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I did a bit of experimenting, considering a friend decided to delete all my hard work i had to restart. I knew the health graph freezing was a thing because mine froze at 98% (You dont need to get rid of your medical things to replicate this). I was curious as to if it actually froze your health or stopped updating for you. Everything suggests that the health actually freezes. The method shown is enough to replicate so i wont do a step by step. I will simply bullet point each thing
- The health graph freezing is common very early on, because it's far too easy to reach 0 food and water very quickly.
- I had hundreds of 85+ colonists. i had over 6 days of playtime, and no deaths. That was on the colony that froze at 98%. My new colony, froze at 50% (partially intentional). I have 1 day and 12 hours played. no-one above 55.
- My atmosphere was over 100 million on Colony 1 (old colony). Extremely toxic, but no-one died. Colony 2 (new colony), my atmosphere is below toxic level of 15 million. 5 deaths
- I was consistently in a health crisis on Colony 1, suggesting that the only thing the colonists recognise are the potential threats to their health, not their actual health.
- When i checked the ADU or the other option (i forget). The stat for my health bar also said 98% (for colony 1) for as long as it registered
- This is exploitable, medical centres are not needed if you intentionally freeze your health bar at 100%
Now, if this was just the health graph freezing, it wouldn't be a problem, but it's the health in general. I probably play this game the most at the moment since I'm playing over 10 hours a day and I've seen plenty people complain about this issue. Then I check the forums to see that this is an extremely common issue, but that it's yet to be fixed? It'd be nice to have something so critical and easy to come across wasn't something you had to worry about.
3y ago
Health graph of colony gets stuck and does not update anymore after a food and water crisis.

Steps of reproduction:
  1. Prepare a working and healthy colony
  2. Have a look at the health statistics; the health should stay at a high level e.g. 95%
  3. Switch off all water and food production, wait until stockpile reaches 0; also switch off all medical facilities
  4. Colony health will quickly drop; this is normal
  5. Have a look at the health statistics; you should see a sharp drop of health %
  6. Wait a while; maybe some colonists will die
  7. Reactivate water, food, and medical facilities
  8. Wait a while to let colonists get healed
  9. Check the health statistics again
  10. Realize that the health graph is no longer updated, and that the health statistics stays at the low level of your food and water crisis
4y ago
yes have you read through all these reports ?
EVERY stat 100 pecent spamed health care centers and if you read through YOU would see many OTHER report teh very same thing .
BUT hey no matter lets PRETEND bast wants the game to kill of half the colonists every payroll In a new colony that ONLY has the gray 1 sick colonists health center .
LOL lord a NEW COLONY only has access to that ONE gray health center that HOLDS ONE sick colonists and it can TAKE hours to even get the small white health center and a colony that new can EASLY have 900 colonists .
So lets pretend EVEN you have started a bran new colony it has LITTLE research yet only has access to THE gray One sick colonists health center and the dome park and internet cafe as it takes a wile to build up mean wile every 5 mints 900 Colonists just up and die ,
so thats the way this new UPDATE works .
LORD almighty a NEW colony does NOT have access to health care NORE edcuation NORE rec except very very basic and it can take HOURS to get enough research to buy the tech and HOURS more to get all the correct resources .
YOU do relize EVERY health center BUT the gray one take CIV points and EVERY ONE BUT the small white health center take CHIPS .
SO mean wile you just dont have any colonists ???
LOL go it amazes me no one seams to relize a NEW colony has NO access to this STUFF and it can take HOURS to get access .

so here we have a update that means NO NEW colony can maintain a steady COLONISTS population .
4y ago
This suggestion has likely been suggested before, but I think now that we have education, maybe we could take a crack at these and see if these ideas stick.

Bast wants to model My colony to be like Sim city, which is very apparent in many ways. For instance, like sim city, we have to manage utilities like water, power, trash, and also air pollution to an extent, all of which are factors that cim city employs. In addition to those needs, the player also needs to have fire protection coverage by placing fire departments at certain intervals to ensure that all of the city is protected, and law enforcement by spacing police stations around the city. Crime and fires are both very realistic factors in any given city and should not be an exception in mc.

The implications of fire feature would be very simple. All structures already take damage over time in mc, so it would be nothing to add a factor that increases the chance for a fire to occur in a structure as it's health gets closer to zero. The fires could be entities that appear around a structure when triggered.. If a fire is left at full health for enough time, it will spawn one or two other fires around adjacent buildings that weren't burning before. Those fires would spawn more fires if left a full health.This creates a sort of hydra effect. If a fire is damaged but then left alone, it will quickly replenish it's health and spawn more fires after remaining at max health for a few moments. Of course, when a structure's health drops to 0, it will explode as it does normally now in mc, except it should leave an ash pile that cannot be bulldozed and would require workers to decrease it's health and eventually cause it to explode and leave a space that can be used again.

In order to combat this, the player needs to make sure that this build fire stations at regular intervals so that the entire map is covered. The fire station will only trigger if it senses a fire within it's range of effectiveness, and more advanced fire stations will have larger ranges. The station carries a certain number of fire bots that are built with the station. The bots remain in the station until the station is triggered, upon which they are filled with water from the colony reserves and released from the station to go and fight the fire before it spreads. The fire station itself should provide a certain number of living spaces and consume food, wheels, lots of water, and rum. This is because some stations have living spaces where firefighters can spend a couple nights while they are on patrol. The station would direct the fire bots, once release, would path find on their own to the nearest fire, then once they've killed the fire, they pathfind to another nearest fire. If no other fires are in range of the station, the bots return. Another cool feature would be if when fire bots ran out of water, they had to return to the station to be refilled and then relased to go back to the fire they were fighting.

As for police and crime, there may be several ways to implement this feature, but here are two:

The first way is to simply cause unhappiness in colonists that walk through areas outside the ranges of any police station, which would motivate the player to space the stations appropriately.

The second way, which is a more interactive way, would be to implement robberies in mc, and decrease the likelihood of those happening in areas inside the range of police stations. Where the ranges of the multiple stations overlap, the reducing of the likelihood of robberies should stack. Whenever a robbery happens inside a certain building, everyone passing through that building for a time should become unhappy because of crime, and crime should be added to the pie of unhappiness reasons. After a while, the building should stop making people unhappy. In order for a robbery to happen, a working colonist will randomly become a robber and randomly pick a building to rob. Police bots would be stored in the police station and would be dispatched of a robbery happens in the range of a station. The bots will chase the robber and only have a certain window to catch the robber before he gets out of the stations range. If the robber is able to flee to an area out of range of any stations, he recieves a large amount of the colonies money reserve and turns back into a regular colonist and find work again. If the robber is caught, his occupation will become prisoner, and he will have to live in jail cells for a certain amount of time and then be released to find another job.Unhappy colonists should have a more likelihood to become a robber, so the player should definitely place multiple police stations around the capital to prevent a protesting colonist turned robber from getting away with the robbery. Banks and money producing buildings should be the most likely target for a robbery, with factories, sweatshops, power plants, food and water producing buildings being among the least likely. The robber should be able to take a larger amount of money depending on how many people are working, touring, living, being entertained in the structure at that time, so gaurd your arcologies heavily.

Prisons: these structures would have a value of jail cells, which prisoners would occupy. The prison would consume food, water, and steel, and some higher teir prisons would consume cloth, rum, and money as well. When you are out of Jail cells to put the prisoners in, then police stations will let the robber go, but without the money they tried to steal. If you want, you could implement some policies on what to do with robbers to give the player the choice on what to do with them. You could deport them, execute them on the spot, have them fight to the death in arenas(which would probably help out antiquitas since Romans used to force their criminals to fight to the death in arenas). Each option may need other buildings to designed for the purpose of doing your choice of punishment to the robbers.

Finally, yes, I know that robberies aren't the only form of crime. There's fraud, smuggling, drug dealing, prostitution, murder, and the list goes on. But for this game's needs, I think that robbery would be enough crime on it's own motivate a player to work towards protecting their colonies with law enforcement.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. And again, please don't comment saying that these ideas have already been suggested. I know, I'm just adding to those Ideas with my own little twist. I truly like my colony and I want to come up with ideas that can help improve it. I just don't want to have someone give me a two bit comment that this has been suggested before and my ideas go unconsidered, especially after all of the work that i put into making these ideas so descriptive.
5y ago
High atmosphere effects on colony:

Bast has already developed penalties for high atmospheric levels but hasn’t turned them on yet. Hopefully my ideas are mendable with the penalty system that he has already put in place. Here are my ideas for high atmosphere penalties:

-Buildings damaged twice as fast once atmosphere is over 15 million. There is also the chance that once the structure is under 25% health, it has the chance to implode instantly for each 1% health lost after that point, regardless of whether the structure had remaining health. This is to simulate the fact that a structure under immense atmospheric pressure could just suddenly implode if part of it’s structure was weakened, even if that was the only part that was weakened.

-rovers have health and are damaged by the intense atmosphere and must be parked in shelter in order to be safe from the atmosphere and to repair damages. Rovers lose their health 5 times faster than structures. I would suggest that small, medium, and large rover/worker shelters be implemented for all races to replace the parking command on the rovers/workers. On other worlds, rovers/works could also have health that can be damaged, but only half as much as on a high atmosphere planet.

When a planet’s atmosphere is too high, a new resource, tallorium, will be the first step in massive atmosphere reduction. Tallorium is a (fictional) specific blend of superheated and super compressed metals that fuse over long periods of time and become stronger and harder than diamond. Tallorium will be naturally occurring on superheated, super atmosphere planets such as my planet idea below. In planets that don’t have naturally occurring Tallorium, the resource would appear as a higher tech resource that can be fabricated by blending other resources together, such as antanium and gold, or triantanium and uranium. Tallorium could also be used to make next gen buildings that are more advanced than alien buildings.

The second step would be to consume atmosphere to produce a new resource, Gas Canisters. One canister = 1 atmospheric unit. A high tech gas canister factory on a world where Tallorium needs to be fabricated would consume large amounts of atmosphere and small amounts of Tallorium to produce the canisters. These canisters could be used to produce h3 and water and can be used as a power source. These canisters could also be tradable and could be released in low atmosphere planets to raise the atmosphere at a fast rate. The canisters should be a very pricy product on GBT and should not be readily accessible to beginner colonies unless they are given gas canisters by their commonwealth. This aspect would allow those who have super advanced independent colonies to develop sub-colonies without the long hassle of terraforming each sub-colony. The gas canisters could also provide a way for a red planet colony to produce h3 without having to buy it. If you don’t like the idea of a red planet producing h3 on it’s own, or the idea of using gas canisters to raise a beginner planet’s atmo level rapidly, the Tallorium and gas canister system will still work without these two aspects.

