Search - vacant job

ok im loving regions but ive been noticing some problems as of late that seem to be getting worse with time and then others that i thought got fixed already.

The system for school is really, really broken. They get stuck in the schools and don't seem to leave. Whats stranger is when i poke around i notice that a colonist who has been registered to one of the school buildings for a while at some point leaves their housing by the school and starts wandering around until they die, never actually leaving the school to find a job or at the very least a house.
Its really apparent the school system is broken when you have a bunch of the Center for Artificial Learning buildings on a map. it seems that they cant go into housing because they aren't smart enough? Im not sure what the order of School, housing, entertainment, hospital is but maybe switching them around might help? Something like;
1) Look at available jobs, if job needs IQ find school
2) Find school, cool found school
3) Find housing within a certain distance from school
4) Get smart
5) Repeat step one
6) if job found, find close housing, found housing?, recheck if job is still there
7) if not enough IQ start from step one
Then sprinkle in the health and entertainment? Just a thought but there is definitely something going on with the education system right now.

i know it has been reported before but when using the Fire drill it has the chance to really mess up a colony. I have used it a few times recently and discovered that my colonists find a house and then find a job on the other side of the map. It really leaves me scratching my head, why not pick a closer job and find closer housing?

also the website that you can view your stats on is not reporting/recording the data for regions
The GDP isn't registering at all.
The amount per capital is also blank.
It's also not showing the colonies linked with the commonwealth.

also the population isn't registering right but when i was working with the maker of this popped up when we were trying to figure out why the population was off.

so i'm thinking that's why its wrong on the site too?
6y ago
I am finally putting the finishing touches on the My Colony v0.86.0 patch, which should be hitting all devices within a few days. I had planned for this to be a huge exciting content update, but then once I started working on it, I began running into one problem after the other and it ended up taking way longer to complete than I had anticipated. As a result, there are a lot of engine changes in this update but no content additions, so from the outside it may look like I've spent the last two weeks doing nothing. Rest assured though, there are some improvements to the game in this release, so let's take a look!

The first major change, which actually inadvertently started a domino effect of changes to the engine, was a total rewrite of the way the game saves files. As most of you know, when My Colony first came out there was no such thing as Regions, and so the concept wasn't even considered during game saving. Once Regions came out, many of the engine mechanics had to change to accommodate having multiple game objects processing at the same time (the individual city you are playing, the region itself, and the minor updates to the surrounding region files).

With all of these changes happening to different game objects at the same time, the game saving function remained the same as before. I sort of duct taped a solution together which worked pretty good for the most part. For instance, I had never personally run into any major issues with saving a Regions game. However, there were always reports of problems with saving in Regions, particularly with Resources and Technology levels not saving. This is unique to Regions, as it shares a single Resource and Technology pool among many different game files.

In addition to Regions, the structure of the game itself has changed considerably over the last three years, and over time, layers upon layers of different ideas have been cobbled together in the code creating a mess of sorts. To resolve all of this, I decided to completely change the manner in which game data is saved to the system. The new method allows making saves to multiple game objects at a time, instead of just the currently active game object. For example, prior to this update, when you were playing a region, the overall Region file did not save until you chose "Exit to Region" from the game menu. With this new update, you no longer have to Exit to Region for all regional data to be saved.

This is all well and good, but I didn't anticipate, or rather appreciate, just how many parts of the code were tied into the previous game saving functions. This lack of preparation on my part led to a major issue in the pre-release code on Ape Web Apps where saving a regional city would cause all colonists to lose their jobs and become homeless. Which is not good. It was like doing a fire-drill with each save, except after the fire-drill, the colony would never recover. So that was fun, and working through that led me on a breadcrumb trail that resulted in little changes and fixes all throughout the engine.

As if that wasn't enough though, I also decided to make major changes to the way virtual colonists work. Virtual Colonists are the "colonists" in your colony when your population exceeds 2000. These colonists do not actually exist, but the game instead uses statistics to simulate their education, housing, entertainment, and industrial output. With today's changes, the accuracy of this simulation should be greatly increased, especially in regards to education, which was barely simulated before.

On top of those significant engine changes, I also decided to completely rewrite the way colonists find jobs! I know, too many big changes for one update. There were so many changes here that I could write a whole article about it, but to avoid putting you to sleep, I will give the general overview. With this latest update, the game now keeps track of a "now hiring" list, sort of like a classified advertisement page. Whenever a business has an open job, it adds a now hiring record containing the x:y location of the job, the IQ requirement, pay, etc. Whenever a colonist doesn't have a job, the game takes the now hiring list, and sorts it for that colonist based on location from their house, how it matches their IQ, how it pays, etc. They then start at the top of the list and apply for the jobs. If the job is within a certain range of their house (40 tiles I think) and they meet the requirements, they will take the job. If they don't find one, they will lower their standards a bit. If they still don't find one, they will enroll in school. If they don't find a school to enroll in, they will be mad and complain about lack of education.

This change actually works pretty good, but there is a computational penalty when sorting the job openings. When only a handful of colonists are looking for jobs, it's no big deal. But if you conduct a fire-drill and the entire colony looks for work at once, you might experience a lag in the game of several seconds or more. I will need to look into a fix for this at some point soon.

Ok, so that addresses the bulk of the engine changes I made. There are some other little things here and there that you might notice, as I actually changed so much that I can't remember it all. But since there were so many changes, I would expect to see bugs as a result. Please let me know in the forum what you find!

Let's move on to non-engine related changes. First off, on the main Region city selection screen, the game now shows the name of the city on the overall map.

I will probably add a toggle to turn this on/off, I just did not get to it this time. This is mainly for mobile/touch players, since they don't have a mouse and therefore do not see the mouse-hover popup box that Desktop players see on this screen, making it hard to tell which colony is which.

Next up, I have consolidated most of the Commonwealth management settings into the main Commonwealth section of the statistics screen, so you no longer have to dig through the Policy menu to find everything.

If you look closely at the above, you will probably also notice the next thing I added. That's right, you can now finally change your Commonwealth Tax Rate! This has been requested since Commonwealths first came out, and I apologize for not adding it sooner, but it's there now. I have also capped the Commonwealth Payroll Assistance at 500%, since some of the levels on the server were insane.

Moving on, I have added a new feature called Layout Templates. This is mainly for Regions, but you can now save a "Template" of your current map and export it to the file system to share with other players. When you activate a template on your map, you see a ghosted image of the template buildings overlayed on your colony (you can turn the image on/off) that you can use as a guide for building. This is mainly for players who have designed certain build layouts and want to share the layout with others. I imagine it would work best on an empty regional map with no resources. You can find the template options on the bottom of the General Statistics screen.

There is a new engine setting that allows you to turn Gamepad input on or off. It has always been turned on from the beginning, but there was a concern that if you were playing another game on your desktop while My Colony was open, My Colony would be processing the gamepad inputs from the other game. If you find yourself in this situation, you can now turn off gamepad input completely from the Engine Settings screen.

