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The upcoming v1.22.0 release of My Colony is going to be introducing a significant change to the economics of My Colony, and some players may need to adjust their strategies in order to compensate.

The lowly workers of the My Colony Universe have decided that enough is enough, and they have been treated poorly by their overlords for far too long. They have been forces to scrape by on poverty wages, while their colonial masters have stashed away trillions and trillions of the generic Money currency, and now they want their piece of the pie.

Before now, colonists did not really care what or how much they were paid, they just dutifully did their jobs without complaint. Soon, failing to pay your colonists what they feel is an appropriate wage will result in a significant hit to your approval rating and a decline in production output. If left unchecked for too long, workers may even go on strike!

Here is how the new system works. Before, the poverty level was calculated, but being in poverty did not actually impact the game in any way. Now, workers in poverty will end up resorting to crime in order to make ends meet. This will lower your production output and land values across the board. So at the very least, you will want to make sure to keep wages above the poverty line, to avoid sending your colony into a criminal death spiral.

After poverty though, colonists will now start to become aware of their station in the social hierarchy. In particular, colonists will compare their annual salaries to the GDP per capita of the overall colony. If your colony is raking in record GDP and profits and your colonists are getting paid scraps, they will become angry, impacting your overall approval. However, if the situation persists and wages are significantly below GDP per capita, there will be a chance for workers to go on strike.

Strikes will happen based on occupation. For instance, the "Scientists Union" may choose to go on strike, effectively shutting down all structures that employ scientists. This can quickly destroy an economy, so you want to try to avoid a strike at all costs.

Anyway, the new wage/approval system is but one of many exciting new features coming to My Colony v1.22.0, so stay tuned for more updates!
1y ago
Good evening to everybody! I was at a conference earlier this week and I didn't have a ton of time to work on My Colony, but there was a laundry list of bugs which needed to be addressed, so I wanted to get an update out tonight before I head out of town for another meeting this weekend. And while this update may be small in scale, it is none the less big at heart. So what's new with v0.88.0? Let's take a look!

Firstly, the bug fixes. Most of the bugs in this release were related to either Entertainment or Multiplayer Regions. Entertainment had a whole bunch of small issues, including one where a colonist visiting an entertainment facility would immediately be drained of the entire contents of their wallet! Good for your treasury, but not so good for your citizens.

In addition to the bug fixes, there is a new Guests readout chart on the Building Statistics screen (when you click on a building and then click on the graph icon). You can now see how much seating is available, and get a list of all of the colonists who are currently patronizing your business.

Another minor addition is at the top of the building statistics screen, where I have added a quick link to the in-game Encyclopedia article for that particular building. Also, I have added a "Fire All Workers" button to each building, in case you want to clear out a specific structure for whatever reason.

In this update, I have also more clearly defined the Poverty Line, which is now set at around 5% of the retirement savings cutoff, and you can see the stat on the Economy section of the main Stats window.

The Poverty stat has always been in the game, but previously you had no way of knowing what the level was, so that if people were complaining about Poverty, you did not know what exact adjustments to make. Now you know the amount of savings that they need in order to stop complaining about poverty.

I have slightly changed the rate that Entertainment structures provide happiness. It has been sped up from it's previous level, since I felt like colonists were spending way to many hours at the bar.

Next up is a handful of changes in fixes related to Regions. In particular Multiplayer Regions, but regular Regions are also impacted at some level.

Firstly, you can now properly delete one of your Multiplayer Region maps.

Next, on the main Region Overview map for a Multiplayer Region, there is a new menu option added to the main slide-out menu to view and share your regional charter code.

The next change applies to both regular and multiplayer Regions. Now when you are inside of a regional subcity, there is a new "Policy" option on the slide out menu that opens up the Government Policies window (like Fire Drill and money shower). This applies to cities that may not have a consulate or capitol, but are connected to another city that does. Now they have access to the policy menu as well.