- Since colonists could not survive walking around outside in a very high pressure atmosphere(since they would be crushed), even with their space suits on, I would create new avatars for them for going outside in a high pressure atmosphere. Perhaps they walk around in metal environmental suits and require a very small but constant supply of tallorium in addition to the water and food that they already require.

The Tallorium and gas canister system may be implementable before the penalties are turned on and before any high atmo planet types are created, and this would allow for players to get ready for the penalty activation since this system would lower atmosphere at a very high rate.

The heat terraforming aspect:

Adding a heat aspect to terraforming will make terraforming a more in-depth part of the game and the user will now have to handle controlling planetary heat as well as atmosphere. This will also open the door for new planet types and structures that take advantage of the planetary heat levels. However, it would prove to be a big change to the way each planet looks as it is terraformed, since now you would have to worry about what the soil looks like when heat is high and atmosphere is low, or vice versa. However, it would be well worth it in my opinion. Here are my ideas of the effects that high and low heat would have on a given colony.

-The optimal heat range would be between 5 mil and 15 mil, just like atmosphere. 0 heat means that the planet is at absolute zero, so I wouldn’t start any planets off at zero, maybe 500k or something.

-High heat would cause colonists to consume twice as much water. Any structures that require near-earth conditions will be destroyed and colonists will be less tolerant of long commute distances when the heat level is outside of the optimal heat range(too low or too high). Structures would also consume 1 water unit per 30 seconds in high heat. Structures and rovers/workers are damaged twice as fast and will need to be repaired more often.

-Low to earth-like heat is required for the growing of crystalline, while high to earth-like heat is required for the fabricating of Tallorium. So an earthlike planet could potentially produce crystalline and Tallorium simultaneously given the right resources.

-Low heat would cause colonists to consume twice as much food. Rover/worker and colonist speed is reduced by 1 and rover and structure build speed times are doubled. Resource production times could also be reduced by a reasonable amount.

A thermal energy plant could be used as a mid-level power supply and would consume a moderate amount of heat from the planet, whereas an absolute zero generator would absorb massive amounts of heat and power and would provide mid level research. A charcoal combuster would use charcoal to release heat into the atmosphere, while a nuclear agitation center would use the power of nuclear fission to produce massive amounts of heat.

The addition of the heat terraforming aspect is not required to implement the Tallorium and gas canister system.

Planet type suggestion: Hell
Atmosphere: 25 million
Temperature: 25 million
This planet will be for LIS and UE for now, but as bast adds races the planet might apply to them as well.
Difficulty: Medium for both human factions. Might be easier or harder for other factions to come.
-Structures and rovers/workers are damaged four times as fast as normal due to the stacked effects from high heat and high atmosphere.

-Instead of regolith, crystalline, or ore, Tallorium can be mined. Tallorium will be used to dig into the super compressed ground in search of ore, build basic structures at the start of the game, and is instrumental in gas canister production.

The player will need to use Tallorium to build a gas collector, which employs 1 person and produces gas canisters by sucking in atmosphere and consuming 1 tallorium for every canister made. The gas canisters can be turned into drinkable water via a structure called a water condensator. Then, a talloric greenhouse can be built with 150 Tallorium and an ore drill must be set up to mine ore through the thick and hard crust. The drill will cost 5,000 Tallorium and will indefinitely produce a small amount of ore at each interval, so many more drills will need to be built in order to jumpstart the colony. Once the planet’s atmosphere is reduced enough, ore fracking facilities can be built to supply a more efficient source of ore. Of course, in order to do all of that you need power, so a pressure turbine made with 500 tallorium would generate power, but would put air back into the atmosphere for each canister it opens.

After all of that is in place, the player can continue to follow the human path since they now have an ore supply as gold, aluminium, and uranium will still be present on the map.

So these are my ideas. Let me know if they are interesting are whether or not you want me to keep developing these ideas. I can't draw worth a crap but feel free to draw the structures, ground tiles, planet type symbols, and resource symbols that I mentioned on here if you think that at least some of these ideas should be added.

6y ago
This post is basically like my old post(link below) but some of the ideas below were outdated and had to be refined, so here we are.

Firstly, before I present any new ideas, I want to say that I am supportive of bast's focusing on game quality over content. I also don't expect any of these ideas to just be copied and pasted into the game as is, although it would be nice. The main reason for why I create these posts full of ideas is so that bast has a lot of ideas to think about and gain inspiration from when developing his own ideas for mc. I'm going to try my best to generalize my ideas without trying to name specific buildings and units to be added, as it's bast's job to think of the specifics. Now with that out of the way, let's begin.

The rigidity of MC's atmospherics:
My colony is one of my favorite games to play, so I mean no offense in saying this, but I have to say it. My colony is very rigid when it comes to how the planets respond to terraforming. For most planets, you get from 0 to 5 mil atmosphere and then the planet is fully terraformed, and stays that way even if you run out of atmosphere or accumulate 500 mil atmosphere. There's no consequence for failing to manage the atmosphere, and the terraformation process is very short, in fact, it's so short that you can terraform the planet relatively quickly just with industry alone. You should not be able to do that, and the journey of terraforming a planet should be much much longer than it is now, especially for regions. In real life, it takes hundreds of years, an unimaginable amount of money, and countless workers to terraform a planet. While I'm not saying it should take hundreds of years to terraform a planet in mc, I do think a significantly larger amount of effort, resources, and time should be required than what is now. Also, another way that mc is rigid is that it only takes into account atmosphere when there are other factors to consider, like heat, moisture/sea level, gravity, radiation exposure, Planetary core condition, ozone level, etc. This thread will discuss all of these factors as well. Now, with all of that out of the way, let's talk about some general atmospheric dynamics.

General Dynamics:

Step one: In order to get a good start on smoothing out the rigidity of mc's atmospherics, we need to start by raising the atmosphere requirements for each atmosphere stage.This elongates the journey of terraformation. For instance, stage -2(microbial stage) could be at 1.25 mil atmosphere, stage -1(plant stage) could be at 5 mil, and stage 0(earthlike) could be at 25, so we would be making the process 5 time longer. Now some would say "but that's boring, if it lasts longer, we'd just be doing the same thing for much longer," and I would agree with you. That's why I've come up with some ideas of different features to add to each stage to make each stage feel like a giant leap for your colony, but we will talk about those later.

Step two: We need to add upper limits to each stage that must be met in order to be in that stage. The upper limit for each stage is equal to the lower limit of the stag above it. This ensures that if you drain your atmosphere, you will also digress through the stages until you eventually end up with a barren planet, no matter what planet you start on. if you have any buildings that require a certain stage greater than -3, those should deactivate once their requirements are no longer met. This is what I was talking about regarding consequences for not managing your atmosphere, but since industry always aids in increasing atmosphere, and since the stages are much further apart, it would also be 5 times easier to maintain that it currently is, and currently it's very difficult to keep atmosphere between 5-15 mil in end-game, however, keeping atmosphere between 25-75 mil is a different story.

Step three: add the upper stages. These stages determine what happens when atmosphere get's too high. Stage 1 could start at 75 mil and would cause any buildings with stage 0 requirements to shut down. Stage 2 would be at 150 mil mil and would cause any buildings that require stage -1 requirements to shut down. Stage 3 is the highest atmospheric stage and could start at 500 mil and would shut down any buildings with stage -2 requirements. So think of the stages as a bullseye, with nested rings. the closer you get to the center, the more buildings you can build and the more earthlike a planet is, but the farther away you are to each side, the more barren a planet is. So all buildings will have 1 out of the following four requirements: -3 or 3(barren stages), -2 or 2(microbial stages), -1 or 1(plant/fish stages), and 0(animal stage/earthlike). Additionally, the upper stages could add haziness in increasing density to simulate a dense atmosphere. So you could tell the difference between a barren planet with no atmosphere and a barren planet with too much atmosphere.

Step four: add in special effects. Each stage should look different that all of the others. In a way, mc already does this by changing the ground texture, but I believe that more differences should be added. For instance, the dry lake-bed terrain that I've spoke of several times could come in handy here. in stages -3 and 3, these tiles will resemble dry lakebeds, but in any other stage, these tiles turn into water. it's the same for water that is already added to some planet types, if you were to drain waterworld of its atmosphere or overload it with atmosphere, the entire map should dry up and leave you free to walk about and build where the water used to be. In stages -2 and 2, plants cannot exist, so trees would disappear and most farms would become inoperable. upon entering stage -1 or 1, trees could be generated around the map and would be left to spread around the map. That's really all that I have for this step for now, but I have an even bigger idea coming up soon.


This section discusses ways that we could implement a heat aspect to the terraformation process to make reaching an earthlike state more challenging. I'd like you to remember the bullseye example that i talked about earlier, but now instead of a 1D line, going from left to right(atmosphere), add a second line going up and down(heat). This system creates an imaginary grid that your planet's status is on. Not only can your planet be hot and high and low pressure, but it can be high heat with low pressure, or low heat with high pressure, or vice versa. This greatly increases the factor of choice when it comes to terraforming your planet. This illustration is just to show you how these two factors of terraforming can be tied together.

The combination of heat and atmosphere exponentially increase the possibilities for new planet types. There would be consequences for not maintaining heat as well, along with rewards for keeping heat and atmosphere at an optimal medium. New structures would be needed in order to manage heat levels, as well as buildings that take advantage of colder or warmer climates. In fact, heat could also be a biproduct that's released by all buildings that release atmosphere as a biproduct. This would simulate a more accurate global warming effect. As for special effects, I wouldn't go too far out, but maybe give the lighting a dark red hue that grows denser as heat increases, and a light-blue hue as heat decreases. Obviously these should have limits, or else the entire screen could turn opaque red if too much heat is gained. Maybe some black particles for ash can be seen falling on hot planets at a certain heat level, while snow, which already has its own particle effect, could fall on cold planets at a certain heat level.

If atmosphere is low, heat will slowly decrease, if atmosphere is high, heat will slowly increase.


This section talks about a sea level feature. This third element adds a 3rd dimension to the bullseye diagram, creating yet exponentially more options and outcomes. Bast can choose how to display or organize these three factors. It really doesn't matter how they are displayed, even if it's just in the form of three separate status bars, the bullseye illustration is just to show you how all three of these elements tie together

The basis for the effect that sea level has on a planet revolves around 3 additional terrain types, high ground which is mountainous territory, middle ground for hilly territory, the main mc ground that we build on now would be known as low ground, which is optimal sea level. And finally, when sea level depletes, a new lower level is revealed, called the dry lakebed level, and the water eventually disappears, leaving a ground of dried lake bed in it's place. However, if sea level grows too much, it'll become level with middle ground, then high ground, and then eventually the entire map/region will be covered in water. When water covers a level, everything on that level is utterly destroyed except for any buildings that are supposed to be in the water, and vice versa, if a water building is built on water, but then the sea level recedes, and the tile that it was built on becomes land, it will also be destroyed.

