Search - upload

Today I am rolling out Network Browser v2.7.0, which is a new feature release containing a couple of goodies which have been requested by the community.

Firstly, a couple of new items have been added to the drop down application menu, which is where you can find the new features for this release. The first is the Upload Folder Here option, and the next is the Setup Folder Backup option.

Upload Folder Here is self explanatory and has been long requested by users. If you have Helios File Manager installed on your device, you can now upload an entire folder to the network, which is a lot more handy than the previous one-file-at-a-a-time method. To go along with this, there is a new upload status indicator at the bottom of the screen when uploading multiple files.

The next new feature is Setup Folder Backup. With this, you can set Network Browser to automatically keep a folder (or several folders) on your device backed up to a network location of your choice. The backups will take place every night at around 2:30 AM. At some point I will expand this and let you choose the time and other variables, but that is how it works as of right now.

In addition to these changes, a number of bugs and glitches have been addressed, but of course, with new features tends to come new bugs, so be sure to let me know what I have missed so I can get them fixed. And as always, keep the suggestions coming. These updates came from you guys, so your input helps shape what will be added in updates to come!
5y ago
Hello, i have the following problems with the regions:

I just bought Premium and wanted to try the Multiplayer Region.
So I created one and tried to create a medium City.
While creating I got an Error and I couldn´t create an other City in the Region.
So I created a new Region, same there.
At the 3rd Region I could create a City, but I couldn´t send resources and after saving and going back to title, the city was gone. I tried it a few times again, every time I save and go back to my region, the City disapears after a millisecond.
Now I have 4 Multiplayer Regions and my List ist full of Cities.
It´s really frustrating and im in despair...
I also tried to restart the game and the computer several times. But it doesn´t help.
Im playing on Windows10

(My list)

(No Cities in my regions)

(My saves)

I hope the problams can be solved and thank you very much for the fast support :)
4y ago
Hey Bast you are a really nice guy heck nicer then I am even .
Thing is along with the post over prem on the site you probably get alot in email and what ever .
Can you fix my premium issues .

Thing is there seams to be a way to upload a premium file here somehow so any device someone has will know the game is payed for . There Must be you somehow did it for me .

Thing is you could easily solve the post for premium help alest 99 % of them .
I bookmarked the file download site and knew the email I used to buy it .
I had 4 or 5 copy's of the amk files in different places just in case of worlds end ( heck still do .)

Now if there would have been a BIG button saying upload your premium file to your membership here well I would have been one less person that you need to spend time doing it for .

Quite honesty((( I just found the way you did it NOW ))) is very well hidden go to my wall only visible info to change picture or other high lv account items .
If You made that link bigger and say black so the link stands out and add in Upload premium file change photo and other high lv account items for people who like me can be totally dense it could save you the time of doing it your self . PS adding in IF they use the same email to become a member here as they did to buy the game and you add a little thing in that knows this then any one who bought even After they became a member resigns in bingo the site now has them loged in as premium .

Dont know if any of this would help but Heck your a nice guy and bussie maybe this could save some time or frustration .

6y ago
There are some new changes coming to the Texture Mod system in My Colony v0.64.0.

Texture mod authors will now be able to upload their mods to the My Colony server from within the game. Must be logged in with an Ape Apps Account to upload.

There will be a new in-game mod browser where users can browse through all of the uploaded texture mods.

And finally (and most importantly), you can now have multiple texture mods activated at once. This will allow texture creators to upload single-building mods and for users to only mod the buildings they want to.

It's all coming this week in My Colony v0.64.0. Enjoy!
6y ago
I cant seem to right click in the broswer (Using Chrome), it gives me the wrong setting,

IDEA!! - would it be possible to link the its to region maps, so we could move the built robots from one to another, and maybe if this was not possible through just linking,
Maybe we could get a building where we could upload them to a intergalactic car park, and as long as we have a car park, we can upload and unload our bots to use. that way it could make it easier, it could maybe use the coding like the resources, so for every bot we upload, it adds to a certain list shown elsewhere
5y ago
error showing couldn't creat file. So not able to upload file. Connections ok. Can see and download from share folder but not able to upload. I was able to upload before 3 days, but now not working. Everything i tried. Re insatL app. Relogin. Everything tried. But same error. Pls help me
4y ago
Hi. I just found the great little app! Is it possible to upload multiple files at once? I can only see how to upload files one at a time, which is time consuming when I have dozens of files that need to go to different locations on my server.

