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I have several recommendations for game mechanics.

Labor/Living Wage mechanics

It cost a lots of time to jump between cities to raise wages, it's getting annoying when you have 5+ cities. It's also kind of tedious to click a lot when changing wages by occupation.

The interface should be able to apply every wage change at once. You change every job by typing it or clicking up/down button, then apply it. It also need to have options to apply it in the city or the entire region. The living wage and labor should be under one menu. Here's what I have in mind:

Cloning buildings

The cloning buildings should stop producing colonist when Immigration is blocked, and do the opposite when Immigration is allowed. By doing so, you only need one switch to stop colonist coming to your city. Powering it off or selling it when not needed confuses my estimation for the jobs/colonist count. Maybe the cloning facility should produce some research when not producing colonist?

Production priority

As posted by Redeye1973 here, there should be an option to apply priority to every building in the city. I want to add that there should be an option to apply it in every city.

IQ Statistics

IQ stats should be displayed in distribution graph like age stats, to better estimate how many colonist is able to take a certain job in a building.

Feel free to correct me if there's a trick to solve these problems, or if you have better ideas.
11mo ago
lol I love these ideas
I tested all ways Cloning factory = 100 = maybe 300 colonists a mint = 4000 colonists
Space elevator = 100 does about the same as cloning maybe a little faster = 3000 colonists
down side eye sore
Galactic Freight = 100 still close to cloning 100 = 1800 colonists

star gate really isn't all that much faster I spammed a 100 or more they take TONS of power 28 million power out of which they are using 50 % of it minim .

I finly went back using 120 landing pads Tto get them started and a 100 cloning .
The space elevator spamed is a eye sore and Galactic Freight is slower ( not much but slower )

I thought of colonists being able to cross citys as well .
as for large map well he can add it but now I think ill test small maps that should decrees building times .
Even a mid size map starts slowing down when its 3/4 full .
5y ago
When reaching endgame, one finds himself in a constant battle for population.

All endgame buildings require huge amounts of population and a situation i find myself often in is that i have to spam my maps with tons of cloning facilities so that i can fulfill my population needs. I find myself using 1/4 of a region map filled with cloning facilities, and even so sometimes my population grows as slow as watching grass grow.

I have two suggestions to this problem that i'm certain others face as well :

1) Allow for big maps to be created on the region

2) Add an ''advanced cloning facility'' to the game buildings

These in my view would be crucial elements for late/endgame players
5y ago
I am running on IOS with version 84. My device is an iphone XR.

When I build cloning facilities, whenever new workers are hired to one of those cloning facilities, the automatically show up as offline, but when I go into building statistics and then press "show workers," they all show as on duty. Once I exit the status menu and reselect the same structure, it shows all workers on duty and working. This might be a problem with all employing structures, but I've only experimented with cloning facilities so far.

What's more is that the worker round on the cloaning facilities seems to vary from round to round, even with all 40 workers on duty. Sometimes it'll churn out 1 colonist in 2 seconds, and other times it takes 15-20 seconds to complete the round. I don't know what causes this, perhaps the display bar that displays how many workers or off or on duty isn't updating accurately.
5y ago
Today I am putting the final touches on My Colony v1.5.0 which should be going out to all platforms soon. This release is more of a quality of life and engine improvement update, which are generally my least favorite to work on because they take forever to get done and at the end it doesn't look like you've really accomplished anything. This is as opposed to a content update where I just spend a day drawing 10 new buildings and then everybody thinks I made a huge update!

Still though, there was important work needing to be done to the My Colony engine, and it received quite a bit. I have been promising Mass Transit for a while now, and I started working on it for this release, although it ended up being just a little more complicated than it was when I was mapping it out in my head. I have implemented a small part of it in this update to see how it works in the wild, and if it doesn't screw everything up it will be greatly expanded in the updates ahead. Don't worry, if it does screw something up, from my testing, the screw up will be in the favor of the player, but I will talk about Mass Transit more a bit later. First let's take a look at what's been added since the last release!

First of all, @Sobeirannovaocc a while ago had provided me with an initial batch of Chinese language translations for the game that I have finally added in, which I believe were worked on by @GeneralWadaling and perhaps others (maybe one of them will elaborate in the comments who all provided the work), and I know a lot of people are going to be grateful to have these new translations in the game. So a big thank you to everybody who worked on the Chinese translations for this release!

If you play on a desktop class device using a mouse, the Display Mode popup has been replaced by a smaller context menu, which I felt was more appropriate on a desktop device.

Likewise, right-clicking on an option in the build sidebar now gives you a new "Bookmark" option, which allows you to add your favorite buildings to a new Bookmarks list, which will appear as an option in your build categories dropdown. This way you can create your own custom list of buildings that you like best. Bookmarks are saved on a per-city basis.

I know there is an issue , recently reiterated to me by @Electrogamer1943 , where iPhones can not bring up the long-press context menus in the game, due to their 3D Force Touch gesture. I put in a little code that might mitigate the issue, but at the time of this writing I did not have an iPhone on hand to test it out yet, so I give it a 50/50 chance of being fixed. If it's not, I will just have to switch to a double-tap style gesture for iPhones.

Moving right along. Ever since Regions were created, there has been an issue where people can not back up Region save files, since behind the scenes a Region is broken out into multiple save files, and the existing backup utility would only export the regional overview map, making it impossible to backup a region on most devices. This issue has now been addressed, and I have now added two new ways to backup your game files in this update.

The first new method is in the Game Statistics screen, down in the Game Data tab. You will see a new "Backup Copy" option at the bottom which will export a backup of your save file to your computer or device. If you are in a region, you must do this from the Region Overview map. Once you have your backup, you can re-import it into the game from the Game Data menu on the title screen.

Now if you are playing on a tablet or desktop, there is another new interface for managing your game data. When you click on Load Colony at the title screen, you will be presented with the new Load Colony window.

From this window, you can manage all of your saved files, see detailed information about each, conduct backups and delete old games. You also have hyperlink access to your colony's websites on both and on Coloniae. Keep in mind that the extended information for your save files will not show up until you have opened them at least once using v1.5.0 or newer.

Next up, the Auto Trade feature has been completely reworked in this release, and is no longer directly tied to the Galactic Board of Trade. Auto Trade now conducts resource Imports and Exports, at the prices you would normally get from buildings like the Galactic Freight or the Star Gate. While on the surface this does make it a worse deal as the Import/Export features come with massive fees and penalties, for many resources it will actually be better for the player, as a large percentage of the Auto Trade contracts on the GBT had previously gone unsold.

This will also go a long way towards cleaning up the GBT, since it has become so loaded with Auto Trade contracts set in unusual quantities, that it was difficult to find anything real.

Switching Auto Trade to the Import/Export facility did bring another change though, in the form of Global Resource Pools on the My Colony server. This facility is largely invisible to the player, but does have an impact on the overall resource price. Whenever a resource is exported in the game, the quantity is added to the Global Resource Pool on the server. Likewise, an import reduces the quantity of the global pool. The server watches the levels of these new global pools and uses that information to calculate the demand of various resources, and can make pricing adjustments accordingly. The server also has the ability to purchase contracts on the GBT if a resource pool is empty, although to prevent gaming of the system it will not purchase any contracts that are not priced in a range that the server sees as reasonable.

The new trading system might potentially have a large impact on the GBT and on pricing in general (hopefully a positive impact) so I will be monitoring it over the coming days/weeks to see what tweaks are needed. This new system can largely be tweaked from the server, so any fix should be able to be implemented without requiring a game update.

To go along with this change, the Import/Export feature has been added directly to the GBT, and as long as you have a GBT building you can now import and export resources at maximum quantity from one centralized location.

Now let's talk a bit more about Mass Transit. The ultimate goal is to have transit capabilities within a city and across a region. For this update, I have started with the Regional transit first, as it has the larger implication to the game engine and requires the most work.

For this first release of the feature, Human colonies get a new structure called the Regional Busing Authority, which is unlocked with the new Public Transportation technology. As of this update, you can build this structure on a non-region game, but it won't really do anything. On a region game though, each bus stop adds to your city's regional transit capacity (in this case, each stop adds 250). This capacity allows your citizens to travel between neighboring cities on the regional map for work. So if you have a transit capacity of 250 in your city, it means that 250 citizens can work in a different city, and also 250 citizens can work in your city from a neighboring city. Note that it is 250 both ways in separate pools, so the total citizens moving back and forth can be 500.

When the game decided what jobs are going to be filled, they all go to local residents first, the same as it has always worked. However, when jobs are left unfilled, for whatever reason, the game looks at which neighboring cities have unemployed workers available. If unemployed workers are available, the jobs will fill up from those available workers, up to the point that your transit capacity is used up, provided there are bus stops in range of your worksites. Likewise, if you have unemployed workers, they will look at the jobs available in neighboring cities and fill them up to the point that your outgoing transit capacity is used up, provided there are bus stops in range of their houses.

Right now the bus stop range is super high, so I think one bus stop pretty much covers any small or medium sized map, which is all you have in a region. I don't expect it to stay like that though, so bus stops should ideally be placed throughout the city.

The Economy tab on the Game Statistics window will give you some idea of what is going on with your mass transit. Under the number of total unemployed, you will now see a Remote Workers stat, which tells you how many of your people are working in neighboring cities. Likewise, in the pie graph below, the number of filled jobs is now broken down into Local Workers and Foreign Commuters, telling you how many of your jobs are being filled by workers from neighboring cities.