Obviously we would need buildings that can manage sea level and buildings that can take advantage of high or low sea level. If heat is low, water will become ice, if heat is high, sea level will slowly boil off and recede.


Gravity should be a less-important feature to mc, but I still think it would enhance the terraforming system. Each planet starts off with the same atmosphere, heat, and sea level depending on planet type, but regardless of planet type, gravity should be randomized upon planet generation, creating a different result for each new game. This simulates how planets can be of the same type but vary greatly in size and mass. Too much gravity reduces colonist tolerable commute distance and increases heat due to more volcanic activity, not enough gravity will lower colonist maximum health and slowly drain the atmosphere. Certain buildings cannot be built when exposed to certain gravity levels, and some end-game solutions to undesired gravity level should be available.

radiation, core condition, and ozone levels:

Radiation should be fixed in it's amount depending on the planet type. This could allow for more planet type varieties. Radiation isn't like all of the other factors; instead of there being a happy medium for radiation, no radiation is good, so in perfect conditions, a planet has no radiation. Radiation at any level will damage colonists over time. Now, there are two ways to solve the radiation proble, and both methods are naturally used on earth:

Raise ozone level: In real life, the ozone layer of our atmosphere protects us from some radiation, but not all types of radiation. Perhaps you could add buildings that consume atmosphere and other resources to produce ozone, and then the higher the ozone layer, the less radiation exposure you have.

Secondly, in real life, our molten iron core creates a magnetic field that gaurds from most kinds of radiation. You can accomplish this in mc simply by adding more buildings that benefit from the deep digging tech and consume heat and steel to increase core health. The high the core health, the lower the radiation level.

Whichever way is simplest to you. Just know that certain buildings shouldn't be available when radiation goes over certain points. higher radiation should leech away atmosphere and increase planetary heat.


This section will be more complicated than the former sections. Biospheres adds a very dynamic feature to terraforming, and this feature makes each stage of terraforming feel like it's an accomplishment. First off, let's do a quick description. Biospheres is all about living organisms and how they interact and support each other and the environment. This system would allow you to create and customize(to an extent) the appearance and abilities of the organisms and have them spread over the map. The system would have two main categories, land and sea, and would have four sub-categories under that for microbes, plants, herbivores, and carnivores. Each organism produces support for the next tier of organism based on the abilities you give it, and can also be given abilities to affect the environment in certain ways. Each creature has a maximum amount to the abilities that you can give it, and the more abilities you give to an organism, the more support it requires from organisms from the tier below. Some organisms will be hardier than others, and some will need more support than others. The support system goes like this:

Microbes don't need to rely on support and provide support for plants.
Plants need support from Microbes and provide support for herbivores.
Herbivores needs support from plants and provide support to carnivores. Carnivores need support from both herbivores and other carnivores., as their support adds to the same type as herbivores.

The way that we will apply this system to each stage will be by requiring different atmosphere, heat, and sea levels for each catagory of organism. Seeing unique looking trees and grass spreading across the map and seeing creatures roam about the land would be amazing, especially if it happened in stages.

In stage -3 and 3, the planet is barren, but in stage -2 and 2, you can start utilizing microbes to produce many different resources and terraform, and in stages -1 and 1 you can start using plants, which opens up many different possibilities for resource production, since you should be able to farm your own custom plants for different resources. Then in stage 0, you gain access to animals, which you should be able to farm your own unique animals for different resources.

each organism, whether on land or in the sea, needs to be maintained. You must have enough land slots in order to create a new land organism, and the same applies to sea organisms and slots. Slots are given by structures that maintain the organisms, and more advanced structures have more slots. This prevents a player from easily amassing creatures that can quickly produce a certain resource or terraform the planet quickly. Each organism also has a health percentage that determines how well it's species is doing. If the percentage reaches 0, the species goes extinct and it's slot is freed up for another organism, but the higher the health percentage, the more support a species produces, the more effective you can be at exploiting it for resources, and the more effect it has on the planet. The health percentage has no upper limit, but it depends on how much support it has and how suitable the environment is for it.

Hopefully I've described this system well, but i believe that this system can bring life to mc and make it a more dynamic game and should increase it's value as a game.


To wrap this up, I think we all have witnessed how rigid mc's terraforming system is and I think that these ideas would expand the possibilities for more planet types and would make the game more of a journey to terraform than just a waiting game. I hope everyone else feels the same, but once again, I don't put these ideas out there just for people to agree with me or for every detail to be copied and pasted into the game, I do it to provide ideas for bast to think about when he runs out of them.
5y ago
Bast you know the only health care center you can even place in a new colony is the gray one that looks like a tent you should also know it quite easy to gain 900 colonists long long befor you have enough of the right resources to even place the small white health center as they yake civ points. So you tell me how its possible to play this game if half the colonists up and die each 5 mint payroll? Ps the small gray health center can hold just one sick colonists.
But i did place a gray tent health center i uses create mode to save two hours by ploping food water houses and yes a health center.
My other colony that still has the bug has rows of health centers almost as many as the 26 colonists house about 20 houses and 15 heath center along with schools from internet caf up to collage and 5 or 6 places like the dome park for rec and that colony shows everything 100 persent supplyed when clicking housing along with 300 k food and water.
4y ago
So I have been playing this game for a while, and noticed there is constantly a spam of "

And then when I go to the statistics screen, I noticed that the health statistics line does not match the other lines, like, e.g. GDP line is drawn up to x=0.7, but health line is drawn only up to x=0.3, and the health rating is stuck at 7%, which is not helpful to me.

At the same time, the "citizen's most pressing concerns" section reads NaN on all the labels, and the pie chart cannot be shown.

Below is the save file with the stuck health statistics and the NaN pie chart.

4y ago
I just don't think that modules would work because they require several several changes to the engine. And how is bast going to build tubes? each building has it's own 2d image, and with roads, it doesn't matter what you add to the road image, rovers and colonists will drive over it, so the same thing would happen with tubes, wouldn't work.

Second thing, I like the command center and the outreach tech, and the 5x5 starter building, but I think that the starter money should be 100x higher because the whole point of it being a space station is because it can't mine it's own resources. It would be a differen't playing style altogether because it causes the player to think differently on how to keep their colony going. Yes, maybe we can put in some asteroids that can be mined for starters, but eventually, the station would have to constantly buy water, ore, and regolith in order to survive because there would be no asteroids left.

How about this: one advantage to the space station is that it can store much much more than any sigle colony ever could. This allows for the purchase of tons upon tons of resources, enough to last for days. Therefore, for each platform/ground tile built, storage for every resource would increase appropriately. I mean, it makes sense because a space station's infrastructure is somewhat hollow and can provide ample storage. The buildings on the surface of the platform wouldn't provide any storage save the usually storage buildings like the water tower or warehouse, but the platforms would be doing all of the work.

You could also upgrade the platforms/ground tiles to contain more storage and hold up better against meteor strikes. For instance, you could do like this:
-basic platform - ore - 250 storage for each resource, 100 health
-enhanced platform - ore, steel, gold - 500 storage for each resource - 200 health
-high tech platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura - 750 storage for each resource - 300 health.
-alien platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura, artifacts, obsidian, regolith, crystalline - 1,000 storage and 500 health.
-transcendent platform - ore, steel, gold, chips, alu, ura, artifacts, obsidian, regolith, crystalline, antanium, triantanium, diamond. 2,500 storage and cannot be destroyed.

6y ago
For my agricultural idea I've put together some herbs and other plants that aid in the rpg/adventure aspect of the game. Some of these plants can create powerful elemental resistance potions or elemental catalysts needed to cast spells. Some are very picky in terms of the biome that they want to grow in, yet others can be grown anywhere.

Flaming Peppers:
grows wild in - deserts
grown in - hot biomes only
use - ice resistance potions, fire arrows, fire catalysts.
growing info - the plant can be harvested without breaking and regrows peppers over time. crops need to have one square of room all around to grow(prevents easy mass production).

Frost Melon:
grows wild in - tiaga, tundra
grown in - cold biomes only
use - fire resistance potions, ice arrows, ice catalysts
growing info - grows just like the flaming peppers and has the same spacial requirements.

Rubber tree:
grows wild in - jungle
grown in - hot and temperate biomes, but not cold biomes.
use - shock resistance potion, potential source of rubber, which could be a crafting material.
growing info - grows like any other tree, drops rubber bark and the normal drops when broken and should drop saplings so that becomes a renewable source of rubber bark.

Zing berry bush:
grows wild in - tiaga, forest, jungle
grown in - tiaga, forest, jungle only. It needs shade to grow
use - static arrows and shock catalysts.
growing info - can be harvested without breaking the plant and will regenerate over some time. They need to be planted adjecent to a tree in order to produce berries. growing next to rubber trees provides a bonus to growth and fruit growing speed.

grows wild in - grasslands
grown in - anywhere.
uses - health potions
growing info - grown on grass or farmland, grows faster on farmland. Spreads fledgling plants to adjacent squares to make it easy to mass produce.

sugar cane:
grows wild in: swamp, jungle
grown in: anywhere
uses: potions and food.
growing info - must be grown next to water.

Char lilly:
grows wild in - must be crafted with various fire related ingredients.
grown in - hot biomes only
use - provides nectar for inferno bees. Inferno bee hives in turn produce fire catalysts instead of honey.
growing info - char lillies are sterile, so they must be crafted in order to make more. they can be placed next to one another and must grow on farmland. The rate at which inferno hives produce fire catalysts is directly related to how many of these lillies are placed in range of the hive. This would make it easy to mass produce fire catalysts, which will be needed more and more as you progress through the game.

Frostbite Orchid:
grows wild in: must be crafted from frost/ice related items.
grown in: cold biomes only
use - provides nectar for blizzard bees. Blizzard bee hives produce ice catalysts from the nectar.
growing info - also sterile and have to be crafted, same hive mechanics, just for a different element.

Static Azalea:
grows wild in - must be crafted from shock/static related items
grows in - all biomes
use - provides nectar to tempest bees. Tempest bee hives produce shoch catalysts from the nectar
growing infor - same as char lillies and frostbite orchides, but for the shock element.

night shade:
grows in: at the lowest depths of caves.
grown in: caves only
use: this plant contains the essence of corruption, an element that causes poisoning and madness. Can be used to make corruption arrows that turn enemies against one another and is also used in black catalysts.
growing info, must be grown on farm land in caves. must have at least one tile of space on all sides.