Also is there a way to sort the view in reverse order (z-a)?
4y ago
Education - tested Colonist fail to use schools No matter which type put in
Rating- Can no longer be maintained ( Yea I know BUT you never have a problem .
well Instead of just Idling that massive or even normal size colony try making a new one or just delete ten to 100 buildings and rebuild them .
windows platform versions of both game are no longer usable ( ongoing over a month .Cant or don't care to fix it ?Take windows version off line .
This will effect how people view the game .

The Biggest issue is the programmer seams to just program then upload without any or very little testing so when a update goes on line . And not just the live in development version there can be and have been massive game issues that could have been solved Before the update was relised . This is the second time when a version has not worked for over a month .
wile he can and does solve bugs it seams to be random and some bugs just linger so much that they are in game from versions .25 on up .

Overall I can not bring my self to keep the game at a 4 star rating and honestly there is NO reason this game cant have a 5 star rating its a great concept .

All of the above applys to Antiquitas Right now the issues are minim for that game but the programmer has a habit of using my colony updates as the base to update that game and thus the same game issues are being transferred to that game .

To Bast I really enjoy both games and these games are the first I have bought in almost ten years .
I really hope you reach the next lv of programming wile It great that you enjoy the programming it is the players who make it possible to do this from home and its a shame that all it would take is a little Before you upload a update testing to avoid some of the issues the players have had .

I know this criticism is unwanted Heck who does want it . And I have been impressed with the skills shown which are way beyond mine ( which is why I wont even try to make a apk game )

over all game performance Chrome exultant minim bugs game speed fast .
But facts are facts The game has a requirement that effects rating that effects game play in a big way and the Requirement can NOT be met and going by the past and ongoing Colonists failing to use health services and just protesting to death the education requirement effecting ratings is something that will make the game to hard to manage .

I see little likely hood this problem will be solved as Again colonist have failed to use health services from when they were put in many many versions back .
You can still have 20 sick and not one bed being used and the 20 will let them self die before using a bed .
Check your deaths on a large older colony and see how many have died in you 100 % ratings colony .

Unless these things are solved The game may very well die But it can be solved so its all in what the programmer decides if its worth his work .
As for my self Ill still play but now view the game as middle ground at best between the worst clickers and the best strategic games .

Hopfully some day this will change again the game was worth a 4 star even with the bugs and maybe it will be again .

6y ago
The first 0.60.0 upload I did was glitched and I had to re-upload a 0.60.1.
6y ago
New release of My Colony has just been pushed out and should be heading out to all devices over the next couple of days. This is a minor update, as with the weather warming up I have been pretty busy with yard work and landscaping around the house over the last few weeks. Still though, there are some important changes, so let's take a look at what is new!

My Colony v0.64.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • Added a Delete All button to the building stats screen. Use with caution!
  • New Research build category added
  • Added new in-game texture mod downloader
  • The in-game commonwealth chat now shows which colony each user represents
  • Players on the Xbox One console can no longer play online 😕 (Microsoft requirement, nothing I can do about it)
  • Added wheel storage to the Gravitational Compression Warehouse
  • Increased Crystalling, Ore, Regolith, and Charcoal storage capacities for the Zolarg Mound
  • LIS colonies can now build the Hall of Congress
  • On Android and Windows 10, lighting effects are now turned Off by default, for performance reasons. Can be changed back in the Engine Settings screen
  • Slightly improved Starship construction time
  • Starships and Wheels have been added to the GBT
  • Multiple texture mods can now be activated at once
  • You can now upload your custom texture mods to the My Colony server in-game
As you can see, this update primarily focuses on cleaning up existing content and a complete rewrite of the texture modding system. If people utilize the new Texture Mod upload/download server, I will expand the feature allowing for in-app screenshots before downloading, and user ratings for the mods so you know what you are getting ahead of time.

I am thinking of implementing an entire in-game complete modding system, allowing the modder to start with a completely blank slate game file and build their own My Colony like game from scratch, defining their own civs, graphics, structures, and all related content. More information on that will be forthcoming.

Anyway, next update will probably be back to content again, unless something major comes up. Let me know if you have any issues with the new texture mod system, as I did rewrite the entire thing from scratch to allow for multiple mods to be activated at once.