There is still a lot of work to be done on the Mass Transit, but it actually has pretty big implications for the way Region games are played, as it is now possible to separate out your housing from your industry. It still needs to be refined, and I need to add the ability for colonists to actually migrate from one city to the next, and that is coming soon.

To go along with Mass Transit, I have added the capability for buildings to add non-player Decorative Units to the game. You can see this when you build a bus stop, you will now see small bus rovers driving around your town.

These units do not actually do anything, they just serve to make your city look more alive. I plan on adding other kinds of decorative units soon, such as police cars and ambulances.

So that about wraps it up for this release. The next update will continue to build out the Mass Transit, bringing it to other races and making it work within a city itself. Beyond that, I also need to do a complete overhaul of Multiplayer Regions, which are barely functional at the moment. This is the next item on the list after I finish Mass Transit.

Thank you all for playing the game, keep the suggestions coming, and let me know what issues you find in this release!
3y ago
I just had an amazing discussion with @Luker124 about what will happen in Colony Wars.
Here, I'm presenting the ideas about the story of Colony Wars, involving all 4 civilizations.

In the vast Milky Way Galaxy, lies 3 great civilizations - The Humans, the Insectoids, and the Reptilians.

Humans are the new rising galactic power - The establishment of United Earth government changed everything. The rebirth of humanity from the disastrous failure, with all the humans together. Making achievements beyond what Roman Empire had, the extensive colonization has brought new unimagined opportunities and prosperity.
However, the corruption does not disappear as the dawn of a new era shines on the humans - the desire of the powerful politicians are endless. Further tightened security policy on member colonies, unreasonably heavy taxations, and even legitimating exploitation of labour, all these are just for benefiting those with power, at the cost of those powerless, and breaking their promise of a free and fair society (though the promise had always been a lie since the beginning).
Ruled by a corrupt government, with no will to reform, more and more people of this new commonwealth, especially from the lower classes and colonies, were not happy with this situation. With some of them having strong anti-commonwealth sentiment and advocating overthrowing the General Assembly through revolting against.
The General Assembly, of course, were always prepared to suppress resistance in their colonies using their proud Space Marines, and always actively search and destroy any hidden insurgents in their vast commonwealth. Despite their efforts, the opposition was not silenced, it was growing stronger and stronger, under the support of an organisation they had not discovered yet - LIS.
Meanwhile, with their neglecting attitude on galactic politics, they were not aware that another new threat from afar had already been approaching them.

League of Independent States, abbreviated as LIS, had been working in the shadows for decades, waiting and preparing for a best chance starting a decisive independence war, to free people from tyranny under the United Earth General Assembly.
There was not yet any concrete information about where and when this organisation was founded. Only one thing is surely correct about them - Where people suffer, where they are, and they're here to resist tyranny.
Despite United Earth government already expecting there would be ‘insurgents’, however, their influence were far beyond than they expected, especially in colonies with strong opinions opposing policies of United Earth - LIS influence grew through means of secret propagandas, cooperation with black markets, and even providing planning support to anti-commonwealth activities.
Unlike United Earth, they were aware of the importance of galactic diplomacy, they understood they were not able to fight Space Marines without sufficient external support, even having thousands and millions of militias ready to fight. They had one potent choice, known from the black market intel - Zolarg Empire, which LIS recently established contact with them.

The Insectoid Empire of Zolarg, or simply Zolarg Empire, was also a recent rising power. Once enslaved by Alpha Draconians, they revolted against slavery a century ago and retrieved their civilization from the hands of Reptilians, under the leadership of their wise and brave leader - Emperor Zolarg.
Emperor Zolarg is eager to develop their civilization to a new level, for restoring the dignity of their race, and stop the history of being conquered by anybody else. Through their agricultural knowledge from their ancestors, industrial knowledge stolen from Alpha Draconians, and their own newly pioneered bioengineering, their hard power had been thousand times stronger than the beginning. In the same time, the social and cultural development of the Empire had reached new heights, with ancient religious traditions and technological advancements coexisting in harmony (except the use of… ‘soulless’ robots still under debate), and a successful communal society for large populations.
The new page of Insectoid history was indeed glorious, but not easy. Even they successfully set foot to become a supernova of galactic power, it did not mean Alpha Draconians won't take their revenge someday, sooner or later, and also most of their brothers still not freed from slavery. Their primary mission was still further strengthening their national power, and if possible, finding an ally, in order to fight against the almost all-powerful Alpha Draconians.

The Reptilian Empire of Alpha Draconians, or more referred to as Alpha Draconians, is an old warlike civilization with a strong national pride, that existed longer than other civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy before The Ancients (that disappeared for unknown reasons). One of their possible origins was they were migrant Reptilians from another galaxy, as told in their historical documents.
Alpha Draconians had vast territories in the Galaxy obtained from conquests and annexation, but their name was not well known in the galaxy - Due to their secret style of ruling. Only some powerful political figures, and those under direct rule, know about their existence. Their spies and covert agents widespread across the Galaxy, watching over people, controlling propagandas, delivering absolute orders to their puppet governments, and assassinating any opposition or disobeyed, everything were under the will of the Inner Circle of Lords, and the supreme leader Overlord.
Not just having a strong secret influence, most of their national power are unmatched. Having the most superior technologies, sophisticated industrial machines, most educated elites and a ruthless robot army (that is especially feared by the Zolarg Empire). What are these national powers being built on? The effort of others - slaves, tributes and stealing.
The old empire might still look well, but with more and more problems rising within. Since the Insectoid Uprising and establishment of the Zolarg Empire, they are losing more cities and slaves, shaking their economy and national pride to their foundations. With economy performance dropping year by year, and the core Reptilian society began questioning the ‘invincibility’ of the empire, the Overlord had been facing heavy pressure. Meanwhile, another political crisis was emerging between the Inner Circle and the Overlord - the competition for the throne of absolute power.
Overlord, eager to strengthen his power, planned to begin another conquest, to search for manpower and resources, and, of course, attempt to prove Alpha Draconians was still invincible. And their eyes were set on a civilization - Humans. At the blink of a civil war, and having a corrupt government, a perfect target for Alpha Draconians to secretly intervene, disrupt, and ultimately, conquer them with the might of war machines once they were exhausted fighting.

The Beginning of the War - Terra Nova Incident
Coincidentally, both LIS and Alpha Draconians were looking for a good chance to start a war, but for different aims, different ways, and they had no connections.
The tension between human colony Terra Nova and the United Earth General Assembly had created an opportunity for them.
Terra Nova was a colony under United Earth, yet with the presence of LIS. People of Terra Nova, from workers to their governor, agreed that the United Earth government was too corrupted to rule them, decided to take action in a non violent way, becoming the first colony ever to refuse paying tax to the General Assembly.
Alpha Draconians understood what LIS was trying to do - try to provoke United Earth to take the strongest military actions ever against their people, to be a reasonable excuse to start the war. To ‘accomodate’ the needs of LIS and make progress on Overlord's plan, Alpha Draconian covert agents in the General Assembly began their covert operations, paving path to the military actions step by step, through persuading works, blackmailing and misinformation campaigns. An embargo was first being passed in 4 days, and then a blockade was passed a week later. And after 3 months of ‘debate’ and ‘arguments’, and the ‘Friday Coup’ (controlled by Alpha Draconian agent) happened within the period that caused the cleanse campaign on the opposition party, a decisive pass was made on the decision taking violent military actions against Terra Nova, ‘without’ any objections, leading to the Terra Nova Incident.

The dispatch of Space Marines 35th Regiment (SM35) had angered hundreds of colonies, and people of Terra Nova as well. Things had progressed as LIS wished, they began rallying up resistance fighters in the hideouts in Terra Nova, preparing for their final phase to begin the first phase of war - a surprise attack.
Without much resistance, SM35 occupied Terra Nova under the lead of Colonel Harold Franklin. Soon Space Marines recognised they were in a weird situation - Terra Nova did not strongly resist at all as they arrived. However, it was too late. Just a few minutes after they had noticed that, LIS militias led by a militia officer Admiral Beuford P. Tots ambushed all major forces of SM35 at every street and alleys of the city, causing heavy loss of well-equipped marines. At the same time, LIS revealed themselves in the public for the first time, declaring war on United Earth - marked the beginning of the Human Civil War.
Very soon United Earth's forces retreated from Terra Nova, leaving the colony under LIS control. LIS declared independence of this colony a day after, renamed it Independent State. This city was the command centre of LIS throughout the war, which will be the capital city of LIS after the war.

Early Human Civil War
The United Earth Security Council was in a big chaos after the Terra Nova Incident - unexpectedly attacked by an enemy and almost lost the entire SM35, and little the Security Council knew about LIS. Even though garrisons and national guards were immediately told to prepare and mobilize to respond any possible LIS attacks, however, still not able to stop LIS - either fighting at broken morale or without enough time for full preparations - Since they had no idea where LIS forces would start their attack, and these rebels were well prepared already.
LIS, taking this advantage, launched a series of scattered yet successful attacks in neighbouring systems. Just within the first two weeks of the war, United Earth lost 15 colonies, 45 main trade routes or supplies, and countless soldiers either captured or killed.
However, LIS did not have the upper hand for long - especially after the original Security Council Chairman, Bofors Kaiserton, was replaced by an experienced Marshal called Bradley R. Johnson. The Security Council was soon reorganized by Bradley to stabilise the mess, launched propaganda campaigns to restore the morale of United Earth forces, and began studying the tactics of LIS forces, which the studies could had begun at the first day of war, but got delayed to 5 days later (day 6), due to Bofors unable to stabilise the chaos.
Around 3 weeks later, under the coordination of the Security Council, LIS began losing their ambush advantage, due to their patterns being tracked by Security Council and United Earth forces began being able to predominate the battlegrounds before LIS did so, forcing LIS forces to fight against United Earth forces directly. The Battle of Ferris Mountains on day 37 was a major defeat for LIS, which the local United Earth garrison of Ferris Mountains, instead of being ambushed, baited LIS forces to their doom. The next day (day 38), LIS changed their general combat tactics from sneak-and-attack based to direct confrontation based. Since that battle the loss of United Earth was stabilized at a lower rate. The civil war reached the second stage, the period when major battles were fought.

