Search - Tech tree

This post is a collection of a lot of ideas and features I think need to be added. Some of these have been requested by other people but I am putting it all in a big collection and explaining how it would work together. I will be working on this post for a few days so expect to see edits adding new ideas. I will make the textures, with help from a friend, if this post becomes popular enough. Considering the amount of ideas here, this will take a while. I understand all this could be an unrealistic amount of additions but I am doing my best to make it reuse all of the existing code to the fullest. Thank you for still reading, a lot of people would have left by now!.

Please tell me what you think of all my ideas!

The first part of my ideas is a new planet type: Geyser World. I already made a post on it but I will go more in depth here:
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-Lunar Rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-Lunar Rover
Non-Buildable Buildings:
Small Water Pump
Small Solar Panel
Starting Atmosphere: 10 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 7)
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Steam Vents(around 10)
Rock Fissures(around 20)

New Resources (items):
-Boiling Water: Looks a lot like water
-Mineral Water: Looks like water but with little spots in it.

New Vehicles:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects boiling water from boiling water deposits.
Cost: ore: 100 steel: 2 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.

-Treated Waterbot:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects mineral water from mineral water deposits.
Cost: ore: 1000 steel: 20 wheel: 6
Tech Required:Basic Mineral Resistance.

New Tech:
-Basic Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 20 steel
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Unlocks: Tiny Mineral Extractor

-Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 25 research
Prerequisites: Basic Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Small Mineral Extractor

Cost: 500 research
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base, Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Thermoelectric Generator, Advanced Water Condenser

New Resource tiles:
-Steam Vent(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground, has a puff of steam coming out. Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.
-Rock Fissure(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground with obsidian inside Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.

New Buildings:
-Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Twice as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel, 1 gold
Built By: Builder Bot
Upgrades to: Advanced Water Condenser

-Tiny Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 2
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost: 200 ore, 200 regolith
Upgrades to: thermoelectric generator

-Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 5
Tech Required: Thermodynamics
Build Cost: 2000 ore, 250 steel, 5 gold

-Advanced Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Six times as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:5000 ore, 200 steel, 100 gold, 50 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as the water produced by a small water pump
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel
Built By: Builder Bot

-Small Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as six small water pumps
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:2500 ore, 50 steel, 10 gold, 2 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

-Small Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

The second part of my ideas is another new planet type: Soaring Cliffs. It is a similar idea to the water world but will play differently. It goes great with the avian race idea below.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-forest rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-forest rover
Buildable Workers at Start(Zolarg):all
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:5 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 5)
Fir Trees(a lot, similar to forest world)
Cliff Face(replaces large drops that are adjacent to land)
Large Drop(generated similar to water on the water world)

New Resources (items):
-Krypton Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Krypton

New Tech:
-Rare Animal Zoology:
Cost: 20000 research
Prerequisites: low atmospheric zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

New Buildings:
-Mountain Goat Pen(2x2):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, Soaring Cliffs Base OR Rare Animal Zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

-Weaver's House(1x1):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore, 10 wool
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot, lumberbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge NS(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge Anchor(1x1):Built on land and cliff faces. Just a decorative road to go along with the rope bridge.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

The third part of my ideas is yet another new planet type: Gas Giant. The Progression would be based around floating helium balloons due to how easy it is to float in a planet with a very dense atmosphere.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Starting Rovers(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Custom Lander(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Lander
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:500 billion
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Gas Deposit(contains infinite xenon, covers most of the world. Generates like water in water world but even more frequent.)

New Vehicles:
-Ballon Rover: Works similar to a lunar rover but can fly over buildings.
Cost: ore: 100 helium:20 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.
Can Build:Tiny helium-3 condenser, helium-3 condenser, helium compactor, regolith compactor, storage tank, suspended storage tank, regolith crusher.

-Ballon Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings
Cost: ore:100 wheel:6 helium:50
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base

-Small Builder Zeppelin: Works like a normal advanced builder bot but can fly on gas deposits.
Cost: ore:1000 wheel:6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base, advanced small scale construction

-Balloon Lander Airborne: Airborne version of balloon lander. Can land on gas deposits or normal land.

New Resources (items):
-Xenon Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Xenon

New Buildings:
-Balloon Lander(1x1): Can be built on Gas Deposits or on normal land.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: Balloon Rover.

-Tiny Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: Regolith 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at a quarter of the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: ore 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium Compactor:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: regolith 20 helium-3 20
Resource Production: Turns helium-3 into a small amount of regolith

-Storage Tank(1x1):
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 500 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 100 Helium-3 25

-Suspended Storage Tank(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 750 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 150 Helium-3 100

-Floating Helium-3 Condenser(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits. Looks like a water condenser but white and with a balloon on top.
Power Used:1
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

The fourth part of my ideas is a new race: Avians. These part people part birds have close ties with united earth, and use many similar technologies. Some of the items here are from the soaring cliffs idea listed above gas giants.

Avian Tech:
Low atmospheric zoology and rare animal zoology they can unlock the same way as humans.

New Resources (items):
-Feather: Used to make some flying vehicles.
-Bird Steel: A lightweight yet strong metal used in more advanced flying vehicles.

New Vehicles:
-Avian Rover: Works like a normal rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 5 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Small solar panel, small vehicle factory, small water pump, greenhouse.

-Avian Forest Rover: Works like a normal forest rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: wood: 40 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Fir Trees, Charcoal Hut, Wood Hut, Goat Pen, Chicken Coop, Water Well

-Avian Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 15 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

-Avian Constructor: Builds some unique avian builds/
Cost: ore: 150 wheel: 8 gold:20 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

Avian Lander Airborne: Airborne version of Avian Lander.

New Buildings:
-Avian Lander(1x1): Similar to the normal UE lander, the lander the Avians start with.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: rover, forest rover, Avian rover, avian forest rover.

-Chicken Coop(2x2):
Description: "Avians like Chickens a lot, so they keep them as pets. Many think that avians evolved from chickens, although the more plausible theory is that they actually evolved from a white variant ravens."
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Wood:200 Ore:20
Built By: Forest Rover, Avian Forest rover
Requirements:Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Enclosed Chicken Coop(2x2): An enclosed version of the chicken coop
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Ore:2000, steel 250, gold 100
Built By: Builder Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base or rare animal zoology, low atmospheric zoology

-Avian Solar Panel(1x1): A version of the normal solar panel that can be placed in the air or on land.
Power Production: 8
Cost: Ore:250, steel 10, feather 10
Built By: Buildr Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

-Wind Generator(1x1): A passive generator that must be built in the air.
Power Production: 12
Cost: Ore:250, steel 20,gold 10, feather 20
Built By: Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

Some WIP textures are below, along with a few pictures of what this would look like in-game:
Soaring Cliffs as Avian Race:

Gas Giant with United Earth:

I'm making a texture pack with the textures if anyone's interested.
Cliff Terrain:

Cliff Face:


Gas Deposit:

4y ago
H3110 guyz!

I would like to say, although entries are continuously updated and uploaded into the My Colony Reference (the online Encyclopedia), however, its visualized tech tree gets no update.
On the other hand, to simplify the visualized tech tree, maybe icon-only visualization for a technology, otherwise the tech tree would look insane messy when updated.

On the other hand, the Forest World tech link on the tech tree is lost.

My colony reference - human tech tree
wolcaom to ashitboys big hot pot of buding ideas.

part 1 the lost tech teir buidngs still left in the game code in limbo.

i hope you game devs can sue thise ideas to help amke my clonony a much more imersive and fun game.

so anyway so theres alot of thoer theing most perole who play my colnoy with even the devs them selfs forgeting there own list of thing to do. one of the main ones is that alot of the my colnoy games alein, teastenden and nanao tech budings to even in the deaths of the ape apps devs mind ahve been lost to time for the less obvervent. but i have mdae a discovery by just prue exctend forom some rescuminu prewew alaonys that theres alot of hiden unfished budings of those tiers still haves some assents still lernnig in lmibo waiting for the dev to fully give them form.

so the fist post will beabout those lost to time buding of those tech unlocks.

so in the games mid to end game rescre theres three main know tier resce catgorys i will be suing the human tree as a baseline for easy to under standinf for beginer fest time plaeyrs that play humans first.

thise three main catrgys of tech buidng goes and follows in tech theirs.

these are alein, trascendant and then nano.

now with that out of the way heres the meaty part hidden in limbo of the games code thers acatly alot of prodctuin resorch bulding for almost very resrocg prodction buidng that actly organl we ment to have acatly suabe tech teir versions of thsoe resorch budings from bandwith to even thing like textiles and oil like most of the ealry to late game raw and mfacture resorc prodcution builng shold have a alein,trasnednt and nano buildng.

good good excample of this is a somhing that just been added my pure chasce is the nano their bandwith server buldn. but how ever somehow the alein and trasendet tech version of the large beaenwith server are sill MIA.

so bascly how this bascly idea is the devs shuold fist looks at all the data fiels of any assest left for very prodction buidng for every resroce and make a alein, trasnedant and anao techier of thsoe buldings

thers alot of them;
oil,cloth,beandwith,recyceling,microchip.. you get the idea like any ealy to mid game raw and manfartuing resoce that are bascly not alein artcafts, alein relcis and anchtin instrcuions, nantes and starships bascly. that are bascly fonud on most planets bascly.

ther are also servasce proveing buldings like for example hosptols,colages,and some toerhs that don't have there evelant of alein trasanend and anaotech for exapmle we got transesdt and anao tech clnics... but not large hostols, alein hospitols,trassendcat hosptols, and nanotech hosptols even if thers still have barly soem of there assets still lergeing in the code, so bascly the main ieda here that ther like 90% of ufnished alein ,trasent and nanao tetch resorce prodction and servasce buidngs still bascly forgoten.

so bascly this ieda is the devs make a chart of all the cruent resorce prodction and servace bduing allready in the game with those budings on the vertcal side and then put the carnet resorce and witch tpye of servcse catrgoy kind of the bduings of tech tier of large,alein trastedant, and nanaotech thats not alein atrtfacts,acent instecuinos,alein relcis,natates,adn starships, in the resoce cartgoy. and not the tpye s ofservace buldings that are clniics, 1x1 edactnol beuings(bascly 4x4 or usviersty sized), or bascly things that already exest in the horzontal top part of the chart.

then make the cart in a grid pattern and wrok on the gaps that aer and arne not in the game and the noes that are not in the game but shuold be evia comaun sense and decation in the next few updates finsh prograing them in there are lot of them (bascly 90% of them) with grathics assests still in the game hident deap in the code.
the ide here is the dev shuold try to add them has the idea here.

so this is what part 1 is devs add still unfiehsed but alleady bascly grathcly ready budlngs of aelin, teasnetd and anao tech that are still aprcaly has gracthcal assest in the game code ready but not yet fully coded on the gameplay and just code the in fully. this is like 90% of the lost tech missing alein treasented and nano tech bduings that wher ment to be in the game but wher forgoten from time to be fully receverd and fished as organly ment for the dev wanted to before otehr real lfie things casued him to forget them.

this is the end of ashtiboys big hot pot of building ideas part 1. sorry if its a bit long but this was a big massvle part of the game baslcy missing that had so much in it i codultn make it any. samlry of a topic.

in part two we try to make acatl new ideas of about new gronud of budibg ideas that are not just unfished game buidlng like new knids of trash rescyeing into otehr resocres liek pwoer or nanates or very new unigue tiwst more otehr games witch concepts will blow your mind.
1y ago
This idea is mainly here to solve the independence issue that zolarg have when they absolutely have to declare independence to progress through the game. I don't think it's fair that an insectoid commonwealth can't grow because all of it's underlings have to leave in order to grow further. I also don't think it's fair that if we like the cw we're in, we have to still leave that cw to grow further.

So here is my solution:

Two different outcomes would befall the zolarg. They can either declare independence and go down the black majic route, or stay on-board with their colony and go the second route(eternal servitude), using other forms of technology, but still getting some of the same advanced technology that you would otherwise get from independence. Both outcomes will lead to the same end of the tech tree, but they will use different methods to reach the end-game. Those that go down the eternal servitude route will eventually be able to attain independence in end-game, but that independence will costly greatly more than the normal independence, and they will also eventually be able to access unholy tech. The same applies to the unholy path, they'll eventually gain access to the second path's tech. But the purpose of this is to keep to the lore of Zolarg not allowing unholy tech by giving colonies that wish to stay dependent a unique tech of their own, and then eventually giving them access to everything.

Bast can do anything with this and add whatever tech he wants for the second path. However, I can't give an incomplete idea, that's just not my style, so I've provided samples below.


Eternal servitude: Congratulations, you have swore an oath of unending servitude to your commonwealth. You will serve them forever, never to declare independence. Because of this, you will never be allowed to access unholy technologies. However, your commonwealth has blessed you with a wealth of new technology that is only legal for eternal servants to use.

When unlocking this tech, the option to declare independence disappears until you unlock the next tech below or until your contract is rescinded.

Brute force Independence: You can expect an all out war with your commonwealth should you decide to force your way to independence after swearing your eternal oath. This will be a very expensive endeavor, but freedom is priceless. requires starships, civic, money, research, food, water, and a certain number of colonists will need to be sacrificed in the war effort.