Next up for Multiplayer Regions, cities by different players can now share in the same technology and resource pool. In the last update notes, I described how multiplayer regions are split up into "Metro Areas" that share technology and resources, while the overall planet as a whole shared Atmosphere. Metro Areas were previously made of adjacent cities from the same player, but now you have the option to make your metro area public on the general statistics window.

If your metro area is open, when another player starts a new city adjacent to your metro area, they will become a member of that area also, sharing in the same resources, power and technology. As you can see on the screenshot above, you can now also change the name of your metro area. The first player to create a city in a metro area is the "Owner" of that area, but being the owner only gives you the ability to change the name right now. I might expand this at some point, perhaps with some sort of voting rights for each member city.

When a metro area has multiple people online at once, resources are synced between the colonies every minute or so. I could not make them update in real time, because it just took too much bandwidth on the server. So every minute or so you may see your resource levels jump or shrink a bit. I realize that this may cause annoyances at the early stages of a city, for instance if somebody uses up all of the power or food early on, but it should not be too much of an issue on larger colonies.

Unlike resources though, when you unlock a new technology, it is immediately unlocked on all online colonies in the metro area.

I am sure that there will be some tweaking needing to be done on this, but I know with my work and your feedback, we will get it running smooth over the coming updates 🙂

Finally, I added a new building for Zolarg in this update, the Subterranean Sugar Farm.

When I was fixing a bug related to starting a non-human colony on a multiplayer region, I realized that it was basically impossible to get food as Zolarg on the Red Planet and probably other maps as well. So this new structure is a small bug mound where sugarcane is slowly grown underground. The process is slower than regular sugar harvesting and requires a constant inflow of water, but it does allow you to play Zolarg on more map types.

So anyway, there are probably more changes in this update, but I did half of it last weekend before I left town and I don't remember everything I changed, so you can let everybody know if you find something I forgot to write about. Next week I plan to work on Colony Wars and My Land, and if there are no major bugs in this My Colony release, I will be porting the engine changes over to Antiquitas as well, so be on the lookout for all of that. Then it will be back to My Colony again, so keep the feedback, suggestions and bug reports coming. And as always, thank you for playing My Colony!
4y ago
Today I am finishing up and releasing the v1.22.0 update to the original My Colony, which includes a whole bunch of under-the-hood changes and a bit of new content. So what are we looking at in this release? Let's find out!

In the previous release notes for MC1, I mentioned that I was thinking about offering limited time release "collectors" edition buildings that you could get with Ape Coins for those who were interested. In this update I am testing the system out to see how it works, with the trial of a Dev Solar Panel structure (which you can see in the image above, modeled after the MC2 solar panel somewhat).

Here is how the system is (supposed) to work, which will probably need ironed out over the coming updates, but is in active testing right now. From time to time, new limited edition buildings will be made available that you can get with Ape Coins. When there is a new building available, you will see a notice on the construction sidebar like this:

Clicking on the notification will bring up a window that shows all of the current limited edition structures that are available (currently, only the testing structure is there).

This structures are purchased with Ape Coins and are tied to your Ape Apps Account, meaning that you can use them on any city on your account, and you can build as many of them as you wish. You will notice that you are able to buy multiple "copies" of them as well. The reasoning is to facilitate either trade, or to allow you to gift them to your friends who may not be able to afford them.

To trade structures with other players, you can bring up their profile card by either clicking on one of their chat messages as usual, or selecting them from your Friends list in the statistics window. Once opened, you will see two new buttons in the corner.

The Coin button allows you to just gift Ape Coins to another player. This is generally so that you can help a friend/family member buy Premium or extra content themselves using Ape Coins. You could already donate Ape Coins to another player using the Ape Apps website, but this just makes it easier, and since people have asked for the feature, they obviously did not know that the option existed on the website anyway.

The Trade looking button allows you to offer one of your purchased buildings to another player. You first select one of your owned buildings, and you then select a price. You are able to select anything between Free and 500 Ape Coins. If you want to work out a deal for more than 500 Ape Coins or for something other than Ape Coins, you will have to facilitate it outside of the app, and that is up to you. Once the offer is made, it is sent to the other player who then has one week to either accept or reject it. If they accept, the ownership of the structure is transferred over to their account.