That's all for today everyone. Much more to come - enjoy!
6y ago
Apologies to @Reyn at RPF for stealing this post code for code, but I plan on using it to expand and improve the BB Code rendering of the general Ape Apps forum software. Some rendering will appear off, since sections here using RPF's spoiler tag would, on this software, be better suited for the collapse tag. -b

Bold Text:Bold Text
[b]Bold Text[/b]

Italic Text:Italic Text
[i]Italic Text[/i]

Strikethrough Text:Strikethrough Text
[s]Strikethrough Text[/s]

Highlighted Text:Highlighted Text
[highlight=#FFFF00]Highlighted Text[/highlight]

Tag:Tagged text (tags are invisible in the actual post, but visible in the editor)
[tag="TagExample"]Tagged text (tags are invisible in the actual post, but visible in the editor)[/tag]

Size Huge:Big Text
[size=200]Big Text[/size]

Size Tiny:Baby Text
[size=50]Baby Text[/size]

Coloured Text:Coloured Text
[color=#FF0000]Coloured Text[/color]

Left Align:
Left Align Text

[align=left]Left Align Text[/align]

Right Align:
Right Align Text

[align=right]Right Align Text[/align]

Center Align:
Center Align Text

[align=center]Center Align Text[/align]

Font:Text in a different font (this one is perfect for serious posts)
[font=Comic Sans MS]Text in a different font.[/font]

Opacity:Text with different opacity
[opacity=50]Text with different opacity[/opacity]

Glow:Text that GLOWS!
You can also combine this with coloured text!

[glow=#ff0080]Text that GLOWS!
[color=#000000]You can also combine this with coloured text![/color][/glow]

Dropshadow:Text with a dropshadow
[dropshadow=#ff0080]Text with a dropshadow[/dropshadow]

Blur:You need an eye test.
[blur=black]Blurred text[/blur]



Transparent Text:Secret invisible text
[color=transparent]Secret invisible text[/color]

Indent:Indent for your text
[tab=50]Indent for your text[/tab]

Marquee:Marquee text: text that moves across the screen. It doesn't work inside spoilers, but trust me. It works.
[marquee]Marquee text.[/marquee]

Link:Link Text
[url=]Link Text[/url]

Link To Tag:You can use the URL code to link people to tagged points.
[url=#TagExample]You can use the URL code to link people to tagged points.[/url]

Reyn said:Text Someone Else Said

[quote=Reyn]Text Someone Else Said[/quote]

Code Block:
Hackerman Text (doesn't parse BBCode like [b]this[/b])

[code]Hackerman Text[/code]

Code Line:Also doesn't parse [s]BBCode[/s]

List (Bullet):
  • More Text In A List

[list]Text In A List
[*]More Text In A List[/list]

List (Numbered):[list=1]Text In A Numbered List
[*]More Text In A Numbered List[/list]

[list=1]Text In A Numbered List
[*]More Text In A Numbered List[/list]

External Image:

Attached Image:[attachment=0]att.PNG[/attachment]

MP3 Embed:





Box 2 (You can change the border with this one)

[box2= color=#00FF88 border=transparent]Box 2[/box2]

Gradient Box (RGBA Values):
Gradient Box RGBA (Basic directions are "to top" for a vertical gradient and "to right" for a horizontal one)

[gradbox d=to right b=transparent c=rgba(255,223,223,0.8), rgba(160,49,86,0.8)]Gradient Box RGBA[/gradbox]

Gradient Box (Colour Names):
Gradient Box Words (It only works with RGBA or colour names. Hex values are incompatible. You can put as many colours in as you want.)

[gradbox d=to top b=black c=orange, yellow, green]Gradient Box Words[/gradbox]

Image Box:
This is an imgbox. There is an image as the background of this.

[imgbox=]This is an imgbox. There is an image as the background of this.[/imgbox]

Spoiler:Spoiler:Spoiler text
[spoiler="Spoiler"][spoiler="Spoiler"]Spoiler text[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Spoiler2:[spoiler2=blue,yellow,castellar,"SPOILER 2"]You can edit the colours and font etc.[/spoiler2]
[spoiler2=blue,yellow,castellar,"SPOILER 2"]You can edit the colours and font etc.[/spoiler2]

Columns of text
Boxes work in these
Specifically, 2 columns of text.And guess what:Spoilers also work in these

[column][col]Columns of text[box=yellow]Boxes work in these[/box][/col][col]Specifically, 2 columns of text.[spoiler="And guess what"]Spoilers also work in these[/spoiler][/col][/column]