Mid Human Civil War
Despite losing early advantages, with the introduction of newer weapons and black market technologies LIS forces were still able to maintain their offensive pose in the war for a while, still surprising United Earth forces, in various battles pushing their front straight towards the Solar System.
The most well known new weapon LIS introduced during the war was the Apollo-3500 Beam Emitter, which were equipped by their heavy infantries and installed on specially designed combat vehicles, the weapon itself is able to melt most armour into slags by emitting high energy beams. They caused large troubles to traditional armoured combat vehicles, especially proven in the Battle of Harbinger Greenlands (which led to United Earth giving up the Ares-4 System) that the 196 th Armour Regiment of United Earth experienced a brutal defeat under devastating laser fire of 44F Laser Battalion and 44G Laser Battalion of LIS.
Another major battle featuring LIS new weaponry was the Siege of New Paris that lasted for 15 days. The introduction of Javelin-E ‘Incognito’ Missiles in the last day (though a bit too late) decisively ended the battle, these missiles were designed not interceptable by AEGIS Theater Missile Defense System used by United Earth and successfully breached the fortifications of New Paris Citadel in an almost effortless way.
Meanwhile, 49 more colonies revolted against United Earth rule under LIS support, providing minor battlefronts for LIS to push forward further into United Earth territory.
Amount of LIS territory occupied reached a peak on day 59, which over one-fifth of United Earth territory was taken over.
The offensive pose of LIS lasted until United Earth, though later, also began introducing (a limited number of) experimental weapons into the battles, and the return of Space Marines Corps with upgraded equipment, reorganization and replenished manpower. From that time on, the tide of war had changed favouring United Earth, they began pushing LIS back.
Just 2 days after New Paris was occupied by LIS, this city was back in the hands of United Earth, under the strong firepower of Space Marines 12th Regiment, and LIS forces here were still too tired to fight. After the Second Battle of New Paris on day 73, LIS lost a large proportion of major forces and the overall offensive formation breached. In later times, LIS major forces were defeated one by one, setting LIS forces back quickly.
With that moment the situation largely disfavored them, LIS decided to take a risky move - Reveal and use their secret weapon stationed in New Bavaria, either to devastate United Earth capital city that would put United Earth into mess again, or at least buy some time to find a foreign ally.
The risky move was well known as the ‘Interstellar Missile Crisis’ event. On day 88, LIS broadcasted a message through hijacking the communication hub in Coloniae Leon, threatening they had a secret mass destruction weapon that could never be intercepted once launched, and its range could cover all United Earth territories - Interstellar Warp-Speed Missile (IWSM) with Disaster Warheads derived from Instant Terraforming Bomb Project data found in occupied government labs. And, the first missile, to be launched within 24 hours, would fly straight to the capital city of United Earth - planet Earth.
United Earth offensive operations were halted due to the short chaos caused by the seemed inevitable threat. The United Earth Security Council soon ordered the search for their missile base as the countdown had begun. 7 hours later they located the missile base, and 9 hours later Space Marines 2th Division arrived in New Bavaria. The battle in New Bavaria lasted for 7 hours, at the last hour the missile base was captured, with most of the IWSMs destroyed at the site immediately.
LIS did not waste the time by sacrificing their secret weapons. During the Crisis, LIS secretly contacted the Zolarg Empire and shortly reached an alliance agreement with them - for their common pursuit of freedom and liberating people from suffering, and they needed each other. The entry of the Zolarg Empire would bring the war to the third stage, the time when things had been becoming more complicated than just a civil war between Humans.
What about Alpha Draconians? The Overlord was pleased by the situation so far, the plan had been successful. While humans were busy killing each other, the Overlord ordered mobilizing their robot armies into the back of United Earth territory through means of secret portals prepared by covert agents. While Alpha Draconians were making preparations for the takeover plan, one thing the Overlord was not expected to, and not knowing would happen - the Zolarg Empire, their nemesis, would interfere with the war very soon. On the other hand, the political enemies from the Inner Circle, were scheming a plan to pull Overlord off his throne.

More Than Just a Civil War
Just when people of United Earth thought the war would be over soon with the defeat of LIS. 8 days after the Interstellar Missile Crisis (day 96), the Zolarg Empire declared war on United Earth, in the name of helping their allies - LIS, and officially began mobilizing their troops to the borders of United Earth.
War from another civilization put the United Earth under mass panic. Not just because the war that was supposed to end soon would become even longer, such a scale of invasion from another civilization of a different race was something humanity never had experienced.
Zolarg forces flanked United Earth from the other side, putting United Earth in an unfavorable situation - A war of two fronts. The back of the United Earth was left underdefended (not undefended) due to major forces being put into LIS fronts, leaving the borders only garrisoned with only a small number of troops. Even though the Security Council ordered splitting the troops to the borders in order to stop the Zolarg offensive, the border defenses were breached faster than imagined, garrisons were unable to hold the line before reinforcements had arrived. When the reinforcements reached the Zolarg fronts, a couple of cities and colonies had already been occupied by the new enemy.
At first United Earth forces on the Zolarg fronts attempted to make quick offensives against Zolarg forces in order to re-concentrate on LIS again. However, after a few offensives they found Zolarg forces were difficult to remove - Everytime an Insectoid base was ‘removed’, a new base was rebuilt quickly and pumping out loads of new troops as nothing had happened. Later they found out it was due to the Insectoids established complicated yet useful subterranean tunnel networks that allowed rapid reinforcement on the planets, with entrances hard to be detected using traditional sensors. United Earth troops on Zolarg fronts quickly changed their tactics to mainly defensive with very minimal offensive progress, until their sappers were equipped with new tunnel sensors they began able to retake some territories.
Meanwhile on the LIS fronts. Thanks to the Zolarg Empire entry into war, LIS now faced much less pressure from United Earth forces. Now they were able to at least sustain their defensive lines. After their IWPM were modified to smaller missiles and cheaper designs and put under use, they were able to make small offensive progress for a few days, still threatening some of the strategic locations of United Earth. However, the LIS fronts fell into a stalemate for the rest of time.
The unexpected news of the Zolarg Empire's intervention in the Human Civil War delivered to Alpha Draconians. Overlord was not informed about that until 6 days after the entry of the Zolarg Empire into the war - his political enemies from the Inner Circle controlled information flow in Overlord’s chamber through bribing the Imperial Informats (internal messengers of Overlord’s Chamber). The Overlord, knowing schemed by his political enemies, was angered, but also worried about his plans to secure his position in the throne. The Zolarg fronts in United Earth was exactly the location where the secret mobilization concentrated at. At this rate, his great plan would fail easily if the troops were discovered by either humans or insectoids, and it was just a matter of time, sooner or later.
With his ominous worries, the Overlord assigned extra supervisors into the Ministry of Expedition in order to secure his control on the conquest of the human race. However the Inner Circle had an upper hand - the Ministry had already been hijacked by their covert agents. The newly assigned supervisors of Overlord were soon silenced and puppeted by the Inner Circle.
The Lords of Inner Circle now had control of the Overlord’s expeditionary forces in United Earth - With just a slight attention created by the expeditionary forces to let Zolarg forces to notice, it was enough to ruin the plans of the Overlord, to further destroy his reputation, and ultimately pulling him off the throne.