There have been some minor changes to Colonist processing. Entertainment facilities now increase energy and happiness at a faster rate. In addition, colonist happiness will also slightly increase when they are at home. I have also increased the starting colonist IQ range to make them a bit smarter by default (will not impact current colonists, only new arrivals). And finally, I have further increased the rate that colonists age, since I still think it's too slow.

And last but not least, there were a couple of changes to existing buildings. The Mass Driver trade capacity has lifted from 100 to 300, and the basic Greenhouse now has a slightly faster production rate and a higher storage capacity.

So anyway, for me this was one of those updates that was pretty large, but for the general players of the game, it should seem like a pretty small patch. Hopefully nothing major has been broken, but continue to let me know what bugs you find. I should note that on the Android and Windows clients, there is a new "Send Feedback" button on the My Colony sidebar that will allow you to send a message or bug report directly to my Inbox, and I will add this to the Desktop, Web, and iOS versions at some point too. A lot of times people leave bug reports in the app store comments, and those are easy for me to miss.

That's all for today;s update though, let me know what you find, stay tuned for more, and thanks for playing My Colony!
5y ago
Hello guys!

Today I'd like to introduce a new colonist system for MC2.
Since in MC2 it's the time earlier than the United Earth (or early United Earth) which the technologies are not maturely developed, a colony might not support many people but bears important missions. I'd suggest every colonists you receive are specialists, and you cannot change their specializations.
So in MC2, I'd say even obtaining colonists will be in a different way. You have to order for colonists, with specific specializations mentioned.

Here, I'll introduce my ideas for types of specialists.
  • Technicians
    Technicians are probably the type of colonist you need the most. Since they are needed to keep your colony running smoothly - this includes base maintenance tasks and manufacturing. Besides, they also stand an important role in engineering related researches.
  • Biologists
    Another type of most important part of your colony is being the Biologists, primarily responsible for taking care of food supplies of your colony, they usually work in advanced hydroponic farms. They are also needed for lifeforms researches.
  • Medics
    As there are more colonists in your colony, the health risk increases. Medics will be the one to provide healthcare services to your colonists, keeping everyone healthy and fit. On the other hand, they are researchers of health and disease issues.
  • Geologists
    You cannot expand your colony without the help of geologists. They can survey the surface of your planets that can find somewhere worthy to expand into. More importantly, they can spot for new resource deposits that shall bring your colony some potential wealth.
  • Astronomers
    Astronomers still have their own roles when they are "grounded" in the colony. They are responsible for things related to space and the atmosphere of the planet, such as orbital control and launching cargo pods heading back to Earth. Moreover, they are still crucial to astronomical researches.
  • Administrators
    Admins are needed for taking care of a larger colony - you cannot have extra access on colony policies, and more importantly, higher colonist uplimits, without their coordination efforts. Sometimes they are involved into social researches.
  • Guards
    The space is just another wild west but even "wilder". To protect your colony from possible hazards, like angry natives and impostors in disguise of colonists, you'll probably need them.

The job system will also be different with the new specialists system, each type of specialists is counted independently (notes, this has no connection with micromanaging colonists like in early MC1 versions). Specialists will prioritize filling the job slots that requires their specialization. If there are no specialist slots left they will instead take generic job slots or become unassigned when all slots are filled. Generic job slots are filled by surplus idle colonists regardless of specialization, and generic job slots won't count towards specialist employment rate since those job slots can be filled by anyone.

Hopefully @bastecklein can have a look.

If you have further thoughts, please share with us - every suggestion is a significant improvement.
Win7 desktop v0.47
Not sure if it is a bug but I have 4237/4237 population. Statistics shows 4244/4269 jobs filled. Population shows 0 illegal immigrants. It seems I have excess people roaming around when I hit max 4237. For example once a residential complex is built (+26), it gets filled up immediately before the cloning and landing pad can bring in people. However the population is still 4237/4263 meaning any new immigrants is basically wandering once they reach but they get attached to any vacant job meaning they take up space and dont work. Is this a result of unsanctioned immigrants mentioned in tourist space port?
Edit Forgot to mention the job diff btw population was larger than 100 but time of posting this there were a few deaths and the numbers reduced.
Edit 2 Pop now 4315. Job filled 4394. I have a lot of workers attached to building but when viewed it in building shows unemployed and you cannot reassign them away. Also noticed the unemployed workers has similar names. I tried to execute the duplicates and seem to readjust itself
7y ago
The list of complete changes coming to My Colony v1.0.0 just keeps growing. So far Regional map generation and Power/Bandwidth utility grids have been completely rewritten, and now I am adding another major change to the list. Currently in testing, the way the engine handles colonists is now also being completely rewritten, as it applies to their jobs, entertainment, housing, education, and medical. Basically, the entire colonist simulation engine is being rewritten, which, along with the other changes already mentioned, is making v1.0.0, at least under the hood, almost a completely different game....

Before discussing the new changes in detail, I should explain how/why the existing system came to be. Colonists were first introduced to the game in v0.3.0 (July 30, 2016) at a time when the biggest housing unit was the actual Lander that you started out in. The game was designed as the Colonist being one of the central features of the simulation. Each colonist had a name, a job, his own stats, and went about his life in the colony. He had an energy level, a happiness level, a day/night sleep cycle, and so on. The intention was for each colonist to be a unique entity with it's own relationships, feelings, etc, sort of like in the Sims.

As time went on and the game grew though, it started morphing into more of a city-builder type game VS an individual colonist simulator. So as more (and bigger) buildings and features got added to the game, the original system based on the individual colonist was simply expanded and adapted in order to keep pace. Eventually the game got to where colonies with populations in the hundreds of thousands and even millions were possible, but the core colonist simulation engine remained as it always had been.

Simulating that many individual colonists brought along major performance and memory issues, especially on mobile. I tried to work around it by implementing a "virtual avatar" system, whereby after a certain population, the game just extrapolated out statistics based on a virtual avatar, where by one "real" colonist would represent 5,000 or more "virtual" colonists. This worked OK for performance, but it always caused strange statistical problems for things like Entertainment, Schooling, Medical, and Work. For example, if one colonist would get sick or unhappy for some reason, all 5,000 of the "virtual" colonists he represented would also take on his sickness/anger, which would lead to situations where 500 virtual colonists are not working.

For the last few years, each update is a constant battle against the old colonist system, with performance issues and complaints about certain stats not lining up as expected. Game functions like Entertainment/Medical,Education barely work in a consistent manner. Moreover, the colonist day/night cycle, which I thought was somewhat neat/unique/realistic to the game, was often confusing for new players who couldn't understand why nobody was at work in their buildings.

Anyway, I think it's long been time for a change, so with v1.0.0 I am stripping out pretty much all colonist-level individuality and data, and moving to a pure statistical model, more in line with a traditional city-simulator type game. After this update, the colonists you see walking around are pretty much for show only, and will no longer have their own individual stats. You will not be able to click on a colonist to see his name, where he lives, what is job is, etc. You will not be able to assign a colonist to a specific job. The individual colonist no longer matters.

