Search - transaction

Hi everyone, I recently started a new colony and transaction rates have risen from 5% to 75% - am I missing tech somehow or a building?
6y ago
OK, so my problems with the way it is currently implemented are that on the 3 colonies I have grown to *having* online trade:

1: Almost immediately after being able to trade, each of them have run into a problem where it says " No contracts are available." This message could be improved with saying "the Trade Representative thinks you're trading too quickly" or publishing the number of trades allowed.

1b: The entire game is setup as: Research stuff and achieve new milestones. So when I reach the trade milestones, I'm immediately punished for accomplishing a new milestone. :(

2: I can only trade in MAX 2,500 increments. Yet with the amount of supply I have accrued by the time I CAN trade, I'm bursting at the seams and especially when it comes to sugar, my colonies are literally being overrun with sugar that I cannot harvest, and the bulldozer tool is too small and too finicky to help without my clicking finger cramping up.

2b: A setting for spreading resources (sugar, wood) could be to allow "wasting". When the warehouse is full, the harvesters continue, but don't add to the stockpile.

3: I love that the LIS Bazaar takes 250 at a time, but the Mass Driver and the Export Cannon at 100 are too small, especially on the Android version where you have to start from the top and scroll down to find the thing you're trying to sell OVER and OVER.

3b: I don't have a good basis for this, but it seems like the price drops at the same rate for the 3 types of exporters, even though the Bazaar is selling 2.5 times as much.

3c: I have noticed that the sales in the Bazaar provides more than the Net Price Listed. In fact, the Bazaar seems to provide the Gross Sales Price + Transaction Fee, or (Net + 2x Transaction Fee.)

@ Bastecklein: Thanks for reading the forums, thanks for responding, thanks for being an active developer. As the name suggests, I like to read, but not frequently write. This is my first post, so there's a lot in here. I've only been playing a few weeks, but the frustration level with trade has already gotten me to have 3 colonies that can't do anything else. AND I don't even have research maxed out.

6y ago
Here are some more thoughts of mine regarding this idea:

I still think that it would be much more efficient to include the game as part of mc instead of being it's own game. That way you're not splitting your focus on working on two games, but you are continuing to add more features to mc. I would honestly rather have a space station that can trade with other colonies than a space station that only has other space stations to trade with. The same goes for colonies being able to trade with space stations. Plus, space stations inherently have a lack of certain items that colonies do well at producing, like food, water, oil, metals, and other things that come from planets or asteroids.

The space station would be better and refining and producing high end products, and would be more efficient at making money, but would have to use that money to purchase "supply lines" with other colonies/stations. The supply line would auto-charge money from the the station and auto-ship the resources to the station at regular interval's. I think that any colony or station should be able to make supply lines with any other colony or station. This way the player doesn't spend all of their time buying resources via single transactions. The player loses a certain amount of civics each time they perform a transaction via the supply line, and when they run out of civics, all supply lines stop and the colony/station suffers. This would prevent players from spamming the creation of supply-lines, which would probably reduce server performance, and it would be more realistic since you need administration in other to handle transactions between governments or companies in real life. It also ensures that as you're governmental power grows in the station/colony, your ability to make more lucrative supply lines grows as well, provided you have to money or resources to maintain the supply lines.

The issue with the supply line feature is that there would be instances where only one of the two players doing the supply line are online when it comes time for the next scheduled transaction to take place. This is probably why this feature isn't implemented. But I guess you could do the same thing that you do for when a cw pays for it's sub-colonies' worker costs. Even if the cw is offline, when they get back online, the server sends them a message with all of the worker costs that they owe to their sub-colonies. Something similar could be done with this. Even when one player is offline, the supply line continues until both players are offline, albeit the online player will not receive money or resources from the other player while they are offline. And then when the once offline player comes back online, they are given a message with the amount of transactions that went on, how much money or resources they've recieved, and how much resources or money they owe to the other player. If both players are offline, no transactions occur. This can be a risky endeavor to enter into a supply line with another player, because that player could scam you and other people by remaining offline just to collect your payment or resource supply, and then come online and never pay you what they owe you. To combat that, I would impose a merit system that people can add or remove one point to or from. This would tell other players how trustworthy a player is.

I really hope that these thoughts are helpful in determining what to do with my space station.
5y ago
Once again it is My Colony update time, and v0.83.0 will be heading out to all platforms within the coming days. This release continues the bug bashing series I have been working on, but also implements a few new features that I hope you find useful. Let's take a look!

The first change I want to go over deals with the behavior of the Bulldozer tool, which I outlined in more detail in this thread, but I think it is important enough to mention again because it could potentially cause somebody to nuke a large part of their colony by accident. In prior versions, when you would click on a blank space of the map, it would automatically deactivate the bulldozer so that you wouldn't accidentally click on something and delete it. I have removed this safety feature. I have also made it so that you can do a double click/drag gesture to do mass bulldozing. Since this can potentially be dangerous, activating the bulldozer now makes your resource readout bar red in color, so that you are more aware that the tool is active. Here is a quick video of how the tool now works.

Back in the first update of the game that included the bulldozer (v0.42.0 in August 2017), you could actually somewhat use it like this, but I nerfed it a bit due to players accidentally bulldozing large parts of their colonies. I am hoping that with the red tinted game, the red border around the screen, and the red resource bar, it will be plainly obvious to all that the bulldozer tool is active.

Next up, I have worked with @Sobeirannovaocc to bake the Coloniae ADU service right into the core code of My Colony, allowing it to be used on all versions of the game. Coloniae is a free online service maintained by Sobeirannovaocc that tracks detailed stats and trend histories for online My Colony players. The ADU service is available to all online colonies, and can be turned on by a new setting added to the Statistics screen of your colony.

Keep in mind that Coloniae is a third party service, not supported by Ape Apps. But I am sure that @Sobeirannovaocc will be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have about it 🙂

The next few changes involve trade. There have been longstanding issues with the GBT, especially for new players/colonies who cannot buy anything because the lot sizes are so big that they either do not show up in their trades, or they are priced totally out of the market. To try to help make the GBT more useful for newer and more established colonies alike, several new changes have been implemented, the first of which is the auto-trader.

Auto Trade is in it's infancy and will be expanded and refined in future updates, as I am able to monitor it's usage and the impact it has on the market, but here is how it works right now. Auto Trading is off by default, and can be enabled or disabled on a per resource basis.

When the Auto Trader is turned on, every few minutes (it's somewhere between 7 and 10 minutes depending on your device speed) your colonial trade representative will take stock of your auto-trade enabled resources. If your warehouses are full, sell orders will automatically be posted on your behalf. Several trades may be made, representing up to 10% of your supply level. But trades will also be made in lot sizes ranging from small to large, so that all levels of players are able to see and access them in the GBT. The sale prices are based on the current GBT market value of the resource. Before posting a new contract, the Auto Trader will also look at the current Offer contracts, and purchase those if they are a good price and fall within 10% of your total resource level. The auto trader will never just train your supply inventories.