The Incident that Changed the War - Barracuda Blues Events
On day 165 of the war, an event took place on colony Barracuda Blues, a colony lying behind the Zolarg fronts, inside the territories of United Earth. This incident had changed the entire war - from confrontations between mainly United Earth and LIS, to a war that 3 civilizations together defending against Alpha Draconian invasion.
Just within a night, the base on Barracuda Blues disappeared, with remains of weared-off tank armour and charred grounds indicating there was combat. The only thing left was reports about unknown alien contact of hostile inorganic objects and strong energy sources detected by base on neighbouring planets. The United Earth Security Council received the reports 8 hours after the incident had taken place. A global investigation on Barracuda Blues was ordered 2 hours later.
4 days after the investigation had launched, inspectors reported an unimaginable discovery - a hidden facility, camouflaged by cutting-edge field generators of unknown origin, full of unidentified machines in dormant status, and a colossal device suspected to be a long range stargate portal that was the origin of energy detected.
Informed about such discovery, the United Earth Security Council (cautiously) saw that as an opportunity to obtain superior military technologies that could help break the stalemate of the war. Scientist teams and more military staff were sent to the site for further secret investigation.
Despite the news being a secret, the information about such ‘discovery’ had reached the ears of LIS, their hackers intercepted the intel. The intel was shared to forces of the Zolarg Empire, in order to figure out what it was.
Zolarg forces seemed to know something - Just a couple of hours later LIS received replies from the Zolarg Empire, about warnings of a common threat from the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy had infiltrated into human civilization - Alpha Draconians. The Zolarg Empire had also sent a similar message to United Earth, and demanded evacuating the investigation site and destroying it as soon as possible.
The United Earth Security Council, at first, did not take the warning seriously, suspecting it was just a deception from both LIS and Zolarg Empire, trying to prevent United Earth from obtaining technologies that could help them win the war. Later events proved them wrong - 2 days later, the site was under attack - not by LIS, not by Zolarg Empire, but those unidentified machines they were supposed investigating. The machines were suddenly animated, hovered into the air, and revealed what they were - war machines, with the emblem of Alpha Draconians. Almost all staff at the site were killed in the matter of minutes, only a group of soldiers managed to escape, and reported their terrible story (with solid evidence recorded) to the Security Council.
Heard of such an event taking place, and reconsidering warnings from the Zolarg Empire, the Security Council decided to have the big issue discussed in the General Assembly, hopefully they could recognise the dangerous situation they were in.
Meanwhile, LIS and Zolarg Empire had also begun their search for Alpha Draconian existence within their occupation zones, and counter-ops against Alpha Draconian influence.
Under a common threat that could not be repelled with the power of a nation, three participant nations of this civil war held a close-door summit on day 178 in an United Earth city Neo Floridas under maximum security measures. On the next day, all leaders of the military came to an agreement - a ceasefire treaty that put a pause on the civil war, and a temporary alliance pact - known as ‘Delta Alliance’ by humans - that would last until the Alpha Draconians were repelled.
Exposures of Alpha Draconian expeditionary forces and the formation of a temporary alliance were quickly reported to Overlord by the covert agents within the United Earth General Assembly. Shocked to know his plan had gone wrong, the Overlord, immediately contacted his supervisors in the Ministry of Expedition. Without any response, the Overlord understood what had happened - His plan had been hijacked by the Inner Circle.
Indeed, the exposure of expeditionary forces in Barracuda Blues was the order of the Inner Circle, through the Ministry of Expedition which was under their control.
The Inner Circle also received reports of their successful sabotage on the Overlord’s plan. With now they knew the Overlord was in trouble, they began spreading the scandals of the Overlord ‘might even be unable to conquer a lesser civilization’, to cut down Overlord’s support from core Reptilian society. Now, with the information of this invasion leaked to both humans and Insectoids, and further pressured by the scandals, the Overlord had only one choice left for the invasion plan - launch the attacks immediately.

Alpha Draconian Invasion
On day 186, the day known as the ‘Invasion Day’, the remaining dormant expeditionary forces of Alpha Draconians inside human territory were activated under the orders of the Overlord himself, launched the Invasion of Humans, beginning from Barracuda Blues where their forces and one of their main portals were exposed.
The Allies were prepared, they had located and destroyed a few hidden Alpha Draconian facilities, and shared any intelligence known about Alpha Draconians. Yet were not on the upper hand. The cutting-edge war machines of Alpha Draconians was not something humans were able to deal with easily, the superior armour strength and stealth capabilities of Alpha Draconian forces had caused some significant loss of Allied forces.
On the other hand, Overlord tried to keep Zolarg Empire forces outside the war theater of human territory as first priority, preventing the Zolarg Empire from assisting humans with their intelligence and troops. Alpha Draconians inserted blockade fleets in neutral zones between the Zolarg Empire and United Earth, as well began rallying troops at Zolarg borders. The Zolarg Empire not just had difficulty helping humans defending against the invasion as their forces in United Earth were encircled, intensified conflicts and battles at Alpha Draconian borders were something they had to put more focus onto.
The invasion broke out from the inside spread like wildfire in human territory as the Zolarg Empire was not able to provide assistance. Just within a week, Alpha Draconian presence was reported in all human territories (in terms of before the civil war broke out). 58% of original human territories were occupied by Alpha Draconians within a week, mainly the areas around the Zolarg fronts.
Humans had no chances of counter strike at this moment, as the Overlord predicted. However, the Overlord had underestimated humanity. Instead of keeping an eye, he ‘confidently’ set the expeditionary to spontaneous mode, promising the core Reptilian society that humans would be brought under Alpha Draconians in no time (in order to retain his supporters).

The Counter Strike
Alpha Draconian domination on the battlefield lasted until United Earth deployed their new superweapon.
United Earth lacked new weapons of instant destruction needed to change the tide of war since the total decommission of the nuclear arsenal right after the establishment of the United Earth General Assembly. Considering reactivating the nuclear arsenal project would cause large discontent from both the General Assembly and the public due to the long term consequence of detonating nuclear weapons, the Security Council, long ago reviewed older military research projects to seek for a powerful weapon with minimal impacts upon use. And when the invasion broke out, they already had a weapon project at almost completion that came into handy - Particle Cannon. The research of this surgical-space-strike (accurate strike instead of mass destruction) weapon was greatly accelerated by the data from Alpha Draconian facility on Barracuda Blues. 14 days after the Invasion Day (day 200), the first Space Strike group had completed construction at United Earth’s capital shipyard on Earth orbit, assigned into and escorted by the only 3 main starship fleets.
Upon the new weapons were ready, Marshal Bradley of the United Earth Security Council authorized the largest military campaign in the war - Operation Zeus, which began from day 205, aimed to retake territories beyond the Zolarg fronts occupied by Alpha Draconians. Mobilizing over 54 land forces divisions, 6 Space Marines divisions, 31 space fighter wings and 2 starship fleets.
The first use of Particle Cannon was used in Battle of Leo-34, showing the impressive firepower to the entire humanity. The Alpha Draconian stronghold on the planet was reduced to scraps in the matter of a few Particle Cannon bombardments of the 3th Starship Fleet.
The particle cannon also shone on other major battles, including the largest starship battle Battle of Kelvin Rings that the superweapon put the end to Alpha Draconian ‘Eradicator’ class battleship (though that was not their strongest warship in service), and Siege of Venet-35 that the weapon critically broke the siege of Alpha Draconian forces on the colony.
Operation Zeus had achieved a massive success within two months. The Operation recovered 21% of original territories, and some post-war statistics estimated that the Operation had also destroyed almost half of the Alpha Draconian expeditionary forces.
LIS had also achieved victories after their deployment of Type-X EMP warheads that effectively paralyses robot-based Alpha Draconian forces and facilities upon detonation. Just within half of a month after the deployment, LIS was able to uproot all Alpha Draconian facilities and portals within their occupation zones and freed up a large amount of troops for offensive operations beyond their territories (to ‘liberate’ more colonies, of course). At the same time, LIS had also completed an counterintelligence research Project Beacon that analyses the activities and signals of Alpha Draconian covert agents and communications (using information provided by Zolarg and harnessing their expert knowledge of cybertechnology), greatly preventing further Alpha Draconian sabotages on Allied forces, and made the hidden movements of Alpha Draconians predictable from that time on.
The human counterattack progress stopped at regions around Barracuda Blues. At this moment Barracuda Blues was one of the last strategic locations for these intruders - where their last functional long range portal was located, the only available reinforcement station for them. However, also the most fortified position of Alpha Draconian intruders - not only the main portal was protected by the state-of-the-art fortress setup, other strongholds around Barracuda Blues formed a complete exterior defense system that was able to stop any starships approaching this critical site.
The counterattack of humans was reported back to the Ministry of Expedition for multiple times, however nobody read the report - The fierce political competition inside the Ministry between Overlord loyalist and Inner Circle had disrupted literally everything, ignited a few days after the blockade on the Zolarg Empire. Military officers and staff were being assassinated or replaced by the two parties very frequently, they had no time and effort to care about any operations of the expeditionary forces but tried to protect themselves or seek extra interest in this internal political rivalry.
As the regular functioning of the Ministry of Expedition came to a halt, the blockade fleet between Zolarg Empire and United Earth was soon out of control, without any coordination the blockade was breached by Zolarg fleets, like the blockade fleet was just a dull asteroid belt. Regaining the supply line to their occupation zones, the Zolarg Empire began sending their fleet and elite force Imperial Templars to the battlefronts in human territory against Alpha Draconians.
Overlord regained information and control of his expedition plan after Overlord loyalists successfully retaken control of the Ministry of Expedition as a series of bloody political events took place. Knowing his miscalculation on humans and he had missed a lot of events during the Ministry was handicapped, the Overlord ordered a regroup of all remaining expeditionary forces at Barracuda Blues, as well as authorising the expeditionary force access to advanced reserves of Alpha Draconian war machines, the Apocalypse Order, to terminate human resistance before it was too late to remedy the situation. An invasion fleet was also ordered to dispatch for securing the invasion plans, either backing the reinforcement up, or in case the last portal falls the fleet could still devastate the remaining human forces and do the occupation.

