, here are the release notes!

My Colony v0.43.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Map Type: Ice World (LIS and Zolarg)
  • New Resource: Crystalline
  • New Structures: Fantasy Land Arcology, Ore Synthesis Lab, Big Playhouse, Micromine, Regolith Furnace, Compacted Snow Path, Diamond Crystal Reactor, Alien Enrichment Facility, Crystalmound, Ore Tunnel, Synthetic Crystalline, Independence Hall Level 2
  • New Vehicles: Tundra Rover, Tundrabug
  • New Techs: Next Gen Power Production, Crystalline Synthesis
  • New Premium Content: Monument of Heroes, Blue Residential Complex
  • A new Center Map option has been added for buildings, allowing you to select the new "center" location of the map.
  • There is a new build options screen on road tiles, with a slightly revamped upgrade flow. A similar experience might be coming for Structures too, if people like how the new one looks.
The biggest change revolves around the addition of the new Ice World map and the new Crystalline resource that was added along side it. This was my first test of having a map type work across multiple civilizations, and I think it works alright for the most part.

The Ice Maps are very micro-managy (especially on the Zolarg side), and much is yet to be added. They are fully playable right now though, just don't expect an easy ride. You particularly need to be careful to conserve Gold so that it does not run out before you have the means to produce it artificially. I expect Ice World maps to be profitable export colonies in the future.

In addition, some other much needed (in my opinion) items have been added to the game, including a Level 2 LIS capitol building, allowing the annexation of new lands. Also, a better Uranium facility, and an upgraded method for producing Ore on base-regolith type maps. A new Arcology type was added, and the old Arcology now provides education to its inhabitants. The Internet Relay Booth now also provides a small IQ boost. Oh yeah, the forum has moved too, so if you have not yet done so, you will need to create a new account.

Moving forward, the next update (besides working on more bug fixes) will probably focus on the Zolarg some more. I want to get the Zolarg race more fleshed out before adding in the next civilization, which will probably be the evil Reptilians.

One more thing, some of you might remember the My Colony Podcast I was doing a while ago. I plan on trying to merge the podcasting server here with the new forum and maybe doing another episode just to see how it goes. Then again, maybe I wont. We'll see.

So that's all for this update. There were probably more additions and changes that I didn't remember, but you get the point. Thank you to everybody for playing and stay tuned, much more to come!
6y ago
My view of why it should probably cost so many resources is due to its purpose based on the name "Congress Hall." I would imagine it would be something that a colony would think about after building its Capitol. And then after the player builds it, new technologies could be unlocked. I know that Bast has mentioned in the past that eventually there will be law enforcement, schools, and some other things along those lines. Maybe this building is where the things such as education and law enforcement are taken care of.
6y ago
I do inkscape, I have a question: how do you do the semispheres like on capitol? I have NO IDEA at ALL.
6y ago
idk, you just draw it lol. There isn't a special tool for it. For the capitol, I took the dome i made for the atmosphere condenser and made it bigger. See if this helps:

(you can click on the picture to DL it)
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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