If you look at the image above, the little golden wrench in the corner of the solar panel icon is the Set/Series icon for the structure. Collectable structures will be grouped into different sets. I am going to be working on adding a Collectables section to the Encyclopedia that will show all of the sets, all of the buildings in them, and their rarity, or how many "copies" of each building are in existence, this way in the future, people who are collecting or trading them will have an idea of their relative value.

So that is what I have so far on the collectables system. This update is for testing and refining the system, and in mid-October I plan to start releasing the first "real" buildings and sets, starting with a Halloween themed set.

I want to note that the whole collectable buildings system is meant for people who are interested in collecting things and also just want to add some extra "flare" to their colonies, and also to help support the further development of the game. There will not be any OP type structures, or structures that give a big leg up in the game. This system is going to be more for fun.

Ok so moving past the collectables stuff, this update makes a change to Poverty and Wages. Before now, it really didn't matter if you paid your colonists or not, but now it does. Colonists living under the poverty line will contribute to your disapproval rating, as will colonists earning a wage that is far below your GDP per capita. To help work your numbers out, I have added a breakdown of the monthly income and poverty levels, since the colonist salary settings are set on a monthly basis.

Right now excessive poverty will cause the crime rate in your city to rise, further damaging work efficiency and approval rating. I was planning on also making the workers go on strike, but upon testing it ended up bring pretty brutal, so I will hold off on implementing that part of it, until people can get their workers wages normalized.

This update also brings a change to Charter Codes. Since there have been a lot of charter code collisions with new colonies, all new charter codes are now 10 characters long instead of 8. @Sobeirannovaocc I hope that does not cause problems for Coloniae or any of your other tools!

Moving on. I have also basically rewritten the entire layout for Desktop, Mobile and TV of the game. I have done testing on each platform, so I hope it's not messed up, but please let me know in this thread if the layout is jacked up anywhere so I can get it fixed. For those who do not know, My Colony is written in HTML/Javascript, and I have moved the HUD UI from using absolute positioned elements to using CSS grid, like My Colony 2 does. Again, I pretty much changed everything in the stylesheets, and I think it basically looks the same as it did before, but please let me know if I borked something!

Next up, buildings in the Construction sidebar are now sorted, instead of just being thrown in there in the order that they were added to the game. The sorting uses pretty much the same scheme that My Colony 2 does, putting roads at the top, and then sorting everything else by price. Whether or not you think this is better or worse I suppose will depend on the player.

Finally, let's get to the new content in this update! I have added a new tech called the Military Industrial Complex, which in turn unlocks a new Weapons Factory which produces a new resource of Weapons of Mass Destruction! Once you have some WMD's, you can create the new Octagon structure, a military HQ that sends Starships and WMD's out into space and brings back plunder. It should be noted that the Octagon was originally going to be the Hexagon which I think sounds cooler, but I tell you that I spent a whole afternoon trying to draw a decent looking Hexagon shaped building and I just couldn't make it look right, so here we are with an Octagon instead. Deal with it!

So anyway, that about covers it for this release. The new Starship and Military content I think will fit hand-in-hand with the content coming next update, a new Dark Matter tech tree with accompanying structures that is being created by @Electrogamer1943 that you can all expect in the next update. On top of that, you can look for the new Halloween content pack coming later next month!

As always, thanks for playing the game, let me know what issues you find, and stay tuned for more!

1y ago
I noticed two other things:
  • Poverty Line: the salary need to reworked a little bit, since the population now will utilize for the first time all entertainment building :D
  • On my current city, the approval rating (37%, on the good day) is "strange", i have only Depression (53%) and Poverty (47%), the other are 0%. But the population have some money (Average and median Colonist savings are 272, and 186 poverty line), and all house are green for everything.
4y ago
Can someone please explain just how this works? Homelessness is, well... homelessness - self explanatory. Poverty being the essential food and water, health is dependant on if hospitals are available to the colonists and if your atmosphere is over 15m. Unemployment again is self explanatory and fatigue is something you get if your workers have to walk more than 20 tiles from their housing. Depression I guess relates to either how much money you pay your colonists or colonist deaths or both.