The Battle of Barracuda Blues - Twilight of the Intruders
All human major forces from both the United Earth and LIS, and later a small number of Zolarg forces from occupation zones, gathered near minor strongholds around Barracuda Blues. Deployments began on day 274, preparing for the last battle to stop Alpha Draconian invasion - which Allied forces had thrown literally everything they had into it, almost all of their major forces and types of weapons.
Alpha Draonians had gathered a majority of the first group of Apocalypse Order from Alpha Draconia arrived at Barracuda Blues, standing by at the site.
The Battle of Barracuda Blues broke out on day 277. The 2nd Vanguard Group led by United Earth Space Marines 1st Division secured a minor portal stronghold on Baston-36, under the support of the United Earth 3th Starship Fleet and Particle Cannons. Hackers from LIS performed a follow-up hacking of the portal control immediately, opening up a route to Barracuda Blues for major forces after 4.5 hours.
Commando platoon headed by the legendary United Earth elite Sarge led the charge into the Barracuda Blues through the portal, securing an area on the east wing of the main portal stronghold. The remaining forces of 2nd Vanguard Group established a forward base for providing support, with Main Battle Command led by Marshal Bradley of United Earth responsible for the main offensive operations following behind.
Other battle groups were told to tie up other minor strongholds to prevent their reinforcements to Barracuda Blues, and if possible, take over the portals in the minor strongholds.
The first attempts of siege, on the same day, had been unsuccessful. The defense of the main fortress complex was far more defended than imagined. The point laser defense system rendered conventional artillery fire useless, the firepower of the newly arrived Apocalypse Order outrunned offensives of the Allied forces, even the Allied forces were supported by 5th Battle Group later which successfully broke into the south wing through the portal of another stronghold. At the end of the day, the offensive operations had been temporarily halted under the order of Marshal Bradley to prevent further losses.
On day 288 Allied forces detected a larger group of Apocalypse Order reinforced Alpha Draconian forces in the fortress. Few hours later, Alpha Draconians began taking offensives targeting the Allied Main Command Group. Facing even stronger enemies than before, main forces of the Main Command Group were tied at their forward base and fell into a badly passive status, until 5th Battle Group received EMP missiles from LIS and sent help to break the enemy offensives.
On day 289, the 3rd Battle Group composed mainly of Zolarg forces entered the battle at the southern forward base, launching subterranean infiltration attacks into the west part of the fortress. Although the infiltration forces experienced heavy casualties as they broke into, however, provided an important internal structure intel of the main stronghold - there was an antenna structure acting as an command node of stronghold defense, which when sabotaged, it could weaken the coordination of, or even paralysing, the stronghold defenses. However, the infiltration forces also reported there was a massive energy flow towards the centre part of the facility, where the main portal was located, presumably sending in core forces, or worse, a destruction device known as ‘Annihilator’ by Zolarg forces which capable of releasing an energy blast that could destroy any non-Alpha Draconian machines and living being within 50 lightyears radius. The enemy reinforcement was predicted to arrive in three or four days.
The reports from the infiltration forces had put the Main Command into an anxious mood, since this meant not much time was left for them - longer the battle goes, worse the situation becomes. The Main Command Group decided to take another offensive the next day, after the United Earth 1st Starship Fleet sent Particle Cannons to provide heavy bombardments.
Still, Alpha Draconians were prepared, they had set up energy barriers to neutralize Particle Cannon fire. With even the superweapon of United Earth proven ineffective on this base, the Main Command Group offensive once again ended up with extra losses.
On the other hand, the portal stronghold connecting the Allied forward base on the south wing was under attack by Alpha Draconian forces from another minor stronghold, the 5th Battle Group and the 3th Battle group had their most convenient supply lines cut and now had to rely supplies from either the 1st Starship Fleet or the Main Command.
During the hardest times having almost no means to break the fortifications of this stronghold, the hackers and engineers controlling the portal in Baston-36 brought a good news in the late night of day 232, they managed to hack into the heavily encrypted internal portal system and obtained a segment of access code that allowed them to teleport at most a commando squad into the stronghold (due to limitations of incomplete access codes), which this chance could be used to sabotage the command node, allow the major forces destroying the fortification when it was disrupted. However, the code was estimated to be expired in approximately 7 hours.
In the same night, but a bit earlier, a small group of Zolarg Imperial Templars joined the Main Command Group, providing limited but valuable replenishment of Allied forces.
With an irreplaceable opportunity to break into this almost invincible fortress, the Main Command immediately reorganized the existing forces, preparing for an all-out attack in the next day - It was either the Alpha Draconians or humanity being defeated, this would be the last assault to terminate their ambitions, once and for all.
4 hours later, a squad with the best commandos from United Earth, LIS and Zolarg was organized for the most dangerous mission, they were teleported to the west block of the stronghold, and later assisted by another Zolarg subterranean assault force from the 3th Battle Group. Meanwhile, all the other Allied forces on Barracuda Blues, advancing towards the stronghold.
The major forces expected the defenses to be disarmed as they reached the enemy defense lines. Yet the infiltration forces had trouble making their way to the command node, encircled by the stronghold guards as the Allied forces entered the alert zones around the stronghold. The main forces could only hold their position, forced to fight with the enemy elite forces, until the commandos finished their task.
After approximately an hour of brutal battles inside and outside the stronghold, the commando squad, finally made their way to the command node, and installed a disruption device onto it.
The defenses of the stronghold were immediately turned down under the effect of the disruption device, including turrets, energy barriers and point laser defense system. The stronghold, now vulnerable to any human and Insectoid weaponry, soon the main defense was destroyed under intensive artillery barrage bombardments. Alpha Draconian forces were also affected by the disruption effects, their combat efficiency was greatly lowered - the coordination errors broke their formation, these steel machines of destruction began ramming into each other. At this moment, Alpha Draconians had lost their overwhelming advantage in this battle, every force defending the fortress were soon eliminated by the Allied forces, leaving the central portal defendless. Allied forces very quickly flooded into the stronghold, reaching their ultimate target of the battle - the main portal, which was seen charging up for receiving new reinforcements - that could make short work on the last human forces if unstopped.
The decisive battle defining the date of humans, ended with a Particle Cannon strike onto the portal, tearing the portal into pieces of scraps. The dawn on Barracuda Blues after the particle beam dissipated, marked the victory of the Allies.
Remaining Alpha Draconian threats in human territory were eliminated within two days after the victory in Battle of Barracuda Blues under the efforts of human forces. For the first time, the entire humanity successfully repelled an massive alien invasion.
The invasion had not ended yet, Alpha Draconian invasion fleet was still advancing towards human territory. It was until Zolarg fleets attacked Alpha Draconian starbases that forced Overlord to draw the entire fleet back for defense and postpone the invasion… infinitely.

Battle of Kaisergrounds - Conclusion Battle to the Human Civil War
The invasion was over, ending with the defeat of Alpha Draconians.
But not everything was over. The Delta Alliance Pact had expired, now United Earth and LIS had to put their focus back onto their civil war… only after they had taken a necessary break from a month of fierce battles.
The Zolarg Empire had most of their forces tired of the battles in human territory, and they needed more forces and officiers to manage their conflicts between them and Alpha Draconians. On day 312, about a month after the end of the invasion, they agreed to withdraw from the Human Civil War, returning all occupied territories to the United Earth and evacuate all their forces after taking some necessary responsibility (mostly repairing damages they had made), as requested by the United Earth General Assembly and agreed by LIS. The civil war was now and finally kept just between humans.
Things had been peaceful (if not considering some minor skirmishes on conflict site planets) until the war was continued with the last major battle broke out on day 351 - the Battle of Kaisergrouds, which both sides hoped to ‘conclude’ the war in this battle (as not much war supplies were left for large scale conflicts), on this strategic stronghold occupied by LIS - To LIS, a foothold for liberating the core economic regions of United Earth in the future. To United Earth, an important barrier to keep LIS away from the most resourceful colonies.
The extremely rare ion fog winters of Kaisergrounds disrupted communication devices and sensors, which however favoured United Earth offensive - their landing forces could sneak onto the planet without triggering the alarms of LIS forces.
It was not clear how the battle had fought due to the unavailability of communications and battlefield monitoring in ion fogs. However, two outcomes were confirmed for sure - First, it might have been a ‘fierce’ battle, in which United Earth recorded 78% losses of troops in the battle while LIS recorded 85% loss of their forces. Either killed or (less likely) lost in fogs. Second, it was the victory of United Earth, after 4 days of battle United Earth 12th Space Marines Regiment managed to take control of the entire planet and sent a shuttle for delivering a battle report.