Likewise, the Auto Trader will also make trades for you when your supplies are low. If an auto-trader enabled resource falls below 25% storage level, the Auto Trader will check the market for reasonably priced offers, and purchase them. The Auto Trader will not spend more than 2.5% of your total money on a transaction. If no contracts are available within those parameters, a new offer contract will be posted instead.

Obviously the usage of the Auto Trader will largely depend on the number of people who enable it, since there ultimately needs to be two parties for each transaction. I am hoping that once more players begin activating the auto trade feature, the GBT will fill up with actual useful contracts instead of just the insane offers that almost nobody can afford or even has storage for.

I got the auto trading idea after reading this post by @Conco2 related to the in-game GDP calculation. It occurred to me that there are so many late game colonies that are just fully stocked on all resources, and so their factories really aren't producing anything since all storage is full. Because of this, GDP is stagnant since nothing new is being created. I figured it would be helpful to set up a way to automatically export those goods without even having to think about it, since a real life economy also has to have exports in order to grow. Since the GBT was being underutilized anyway, I figured I would give this idea a shot.

To emphasize the importing and exporting aspect of the economy, the game now keeps track internally of the dollar value of your annual trade income and losses. Graphs for these stats will be making their way to the Economy statistics tab soon.

The Auto Trader will need tweaking and will probably have some user customization input options in the future. I just wanted to get the concept out there and see how it actually works, and then go from there.

After implementing the Auto Trader, it occurred to me that the GBT would be loaded with Food, Water, Ore, and other low end resource contracts that nobody needs by the time they build the GBT. To help with this, I added a new feature to the regular, non-GBT trade buildings. Now, any building that allows resource importing will also allow you to purchase GBT contracts that fall within the building's trade capacity level.

For example, the Galactic Freight can now purchase any contracts from the GBT that have a unit size of 1,000 or less. This should actually be really helpful for newer players, as it will allow them to buy needed goods without paying the standard 50% import fee, offering an extreme discount from the normal import prices, while at the same time helping later-game players who are auto-selling contracts using the GBT. The way I see it, it's a win-win for all.

I am hopeful that these new trade related features will help address some of the problems with the GBT and online trading in general. Of course, it could also make things worse. You never know!

The final change I want to highlight was a requested feature for blank region maps. They will no longer create a river on map types that include a river by default.

There were other little changes that you might notice here and there, but this about covers the big things. Let me know what you think and what issues you find. The update should be hitting all platforms with the next few days, so be on the lookout, thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more My Colony!
5y ago
Here are some of the issues that I've noticed with reptilians while playing them. This is my first time playing them seriously and I've had to start over three times in the past two hours because I encounter major issues with the game. Let me know if I'm just not playing the game right. I use an Iphone xr and I always update to the latest version.

Is it just me, or is immigration supposed to stop on the reptilian's immigration/trading gate once housing is full? The gate will produce colonists as long as you leave it on, housing or not, and it starts when you gain access to water. On my last colony, I had just started out and I was being pummeled with 400+ colonists.

Also, I see no education in sight while playing reptilians. They get so mad and sensitive about education, but there's none there, so any colony that starts with this race is doomed to be forever unhappy.

I also noticed that there are no techs for this race, so I'll chalk it up to the fact that reptilians are still undergoing construction.

Finally, for the most important issue.this is an issue that affects all races, but when we press import or export and the list of resources to export/import is shown, can you make it so that the screen sticks on the last resource you sold or bought so you don't have to scroll down the entire list each time you buy or sell a measely 100 resources? why must it be so tedious? My colony isn't about being tedious, it's about micromanagement. Granted, sometimes it is tedious, and a little bit of tediousness never hurt anyone, but when it get's to the point where you're pressing the same area on the screen over and over again in rapid succession for multiple minutes, that's too much. Pressing two buttons over and over again until your fingers hurt isn't micromanagement, it's idle tapping, something that bast has always said he didn't want to have in the game. If you want to make it so that there are limits and micromanagement involved in exporting/importing on certain buildings, then do it by some other method, not by turning my colony into an idle tapper because you need 10k ore and you can only buy 100 at a time.

Here is a viable solution to the problem above with the exporting/importing:

What if you had the ability to assign each import/export building to an import resource and an export resource. Building multiple of these buildings would allow you to import/export multiple resources at once, but each building would only import/export 100 units(or higher for more advanced buildings) every worker round. After a certain amount of time, the contract will expire and you must renew it in order to start receiving resources again. However, you must pay the transaction costs up front, and if you for some reason need to stop the exports/imports from happening, doing so will cancel the contract, and you'll have to start another contract and repay the transaction fee again. This will allow you to create and micromanage several trade buildings at once, which would still be a challenge because you'd have to keep coming back and checking to see if a contract expired on each building, and you could have the more simpler buildings have shorter contracts, while more advanced buildings get longer contracts, and you could keep count via the worker rounds.

Now for the reptilians basic immigration/trade gate. I feel like it's hard enough to build one of these at the start of the game as is and so it should be able to be assigned to two exports and two imports at once. However, this is a special case only because reptilians need that import/export feature to survive. The humans stargate could also have more assignments as well being that it's pretty expensive. Bast can shape this idea to his liking, but the most important thing to keep in mind in my opinion is that repetition is not the same as micromanagement. Micromanagement requires thought and strategy, repetition only requires hand motion, and is no different than idle tapping.

Let me end by saying that I know that some people aren't going to like this ideas because it means that they can't just spam import/export millions of resource in the end of the game. However, to them I say this: If you can just spam export/import millions of resources in end-game via the stargate or some other means, is that really a challenge? No, it's still the same idle tapping that you have in early-game, except now it's overpowered when it used to be too weak. This feature lacks balance and therefore must be fixed to restore balance to the game. After all, my colony is all about micromanagement, so why not switch this idle tapping method out with a method that actually requires thought and strategy. That way, from early to end game, strategy and at least some measure of micromanagement will be required in exporting/importing.
5y ago
Just continuing the discussion from the in-game chat - files are currently saved on MyColony (and assuming other games via encoded JSON). This takes up a lot of space because the object schema is included every payload, and causes corruption issues as there is no transaction-based record management.