With that in mind, I have no homelessness, poverty, depression, health problems and fatigue shouldn't be a problem based on my layouts for walking distances due to my arcologies. So why is it that my approval ratings INSTANTLY goes from 100% to 60% every hour or two, which causes colonists to leave jobs, which causes more unemployment. Granted the unemployment is very small, but it is consistently dropping from very high percentages to very low percentages on a whim and I can't tell why. Trash is low as well.
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, what I'm supposed to do to fix this and keep it more consistent. So based on my description of my understanding of approval ratings, would you say that is accurate? Am I missing some fundamental function of the game and that's why the approval rating cuts in half almost instantly? I'm asking you guys this because I just don't know anymore, my last base was ruined because of this. All arcology buildings so entertainment isn't a problem, all the workers don't need to walk far either. So What gives? Why did that colony suddenly decide that each other were more tasty than the food they were supposed to be producing?

6y ago
How do I decrease depression and poverty? My depression is at 8% and poverty is at 48%. Help please
5y ago
How do I keep the poverty line down? It's always so high and I can't keep up with my colonist demands.
4y ago
Use the buildings that export/import items (ones that do both of them, the export ramp/gun, galactic freight, space elevator, stargate(s), and spaceport). Then you export (sell) the following:


Those are what goes into the numbers from what I can tell (if anyone knows of any others, please add them). These also tend to max out their storage fairly quickly, so you get the added benefit of keeping workers on the job. Do this, and the poverty line goes down. You will have to sell *a lot* of them though. As in hundreds of thousands of units. But it works.
and I am also paid and it has brought down the poverty rate and to treat them I have made major medical clinics
6y ago
Colonists get depressed for various reasons, fatigue, poverty, sickness, etc. When you solve the underlying issues, they won't be depressed.
6y ago
My approval rating is dropping down to 87 % now from 100 .
Wish I could post this as a bug but on ward .

So look at the chart whats got them so mad ?
unemployment 11 % are made about . So how many unemployed do I have ? ZERO NADA
1600 extra jobs open Not one colonists unemployed in hours and hours .
ok so what else are they mad about ?
Homelessness a wooping 65 % are mad about . so I again how many are homeless ?
ZERO NADA and charts homelessness line is FLAT again for hours and hours .
Poverty 12 % average colonists savings 366 coins .
1 % sick
So tell me how is any one going to fix problems that do not even exist ?
6y ago
You do have economic depression but that's under the poverty concern.

Normal depression concern is lack of entertainment
6y ago
So since my last list got more attention then I anticipated, I'll make another.

1. Protesting: Protesting is broken in a way. Many times colonists protest for reasons outside of our control or for reasons the colonists caused themselves. (Sometimes there is no reason) A fix would be having colonists trying to fix their own problems before resorting to protesting.

Such as:

If Health is low they seek medical attention first instead of protesting themselves to death.
If Commute Length is too long they'll quit their jobs to find a better one instead of protesting.
If Happiness is low they'll seek entertainment instead of protesting.

2. Crime, Militia/Police:

A few crimes would be added in that can happen.

1. Mugging: A single colonist loses their money.
2. Break-In: A portion of the colonists in a building lose their money.
3. Robbery: A commercial building is robbed, causes problems for that building.
4. Murder: A colonist is killed.
5. Riots: Protesting groups turn violent and damage buildings around them.

Illegal Immigrants, colonists in poverty, or homeless colonists are more likely to commit crimes then others.

New Buildings:

Police Station-Those working there are cops.
Small Prison-Holds 500 prisoners.
Large Prison-Holds 5,000 prisoners.

Prisoners are removed from the total population and after a while the prisoners will decrease in numbers as long as there isn't as many going in as out.