10 days after the last battle (day 365), the military leaders of two sides met in the Roundtable Summit in the colony of New London.
The Armistice of Hoxton was signed, with the following details:
  • Armistice: Military actions must not be taken inside territories of the United Earth and LIS for the upcoming 100 years.
  • Border Regulations: Border lines between United Earth and LIS, named Hoxton Line, are maintained. No space vessels should cross the line, both sides have the right to shoot down any vessels that crossed the line, unless the vessel has authorised access.
  • Embargo: Trades and shipments to and from LIS are forbidden. United Earth will enforce a blockade fleet along the Hoxton Line.
  • Colonization restriction: LIS must not carry out colonization near or along the Hoxton Line.
  • Trade Route Protection: Any LIS vessels with armaments equal to or more than corvettes will be regarded as violating United Earth trade routes.
  • Violation of any of these regulations will be regarded as breaking the treaty.
  • Any forms of independence by LIS will not be recognized and accepted by the United Earth General Assembly.
Though this is an armistice treaty, it had indeed ended the Human Civil War - at least it had ended direct military confrontations, another civil war is just a matter of time.
Eventually nobody achieved total victory in the Human Civil War, however, LIS actually ‘won’ the war. Colonies and cities occupied by LIS are no longer under the control of United Earth bureaucrats, they are freed from any forms of suppression and exploits, at least a better life can be started with ture fairness and autonomy guaranteed by the League.
Yet United Earth has also earned a ‘strategic’ victory, since they successfully defended most major regions, leaving LIS only able to have mostly barren planets of outer territories. The Armistice of Hoxton also allowed them to have limited control on the development of LIS.
The United Earth General Assembly was not satisfied with the outcome of the war - They understood that LIS had achieved their aim in the war. Now, the capabilities of the United Earth military were being questioned nationwide, even managed to repel the Alpha Draconian invasion - It shall be stopped to restore the reputation of the General Assembly. The General Assembly originally wanted to ‘retire’ Marshal Bradley to pacify the doubts of people, but changed their mind after reconsidering his achievements repelling an alien Invasion and read about his big military project to retake territories occupied by LIS, which the plan actually helped people put a larger confidence onto the military than before.
Speaking of the support, a tragedy for the Overlord of Alpha Draconians. The Overlord tried to cover up the failures of his expedition plans, however, the Inner Circle intercepted the intel. The scandal was soon delivered to all members of core Reptilian society, they now lost all confidence in the ‘weak’ Overlord that had completely ruined their national pride. Several days later, the Overlord was assassinated in a coup planned by the Inner Circle.
The seat of ultimate power was empty, but that is not a seat for many. A more intense, almost endless political rivalry took place between the Lords of Inner Circles beginning right after the death of Overlord, leading the entire empire into a state of political instability. Without a stable and powerful leader to rule the vast empire, the corruption in administration of Alpha Draconians is getting ten times more serious than before. Social order also began to collapse, leading to the disparity between the nobles and common civilians, and social unrests.
The instability of Alpha Draconians, and one more defeat for their seemed invincible military, gave confidence to the conspiracists hidden all over the empire. Some puppet regions began attempting to break away from Alpha Draconians. Though not all of them had been successful, more new powers have risen - Especially the New Galactic Empire, thirsted for galactic domination, is slowly overtaking the influence of Alpha Draconians in the shadows.
The Zolarg Empire finally found themselves a powerful ally to support each other against Alpha Draconian influence - Humans’ capability defending themselves against Alpha Draconian forces impressed not only the Insectoids of every hive, the Emperor is also glad to see this. A few months after the end of the Human Civil War, Zolarg Empire signed diplomatic memorandums with both LIS and United Earth, on the basis of cooperation during the invasion, to begin official peaceful interaction between Insectoids and Humans.
Zolarg forces returned from human territory also brought back some human technologies along with them. The inspiring foreign knowledge have stimulated further development of the Zolarg Empire in terms of economy, science, society and military, and indirectly led to an innovative invention of Insectoids - Mind Network.
While the human cities and colonies were rebuilding, humans also obtained interesting information from the remains of Alpha Draconian machines in Barracuda Blues. These cutting-edge machines have some linkage with the ancient aliens, which the scientists and archaeologists figured out these engines are derived from the ancient alien knowledge recorded on the artifacts scattered all around the galaxy. This discovery will bring drastic changes to human history, a new era of future technologies is predictable in the future not so far away.
Understanding they are not alone in the Galaxy, United Earth begin recognizing the importance of galactic diplomacy, in order to protect themselves (from Alpha Draconians that might return someday in a larger war), as well as seeking for new opportunities. they begin establishing contacts between alien civilizations as they colonize new planets, not just the major civilization like the Zolarg Empire, but also more minor ones.

The Milky Way Galaxy had changed a lot - although there had been wars, costing thousands of lives. Does the war worth anything in the end? Nobody will have an ultimate conclusion, what we know is, war, is always changing our history.

We also hope @bastecklein can leave some comments on the story idea so far.
lol 10 star gates mite = at most 40 landing pads
Star gate brings in 10 at a time Most of the time and timer is a little faster then pad but not much .
best way is cloning factory .

50 cloning factory's will be like having 500 or 600 pads can bring in about 6 k a hour apx
star gates use 20 k power each so havng even ten will eat power even crystal power would be pushed
any ting else like alien power well try it lol
6y ago
I am just putting the finishing touches on the My Colony v0.85.0 patch, which should be going out to all platforms over the weekend. v0.85.0 is the "dark update" and you are about to find out why! Let's take a look.

To begin with, I have thought for some time now that there is a disconnect in the theme of the game between the overall UI and the Statistics and other popup menus, since everything has a dark theme except for the menus. So I have decided to make some changes, and all of the in-game popup screens are now in dark mode.

In addition, the "window" border and mouse-over highlight colors for the new dark mode menus will take the color of your colony theme color. So if you choose Blue for your colony color, the border and highlight color for everything will be in blue. I have also changed the UI font. It's not too much different, but I think this font renders better on lower resolution devices.

Next, I added a new Reptilian structure called the Petroboiler, which converts Ether into Oil. Upon playing Reptilians on the Abandoned World for a while, I determined they needed a better way to get Oil, so the Petroboiler fulfills that purpose.

Speaking of Ether, it is now live and available to trade on the GBT. To accommodate this, Ether storage has been added to the Quantum Warehouse, Gravitational Compression Warehouse, and the Unholy Pit of Stuff.

Finally, Humans get a brand new structure this update called the Advanced Cloning Facility, and believe me, this building can crank out colonists like rabbits.

The Advanced Cloning Facility runs off of Ether and requires Ether for construction, so you will not see it in your construction menu until you purchase an Ether contract from the GBT. You can find the building in the construction sidebar right next to the old Cloning Facility, or you can also do an upgrade on an existing facility.

Those are the major changes for this release. There are a few little things and fixes that aren't worth typing about but they should make the game better nonetheless. As always, thank you for playing My Colony, and stay tuned for more to come!
5y ago
So I bought a 3D printer this week, and after finally having the time to get it set up last night, I decided my first test print would something from My Colony 2. Since Voxel Paint allows you to export models as .obj files now, I loaded up the Cloning Vats, exported it, brought it into PrusaSlicer to prepare it for my 3D printer, and now I have a itsy bitsy little real life Cloning Facility!

The model isn't perfect and needs cleaned up a bit rather than just trying to print it straight from the VPP file, but it's a reasonable start. I might make some larger more detailed models and prints of some of the various MC2 structures and perhaps make the files available to anyone who wants to print little real life My Colony 2 structures as decorations.

Anyway, just a fun toy to have. Once I get the technique and models perfected, if anybody wants a real life MC2 model or any other model derived from a Voxel Paint file, I would be willing to print it out and send it to you, provided you paid for the shipping and the filament used!

#mycolony2 #3dprinting #voxelpaint
2y ago
My 1st Cloning Facility is working fine but my 2nd Cloning Facility in another settlement will not populate and doesn't work. When I turn it off the job count doesn't drop and after a few minutes when I turn it back on the job count doesn't go up. I have plenty of workers, power ,water, bandwidth, etc. It just sits there partially transparent.
1y ago
Well, have you ever looked at your cloning facilities, and asked: "Can we get much better?"

Well, it can, with Spice!

I call it: The Spice Cloning Facility
I have a Problem: I got independet from united earth and I deleted my consualte. I have Capitol Level 6 but there are no Options like work time or fire drill and Things like that. But I cannot build a new consulate. Am I missing something? Where can I use this Options?
And the Population of my Colony is increasing steadily. I only have capacity for 16k but now there are 23k People and it doesnt stop. I turned off Immigration function a Long time ago and the cloning facilities are deactivated but there are more and more People.
Can somebody help? Thank you :-)
4y ago
ehm, seems strange, but cloning only generate adult. For baby, you need to find a male and female, on the right age, with some money, some wine... candle.. is natural!

ps. you can't stop the birth
4y ago
Hm, didn't know that cloning didn't count as immigration. I thought that the only way to get colonists was through immigration and the cloning still counted as that and could be disabled by a commonwealth if a colony refused to pay taxes.

Oh well, as long as we have a way of increasing the population without relying on immigration then I'm satisfied.
6y ago
filling a map of advanced robots usually means like a whole day of letting it sit gathering pop.
I preffer stargates over cloning facilities due to just needing to place them, no pop needed to work.
but yeah, it's a big time sink for higher pop density maps.
though, boosting it too much could be bad, like, only thing that's sorta limiting super fast growth in realy late game is the immigration and building speed.
5y ago
Fair point..

I dunno. It was just an idea i was throwing out there. Perhaps a small boost for the cloning facility wouldn't hurt, perhaps it would.

Let's see what other players think as well
5y ago
Same here, usually i build 50-80 stargate for boost the population, and just 8-10 cloning facilities for any eventuality.

In any case, only bank (around 600k-700k) and adv robot require substantial population. But you don't need 10 city fulls of banks, you don't need 10 city for build robots, just 4-5 for banks, and one for robots in end game (medium city in region, of course).

Others structure, like Research Converter need 200-300k, a map with 100 ship yard and 14 Star Port (for balance in/out) need 10k. And for this building type, the growing population ratio is the last of the problem, since the lag is pretty heavy when we try to build many structures at the same time.
5y ago
I agree with this a lot I have to build about 90 stargates and cloning facilities. get about 100k an hour still slow but it the best you can do right now. Would be very helpful to either have shared Population between maps, large maps, or a better cooling facility.
5y ago
One thing i forgot to mention that would strengthen my advanced cloning facility argument is that by allowing immigration through stargates for example, you only get the worst of the worst colonists from everywhere. Uneducated, unqualified scum that require a lot of education, that will protest in the meantime and slow down things a lot. When you clone your own , you get high quality colonists :)
5y ago
You can probably guess what the above structures would be used for. A border station would allow you to transfer colonists from 1 map to another. An interplanetary transport station would allow you to send colonists to other member of your commonwealth in the event that they may need more colonists than they can effectively produce themselves.

Border Station:

The idea behind how the border station works is simple. It's a 1x3 structure and you place it on the edges of a region map. Being that it's a 1x3 structure, it'll show up on any maps that are right next to the current map in the direction of the edge that it's on. So basically, if you built it on the right edge of the map, the map directly to the right of the current map would also have the same border station in it. In cases where one medium map meets up with 2 small maps, you would only need to build you stations on 2 different spots on the same edge, one above the center of the map, and one below, so that they can show up on both the small maps as well as the medium map.