This tech allows colonies that wish to follow the eternal servant path to declare independence in end-game, but is much more costly to purchase than regular independence.

Sample techs:

Organic/living technology: Zolarg are able to take the alien's research into genetic engineering to the next level, developing organic resources, and eventually organic mega-structures and starships. Organic buildings repair themselves as they get the resources they need, but wither away if they can't get the resources they need. Organic technology would allow zolarg to do more things with the organic resources(sugar, food, water, wood, charcoal, oil, paste, plastic, cloth) that they have instead of working with non-organic resources like ore, gold, uranium, relics, arts, aluminum, diamonds, or antanium. Those organic resources can further be used to build more advanced buildings in place of non-organic buildings.

Holy technology: The next option is to give Zolarg tech that uses the opposite kind of energy to antaura, Zolaura(bast can name it whatever). This resource is also untradeable and does wonders of it's own, but it different ways. It can be used to produce power, but it can also enhance most production buildings as well. However, I wouldn't just renamed and recolor all of the existing unholy buildings and call them holy buildings, the tech should give dependent insectoids unique advantages over independent insectoids. Perhapse zolaura's core mine digs up crystalline in place of diamonds, allowing for crystalline to be automated, or perhaps zolaura gains access to wood and charcoal generators instead of oil and uranium generators. Holy power spires should definately perform the same as unholy spires, and in end-game, insectoids should get a building that cancels out antaura with zolaura to produce massive amounts of power.

4y ago
Hello commanders.

Today I would like to introduce my ideas for expanding the base, and some ideas for buildings!

For faction identifications, I’ll use colour of the text as follows:
United Earth,
League of Independent States,
Alpha Draconians,
Zolarg Empire.

Let’s begin with base expansion.
Currently the way expanding the base in v0.4.0 relies on building buildings in a dense pack (exclude the larger construction area provided by lander and naval yard).
So if we want to expand the base in a better way, we probably need something else.

Here are my ideas.
  • United Earth can still increase construction ranges by buildings, but I would like to have the range provided by buildings are larger.
  • League of Independent States requires Pioneer Rover deploy into a Pioneer Outpost to expand into other areas.
  • Alpha Draconians requires Command Node built within available areas, increasing the construction areas around the base.
  • Zolarg Empire has no restrictions of construction area. Buildings are deployed freely by various Worker Drones. For example, Aerohive Drone is deployed into a Aerohive (the Zolarg facility that produces airforce).

Next up, the buildings.
  • War Research Bureau (Tech II)
    The War Research Bureau brings blueprints and accesses to the high class weapons of UE armory.

    This UE tech building can unlock T3 contents. Model based on the Advanced Medical Research Centre.
  • Rocket Bunker (T2)
    The Rocket Bunker is equipped with rocket launchers. It’s capable responding threats from both land and air.

    It’s good against air units and decent against vehicles. However it can only target one unit at a time.
  • Land Fort (T3)
    Land Forts are heavy defense structure of United Earth. Equipped with 4 long range proton cannons it can bombard enemies in a long range.

    A very strong yet expensive land defense structure.
  • Drone Centre (T2)
    Drone Centre is a facility for building battle drones for air warfare and also the place for at most 4 drones to stand by.

    Air battle facility of UE.
  • Disruption Array (Superweapon)
    The Disruption Array is able to create a strange quantum phenomenon which will release a massive amount of energy, called the Disruption Burst.

    The primary superweapon of UE.
  • Warp Node (Superweapon)
    One of the secret dimensional weapon develoepd by United Earth, capable to teleport a small group of troops from a place to another without the need of portals.

    The support superweapon of UE.
  • Torpedo Platform (T2)
    The torpedo platform is a naval defense structure specialised for responding naval threats.

    The good news is, it can attack submerged units! Meanwhile the bad news is it’s neither anti-land nor anti-air.
  • Sensor Array (T3)
    The frequent stealth attacks launched by LIS makes anti-stealth devices a neccessity on frontlines combating LIS. Besides giving extra sight, it also detects hidden units.

    Special support structure of UE.
  • LIS Lander (Lander)
    “Time to give this piece of land a new meaning!” - LIS Lander deploying

    Resembles the UE Lander.
  • Infantry Camp (T1)
    The Infantry Camp manages both the militias and the mercenaries of LIS forces.

    Infantry training facility of LIS. Will looks like a pack of tents. Upgrading it will unlock T2 infantries.
  • Burner Generator (T1)
    The burner generator powers LIS bases by burning diesel.

    Basic power supply facility of LIS.
  • Watchtower (T1)
    These watchtowers are manned by LIS gunners. Although it’s not a very sturdy defense at all, but it has a good firing range and sight.

    Basic anti-infantry defense.
  • Garage (T1)
    The Garage produces LIS combat vehicles.

    Vehicle factory of LIS. Upgrading it will unlock T2 vehicles.
  • Hangar (T1)
    The Hanger produces LIS aircrafts needed for supporting attacks.

    Aircraft factory of LIS. Upgrading it will unlock T2 aircrafts.
  • Airfield (T1)
    An airfield can hold one LIS fighter or bomber plane.

    This is required in order to produce aircrafts other than Jetcopters if playing as LIS.
  • Drydocks (T1)
    The drydocks is needed for constructing LIS naval warfare vessels.

    Ship factory of LIS. Upgrading it unlocks T2 naval vessels.
  • Proxy Database (Tech II)
    The Proxy Database carries all protected military information of LIS. This facility is needed for producing T3 units.

    The only tech centre of LIS. Requires at least one upgraded Garage in order to build one. Unlocks T3 units like the Hacker and Solar Artillery.
  • Flak Turret (T1)
    Flak Turrets are used by LIS to combat against airforces.

    Anti-air turret of LIS.
  • Beam Tower (T3)
    The Beam Tower utilizes strong beams to destroy enemy forces effectively.

    Advanced defense of LIS.
  • Uplink Station (Superweapon)
    The uplink station calls the devasting Solar Cannon Bombardments, which a rain a rain of solar beams from the space.

    Primary superweapon of LIS.
  • Beam Projector (Superweapon)
    The Beam Projector creates a Beam Cage which will isolate the units inside the Cage from everything.

    Support superweapon of LIS.
  • Floating Bunker (T2)
    The Floating Bunker is equipped with pounder guns and anti-air flak cannon, an all-round naval defense.

    Can target an naval or land unit and an aircraft at the same time.
  • Pioneer Outpost
    This Outpost allows LIS forces to expand into further areas.

    Deployed by Pioneer Rovers. Adds a construction range around it.
  • Engineer Bay
    The engineer bay supports extra constructions of LIS bases and also provides repairs to damaged troops.

    Special support building of LIS.
  • Mother Command Module (Lander)
    MCM in short. This is the centre of a Alpha Draconian base.

    Resembles the Landers, deployed by construction probes. Upgrading this allows access to higher tier unit productions for factories within the range and new buildings.
  • Microreactor (T1)
    A tiny reactor that is powerful enough to power up common Alpha Draconian facilities.

    Basic power generator of Alpha Draconians.
  • Antanium Impactor (T1)
    Even on battlefields, this thing is still an imoortant economy building of Alpha Draconains.

    Act as a refinery.
  • Drone Pad (T1)
    Alpha Draconians warps drones to the battlefield like how they teleport drones to their colonies for resource collection.

    Infantry (drone) training centre.
  • Mecha Lab (T1)
    The place where Alpha Draconian mechas are produced for combats.

    Vehicle factory for Alpha Draconians. Also produces Draconian Orbiters (aircraft).
  • Sentry Module (T1)
    The Sentry Module deploys and resupplies guard drones which can take down enemy infantries.

    Anti-infantry and anti-air structure of Alpha Draconians. One Sentry dispatches 4 guard drones that fires rapid-fire blasters.
  • Ether Reactor (T2)
    The Ether Reactor is powered by Ether, which provides a even massie amount of energy needed by power-intensive units and buildings.

    Advanced power supply building. Strong explosion upon destruction.
  • Tesla Node (T2)
    A very power intensive defensive weapon which is lethal to almost everything.

    Advanced defense of Alpha Draconians.
  • Command Node (T1)
    The Command Node is required to expand a Draconian base.

    Provides extra construction range. Like Mother Command Module, buildings covered by the Command Node requires the Node’s upgrade to produce better units.
  • Draconian War Insitute (Tech II)
    The Draconian War Insitute provide access for Draconain commanders to the better ways of combats.

    Tech building of Alpha Draconians.
  • Electrosphere (Superweapon)
    The Electrosphere can fire a electron ball to release deadly discharges, while can also paralyse those survived and buildings.

    Primary superweapon of Alpha Draconians.
  • Nanocube (Superweapon)
    The Nanocube contains nanites which allows to put a tempoary invincible armour onto any steel (actually also works with concretes) claded objects. Anything biological will be killed as the armour coating is biologically harmful.

    Support superweapon of Alpha Draconians.
  • Shield Projector (T2)
    The shield projector provides a extra layer of defense to any Alpha Draconian base. If the shield is destroyed it’ll regenerate over time.

    Special support building of Alpha Draconians.
  • Command Post (Lander)
    The Command Post is the core in a Zolarg warfare.

    Deployed by the Queen drone, it’s same concept as the lander. However it won’t do constructions, instead it’ll create various kind of worker drones which deploys into buildings.
  • Sugar Burner
    Very ordinary power generator in any Zolarg colony and military base.

    Basic power generator of Zolarg.
  • Antanium Furnance
    Basically an ore refinery.

    Yes, an ore refinery. What else I can tell?
  • Barrack Mound (T1)
    There’s not much difference between a Barrack Mound and any ordinary mound in Zolarg Empire, except that there’s no Queen but officiers in Barrack Mounds.

    Infantry training facility of Zolarg Empire.
  • Watchtower (T1)
    Where soldier insectoids stays on duty to keep enemies away. One of them is a Rifle-bug and another being Grenadier.

    Land defense structure of Zolarg Empire.
  • Flak Bunker (T1)
    Flak bunker fires explosives mixed with ant pastes into the sky. Those aircrafts hit by these explosives not just have their hull damaged but also move slower.
  • Armourcrafts (T1)
    The craftsbugs in Armourcrafts builds crude combat vehicles for Insectoid soldiers.

    Vehicle factory of Zolarg Empire.
  • Aerohive (T1)
    The air swarms are breeded and trained here, which they are used for bombarding enemies.

    Aerohive is the airbase of Zolarg Empire, producing flying units.
  • Brood Training Centre (Tech I)
    In order to get the insectoid broods ready for field service earlier and the need for better tachics and weapons, the Brood Training Centre is needed.

    T2 Tech centre of Zolarg.
  • War College (Tech II)
    The War College provides full support to any Zolarg Commander who needs stronger powers.

    T3 Tech centre of Zolarg.
  • Boat Yard (T1)
    If you think Insectoids are afraid of the seas, then you’re wrong. They are ready to conquer the seas.

    Ship factory of Zolarg Empire.
  • Altar of Doom (Superweapon)
    The Altar of Doom is powered by the Zolarg Empire’s forbidden power - Antaura. Everyone who see it would feel like it’ll summon something that will cause a doomsday.

    Primary superweapon of Zolarg Empire.
  • The Tower of Mind (Superweapon)
    Anything that has a mind will never able to escape control from this Tower of Mind.

    Support superweapon of Zolarg Empire.
  • Shrine of Destiny (T2)
    The faith will keep your brothers going.

    Special support building of Zolarg Empire. It can boost up the training speed of units.

Hopefully you’ll like my ideas!
Hello guys.

Here we go, the first part of the Ascension Series - This will begin to bring even high-tier contents to the insectoids!

The first part, of course, will introduce the early Ascension era buildings and related techs to access to Ascension.

  • Mystical Enlightment
    Combind the power of Antaura and the knowledge of the Ancients, the new power of the combinition will enlighten your subjects with the mystical knowledge and (probably) help the entire insectoid race to elevate into a new level.

    This paves way to the ascension, as well unlocking more abilities harnessing the power of Antaura, and producing Antaura.

    Required tech:
    • Mysticism
    • Ancient Alien Language
    • Insectoid Mind Network
  • The Ascension
    Being a mortal lord is not enough. Now, with the power and knowledge, the Ascension will elevate the Insectoid race into powerful immortals, as semi-energy entities!

    This will mark a new era for Insectoids.

    Required tech:
    • Insectoid Dominion
    • Mystical Enlightment

  • Temple of the Enlightened
    Be faithed. Be blessed. Be enlightened. The Temple of Enlightment is not just a place to worship the unholy powers, but also enlightens worshippers using knowledge.

    Provides entertainment and (a few) education, produces antaura.
    Serves as an upgrade for the Shrine of Mystics.

    Required tech: Mystical Enlightment
  • Library of Enlightment
    The Library of Enlightment is where the smartest, enlightened scholars work around to seek for knowledge and innovations using Antaura. While requires a steadly stream of Antaura for maintaining its operation, loads of research can produced.