Float Text
(Doesn't play nice with boxes or spoilers, but wraps normal text around it nicely. Use with caution. Lorem ipsum not included in code, for the sake of space and convenience.)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit porttitor ut sodales mauris aenean, primis nec dis per natoque. Primis laoreet pulvinar tempus senectus sociis pretium vehicula inceptos leo, malesuada eros nibh augue fringilla hendrerit et mattis pharetra, cum egestas in penatibus parturient imperdiet erat commodo. Placerat risus nam eros imperdiet faucibus vitae aptent accumsan, quisque massa laoreet ac est sem tellus, mattis curae vulputate egestas leo sociosqu eleifend.
Justo semper nulla enim eleifend tempor aenean integer pretium ultrices, mollis dis aliquet mi ornare pellentesque himenaeos diam potenti, neque vestibulum cursus dapibus commodo vivamus sociosqu in. Odio magnis nec non auctor dis magna eget vulputate, consequat faucibus tempus sed sem litora quam aliquam placerat, natoque eleifend ac metus per purus enim. Netus penatibus suscipit sem bibendum facilisi sed vulputate, montes inceptos curabitur cum nibh euismod, curae nunc rhoncus potenti parturient tellus.

[float=right]Float Text


Adjusts the amount of space text and images take up.

Adjusts the amount of space text and images take up.[/width]

[comment]Only visible in the post editor.[/comment]

Line Break:Line


Div blocks allow you to change all of the formatting in pretty much every way possible (text colour, border colour/type/weight, font, background colour, width, float, display type etc.).

It also works with other things
and boxes
Guess what? It works with columns too. It works with pretty much everything, so go experiment with this!
You can also set the background to an image and have several div blocks next to each other. Neat!

Use THIS guide if you want more detail on div things.

[div="color:black;border:3px black dashed;font-family:arial;background-color:#FF6696;display:inline-block;float:left;width:70%;"]Text here.[/div][div="color:yellow;border:2px black solid;font-family:courier;background-image:url(;display:inline-block;float:right;width:28%;"]Wow![/div]

This is a TABLE You can put text here And it makes it into a table
The width of each column is determined by how much you type in it so don't be surprised if it doesn't work
with shorter entries [td]text here[/td] makes a new column [tr]text here[/tr] makes a new row

[tr][td]Row 1 Column [/td]
[td]Row 1 Column 2[/td]
[td]Row 1 Column 3[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Row 2 Column 1[/td]
[td]Row 2 Column 2[/td]
[td]Row 2 Column 3 (etc.)[/td][/tr][/table]
5y ago
bastecklein said:Are you thinking like an in-game logo maker, or a deal that just lets you upload your own image file?

In-game logo maker is preferred by me. (but if some want to upload one for themselves, it’s okay too as they may need one, but may be in *.svg format)

To fetch some possible components for making the logo, I may try to draw example logos for some commonwealths.

Feel free to ask me for a hand-drawn design!
I would like to start a thread allowing users to upload user created maps. Does anyone know how to, or if it is possible to, upload maps? I have created 3 or 4 now and I'd like to share them with everyone!
4y ago
I purchase the upgrade for EZregister app and need to know how I upload the license code
2y ago
I just purchased an EZ register premium upgrade license key, uploaded the key, and nothing has happened. My profile still shows as not upgraded. I tried to re upload my key, and I get a response back that I cannot upload the same key more than once. Please provide some assistance.
2y ago
I just purchased an EZ register premium upgrade license key, uploaded the key, and nothing has happened. My profile still shows as not upgraded. I tried to re upload my key, and I get a response back that I cannot upload the same key more than once. Please provide some assistance.
2y ago
Today I am posting a major update to Network Browser. v3.0.0 represents a total rewrite of the app, and so a lof of things have changed in this release. Let's go over it.

First, why the complete rewrite? Network Browser was originally released back in 2013, and in the past 11 years, a lot of things have changed with Android, especially as it relates to filesystem permissions, which Network Browser deals in heavily. When Network Browser was first released, Android was a pretty open system and it was relatively simple to work with and manage files and folders on an Android device. In the years since though, Android has become far more locked down, and I have had to bend and twist the way Network Browser worked in order to conform to the changes, to the point where the underlying code had become a complete mess.

In addition to changes in the way the filesystem is accessed, there has also been a tendency for Android to make major changes to it's UI framework every few years, depreciating layouts and replacing them with others. For a single developer, it is often a hassle to constantly refactor an app like Network Browser every few years.

So instead of constantly trying to bolt new code onto old, I have just decided to rewrite the entire thing from scratch, a project I have been meaning to do for a while now but kept putting it off due to the scope of it. But now it's finally done and it should make updating and improving Network Browser much faster and simpler going forward.

