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Bad chat community attacking everyone who talks that they don't like. - Page 3

Well @Vas , again I wasn't "siding" with them VS you. I came in and told them to keep the chat appropriate or else more moderation would be added. That can be considered a warning. I know the only outcome you wanted to see was them being banned. I just don't think you go straight to banning anytime a "fight" breaks out on the internet. I wouldn't do it to you, I'm not doing it to them. If it got to the point where I was getting complaints about Lurker124 and cocobob32 on the regular, I would have no problem banning them, no matter how big their colonies are, that makes little difference to me. But on the first complaint and from one person? Nope.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
You've never heard of temporary kicks, suspensions, etc? Warnings placed against accounts, not just "Hey stop doing that or else I might do something sometime somewhen!"

But, whatever, I don't care. They said you wouldn't do anything, and you didn't. All you did was say I'm to blame. So be it.
ok guys....let’s all calm down and not make any rash decisions, things happen, it’s a public chat, you wanna see a bad chat place go look at pubg mobile. My Colony isn’t anything like that, it is a free place that needs to stay safe, things happen and we can’t do anything about that, but that’s ok, it’s just how we respond to them when they do happen. I’m not gonna say who’s wrong and who’s right, i’m just going to kindly ask you to drop this conversation. Yes, there are bugs in the game, just like any other game. Yes they may have been talking politics but let’s be honest, no one can say anything politically without someone getting butt hurt over it.
So again, kindly, please drop this conversation.

oh just saw basts post, yea i agree with bast

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Just your friendly neighborhood MC moderator!
Vas said:You've never heard of temporary kicks, suspensions, etc? Warnings placed against accounts, not just "Hey stop doing that or else I might do something sometime somewhen!"

But, whatever, I don't care. They said you wouldn't do anything, and you didn't. All you did was say I'm to blame. So be it.

Nowhere do i see that you are the sole person to blame. All parties were in the wrong. In addition you are the first person to have an issue to this extent since the chat function was implemented.
I'm sure in the future when the chat options get expanded more your points will be weighed for the system.
Either way thank you for pointing some things out and making your opinion heard!
Lets all get back to playing My Colony and having fun!
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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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