Glow coral:
grows wild in - the depths of the ocean
grown in - underwater only.
uses - this plant contains the essence of blinding light, this light is an element called holiness and can be used to craft holy arrows which cause massive damage to undead/corrupt enemies and set them ablaze, and is used in white catalysts.
growing info: must be placed on sea floor with one tile of room all around.

aetherial kelp:
grows wild in - underground ether rivers and oceans.
gown in - underground ether sea floor
uses - all cure potions that restore full health and remove all negative status effects, used in ether breathing potions, and used to make ether catalysts for ultima spells
growing info - very rare plant. grown on ether sea floor, must have three tiles of space all around to make mass production difficult. Harvesting the plant doesn't destroy the plant and it'll regrow it's harvestables over time.

Castor Bean plant:
grows in: jungle
grown in: jungle
uses: highly potent ricin poison that can inbue weapons and projectiles with poison damage. Also, there could be a possible poison catalyst if poison is to be an element, but let's assume it's not. Poisons would also be needed to make antidotes to rid yourself from being poisoned. Could also be used to make poison vials that would imbue all arrows and mele weapons with poison for a short time.
growing info: this plant will replicate a phenomenal rates by spawning fledgling plants right next to it or up to 2 tiles away, so all you have to do is plant on dirt and you'll have a ton of these in no time, no water required. Harvesting destroys the plant, but yields a lot of castor beans. Mass production should be easy, but these plants will kill all plants and animals near them, and there is a risk of poisoning yourself as you harvest them unless a protection method is implemented, such as rubber gloves. This makes these plants a pain to control for farming, but it's worthwhile to farm them. These need to be mass-produceable so that you can make lots of antidotes, poison vials, and poison arrows to aid you in your adventures, and poison is a pretty easy to come by thing in most rpg games.

grows in: all levels of the ocean
grown in: all levels of the ocean
uses: water breathing potion and can be consumed as food for hunger and water breathing for a small amount of time.

fire - used as ammo for fire spells. Made from flaming peppers, wax, and charcoal.
ice - used as ammo for ice spells
shock - used as ammo for shock spells
black - used as ammo for dark/poison/necro spells and can be used as ammo for fire, ice, and lightning spells. When used that way, it adds poison damage and boosts the elemental status effects that the particular spell imbues on the enemy.
white - used as ammo for healing/light/holy spells and can be used as ammo for fire, ice, and lightning spells. When used that way, it adds holy damage to the spell and boosts it's overall damage.
ether: can be used for any kind of spell and is mainly used as ammo for ultima spells. Ether catalysts should be very difficult to obtain.

potions and consumable:

potion of fire resistance: reduces fire damage and the likeliness of being set on fire, which does damage over time.
potion of frst resistance: reduces ice damage and the likeliness of being slowed or frozen in place.
potion of lightning resistance: reduces shock damage and the likeliness of being stunned or knocked back.
tea: crafted from water, sugar, and chamomile. Basic health potion.
antidote: this common potion needs to be easy to make because the player could get poisoned quite often.
all cure: made from aetherial kelp and other highly rare ingredients, this potion brings you back to square one so you can keep up the fight without having to retreat.
potion of water breathing: allows the player to breath under water for a time, vital for venturing deep into the ocean to get things like glow coral.
Potion of dark vision: allows you to see invisible enemies and objects and allows you to see night and underground as if it were day. Not completely required as enemies that use invisibility should uncloak for a time to let the player strike them. Would be made from black catalysts and other rare ingredients.
cleansing pack: a semi-common consumable that would cure most common status ailments other than poison, corruption, and blindness. Its made from soap, cotton, and water. Soap is made from animal fat and charcoal. It would need to be easy to mass produce as the player will often find themselves under a negative status effect.
eye drops: made from salt and water, salt comes from salt deposits under the ocean(and possibly in deserts), cures blindness.

wax: harvested from hives and apiaries. Can be used to make candles, fire arrows, and fire catalysts.
Honey: restores health when consumed, can be used in better tiers of potions and consumables.
smoker: pacifies bees for a short time, allowing you to destroy their hive or apiary or harvest wax and honey. made with iron, charcoal, and zing berries, breaks after 64 uses.
Honey collector: made with wood and iron, used to harvest honey and wax from hives and apiaries. The amount of time it takes for a hive or apiary to fill with honey is directly related to how many plants you place in the range of the hives/apiaries. Chamomile flowers have the best affect, but all other plants can be used. Hives and apiaries increase plant growth speed and fruit generation speed of all plants around them by 20%, and if the ranges of hives/apiaries overlap then this effect can stack up to 5 times.

wild honey bee hives: occur naturally all over the world. The hive will attack if the player or other mobs get's too close, regardless of whether they intend to do harm, but the smoker tool can pacify them for a time. the hive will drop wax and 1-2 queens when broken.
apiary: crafted from wood, wax, and 1 wild or domestic queen bee. Bees will attack the player even though they are cultivated, but the damage is much less and apiaries that have been smoked are pacified for much longer than normal. Apiary bees will not attack a player for standing near the apiary, unlike the hive. However, hostile mobs that enter the range of an apiary are automatically attacked, making them good defensive turrets. However, this consumes honey, and they can't attack if out of honey, so it's important to not harvest defensive apiaries, and to put harvesting apiaries in a spot where they won't encounter hostility. The player can manually insert honey or catalysts(depending on the type of apiary) into the apiary to refuel it for battle. It will even drop itself when broken, allowing easy relocation. However, the apiary has a substantially reduced range compared to the hive.

elemental bees:
elemental siphon: used to siphon elemental catalysts from elemental apiaries. Elemental apiaries will attack the player with the elemental damage of their type when attempting to destroy or harvest from the apiary. The same apiary rules apply here regarding attack parameters, range, defensive action against hostile mobs, and smoke effect duration.
Inferno apiary: made from an apiary, a number of fire catalysts, a char lilly, and lots of charcoal. Drops itself when broken, allowing easy transportation. Only operates in hot biomes, produces fire catalysts at a speed directly related to how many char lilies in it's range. The lilies will die after a long time of use, dropping a depleted char lily that can be recharged by cooking in a furnace or with one fire catalyst. The inferno hive will always produce more catalysts than you'll end up using recharging the lilies, but you can get even more catalysts out of it just by cooking the lilies.

Blizzard apiary: made from an apiary, a number of ice catalysts, a frostbite orchid, and lots of ce. All of the rules for the inferno apiary apply here, just for the ice element. frostbite orchids can be recharged using ice catalysts or by crafting them with ice.

tempest Apiary: same rules apply as blizzard apiary but with the lightning element. Made from an apiary, a number of shock catalysts, a static azalea, and lots of rubber. static azaleas can be recharged with lightning catalysts or by crafting them with zing berries.

well, that's all I have for now, it's a big list of ideas, but I think it would make for some interesting gameplay mechanics. Let me know what you think.
4y ago

We already know what's append.

Every payday, pretty much every 5-6 min the game will update the colonist data. The number of birth, the aging, death, ecc ecc.

If above 100 population (if below the game will autoset health level), if the health is low (house with healthcare slot below 5%), pop will die, and will appear in total death count. But.. if the house don't have any health service available (health liv = 0), will simply disappear, without trace, if you have some healthcare liv, you will have death wave, and the total death will increase.

If you have healthcare (5% pop, 50 radius from home), you won't have deathwave, or other thing.
The only problem append when we have healthcare, but no one will work inside for low workrating, or when the worker dance all the time between work slot, leaving hospitals empty during the check. For avoid this little problem, i keep the number of jobs less than 10-20% of the total population (e.g. 100k jobs, 110k-120k population).
4y ago
Even bast keeps asking if people have health care buildings and he programmed the game he KNOWS a new colony will NOT have the resources NORE research to have ANY health BUILDING but the small ONE sick colonists gray one Has NO edcuation BUILDING except the internet care HAS NO rec except the internet cafe and domed park .
Now tell me just HOW a new colony can keep a steady POPULATION if they all die off because of health centers which YOU HAVE NO access to ?
Or should we just spam a 100 gray health centers in the hopes they can manage a 900 colonists population ?
20 domes parks and 20 internet cafs ??? really so lets just fill teh map one for EACH colonists maybe then they wont die untill we get research and tech and the Correct RESOURCES such as say chips which take hours and hours at teh start .
4y ago
by now your probly angry with me i am sure .
this update has come down to its because I dont know how to play so lets go with I dont know how to play .
well my colony has over a million downloads Not bad thing is there are 7.5 billion MORE people who just have not discovered the game . EVERY new person right this very mint a NEW player is downloading my colony that person like you say about me Just dont know how to play .
so with this new update which I have been playing for the last two week and no matter what i try cant seam to stop the colonists from all just dieing .
SO now immange i am really a NEW player I just downloaded the game yea looks cool .
ok so I start a city HUmm mine ore ok nice that helps ok build bot factory great need power cool got it thanks .
so i am off and running my very first colony is now hitting 500 colonists way cool look at them bots running around .
opps 500 colonists just disapired ?? what hu ?? ok so i see they are reariving and just keep going 5 mints later 500 colonists are just going . O another advice a healh care center OOO cool so I place on a GRAY on its all I see on my build bar .Remember no matter how many times I have told you I have health centers and it still happens so maybe just one isnt enough how about ten ? or 20 ? remember im new only have the gray building and only placed one thinking one was what you ment with the pop up box .
next payroll 500 colonists are going ??? what now what // i put a health center why are they dieing they have food they have water and a health center well I just dont know after all i am a new player who never even heard of my colony .
next payroll 500 going next payroll 500 going finly I just say heck with it deleted Be sure to remember I am new and DONT know why or how to play my colony and colonists just keep dieing and there is NO little box popping up telling me why after all i did place one health center when that box popped up .
THIS is every new player from now untill forever remember we are new and dont know how to play every single last 7.5 billion of us .
Be mad at me and if you want keep this update and lose the other 7.5 billion NEW players who just dont know and being mad at me wont help stop the lose of my colony being the back bone of your programs .
Im new and doing it wrong but nothing I try stops it .
This is really what you want ever NEW player to see first time playing ?
NEW players are the MOST important players they are your future costumers .
saying its because i dont know how to play is saying EVERY single last new person dont know ether .