    Research facility.

    Required tech: Mystical Enlightment
  • Petrochamber
    With the enlightment technologies, now we have an advanced way to produce petroleum harnessing the power of Antaura, with less raw ingredients.

    New formula: Antaura + Crystalline + Ant Paste + Obsidian = Oil.
    An upgrade for Insectoid’s Petropit. It’s a spherical chamber.

    Required tech: Mystical Enlightment, Insectoid Oil Production
  • House of Healing
    Having lots of population getting ill? This house of healing will help you dealing with them - with the latest Enlightment technology therapies!

    Medical facility for larger population. Upgrade of the bloodletying station, upgrading will lost entertainment and tourism function.

    Required tech: Mystical Enlightment, Insectoid Regeneration
  • Altar of Ascension
    A rite is being performed here, to concentrate Antaura into the bodies of Insectoids. After a very complicated, unexplainable process, a big change will take place on these insectoids, becoming powerful semi-energy entity of immortals!

    The Alter of Ascension will bring up IQs of Insectoids greatly like Transcendent Academy, and also trains Immortalbugs which is required to build Ascension era buildings. Consumes Antaura.

    Required tech: The Ascension
  • Planetary Antaura Threhold
    This is a device to collect energy around your planetary systems, turning them into massive amount of unholy Antaura.

    Kind of a ultimate Antaura producer, and storage for it.

    Required tech: The Ascension
  • Energy Fountain of Health
    This fountain provides a endless stream of liquified life energy, produced using water, antaura, and rare crystallines. Immortals will need this, and it’s also safe for mortals to use (if they don’t drink too much of it).

    Health facility.

    Required tech: The Ascension, Insectoid Regeneration
  • Skyhive
    Ever imagined the massive hives will fly into the skies instead of buried into the ground? Everything is possible with Ascension, which the mystical powers!

    Required tech: Mega Construction, The Ascension

There’ll be a new worker called Immortalbug to build most Ascension era buildings.
Note: This is all for human colonies.

So I've currently got a region colony which currently has quite a few problems regarding resources. I've got 2 maps full of just tree farms, a map where 1/4 is full of wool, my clay production is sad, and my bricks, pottery, and toys have nothing to do. Additionally, the endgame right now is pretty fast to get to, and as buildings and techs are easier to add to the game than new features, I think it'd be nice to have quite a bit more content. So, to fix these problems and a few more, here are some idea for buildings and some other general improvements I have:

Make megatrees grow A LOT faster. They are so slow, you can barely sustain a middling zolarg colony with them. Sugar canes covered the entire map before I even got 5 new megatrees.

Disable auto-trading on the GBT. It's really cluttered now.

Widen the game. Currently, the tech tree is growing upwards, with new techs and building being added for later in the game than current ones. Instead, focus on adding more buildings and techs to current techs and mid-game play.


Advanced Biology: Requires Low Gravity Husbandry. Unlocks: Underground Tree Farm.

Bioengineering: Requires Advanced Biology, Human Cloning. Unlocks: Megatree, Megatree Farm, Human Repair Lab.

Synthetic Biology: Requires Bioengineering, Transcendence. Unlocks: Bioprinter.

Commercial Shipping: Requires Faster Than Light Travel, Galactic Finance Theory. Unlocks: Small Shipyard, Planetary Freight, Ship Showroom, Refueling Station, Mega-Elevator.

Asteroid Mining: Requires Commercial Shipping. Unlocks: Asteroid Tether.

Underground Tree Farm: An upgrade to the tree farm which goes 5 stories underground for 5x faster production. About the same cost as a dig site. Requires: Advanced Biology

Megatree Farm: An upgrade to the underground tree farm for 2x production. Requires: Bioengineering.

Human Repair Lab: Heal humans by giving them robotic parts. Consumes civics and robots. Requires: Bioengineering.

Bioprinter: A 3x3 building which prints any organic material and consumes food, water, and robots. Produces 5 units of one of wood, charcoal, sugar, or wool every 5 ticks. Needs no workers. Requires Synthetic Biology.

Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and water. Requires Clay Production.

Advanced Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and ant paste. Requires Ant Paste Synthesis and Clay Production.

Toy Store: Just sells toys in exchange for money.

Build-N-Bricks: Sells toys for even more money than the toy store (they're Lego knock-offs). Has a lot of entertainment capacity, too.

Ansible Array: Produces 10000 Bandwidth. Consumes ether, software, and a lot of power.

Ape-Apps-plex: An endgame software producing building, churning out software by the thousands while consuming robots. As an idea, make it require a technology called "Singularity".

Small Shipyard: 5x5 building. Produces Miniships much faster than the shipyard produces starships. Consumes less resources too. Still very expensive. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Planetary Freight: 2x7 building like interstellar freight. It is not an upgrade. Enables a new feature for auto-trading with commonwealth members. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Ship Showroom: 9x9 building. Consumes both Starships and Miniships very slowly. Sells them for an unholy amount of money to the richest of your colony. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Refueling Station: 5x5 building, is just a pipeline leading to the sky like the space elevator. Refuels Starships, produces an unholy amount of money while consuming oil, crystalline, and ether. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Mega-Elevator: 2x7 upgrade to Space-Elevator. Is much wider. Even bigger trading capacity and immigration. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Asteroid Tether: a 7x7 building which is unbelievably expensive (like really expensive, 10x hall of congress maybe?) and costs many Miniships to make (you have to pull the asteroid over), but produces immense amounts of ore, regolith, aluminum, gold, diamond, uranium, and alien artifacts. Maybe 10000 ore, 10000 regolith, 50000 gold, 10000 aluminum, 10000 uranium, 5000 diamond, and 100 alien artifacts every 150 ticks? Requires: Asteroid Mining
4y ago
Hello commanders.

This post will integrate all of my previous ideas with refinement, plus some new ideas.
The ideas will be updated or added in the comments.


For the objects, the colour of the text represents the following factions.
  • United Earth (UE)
  • League of Independent States (LIS)
  • Alpha Draconians (AD)
  • Zolarg Empire (ZE)
  • Neutral

Gameplay Suggestions
  • Demolishing Buildings
    In case you don't need some of your own buildings.
  • Cancel queued productions
    In the game there's not yet any ways to cancel queue, which means inflexible financial management when you're running out of credits.
  • Area of effect damage
    You know currently we don't have a way to counter the swarming troopers besides producing lots of troopers. We need something explosive...
  • Garrisoning
    One of the classic features of C&C style RTS that will make urban warfare better!
  • Able to control buildings
    If some building is able to make research or has special actions, this is needed.
  • Make training queues building specific like in My Colony
    It is a bit difficult to manage units and unit productions if trained unit just pop up in a random barracks/factory. So I think this will make troop training process better.
  • Visible construction range
    This will help placing buildings without tapping somewhere else you cannot place building.
  • Power meter
    As the game's power mechanism is not yet complete, this is an necessary suggestion.
  • Researches
    Some research elements can change the tide of the war. This will make more amazing battles.
  • Superweapons
    Why not?

  • United Earth
    • Commonwealth Infantry (T1)
      United Earth's proud protectors of prosperity and order. These troopers are put under 3 years of various training before they come into services. With their full loyalty and strict discipline, they are one of your reliable soldiers on the battlefields.

      It is just renaming the in-game infantry.
    • Commonwealth Rocket Infantry (T1)
      Rocket Infantry Camp is one of the divisions of United Earth's military, where newbie troopers are being trained into anti-tank specialists at the battlefronts. Carrying BOAR launchers, they take out enemy vehicles and aircrafts. Best companions of infantries.

      It is just renaming the in-game rocket infantry.
    • Engineer (T2)
      Not all soldiers fight at the battlefronts. These nerdy engineers who complete their school at military universities are one of the examples. Anything about machines and computers are not a problem for these engineers, they are even able to modify alien machines.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      Can repair civilian building when garrisoned into.
    • Jetpack Infantry (T2)
      Jetpack infantries are adopted by United Earth military, due to their high mobility and aerial advantage over most units on the ground. Besides as an effective scout on battlefields with rough terrain, they can also make effective assaults on infantries.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      In addition, I want to give it a stealth detection ability.
    • Space Marines (T3)
      Elite of the elites. Space Marines Corps represents the United Earth's iron fist power, established since 2061. Entering the Space Marines Corps is definitely one of the dreams of United Earth soldiers - given the best training, able to use the high tech gadgets, paid with highest wages, and of course, chance to become hero like Sarge! Most of them are cladded with power armours, though some commandos do not to wear them.

      Tier-3 shock troopers that uses plasma guns.
    • Marines Commando (T3)
      Experienced, outstanding marines will be promoted to commandos, which they will be put into military labs to receive another 3 years of training to master various difficult skills and have some bioengineering modifications on their body. Once they have completed the course, they are SUPERSOLDIERS.

      UE commando can terminate infantries quickly with their heavy machine gun, tough as a tank, and can instantly blow up enemy buildings and vehicles using dynamites upon close contact.
    • UE Harvester (T1)
      Supply lines that are too far away from the home world are hard to maintain. In this case, local resource extraction is the mean to make supplies cheaply. That's why these mining machines get some use on the battlefields.

    • ‘Hound URV-25’ Recon Rover (T1)
      These unmanmed vehicles are not a very new stuff to military even in the year of 2051. They can be remotely controlled, which they have greatly decreased unnecessary casualties during scouting tasks. Low cost and small size is also the reason it becomes popular. Now we can even install a machine gun on it, allowing it participating in combat tasks.

      I just simply give the rover a code name. BTW @bastecklein do you plan to give it stealth detectors? :)
    • ‘Ocelot’ Light Tank (T1)
      The ‘Ocelot’ series light tank has been inside UE arsenal for more than 10 years, as one of the standardized light tank due to their balanced combat ability and a reasonable manufacturing cost.

      Code name given.
    • ‘Tigerclaw’ battle Tank (T2)
      ‘Tigerclaw’ battle tank is the bigger cousin of ‘Ocelot’ light tanks. While shares the similar chassis design, this tank is mounted with a dual 83mm gun turret, which provided the tank with better firing efficiency and firepower. There are rumours about in the first deployment of these tanks, one tank can destroy 5 enemy tanks of similar classes by average before being destroyed.

      Rename the medium tank in the game and give it a code name.
    • ‘Jaguar’ Heavy Assault Tank (T3)
      Like its code name tells, ‘Jaguar’ heavy assault tank can quickly destroy enemies with its devastating firepower. Its 134mm plasma gun can penetrate any armour, while it has a portable regenerative shield for extra protection. They are one of the backbones in most tank formations.

      Heavy tank of the
    • ‘Thunderstorm’ Missile Tank (T2)
      ‘Thunderstorm’ is the new generation of self-propelled missile launchers in UE arsenal. This mobile missile battery has two modes. Artillery mode allows it to destroy enemy from a long range. Defender mode allows it to respond to threats from the air by launching volleys of missiles.

      Depends on your needs, you can switch between two modes quickly.
    • Striker UAV (T2)
      A full development of UAV (military drones) in recent years has successfully replaced manned aircrafts, which UAV comes in with a smaller size, lighter weight, and more capabilities in ground support missions. Striker UAVs are one of the variants developed, which carries a explosive missile for hit-and-run attacks.

      Light attack aircraft. Can target both land and air.
    • Attacker UAV (T2)
      Attacker UAV specialises heavy bombardment tasks, extra plated with sturdy armour for protection. Every liberty delivery includes 3 bombs for your foes!

      Bomber craft.
    • Gunner UAV (T3)
      Gunner UAV is a hovering heavy gunship. This heavy aircraft releases pulses of plasma shots that blasts enemies into ashes, while its heavily plated armour hull can withstand lots of punishments from anti-air weapons.

      Heavy aircraft that flies and fires slowly, but with a large ammunition capacity that allows continuously bombarding the enemies using the plasma gun. The plasma gun is also anti-air.
    • ‘Angler’ Patrol Boat
      Even though not much improvements has made on these old-fashioned speedboats, they are still effective defensive recon boats in UE arsenal. It is cheap, it is nimble, and its machine gun can respond light ship attacks.

      Here also gives a code name to the in-game patrol boats.
    • ‘Grizzly’ Amphibious Transport (T1)
      Amphibious transports has its most significant importance in beachhead landings during operations in oceanic planets.

      As well, give the in-game amphibious transport a code name.
    • ‘Aegis’ Escort Ship (T2)
      The seas can be as dangerous as on the land, ships may get attacked by aircrafts and submarines. ‘Aegis’ Escort Ships are hence built to protect the shores and the seas with flak guns and torpedo launchers.

      In addition, detects submarines. The big drawback of Aegis Escort Ship is it cannot attack land units.
    • ‘Tidebreaker’ Missile Cruiser (T3)
      Traditional battleships with large caliber guns are becoming obsolete in UE arsenal and are replaced by these more lightweight but stronger missile cruisers - the new generation backbone of the navy. Besides wielding higher accuracy than cannon artilleries, it can change firing modes for different situations, either the long range mode for hitting the enemies from a safe distance, or medium range mode for heavy firepower but at a reduced distance.