So these buildings would have a value in them that you can set. This value determines how many colonists are to be stored in the station. A basic station would only store 30-50, but more complex stations could allow tens of thousands to be stored. The station would pick from the population randomly, regardless of position or wealth, and store them. It can only store the colonists for 5 minutes of game time before releasing them back into the same map, so be sure to close the map and open the destination map right away. Once the destination map is open, the release countdown is reset and you have 5 minutes to change you mind. Otherwise, there sould be a button to release the colonists immediately into the destination map.

This feature would be very useful in that it would allow users to send colonists to areas of a region colony that needed them, potentially preventing a colony from dying out. You would also be able to jumpstart a new map by sending lots of colonists over to a map that's already had it's city built but doesn't have any colonists. It would also get rid of the need for cloning facilities on maps that are supposed to focus on producing specific resources. You could also have a map that speciallizes in human cloning and transfers it's colonists to other maps.

Interplanetary trasport station:

Now for the second structure. This one is fairly simple. Think of it as "gifting" some colonists to another member of your commonwealth. The transactions cost civics, starships, oil, food, water, and money in amounts depending on the amount of colonists being transported. Here is another place where liquid nitrogen could come in handy, because people would need to be put in cryosleep. Once the transaction is completed, the map sending the colonists will experience the drop in population, and then the receiving colony's map(whether a region map or a single mapped colony) would receive the colonists as a gift, in the same way that they receive gifted resources. A colony could play a very important role in boosting the population of it's commonwealth. It could also be a way to reduce your population in case it get's out of hand instead of killing them off.
5y ago
Every one be be sure to BUILD jobs before you build housing now . Even the speed boosted cloning plant comes in so fast you cant build jobs buildings fast enough to keep up .
This new cloning better have the jobs building built lol .
PS expect a adjustment faze as well as colonists coming in so fast will show effect on stats of homeless and unemployed BUT you can iggy the stats as they will level back out withing two stats updates then start messing with how colonists are feeling .

PS works just fine having them come in so fast the game does handle it well enough .
5y ago
I'm unable to upgrade the Giorgio Research Institute into the Center for Artificial Intelligence as well as a few other buildings.
I've got all the resources, techs and bots to do so yet I'm somehow unable to upgrade them without deleting the building and then building the upgraded version.

I've also noticed a bug when upgrading the cloning facility into the advanced cloning facility. This bug occurs when the building has been orientated from the original orientation and then once you start the upgrade it flips back to the original orientation. Then after it's finished building it then changes orientation once again.
4y ago
Hi all, first post in this forum. I like this game! I used to like playing city building games, and started playing incremental games these days (due to lack of long gaming sessions and mostly play on mobile). I saw My Colony mentioned in an old thread on reddit , and I tried it on Android. It's not really an incremental game by definition, but I like it nonetheless.

One thing I love about incremental game is working out the maths behind all the resource production and find the most efficient way to progress.

So, on my quest to work on the maths in this game, I have several questions:

1. Is it possible to find out the actual tick/second? In the it mentions that the game should be approx 20-25ticks/second, but I found my game (large map, 20k colonists, Pixel2XL) is closer to 13ticks/second. I'm not complaining about the slowness - I just wonder if there is a quick way to find out the tick/second as it heavily affect all the calculations involved.

2. In Statistics, there is a handy summary of the resources generation/consumption. What is the time frame for that? It's definitely longer than a minute. Also, the figures on the overview (i.e. the page with all the resources listed) is different from the detail page of each resources.

3. I see that there is difference between "generate", "fuel" and "smelt". For building that "generate" and "require workers", does the workers increase the generation rate? Or does it differ by buildings? I ask this because I notice some discrepancy in the maths. For medium recycling plant, the aluminum generation speed is definitely increased by the amount of workers (1 al per 50000 ticks / workers). For Regolith Extraction Inc., it seems to be closer to 50 reg per 1500 ticks (i.e. not increased by workers), and similarly for Vertical Warehouse Farm as well.

4. What is the benefit of having multiple workers in a building that doesn't required workers? e.g. ore refinery, tree farm and hydrogen reactor.

5. This is no stats on the colonist generation rate for landing pad and cloning facilities, but I found that in game.js "colGenRate". Is it correct to assume that a colGenRate of 3000 for landing pad means one colonist arrive per 3000 ticks? Also, is generation speed increased by the number of on duty workers, say for cloning facility with colGenRate of 15000 and max 40 on duty workers, the max speed is one colonist per 375 ticks?

6. Should I actually ask here or should I ask in discord? I'd prefer here as the questions seem too length for discord discussion in general.

btw I'm just up to building ultra deep dig site. Slowly grinding alien artifacts...
4y ago
just tried running the game on a different browser .
population starts going up fast at 13 k payroll hit and population is back to 0 .
it started from 0 in a few mints goes up to 13 k from having 30 cloning plants and ten upgraded cloning plants the payroll hit and it 0 . no way this is due to health or food or even water as the whole cycle takes less then 5 mints and new colonist wont start getting mad or sick or leave in such a short time .
But i guess you will believe its a bug when you put this update out to android .
along with not being able to declare independence and it showing 192,500 cost for it .
ps this is happing in ANY region city i play .
PSS going to start a single city no region and see if that makes a difference

i guess even sending the colony to you wont help if your system is not showing this bug .
4y ago
minor bug a good bug lol Cloning plants FILL up when put on HIGH priority Production NO matter if you only have 2 colonists Just started a new city in a region put in cloning plants put production to high and BING it shows 40 employs even though i only had 2 colonists so I started doing it with the rest i placed and yep each time they showed FULLY employed LOl really is a time saver . and easy enough to recreate the bug .
just star a new city in a region that has coloning teck build a few homes near coloning plants then build coloning plants and change priority to High and watch them show full .
3y ago
who hold the horses looks like the teleport works for earth based as well that explanes why my cloning plants filled up ( Without any colonists ariving via cloning plants them self
3y ago
Today I am pushing My Colony 2 v0.16.0 which should be arriving to all platforms over the next couple of days. This release contains some important performance improvements, along with loading and saving time improvements, as well as some new content. So let's dive in!

For starters, two new tech upgrades have been added in this update, Human Cloning and Large Scale Construction, and with the addition of the latter comes the return of the Megabot!

The Megabot is required to build three of this updates new structures, the Large Living Quarters, the Uranium Enrichment Facility, and the Cloning Facility. In addition, this update also adds the Gold Synthesis Lab, the Canteen, and the Advanced Water Pump (the models of which were provided by @GeneralWadaling ).

I have added additional information to the Settlement statistics screen (and also the "s" hotkey for opening the stats window). Now when you click on a settlement, you can see some basic stats, including the current rate to which the colonists Education, Entertainment, Medical, and Security needs are being fulfilled.

More stats will be coming as time goes on, but at least now you can tell what you need to build in your settlement to attain optimal production levels. Although the above stats do currently impact production output, the game does not yet calculate colonist happiness and approval ratings. This will be coming soon, so be sure to use the new information on the Stats screen to get your settlements running properly before the next update.

The Encyclopedia now has a little bit more information when you click on a structure, but I realize that I still have a lot of work to do in that area. Be patient, all of the encyclopedia information found in MC1 will eventually be available in MC2 as well!

The MC2 update is live now on the Web and the Ape Apps Launcher, and will be hitting mobile devices over the coming days. So thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more My Colony 2 goodness in the weeks ahead!

2y ago
lol i guess i had it on But now even a new colony ( and even loading the game is so laggy again .
the miners run fast say 5 times stop run fast 5 tiles stop -the in game its self is very slow to respond to almost anything .
o yea .52 chrome 32 bit
going to try it on the stripped browser I normaly use ( chroium )
strange it is just lava world ( thing is other worlds the bots move slower to begin with .
lava world the bots move 3 times as fast but its stop and go movement
6y ago
Really dig your elaborated ideas!
First question, why aren't your more active on the FFF????

1. Have you experienced this doesn't work already?
2. Do you know they stop, or are you suggesting they stop at 50mil? And why would they stop, are you suggesting these eruptions occur because of some type of global warming? There are planets out there with no atmosphere and lot of eruptions ;-)
3. The idea is good, but by the time you get to that point you already have so much obsidian that it makes we wonder if there really is a need to extract more obsidian from the ground.
4. Wood is available on Lava, its a combination of the normal Zolarg and Zolarg ice world. So it has both tech trees. No natural sugar available, you get it from crystals. No water pools, you use crystal for water. Besides that it's normal Zolarg. Except for the part you get uranium and diamond deposits. But, the idea of not having wood is good! I would really like it if we have more use for the lava and or obsidian.
5. I would really like dark buildings! Imagine darkpavement with obsidian instead of regolith!
6. This would be very cool, but also extremely difficult! We would need buildings that eat up massive amounts of atmosphere. I'm up to 5k pop and my atmosphere has hardly dropped. I doubt, if you're able and patient enough to get that far, having a million pop with the current options would do anything about that problem. Remember that the water thingies eat atmosphere but the production buildings produce atmos at the same time.
7.Yes, makes sense.
8.Makes sense.
6y ago

(Love me BLARG and Nunez)
"Antiquitas is growing, and as the game grows we need to follow in MyColony's footsteps, to build a community were we can foster and grow." Those were the words I first used to entice the glorious people of the FFF into a partnership. Thanks to Nunez and BLARG I have been able to revamp the server and spread the word of Antiquitas (I mean what's a guy with no experience on building a server gonna ever do well?). Turns out it's attracting big servers. I made a partnership! I know from nobody to slightly elevated random dude! Awesome let's continue....