4y ago
OUT of a 200,000 colonists colony i will place 3 university 3 of the BIG health centers 3 collages 3 high schools 3 PRIMARY schools and 3 of the alien teck schools now that nano is in and small I place 5 to 8 schools and 5 to 8 health centers NANO as for entertainment I place two BIG stadiums 1 pyramids 2 med stadiums huge park the 3 or 4 of the tall gold monolith and tons of extras ending up using a good 10 to 15 % of map space .
and still ratings will go low its random sometimes it gets over 90 % half maby and if its 80 or less it eventaly falls with schools being packed health centers been packed education being packed entertainment being packed and ending up needing a extra 50 k colonist to get all jobs filled .
even with all that stats can be low no way to idle citys as stats get worse and worse now with kids added over night a 3500 colony i had was 6,000 by morning meaning 3000 homeless and no jobs the population dobbled in 6 hours .
fact is the effects just dont work correctly nore have they ever game was better when colonists idded schools and health center ran better .
anyway good luck with the game
4y ago
It's not difficult to get 0 colonists sick even with 100k+ colonists. 6% of your mad colonists are mad because of health, which means your health troubles are therefore quite significant. Add a couple of large clinics and this should go down significantly. Higher health also contributes to overall happiness because tired workers get sick and if you have enough hospitals they can recover much faster.
6y ago
Vyryn said:It's not difficult to get 0 colonists sick even with 100k+ colonists. 6% of your mad colonists are mad because of health, which means your health troubles are therefore quite significant. Add a couple of large clinics and this should go down significantly. Higher health also contributes to overall happiness because tired workers get sick and if you have enough hospitals they can recover much faster.

Means nothing he didnt mention the approval rate which is the real number, we have a 6% here but 6% of what unhappy people ? we dont know
6y ago
This planet type is basically a Mercury-type planet. A rocky planet with a rocky core instead of an iron one, and a very close proximity to the sun. The sun beats down on Mercury's surface, cooking the day side to extremely high temperatures. Mercury turns at 2 mph so you can imagine the days and nights to be extremely long and to have drastic differences. The nights are very cold, while the days are hot and radioactive enough to cook a man/insect/reptile in his skin. For the sake of simplicity though, I wouldn't worry about planetary rotation or temperature change from night to day times. Instead we will focus on the radiation exposure that the colonists will get, and challenge the player to find ways to reduce and eventually deflect radiation from areas that are highly populated or traversed.

New colonist stat: Rads: This stat affects the max health and energy of the colonist. As this stat climbs, their max health and energy falls. Eventually, if the exposure get's too much, their max health will become 0 and they will die instantly. I don't think that this is going to violate any fallout/bethesda copywrite/trademarks because this is on a different planet and doesn't involve nuclear warfare. Radiation exposure would only happen during daytime and would subside at night.

New building type: electromagnets: these buildings will reduce the rate at which colonists gain rads in a certain radius. As the player progresses, he can get better magnets with better reduction power and better radius's. In fact, the alien magnet would completely deflect all radiation in a very wide area. These buildings require tons of power and possibly artifacts for the alien one.

New building type: radiation treatment centers: these would use the latest technology to reduce colonists rad count. The first center should be added very early in the game since outside of the rover, new colonists arrivals would have no way to heal since the first magnet type would not be very powerful and they would still gain rads at a fast rate.

Lander: The lander provides impervious resistance toward radiation for colonists while they are inside of it, and it heals these colonists once they come back in at a very fast rate, faster than the most advanced radiation treatment facility actually. This would be to ensure that at least two people would survive if everyone else died of radiation poisoning. Just be sure not to give them big commute distances. This is also to give the lander another fundamental purpose so people don't destroy it.

New resource: Magnetite: An untradable resource that will be used to build magnets that reduce/deflect solar radiation from certain areas. Magnetite is not found on the surface in the form of nodes, the player must create temporary mines that allow them to collect it. This requires a new tech called "Solar Wind deflection theory." Eventually the player will get the core driller, which would provide a steady stream of magnetite as a side effect.

New vehicle: mag rovers: These guys are used to build magnetite mines and gather magnetite from them.

New Tech: Solar Wind deflection theory: unlocks the collection and use of magnetite to build electromagnets to reduce colonists exposure to solar radiation.

New Tech: Core conditioning: unlocks structures that are used to dig down to and change the makeup of the planet's core, specifically to molten iron so that it can generate a powerful and permanent magnetic field.

New Terraforming stats: Distance to core and core viscosity:Distance to core determines how far down the core driller has gone and how much distance it has before it can be upgraded to a core filler. The core viscosity stat determines the base rad exposure rate that a colonist would be subjected to if they were to be outside the range of all magnets on the map. As this stat lowers, the base rad exposure lowers, until eventually both equal 0 and the planet now has a working and permanent magnetic field.

New buildings: Core driller and core filler: These two core buildings will be responsible for drilling down to the core and filling it with molten iron so that the planet develops a powerfull magnetic field of it's own.

Core driller: Has a change to produce massive spurts of either ore, gold, alu, or ura at the end of each worker round and would provide a constant supply of magnetite. The deeper the driller digs(based on the distance to core stat), the better chance for better resources and better amounts of resources. Subtracts from the "distance to core" terraforming stat. There can be only one core driller on the field at a time.

Core filler: once the core driller has reduced the distance to core to zero feet, it can be upgraded to a core filler. This building consumes massive amounts of iron and uranium to both fill and heat the core. The core filler decreases the core viscosity stat. Once the stat reaches 0, radiation comes a thing of the past and the player can now work on planetary atmosphere if they haven't done so already. The core filler can only be obtained via upgrading the core driller, it cannot be built on it's own, thus it should not be added to the build menu.

Resources: This planet contains all of the resource nodes that are found on Red planet. The only new resource that would be added here, and untradable(since it wouldn't be needed elsewhere) is magnetite. There should be no added difficulty regarding resources or any more bottlenecks than usual besides maybe a bottleneck concerning magnetite. This will be a planet that either UE or LIS can colonize. Since there is no atmosphere, zolarg are out of the picture, and so are reptilians since their slaves don't have space suits yet.


Right now this is just a concept that I am sharing with everyone. I have no images to help my cause on this one as of yet, and I don't have much time for now to draw anything since drawing takes me hours to do that I don't have. If you like this idea, please vote on it or send us some pictures that could be put in the game if this idea is even partially used.

6y ago

I recently committed mass genocide because my people were protesting (ran out of food for a minute). They got stuck in a loop of protesting and not working, having low health because they aren't sleeping or working to get money to eat, and those that were sick weren't getting better because no one was manning the hospitals. So I turned off all the mounds and food. Once the purge was complete I turned everything back on.

Once the colony repopulated I noticed some colonists were low on energy and health. Upon checking them I see that they are "homeless". No. They all came from mounds. I even watched some leave the mound for their job, still classified as homeless. Statistics show 0% homeless, but these colonists are losing health and energy because they won't go home. if I build another mound it temporarily solves the problem, but i end up with homeless. I'd like to avoid another purge, any suggestions? I've restarted the game multiple times just to check and see if it's an error.
6y ago
Hey, I seem to be having a problem. My people are dying, despite having plenty of food and water.
I just started playing a few days ago.

Their health is low, they seem to lack energy also. Fatigue is at 66%, Depression is at 16%, and Health is at 17%, and I have an approval rating that dropped drastically and quickly from a 98% down to 30% and I've been scrabbling to try and get things better for my colonists. (So 70% of my colonists are pissed off about being exhausted, depressed, and having health issues).

I don't know how to fix it, I'm not sure what I'm missing in their care, I've also got plenty of medical centers too! I'm at a loss.

Is there anything I can do at this point? Or are they doomed to all die?

Honestly, I'm not even sure how they're all so tired, I make sure not a single person has to walk further than 10 blocks to commute to work. I even gave them a living wage of $2 to help out.

I'm playing under United Earth, on a barren world. We just developed enough atmosphere for small plants to dot the ground, I thought things would get easier for them by now. Things were going so well for so long. I had the whole city planned out like grid work, only for some reason, I don't have the option to do a fire drill, or adjust wages for colonists.
a screen shot to help diagnose a problem I might not notice myself.

Cheers, Savi
6y ago
These are some ideas that I have for the regions feature. I have not played the game and experimented with regions, i just now saw the comments for updates 70-72 and I'm excited that this feature was added. I can't wait to get these ideas out so that maybe I could possibly help improve the feature. I'm assuming that all of the resources produced by every map pool together and can be used to improve any map, but I could be wrong and each map has it's own resources and you have to trade between maps to transer resources.

1.) Regional contribution to atmosphere level - This idea is obvious and would probably be implemented without me saying anything. Each region should be able to produce atmosphere that contributes to the atmosphere of the planet as a whole, just like how bast mentioned that each region would contribute to the same research and civics pool. However, if this feature is to be implemented, I recommend a nerf of all terraforming structures... or a raising of the total atmosphere needed for the planet to be earthlike. The point to terraforming is that it is supposed to be a lengthy process, and it would encourage the player to frequently switch between many maps in order to build them all up to contribute to the atmosphere level.

2.)biomes - This may be hard to implement, but wold give the map a varying texture to it, and would give some regions different strengths and weaknesses over other regions. You could base the biomes on each region, but that may look too rigid and blocky for you. Instead, you could use procedural generation to make more natural looking biomes on the global map that look much more appealing to the eyes and would transform in their own ways as the planet is terraformed. The different biomes would cross between regions using this method as well.

An example of multiple biomes would be like having different bodies of water criss-crossing the map, having snowy, dessert, and jungle areas in different parts. Crystalline could come naturally with snowy areas, trees with forest areas, and sugarcane and mutant trees with jungle areas. This also opens up the way for more resources to be added, like sand, glass, glassware, cacti, potted plants (cacti+pottery), snow, and snow globes(snow + glass). For planets with no atmosphere, ice bodies or dry lake-bed could be used to represent where water will form after a certain atmosphere level. The player could build structures on the ice/lake bed, but these buildings would be destroyed if they happen to be there when the atmosphere allows water to form in those areas.

3.) estimated production in non-active maps - this one might help with performance. Instead of having all maps producing and keeping track of all of the colonists and jobs and needs when you are in any map or on the display screen, I would use the following method:

Upon exiting a map, have the game take the most recent production and consumption rates. Then after the player creates cities in multiple maps, have the game add the production and consumption rates of all of the inactive maps together the make a total production and consumption rate for each resource. Add these rates onto the active colonies rates and you will have a grand total for the entire planet. Of course, this rate will change whenever you switch maps, but you are only dealing with one or two formulas per resource in order to keep production going instead of thousands of worker rounds in each map going on at the same time, and you are only dealing with one map producing and changing in real time instead of all of them being in realtime.