      Backbone warship.
  • League of Independent States
    • Militia (T1)
      These militias composes the majority of LIS infantry divisions, comes from various colonies of LIS. Though they lack professional training like soldiers of , their devotion to free the colonies from United Earth (and other autocratic sovereigns) is irreplaceable. Their motto: ‘The blood of the martyrs will water the seedlings of freedom’.

      LIS basic infantry that uses old-fashioned rifles to fight. Cheap to train, but relatively weak on battlefields.
    • Grenadier (T1)
      Grenadiers are basically militias who utilises explosives, which their grenades are effective destroying combat vehicles and buildings.

      Anti-vehicle infantry.
    • Hacker (T2)
      Not all systems can be hacked and taken over remotely, in this situation you'll need field operations. That's what these hackers are hired for, they infiltrate a building, hack into its systems, and put it under LIS's control.

      LIS equivalent of engineer, but it cannot repair buildings.
    • Saboteur (T2)
      Disruption warfare is one of the tactics of LIS, aimed to bring down normal operations of the enemy. The saboteurs do the dirty job, they sneak into the enemy's base under the help of optical stealth generators, they can steal credits from enemy silos and refineries, they can turn down generators, facilities and even weapon systems.

      Infiltrator. Stealthed all the time. Consumed when entering enemy building.
    • Laser Trooper (T2)
      Laser is one of the affordable yet powerful choice of weapons. Under years of development, LIS is capable creating devices that launches a hypercharged beam of laser capable to cut through thick alloy composite armour, even in a long range. Leading to the birth of Laser Trooper Division, it further proven LIS has independent military capability to protect themselves, and set more colonies free from United Earth.

      Shock troopers. Has a decent reload speed. Excels taking down aircrafts and tanks.
    • Blue Cross (T3)
      Blue Cross are the elite marksman of LIS military. They hide in shadows where bare eyes cannot see. They can take down armoured Space Marines effortlessly. Even drivers inside the vehicles can be killed only using one shot.

      LIS commando unit. Stealthed if stationary. Also detects stealth. If the target is a vehicle, it may turn the vehicle into a neutral, captureable status, which a UE engineer, a LIS hacker, a Zolarg missionary or a Draconian hyjacker can capture the husk to convert it to own faction.
    • ‘Marauder’ Attack Jeep (T1)
      Attack jeeps are modified from old jeep designs, they have missile pods installed on the top. The high horsepower engines remains their high mobility. When they encounter the enemy, they'll unleash a volley of rockets, devastating enemy light vehicles and aircrafts. LIS usually utilizing it for a guerilla warfare.

      Anti-vehicle anti-air light vehicle.
    • LIS Harvester (T1)
      Though they are assembled using second handed components and husks from black markets and chop shops, they still work in the same way as it should be, which its standard can compete that of United Earth's version.

      Equivalent of UE harvesters.
    • Scorch Tank (T2)
      Even though in this era, flamethrowers are still very effective destroying fortified defenses. With the improved composition of fuel used by these Scorch Tanks, almost anything can be reduced to ashes. Burn baby burn!

      Anti-infantry anti-building tank. Clears out enemy garrisons in buildings.
    • ‘Hunter’ Cruiser Tank (T2)
      Like the code name tells, it hunts for preys. These tanks utilizes strong firepower and high mobility in most terrains to destroy enemy tanks quickly at their weak spots. Though its armour is not very reliable at all.

      Battle tank of LIS.
    • ‘Lancer’ Beam Tank (T3)
      Beam cannons on these experimental beam tanks are not ordinary as you expects, its beam can vaporise anything within seconds. The beam tank not only having a strong firepower, it can switch between modes - At mobile mode it is a strong battle tank. At deployed mode, it has doubled firepower and increased firing range.

      Heavy assault vehicle of LIS.
    • ‘Rat’ Light Self-propelled Howitzer (T2)
      Cheap-to-go artillery vehicle used by LIS for siege and fire support tasks. Though it is an artillery, it can mobilize quickly for quick response.

      LIS artillery.
    • ‘Sparrow’ Patrol Copter (T1)
      These patrol aircrafts are the eyes of LIS military in the air, they effectively searching for enemies, even those hidden in somewhere not noticed by others will not be able to escape from their sensors.

      Recon aircraft. It is armed with an anti-infantry machine gun. Detects stealth. (This aircraft does not occupy aircraft landing pads.)
    • ‘Red Hawk’ Fighter Jet (T2)
      Conventional aircraft for surface support operations and enemy aircraft interception. The coaxial machine gun and the missile pods would help them manage most enemies in the battlefields.

      All-purpose fighter jet.
    • ‘Piranha' Waterbike (T1)
      ‘Piranha’ waterbikes swifts like wind, specialised raiding enemy ships using rockets. A squad of these waterbikes can be unstoppable.

      Hit-and-run light ambush vessel.
    • ‘Salmon’ Transport Submarine (T1)
      These small submarines are specialized for crossing the seas secretly, carrying an assault team inside.

      Troops may embark on or evacuate from the submarine when the submarine is surfaced. When submerged, only anti-stealth units and torpedo weapons can detect them. Detects submarines.
    • ‘Swordfish’ Corvette (T2)
      These simple corvettes composes most of the naval forces of LIS. A pair of powerful ship gun will blast enemies into the skies.

      LIS warship.
    • ‘Stingray’ Nuclear Submarine (T3)
      As the backbone of LIS navy, these submarines has high combat capabilities. While sneaking in the seas, they sink the enemies without being noticed. When they surface, they launch volleys of missiles that bombards the enemies miles away.

      Backbone warship of LIS. Stealthed when submerged. When surfaced, the missiles can also attack air units. Detects submarines.
  • Alpha Draconians
    • Extractor Drone (T1)
      Whenever you are seeing mineral fields are disappearing in an weird way, there might be stealthed Alpha Draconian mining drones digging them. Stealth device protects extractor drone in most cases.

      Alpha Draconian harvester unit. It is rather an ‘infantry’ more than a vehicle. Detects stealth.
    • Sentry Drone (T1)
      Besides on battlefields, sentry drones can be also seen in prison camps and slave camps, or in riots. The minigun equipped on them shreds the flesh of any living things.

      Basic ‘infantry’ of Alpha Draconians.
    • Ambusher Drone (T1)
      Harnessing the powerful ion beams and being stealthed when standing by, no vehicle can stand for more than few seconds when swarmed by them.

      Anti-vehicle 'infantry’ of Alpha Draconians. Stealthed when idle.
    • Hijacker Drone (T2)
      Hijacking devices on this drone are able to take over a facility within seconds, especially useful in battlefields. It also has minimal armaments for self protection against patrols.

      Equivalent of engineers and hackers.
    • Executioner Droid (T3)
      Executioner Droids are superior combat droids that their combat capabilities can be compared to a commando, only one can be assigned to one Alpha Draconian warlord. They are also the only droids given with a personnel teleporting device, which helps them bypass the defense line safely and launch sudden attack on the enemy's weakest spot, or evade from most dangerous situations.

      The droid can teleport itself at any explored location of the map. Armed with a beam gun that continuously damages enemy.
    • Modular Combat Hovercraft (T1)
      A hovering small bunker that obtains armaments from drones that it consumes. Uses anti-infantry minigun when no drones inside.

      Each MCH can only receive one drones for armament upgrade. Recieving a Sentry will obtain a double minigun turret. Recieving an Ambusher will change the main weapon into a stronger beam gun. Recieving a Extractor will give it a stationary stealth generator. Recieving a Hijacker will obtain an EMP emitter that unmobilizes the target enemy. Drones who have entered will not return, due to components being assimilated. Amphibious.
    • Piercer Hovertank (T2)
      Piercer hovertank uses a fully flexible autocannon as a weapon with two firing modes. Tank cannon mode attacks land units, while flak mode attacks air units.

      Anti-vehicle or anti-air battle tank. Amphibious.
    • Monitor Hovertank (T3)
      A new class of artillery researched by Alpha Draconian engineers, which it is installed onto a modified, stable hovertank chassis.
    • Devastator Hovertank (T2)
      Alpha Draconians has make use of their advantage of owning major ether reservoirs, leads to this infantry devastating weapon under use, at the cost of breaking 133 galactic military regulations.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Clears out garrisons in buildings.
    • Dominator Hovermech (T3)
      Dominator Hovermech, the steel behemoth of the battlefield. Its beam-emitting eyes can stare anything to death.

      Heavy warmech.
    • Judge Gunship (T1)
      A nimble, light jet propelled gunship carrying proton launchers.

      Gunship aircraft.
    • Eliminator Saucer (T3)
      One of the ultimate destruction weapon of Alpha Draconians. The saucer unleashes a super powerful destruction beam when flies above enemies. Nothing will survive under its strong fire.

      Bomber aircraft with extremely low mobility.
  • Zolarg Empire
    • Swarmers (T1)
      Unity is the power - that's the motto of the entire Insectoid race. That is especially reflected on these swarmers, make up of various insectoid workers.

      Melee squad. Quick and cheap to train, extremely dangerous in a group, though they generally has a weak toughness
    • Rangerbug (T1)
      Insectoid militias that uses a primitive hand cannon to fight against enemies, which they are common local defense forces in Zolarg Empire.

      Ranged anti-vehicle infantry of Zolarg Empire. Can be switched to stationary mode (flak mode) that changes their attacking target from land to air.
    • Martyr (T2)
      These martyrs are suicide bombers, faithed and determined fighters of the Zolarg Empire. Fires of explosion will purify everything!

      Suicide bomber infantry. A large group can breach heavy fortifications if given appropriate support.
    • Missionary (T1)
      These religious missionaries will make way for Zolarg Empire - Influence buildings through devine powers... Somehow works.

      Equivalent of engineer, hacker and hijacker. Can heal infantries inside the same garrisoned buildings.
    • Apostle (T2)
      Apostles are usually the leaders of Zolarg militias, who ‘delivers the divine message from the Emperor’, fortifying the morale of the fellow brothers. Besides boosting morale, it also provides adequate firepower, from their heavy machine gun.

      Heavy infantry. It rides a beetle.
    • Awakened (T3)
      The insectoid warriors that have awakened their power controlling energy flow surrounding their body. They can release energy blasts from their hands, or unleash deadly melee attacks.

      Shock troopers of Zolarg Empire. Detects stealth.
    • Redeemer (T3)
      The redeemers are insectoid warriors with mastered supernatural powers. Besides able to attack like awakened, it also has a ability to brainwash a small group of enemy, permanently turning them to own side.

      Zolarg commando. Detects stealth.
    • Attack Rollercraft
      (Notes: Insectoids call wheeled vehicles ‘rollercrafts’.)
      These highly mobile attack rollers are manned with a driver and a grenadier, which explosives mixed with sticky ant paste are tossed to enemies at close range for most destructive effect.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Can temporarily unmobilizes enemies blasted by explosives.
    • Landship (T1)
      Zolarg Landships are primitive tanks, wielding high toughness from thick armour (and a decently strong main cannon). It is also a effective infantry transport on land.

      Anti-vehicle tank. Can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Siege Landship (T2)
      A heavier version of landship. It is not just tougher, its cannon can fire more than one type of ammunition - Cannonballs focuses on countering tanks and destroying fortifications from a long distance, while napalm will set fire that scorches the infantries.

      Note that it does not do anything carrying infantries. Napalm can clear out garrisons in buildings.
    • Boarding Party (T1)
      Boarding parties of Zolarg Empire are not just terrible in the space but also equally terrible on the seas. Their ship will quickly ram onto yours and the boarding party will soon tear your ship into useless scraps.

      Navy melee ship. It is also a troop transport, can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Ironclad (T2)
      A rather modernized warship of Zolarg Empire. Slow, but has devastating ship cannons.

      Ranged melee ship.
    • Bumblebee Squad (T2)
      A flying group of winged Insectoids, with a duty to throw bombs onto enemy army, or sometimes aircrafts.

      The only Insectoid airforce unit.