Ability of Cops:

Patrol: Cops will patrol for crimes being committed.
Suppression: Cops will attempt to suppress and disband protests and riots. Failure will result in the riot becoming worse or a riot starting. Riots result in damaged buildings and possibly dead colonists.

That's all I have for now.
6y ago
Check your pie graph what is the predominant reason for their unhappiness. If it is fatigue, provide shorter commutes for work and entertainment. Also, shift the working policy to "Light" so that they actually have time to use the entertainment facilities. If the main concern is poverty, increase their salaries or provide baseline allowance on top of their salaries or give them a stimulus package. If is health, make sure that your Trash count is less than 5k (would be better if 0) and have lots of medical clinics/hospitals.
6y ago
at the moment 41% homeless (I don't know why...) and 36% fatigue, poverty 8%, unemployment 7%. but the most of the times I've checked on a specific colonist having a strange behaviour, he was happy, no less...
For a long time I havent' realized that the problem was diffused to all the colonist and all the buildings, because you feel immediately the lack of water, but not the lack of research points, for example. so at the beginning my attention was focused only on atmosphere condensers.
For me it's a little bug that causes a chain of bad events....
I've thinked that the problem was the salary and so I've add 1$ of basic salary..
I've thinked that the problem was the distance of the house buildings from some job buildings (maybe the colonists
gradually get tired because of the distance) and I've built some new of them in the middle of other buildings full of workers...
6y ago
How do you get rid of the Poverty and Fatigue concerns?
6y ago
raise salary for poverty and fatigue: adjust how close housing is to work, more entertainment buildings, clinics.
6y ago
work policity: light
living wage 300
depersion 1%
homlessness 17%
Poverty: 28%
Fatique: 45%
healt 6%
unemployment 3%

population 32677\ 35826
Jobbs 23134 \ 25506
6y ago

just to explain here i have 99% approval rating which means 1% of my people are unhappy which is something like 14k people (if I'm not dumb).
If you look at the graph chart now you seetop citizen concerns, so out of those 1% (14k people) :
-0% is depression (which is 0, I know I'm gud x) )
-28% is homelessness (which is 3920)
-6% is poverty (which is 840)
-60% is fatgiue (which is 8400) so i have bad commute length it seems
-2% is health (which is 280)
-4% is unemployment (which is 560)
6y ago
NOZ GAME 3, Laziest Colony

For this, the third installment of NOZ Games. You must have the laziest colony known to man, (have the lowest fatigue rating of any other competitor) - Ends on the 11th, Jan

Of course there isn't actually an accurate rating for; healthcare, fatigue, poverty, etc. So we'll have to go off the citizen CONCERNS chart. (There are clever ways to decrease this rating, see if you can figure out how)

1st Place will receive 6 million aluminium + 6 million uranium
2nd Place will receive 3 million aluminium + 3 million uranium
3rd Place will receive 1 million aluminium + 1 million uranium

Some rules:
-->Creative Mode is NOT allowed,
-->You must have atleast 1k colonists to qualify,

See you at NOZ!
6y ago
Fatigue is caused by long workdays and long commute lengths. You can fix that by changing the workload to light in your consulate or re-organizing your colony to have adequate housing within 20 tiles of the work building. Fatigue is shown in individual colonists by their energy level.

Homelessness is what it is; There isn't enough housing to give each colonist somewhere to live. To solve this build more houses that are at within 20 tiles of a work building.

Poverty is caused when colonists are very poor. You can solve this by giving all colonists a stimulus package or by raising their salary.

Health is when colonists are severely fatigued or when they do not have enough food or water. You can solve this by making them happier by giving the colonists money so they will stop protesting or by building hospitals.

Unemployment is when there are not enough jobs for colonists to fill. Solve this by building buildings that need a lot of workers.