Switching to a database would help this. It'd require exposing an API end-point and putting a RDBMS (like MariaDB) behind it:

The API call could wrap the command in a transaction to ensure no data gets lost, and the database will be more effective at saving disk space as it does not save the schema with each save. The DB could be optimized further since it's a write-heavy service:
4y ago
Using import with trades I tried Exporting Odision at 5.7 Million per 100 andf Noticed i got almost NOTHING .
Transaction fee shows 99.9 % making EXPORTING USLESS
1y ago
I completely agree with you OilChan. Bast, tear down these transaction fees!
3mo ago
I've been playing My Colony for nearly a year, and my colony has grown quite big. I do have one problem though. Over the summer I didn't play the game on account of having other things to do, but I've been getting back into it this fall. I formed 2 sub-colonies under my independent colonies before I took a break from the game, and when I came back, I pulled up one of my sub-colonies and saw it was out of water, so I went to send it water from my mother colony (Called Bilbo's Bag End). When clicking the 'commonwealth' button on my capitol, a blank white box appears. I thought it just needed time to load at first, but it wouldn't go away. I just thought that I'd deal with it later. But then a friend saw me playing the game and said he'd like to play as well. I was like "Hey, if you start under my charter, I can give you stuff!" But when he typed the code, it just said "Invalid Character!" I've tried it multiple times since then with the same result each time. I've typed it so many times I've got it memorized (mtKHKk4y). I also went to visit the my colony website and look at my coony's stats, but upon pulling up the webpage, it is blank and says all the totals for population and such are zero, and just states that it was founded under united earth. Brushing it aside for the time being, I went on my merry way, advancing my mother colony. I unlocked all the technologies exept for the next gen power production, and I needed crystaline for that. I thought "Ok, it'll be spendy but ill just put up a offer in the galatic board of trade." My money for the transaction dissapeared, but I got no crystaline. Im not that worried about the money, I can earn that back, but I think my colony is somehow broken, as in my charter wont work and I cant properly trade with other players. I cant obtain some recources at anything resembling a decent price now, becasue as we all know, the products from united earth are mighty expensive and I dont have that kind of money and saving time, as well as I cant have a charter for my friends to make their colonies under. Is there anything I can do to fix this?? If so I'd like to know becasue I can't properly advance my colony till it's fixed.
6y ago
Isn't there a cap on how much you can send per transaction?
6y ago
So I've just built triantanium refineries on my first colony and noticed they can be placed in a similar fashion to 1x1 buildings (autoplace between two clicks in a straight line). The game can get incredibly tedious when placing or replacing a large number of buildings and I can't work out why such a vital feature is only available in one building? If everything except decorative buildings could do this, it'd really improve my playing experience.

In a similar vein there needs to be a method of selecting and selling/destroying all of a building type at once. A destroy all button with a couple of confirmation boxes would do the trick, but ideally some kind of dragbox to target specific areas of the colony for *renovation* is in order.

Exporting/importing goods can get a little ridiculous. Import/export buildings of the same type should link together to increase capacity, or some kind of automated export options should be available (can consume resources and throughput depends on number of buildings. Making exports boring and tedious isn't a good way to balance them- higher tier structures can still be better by being more space efficient, dealing in more resources or having a lower transaction fee/resource cost to import and export goods.

Also: I've accidentally done what looks like a drag click a few times (I see a green box), and somehow got all the vehicles in my colony to go and park in one spot as well. A quick in-game manual explaining the controls would be great because I still have no idea how this happens.

I'd say these are the issues that jumped out at me the most when playing the game; it really ruins the experience when most of my time is spent on repetitive clicking instead of actually planning My Colony.

6y ago
I think it's a good idea. The templates should be fairly simple to implement if all it is doing is storing what you sent everyone in a single package or record. But it may conflict with the gifting limits of each tier of consulate and capital buildings. Let's say that you had a teir 6 capital and you sent 5 million ore to all colonies and saved a template of that package. But what if when using the bulldoze mode you accidentally destroy the capital and then decide to build a tier 1 capital(due to deficient resources). So now you go back to the template that you used before and try and send another 5 million to your colonies. However, a tier one capital doesn't allow for 5 million of the same resources to be sent to each colony in one transaction, so now you have a conflict. I guess bast could fix that conflict by having the capital itself store the templates and having the templates deleted when the capital is destroyed.
6y ago
If you go from being in offline mode to online mode the rates increase significantly.
6y ago
The moment everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived, the release of My Colony v0.50.0 - the fighting 50!

50 is a nice round number, but is the update nice and round as well? Let's take a look at what is new and what has changed:

My Colony v0.50.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Bloodletting Station, Spire of Knowledge, Quantum Sugar Cloner, Uranium Silo
  • New Unit: Ancientbug
  • New premium content: Orb of Radiance
  • GBT: Added cooldown time between GBT trades, increased transaction civics costs, GBT contracts with lot sizes above your trading capacity no longer appear, You can no longer trade in lot sizes above your gifting capacity, The server can now limit the size and price of your trades.
  • Storage Limits added: Aluminum, Uranium, Gold, and Clay now have storage requirements.
  • Resource Decay: Resources left sitting outside of storage will now decay.
  • Collect All: You can now collect all gifts at once with a single click.
  • Message Reporting: There is a new in-game mechanism to report abusive PM's.
  • Rebalancing: Antanium Synthesis Lab and Triantanium Refinery now offer a small amount of storage. Money generation from the Investment Bank and Clothing Sweatshop has been reduced.
  • Tech Window: Each available tech now shows what new structures is contributes to.
  • Online Colonies: Colonies played in online mode now require an internet connection to play.
  • Right Click: Mouse users can now quickly move vehicles using the right click button.
  • UI Changes: A bunch of small UI improvements carried over from Antiquitas v1.0.0 were added.
  • Galactic Emperor Tax: Possibly the last tax the emperor will ever collect!
Additional Notes

I had intended this update to be a big Zolarg content update, but instead was required to spend most of my time making changes to the GBT and it's associated API. As some will know, I've never really been thrilled about having the GBT in the game, and am even less thrilled in having to micromanage it. Ideally people would be able to conduct themselves as adults and treat the GBT system with respect, but I'm afraid that is not what has transpired. The actions of a few bad apples have thus forced my hand to really crack down on the Galactic Board of Trade, and several changes have now been implemented to that effect.

The first issue was involving the actual server API which the game contacts in order to do trade deals on the GBT. I threw the script together quickly to facilitate an in-game trading feature and didn't put any effort into security. This made it easy to exploit. Since the vast majority of players play in offline mode, I never gave it much thought, but over the last week, one of our players with a lot of free time on his hands really took it upon himself to hit the API hard and did a significant amount of damage to the online in-game economy. New security measures have been added, but they are not present in older versions of the game, and the server API cannot be fully patched without cutting off access for older versions of the game. For this reason, in one weeks time, access to online play from any version of My Colony older than v0.50.0 will be disabled. So if you play online, please update as soon as the release is available on your platform.

Here is also a first and only warning on this matter. Every call to the API is now logged and any user taking advantage of any exploit will be permanently banned from the service altogether. All of your colonies will be banned as will any device that you have been logged as having connecting to the service with. I do not care if you paid for premium or not, you can still play the game offline.

Other issues with the GBT involve using it for storage or using it as a means of transporting large amounts of goods from one colony or another. I don't consider this an exploit, but new measures have been put in place to block it from being used in this manner. The purpose of the GBT is to facilitate trades between colonies and nothing more. Using it for other purposes interferes with the pricing structure of the market and has an impact on the in-game economy for any player who plays the game online.

There is a new Galactic Trade Authority bot that monitors all trades on the GBT and logs trades which are considered grossly out of step with the current market realities. There is no auto-banning or "three strikes your out" feature associated with this. Everything is logged and will be reviewed by a human moderator (me). If it is decided that you are taking advantage of the system, your access to the GBT may be blocked.