So that's the sad part. It's sort of sad because I liked all that stuff about the game, but the reality is that those kinds of things are for a different type of game that My Colony no longer represents, and keeping them in the game has only caused performance issues and forced strange workarounds in the code.

So let's discuss the new system that is currently being tested. Starting with My Colony v1.0.0, all colony stats, including productivity, health, happiness, IQ, etc, are based on (roughly) on the overall land value/approval rating of the specific areas of your colony. It sounds more confusing, but I will explain more.

Housing structures are now the basic unit responsible for generating statistics in the game, taking place of the individual colonist. Housing structures now have internal statistics based on the availability of Schools, Entertainment, and Medical facilities in their proximity. While not yet implemented, there are also internal stats for Crime, which I plan on adding (along with Police Stations/Prisons) in v1.0.1 or v1.0.2.

While these numbers might be tweaked before the final release, you basically need enough Medical to accommodate 5% of your population, enough Schools for 20% of the population, and enough Entertainment for 15% of the population. These facilities must also be within range of the housing units. Medical facilities need to be within a 50 tile radius, schools 35 tile, and entertainment 25 tile. So basically, on a small sized map, an entertainment facility in the center of the map can theoretically service the entire map.

For work, job sites have to be within a 50 tile range of available housing. Jobs are prioritized by distance to house, IQ requirements, and pay. IQ level is impacted by the School rating of the housing unit. Each housing unit keeps track of the average travel distance it's residents must take to get to work, which impacts it's land value/approval rating.

The approval/land value rating of a structure is based on how fully it's needs are met in those categories, with Crime soon to be added as well. When colonists look for new places to live, they will place priority on high value dwellings first, and only reluctantly fill in the slums if necessary. When crime is implemented, criminals will originate from slum areas of town, so the more low-value areas your colony has, the more crime will be generated. Crime in turn will further lower the value of the area.

With this new system, the colonist day/night cycle is gone. As long as approval/land value conditions are good, buildings will be operating at full capacity at all times, so there is no more sitting there waiting for workers to come back on duty.

Some people will not like this new system as the change is large and will probably render many existing city layouts ineffective. You now have to think about the macro-conditions of each area of your city, making sure that there is sufficient medical, education, and entertainment for all residential areas. Since these stats were largely underutilized before, most existing cities will probably have shortages right off the bat. I plan on introducing new education and medical facilities as I get further along on the v1.0.0 update, as they will probably be needed.

There are some positives that come along with this change. Firstly, save file size and memory usage is greatly reduced, as the game no longer keeps a reference table of all workers/buildings. The game no longer conducts the expensive job/medical/school/entertainment search routines for individual colonists, which involved expensive operations of sorting all in-game structures by distance from each colonist, and then weeding through destination candidates one by one.

I estimate that most colonies will see improved performance with this change, particularly on the high end. In addition, this new system will allow me to implement probably the most requested feature of the last 3 years - mass transit, which I tentatively plan on introducing in v1.0.3 with either a new subway or monorail system (depending on what I want to draw). Since the engine no longer has to figure out paths for each individual worker, it now only needs to make sure that a mass-transit system is fully connected to itself, and then figure out a building's distance to the overall transit network, making it's implementation much, much simpler and less performance intensive than trying to resolve mass transit paths for each individual colonist.

So I've written a book here, but the reason for the long write up is because this is probably absolutely the single largest engine change to the game since it first came out, and it represents a complete rewrite of one of the core mechanics of the game. I am trying to design it in a way that will not feel overly different to long-time players and will not be overly disruptive to existing games, but with a change on this scale, you know some people will be impacted.

If you have issues/observations with the new system, you can post them in this thread. I will be working on this particular part of the game for a few more days here. Be advised, that if you open a colony on v1.0.0 from this point on, the engine changes are sufficiently large that re-opening your game in a pre-v1.0.0 client may cause issues, as v1.0.0 deletes a lot of depreciated properties from in-game objects.
5y ago
So they are currently listed as unemployed while they are a student, but that will be changing in a future update. Once they graduate they will try to find a job like normal, the only difference being is that there will now be more jobs available for them to choose from. If there are no high tech jobs, they can still work somewhere else. You can have a stereotypical college grad working at the Pub.

If they still have no jobs available they will try to find higher education. If they cannot find it, they will just be a regular unemployed person. But basically, if they graduate from High School and there is a high school teacher job available, they will fill that job before moving on to college. They only move on to more education if they need it to get a job.
6y ago
bastecklein said:So they are currently listed as unemployed while they are a student, but that will be changing in a future update. Once they graduate they will try to find a job like normal, the only difference being is that there will now be more jobs available for them to choose from. If there are no high tech jobs, they can still work somewhere else. You can have a stereotypical college grad working at the Pub.

If they still have no jobs available they will try to find higher education. If they cannot find it, they will just be a regular unemployed person. But basically, if they graduate from High School and there is a high school teacher job available, they will fill that job before moving on to college. They only move on to more education if they need it to get a job.

Maybe you misunderstood, will they fill in the high school teacher before being, say, a scientist? Also, will unemployed people seek education, or do I have to finagle my way around firing people and re hiring them after they find education, in order to raise colony average IQ because I'm a completionist?
There is nothing in the code that would make them pick a teacher job before a scientist job. Usually they will pick the job closest to their house, or if they are homeless they pick a job closest to their present location.

Unemployed people are supposed to seek out education. That is how it will work when everything is ironed out.
6y ago
bastecklein said:There is nothing in the code that would make them pick a teacher job before a scientist job. Usually they will pick the job closest to their house, or if they are homeless they pick a job closest to their present location.

Unemployed people are supposed to seek out education. That is how it will work when everything is ironed out.

Alright then, thank you for your responses and the help, all that has been said answers just about all the questions I have I think, at least so far. :)
I have not done the logging in and out, mostly because if I leave it unattended for long periods it means I am away from the computer, so have not tried that. I know that colonists won't jump into jobs asap, but the issue at that time was that I had just as many jobs as I had housing for colonists, and my colonists were full. Their housing was also literally right next to the empty jobs for them to take.

I am nowhere near getting the stargate or space elevator that say that they can potentially let in more people, so that is not the issue.

And I have done a fire drill and let it go for an hour (I had more than enough supplies to go longer), but even after an hour, maybe a quarter of my buildings were even functioning, and barely at that. The empty jobs isn't a serious issue for me, I habitually overproduce everything, so a few glitchy job positions is really nothing crippling. It is just annoying because colonists start complaining about walking 30 squares to a job when they have a job available literally 1 square away from home.
6y ago
How to reproduce: select random colonist, click Change Job, select building with vacant worker spots (green footprint) and observe how this just selects the building instead of the expected action of actually assigning the colonist to the job. (the green footprint remains)
7y ago
In my colony I have 20% vacant jobs, however, up to 40% of people are unemployed, how to make people find a job?

what would be the proper commute length and salary?

