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My Colony v1.11.0 Released

My Colony v1.11.0 patch is being finalized and will be rolling out to all platforms within a day or two.

There is one gameplay tweak in this release, where Paintings have been added to the Star Gate for import/export.

In addition to that, the system of gifting resources to new players (or any player) has been changed in two ways. Firstly, in order to send resources directly between colonies, both colonies must be online (and on v1.11.0 or higher). Secondly, resource gifting capacity is now capped not only at the senders trade capacity, but also at the receivers trade capacity. Since this is extremely limiting to a new colony with a capacity of only 300 or so, there is a lower limit of 3000, so that you can still gift up to 3000 in resources even if that number is above capacity.

Beyond that, other changes include alphabetical building sorting to the construction options popup window and some tweaks to how the engine automatically adjusts and tunes in-game performance settings.

Important note for Desktop players (non-steam). This update changes the way the game is packaged and installed, and because of this the in-game "Auto Update" feature will not work for migrating from v1.10.x to v1.11.0. You will need to uninstall your current version of My Colony and redownload the desktop client from The old installer that was being used for the game is no longer supported, so I am going to have to cook up a better long-term solution for the desktop client. Until then, the Windows desktop version of the game no longer has a Setup.exe file, and instead includes the game executable and it's supporting files in a folder. Just place this folder somewhere on your computer and make a shortcut to the main executable. All desktop clients do support auto-updating from this point forward, but there is currently no neat-and-clean installer for any platform.

This update also adds support for Apple silicon M1 based macs, so if you buy a new M1 based Macbook or Mac Mini, you should be good to go. I am not sure if the Steam edition will have M1 support yet, that depends on whether Steam will be accepting binaries for the Mac ARM architecture or not.

The next update v1.12.0 is going to bring some additional changes to the resource Import/Export system, implementing both cooldown times between transactions and other adjustments. There are also going to be changes to how importing and exporting impacts the overall resource pool and price, so be ready for that.

Until next time, thanks for playing My Colony and stay tuned for more!
bastecklein said: both colonies must be online (and on v1.11.0 or higher).

So.. no more gifts to colony in the same account?

EDIT: for the setup file, the ape app launcher will have the same situation?

Yes, the Launcher will have the same situation. The Desktop installer situation is a bit of a mess right now, I still need to find a solution :-/

And in theory you would still be able to transfer gifts on the same account, but you would need two instances of My Colony open at once.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Good to know. The change is the reason for the failed update from the last day. Downloaded 2-3 time, everytime stuck at "extraction update".

For me, personally, won't change much. I play with 2 account at the same time (ape apps launcher and standalone version). But.. for many player, specially smartphone player, two instances at the same time can be problematic.
@bastecklein maybe as a change for it make commonwealth members gift while offline, because even with two versions of my colony open (windows non steam & website) I can only transfer app to website but not website to app
If this forum isn't active, then ill make it active!
The "only on-line" is mandatory because the system need to check the gifts limits. So.. offline for commonwealth member don't have much sense..

Using the lower gifts limits won't make the game to hard, is a good start. Lol, using the same gbt system will be.. a drama (storage limits, if you have 1 million free space in storage, you could receive max 1 million, even with 500 millions gifts limits)

The only thing to refine, at max, is to allow offline gifts inside the same account.
I love the game but this is change is not so great
I agree with Wlof. I am not sure what problem there are trying to solve with the limits, but it kinds of defeats the purpose of multiple cities working together (e.g. different species for different resources).
With this update to trading, since I am a Zolarg player, is there a possibility that Zolarg and Draconian will have a bigger trading cap, with my storage (8.8 billion) I tend to fill up quickly with my UHAs, and it usually takes me about 10 minutes to trade about 26 billion resources at 50 mill per.
desktop version crashes fairly often ps ? can only make One import - export - trade every like 5 Mints ?
was this update meant to have that ?
pss can i find the last version some ware still ?
eventaly it will go one web sites But only being able to trade export gift every 5 mints bites .
all though i kind like the way you have the gift cap .
BUt really once a person can export and import high lvs restricting it to none every 5 ? mints is slow .

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My Colony

Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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