Depression is the one I am least sure on. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that its when colonists don't have enough entertainment and it can be solved by building entertainment buildings.
6y ago
lord I finly got tired of this my self ( what happens is when you bring in new colonists it drops like a rock or when you delete a building again it drops like a rock )
also any colonists in school is counted as unemployed at low lvs again it drops like a rock mine looked jsut like yours .
But now I am closer toa finished colony so I killed them all off and let 7900 new ones come in and guess what 98 % stable no more up and down only complant poverty so i give them money .
The education update nerfed ratings for new colonys .

to many changes to fast so colonists start getting made much faster .
There is way to much effect on ratings way to easy and adding education shows this effect .
A finished colony will have no problems but the prosses of building one my colony when from 87 % to 66 to 89 to 60 up and down .

6y ago
Forcedminer said:all of the above.
not every colony has to be peachy and perfect right?
some will have hardships, crime, war, famine,sickness, poverty.

I like the value of choice in these cases.
there was an game i played called seedship. you'd control a ship full of 1000 humans, cultural and scientific databases other parts, you'd be tasked with finding them a good planet to settle down on based on your actions and planet choice you'd get various endings.
bad planets with no oxygen,low water supplies, high or low gravities usually make humans hateful and they all turn the planet into a constant warzone fighting for what little water exists.
if you find an awesome earthlike planet rich with metals,oxygen,food,alien ruins and the like they all become spiritually healthy happy beings.

simply put i enjoy the way thing situations breeds different types of humans and reactions. ability to deport illegals or eduatate them and allow them in or force them into labor sounds like interesting choices.
Also i always build a wall around my entire colony. ^^
just a habit thing. i like to imagine there could be dangerous beasts outside the perimeter and by putting up a wall we can keep them out.

miner, it was a trump reference, was joking. the fact that you took me seriously is hilarious, haha.
6y ago
To re-iterate what others have been saying, your best bet is to look at the pie chart and grind against the biggest slice first.

I have found that fatigue is just about impossible to get completely rid of because colonists are lazy bums. I use a Light workload (It doesn't really effect production), and when I build new structures I make the jobs first and then do a little math on housing before building all of the housing needed for said jobs right next to them.

Poverty will be constant if you're always expanding because new colonists will be poor while older ones will have all the moolah. A good living wage and regular wages will deal with that in time if you hold up on expansion for a while.

Health, make lots of hospitals and just disperse them through your colony so everyone can reach it within a reasonable distance. I keep them close to the houses.

Unemployment & Housing, self explanatory. Make sure you got enough houses for colonists and enough jobs for them as well. If you make buildings that require a certain IQ (Research labs/schools/Medical Research Centers), give it time. They need to get their IQ up before taking jobs there.

Depression, lots of entertainment. Green domes, parks, pubs, and so on. Disperse them around near houses.

Let me know if i missed anything. I think I got it all. But, always remember when looking at the chart, that it says that the values there do not represent your colony as a whole. If you're at 99% approval and it shows fatigue is 75% of their complaints, that only means that 75% of that 1% are angry about fatigue.
5y ago
Wouldn't it make more sense to have the homeless complaints reset whenever the population cap increases? Similarly have unemployment reset when the job cap increases and fatigue reset when a fire drill occurs.

Education, poverty, health, and depression all make sense as is ('historical' average), since those can't be immediately remediated by player action.
5y ago
This Suggestion to the game is regarding how to visualize where the problems are occurring and how sometimes you don't know which buildings contain most of the specific problem, as the only vague way of knowing is the pie graph, but where exactly are the services needed?

Lets start with the feature, a button could be added which shows a menu right below it, showing all corresponding problems civilians could be complaining about: Unemployment, Depression, Poverty, Fatigue, Uneducated, And Health.

When you pick one of these options You will see your colony but under a different perspective, Only residential buildings will be affected, and will appear as the color of the problem on the pie chart, using that color the building will get lighter if no problems are apparent or darker if it's severe, depending on severity of the problem. If it isn't a residential building or the ground it will recolor them gray.