Of course, long time users will notice many changes, so let's go over what has happened.

First, you will notice once you update that your saved network configurations are lost. This I am sorry for, but it was necessary fallout. I plan during the next update or so to add a function to save/export/share network configuration settings so that you can easily distribute them to multiple devices. Config settings are now also synced to your Ape Apps Account if you are signed in, so they should (in theory) automatically transfer between your devices when you are signed in.

Network Browser now also sports a new tabbed interface, allowing you to browse and work with different connections at once. You can also now quickly navigate up to any location in your current remote path, as there is a new Path Bar with each subdirectory in the tree being selectable.

In the previous release, you could either download or upload a folder from/to the network (I forgot which one it supported) but not both. Network browser now allows you to both Download or Upload an entire folder from/to the remote network. In addition, both downloads and uploads are now handled by Android's modern worker system, and long running network transfer operations should persist even after you shut down the app.

For Network Browser TV users, the user interface has also been overhauled, and there have been significant improvements to the Dark app theme.

Speaking of themes, you can now set Network Browser to use either Light, Dark, or system default theme modes. In addition, you can now customize the overall accent color that the app uses.

I have also abandoned my efforts to develop and maintain the built-in custom video player for Network Browser. The app now just uses the default no-frills Android media player widget and will support whatever codes your device OEM supports. Maintaining my own custom player was just so far out of the scope of the project, especially when there are many far better media player options out there on the market.

If you need better video playback capabilities, there are plenty of good and free third-party media players available that Network Browser can stream your content to. I suggest using MX Player, as it seems to work great on both phone and TV devices. VLC also works fine on phones and tablets, however the TV version has issues with Network Browser, and I would suggest staying away from it on TV.

Being such a large update, I am sure there are issues and bugs that I have missed, so please feel free to let me know in this thread, because I am certain there will need to be a big v3.1.0 bug fix patch after so significant a rewrite. Also let me know of any new features or changes you would like to see added. The app should be much easier to update and maintain now!

Thanks for using Network Browser.

Edit 2024.08.26
I have made additional changes/fixes and released patch v3.1.0. Scroll down a bit in this thread to see those release notes.

2mo ago
In a nutshell, your new code doesn't work because the server does not know your colony is independent, because it is unable to upload its stats because of the crazy amount of money you have.

Maybe I can get it patched for the update. Which glitch allowed you to get so much $$$ ?
7y ago
There are a couple of cash exploit fixes in the new version coming out soon, so to even things out colonies with huge amounts of money get a one-time galactic tax. You are still left with a ton of money so its really not a big deal.

It's a way of restoring some balance to the online world without having to disable all current online colonies and restart from scratch.

The main issue is that money in such high quantities really has no useful purpose in the game, but it does make it impossible for your colony to upload its stats to the server right now, so it's actually not a good thing to have ungodly amounts of cash, since going 4 months with no stat updates will have the server automatically switch your colony into offline mode.
7y ago
bastecklein said:In a nutshell, your new code doesn't work because the server does not know your colony is independent, because it is unable to upload its stats because of the crazy amount of money you have.

Maybe I can get it patched for the update. Which glitch allowed you to get so much $$$ ?

also how much money is too much for the servers / how can i get my money to go down faster :P
7y ago
I have a mod that turns solar towers into walls, small and golden houses into huts, and water pumps into Wells. I will upload when I find out how.
Upload the .mct file that it lets you export. click attach file when you post.
7y ago
I will upload my mod on Monday. I am going on a trip for the weekend
someone released a unofficial version of this game on the Chinese market. it has the data from 0.20 if I remember correctly, and player who play it, will never upload their stats to the server
7y ago
it would be useful for really big numbers. (more then ~9quintillion can't be send to the server. of you have more then 9q of a resource, you're statistics won't upload anymore. Using 9quintillion +xy would be helpful in this case. but how much you have shouldmhe displayed as a full number.
6y ago
the forum can handle .png .jpg and even .gif in addition to svg

If you are on a desktop computer, you only have to drag/drop the image into the forum window and it should upload
6y ago
Forcedminer said:Sure thing. I'll take screenshots and upload them to imgur then put a link to them here whenever i see one.
bastecklein are you able to look up them just to confirm? I'd hate to think a single screenshot would be enough evidence.