There was also a new Galactic Emperor tax levied. This is the Emperor's highest tax ever, coming in at 95% of everything over $750m, and 100% of everything over $10b. This was imposed because of the API hacker who auto-purchased every contract on the market, leaving some players with an ungodly amount of money. If you got your money legitimately, then I am sorry, but this is the way it is. You can thank the abusers for the tax.

The good news is that as of this update, the resources of an individual colony can now be edited directly by the server if need be. For that reason, there probably will not have to be anymore global galactic emperor taxes levied. Because of this change though, all colonies in online mode are now required to have a constant internet connection. Really, this should have been a requirement from the start. If you cannot be constantly online, then consider playing the game in offline mode.

There have also been issues with users sending abusive messages through the in-game messaging system, including threats and other forms of harassment. To combat this I have added a new reporting feature which you can see in all new mail messages that arrive. Message reports will be reviewed by a human, and if you are conducting yourself in a manner which I do not feel is right for the game, then you will be banned from the service.

Anyway, like I said before, I really hate having to be a nanny here for the game. I'd much rather spend my time adding new content and features. If you don't like the new changes and don't want to see any more controls added in the future, then please encourage your fellow players to use their heads when playing the game. The API isn't there for my own benefit, I'd just as soon get rid of online play altogether, as it caused more headache than it is worth. The feature exists entirely for the benefit of those who want to play online, but if it can't be handled properly I have no problem taking it away. The vast majority of users play offline and wouldn't even notice if it was removed.

On to better things, you will notice some UI improvements that have been carried over from Antiquitas (which is now available and you should download (and 5 star) from here: ). Zolarg also received a few new things, with more coming in the next release. There is a new Ancientbug which is their version of the E.T. Builder, and their first alien structure is the Quantum Sugar Cloner which is a vast improvement over the Sugar Farm and takes up far less room. Insectoids will be getting a lot more alien content in the next few updates.

Also, there are only a couple of resources left now that do not require storage, and that will be soon changing. Keep that in mind and plan your colonies accordingly.

Between now and the end of the year, the updates are going to focus on Zolarg content. Once 2018 hits, the Reptilians will be making their way into My Colony, and the way they operate is going to be a bit different than the other races. They will make the difference between Humans and Zolarg seem insignificant. But until then, enjoy the update as there is still a lot more to come!
6y ago
at the rate of selling 50k per transaction in GBT, i would rather not do anything n let it decay. too slow and too much hassle.

With massive resources vaporized into thin air, GBT price for resources will increase dramatically. Good luck new players =], your fellow commonwealth leader may not have excess resources to help you like before anymore.
6y ago
Bast actually put a hard cap on the trade amount and is going to force all players to be on the same version starting with .50 in about a week. At that time the current hard cap will be removed but there will still be a cap of how much you can trade in a single transaction = storage capacity for that resource. See the release notes for more info.
6y ago
Transaction fees to export on the mass driver are 75% now? So what good is it anymore?
6y ago
cognitium said:Transaction fees to export on the mass driver are 75% now? So what good is it anymore?

nothing new here i think if you export a lot it goes from 50% to 75%
6y ago
DocHolladay said:I change over to online as a rule when I build the GBT. Before that the economics are much better in offline mode for some reason. After the GBT becomes available it seems to reverse the economics although I have yet to figure out what the reason is.

I admit I seem to be constantly restarting for one reason or another. So there are probably other factors that I haven't noticed yet.

When you build the GBT and switch to online as I have done several times, it appears to change the Mass Driver/Bazaar/Cannon prices to be more in line with the GBT prices. ONCE. I admit that I have not dug into this deeply, as you only get to see this occur after putting hours into the fledgling colony. This is kinda what I was asking @bastecklein for.

If we can have the export/import prices stay more stable, or at least in a specified range, then there is no need for an offline colony to switch to online just to keep their economy running smoothly. Heck, even if the transaction fee for the bazaar goes from 5% to 25% ( i.e. the increased cost to go through backchannels) as you ship more of a certain commodity, that still allows a colony to function without devaluing the gathered resources.

On my most recent colony, just to keep what started as 4 squares of synthetic crystalline from completely filling a 13x13 pen I constructed, even building as much as possible, I ended up using the bazaar to dispose of the excess crystalline and reduced the selling price to 1% of initial by the time I was able to build a civic center. ( I learned from my previous colonies and now I don't let the spreading resources escape from an enclosure.)

Not trying to grouse, but in order to buy 250 units of steel ( one click in the bazaar), I have to sell 1.5 times my storage capacity of Crystalline. This makes it nearly impossible to build anything without producing it myself, and that is not the easiest thing on many of the worlds. Originally, I wanted to use the GBT to sell larger quantities per click, but the recent changes makes that more difficult until I produce a ridiculous amount of research and civics. SO, looking back at root causes, I think that the prices should be more stable.

Depending on which segment of gamers is targeted, then certain aspects of the gameplay should be emphasized. I can't run My Colony on my phone for more than 30 minutes without my new phone heating up to the point of being uncomfortable to hold. Even if I was idling, I still have to stay on top of the colony, so that I don't run out of regolith or food, both of which will literally kill my production and/or my colonists. For mobile gamers, the ability to play for a few minutes at a time is key to not being bored, and loading your colony several times just to find you can't do anything is not a great experience. Making the prices more stable in an offline game should have no effect on other players or the GBT once you are only allowed a single switch. And the benefits for gameplay and engagement, especially during the early phases of colony building, make it worth it.

6y ago
Can we have a warning alert when we're asking too much for a resource?
6y ago
I have evidence of my paypal transaction of me buying the game
any ways to get it back?
6y ago
These are just a few ideas that may be obvious things that bast has already decided he will implement, but hopefully some of these ideas may help. And Before you start blasting me about how bast won't ever put a pvp element into my colony, you should check the updates and announcements page under update 75, since bast includes the possibility of a pvp element with federations.

The ideas below represent an entire concept when applied together. This is how I would implement pvp between federations in my colony, but like all of my other concept ideas, it's mainly here to present new thoughts to the developer on how certain concepts could come together, and I don't expect him to just take this entire concept and put it in the game.

First off, I think that any pvp feature should be optional, just as bast said. But I do think that there should be some risk involved with enabling pvp and joining in federation wars/rivalries. I don't think that the risk should be catastrophic, but being attacked by someone else should come with some major disadvantages.

I think that in order for a rivalry/war between two federations to continue, a certain percentage of the federation should be regularly and actively involved. This way, people have to be actively participating in the rivalry in order for it to continue, so time and effort would need to be put in. While a rivalry is going on, all colonies in those federations are given buffs that increase income and production speeds of certain resources, so a rivalry would be good for business, as it also is in real life.