This would help gameplay, and management because, these lenses will help you locate exactly what building/area has the problem, and the player will be able to build a service to fix the problem, without the feature the player would confusingly fiddle around services around until its "Good enough" Which results into wasting resources, time, and wouldn't be as efficient, all because this feature would be non-existent

5y ago
1. Check your stats to see where you are loosing your money

2. What is your approval rating? If it's above 90-95% then there is no need to worry about the stats showing homelessness/poverty/fatigue. However if the approval is falling, then you'll need to pay attention to them

3. IQ doesn't bring any change mostly. It might have so happened that you have made more jobs, which don't require any IQ. Imo, just neglect IQ completely, unless you see the uneducation looming up in approval

4. What is the reason for people to protest? You can always gift them some coins to Raise the happiness, but we usually use it only with fire drill or for resetting the stats.
4y ago
Hello guys!
The name is Wadaling.

Security is supposed one of the challenges to rule a new established colony, however there is no such mechanism in this game yet. To give the game more challenges, here I will present my ideas about Security and Crime .

How a crime occuar? There are three conditions that determines the chance for a crime outbreak:

1. The colonist’s savings is below poverty line, the lower the savings, the higher the possibility for the colonist to perform a crime

2. Colonists has a bad opinion on your governance. (overall governance rating below 65% will begin increase chance for crimes)

3. Weak security, showed by security ratio (will be introduced below), when it is less than 100%. The lower the higher chance for a crime.

What is security ratio?
Security ratio is defined by the security staff on duty, security facility under operation, total population and running immigration/tourism facilities.

Here is how it defined:
Security Points/Crime Risk Points (×100%)

Factors affecting security ratio
• A colony begins with 52 security points.
• Security buildings gives various security points.
• One on duty security staff gives 15 security points.
• One population gives 1 crime risk points, while one illegal migrant history gives extra 1 crime risk points per case found.
• One landing pad/space port gives 5 crime risk points.
• Some tourism buildings also gives crime risk points, for example, casino gives 30 crime risk points.
• Banks are also places with high crime risk. One bank/money pit gives 25 crime risk points.
• Black market bazzar gives 30 crime risk points.
• Consulate (level one) gives 50 security points (increases by 20 per level)

Once there is a crime outbreak, the colonist being robbed will lose money. If a building is targeted, instead of colonists, the government lose money (or resources) , while the building will take damage.
Low security ratio also leads to illegal immigrations. Triggers when it is below 65%.
4y ago
I've been wondering how I can make a region map dedicated to a resource (Usually involves a fairly high population) and keep all of the colonists happy. What are the best types of entertainment and how many do I need for different sized populations?
Is education a necessity? I plan to have at least each stage of school.
What factors go into a colonists poverty and depression stats.
Thanks in advance

4y ago
H3110 guys!

Corruption. As you know, not a good thing to have in your colony, you have to stop corrutpion to gain support from your people.
Corruption rate increases upon time after independence, some factors such as population, low approvel rating and serious poverty may further increase corrpution rate.
Government Reform action can cut down corruption for a while, costing civics and money. But you still have to keep an eye on corruption, as if it is too high, riots break out and nobody will work for you.
Independent Corruption Investigation Agency can greatly decrease corruption rate, reducing the need for reforms.
if you have alot of money raise their payout. just like in real world salary should be based on how the country is doing. if your income is good raise their pay. also to balance out overall wealth of colonists perform tax once and stimulus pay them back. the protesters happiness is 0 so taxing them cant hurt it. and stimulus pay increases all colonists happiness according to amount. its usually fatigue or poverty that leads to protest so set your work policy to relaxed after your done for a while. and make sure your housing is close to the work place.
4y ago
In the economy section, on the bottom, poverty line and colonist Money?

Try to do a stimulus package, 50-100.
4y ago
The landing pads don't work if the embargo is active.

In the economy tab, you need to see the Poverty line, Average Colonist Saving, Median Colonist Saving and the Retirement Savings Cutoff.
4y ago
Poverty Line = $123
Avg. Savings = $1,223
Median Savings = $967
Retirement = $24,676
4y ago
Ok, this is a problem

Your colonists have to much money, so they don't care to work :D

You need to destroy the savings with several Tax Collections, after you need to use the Stimulus Package for recover the Approval rating, 150 should be fine (with 123 Poverty Line).
4y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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