  • UAV Control Tower (UE aircraft factory) (4 aircraft capacity)
  • Experimental Tech Centre (Tier-3 tech building)
  • Flak Pillbox (UE anti-air defense)
  • Torpedo Platform (UE heavy naval defense)
  • Plasma Cannon (UE heavy defense)
  • Propaganda Centre (UE combat support/research building)
  • Space Uplink (UE superweapon)
  • LIS Command Lander (LIS command centre)
  • Encampment (LIS barracks)
  • LIS Ore Refinery
  • Burner Generator (LIS power generator)
  • Garage (LIS vehicle factory)
  • Seaport (LIS naval yard)
  • Black Market (LIS Tier-2 tech)
  • Data Bank (LIS Tier-3 tech)
  • Bunker (LIS basic land defense, garrisonable)
  • Gunner turret (LIS basic anti-infantry anti-air defense)
  • Hacker Camp (LIS combat support/research building)
  • Airfield (LIS aircraft factory) (4 aircraft slots)
  • Laser Tower (LIS heavy defense)
  • Sea Sentry (LIS naval defense gun platform)
  • Missile Silo (LIS superweapon)
  • Depot (LIS silo)
  • Microreactor (AD power generator)
  • Central Command Hub (AD command centre)
  • Drone Pad (AD barracks)
  • Raw Material Teleporter (Refinery)
  • Launcher Node (AD basic defense)
  • Offshore Launcher Node (AD naval defense)
  • Stargate (AD vehicle & aircraft factory)
  • High Frequency Node (AD Tier-2 tech)
  • Conquest Center (AD Tier-3 tech)
  • Secret Operation Centre (AD combat support/research building)
  • Stealth Field Generator (AD special defense)
  • Ether Storm Generator (AD superweapon)
  • Home Mound (ZE command centre)
  • Forge (ZE refinery)
  • Outpost Mound (ZE barracks & basic anti-infantry defense)
  • Rangerbug Burrow (ZE anti-air defense)
  • Stockpile (ZE silo)
  • Landship Workshop (ZE vehicle factory)
  • Drydocks (ZE naval yard)
  • Command Post (ZE Tier-2 tech)
  • Shrine of Destiny (ZE Tier-3 tech)
  • War Academy (ZE combat support/research building)
  • Temple of Doom (ZE superweapon)
Here goes a message. First there is neither testing version releases nor testers so every build is matching new "features" (and potentially bugs) along with catching old ones and polishing it overall.
here goes the list for web 0.54.0 (Firefox_64)
I will not brag about why 55 alien powers used to be better than 9 diamond crystal reactors for almost every moon base but instead

[not important][GUI] particles-on works fine while particles-off does not despawn existing ones just stopping new to appear. Looks weird when they keep coming from the sides in lava world and still need to wait some time to see whether offing does any good. Not so important but seems quite easy to work with.

[bug][render] Zooming out goes mad. I do know that more render takes more time but there are always ways to use some cheating and tricks to make it a bit easier in exchange for fast rendering, aren't they? Now we are talking about something strange. Quite a big map, quite a small zoom, not so laggy, yet goes buggy. At some mouse scrolling point it goes to scale vertical but not horizontal size making it more wide-stretched. Would see if i could add screenies for both before and after.

[UI] now we have a _red_ form of crystaline. Third one apart from _green_ synth and blue natural if I remember it correctly. But the resource icon features 4 crystals of the same color which looks a bit of strange now as we have not a single natural source of it.

[UI] playing with new colony creation does not leads to bad colonies generation as I've mentiomed it some time ago but still shows a previous colony with engine started (with non-working side menu etc) prior to selecting the name and actual start.

[Major bug][UI] Yeah you've done it right with the assets. And now we're going to encyclopedia where... Well it still is lacking the search so I need to remember where exactly do I scroll for this and that and because it lacks logic it goes mad but... The Assets new. And an Encyclopedia old. I want someone to make a shiny looking meme pic for it. They don't seem to like each other. They are no longer friends!
Erm.. excuse me. Mismatching pics or absent pics is what you might get if you pretend you ever want to see them. But the resources don't think so. They are too noble to show up for such a nooby engineer. No matter what you have loaded before it will load all the assets as soon as you open the list for the second-third time. (you'll get a strgate with a hive icons and such at the first look).
I do want to make a stop here. When I played the game first time, There were no other races and it wasn't even half as complicated as it is now. Even that time ago the only source I used for info was the game and i even managed to stuck being out of atmosphere (there was no forest or moon and surely no guide messages back then if i recall it correctly) so that time I looked it through and it was enough for me to make every building possible afterwards. I've done it at list three times now from nothingness as the game evolved and I do appreciate most of the changes. However, even at present, accidentally closed guide window will not reappear and can neither be seen in questbook or anything alike. Moreover, now we have a numerous races with overlapping techs and buildings not so important to show up in ants colony etc etc. I mean it went wild it became messy. Another complaint is that encyclopedia takes roughly about one third of the screen where it could take almost 90% in the same manner because I can't make a good use of the space to the left of it for sure. It still wont be much of a help due to saving only a couple of lines per entity and only in case that entry has multy-line description.

The solution or better to say a kind of a temporary workaround I see here is to make a tree of techs with a start or with a world load or even a few seconds after. Starting with a root tech of a current base tech as an example. It would allow for a techs like those available to different bases to appear in both trees and will not pollute the files with lists for every base to load. Though the latter approach might be more suitable for mobiles, just to consider both sides of the coin. The tree will allow to map all descendants to load and show up as icons and also to use workaround in pedia: make submenu, two entries: the one leading to a current list and other to a list based on that tree with techs already loaded with pics and ready to go. Double kill.
The way I see it is to add a couple of lines to the place it counts current buildings premium items in game etc which should be quite fine and yet not so difficult to implement.

[UI] You might also think of a random pic showing in the sub menus titles to be chosen from loaded ones or even to be static but that is not so important as previous. Probably a part of a previous bug.

[UI] Old ones to end up the list: making some not square-icon-building will stretch it to be square-like causing funny pictures of "a Consulate with a pressure of the responsibility on its shoulders" or "a helium extractor that feels like a factory" (but of cause nobody would need such a factory ever soon).

[UI] Another old one not sure if fixed already. Coal or regolith? Which of the icons is it here or there? And the icon of it without a framing with the-very-same-color background for a resource header is definitely the most interesting part of this quiz game. It has many unSeen endings. Ba-toooom! tss.

*edit* Speaking of vertical-distortions, there is quite a probability to catch it when zooming with mouse wheel does not change zoom only making stretchy effect to appear while saving the zoom. It always behaves in stretchy but is a bit hard to catch it not changing zoom in the process. I overlayed two captures and cut one of them for you to see the difference.

also a pic showing zones that are there in tech encyclopedia now:
red are neither used nor clickable until closing the popup window. Green zones cut up already lacking space for scrolling (should a big dismiss button be replaced with a red X icon or something?). Blue is ads. They look black not because I'm a racist who killed them. The turbo mode or something alike has taken them to a bar or somewhere near idk. They promised to be back before the sunset. Here goes the pic by the way, you wanted it you got it.

Another good week to start making more of colonists happy, isn't it? Good luck. Keep it going and make it even better.
6y ago
I would suggest that for the alpha draconians there should be an advanced tech tree, with possible add-ons like the ability to store ancient instructions and access to more ways of generating ancient artifacts, instructions, relics and triantanium. There should also be abilities to possibly generate other common resources like plastic and use those for better housing and upgrades to importation and immigration. Adding on to the tech tree, there should be ways to upgrade embassies and upgraded embassies should give you special powers.
5y ago
Pavlxiiv said:I would like to see a visualited tech tree too, there was one on the reference page, but it has not been updated for decades and Sobe does not know how the original owner did it so he can not update it

That tech tree is originally on the present-day-dead-page of the old my colony reference site that its loading page takes a eternity to load, sadly nobody is updating it now, however the site is still here.

Even a tech tree has copyright issues??? (”°ω°”)
In my previous post, I mentioned how it'd be nice to have wider content instead of deeper content. So here are some ideas for that content (still only human ideas except where otherwise noted):

Black Hole Synthesis: Requires Alien Quantum Physics.

Bluebot: Premium only. A faster version of Adv builder bot.

Large Recycling Center: An upgrade to Medium Recycling Center. Produces plastic. Also produces one of pottery, aluminum, and toy. Requires Tall Construction, Advanced Chemical Synthesis.

Alga-Oil, Inc.: Produces Oil from trash in small-ish quantities. Requires Advanced Chemical Synthesis.

Food Disposal Center: "Just in case you ran out of trash". Turns food into large amounts of trash.

Charcoal Scrubber: Consumes Atmosphere and turns into charcoal (removes CO2). Weaker than Atmosphere scrubber.

Triantantium Mine: "When you really, really, need Triantanium, that's when you start making black holes". 5x5 top secret building which has a black hole in the center. Converts Steel and Uranium into Triantanium by dropping it into a black hole and catching what comes back out. Consumes Ether to stabilize the black hole. Much better than the other refineries. Requires Black Hole Synthesis.

Center for Black Hole Studies: Consumes ether and turns it into research. Worse than Center for Artificial Learning

Five-Star Restaurant. Premium only. Gold plated version of Restaurant. Consumes more food and produces much more money.

Mega Resort: 7x7 Building housing tons of tourists. Makes an actually large amount of money. Consumes pottery, toys, cloth, food, water, rum, and robots.

Large Space Port: Consumes Starships, brings in 100s of tourists at a time.

Bureau of Regulations: Upgrade to Bureau of bureaucracy, has 1000 jobs and produces 5x the civics.

Customs House (Human): Charge $100 from tourists who enter. A way to start actually making money from tourists. Just surround space ports with these so they have to go in.

News Station: Consumes software. Provides entertainment and civics.

Reeds, Giant Sequoia: Fir tree reskins.
Banana Tree, Apple Tree, Orange Tree, Grape Vines: Palm Tree reskins.

Complaints Processing: Early Game building which produces a few civics and has basic policy such as Fire Drill and Lottery. Requires that you don't have independence.

Solar Furnace: 5x5 building which is one of these: Fills the gap between Solar Towers and Nuclear Reactors.

That's all I can think of for now. Maybe I'll make a Vol 2. What do you think?
4y ago
Follow the MC1 system will be a massacre for the bandwidth. Every time a bot cut a tree, the information need to be shared to every player active.

If you use the tethered system? A player need to place a "tree treatment plant" close to the forest, and will see some units cut down tree.

Of course, the "tree treatment plant" should be connected to the main transport system.

For consume less resources, the forest won't have 1'000'000 individual trees, but many sectors, one units per sector.

The player will see something like MC1, but consuming less resources, no individual tree, no bots army.
3y ago
Hello! For those of you who don't know who I am, I am therealchromedino. I have been sitting on these models for quite some time now. Now that I have some freetime, I decided to make those models come into fruition, and patch them together into a Forest World. I have made it a .c2m to make bast's life easier, since I have done the work of implementing them in. I have also playtested it, and I believe it is ready to go!

Some new buildings:

Living Flowers!
Are you tired of fake flowers? Well, I brought the solution to you! *Disclaimer, living flowers require an atmosphere.*

The final new building is the Charcoal Power Plant! Nuclear Reactors beware, as this Charcoal beast provides 2,500 power!

Not to forget to mention the main attraction of this new potential world type: The Forest Trees! These trees come in many sizes and shapes.
Here is the normal forest tree:

You can even plant these trees! Here is the sapling:

Did you think that this sapling will grow to that big tree in an instant? No, there are different stages of growth!
Stage 1:

And Stage 2:

After the sapling goes through these stages, it becomes an adult tree!

Speaking of big trees, here are two trees that you can't grow, but can find around the Forest World!

The Big Tree

And last but not least: The Elder Tree

just a bunch of trees i "zinked" out RQ
7mo ago
My Colony 2 has just been updated to v0.33.0 on the Web and the Ape Apps Launcher and should be hitting other platforms over the weekend. There are some changes and some goodies packed into this release, so let's take a look at what is new!

To start off, base defenses have now arrived in My Colony 2 with the addition of the Pillbox and the Security Wall Pillbox (Pillbox texture by @GeneralWadaling )! Over the last few weeks, a certain user on MC2 online (whose name shall go unmentioned) has been rampaging through several dedicated servers with unprovoked attacks on settlements whose users have been offline. This highlighted the need for some updates to the game that should help address this problem, and one of those changes are the new base defensive structures that you can now construct around your settlement.

In addition, there have been cost increases to the military units in the game (the Infantry, Main Battle Tank and Patrol Boat). All three military units now require Money to build. As money is slower to come by at the beginning of the game, it should put a halt on being able to join a server and just spam thousands of infantry units right off the bat. In addition though, Infantry units now each cost you 1 population to build, so every time you build an infantry unit, your settlement population will go down by one (since he was drafted into service). This should likewise put a cap to mass infantry spamming, as you now actually need both the economy and the population to back an army up.

Some additional server admin settings have been added to the Statistics window. Now server admins can set a user account blacklist, so that if there is a user out there known for greifing servers, you can pre-ban him or her before they have a chance to trash your server. You can also set a Message of the Day that players will see when they sign in to your server.

I have also expanded the game Credits section (found in the Encyclopedia). When you select a username in the credits, you will now see more detailed information on all of the items they have contributed to the game.

I have also added a new engine setting, which you can find under the Tweaks section. You can now toggle on and off a grid that will be drawn over the ground tiles, which may make placing structures easier on a touch screen device. It looks like this when activated:

New content has arrived in this update as well, starting with the Low Gravity Masonry tech, which brings with it the long await Brick Factory and the regular and Yellow Brick Roads (brick texture provided by @SPARKY0303 )!

The Brick Roads utilize a new feature which you will find in the game editor, allowing you to use a Pixel Paint file (*.ppp from, the 2D cousin to Voxel Paint) as a road texture. For best results, use a 16x16 Pixel Paint file. I should mention that the game editor also now lets you export packaged Voxel Paint models (which you previously could not do).

@spamdude provided a model for a new Ether Sanitation Plant in this update, converting Ether into Water and Uranium. Thanks to @therealchromedino we get two new Alien tech structures too, the Alien Enrichment Facility and the Ancient Alien Ore Refinery!