7y ago
I don't think so
But try some thing
Take an insectoids or a reptilian who haven't a job and put him in a human work(where you have vacant job)

I have 53 unemployed people according to statistics. I have more jobs than there are people so they should be finding something. If I click a vacant building it says "No unemployment" when I click 0/X workers.

I can't seem to find a reason why 53 of my colonists refuse to find work and stay unemployed. There are paths to all the buildings that are vacant. Is there a way to get a list of who is unemployed like you used to be able to? I could then see them on the map and maybe see where they are stuck? I currently have colonist rendering turned off but I can turn it back on and see what happens.

If I do a fire drill I end up with the same 53 unemployed people once it's over.

Not sure how to replicate this. :)

I'm on Android O, on a Google Pixel XL.
I'm playing version 43.0 now.

7y ago
There should be colony ranks for public colonies. So if a colony has like 2000 colonists or more, on its website it could say "Popular" or some kind of title next to the colony name. Same thing for commonwealths. In the Commonwealth choosing tab, it could say "Inhabited" next to the name if there are more than 10 colonies in there. Just so people get more pride in accompolishments in their colonies and commonwealths. It could inspire people to play more y'know.

Also, you could get a pile of resources when you reach a certain level of colonists in your colony or commonwealth. Or you can even unlock a TECH when you reach like a million colonists.

I also have Building Ranks based on how much a building produces. There are no ranks for buildings that take resources.

I added Colonist Ranks. These will display next to every colonist's name when you select them OR when you go to the list of colonists. This may degrade performance, so maybe there should be an option to turn colonist ranking off. There are based on how much a colonist works.

Colony Ranks:
Vacant: <=3 colonists
Household: >3 colonists
Neighborhood: >25 colonists
Town: >50 colonists
Lively Town: >150 colonists
City: >1000 colonists
State: >5600 colonists
Nation: >10000 colonists AND Independence
Populated Nation: > 15000 colonists And independence
Planet of Life: > 50000 colonists
Expanding Planet: > 250000 colonists
Overpopulating Planet: > 1 MIL colonists
Holy Planet: > 2 MIL colonists

Commonwealth Ranks:
Vacant: 1 colony
Solar System: >1 colony
Lively Solar System: >4 colonies
Combined Solar Systems: >8 colonies
Tiny Galaxy: >25 colonies
Galaxy: >50 colonies
Lively Galaxy: >75 colonies
Parallel Universe: >250 colonies
Holy Commonwealth: >260 colonies

Building Ranks:
Useless: <100 dollars of resources resources produced
Useful: >100 dollars* of resources produced
Productive: >1000$ of resources produced
Amazing: >1,000,000$ of resources produced
Mass Producer: >100,000,000$ of resources produced
Holy Producer: >1,000,000,000$ of resources produced

*bastecklein, you can decide how much each resource is worth.

Colonist Ranks**:
Lazy: <1 minute worked
Interested: >5 minutes worked
Productive: >10 minutes worked
Holy: >25 minutes worked

**minutes are in real life minutes. Also, the timer only ticks when the colonist owner is ONLINE, and NOT in the background.

NOTE: I havent worked on rewards for titles yet.

7y ago
Ok, another detail that might be related, I'm noticing a bunch of duplicates in the employee list for buildings having this bug. I have an Ultra Deep Dig Site, currently showing 1 on duty, 5 off duty, 54 vacant. If I click show workers, I've got Avery Nelson, Lucy Flores, Luke Martinez, Matthew Walker, Lucy Flores, Ethan Stewart, Victoria Jenkins, Luke Martinez, Joseph Smith, Lucy Flores, Mia Jones, Mia Jones, Mia Jones, Matthew Walker, Lucy Flores, Lucy Flores, Luke Martinez, Victoria Jenkins, Lucy Flores, Lucy Flores, etc etc etc.
At first I thought I had multiple colonists with the same names, but the ones with the same name are all at the exact same energy level, and I see the same ones in other buildings as well.
These "ghost workers" may be keeping jobs from being filled, and causing the discrepancies in unemployment and vacant jobs stats as well.
7y ago
The problem that I have is similar but I haven't tried the fire drill thing yet.
If I click on the stats menu and go to jobs it shows that all of them are full. Yet if I click on a building that I built recently or some other older building it will show me that it has vacant jobs. Some buildings have had the same number of vacant jobs for a while now and even though I have a lot of free workers they just don't want to fill up.
(Android 6.0.1 ; galaxy A5 ; my colony version 0.54)
6y ago
So, after playing for some hours, I've decided to make a list on what I'd like to see.

These won't all be directly effecting gameplay but are meant to make the game more user-friendly.

1. Optional Accounts: You would be able to make a My Colony Account in which you can save colonies on. This will allow users to log into the account from multiple browsers/platforms and play their colonies on multiple platforms. Meaning a player playing on the native client could switch to a mobile device.

2. Military/Militia: Creating a colony is not easy, you will meet some resistance.

My idea is you would eventually be able to create Militia. Specifically, Militia Soldiers, Patrol Bots, and Patrol Ships.(Space ships)

Militia bots and soldiers would be able to patrol and try to break up riots/protests, at the risk of accidently killing colonists(Which lowers your approval rating and the overall happiness.)

As a Colony, you won't be able to attack other colonies or capitals directly, but Capitals would be able to.
Capitals get access to Soldiers, Tanks, Transport Ships, Cruisers, and Dreadnaughts. (In addition to militia units.)

A few new buildings, Weapons factory, Training Area, Barracks, Space Depot. Also the Command Center, and Tank Factory for Capitals only.

United Earth, Zolarg Empire, and League of Independent States are all at war with each other, and you would be allowed to send units to them to fight against the other nations. These capitals won't normally attack any colony with a large force unless the "Front" moves far enough away from it. (Only if your charter was not originally from that faction)

All Commonwealths controlled by players would be neutral unless they attack first or the Front goes far enough away from the entire commonwealth.

If your colony is attacked and defeated, you will be annexed to the faction or Commonwealth that attacked you. If it was an AI faction, you will have a 1 day delay before you can request annexation to anyone. It's 3 days delay if it's a player commonwealth. The attacked can demand a maximum of 5% of your total money as tribute. No other resources will be touched. (Besides population loss from the fighting.)

Capitals can send units to help defend a colony or to be used as a staging point for an attack. Also, if you fail to pay taxes to your capital, your capital will be allowed to send a raiding party to your colony to pillage the money. The raid can take up to 30% of your total money, along with damaging infrastructure and possibly killing colonists.

That's really all I can think of for this.

3. Removal of Protesting: This feature seems to be...broken, or not fully thought out. Many times I find colonists protesting for no reason or for a reason they bring on themselves. I tend to see colonists protesting their low health instead of going to a clinic to get healed. I also see colonists protesting absurd commute lengths even though they could've picked a closer one.