However, those that chose not to participate in a rivalry will not benefit at all from any benefits that come about by attacking enemy colonies, only active colonies do. This way there will be no freeloaders. I also think that there should be a cooldown timer that forces players to remain pvp active for a while after they've attacked another colony. This way colonies can't attack other colonies and then quickly disable pvp mode to avoid retaliation. However, if you accidentally enable pvp and haven't attacked anyone, you can immediately disable pvp. I also think that each colony should only be able to have one debuff affecting them at a time, but they could have multiple buffs in effect. Any further attempts to double-debuff an enemy would result in the attacker wasting a debuff chance and using resources that they could have used on another target.

Now, here comes a system of buffs and debuffs that I think would fit the pvp feature nicely. With these status effects, each colony could specialize in a certain kind of attack, or take on a certain support role in a rivalry, thus adding a bit of an rpg element to this system, but shouldn't need to get too in depth or complex with it. Below is a system of classes, point systems, and buffs and debuffs that a player can cast on other friendly or enemy colonies. Bear in mind that in order to receive a buff or debuff, you need to be in pvp mode. All buffs and debuffs require certain buildings in order to be unlocked and improved, and the best status effects require more complex buildings.

There would also be four different scores attributed to each colony that tell what kind of contribution that colony makes to the war effort and what their specialty/class is. Each class would be specified by a certain building, and only one of six of these buildings can be constructed at once in a colony. Whichever building is built determines the war class of the colony and what it specializes in. The buildings can be upgraded in tiers, giving more and more unique advantages for each tier, but also becoming more expensive. The classes are as follows:

A vanguard heads straight in and attacks the enemy headlong, splitting their focus between offense and defense. They can be capable attackers and defenders, but would more often than not pose as a distraction to the enemy, spreading their attacks and defenses onto multiple colonies at once with the splitter cast, and protecting themselves with the feedback loop cast. They focus on collecting offense and defense points.

Unique advantages: the vanguard's unique advantages focus on reducing the durations of all debuffs that they are targeted with, reducing buff/debuff cooldowns, increasing the amount of targets that a vanguarde can hit with the splitter cast, and on the highest tier, enabling the vanguard to attack an enemy and "taunt" them, thus forcing them to target the vanguard for their next attack. The taunt can also be used in combination with splitter to affect multiple enemies, forcing them all to wait on each other to take turns attacking the same vanguard before they can target another colony.

An empowerer is good at preparing their allies for an initial attack on an unsuspecting enemy. The buff their allies to strengthen them for the battle to come, and they join the ranks of vanguards in attacking and distracting the enemy. The Empowerer can counter some debuffs with buffs, but it proves to be a very inefficient counterer and can easily be picked out by an assassin if it causes too much bother in the heat of battle. It's best for this class to do all of it's buffs before battle and save the debuffs until the heat of battle. An empowerer will rack up offense and utility points, with relatively few defense points.

Unique advantages: The empowerer's unique abilities focus on buff potency, the amount of targets that splitter can reach, duration reduction to any debuffs that it experiences. And on the highest tier buildings, Empowerers gain a 1 in 5 chance to apply a buff to themselves automatically if they cast that same buff onto an ally without negating a debuff or being negated by a debuff. This allows the Empowerer to easily empower themselves while they are empowering other colonies in preparation for a battle, but doesn't help the empowerer during the heat of battle.

An assassin makes calculated strikes. Their attacks are very potent and can be made even more potent thanks to the charge cast. They are often supported by vanguards that strike before the assassins to get the initial attention from the enemies. They need not worry about protecting themselves in battle because of this. Even if they are attacked, they can retaliate quickly by using the dimensional reflection buff, thus giving their enemy a taste of their own medicine. An assassin can be good at countering buffs with debuffs, but not as effectively as they can attack an unprotected enemy. This class will have mostly offense points, with a little bit of silencer points as well.

Unique advantages: the Assassin's unique advantages focus on debuff potency and cooldown, dimensional mirror cooldown and cost reduction, increased potency and decreased cooldown on a buff affected by the charge cast, and on the highest tier, giving the assassin the ability to attack an enemy with an "evasive" attack, thus forcing the enemy to not be able to retaliate against the assassin for a certain amount of time. The enemy can target other colonies during that time though, just not that particular assassin.

The counterer focuses on offense and defense. They use their casts to negate a buff or debuff. They use the splitter and feedback loop buffs to cast negating buffs and debuffs onto themselves and other allies. The assassin might target a counterer with a potent attack at just the right time, during the counterer's cooldown time, if the counterer becomes a bother to it's enemies. So learning when to take action to help your allies and when let up for a while to lose attention from enemy colonies is a must for this class. The counterer gains equal amounts of defense and silencer points.

Unique advantages:The counterer's unique advantages focus on cooldown and resource cost reduction to all buffs and debuffs, increasing the amount of extra targets that splitter can give you, and on the highest tier, a counterer can "silence" an enemy, preventing them from attacking or defending any target for a duration, if they successfully negate that enemy's debuff or buff. The silence effect has a 1 in 5 chance of happening for each successful counter.

The healer is solely a supporter and defender, defending colonists by negating debuffs with their buffs and using buffs on allies just as utilities to boost their performance. The healer gives potent buffs and defenses to other players and is the pillar that holds up the federation in the war. They can use the charge cast to further increase the potency of a buff, which they would use to further strengthen allies. Assassins will target these the most to slow them down so the enemy will be without support, and counterers can also silence Healers by negating their buffs with debuffs. But healers are really good at empowering all of the other classes, which in turn will retaliate if one of their healers is attacked. The healer focuses on collecting defense and utility points.

Unique advantages: The healer's advantages focus on buff potency and cooldown, increased potency and decreased cooldown effects of the charge buff on all buffs, and on the highest tier, if they successfully counter a debuff with a buff, that buff's cooldown is reduced by 75%, allowing them to deal large amounts of counters in rapid succession as long as their buffs aren't re-countered/negated by an enemy.

The Commando is like an empowerer in that it buffs allies in preparation for battle, but instead of joining in the frontline assault like empowerers, commandos hide under cover of distraction and take out enemy defenses with tactical casts. They are extremely efficient with countering buffs with debuffs, yet they can't defend allies against debuffs. The commando is the hardest class to play as their position on the battlefield is an awkward one. And while they are really good at ripping enemy defenses away and preparing allies for battle, they themselves can't directly attack or defend anyone. Only choose this class if you're experienced with the pvp feature and your federation needs people of this class, otherwise you'll find yourself having a really bad experience with the pvp element.

Unique advantages: The commando looses the ability to buff people that are already affected with a debuff and the ability to debuff an enemy that's not protected by a buff, and debuff potency and duration is set to 0 so that if a commando successfully negates a buff, the debuff doesn't affect the enemy as an attack like it regularly would. This forces the commando into it's role turns debuffs solely into a means of breaking defenses instead of attacking directly. The commando also gets cooldown reduction to all debuffs, buff potency, increased splitter targets, and on the highest tier structure, the commando has a 1 in 5 chance of completely removing a buff or debuff's cooldown after casting it successfully. This means that the commando can hit many more targets than any other class in a period of time, allowing it to somewhat carpet-bomb enemy defenses or empower massive amounts of allies before the battle.