Yes, I would not ban a colony without first confirming.
6y ago
Hello all,

In the same boat as viewpage.php?p=4507. I'm looking to experiment and learn how to make texture packs, and need to have a reference image to work with. I followed the links for the example templates in the post, but received an invalid page for each link. I browsed through the various posts in the Suggestions and Feedback forum as well, but didn't find any of them there. After a rather thorough Google-ing and the discovery of as upload directory, I find myself empty-handed, my life in pieces. Would someone be kind enough to link me to these svg files, or point me to a naviagatable central repository where they are stored?

Any assistance is sincerely appreciated.
6y ago
Income says 300 and some but click on that is shows over 2000
so why does it say 300 on the main part and 2000 on the other part ?
and why wont this form upload photos ????
Both are really anoying
6y ago
You need to put in the URL to upload an Image
6y ago
Welcome everyone! Today I am releasing My Colony v0.52.0, the Christmas 2017 update! What makes it a Christmas update? Why, all of the goodies inside of it (of course). Here are the changes:

My Colony v0.52.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structure: Crystal Vaporizer
  • New Maps: Earthlike (human), Lava World (Zolarg
  • New Units: Extremeobug, Obsidiobug, Rover Transport, Queen and Airborne Lander (sort of new)
  • New Resource: Obsidian
  • New Modding Option: Map Editor
  • Water (and the new Lava) tiles now have a slight 'shore' texture around them instead of hard-ending at the edge of a tile. The shore pieces connect when multiple waters are placed next to each other.
  • The U.E. Lander can now launch and turn into the Airborne Lander, which can be moved to a new location.
  • Likewise, the Zolarg Mound can now transform into the Queen and move to a new location.
  • Slight gameplay change, Zolarg Mounds can no longer be built, you must build the new Queen unit first and then turn the Queen into a Mound.
  • Removed Power and resource consumption requirements from Creative Mode
  • Increased storage of the Charcoal Pile
The biggest change here is the addition of the new Lava World, which has a few new features not seen before in the game, including moving terrain elements and natural disasters. I won't go too much into it, you can read more about the Lava World in the Lava World thread I made the other day:

The other big change is the addition of an engine feature allowing buildings to "pack-up" into units (and vice versa) so that they can be moved to a new location. I will probably expand this for other structures in the future.

The other big change for Premium users is the new Map Editor, found in the Mod Tools section. This lets you start with a blank map and add in any terrain feature found in the game. If the feature proves popular, I will expand on it, adding more terrain elements and features. Once Accounts are integrated into the game, I am also going to add the ability to upload both custom maps and texture mods to the My Colony server right from within the game, and add a section where users can download mods without having to leave the game.

Now then, this will be the last My Colony update for a few weeks. Besides for holiday travels I have coming up, there are a lot of other things I want to get caught up on over the next few weeks, including getting my servers ready for finally ditching Facebook and adding Ape Apps accounts into the game. There are also big improvements and changes to the Forum, the Chat, and the general Ape Apps Account experience coming very soon. Also, the My Colony website is going to get basically a complete overhaul.

I will return to My Colony development in mid-January with the long awaited introduction of the evil Reptilians. Just for a background, the Reptilians are the alien race that had previously enslaved the Insectoids. The Insectoids were under brutal Reptilian rule until one brave insectoid named Zolarg overthrew the Reptilians and founded the Zolarg Empire. Many Insectoid worlds are now under the protection of the Zolarg Empire, but there are also many insectoid worlds that are still enslaved by the Reptilians. This will come into play with the new Reptilian worlds, which (on the galactic map) are going to be pretty close to the Zolarg worlds. You will see when the Reptilians come out that they employ poor insectoids as slave labor throughout their colonies. Reptilians are also playing a hand in United Earth/LIS politics, but this will not be a factor in My Colony (only in the upcoming Colony Wars). The Reptilians are also more technologically advanced than both the Insectoid and the Humans, and the are going to have cool new features not found in the other colonies. So stay tuned, much more to come!
6y ago
You forgot to upload the map methinks
6y ago


Only on Discord!!

Using 4 different road tiles. Create a picture/symbol/face. Only 3 winners will be chosen by the SORCERERS. Once done, just upload your screenshot on the NOZ Discord game Channel!. Must be at least 8x8

You will stand to win.

5 million Aluminium & Uranium

Grand Wizards and Sorcerers cannot participate in the NOZ Games.
6y ago
could you take a photo and upload it ? showa area of a MINING camp and a tin mine next to it wile your resource counter is expanded
6y ago
Example of my Grid

EDIT: Nvm won't let me upload screenshot...
6y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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