4. Quitting Jobs: Colonists should be allowed to quit their jobs and find a new one if they don't feel happy with their current job. This can be commute lengths, salary, etc. Letting them be freely able to quit and get a new job may remedy the issue.

5. Personal Transports: Colonists would be allowed to purchase personal transport vehicles. They would drive from their house to a parking lot, from there they would walk to their job, and the amount they walk would be their commute length.

6. Shops/Stores/Consumer goods: Colonists can spend money they earn buying items from stores you can build. This is mainly to help the colony gain extra income.

7. Entertainment Tweak: If a colonist is unhappy they will seek entertainment to increase their happiness instead of protesting for no reason until their health kills them.

8. Tabbing Out: Your colony will continue to run even if you're not currently tabbed onto it, just as long as the game is still loaded.

9. Payroll Assistance: When payroll is paid, payroll assistance will arrive instantly regardless of whether or not the capital player is online. The capital players will be billed the amount once they log online.

10. Bug Fixing: This is self-explanatory. I'm not going to elaborate on it.

Well, this is a list, feel free to add to my ideas or make your own ideas.
7y ago
The intention here to create the office tower were to create massive load of job being offered. Fantasy land Arcology created too much residents and i dont have much job to offer.

I can control the office tower to be deactivated after firedrill, to make sure all other jobs were filled up before colonies start to work in office tower.

Beside it was nice to have different skyscraper to decorate my colony.

Suggestive stats:

Create 10000 job.

- power
- lot of wood (paper)
- microchips (PC)

- money
- lot of trash

7y ago
Investment bank don't use up enough job, merely 500 jobs. 1 fantasy arcology alone create 16k houses.

The need here is to create jobs for big colonies. 1 office tower take 10k jobs, instead of having us building 20 banks which take up land space.

If these were made available in early game, office tower can help regulate the unemployment. Just deactivate n firedrill, enable after everyone settle down.

I am not good in art, probably need the communities to help on that part.

I dont know if the below are sensible, i just whack.
Suggestive stats:

Medium office
Build resource:
40k money
10k steel (building structure)
10k ore (building structure)
10k plastic (building structure)
10k brick (building structure)
5k wood (building structure)
5k pottery (office deco)
4k cloth (office carpet)
10k microchip (office PC and laptop)
30k civic
Create 5000 job

Consume: (not sure how to define the unit consume)
- 1000 power
- 10 wood per minute (paper)
- 10 civic per minute (work ethic?)

- 100 money per minute
- 1000 trash per minute (paper shredding)

Office tower
Build resource:
250k money
400k steel (building structure)
400k ore (building structure)
300k plastic (building structure)
200k brick (building structure)
100k wood (building structure)
80k pottery (office deco)
80k cloth (office carpet)
500k microchip (office PC and laptop)
300k civic
Create 36000 job <--encouraging point to build

- 10000 power
- 100 wood per minute (paper)
- 100 civic per minute (work ethic?)

- 1000 money per minute
- 10000 trash per minute (paper shredding) <--discouraging point to build

7y ago
ah, so you'll want to make sure that the type of occupation (botanist, scientist, politician to name a few) that people working in the arcology have get's paid more. Colonists will fill up the jobs that pay the most first, and then whoever comes after them get the scraps left behind. So if you want to fill up food and water processing plants first, make botanists have a higher salary than all other jobs. I'm not sure what type of occupation an arcology job is, maybe blue collar, but find out and make that job the highest paying job and any newcomers will fill up the arcologies instead of going elsewhere. make sure to let the arcology fill up before creating another arcology though, because some people might cross between the arcologies to go to work if you don't.

Actually, there is one more downside if the occupation is blue collar. most production plants are blue collar, like steel, gold, regolith, etc. So make sure that you don't have any empty jobs in those before immigrating people into an arcology, or those people may go elsewhere to work for a steel plant instead of the arcology, even if blue collar makes the most money.
7y ago
I have a suggestion for My Colony such as a possible sollution to reduce "commute length" or the consequences othere of. As your colony gets bigger and you like to have buildings such as residential with other residential type buildings such as I. The length in between housing and the buildings providing jobs for your population continues to expand. To combat excessive commute lengths(which I assume has to do with fatigue) a present a possible taxi station building. This building would allow you to build taxies. Taxies reduce commute length by a 4:1 ratio allowing possible citizen transport that helps reduce possible fatigue. How I imagine it working is a Taxi station builds a taxi and for every taxi a job is provided to the station. Thus workers must come to the station of course to work the taxis and the working taxis seek out citizens walking their commute length to drive them to their destination. As the taxis do this the taxi station produces coin as 1 job is already provided as a default job count even without taxis. This could also pave a way for a new "Transportation" catagory even possibly adding resource transports(including or excluding Resource Harvesters) allowing another great factor to the game increasing its enjoyability. I thank you for your time and possible consideration of this Idea.😀
6y ago
Hi I got quite a related issue with my workforce...

Trough all updates since, I don't know - 1,5 years ago, my workers start to leave their jobs and get a job at the new building. It doesn't matter how far away from their home it is, how happy they are or something else i can control as player..... I guess you can imagine that this is the point where my Colony starts getting busted ;)

So perhaps the problem lies within the behaviour of the colonists searching for a job and changing it without any purpose?
Other reason could be that the colonists don't stop searching for a job when they already have one and always try to change their lives?
Would be far easier without such odd behaviour ;)

Adding: and the same odd behavior at Antiquitas - though not that bad .

Commonly it starts with buildings needing more than 50 Workers.

(Playing on PC, Win 7 Pro 64 bit)
6y ago
I have just completed work on My Colony v0.72.0, which should be going out to all platforms over the next few days. This release contains a whole slew of general bug fixes, both region and non-region related, as well as a few new structures and a new change to unemployment.

Firstly, I think that I may have finally solved the long-standing "my rovers wont move" bug, which people have been complaining about for a year or so. Now that I have written this, there may well be 10 comments below proving that I have not solved it, but I am pretty sure that at least it is a lot better now than it was before. The issue is that some time ago, I added code so that the engine would save commonly used paths and re-use them again instead of going through the pathfinder every time, which saved a lot of cpu usage. Somehow though, I forgot to clear out those saved paths whenever new structures or terrain features were added to the map. So if a path was ever created, and then later on, a building got placed somewhere along the path, the game would go back and try to find a new path, but the engine kept giving out the old retained path over and over again. The retained path would eventually be killed if it failed enough times, but this was creating a constant loop where sometimes rovers would just sit there trying the same path over and over again, or if a ton of rovers were moving at once, they would completely lag out the game while they each tried to resolve the same broken path over and over.

So anyway, there is a better than zero chance that this issue is fixed now, but please (and I am sure you will) let me know if I am mistaken.

Next on the list, I have implemented a change in employment reporting. Before, if a colonist did not have a high enough IQ to take a job, they would become a student. If there were no schools available, they would just keep looking for an education until they could find one. This had a couple of effects. One, it could create lag on large colonies where colonists kept looking for schools over and over. Additionally, it created higher rates of unemployment while there will still jobs available. Players would wonder why colonists are not filling jobs when there are so many workers available, when the actual reason is that many of the colonists were too dumb to work in the jobs that were unfilled.