Major Benefits in participating in PVP: As factions war against each other, the colonies contributing to the war effect will share in the spoils of war. In order for Federations to start a war, both Federations must fromt a certain amount of money, and then each week after that start of the war, that same amount of money must be paid by each federation. Each week, a tally would be taken of how many successful attacks and counters were dealt by each federation. Both numbers are added together to get the Federation's battle score, and the federation with the highest score wins all of the money from all participating federations for that week. This can be used in a free-for-all war that includes multple federations as well as just a regular rivalry between two federations, and the war can continue as long as the federations want it to continue, provided they have enough money to put forward. The winning federation is required to split the winnings among it's participating colonies, but how much a percentage of the win that it keeps to itself is optional. Just bear in mind that nobody will participate if there is not a big enough reward.


Benefits of debuffing enemies: When you debuff an enemy that doesn't currently have any status effects without being negated, you permanently gain a small amount of potency towards the debuff you casted and you get offense points that go to your offense score, which can be seen by other members of your federation. If you successfully negate a buffed enemy with a debuff, you gain silencer points towards your silencer score that other members can see and you permanenty gain a very small percentage chance of not being negated each time you cast a debuff or buff, even if your buff or debuff was countered correctly by a defending enemy(this also applies to buffs/debuffs casted with feedback loop). Finally, if you successfully negated a buff or debuff that negated your original buff/debuff on the same enemy, you will gain 2x silencer points and you get 2x more percentage added to your negation-block chance.

Brownout: Forcefully syphon energy from your enemy to temporarily add to your power capacity. Is negated by the Syphon buff but can negate the repair nanites buff. Casting this debuff successfully without having it negated will permanently add a 2% increase to the caster's power capacity that scales with their power capacity.
Category: Techno-warfare

EMP Blast: Blast your enemy with EMP waves that temporarily damage power producing buildings, causing a complete power blackout. the effects of the emp blast are shorter in duration than the brownout, but cannot be countered by simply increasing power production like brownout could. Negates the Syphon Buff but is negated by the repair nanites buff. Successfully casting this debuff without negation would award the caster with a permanent 2% faster build speed on all power producing buildings.

Plague: Inflict an enemy with a nasty plague that lowers the health of it's colonists over time. By treating the population of that colony like guinea pigs, you gain a boost towards research production. A plague will never kill a colonist directly, the lowest that a plague would bring a colonist would be 5%. This is avoid any colony from dying out because of warfare. Negated by the healing nanites buff but negates the probiotic bursts buff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speed of hospitals and scientific structures.

Famine: Target your enemy's food supply and reduce the amount of food they produce for a time. Negated by the probiotic bursts buff but negates the healing nanites buff since people can't heal without eating food. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster a permanent 2% increase in food storage.

World eater: You release a rare silicon-based life form that eats stone and metal into your enemy's colony. The creature quickly reproduces and infests all of the enemy's ore mines, viciously attacking the miners.. The enemy suffers a substantial reduction in production rates from any structure that relies on holes in the ground, including excavation sites, core mines, regolith extraction co.s, fracking plants, etc. The world eaters are trained to build storehouses for the ore they collect and share it with their masters. Successfully casting this debuff without having it negated will permanent multiply the attacker's total storage capacity for raw resources by 1.02, thus adding an extra 2% capacity in relation to the capacity they already have. This scales with resource capacity and applies to all resources that come from the ground, including alien arts, ore, gold, ura, alu, rego,
Category: Geo-warfare

Tectonic disruption: Pummel your enemy with earthquakes that make working in tall buildings extremely hard. The target suffers reduced work productivity depending on how potent your attack is and can't build or destroy any buildings during the duration of the debuff. Successfully casting this buff without negation will grant the caster 2% faster construction of any structure that classifies as a tall building.
Category: Geo-warfare

Splitter: A very costly and high tech buff that allows you to direct your buffs and debuffs toward two targets at once. In order to successfully target two allies/enemies with a particular status effect, you need to cast splitter on both targets in rapid succession(casts are no more than 5 minutes apart), otherwise the splitter buff/debuff would be wasted on only one target and the caster would have to wait the long cooldown in order to cast it again.
Category: Offensive Warfare

Malicious Sanctioning campaign: you target an enemy with a campaign to invite it's population to immigrate to your colony, thus leaching population away from them. Requires tons of civics to cast and a colony would have to be well established in order to have access to this attack and would need to have tons of space for new colonists. Negated by the repopulate buff but negates the Friendly sanctioning buff. Once a caster's housing space is filled up, the campaign will be ended, thus avoiding any homeless people. Successfully casting this debuff without running out of housing space or being negated will grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds on all housing structures.
Category: Political Warfare

Purge: Purge your colony of any overly complacent colonists, forcing them to immigrate to your enemy. These colonists will immigrate to the enemy regardless of whether they have housing room or not. If the enemy doesn't have housing room, the immigrants because homeless and detract from their happiness score. This buff requires a lot of civics and would have a huge cooldown. Successfully casting this debuff would grant the caster a 2% increase in build speeds for all tourism structures.
Category: Political warfare

Blockade: Block and enemy's trade via gbt and all import/export/immigration buildings other than the Stargate. is negated by the subspace detour buff but negates the hyperspace transport buff. Requires starships to cast. During the blockade, the prices of all of the import/export stuctures besides your highest tier import/export building(stargate for humans) are reduced by 20% and the rewards gain from the exports are increased by 20%
Category: Economic Warfare

Subspace disruption: Disruption your enemy's Stargate connection, rendering their most advanced immigration and trade building useless. Negates the subspace detour buff but is negated by the hyperspace transport buff. During a disruption, your highest tier import/export building gains a 20% import price reduction and a 20% export reward increase.
Category: Economic Warfare


Benefits of buffing allies: There are good benefits to turning your colony unto a support colony that buffs it's allies. When you successfully negate a debuff, you permanently gain a small amount of resistance to the debuff that you negated, and you get defense points that go to your overall defense score that other members can see. When you cast a buff onto an ally while they aren't affected by any status affects, then you gain points towards your utility score, which other members can see as well, and you gain a potency increase to that buff.