This method cuts out all of the updates regarding unemployment, individual colonist actions and stats, population changes, and possibly other functions that happen in an active map. The active map would be the only map keeping track of these stats among it's colonists. Yes, while the production and consumption rates of each inactive map will stay the same as long as they remain inactive, I think that the trade-off is worth it, even if it does represent a small compromise in keeping the game a non-idle game. This would also allow for more resources to be implemented into the game and individual maps could get more developed and densely populated without negatively impacting performance.

In fact, it doesn't have to be a compromise at all if you reduce the production of the inactive maps by a certain percentage. I would also pause the game altogether when viewing the global map, or players could just let it idle at the global map and collect resources without the risk of any of their maps starving to death. On that note, if you run out of food or water, you could have it take 1% off of the overall health of each inactive map's population(which should take off 1% of each individual colonist's health open opening that map) and cause individual health loss in real time in the active colony.

This method would also allow you to increase the size of global map grids exponentially, allowing for more regions/maps to be available to the player to build in. And overall it may even improve the android problem that you are having.

4. individual region naming - this will further help you to keep track of which region is which, even though you can tell which is which by looking at the map. I just think that each region should be able to have it's own name.

5. Being able to transfer rovers/workers from one region to another - you mentioned this one in update 70, so I know that you aim to implement this one. I'm just adding my twist to it. I don't think that rovers should have to smoothly pass from region to region. I think you should be able to select a region and have a listing of what rovers it has and how many of each type. Then, you should be able to specify an amount for each rover type to transfer and specify a destination region. I think it would be too overpowered for rovers/workers to be able to smoothly pass to another region to collect resources and then come back, and I think it would be detrimental to game performance. The player should have to deal with the resources that they have in the map during real time. If they run out of an important resource, such as regolith, they can just start on another region/map, harvest the regolith from there, and then return to the map they were working on, assuming that all of the resources from every map are pooled.

I don't think that colonists should be able to leave the map at will either. i think that at most, if at all, the player should be able to transfer unemployed or homeless colonists to another region to supply workers where needed, but I don't think that colonists should smoothly be able to walk between regions. I think if a colonist wants to leave the map, they could maybe be transerred automatically to the mother colony or to another region, but not by just walking across the border. I think that the player should have to provide adequate housing, entertainment, healthcare, and education in each map for the buildings in that map. I do like the idea of having a map solely for food production that provides all of the food needs for the entire planet, and a water map that does the same, so those resources could be poured into a global resource pool that any region can pull from.

But those are my ideas. let me know if you agree with me or not. Hopefully bast can use these to make a beter system for regions that uses even less performance than it does now. Sorry for the longest post in history.
5y ago
This planet has a vast landscape of ruined cities built by a long-extinct race that were likely responsible for rendering the planet uninhabitable. The history of this race is long-gone, probably degraded by the torrential downpours of radioactive acid rain and the ever-churning acidic oceans that would dissolve even the largest of marine vehicles within hours. Most races in existence today avoid this place like the plague and treat it like a dumping ground, jettisoning toxic and radioactive waste into the atmosphere from space with their waste transport ships, so waste of all sorts can be found here, even the dangerous kinds. Will anyone dare attempt to return this planet to it's life-giving state? Will the mistakes of it's former inhabitants ever be undone? Only time will tell. But for now, the glowing green planet will remain desolate, inhospitable to all life that we know.

This map idea was inspired by the toxic planet in starbound, where oceans of toxic water exist with an entire ecosystem of creatures adapted to live in the toxic water. On that planet, you can also see ruined cityscapes in the background as you traverse the dangerous planet. The radioactive element was inspired by the fallout series, which many of you probably know about.

Instead of ore and gold nodes dotting the map, ruined towers and skyscrapers would dominate the landscape, creating an ancient cityscape. Each tower would provide a large amount of ore, steel, and gold. Eventually the player will be able to build ore fracking plants, gold labs, and steel refineries. These towers would not be removeable without harvesting them. This means that you can't destroy them with the bulldoze tool and there is no option to remove in the options menu. These towers should be an obstacle to the player's attempts to expand and organize their colony layout.

The map should contain generated rivers of glowing green water. The land itself is not dangerous, but the water is. When waterbots try to collect water from the rivers, they end up collecting defiled water, just like my previous map idea(The Bog). Colonists will drink regular clean water when they can, but when they run out, they'll get despeate and start drinking from your defiled water reserves to stay hydrated, which should ultimately result in severe to fatal illnesses. This poses a challenge in that you need to make sure that you have plenty of water for the amount of people, because your colonists would likely be better off going without any water at all then drinking defiled water, since drinking it has a high chance to cause illnesses that rapidly reduce health. The same concept applies in real life to salt water, which when drank rapidly dehydrates the body due to the excess sodium in the salt water, ultimately leaving the drinker worse off than they would've been going without water. Any water vehicles and structures should take damage over time and explode when out of health. This also includes structures straddling water and land.

Another thing to watch out for is the radioactive waste dumps that dot the map. Colonists and organic workers should accumulate radiation when they stand near these. Their radiation percentage is directly subtracted from their health and will be fatal when 100% is reached or sooner if the unit is already damaged by sickness, starvation, or another factor. Hospitals should be able to slowly reduce radiation levels in an organic unit. However, these areas can be harvested with uranium rover to collect large amounts of uranium. Even after these area ares depleted and start disappearing from the map, uranium fracking plants can be dug into the earth to harvest uranium indefinately from the endless waste buried below. In fact, if you have a waste reclamation plant, it should be able to produce all kinds of random resources by extracting waste from below and refining it.

Acid rain should be a thing, and it should rain every now and then, doing decent damage to buildings and causing organic unit's radiation levels to rise slowly. Always inspect your buildings to make sure that their damages are repaired so they don't explode. That is until you get a consulate, where you can auto-repair buildings. Always build plently of hospitals as well to provide radiation treatment for your organic units. For draconians, their inability to care about their insectoid slave workers means that they will constantly be replacing their slaves, since it is against draconian law to admit insectoids into their hospitals. For zolarg, you may want to build better hospitals. The insectoid carapace of the zolarg people are impervious to acid, but aren't impervious to radiation, so watch out for that.

meteors of radioactive waste should fall to the ground on rare occasions, providing random resources when harvested but also destroying buildings in a small radius and causing radiation damage to every organic unit in the vicinity. This should be added because as I mentioned before, trash is jettisoned into the planet by waste transport ships and falls to the ground. This is why there is so much radioactive waste. As you play, those ships won't even notice a colony on the planet at first, but as you terraform the land, those bombardments will slowly reduce in frequency. If you wanted to leave the planet in its toxic state, but you didn't want the bombardments to continue, you could implement a beam beacon that can be seen from space in order to let ships know not to drop anymore waste. That beacon should be a late game thing.

On top of all of this, the atmosphere should be several times thicker than earthlike levels. This is to simulate the immense industrial pollution in the atmosphere that rendered the planet toxic in the first place. This would require colonists to wear their astronaut suites to avoid breathing in the toxic air.

Just like my previous map idea, this map should be terraformable as well. Once the atmosphere is reduced to earth-like levels, the map will become and earth-like map, with the same ground texture and with trees generating in the free spaces of the map(s).Thus, the planet is returned to it's inhabitable and life-preserving state. It may not be feasible, but I would make it so that any planet that reaches above a certain atmosphere level should become a toxic planet, where any water becomes toxic water and snow and rain are replaced with acid rain.

Those are my ideas, I'll try to come up with more in the future. Let me know what you think.
5y ago
This idea is based off of my other blast furnace idea, but with some tweaks.

Planet terrain: Dark, charcoal gray ground. No atmosphere. 1 day on this world is ten days on earth as the planet spins slowly. Lead deposits would come in as a new terrain type. They would be solid at night, yet would melt into puddles of liquid lead during the day, killing anything caught in it. Once the planet is terraformed, this puddles become water-filled instead of lead-filled. Atmosphere is 0. Solar panels don't work at night time.

As with the last blast furnace idea, solar radiation exposure during the daytime should be a danger here, affecting health of colonists. However, I propose a different way of dealing with it. Those pools of lead would be useful for this, and I feel like it would be possible to add a leaded version of all of the housing buildings and have the player only be able to build those opposed to regular housing structures.

Of course, this introduces a new resource called lead. I was thinking just make it untradeable, but if bast can find more uses for it in other colonies then more power to him. This resource would be required to build housing and could be used for other structures designed to prevent or reduce radiation exposure. I also recommend adding a mid-game path block that covers over rovers and colonists to shield them while they walk to certain places, but at first, colonists will need to walk in open sun. You're probably asking yourself "if lead melts into puddles on this planet, why build with it?" You would be right to ask such a question, but let's assume that those buildings are room temperature inside and the insulation in the walls contains lead. If that's not enough, then just roll with it I guess, it's just a game.

In late-game, when the player's colony begins to develop their plastic industry, another untradeable resource could come into play: RadSheild. This resource acts in a very special way. Colonists would consume any available Radshield as it is created, but would only consume one each for every 24 in-game hours, and only during daytime, which lasts for 120 in-game hours. Since the day cycle is ten times slower on this planet, colonists would consume about 5 of these per day cycle, so that's a lot of lead being flushed down the drain(pardon the pun) each day.

The principle behind this resource is to combine plastic and lead to make nano pellets of encapsulated lead that would travel the bloodstream and provide an internal barrier to radiation. Since plastic desn't digest or degrade quickly, it can move throughout the bloodstream over the course of a day and block radiation without releasing its contents into the bloodstream, which could be lethal. To make sure that a buildup of older pellets that might burst doesn't occur, the pellets are designed to leave the bloodstream within a day after entering it. This resource would allow colonists to free-roam the map without losing health. This is especially necessary once the planet is terraformed. This resource would be a pretty tough one to manage as your colonists are going to eat it up at first, and you'll need to adjust your production based on how many colonists you have. I would make simple radshield factories that only produce a little at a time, so the player would need to built lots of them, and then I would add a much more advanced factory, which would support many more people.

Now, as for the day and night cycle. I feel like this planet needs a thermal factor. I don't think this needs to apply to add planets, but especially for this one. During the day, your colony heat score will rise, while at night, it'll fall. If the score becomes too hot, colonists expend more energy and consume more water. Whereas when in extreme cold, colonists lose energy and consume more food. Of course as we know, if energy depletes, health starts to deplete, so don't let the extreme climate kill off your colonists, build heaters and coolers to manually manage the heat level. There should also be a Goldilocks zone where colonists regenerate energy faster. For each tile taken up by a building, the amount of space between the extremes and perfect zone should increase and the effect of climate on heat level will increase. This allows for a bigger margin of error, but also requires many more coolers and heaters, or more powerful coolers and heaters, to maintain a perfect heat level. This scaling feature should apply to regions as well, and the effects of heaters and coolers in one map should effect the heat level of the entire region, allowing for maps to specialize in managing heat for the entire region.