To address these issues, several changes were made. Now if a colonist cannot find a job, they will look for school once. If they can't find it they will either a) go to the bar and drink their woes away (find entertainment instead), or b) lose faith in your government and become a protester. Later on when they have become sufficiently happy again, or tired of protesting, they will retry their search for a job or school.

Next, the way unemployment is calculated has been changed. Before, unemployment was simply the number of colonists minus the number of filled jobs. Pretty simple. The issue was that since the simulated colonists (new colonists created after your population passes 2000) found jobs and lived their lives based on statistics from the non-simulated colonists, the unemployment rate in some cases would be artificially high as it was counting students and retired colonists as workers, and so simulated colonists were not finding jobs since their employment rate was coded to match the rate of the non-simulated population. Now, students and retired workers are no longer counted among the unemployed. These stats are now reflected on the statistics screen.

In addition, the unhappiness stats now account for colonists who cannot find an education. These stats were previously not accounted for, skewing the other statistics higher than they normally would have been.

In the coming updates, I want to add new colonist births, and also accelerate the rate of aging among the population. I then plan to include nonage and dotage into the population, where colonists will not work under the age of 16 or over the age of 70, or some other arbitrary numbers. Perhaps these numbers can be set in a new social policy.

For players of the desktop Native Client, all script errors should now be written to a .log file saved in the ~/Documents/My Colony folder on the device. Key word should.

Finally, the Reptilians got three new structures in this release. They finally have an embassy to establish diplomatic missions, the Foreign Outpost. In terms of regular structures, they get the Potters Den, which is a small housing unit which also creates pottery. Also they get a public housing structure, the Homeless Shelter, which also provides a mediocre education to those who live there.

One last word about the Android crashes before I wrap up here. From the stats I have gathered, it appears that over 90% of the crashes happen in offline games vs online games. I am wondering if this is related to the game scanning WiFi for nearby players to trade resources with. I have added some potential fixes related to the TCP/IP networking, but whether or not that have an impact remains to be seen.

That's all for today's update. Thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more!
6y ago
I hope everybody is having a good week! Today after several weeks of work, I am putting the finishing touches on My Colony v1.0.0 which will be heading out to all platforms over the coming days, just in time for the holidays! There is not a lot of new content in this update, and pretty much nothing that I had originally planned to add to it is here, but that is ok! What you get instead is almost a total re-write of the underlying simulation engine, which I think will improve performance on most devices, greatly reduce save-file sizes (and save corruption instances), and greatly expand the possibilities for new features in the coming updates. With all of that said, let's take a look at what has changed. This will probably be a longer write-up than most, so sit tight!

First of all, I really wish I had more time to work on this update, as I do not consider it to be complete by any stretch of the means. Sadly though, because of the time of year I had to push the update now, otherwise I would not be able to release until sometime in January. For one reason, I have a lot of family stuff coming up for the holidays. Also, the various app stores do not process submissions during this time of year (so that their employees can have some holiday time off), particularly iPhone, so I have to get the update in now before the release window closes. So I want to apologize to everybody for the lack of new content and incomplete nature of this update, given what I had promised previously. I hope you are not too mad at me, especially since it has been about a month since the last update! I did put a ton of hours into this one though, and I think (hope!) in the long run the game will end up being a lot better for it.

Since these patch notes are longer than normal, I will split them up into sections.

Game Data

First I want to talk about some game file changes. Since the format of the game has evolved a bit since the first release of My Colony in 2016, there have been a lot of properties and settings added over the months and years that are no longer applicable today. I have done a little bit of cleanup and reorganizing of the game data in this release, and if you have an older, larger colony, the first time you open it in v1.0.0 it might take a little longer to load as this cleanup procedure takes place on your game data, possible up to a minute or more. This is normal. Afterwards, the disk size of your game data should be a lot smaller, which should be great for all versions of the game, as save file corruptions are sometimes a problem on various platforms. It should also make cloud sync a whole lot faster and more reliable. I believe it will also help with issues where web browsers like Chrome delete My Colony saves to keep the game under the browser's storage quota. Just for an example, the save file for my main colony which has around 270k population is now only about 600kb, which is a massive reduction from before.

I am working on a way to export an entire region game (and all of it's sub colonies) into one single backup file. I had meant to have this feature ready to go for this update, but simply ran out of time. Be aware that it is coming soon though. The new file size reduction is one of the reasons why I am able to implement this feature properly!


There is a large change to how Regions are generated now, when playing on a map type that features a river terrain, such as Earthlike, Abandoned World, and Lava World. The River formations are now generated on a region-wide basis, instead of on a map-by-map basis, giving the entire region a more continuous look and feel. So now when you start a new region on one of these map types, it will have to generate the river template, which may take a minute on slower devices. It is a one-time thing though, so I think the time trade-off is worth it.

In addition to automatic region generation, you can now also include a template file that the game will use to create your region. The template parser works best when using a 250x250 black and white image, but it will accept any image file you have. For example, consider the following template file:

When applied to a Lava World region, will create the following regional map:

These new region generating and templating features can make for some very interesting regional maps!

Once you are inside of a region map, you will notice some additional changes. There is now a 1 tile green border surrounding regional cities. If you mouse-over this border, you will see the name of the adjacent city in the region and if you click on it, it will ask you if you want to switch over to that city, without having to back out to the overall regional map first.

In addition, you can now order a rover or other unit to drive onto that green border area, and the unit will be transferred to the adjacent city. Players have wanted this feature since regions first came out, and it basically works just as you would expect it to.

Simulation Changes

This is where the changes start getting big, but I have tried to implement them in a way that will hopefully be unnoticeable to most players. For v1.0.0, I have rewritten the core simulation engine from scratch, moving it from an individual colonist based simulation, to more of a macro simulation using buildings as the core point of focus for the game. This change was mainly done for performance and scale. When I had originally created the game, I did not really expect colonies with more than a few hundred colonists at most. My original inspiration for the colonist part of the game was a title I found on Steam called Spacebase DF-9, which sadly got abandoned by it's creators. But in that vain, each colonist had it's own stats, it's own bank account, it's own mood, name, health, happiness level, job, house etc. With a few hundred colonists, this works out pretty good. With 100,000 or even 1,000,000, this becomes a CPU and memory nightmare.

Over the years I have done various tweaks and hacks to try to get around this design issue, but it's never worked out perfectly. At the end of the day, there was no way to get around the fact that the way that the game was originally envisioned and designed was simply no longer compatible with the way that the game had eventually turned out. My Colony has become, at it's core, a city simulator game based in outer space. It does feature things that you will not find in a traditional city simulator game, but at the end of the day, this is what it has basically morphed in to. So I have made changes to the game to better reflect this reality.

