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Content Mods

What is your stance on people making content mods?

I think I may have figured out, or part of how to do it (thanks to Notepad++ and some poking around with it) but I'd like to ask just in case anyways. Unsure if I'll do anything with this info, but someone may. I imagine the stance is "If it works, I'm fine with it" but I'd like to ask anyways

From what I can tell, the game is based on or made using Javascript (in that it uses .js files) and they can specifically be found in AppData\Roaming\Ape Apps Launcher\apps\My Colony\appdata\ .
The files in question, from what I can tell, are only script.js, and game.js.

Some parts seem to be unused if you look at the game while doing some looking at the text of either one.

However, I've got no idea of how one would go about loading content mods outside of just adding those parts to the end of game.js itself, and swapping versions of it. Perhaps one day there may be the ability to add a .js file's contents in the game itself, even allowing Steam Workshop support too.
So all of the actual game content is in game.js, and script.js contains only the engine code, which is why script.js is identical in My Colony and Antiquitas.

The only barrier to allowing custom mods has to do with the graphics assets, I just have to build a way of making it work. Just altering script.js or game.js will not work because their checksums are verified with the server and altering them will flag your account, so I do not suggest it.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Is the account flag permanent? Can't you just make a temporary flag as "moded" untill its back to Normal so that there's no permanent concequences to content modding?
I am nerdy programmer that happens to like games made by ape apps. At some point in my life I am hoping to start a company and make games.
It's a chance there is such flagging as modding online can just break the game.
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
don't sign into your account when modding or make online games, and you won't be flagged.
~ Website: & ~
~ Creator of Leaderboard Colony "Bait" A Colony of the [{UNOB}]. ~

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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