At early game, building simple coolers and heaters would do the trick, and you would need to manually deactivate and activate coolers and heaters to adjust the heat level. mid game, you can build a thermostat, which would switch any coolers and heaters within it's radius on or off to manage a target temperature. you would probably need multiple clusters of these. At end game, a region-wide temperature control center should be added that would act as a region-wide thermostat that takes account of how many of each type of heater/cooler are in each map and switches them off and on to manage heat throughout the region. This should be fairly expensive.
5y ago
I think there should be a mechanic that whenever a colonist gets under 30% health or energy the colonist will go either to the hospital/medic clinic for health, or an entertainment facility or go to their home to sleep. If a colonist gets under 50% health/energy then the colonist doesn't work as efficiently. Also, you should be able to send colonists home if there is a bug you should be able to tap them then click a button that says go home.
Today I am proud to announce that Epic Adventure v0.7.0 is now complete and will be hitting all platforms shortly. This update adds some of the key concepts to the game that moves it one step closer to being able to start adding a bunch of content - Food/Hunger/Health/Eating!

When you log into the game next, you will notice brand new Health and Hunger indicator areas at the top left corner of the screen.

As you go around the world and work, you will become more hungry. If your hunger level gets down to zero, you will start losing health! Luckily, you can eat now. Before the game had Apples, and eating them is simple. If you have an Apple in your hand, click on the Apple again in your belt inventory to eat it.

Note: Unfortunately, due to an existing error in the game code that has since been patched, if you are continuing an existing game, you will start off starving in this update. Hurry and eat a bunch of Apples! New games are not impacted by this issue.

In addition, a new terrain/food item has been added to the game - Mushrooms!

Mushrooms are more abundant than Apples but do not provide as much energy. In the future though, they will be used for different spell and food recipes!

There are still a couple of key concepts that I need to add to the game engine before I can start really digging in with content. The next thing I need to add is movable world objects, such as animals and enemies! That is going to be a big one, and will be the focus of v0.8.0. Once those are implemented, Epic Adventure is going to be pretty much an actual game, but there is still a lot to do. Stay tuned though, because the next update is going to be an "epic" one!

4y ago
bastecklein said:You know it just dawned on me guys, I don't think it's the payroll that is killing your colonists, it is probably the lack of medical facilities, since the birth/death calculations also happen on the same time interval as payroll. Make sure you have enough medical facilities in your colony.

Hi, Bast. Made new colony of LIS at abbandoned world. For ~400 colonists i had 49 first aid stations. Food, water and money are in excess. Prior to every payday - colonists went off all work places (stats i.e. 0/0/10), and after "time to pay your workers" the counter of colonists in resources string became 0. all vanished. this happens independently of paying. just when the window appear. autopay didn't solve the problem

i also noted, that at the time when colonists go out of their work running header at the bottom says that "there is an ongoing health crysis in %cityname%. will %username% do something..."

now for 912 colonists, i have 46 medical clinics. however the situation hasn't changes. in statistics the numbers are 14 births, 163 deaths, and 24225 immigration. autopay didn't solve the problem. stats of concerns show NaN% and diagramm ~30% respectively for uneducated, depressed and health. Despite education, entertainment and medical buildings are built within 3-5 tiles of houses. health stat show 0%...

i didn't notice this at my bigger colonies, despite lesser amount of medical buildings and their distance from buildings.

MC version 1.0 for win 10 x64 downloaded from ape-market
4y ago
I did have a newly started colony that was working fine. Then I let it run for a bit with out really watching to let resources build and somehow ran out of food. All pop died.

Health is showing at 0% and every time payroll comes around any pop I gained vanishes. I have med facilities and they are staffed when payroll hits. Food and water are back to maxed out storage.

I tried disabling all housing but one with fully staffed med building next to it, but for the life of me I can not get health to budge off of 0% and pop keeps vanishing.

Edit to add: I'm playing on the iOS app which is still 1.0. I tried getting this particular game to load on the web app but get a message the save is corrupted.

I seem to also be having huge issues with game saves as I can not get any save I played pre 1.0 date to load either on the iOS app or web app. =/

Edit #2: managed to get this save to load on the web app but no matter what I do, I can't get health to budge from 0%
4y ago
I have created a new colony as of v1.1 and all seemed fine. I build slightly more clinics than I normally would before the medical update (they were never filled over 10% even when starvation occured) and it seemed fine. Suddenly my health dropped to 27% out of nowhere and it just keeps fluctuating in the graph, but the statistics say it is still 27%. Over the 6 hours I already have this problem I kept building more medical facilities, but it just won't improve the health. At this point of time I have 4% of my population working at medical facilities with space for 10% of my population. The medical coverage of my colony is at >99% and there is still no improvement.
PS: 1/4 of my colony are babies because my colonists keep f*cking like rabbits. Pls halp.
4y ago
Not much point to posting but look at this photo
ONLY ONE out of the 3 Housing buildings show stats for health education and entertainment
the one that does shows 100 % on all NOW look at the buildings I placed
I called this Bug city and Built it in a way TO prove beyond any dought this is a massive bug once you activate crime the Bug will just get worse .
This BUG causes Massive protesting massive health issues so much so out of 20 k colonists there will be 5 k sick and another 2 k that will refuse to work .
Cant blame my computer game runs just fine cant blame lak of health buildings of lak of entertainment or lak of education buildings .
Non of this has ever worked correctly and as you keep adding more it just gets worse and worse .
now really stats are pointless education is pointless entertainment is pointless IT only effects the game making it run poorly .
its been two years from when you started adding these effects in all that time they never worked correctly my advice is LEAVE the NUmbers and fancy graphs and get ride of the effects base the graphs on number of BUILDING needed for each stat to show 100 % instead of colonists as it just dont work .

4y ago
My colony had a sudden health average drop, from 55% to 6%. I tried building more clinics but they don’t seem to help much. How do I increase health?
4y ago
Hello friends,

I was playing the with the new updates and started a new colony. After a while I noticed the health is for some reason fixed on 1% (yes I took care of every possible reason and nothing happened.)
Also after savig and closing the game, it couldn't load it again so basically I lost my 10 hours of playing with my sick (health wise) society.

Just to make sure, I loaded an old colony that I had from last month and their heals plunged after few minutes too, to under 10%. it seems something is wrong in this new update.

Good work overall though, Looking forward for the fix
4y ago
Same here. My colony's health is at 9%, despite health being a 0% issue and hospitals being built literally everywhere (and a lot of them are empty). I have over 106K colonists, and I'd rather not deport all of them to try to fix the bug, since rebuilding the population from that point would take forever.
3y ago
I would like to add, the newest update 1.15 this is still a bug, My health stat is stuck at 12% and hasn't moved in awhile. at some point during overnight afking it dropped and has never returned, even though I have resolved the health crisis
2y ago
Oh boy! Today I am publishing the v0.19.0 patch for My Colony 2 which should be hitting all platforms over the coming days. This is by far the biggest update to My Colony 2 yet, featuring significant changes both under and... above(?) the hood. Given the scope of the changes, I would expect some issues to crop up, so please file those bug reports here in the forum. In the mean time, lets take a look at what's new in this release!

The first and biggest change to the game is the addition of the new Mod Shop, which you can access from the title screen if you are a Premium user and signed in using an Ape Apps Account. You can consider the Mod Shop to be very beta at this point, and there is still a lot of work to do. I do not yet have auto updating working for mods, and I still need to build out detailed Mod pages that let you leave feedback to the Mod developer. I also suspect that Total Conversion type mods might not work as planned from the Mod Shop yet, but the basic framework is now there and operational at least.

Mods can now be activated and deactivated from the Play Game menu. If you download a mod from the Mod Shop and want to add it to your game, click on the Settings gear icon next to your saved game, and select "Manage Mods" to add and remove mods to your file. If the Manage Mods option does not show up, then play your save, save it, and try again, because the option will not show for older saves that are not using the latest file format.

The next update is going to involve cleaning up, improving and fixing things wrong with the Mod Shop, so please let me know about all Mod Shop related issues that you discover, because I really think that the Mod Shop has the potential to be a great game changer for My Colony 2 going forward, unlocking access to way more content than could ever be added to the game by a single developer.

On the subject of mods, this update includes a complete and total rewrite to the way in which mods are saved and loaded, and there is a strong potential that Modded games created before v0.19.0 may now be broken, so if that is the case for you, then I apologize. Sadly, the massive changes were necessary though. I suspect that Total Conversion mods might currently be broken, although I have not verified that as of yet.

There is a big change that Mod authors need to be aware of in this update as well. If you mod makes changes to the Metadata object in the game, there is a new Game Identifier field. Saved game files are now associated to this identifier, and unless your mod is a Total Conversion mod, it's Meta object should have the same Game Identifier id as the base My Colony 2 game. Otherwise, save files using your Mod will no longer show up in the saved game list. So if you have a mod that makes changes to the Meta object, and it's not a Total Conversion, make sure it uses the same Game Identifier as the base game ( which is: a999fe76-ff1c-5935-e365-755089ba8982 ). Likewise, if you are making a Total Conversion mod, your mod should NOT use the base game identifier.

This update also introduces a significant rewrite to the way games are saved and loaded. It turns out, that if you were signed in using an Ape Apps Account, almost all of your saved games have been synced to the Ape Apps Cloud since the first release of My Colony 2. You may therefore see a bunch of old saves in your game listing the first time you load up v0.19.0 that you might not have known still existed. You should now be able to delete those old saves, and they will also be removed from the cloud. The game was actually loading all of this old saved data each time it opened, so if you delete old games that are no longer being used, your My Colony 2 startup times should be greatly improved.

Moving on, the internal game server has also undergone a massive overhaul, removing all web browser specific functions and logic from the code. This was done so that I could create a command line based dedicated server application, which had previously not been possible since some of the code in the game server itself could only be run in a web browser context. This change will not be very noticeable to the end user, but was a pretty big effort on my part, and will enable the creation of a separate dedicated server application, which will allow 24/7 cloud based My Colony 2 servers in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

Next up, units in the game can now be scaled. Modders will see the new scaling option in the Unit editor. This change also applies to colonists, which are now scaled to a more realistic size for the first time ever in My Colony history! And speaking of colonists, worlds that theoretically have a breathable atmosphere will now be able to use My Tokens characters as colonists models, which can now be seen on the Water World and the Desert World, giving a nice variety to the game.