Who are the FFF?
I'm glad you totally asked! Just imagine a very big building with lots of shiny new modern stuff and then imagine it's in a average city in a average country. They are that shiny modern building! You see my analogy was terrible so if you didn't get the point of it I'll explain it. They are above average. See it doesn't sound as awesome? Thanks for judging me. Well at least I've whittled away some of the precious time before our inevitable deaths. Oh wait that's a bad thing. And as death nears closer why not spend that time in an awesome discord community? I mean death's hardly gonna be fun so squeeze all the fun out of life but share cause sharing is caring. Anyway I've talked here to long and said too little, now to be lazy and repeat what I wrote before....

We bring you Sen- you know what that's a long name, why did he choose it? The answer to both is just use SPQR (Yes I'm lazy and I'm seriously gonna use this material so stop judging me with those beady eyes) As Emperor of Rome and Cheiftan of the Tribes of Gaul I promise that we will bring Antiquitas to glory, I mean hopefully..... (What? Stop looking at me like that!)

What has SPQR got that othere Antiquitas Discord Servers haven't? A server.
This Server has 7 roles (Actually now we have 9 roles now, I could change it but then you would think I've done nothing.)! I know! It's more than 6 ( don't need to change that. Again stop looking at me like that!) ! Each Role is adapted to a purpose and of course in the future more will be added! I mean what could be better? Everyone else you say? Pffff- no. (Hahahaha not anymore old me! Or you! New me thinks that because of the FFF not everything is better! You still l think everything is better? Dangit.)

With tons of help and guidance you will love it at the SPQR (SPQR - FFF? FFF- SPQR? SPQR? FFFQPR?), with features added all the time- listen that's gonna be hard to furfill, I mean I do have to sleep.... With features added...... nearly all the time. (Jokes on you I have Nunez and BLARG and they don't live in Britain! It means more production! Mwahahahaah oh your actually still here? Well sorry you had to see that, moving on!)

"SPQR a future- wait no a past with grapes and public baths cause it's Rome not Mars"


Wait- Are you just gonna end it there?
Erm yes
What about the picture?

You not gonna add something original?
Add something more!
Okay! Jeez that was intense! Okay erm.... We have another bot? Oh and some people! We have 5 bots just one is secret! I just ruined it's secrecy. We are gonna add more bots! We have quirky names for them, the server is Roman themed with quirky Roman names to the channels! One of our bots has a unique level system with a cool intro to the server and leaving message.... but you will never leave right? It's awesome in to many ways! We have updates for- hold on! If you're coming to the server you won't need this information! You aren't coming? Why not? You are? Great! See you there!

(Hahahah pretend it's the right symbol Gaul, pretend you didn't miss click another similar picture that could of been the feds symbol. Thats not even meant to be a joke.... I actually can't be bothered to find it in my images....)
6y ago
Yeah I have pubs entertainment and even hospitals all around the buildings but for some reason I am not able to stop them from protesting. I fire them and go to the next building they are all there protesting and it's a nonstop cycle. I can't get them to stop, I started killing them off and hey less protesters but that only led to more protestors due to my ratings plummeting from hating me from killing them off. I'm stuck in this never ending cycle I spent 2 hours today trying to stop the protests before I protested myself and just closed the game. My next step is to just turn off immigration let them all die off and start over. I only have 1.5k population so it won't take long to regrow but if this is the process every time I make a small expansion what's the point?
My inpiration for this suggestion comes from the following problem. No matter how good I treat my colonists there is one stat that ALWAYS causes them to dislike their Overlord: Fatigue. Long distances to their workplace (even though it is not that far in my opinion) will get them tired. So what if you could just shorten the distance?
This is why I thought of the following ideas:
+Infrastructure: Unlocks the 8x speed roads. Cost: 2.000 Research. Requirement: Advanced Small Scale Construction
+Public Transportation:
Unlocks Bus Depot(Building), Bus(Vehicle) and Bus Stop(Road). Cost: 10.000 Research. Requirement: Large Scale Construction
+Regional Travel(Premium feature): Allows Space Elevator to transport colonists between cities with a Space elevator in a region. Cost: 25.000 Research. Requirement: Tall Construction.
-Bus Depot: A building in which 10 buses are maintained and built. You can't build more than 10 Buses at one Bus Depot. Cost: 10.000 Ore, 3.500 Steel, 200 Gold, 2.500 Aluminum, 250 Power, 20 Colonists(blue collar)
-Bus: A vehicle that can be build at the Bus Depot. Transports up to 200 Colonists. You can set between which Bus Stops it will travel. Cost: 100 Ore, 70 Steel, 10 Gold, 30 Aluminum, 8 Wheels
-Bus Stop: A road that acts as stops for the Bus. Only at Bus Stops can Colonists enter/leave a Bus. Comes in all road types and has a neat sign. Maximum of 5 assigned Buses per Bus Stop. Cost: Initial cost of the road type, 5 Steel, 1 Aluminum

This is just a cool idea I had and wanted it in the game. I have absolute confidence that realizing this idea will be extremly difficult as you have to keep track of all Colonists in the Bus. Especially complicated is the travel between cities of the same region, as you would have to keep track of all the colonists in these cities. So realistically speaking this is only a good idea in theory. Would be still helpful if this would get realized in some form. 😃
Thanks for reading. 💖
4y ago
colbya said:Nice as i see 3 hours running all that is colonists influx and building time all of it .

No, build a city take some minutes, is pretty fast to build 144 adv shipyard with 10-15k turbo drone. Most of the time i don't touch anything.

colbya said:and yep I can do that my self so what is your point ?

you have ask to do a similar test, you don't remember?

colbya said:as for 5 million in one city lord you must have a NASA super computer lol .

No, this is the 1.0.0 big change, colonists/worker don't take much computer power anymore.

colbya said:Now let THAT city fill STOP building and let it just RUN in city 3 hours .

Like i have already said, this is my modus operandi. Build everything, and wait until the GDP stop growing. I don't touch the game meanwhile, i don't build house all the time...

colbya said:FACT stats go up During BUILDING so it is quite easy to get a tempery 95 % rating and it WILL stay stable as LONG as you Build and add more housing .

Nop, only if you use a bad setup.

colbya said:The effects dont cause a problem until you idle the game in city . and fact is you want FULL income from resources Idling IN city or a single city you MUST do .
You sure are not getting 6 billion ore in 3 hours lol .

Again, all aging part, approval rating.. regard colonists, if the city don't have colonists, you won't have any change, don't matter if you idle for 5min or 5 weeks.

colbya said:you dont show how many colonist the city has .

Around 19-20k, now i'm making new adv shipyards map.

colbya said:But lets say there are 300 k you will have 30 k babies a hour lol .
really come on FACT babies FACT 30 k homes that DONT excist Fact now you have 30 k homeless .

Nop, few weeks ago i have create a new inv bank map, total pop around 600k, 5k total birth (and 5k death) in 4h game play. pls use real number and not number from your imagination.

colbya said:PS FACT once stats drop its darn near impossible to get them backup .

You have done it? Or is just a hypotheses?
Because i have done an hard test in my beta map, for test the aging population. After few day all building have stop functioning ( pop was to young or to old, 90% was to old for work, very few baby). Solution? i have deported all, and start again. the map was full operation in few hours. And was before the aging final tuning.

colbya said:Besides FACT for some reason Homes will randomly show zero stats THIS IS A KNOWN BUG i posted .

You have only posted 2 random screenshot. You don't have posted any real info regard the houses stats, you don't even have posted a screenshot about the houses stats. I only see 2 maps with a bad setup.

Can appen if you place 2 or more houses and you don't place the utility at the right distance. An house can use the utility placed for an other houses, and the other houses won't have anymore utility with free slots. Isn't a bug, can be easy solved with a correct city setup.

colbya said:still enjoy the game and think bast is a cool guy and think the game is fairly priced and bast is honest .

For a 4-5$? yes, the price seems honest. And for a one-man-army, is a tremendous guy... :P
You should try a game, when the devs offend players and delete any post/topic with some critics.

colbya said:this is not ment to be a rant its ment to a point of how the effects mess up game play Bast knows all of this already its been posted already before i made this post .

No, is a post from someone still don't understood the 1.0.0 changes, and how the game work now.

The game Is perfect? Of course no. Have some bug? yes, but on pc side nothing to ugly (i don't play on mobile).

colbya said:I am just a old school programmer and wont link my stuff here and Bugs well bug me lol

You know what a bug is? when something should do A, and sometime will do B, or C, or LKHJOLJDLKFJD and crash. If something should do A, and do A, isn't a bug, but i you don't like A, is a bad implementation.

In this day, on the last version (1.3.0), most "problem" aren't bug, but bad/primitive implementation. For example, now for having a map with all building 100% worker, we need to have at least 15-20% more pop, for cover the hole all the time. Is a bug? of course no.

If you wanna try some bug, try to do a draconian lava world...

4y ago
Does anyone have tips on how to stop colonies from giving birth? It just getting out of control and I don't know how to stop it.🙄
3y ago
Not sure if is a bug (or a new feature :D).. But.. someone else have have noticed a little difference with the stargate? Until few days ago, with the stargate active the population growth was endless, now will stop at the house caps. :D

Thanks @bastecklein :D
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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