The individual colonist, as he has existed in prior versions of the game, no longer exists. He has been replaced by statistics. The game now operates on a system based on the residential structure and it's proximity to available amenities, such as entertainment, medical, educational, and work. This is now reflected by clicking on a building and looking at it's stats screen.

Where a colonist decided to live is based on the overall value rating of the residential property. Where a colonist decides to work is based on the location of the job site in relation to occupied residential buildings. Therefore, maintaining full productive capacity requires balancing all of the desirability factors for your residential buildings and keeping your job sites in range to those buildings.

It may sound complicated, but it's really not. In general, a colony that was well designed and balanced before this update should still work without too many issues. I have tried to design this in a way that would be as minimally disruptive to existing colonies as possible.

The largest potential issue people will see is in regards to medical care. Simply put, before medical care was barely required, and now it is absolutely required. If your colony lacks medical facilities, people will die. If you start seeing people die every month for no reason, make sure that you have enough medical clinics!

This new simulation engine has changed the way approval rating is calculated. It is now a function of the overall value of every residential structure, weighted by the number of colonists living in that structure. Overall colony approval rating will impact production in this way: if overall approval falls below 30%, you will start to see riots, which will in turn decrease the number of people who go to work. To make the transition to v1.0.0 easier, I have disabled rioting for this release, to give players time to balance their colonies. It will be activated in v1.1.0 though, so you should not ignore it.

In a way, it is sad to make this change, as I've always liked having the ability to select a colonist and see where they live, how happy the are, give them money, etc. These options are now gone from the game, along with certain policy items that were related to individual colonists. That said, the change has reduced the memory consumption of the game significantly, and will also allow the game to grow in ways never before possible, so I think that overall it will be a good thing, and I hope people are not too disappointed by it!

Colonist Lifecycle

Colonists now age properly in this update, and they will also have babies. You now need to balance your colony in a way that can support children and elderly, who are unable to work. Before you could just have a 1:1 ratio of population to jobs, now you cannot. A new section has been added to the population stat screen that lets you see the current age distribution of your colonists.

Colonists will work between the ages of 16 and 70 and they will have kids between the ages of 16 and 40. After the age of 50, they have a chance to die of natural causes, and that chance is higher or lower based on the health rating of your colony.

This has been the hardest part of the game to balance in this update, and will probably take several updates to get it right. You do not want the birth rate to be too high at the beginning of the game, because it is hard to take care of babies when you are just starting out. However, you do not want it to be too low later on, because you need enough new workers to support the aging population.

As I said, this will probably take some time to get right. It will be a bit more difficult for large existing colonies, because before this update, almost all colonists were aged between 20-35 years old. If you have a large existing population, all of these people will probably be retiring around the same time. To ease these issues, I have added new deportation policies to the game, with the options to deport all elderly and children.

Random Changes and Improvements

The Stats screen now has two new sections, Utilities and Game Data, both of which were going to be a lot cooler than they are now, but I ran out of time. Keep an eye on these, because they will be getting better in the future.

On the main construction sidebar, you can now right-click on a building to quick-jump to the encyclopedia article for that structure. In addition, mouse-hovering over a building now shows a bit more information, such as the entertainment/medical/educational capacities of the structure.

For vehicle construction buildings like the Small Vehicle Factory, you can now mouse-over them when they have multiple units queues up to see exactly which types of units are currently in the queue.

On regional maps, the day/night cycle is now synchronized across the entire region. Before now, one city could be daytime, and the city right next to it could be night.

Tourism has been revamped, much in the way the rest of the simulation has. You will now probably make a lot more money on tourism than you had previously.

The Overview statistics window now displays the total number of real-life hours you have played the game (since v0.91.0, as it was not tracked before then), as well as the amount of game-time that your colony has been around.

There is now a new Medical build category.

When a colony under embargo starts paying taxes again, they now regain their "motherland relations" at a faster rate.

The Brood Training Center now provides some education.

Increased the number of students for the Transcendent Academy, Mound of Scholars, and Internet Relay Booth.

Increased medical capacity of the Bloodletting Station, Healing Pods, and First Aid Station.

Increased the guest capacity of the Large Park, Paste Treatment Spa, Torture Booth, Live Autopsy Slab, Suppertime Arena, and Internet Relay Booth.

Added slight Entertainment and Education boost to the Real News Station.

Added slight Education boost to the Live Autopsy Slab.

New Content

New Unit: Ether Rover
New Structures: Ether Storage, Integrated Medical Clinic, Small Hospital, University, Ant Paste Rejuvenation Clinic

What's Next?

There is still much to be done. I would have preferred to just work on this update for three months and add everything I want to it, but I did want to give everybody something to play over the holidays. My immediate plan for My Colony v1.1.0 is to add the #1 most requested feature since the game originally came out, Mass Transit. I already have the entire system mapped out in my head and I think it's going to work well, and will function within a single city and even across region. This means you will also be able to have houses in one region map where people work in the adjacent region map. So this is what will be coming in v1.1.0, unless there are major issues with this update, in which case it will be v1.2.0.

After that, I want to implement crime and security, which will be the focus of the next update. Crime is already factored into the land value rating of all buildings, so a lot of the work is already done. I just need to do the work to finish it off. If I had more time, Mass Transit and Crime would have been done in this release, since I have already started implementing both "under the hood."

Finally, I promised online competition and leaderboards for this update, and I just didn't get to them. I have not forgotten about it though, but I am pushing it out until after Mass Transit and Crime, as I have already sort of started on Mass Transit and Crime, and I think people will probably get more out of those two features anyway. So I am tentatively scheduling the online competition update for v1.3 or v1.4.

Beyond those, that is all I have planned in the near future for major gameplay changing updates. After that it will be back to the regular bug-fix and content update grinds. I do still need to flesh out the other civs a bit more. At some point I want to add AI controlled factions, as I want to add a new map type that is already inhabited by a primitive species and you will either have to coexist with them or exterminate them. But that is a little bit further down the line.

So that's all for v1.0.0. It should be hitting all devices over the coming days, so be on the lookout. Let me know in the forum what issues and requests you have. There are literally a ton of engine changes to this update and so I do expect problems, but with your help I will get them all ironed out over the coming updates.

This happens to be the 100th major update to My Colony, and I want to thank everybody who has been with me over the years, helping me create this amazing game that we all love! I never could have imagined when I first started on it in 2016 what it would have eventually morphed into. A lot of the greatness in the game comes directly from suggestions I have gotten from you guys, so thank you to everybody who has supported the game over the years, and stay tuned for a lot more to come in the future!
5y ago
Hello guys!

As what @bastecklein have announced about, nanotech and the nanites will be introduced to other civs as well in the later update.
(reference post:

When nanotech meets Insectoids. What will be the result combinition?
At least these would be innovations.
Here are my ideas, hopyfully you guys liked it :D

Insectnoid Robotics (tech)
Wondered how Insectnoids have come over with the ideas of, Robotics?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t know how they imagined that lol
Robotics knowledge should help them to learn how to build nanites :)

Automaton Assembling Yard
A workshop where the skilled insectnoids put all the pieces together to build automatons, one kind of crude yet functional robots that can get the job done.