There are also two new Sugar production plants available in this update, the Integrated Sugar Lab (model by @SPARKY0303 ) and the Sugar Factory (model by @therealchromedino ). The First is a simple upgrade to the existing Sugar Extraction Lab. The second is a large facility that makes large amounts of Sugar, and also produces a bit of Helium-3 as a production byproduct, since we always need more He3 production.

Finally for new content, some of you in the forums and on the Discord know that I have been talking about adding a Star Gate to MC2. I know some people disagree since I said that MC2 is more of a prequel to MC1, but to me that is all irrelevant, since in both games you start out with no tech and you do research to advance into further ages, so timeline in this type of game is largely irrelevant. But that is neither here nor there, because before I can add the Star Gate from MC1, I need the tech to back it up, so in this update, I have added two additional techs, Artificial Intelligence and Transcendence! The AI tech is pretty easily obtainable and allows you to build the new Center for Artificial Learning.

This is a building that I wanted to make about twice as tall as it is, but my Voxel Paint was lagging out while I was making it, so it is what it is. Maybe I will revisit the model later, but it is fine for the time being.

Transcendence is a super expensive tech in MC1, and the same applies in MC2. Right now nothing happens when you research it, but major props for the first player who gets it. It costs 750m research, and maybe one of the larger worlds already has that, but I added the tech in the game to prepare the way for things to come :-)

Finally, I added a Regolith Synthesis Lab to the game, since we already have labs for Gold and Ore, and you need Regolith to build Helium-3 storage tanks, so it made sense.

In addition to the new stuff though, I have also buffed the existing Gold Extractor and the Gold Synthesis Lab. In addition, I also fixed a bug where building upgrades were not working properly. There were some other bugs I fixed as well, but I forgot what they were. But at least they are fixed!

I think that is all for this update, maybe there is more that you will find in there as well! Over the next few weeks I will be finishing up a new My Colony Universe game called Terra Nova 4X but after that I will be back to more exciting My Colony 2 content, so thanks to all who are playing and contributing to the game, and stay tuned for more to come!

1y ago
Amazing update to help remove the grind, however I still have some complaints. I love the late game but tree harvesting in u.e. on non regions become a pain in the ass having to dedicate massive areas of land to tree farms. Even then my tree harvesting is slow for a 5x5 building. I would like a way to synthesize ether on non zolarg as to get self sustaining ether tree farms and to remove some of the idling to make tech offices. Another thing of note is that there isn't a middle in-between relic studies and advanced dig sites, and getting advanced digsites take a lot of artifacts to research early on. Another big grind that takes some idling is clay because there isn't automated clay apart from the slow 3clay per cycle ultra deep dig site and crystalline synthesizers being based on balancing for efficiency on guess and checking, instead of a building that synthesizes it
4y ago
Gonna post ALOT of my ideas for the Zolarg faction. As it stands, compared to say... United Earth, the Zolarg tech tree is VERY small.
You can reach it's end in under a day, while United Earth takes atleast a week if you suck sorta, or probly 4-5 days if you know what you're doing.

As it stands, there's currently alot of buildings that don't do much for a "late-game" colony, atleast not as much as it COULD. I will go through each one, and suggest an upgrade for each that currently doesn't exist in any capacity, if I'm wrong on if there's no better upgrade, then let me know!

Brew Pit.
This produces about 2 rum per second, according to my stats page, so that's an estimate, however even with 91 fully staffed and operating, it doesn't equal enough rum to make more than 1 crystalline patch.

Suggested upgrade: Unholy Brew Tank. At the cost of Antaura, Water and Food, this could produce well up to 50 rum per second, and be just as large as a Brew Pit, with probly about 6 workers. Likely could cost Antanium, Antaura, Wood, and Ant Paste, maybe Civics as well.

Suggested Upgrade: Brew Ravine. At the cost of some sugar, water and food, this produces less food than the Unholy Brew Tank and takes up more space, being 1x3 diagonally top right, to bottom left length-wise, but also takes less workers, only 3. Could cost antanium, alot of Civics, Tons of ant Paste, Gold, and maybe Wood.

Supply Pile.
Ofcourse, it increases storage of literally everything, but just by a little bit.

Suggested upgrade: Unholy Pit of Stuff. Would be 2x2, but would store at least 4 times more things than 4 supply piles, since it'd look like a mystic-inspired, cool hole in the ground filled with stuff, and holes hold more than piles.
This wouldn't cost Antaura to run it, but could cost Antaura to build, but less amounts of other resources compared to a money pit, since you've got basically magic doing most of the digging.

Suggested Upgrade: Sugar Matrix of Supply. Could be just as big as a Supply pile, but would contain more, being a tall sugar-powered silo that uses sugar power in ways to miniaturize the contents. (or could be a constant Antaura draw maybe?) Would require workers to keep running, and maybe 50-100 power.

Shrine of Mystics.
Produces Antaura.

Suggested Upgrade: Unholy Temple of Mystics. Would be 3x3 or 4x4, but produces WAY more antuara than a Shrine of Mystics. Needs more workers also, but also could be a tech-required building for other researches.

Suggested Upgrade: Monolith of Mystics. Would remove the worker cost of Shrines, but would cost power and produce more Antaura than a Shrine. It would cost ALOT of antanium, Antaura and Civics to produce, but no Wood whatsoever. Or it could cost no Antaura.

Gives 200 population room and produces a decent amount of food per second.

Suggested Upgrade: Unholy Mound of Whorship. Would be a 3x3 building that would likely contain atleast 2 times more, and would produce Antaura instead of Food as an addition.

Suggested Upgrade: Hive. Would be just as large, just a taller structure, and would cost primarily Antanium, Ant Paste, Civics, and Aluminum.

Aluminum Mine
Essentially an endless source of Aluminum, provided you have the time, effort and resources to keep placing them.

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Unholy Core Mine. This would be much larger, but uses Antaura to power itself along with alot of power. This could also be an upgrade to the Mining Operation, it could take WAY more workers, but produces a little bit of everything one could get from the ground.

Synthetic Crystalline Patch
A placeable patch of Crystalline, you can get 400 of it from this.

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Crystalline Growth Pit. Would be a 3x3-ish structure that costs alot of Rum to run, but produces Crystalline. Would cost Crystalline and Rum, maybe also Aluminum and Ant Paste. Would use Power to increase the growth rate of Crystalline, maybe 200 power?
Could also cause

Indirect Upgrade Suggestion: Crystalline Growth Node. Would be a 1x1 structure that costs Antaura and power to run, requires no workers, but ends up creating Crystalline patches near it that regenerate and expand at a rate needed for high crystalline demands.

Mega Tree
A really big tree that gives 800 wood.

Indirect Upgrade suggestion: Unholy Chamber of Growth. Clones colonists, and produces a bit of everything gained from plants, so wood and sugar mainly. Costs Antaura and power to run alongside a steady supply of water and a decent workforce. Dunno on costs and size.

New Building Suggestion: Pit of Terraforming. Burns wood and Ant Paste consistently in order to produce atmosphere.

Alt Idea: Antauran Utopian Pillar. Costs alot of Antaura to consistently produce atmosphere up to 11 million atmosphere. Or 16 million, either way it produces it up to a point and either temporarily turns off once that point is reached,

New Building suggestion: Gross Shape. Uses Antaura to absorb atmosphere above smog-levels, but looks really gross and wrong. Just a big ball of concentrated pollution. Could produce Pollution as a physical resource.

That's all I can come up with, sorry for the huge wall of text, I just really enjoy Zolarg, and want more to be added, so I'm doing my part as best as I can!
6y ago
Oh boy! Today I am publishing the v0.19.0 patch for My Colony 2 which should be hitting all platforms over the coming days. This is by far the biggest update to My Colony 2 yet, featuring significant changes both under and... above(?) the hood. Given the scope of the changes, I would expect some issues to crop up, so please file those bug reports here in the forum. In the mean time, lets take a look at what's new in this release!

The first and biggest change to the game is the addition of the new Mod Shop, which you can access from the title screen if you are a Premium user and signed in using an Ape Apps Account. You can consider the Mod Shop to be very beta at this point, and there is still a lot of work to do. I do not yet have auto updating working for mods, and I still need to build out detailed Mod pages that let you leave feedback to the Mod developer. I also suspect that Total Conversion type mods might not work as planned from the Mod Shop yet, but the basic framework is now there and operational at least.

Mods can now be activated and deactivated from the Play Game menu. If you download a mod from the Mod Shop and want to add it to your game, click on the Settings gear icon next to your saved game, and select "Manage Mods" to add and remove mods to your file. If the Manage Mods option does not show up, then play your save, save it, and try again, because the option will not show for older saves that are not using the latest file format.

The next update is going to involve cleaning up, improving and fixing things wrong with the Mod Shop, so please let me know about all Mod Shop related issues that you discover, because I really think that the Mod Shop has the potential to be a great game changer for My Colony 2 going forward, unlocking access to way more content than could ever be added to the game by a single developer.

On the subject of mods, this update includes a complete and total rewrite to the way in which mods are saved and loaded, and there is a strong potential that Modded games created before v0.19.0 may now be broken, so if that is the case for you, then I apologize. Sadly, the massive changes were necessary though. I suspect that Total Conversion mods might currently be broken, although I have not verified that as of yet.

There is a big change that Mod authors need to be aware of in this update as well. If you mod makes changes to the Metadata object in the game, there is a new Game Identifier field. Saved game files are now associated to this identifier, and unless your mod is a Total Conversion mod, it's Meta object should have the same Game Identifier id as the base My Colony 2 game. Otherwise, save files using your Mod will no longer show up in the saved game list. So if you have a mod that makes changes to the Meta object, and it's not a Total Conversion, make sure it uses the same Game Identifier as the base game ( which is: a999fe76-ff1c-5935-e365-755089ba8982 ). Likewise, if you are making a Total Conversion mod, your mod should NOT use the base game identifier.

This update also introduces a significant rewrite to the way games are saved and loaded. It turns out, that if you were signed in using an Ape Apps Account, almost all of your saved games have been synced to the Ape Apps Cloud since the first release of My Colony 2. You may therefore see a bunch of old saves in your game listing the first time you load up v0.19.0 that you might not have known still existed. You should now be able to delete those old saves, and they will also be removed from the cloud. The game was actually loading all of this old saved data each time it opened, so if you delete old games that are no longer being used, your My Colony 2 startup times should be greatly improved.

Moving on, the internal game server has also undergone a massive overhaul, removing all web browser specific functions and logic from the code. This was done so that I could create a command line based dedicated server application, which had previously not been possible since some of the code in the game server itself could only be run in a web browser context. This change will not be very noticeable to the end user, but was a pretty big effort on my part, and will enable the creation of a separate dedicated server application, which will allow 24/7 cloud based My Colony 2 servers in the (hopefully not too distant) future.

Next up, units in the game can now be scaled. Modders will see the new scaling option in the Unit editor. This change also applies to colonists, which are now scaled to a more realistic size for the first time ever in My Colony history! And speaking of colonists, worlds that theoretically have a breathable atmosphere will now be able to use My Tokens characters as colonists models, which can now be seen on the Water World and the Desert World, giving a nice variety to the game.

And speaking of Colonists, you can now take control of them and walk around your settlement! Click on a colonist to enter the new Player mode, to get up close and personal to your base. There isn't much to this feature yet, but in my opinion it comes with huge potential, especially for modders to create totally different types of games on the back of the My Colony 2 engine. Try it out, let me know what you think, and throw out some suggestions of ways this cool new mode can be expanded!

You may notice that the graphics in My Colony 2 are a bit "cleaner" than they were prior to v0.19.0. I didn't even realize it until working on this update, but the anti-aliasing engine was completely broken in Scroll3d. Anyway, it works now and you should be able to notice a subtle difference in the visuals of the game.

I have started to add more detailed building-level statistics to the game. Now when you select a building, there is a stats button that you can click on to expand additional information about the structure, including items like workers and production levels. More will be coming to this expanded interface in the future.

Speaking of statistics, both the World and Settlement level statistics screen have been updated. And there are now settlement level penalties for not having enough Food, Medical, Entertainment, Security, and Education. Settlements now also have a separate "Overall Health" stat, not to be confused with the Medical stat. The Medical tells you what your settlement's medical coverage is, but the Overall Health also takes into effect things like food/water shortages, homelessness, etc. When the overall health gets to low, people will now start to die, so make sure to stay on top of that. You also now have an approval rating for each settlement, which is derived from all statistical factors.

Staying on the topic of statistics, the GDP calculation has now been fixed, as it was previously borked and often showing negative numbers. If you have an already existing colony, it will take a few cycles for your GDP to fix itself, as the game does not go back in time and fix the historical numbers that were calculated using the old, broken calculation.

Moving on, Gifting has now been added to the game! Gifting is done from settlement to settlement, and your gift capacity is determined by the number of Trading Depots you have in your settlement. To gift, make sure your camera is in a settlement that you want to gift from. Then open statistics, and choose the settlement you wish to gift to. After that, the process is fairly straightforward. This should be a big help to multiplayer games.