Syphon: You temporarily sacrifice a portion of your power to add to an ally colony's power levels. Designed to negate the brownout debuff as long as the caster has enough extra power to successfully supplement that colony's needs as well as the extra demand for power that the brownout debuff adds. Unfortunately, the emp burst debuff negates this buff.
Category: Techno-warfare

Repair nanites: sends a swarm of nanites to repair any damage in an ally's technology caused by an EMP blast, immidiately negating the debuff. The brownout debuff destroys these nanites as the high electric demand causes electronics to overheat, vaporizing the nanites as they try to fix the damage. One side effect of getting hit with this buff is that they repair damage caused by other means, thereby repairing building infrastructure by a significant percentage.
Category: techno-warfare

Healing nanites: you send a swarm of healing nanites to an ally colony to heal it's occupants. Completely negates the plague debuff, but is negated by the dyson sphere debuff. Hospitals also heal sick colonists faster depending on buff potency.
Category: Bio-warfare

Probiotic bursts: gives an ally colony rapid food production for some time. This buff requires a large amount of food and water to charge, but when casted onto an ally colony, it releases massive clouds of genetically modified probiotics in the atmosphere, which help crops grow fast. negates the dyson sphere debuff, but is negated by the plague debuff.
Category: Bio-warfare

Ultrasonic resonance: Blast your ally with ultrasonic waves that purify the earth of any world eaters. Obviously this counters the world eater debuff. The resonance shakes ores and minerals loose from the rocks for easier collection. This adds a significant boost to production in all buildings that rely on holes in the ground. However, this buff does nothing against the tectonic disruption debuff.
Category: Geo-warfare

Cryonic infusion: calm an ally's planet down with the freezing power of cryo-science. Negates tectonic disruption, but world eaters are impervious to the extreme cold. The severe cold causes blue crystalline to grow on the surface of the planet, no matter what planet it is, and there is a percentage chance for each lava tile on a lava map to instantly turn into obsidian. Both of these benefits depend on buff potency.
Category: Geo-warfare

Repopulate: you sacrifice a portion of your population to save an ally from dying off by repopulating their colony. No resource or tech requirements. Not designed to negate any debuff, but designed to prevent any colony from dying off. This is a very low tier buff, and would be the first buff to be unlocked, so it really shouldn't be possible to kill off an enemy colony to where they can't recover, since they could always get reinforcements from allies. In fact, I could see some colonies specializing in this buff by increasing their population size way beyond their population requirements. Negates the sanctioning campaign debuff but people won't want to move to that colony if it been afflicted by a purge from another colony.
Category: Political Warfare

Friendly Sanctioning campaign: Help your ally by welcoming all of their homeless into your colony. The buff only stops when either the caster runs out of housing or the target runs out of homeless. negates the Purge debuff but is negated by the Malicious sanctioning debuff.
Category: Political Warfare

Subspace detour: Allow your ally to connect to your gbt via their stargate, thus allowing them to make trades. This negates a blockade debuff, but is negated by the subspace disruption debuff. Side effects from this buff include a reduced cost in civics for each gbt transaction and the reduction of cost and increase of reward from importing/exporting from the stargate or highest tier import/export building, depending on buff potency.

Wormhole: You create a wormhole above your planet that links to a wormhole above your allie's planet. Because of this, allies can travel more effectively without the need of a stargate. Negates subspace disruption but is negated by blockade. Has the same effect on gbt as subspace detour, but applies the cost and benefit modifiers to every tier other than the top tier import/export building.

SOS: This buff can only be applied to the colony casting it. It's basically a cry for help. Other allies can see a list of SOS reports for their federation and see the colony being attacked and identify the attacker. Afterward they can proceed to buff their ally in danger, or retaliate against the attacker with a debilitating debuff. There is no requirement or cost to cast this buff, you just have to have a communications device, consulate, or capital.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Feedback loop: Can only be applied to the caster, casting requires large amounts of power and the tech required with be pretty high to unlock this buff. Once this buff is casted, the caster can target themselves once with any buff, essentially being able to defend themselves instead of having to rely on another colony for counters. The feedback loop would come with a large cooldown, so the caster would have to choose wisely on.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Dimensional reflection: Reflect a buff or debuff back onto an enemy or ally, thus negating any effect on the caster completely and immediately. A high tech and a lot of resources required to cast this buff and comes with a long cooldown. This buff doesn't prevent an attack, you have to cast this buff during when you are experiencing a buff or debuff.
Category: Defensive Warfare

Charge: cast this buff before casting another buff or debuff to multiply the potency by 5. This also increases the cooldown of the buff being affected by 5. The most expensive buff in the game and comes with the highest cooldown.


Now with all of that out of the way, I want to remind everyone that I'm not expecting this whole beast of a concept to be plopped into the game. I hope that bast at least takes a consideration of the concept and uses pieces and parts from it, but I mainly just want to see the game grow to become more popular and hopefully some of my ideas play a part in making that happen. I will be making changes to this post to constantly refine it based on what I learn about what is feasible to do and what bast's plans are, so stay tuned.
5y ago
You can probably guess what the above structures would be used for. A border station would allow you to transfer colonists from 1 map to another. An interplanetary transport station would allow you to send colonists to other member of your commonwealth in the event that they may need more colonists than they can effectively produce themselves.

Border Station:

The idea behind how the border station works is simple. It's a 1x3 structure and you place it on the edges of a region map. Being that it's a 1x3 structure, it'll show up on any maps that are right next to the current map in the direction of the edge that it's on. So basically, if you built it on the right edge of the map, the map directly to the right of the current map would also have the same border station in it. In cases where one medium map meets up with 2 small maps, you would only need to build you stations on 2 different spots on the same edge, one above the center of the map, and one below, so that they can show up on both the small maps as well as the medium map.

So these buildings would have a value in them that you can set. This value determines how many colonists are to be stored in the station. A basic station would only store 30-50, but more complex stations could allow tens of thousands to be stored. The station would pick from the population randomly, regardless of position or wealth, and store them. It can only store the colonists for 5 minutes of game time before releasing them back into the same map, so be sure to close the map and open the destination map right away. Once the destination map is open, the release countdown is reset and you have 5 minutes to change you mind. Otherwise, there sould be a button to release the colonists immediately into the destination map.

This feature would be very useful in that it would allow users to send colonists to areas of a region colony that needed them, potentially preventing a colony from dying out. You would also be able to jumpstart a new map by sending lots of colonists over to a map that's already had it's city built but doesn't have any colonists. It would also get rid of the need for cloning facilities on maps that are supposed to focus on producing specific resources. You could also have a map that speciallizes in human cloning and transfers it's colonists to other maps.

Interplanetary trasport station:

Now for the second structure. This one is fairly simple. Think of it as "gifting" some colonists to another member of your commonwealth. The transactions cost civics, starships, oil, food, water, and money in amounts depending on the amount of colonists being transported. Here is another place where liquid nitrogen could come in handy, because people would need to be put in cryosleep. Once the transaction is completed, the map sending the colonists will experience the drop in population, and then the receiving colony's map(whether a region map or a single mapped colony) would receive the colonists as a gift, in the same way that they receive gifted resources. A colony could play a very important role in boosting the population of it's commonwealth. It could also be a way to reduce your population in case it get's out of hand instead of killing them off.
5y ago
I just sold 100 starship twice for half the price the minimum seller has. Both trades are nowhere to be seen and I didn't receive money. I tried wood and oil, but the same thing happened. I was able to trade earlier without trouble. How do I prevent my items from disappearing?

Thanks in advance

PS Video:

PPS Version: v0.92.0 PC Windows 10

Update: A wood selling transaction completed which I made before this bug started happening
4y ago
Here is what their (likely automated) email said:

Hi Developers at Brandon Stecklein,

After review, My Colony, (Version Code 149), has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the malicious behavior policy.

Apps that cause users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play are prohibited.