The recipe for insectnoid robot is microchip + antanium + aluminium + software + ant paste + wheels.

Nanocrafts Workshop
Only the smartest and most skillful craftsbugs are capable of crafting one of the finest things in the world - the nanites. This workshop has every tool and automatons needed for creating these tiny nanotech products.

Nanite production facility for Insectoids. Needs robots to run, as well multiple ingredients including microchips and crystalline.

Nano-Infirmary Hive
Make use of nanites to deliver medicine accuately, this high tech infirmary hive can cure almost all diseases that an Insectoid would have.

Upgrade of Infirmary hive (from Part 1 of the series).

Nano-bloodletting Station
Enhanced using nanites, this clinic in insectoid fashion will terminate all diseases an Insectoid would experience in their life.

In case Bast just want something simple as that.

Unholy Nano-Nerve Stimulator
Once it was impossible to inject Antaura into any Insectoid indivdual. But now with nanites, we can directly inject Antaura-carrying nanites to stimulate and turn the tiny brains of Insectoids into... Super-smart brains. Notes: You have been warned about some potential permanent side effects, including evil personalities.

Ultimate (right now) education facility for any Zolarg colony.

Nano Ether Juicer
Tired of collecting Ether all by yourself? Here, I’ll introduce you the Insectoid innovation that nobody ever seen - an ether symthesizing device nicknamed ‘Ether Juicer’. By reacting crystalline, uranium and helium-3 in ant paste under strong electricity, mixed with from nanites and Antaura, a small stream of Ether is created, and tapped into barrels.

Finally we can have something that automatically creates ether. Yay?
Ohh, almost forgotten. It does not hire workers, the job is get done by the automatons (robots). You know the dangerous radioactivity.

Insectoid Nano-Bioreactor
When you have water and some ores, as well some nanites and tons of power, you can literally create any biomass in the galaxy, from food to lumbers, from wools to ant pastes.

Bioreactors can be useful...

Nanocircuit Foundry
By utilizing the nanotech advances, you can create thousands of circuit boards in this Nanocircuit Foundry in a minute.

An ordinary example to utilize nanotech in electronics.

Nobody ever imagined nanites can be used for processing more nutritous food that way, even the Insectoids themselves. Just dump barrels of sugar and ant paste, mixed with some raw food, into the reactor. In a few minutes, the nanites casts magic onto these ingredients, creating one of the most innovative food, Nanocakes.
Don’t worry, nanites won’t left in the nanocakes, it’s 100% safe to eat.

Humm... Now I’m imagining how it would taste like...

Nanite Paste Hive
Creating ant pastes now won’t need any labor. The nanites will do the job for you - more productive than the old methods.

An upgrade of the Paste Hive from Part 2 of the series.

Nano-Crystalline Farm
If you think the Crystalline Growth Chamber isn’t fast enough at producing crystallines, this nanite-operated Nano-Crystalline Farm will satisify your wish.

(I’m still try to churn out something useful)

Nano-Alchemy Hive
The power of nanotechnology will elevate Insectoid alchemy to another level - Not just tonnes aluminium and gold can be created, it also creates uranium (and cobalt).

Ignore cobalt if nothing the insectoids can utilize the cobalt.
Upgrade of the Unholy Alchemy Hive from Part 2 of the series.
So my original idea was to abolish the entire system of workers not going to work. The main idea was as follows: "as long as there is a job in a X by X radius around the housing, the colonist will take a job even if health no basic requirements are met. This is a bit of a spin on the idea of workers/no workers, but I think it should be deeper. If you havent met basic needs, your colonies jobs will be filled with 'inefficient' workers. The workers will completely fill the entire work force, and wont get anything done. It's kinda like the strikes of older versions (pre 1.0) but less heavy on the individual and more on the colony in general." This needs polish, but I like the end part. The idea of strikes is a fun and challenging part of the game. Besides, what could go wrong? ^_^
4y ago
That's vacant spaces, not unemployment it basically means how many more people need to be there for full efficiency
7y ago
Yes. I know. But take a look on the unemployment chart. Time to time it goes up. Now I have maybe 1000 vacant jobs and 5 % unemployment. From yesterday evening to today morning.
7y ago
I have 20% of vacant jobs in my colony, however, people don't find a job.
I wonder if it is because of the commute length or because of the low paid.

What are the proper commute length and salary for different jobs?
7y ago
Most of my jobs are starting to get more and more vacant. How do I fix this?
Can you this very useful idea of having what buildings have vacant jobs in the Economy>Job report. It will really help what buildings don't have people in it (red) and what buildings are already occupied (blue and light blue).
If you agree, thanks!
RLMYTHICALLEGEND said:Can you this very useful idea of having what buildings have vacant jobs in the Economy>Job report. It will really help what buildings don't have people in it (red) and what buildings are already occupied (blue and light blue).
If you agree, thanks!

That would be a good feature, but when you have lotta of buildings with vacent jobs loading that list would take long... 😂
Especially people who are playing at about late stage.
I have this problem as well. Sometimes I think it's caused by having not enough housing near the work buildings. I will sometimes move housing nearer to jobs that are vacant, wait a minute for the housing to get populated, and then shortly thereafter the jobs get filled. Not 100% certain that decreases the job vacancies in your stats, but it does get empty jobs filled.
Whenever I build an Arcology, my population max DOES rise, but then the number of unpopulated jobs rises even more.

Right now, I have only one subterranean house and 4 Arcologies. One isn't populated, but the house and the other 2 are.
Due to the fact that you only put 7K workers in an Arcology, but it still allows you 3K unemployed workers, shouldn't the amount of unfilled jobs dramatically shrink with an Arcology?

I had about 132 unemployed with only subterranean houses, but now, I have 40K (roughly what with my sheep farms having housing in them) population total and at max, but 50K jobs in total.

In theory, I should infact have 9K unemployed workers, but I don't, instead, I am gaining 3.5K-ish more jobs than I should be gaining. This is ending up messing with pretty much everything to do with jobs and new facilities not working upon completion.

I LOVE the idea of an Acrology. Basically the ULTIMATE solution to mass population problems such as limited clinic space and colonists have to walk to a stadium or park for entertainment, but atm I think building them isn't worth it in the long run. Fully staffed, Arcologies are seriously awesome, producing tons of cash, and just only for housing colonists more or less, but fully housed Arcologies seem to be rare, even if I think housing's supposed to be free in them, but entertainment isn't supposed to be.

3 Arcologies are fully housed, save for one, which still have about 400-ish population space. But I'm at max population atm.

If I keep building Arcologies, will the mass job openings and lack of full housing solve itself eventually?
I've done a couple of fire drills and it doesn't fix the job problems.

Didn't post this in a Bug Report forum because I think I'm just missing something than the game having a legit problem.
7y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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