I have begun expanding the Encyclopedia to include information on Units and Game Contributors. There isn't much there on those sections yet, although I did add an in-game way to send a donation of Ape Coins to the various game contributors who have helped make My Colony 2 what it is today, if you wish to say "thank you" for their efforts.

Some of the existing structures have been modified in this release. The Greenhouse Park will now slowly generate trace amounts of Wood, making Wood available to all map types now. The Warehouse storage capacities have been expanded. The Expansion Barge can no longer be built at the Watercraft Station (there is a new larger water construction yard now for the barge). The Internet Relay Booth now generates a small amount of Research, giving a research head start before players are able to build the Small Research Lab. The output of the Ore Fraking Operation and the Gold Synthesis lab have been increased. The existing Landing Field has been replaced by the smaller Landing Pad, using updated models provided by @GeneralWadaling . I think there were more changes too, but I don't recall them all at the moment.

There are some new Ancient ruins to be found on the Abandoned World, which you will see if you scroll around the map, remnants of a time when the Ancients once controlled the galaxy. There are even some "H Blocks" inspired from the ruins of Pumapunku!

Let's move on to the new content added to the game. Model contributors for this release (besides myself, of course) I believe include @GeneralWadaling , @DoYouHaveAnyOats , and @spamdude . If there are others and I forgot to mention you, then I'm sorry! It's not personal! 😳

Firstly, the new technologies of Advanced Chemical Synthesis, Low Gravity Oil Production, and Advanced Charcoal Production have been added to the game. With these additions bring two new resources into the fold, which are Oil and Plastic (as you might have guessed).

Many of the new structures in this update directly benefit the Water World, although all planet types are benefited to some degree. The new Micro Nursery allows you to get more Trees early game, before you are able to move off of your initial island. That is complimented by the Gold Extractor, which is a slow but easy way to get Gold in the game early on, which was also traditionally difficult on the Water World. Once you advance, there is a new Tree Farm for producing trees at a faster rate, without needing to continually expand and harvest. The new Construction Quay is a larger off-shore ship yard for building larger sea craft, and the new Small Offshore Drill will allow you to extract different minerals, including Oil, from the bottom of the sea. On the Military side of things, there is a new Patrol Boat which is basically like a water based version of the current Infantry unit.

The Landing Field has been moved further down the tech tree, and is replaced by the smaller early game Landing Pad. There is a new Wood Grower for generating more wood, an Oil Tank for storing Oil, and a Synthetic Oil Lab for creating Oil out of Food. Once you have Oil, you can convert it into Plastic using the new Plastic Factory. You can also get a small amount of Plastic from the new Recycling Center.

I think that is all of the new content, although I might have missed something. Looking forward though, now that we have Oil and Plastic in the game, it might be time to introduce Robotics in to the mix, and start going down that branch of the tech tree, so stay tuned for all of that.

At the end of the day, there were so many under the hood changes to this update, that something is bound to be broken. Please be on the lookout and let me know what issues you find. I have been working on this update for the better part of two months, so it is entire possible that I started working on a mechanic weeks ago, and forgot to finish it up. All in all though, I think this is a fair update to the game, and I hope you guys like it!

My Colony 2 v0.19.0 is available now on the Web, Launcher, and Windows Store, and will hopefully be hitting Google Play and the App Store within the next few days, depending on app store review times (even Android requires review now too). So stay tuned for that, let me know what you think, and stay tuned for more in the weeks and months ahead!

2y ago

Since research was added in the last version, I just want to give a feedback on that, I think the research system would be better if research was not a resource. Two options:

  • Research power

You select a tech that you want to unlock, and then your various scientific buildings (academies, research labs, laboratories...) work on the tech.

It takes them a certain amount of time before you have the tech unlocked. They could also consume various resources specific to the tech in the process.

Research could be some kind of "research power", and techs take eg. 10000 days-researchpower (unit is days*researchpower) to complete. If you have 1000 research power, it will take 10 days. It works a bit like man-days.

BUT because you can't just spam research buildings and get techs in one day, building more and more research buildings will get you less and less research power per building, eg. power = [log(buildings)+1]*C, eg. 1 building = C power, 2 bds = 1.3*C, ...10 bds = 2*C, but maybe for another base for the log but you get it.

Inspired by @username

  • United Earth sends new techs

Second option : research does not exist, at least in the colony. We were discussing a lot about the lore exactly 12 months ago. There was an idea about the colony being sent by UE to colonize new worlds. Then the colony would owe UE resources. In exchange of this cooperation, UE regularly discovers new techs and sends the blueprints to the colony, which immediately unlock the tech.

Going independent has the advantage of getting rid of these taxes, while it has the disadvantage of having to research new techs by themselves (but maybe also get techs that were kept hidden by UE...)
Suggestions for My Land:

Animals will eat nearby crops.

Pear Trees: Similar to apple trees, grow a little slower
Peach Trees: Like a pear tree but even slower
Banana tree: After being harvested a few times reverts to sapling.
Oak Tree: Like the evergreen, but provides twice the attraction rating in the fall, 1.5 times in spring, 0.75 times in summer, and half in winter. Will occasionally provide acorns.

Melon: Similar to a pumpkin, grows a little faster.
Soy: Grows quickly and is worth a lot of money, but requires being next to water.
Grapes: Works like a tree. Will spread to adjacent plant supports. Also increases land attraction value.
Cotton: The same as corn, except for other uses.

Other Buildings:
Plant Support: Used to grow vines.
Conveyer Belt: Moves items in the direction it faces. Will harvest nearby crops and extract finished products from other machinery.
Distillery: Turns grapes into wine, which is worth more.
Crop Seller: Sells crops automatically, but at half price.
Windmill: Turns wheat into flour and corn into cornflour.
Ovens: Turns flour and adjacent water into bread, which is worth more. Cornbread is made with cornflour instead and is worth more.
Cotton Mill: Turns cotton into fabric, which is worth more.
Goods Seller: Like the crop seller, but for finished goods made my machines instead of crops.
Advanced Goods Seller: Sells goods at full value instead of half value.
Feed Maker: Could make pig feed out of wheat, corn, or soy, more feed from more expensive crops. Would be able to fill pig feed troughs.
4y ago
This thread will discuss Biomes for the game. I'm hoping that we can start out with 1 or 2 basic biomes to add and then add the others in phases. It could be up to the community to discuss what biomes should be on this list and which one's should be added first, second, and so on.

For each biome, I will discuss the basic features of the biome as a theme to go off of, and that theme could be taken in many different directions. Of course, I always provide my ideas in terms of how a theme could be made to work, but feel free to share your ideas as well.

Phase 0: the greening update

Grasslands: A flat biome filled with tall grass and flowers, sparsely populated with trees.

real life features:
- sparse trees
- flat grassy terrain
- areas of tall grass
-flowers are common
-caves aren't common
-common fauna: cattle, sheep, horses, bison, etc.

My ideas: I think that bast can copy this biome off of the original one, just add some tall grass to get seeds from, reduce the tree density, and add some flowers that could be used for basic things like dyes and potions(see my post in the agriculture page). Caves should still occur in this biome, but not too often. mushrooms would have to go for this biome though, but would be implemented in forests.

Forest: This biomes is densely populated with trees. Forests tend to have the most variety of animals and planets. On the forest floor, there are usually wild bushes and other small plants that dot the landscape. This biome should be the easiest to make since trees are already a part of the game, and you can create the forest biome with dense trees, and then go back and add the other features later.

real life features:
-dense trees
-smaller ground plants
-fallen logs
- high variety of animals
-caves are somewhat common
- common fauna: squirrel, deer, bear, fox, chicken, bobcat, etc.

My idea: The easiest way to make this biome is to take the original biome and crank up tree population. everything else is good for now. In a later phase, you might want to come back and add more variety of smaller plants, like maybe some berry bushes for food, briars which damage entities and could be broken and replaced for defensive purposes, and poison ivy, which could be used as a low level poison in limited ways.

Phase 1: The dessert update

dessert: everyone knows what a desert is, should be self explanatory.

real life features:
-sandy ground
-small shrubbery
-caves somewhat common.
-common fauna: poisonous snakes, rabbits, camels, etc.

My idea: This biome needs to be built from scratch, which is why it's in it's own phase.
cacti can be another farm. It should produce fruit once before it has to be re-planted, but the fruit can turn into multiple seeds. the slow growing cacti must be planted in the dessert. The small shrubbery can be harvested for sticks, and the boulders provide stone for building.

Sandstone cave: Self explanatory, the walls can be mined for sandstone, which would be another building material. gravel and sand could be mixed into the sandstone to give sand for glass and gravel for paths.

real life features:
-sandstone walls
-lose sand and gravel debris
-eventually leads to stone caves further down.

My idea: I don't really have much to say about this one. Other than enemy mobs, nothing can survive in these caves, so they are just there for aesthetics and resources, as you can't obtain sand or gravel from the surface.

Phase 2: The water update

surface lakes: small randomly shaped bodies of water that the player can swim through. Slows movement, but should provide a supply of water, and the player should be able to fish in surface lakes. The bigger the lake, the less likely you are to wait a long time to catch fish. The player should have a way to build these as decoration, food supply, and as a defensive mechanism. surface lakes can also occur in caves.

swamp lakes: same function as surface lakes, but the water is stagnate. Has a more potent slow effect yet yeilds more fish than a regular surface lake. The player shouldn't be able to build swamp lakes.

Swamp: this one is self explanatory, swamp lakes surrounded by muddy ground, brownish-green land. large willow trees. Cotton-tails and reeds growing at the edge of the water. Crocodiles swimming in the water, waiting to kill unsuspecting prey.

Real life features:
-large trees
-swamp lakes
-muddy ground surrounds swamp lakes
-dull green-brown ground
-cotton tails and reeds grow in the mud around swamp lakes.
-common fauna: mosquito, crocodile, frog, etc.
-caves are common, but come in the moist variety

my ideas: This one would require surface lakes to be implemented, which is why I've put it off a little. The reeds could be used for paper and the cotton-tails could be used to make cotton.

stagnate caves: caves that are periodically filled with water and silt. Muddy walls yeild mud when broken, which can be cooked to make mud bricks, but there should be some clay veins mixed in with the mud, yielding clay, which can be cooked into clay bricks. Both have the same texture but different colors, and clay bricks are much stronger than mud bricks. There should be a way later in the game to filter clay from mud to get additional clay.

I'll just summarize the phases from now on, since it's not really beneficial to plan that far ahead.

Phase 3: the winter phase

this will be the tiaga and tundra update. This update comes later because it's the least necessary compared to the other 3.

for 0, grasslands provide easy room to build while forests provide lots of building materials, allowing the player to have an easier time building. in 1, desserts provide sand for glass and a new structural material called sandstone, along with cacti that can be farmed. 2 introduces water bodies in the map for a rather important aesthetic and food source, mud and clay for new building materials, and a source of cotton for clothes and armor, and paper for things like maps and books.

3 will only provide a few minute resources, such a snow, ice, ...and not much else. This update is purely for aesthetics and to provide a harder biome to survive in. The cold should make players go hungry faster, and there should be more powerful enemies that come out at night. It's harder to farm or fish because water always freezes, so the player has to resort to hunting to survive.

phase 4: the ocean phase

this phase will feature a beech biome and an ocean biome. The ocean will have multiple underwater "floors" where the player can fight dangerous sea monsters, gather fish for food, and gather up exotic plants from the sea floor. The beech will have no caves, but it itself should be an interesting place to visit with it's own resources. More info to come on this if bast implements anything in the other phases.

phase 5: the elevation phase

The phase would focus on the ability to have upper levels and climbable objects like mountains. I think it would also be cool to enable multi-level building construction and the ability to place stairs that transport you between the upper levels. These updates would allow bast to create other more complicated biomes like the mesa and climbable jungle tree maps.

phase 6: the jungle update

this phase implements jungle biomes with climbable jungle trees. This would allow players to build tree-houses. It may or may not be possible to implement this, but I'm putting it in here just in case.

Anyway, that's what I think the order should be, assuming bast will be adding other biomes. Let me know what your ideas are and which biomes you think should go first or last
4y ago
Ya. That is true. On the other hand it might make sense to make the pathfinding go from resource point to resource points until full to handle the issue that some resources were intended to be handled by a swarm, like trees. The trees are so small per resource you need a swarm because instead of going from tree to tree collecting until they only pick up one tree then they are done. At present it doesn't even make sense. The rover will keep collecting without dropping off resources until full. If the trip to the drop off point was eliminated until after the rover was totally full the resource gathering potential of the swarm would be concentrated in these gatherers with no overhead to pathfinding. As it is you still need a slightly smaller swarm to benefit from something like tree gathering.
I am considering changes/enhancements to the My Colony 2 engine to be able to handle/support builder type games that are slightly more simplistic. I am thinking of making a sequel to My Land using the Scroll3D rendering engine, but I was thinking that maybe instead of rewriting the entire game logic engine from scratch, I could make a few changes/additions to the modding tools of My Colony 2 to allow for easily creating My Land style builder games as well.