And speaking of Colonists, you can now take control of them and walk around your settlement! Click on a colonist to enter the new Player mode, to get up close and personal to your base. There isn't much to this feature yet, but in my opinion it comes with huge potential, especially for modders to create totally different types of games on the back of the My Colony 2 engine. Try it out, let me know what you think, and throw out some suggestions of ways this cool new mode can be expanded!

You may notice that the graphics in My Colony 2 are a bit "cleaner" than they were prior to v0.19.0. I didn't even realize it until working on this update, but the anti-aliasing engine was completely broken in Scroll3d. Anyway, it works now and you should be able to notice a subtle difference in the visuals of the game.

I have started to add more detailed building-level statistics to the game. Now when you select a building, there is a stats button that you can click on to expand additional information about the structure, including items like workers and production levels. More will be coming to this expanded interface in the future.

Speaking of statistics, both the World and Settlement level statistics screen have been updated. And there are now settlement level penalties for not having enough Food, Medical, Entertainment, Security, and Education. Settlements now also have a separate "Overall Health" stat, not to be confused with the Medical stat. The Medical tells you what your settlement's medical coverage is, but the Overall Health also takes into effect things like food/water shortages, homelessness, etc. When the overall health gets to low, people will now start to die, so make sure to stay on top of that. You also now have an approval rating for each settlement, which is derived from all statistical factors.

Staying on the topic of statistics, the GDP calculation has now been fixed, as it was previously borked and often showing negative numbers. If you have an already existing colony, it will take a few cycles for your GDP to fix itself, as the game does not go back in time and fix the historical numbers that were calculated using the old, broken calculation.

Moving on, Gifting has now been added to the game! Gifting is done from settlement to settlement, and your gift capacity is determined by the number of Trading Depots you have in your settlement. To gift, make sure your camera is in a settlement that you want to gift from. Then open statistics, and choose the settlement you wish to gift to. After that, the process is fairly straightforward. This should be a big help to multiplayer games.

I have begun expanding the Encyclopedia to include information on Units and Game Contributors. There isn't much there on those sections yet, although I did add an in-game way to send a donation of Ape Coins to the various game contributors who have helped make My Colony 2 what it is today, if you wish to say "thank you" for their efforts.

Some of the existing structures have been modified in this release. The Greenhouse Park will now slowly generate trace amounts of Wood, making Wood available to all map types now. The Warehouse storage capacities have been expanded. The Expansion Barge can no longer be built at the Watercraft Station (there is a new larger water construction yard now for the barge). The Internet Relay Booth now generates a small amount of Research, giving a research head start before players are able to build the Small Research Lab. The output of the Ore Fraking Operation and the Gold Synthesis lab have been increased. The existing Landing Field has been replaced by the smaller Landing Pad, using updated models provided by @GeneralWadaling . I think there were more changes too, but I don't recall them all at the moment.

There are some new Ancient ruins to be found on the Abandoned World, which you will see if you scroll around the map, remnants of a time when the Ancients once controlled the galaxy. There are even some "H Blocks" inspired from the ruins of Pumapunku!

Let's move on to the new content added to the game. Model contributors for this release (besides myself, of course) I believe include @GeneralWadaling , @DoYouHaveAnyOats , and @spamdude . If there are others and I forgot to mention you, then I'm sorry! It's not personal! 😳

Firstly, the new technologies of Advanced Chemical Synthesis, Low Gravity Oil Production, and Advanced Charcoal Production have been added to the game. With these additions bring two new resources into the fold, which are Oil and Plastic (as you might have guessed).

Many of the new structures in this update directly benefit the Water World, although all planet types are benefited to some degree. The new Micro Nursery allows you to get more Trees early game, before you are able to move off of your initial island. That is complimented by the Gold Extractor, which is a slow but easy way to get Gold in the game early on, which was also traditionally difficult on the Water World. Once you advance, there is a new Tree Farm for producing trees at a faster rate, without needing to continually expand and harvest. The new Construction Quay is a larger off-shore ship yard for building larger sea craft, and the new Small Offshore Drill will allow you to extract different minerals, including Oil, from the bottom of the sea. On the Military side of things, there is a new Patrol Boat which is basically like a water based version of the current Infantry unit.

The Landing Field has been moved further down the tech tree, and is replaced by the smaller early game Landing Pad. There is a new Wood Grower for generating more wood, an Oil Tank for storing Oil, and a Synthetic Oil Lab for creating Oil out of Food. Once you have Oil, you can convert it into Plastic using the new Plastic Factory. You can also get a small amount of Plastic from the new Recycling Center.

I think that is all of the new content, although I might have missed something. Looking forward though, now that we have Oil and Plastic in the game, it might be time to introduce Robotics in to the mix, and start going down that branch of the tech tree, so stay tuned for all of that.

At the end of the day, there were so many under the hood changes to this update, that something is bound to be broken. Please be on the lookout and let me know what issues you find. I have been working on this update for the better part of two months, so it is entire possible that I started working on a mechanic weeks ago, and forgot to finish it up. All in all though, I think this is a fair update to the game, and I hope you guys like it!

My Colony 2 v0.19.0 is available now on the Web, Launcher, and Windows Store, and will hopefully be hitting Google Play and the App Store within the next few days, depending on app store review times (even Android requires review now too). So stay tuned for that, let me know what you think, and stay tuned for more in the weeks and months ahead!

2y ago
I will now be presenting Tier IV United Earth units! These units are more powerful than Tier 3 units! They also have special abilities:
  • Extra Health/Armor – Unit gets extra hitpoints, making it harder to kill.
  • Extra Damage – Unit gets extra damage, making a powerful blow.
  • Self-Regeneration – Allows for the unit to heal itself.
  • World Ender – A unit that ends the world.
WARNING: If you (or the enemy) gets a world ender, Your world will be destroyed and will have your planet disappear and you will lose everything! Unless you fled to another moon.

Here are the units:
  • Giant
    The specialized beast for damaging LIS defenses and pounding them to the ground.

    Has self-regen and extra health
  • The Ka-Boom
    AKA The Armageddon, This bad tank can place anything in order and silence. You may be asking, is this thing 2.5x powerful than the Tier 3 "Heavy Tank"? Yes it is!

    Has extra armor and extra damage
  • Carrier
    This giant monster can destroy a patrol boat in 1 hit! It is so critical that it can be effective at destroying naval pillboxes and yards! It produces a nuclear explosion once destroyed! It has the power of 4 Ka-Booms.

    Has self-regen and extra damage; Produces a world ender explosion when killed
  • The Crab
    The Crab is a specialized world ender device of the UE that deals insane amounts of damage, by firing 4 rockets that disrupt the planet and cause natural disasters! These rockets have 3x the damage of the Carrier (12 Ka-Booms), and can really mess everything up.

    Has all special abilities, and a world killer, even if destroyed.
  • Shuttlepod (Shared with LIS)
    The expensive ship for going into space.

    Has extra health and self-regen

    That's it covered all for now! Let me know if you have anything in mind and I will respond to it! Next will be LIS Tier 4 units! Bye for now!
Today I am publishing a long awaited update to the original My Colony, v1.20.0, which is live now on Ape Web Apps and the Ape Apps Launcher, and should be hitting everywhere else sometime next week (might have delayed app reviews due to labor day weekend). People have been asking for fixes and content, so it's time to give MC1 some love, so let's take a look at what is new, as well as what's to come!

First off, one of the longest awaited bug fixes is here in this release, regarding colony health statistics. There was a bug in MC1 where, if your colony ever ran out of food or water, it would completely bork the health reporting stats, even after food and water was restored. This has been corrected, and health stat reporting should be back to normal. If yours was borked, it might take up to ten minutes in-game for the issue to correct itself.

There was a request by @josip0101v to overhaul the building color codes in the "Building Colors Only" view mode, and this has now been done. I don't remember the new color coding off the top of my head, but its something like Yellow for resource production, Green for residential, blue and purple are in there too. I think they correspond to the graph colors when you click on a building. Anyway, it's better than showing everything in Red.

If you are one of those people who hate kids, then you are in luck because the long broken Deport Children function has been fixed. Deporting children will remove all kids 10 years of age and younger. The cutoff is 10, because MC1 considers kids over 10 to be working age, and they are available to work in the labor market.

There have been several issues raised related to inappropriate language and behavior in the in-game chat, so some basic automatic chat moderation has been added. These changes only apply to the green letter chat that shows up in the game window, and the slide-out chat sidebar will still show everything, for those who do not want moderation.

The game will filter out a variety of common profanity words. By filter them out, I mean if a message contains one, the message just wont show up in the game at all (it will still be in the chat sidebar though).

The chat overlay will now no longer show messages over 400 characters long. There have been complaints about people either typing a bunch of nonsense or just copy/pasting stuff into chat. This will no longer show up.

There have also been complaints about non-stop spam posting. The game will now no longer allow more than three messages from a user within a 10 (I think 10) second time span. This should be well enough time to allow for normal conversation to go uniterrupted.

Again, none of this moderation happens in the slideout chat, it's mainly to keep things from showing up for people who are just trying to play the game.

By request from @Shadowdoom286 , more information has been added to the popup window when you mouse-over the population of your colony. It will now show the number of children, the number of working age adults, and the number of retired people.

Moving on. The Quantum Warehouse and the Gravity Compression Warehouse now have storage for Cobalt. Cobalt will now also be generated by the Research Converter.

I have included three new buildings in this update that were submitted by the community. The new Nuclear Water Synthesis Plant (submitted by @itsLiseczeq ) is a great new structure for water generation (mid game, but its probably one of the best structures for late game as well). The Department of Paradoxical Studies and Nanite Server Building (submitted by @Electrogamer1943 ) have also been added. The Department of Paradoxical Studies is roughly the LIS version of the Department of Fish Mating Studies, and the Nanite Server Building is an upgrade to the Large Server Building, providing more bandwidth, but costing nanites and cobalt.

Next, I decided people might want me to start adding more late game content, and so I am starting down a new tech path which I will expand on over the coming updates. The new Advanced Simulation Theory research has been added to the game, which unlocks the new Advanced Simulations Unlimited structure, which is an OP generator for money, research and civics but costs huge amounts of power and bandwidth, and really chews through the nanites.

Moving forward, I think the game needs (at a minimum) better production facilities for Software, Nanites, and Bricks, so you can expect those in the coming update. I am also open to continued community submissions, so keep them coming and I will keep adding them. While I have been focused on MC2, there seems to be a larger desire for me to keep adding content to MC1, so I might as well, so stay tuned for more content to both games as the weeks progress!

So that's it for today, check out the update on the web now, idk when it will hit other platforms but it should be this coming week (maybe longer for Android). Enjoy!

1y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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