Next Steps

1. Read through the Malicious Behavior policy for more details and examples of policy violations.
2. If possible, make changes to bring your app into compliance. Remember your app must comply with all policies listed in the Developer Program Policies and additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.
3. Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.

Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this suspension may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. One of my colleagues will get back to you within 2 business days.


The Google Play Review Team

I also just got a similar e-mail and suspension for Helios File Manager, which leads me to suspect they are going through my account taking things down. I had something similar happen a few years ago, and when I tried to appeal they suspended my entire account, seemingly just for bothering them about an appeal, which took forever to get resolved.

So anyway, like I said in the last post this isn't my first time down this road with Google Play, but usually it does not turn out good at all. The internet is also filled with horror stories from other developers working with Google Play, so we will see what happens. Could be that I am done on Android now 😕
4y ago
Update (20191016): Google Play has accepted my appeal and My Colony is back in the store! Thanks to all who contacted them to help them "see the light." Original post follows.

Without warning, Google has taken the extreme step of removing My Colony from the Google Play store for violating their malicious behavior policy, while offering no explanation or examples as to the reason for their decision. You can see further information related to this removal on this thread. Please feel free to contact Google Play regarding this decision.

The following e-mail is all of the information they sent me regarding the takedown:
Hi Developers at Brandon Stecklein,

After review, My Colony, (Version Code 149), has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the malicious behavior policy.

Apps that cause users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play are prohibited.

Next Steps

1. Read through the Malicious Behavior policy for more details and examples of policy violations.
2. If possible, make changes to bring your app into compliance. Remember your app must comply with all policies listed in the Developer Program Policies and additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.
3. Sign in to your Play Console and submit the policy compliant app using a new package name and a new app name.

Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you’ve reviewed the policy and feel this suspension may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. One of my colleagues will get back to you within 2 business days.


The Google Play Review Team

To me, this is insane. Anybody who has played My Colony on Android knows that it does not cause users to download or install applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play. The only app it asks users to download is the Helios File Manager app if they want to export a game file, and this links directly to the Google Play store listing, which is not an unknown source.

If they are referring to a download link from an ad inside the game, that is equally insane, as the game uses Google's own AdMob ad network, and any third party apps advertised in the ads come directly from them.

I have sent an appeal request to Google Play, but have yet to hear back. Just going from prior experience of dealing with Google and from experiences I have read from other developers, the odds of a successful appeal are somewhat low. I can re-upload the game using a different package name, but it would lose all downloads and ranks, would not carry over existing Premium purchases, existing users can not update without reinstalling, and if Google bans it again for the same reason, they are likely to close my entire account, as each suspension adds a "policy strike" to your account.

As I showed in a chart on this thread, Google Play accounts for over half of the My Colony downloads, so this action would be a significant blow to the My Colony community, so any contact or pressure sent Google Play's way probably wouldn't hurt.

In the event that the game is not able to be reinstated, Android users still have options to play the game. The My Colony web app can now be installed to your homescreen as a Progressive Web App, and given the new filesystem limitations in Android 10 which block saving data directly to the external storage anyway, you really missing much by using the PWA vs the Native App.

To install the Progressive Web App, go to on Chrome, open the "three dots" menu from the top-right corner of the screen, and select "Add to Homescreen." The only primary limitation is that in the PWA version, the back button does not work as it does in the native app.

Anyway, the loss of Google Play is really a significant blow to the game. As I indicated, I have started the appeals process, but any help from the community on this issue, whether getting the word out or contacting Google Play, would be welcomed. I don't really see why they shouldn't reinstate the game, as their reason for taking it down is entirely bogus. Although it's also possible that they just prefer to have IAP-diamond festival games on their app store, since that it what it is filled with currently, and those probably make them way more money.

I will keep you all posted with any information that comes forward on this front!
4y ago
First of all, thank you to General Wadaling for this idea! Go check out his post over at here:
Now that I gave that out of the way, let's move on!

[Emergency Broadcast Failure]
[Full System Shutdown]
[Starting Up]
[Decoded Documents Being Shown....]

This is a historical recollection of how the LIS got their hands on Gritonium, the abstract United Earth based substance they modified because of legal reasons. Without the UE having their own substace a secret anymore, banned colony's were able to send over colonists to receive some of the resource.

Here is the LIS statement leaked to us on 04/11/4084 about the legal troubles they got into:
Legal production will continue under code P-1-50, where it states that: "Any Substance(s) searched or found on or with a Sentient being entering or exiting a compound, will there unforth be set upon the
highest ranking officer of the Colony"

Here is a receipt found in the encoded script:
This Transaction Of 20/05/4054 will leave you with 2.00Eâ‚© left in your bank. You are buying: "Gritonium" count: 4.5 Units, Cost: 6.80Eâ‚©.

Here is a quote from Alzentic Zadlogf, A Human and Outer Space expert: "Many things we say today, are false. We have no understanding of most things in life, but we make assumptions based on past events. I thank you all today, for the support to the Advanced Alien Resources Lab!This has been the most scientific advancement we've seen in a couple hundred millennia!" Sadly, Alzentic Zadlogf was shot dead by assassination outside of CCE Labs, Near Sector 2-4.
[End Encoded Message]
4y ago
Structures like the black market bazaar only work for one transaction, the menu just closes and nothing happens after the first one
Hello, is the BGT having a standard delay to carry out new transactions? I cannot make more than one transaction without waiting for a long period of time
3y ago
Wondering what players or potential modders think about eventually setting up an in-game mod store where players can more easily download and install mods?

My thinking is that you would always be able to just distribute your mods any way you wish, but you could also upload them to the My Colony server where they will be downloadable in-game. I could also give the modders the chance to charge a price for their mod if they wanted to, and they would get a monthly lump-payment from their mod sales (minus various app store transaction fees and a small Ape Apps cut).

Anyway, it could be a way to generate a little more revenue for the game, plus allow mod creators an easy way to get paid for their mods if they wanted to. Again, it would all be optional, and a mod creator could still distribute their mod using any means they wanted to. I was just thinking that if a mod creator put in tons of time and made some giant total conversion of the game, they might want to make a few bucks on it.
2y ago

Can anyone tell me if there's an easy way to enter recurring transactions into EZ Register? For example, I have a monthly charge on my credit card for Netflix that is set up for an automatic withdrawal every month. Does EZ Register have an easy way for me to enter this transaction to repeat every month?

Thanks for your help!
2y ago
Everytime after a city have built too much rum distilleries, this happens.

Water (and food) is "profitable" business. (smirking)

Side note, this is the case that when city has totally ran out of water, and has 18 rum distilleries.

@bastecklein BTW also a reporting a problem, not sure is that the city out of funds or a bug.
When the sum of profit in a single trade is too large the transaction will not occur even if you click sell.
This is not a bug. This was intentionally done by the developer in order to curtail GBT exploitation.
1y ago
That doesn't make any sense. All that's doing is suppressing growth for early colonies and it's infuriating. It completely defeats the purpose of buildings like the mass driver which become utterly useless.
1y ago
I don't support it either. I just repeated what was in the update post.
1y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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