These improvements could unlock the ability for modders to create even more types of games in the future using the MC2 engine.

Changes I am thinking of implementing to the engine in order to facilitate a My Land 2 game. This is more of a checklist for me so that I remember what I need to implement, but this thread can also be used for ideas/suggestions of things that can be added to the engine to either improve MC2 itself, or to help mod creators:

A toggle/option in the game Meta object to allow for instant building, ie just click on an option from the build menu and then place it, no rovers/builders required. This same feature could be utilized for creating RTS type games with the engine, such as a Colony Wars 2 someday.

Spreadable map resources. This is already there in MC1, where resources such as trees and crystalline will spread over time. My Land needs this for grass and other terrain items spreading, and it could probably be used in MC2 as well.

This has already been a requested addition for MC2 anyway, but basic Terrain Modification, such as changing the elevation at specific areas, might be desired. For instance, in My Land you can build irrigation ditches to water your crops. So this ability would be necessary in the engine.

Of course, for a farming game, the engine needs to support Wildlife. My Land has chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, etc. The MC2 engine will need to support basic animals running around. It could be cool for the game in general, some worlds could have native animals that could be utilized for certain things.

For a My Land game, the engine will also need "morphing" terrain objects. For example, a tree sapling object, that "grows" or morphs into a young tree after a certain amount of in-game time, which in turn can morph into a full grown tree.

A Click/Tap to Harvest option will need to be available to terrain objects to allow resources to be collected without a rover.

The engine will also need collectable objects, such as the eggs that a chicken can lay. Animals should be able to spawn objects on occasion. An Apple tree can spawn apples, etc. A collectable object system could be expanded well beyond the needs of a My Land type game. You could even envision it leading to an RPG type game using the player perspective mode of the game. There are a lot of possibilities here.

Connecting structures will be needed. By this, I am talking of a fence like structure, where there are multiple .vpp (voxel) models assigned to be able to make a connection. There shouldn't be too many different models required, since a 3d object can be rotated as needed. Basically, a straight fence, a 90 degree corner, a three way, and a four way connection I think should cover all scenarios, unless I am missing something.

So these are the additions to the engine that I can think of off of the top of my head which will be needed in order to create a My Land sequel using the My Colony 2 engine. I think adding this stuff will also improve the base MC2 game, as well as unlocking completely new styles of mods that can be made using the engine!
1y ago
Just pushed out a quick release to My Colony, v0.47.0! It's not a major update, but it's majorly awesome (as always). Here is what's new:

My Colony v0.47.0 Changelog

New Stuff
  • New Structures: Diamond Solar Tower, Bureau of Bureaucracy, Cloth Farm, Relic Cauldron
  • On Desktop/Tablet devices, there is a new toggle in the building construction popup window that lets you turn building "chaining" on or off.
  • Insectoids gain the Alien Language tech that humans already have
  • Ice world is now slightly less dark
  • Giorgio Institute and Center for AI Learning now store Alien Relics
  • Star Gate can now import/export Alien Relics
  • Game will now auto-save when moved to the background
In addition to the above, there were quite a few changes not specific to the My Colony code, but to the individual "wrapper" apps that I use to port My Colony to Android, iOS, Desktop, and Windows 10 UWP, so please let me know if any bugs crop up that aren't necessarily related to My Colony itself. I think most things should be in order, but am most worried about the Windows Phone 10 version of My Colony, since I am unable to test it on a real device.

The next update is going to expand Zolarg alien tech, who now have access to both Relics and Artifacts. I added the ability to get artifacts so that Zolarg could start gaining access to some of the Human tech tree items, which all require artifacts in the later stages. Zolarg alien buildings will probably be purple similar to the human ones, and will start infusing tech into the Zolarg colonies.

I am also going to try to add full gamepad support to My Colony in the next update, and possibly try to release it on both Android/Fire TV and Xbox One. It already has partial gamepad support which you can test now by plugging an Xbox 360 USB controller into your PC, but there is a lot that needs cleaned up before it's ready for the TV.

One final note, I believe My Colony v0.47.0 and the current build of Antiquitas both have the following bug, which I am unable to pin down, where the Ice World has a partial shaded box covering the entire map. See the following thread for an example:
If you have this issue please post in that thread with all relevant information so I can try to get it squashed before the next update.

That's all for now, the next update will probably be before next weekend, depending on how busy I get. Enjoy!
6y ago
Prepare for a wall of text, throwing this to see what sticks, what doesn't.
As usual, the cost, speed, and other stats of suggested things can be and are up to the developer.

Bold names are whole Ideas, with underlined Names being each part of that idea if it has more than one.

More Reptilian Probes
The Reptilians, I feel, should eventually just move from slave labor to a mechanized workforce.
As a result, I'd like to suggest more types of Probes.

Ore Probe
Alt Name(s): Ore Mining Probe
Description: Those pesky Eruption Ores are no longer out of reach!

Purpose: To mine Ore deposits, main point of this though is that the Probe can move over obsidian and lava to get at ore deposits in the direct middle of lava planet eruptions.

Obsidian Probe
Alt Names(s): Obsidian Cutting Probe (Name is as such due to how Obsidian is irl "mined" and it's with cutting/scalpel and piercing tools).
Description: Clear lava fields of Obsidian with ease!

Purpose: To mine Obsidian deposits, like the Ore Probe, it's mainly more for going where bugs cannot.

Diabolic Probe
Alt Names(s): Crystalline Probe, Crystal Cutting Probe (I imagine Crystalline to be glass-like, only a bit tougher, but still capable of fracturing into shards and pointy edges.)
Description: Your bugs are doing a passable job. now do an amazing job of mining Crystalline.

Purpose: Again, mainly suggested for the hovering, but also this Probe will have a far higher carry capacity, to help accommodate for the fact that crystalline on lava planets eventually just gets out of control, or to help fill your storage even faster, depending on whatever PoV fits the reptilians best.

Aluminum Probe
Description: Harvest Aluminum in places Bugs can't go!

Purpose: Hovers, lets you harvest Aluminum after eruptions.

Gold Probe
Description: Collect that shiny, shiny gold in places too hazardous for Bugs.

Purpose: Hovers, can Harvest gold in lava fields.

Have a Probe for just basically every deposit a reptilian could ever need one for. I alos mention hovering, because it what Probes look like they do, even if they're probly more just flying. Probes can't do insectoid operations, however.

Faster Probes
Probes, IMO are too slow. I feel it should have the advantage of Pavement speed boosts, only all the time, since they fly. I'd like their main purpose to be an almost total replacement of your workforce for more efficient and better units. But in this process, they'd lose all bonuses for paths, save for...

Gravity-Controlled Lanes
I'd also like a special type of path that only works with probes and other Hover/Flying units, but doubles their speed, or something close to it, and infact works as an obstacle for anything that can't fly or hover, by reducing speed by just as much, with a max decrease in speed resulting in a total of 0.2 units of speed. but that's more just for consideration than a real wishlist item.
For visuals, it'd look like a purple tile with a blue glow coming off it. For stats, I figure it'd take like 50 power a piece, and would give off alot of light too. Or not.

Purpose: Literally just a 2x2 version of the Microcondenser, only far more powerful for water production, for those colonies that might one day just be building microcondensers like they're nothing.

Gold/Aluminum Grow Bed
Description: With the power of overpowered Science, placing ore, water, crystalline, and gold, somehow creates... more gold, but also aluminum!
Purpose: A combo of a gold Grower and an Aluminum Grower, but now it's either 2x2, or 3x3.

Water Pools resist Eruptions

I don't mean it'll STOP them, but it makes it less likely that an eruption happens within 8 tiles but only in locations where there's 3 tiles of water all around one tile of water.
If an eruption cannot happen because Water Pools are all blocking it from happening, the Eruption happens where the least water pools are located, the blocking effect is ignored.

Water Pools and Lava will constantly clash if directly next to one another and both are filled enough to visibly touch, reducing lava count, but also eventually destroying water pools to create obsidian.

Lava Repulsion Matrix
Description: After spending so long on such a hostile environment, robotics-enhanced and enslaved insectoids have finally created something to repel lava!

Purpose: Literally does what it says, repels lava, forcing it away rather quickly, but costing stupid amounts of energy, and it's 3x3, but has excessive range.
Or, dev, you can imagine it's a "build One" type of deal with less power usage. Sort of like a Capitol in a United Earth Colony, only it's not the government building.
Works on eruptions as well, preventing them within a smaller range.
Very Expensive though compared to everything else, and requires a large workforce, I'm thinking, someplace in the 1K-10K range of Workers.

Hell, it could be 5x5 and probly still be worth it imo, it'd be like a Wonder, takes ridiculous amounts of stuff to make, but gives you really good benefits.

Incomplete Artificial Planet
Difficulty: A Literal Nightmare.
Description: You know nothing of Difficulty.

Resources: Steel Mounds, Aluminum Piles, Circuit Cases.
Obstacles: Pits, 0 Starting Atmosphere, and a constant reduction of Atmosphere of 1 Billion/Million per second, Very little starting resources on even Abundant settings.

Factions: Only Reptilians, OR, a purely mechanical new faction later down the road (if that'll ever happen.) I'm thinking... some kind of race that salvages other tech and canonically feared by all, even the Reptilians, due to how they literally cannibalize technology and only live in ship graveyards, or remnants of gigantic space husks of abandoned super-projects.
This faction, in my mind, would be sorta like raggedy metal robot zombies, like maybe destroyed or malfunctioning robots possessed by souls of various other factions? Could even be a horrifying remnant of the "Aliens" faction referenced by alot of United Earth and LIS buildings.
The starting unit would probably fly, with all early and even mid-game buildings looking sort of crappy and disheveled, with the motto "It just works" behind all art design, until the late-game structures which look pristine and VERY chunky/tough.

Rundown: This planet can only gain deposits from meteors landing at purely random locations, with no real discrimination when it comes to map edges, meaning corners aren't safe, unlike in Lava Planets.
Everytime a Meteor lands, it creates pit randomly, but where it doesn't, it creates various metal-based deposits and purely at random. Sometimes none is created, and alot of Pit tiles are placed instead.
A Pit is a useless tile that represents that there's literally nothing there but darkness and space. it can be replaced, but the tile to do so is very expensive.

However, wreckages could also crash into the map, creating either absurd amounts of material of only durable goods and nothing raw beyond Oil, but having a massive range to the affected area, if anything, make it so it's always blobby-in shape for spawned material piles.

Pits would spawn like massive rivers to begin with.

The Size of the map as it currently is, will increase the likelihood of meteors or wreckages smacking into the map area. Reason I don't say wreckages wouldn't make pits, is because something like the framework for a planet to give it it's gravity, a ship or even station wreck crashing into it, would stick into said framework, since said framework has to be MILES in depth.
But the Pits spawn semi-frequently, but become way more common as you increase past say... a Small map size. Pits will spawn even MORE excessively if you expand the map border.

If it was possible, I'd have an ability for the base tile type to be changed, as if making a path, but without actually blocking building upon it. Purpose of this would be to make it so that you can repair the framework, complete the artificial planet, and then just create a death planet or something, I dunno, while more complete tile types would result in both faster movement speed, building ontop of them, AND resistance to pits forming to replace said tiles.

Forgot to mention, this planet will occasionally be hit by Asteroids, which will create Lava, that after a while, create pits, unless Water pools, at that point do as I suggest, and create obsidian at the expense of sacrificing lava tiles. Asteroids will create stupid large holes of pits, but they are VERY rare, with all sorts of materials forming a wall around said holes.

Strategy: The whole map would be about placing structures at random and scattered all over, while hoarding stupid amounts of resources as all kinds crash about, with really no real sort of safe areas coming along until far in the tech tree.

Purpose: For the Ultimate Difficulty. The place would look like the framework for a low-class artificial planet left to collect dust in space, but has since drifted to the very tips of the galaxy, or even universe, which is why Pits are a solid black color.
It's to test if someone can truly move on their toes and adapt to any situation. And to also make the stubborn and masochistic suffer. >:D

Note: If this does get added to a secret list of "Things I'd love to add" then I promise, I will contribute to most if not all of the art assets, you just worry about the actual operation of the thing. :3

Upgrade Menu
A button in the bottom left of the screen, always there, but not always filled via the menu that comes up if you click on it.

It's a scroll menu, with a bar ofcourse, and it only displays in each item the [Original Building] with an arrow next to it pointing to the [Upgraded Building] and a Button next to that for Upgrade One, with the resources indicated near or on/under said button, black text being that it's all good, you can upgrade fully, and easily, and red text indicating that you can't upgrade it fully
One more button next to that, the same thing, but for Upgrade All.

Purpose of this is to allow players a way of easily viewing upgrades they have tech-access to. This includes buildings they have no resources for.

You can start the upgrade building process even with not enough resources, but a dialog could warn you that it's a bad idea if the building is crucial and you can live without it until construction is done.

Allow construction of a building without the needed resources
I never got why I can't do this tbh, I can queue up more than I can build, if I have the resources to build only one of say... vehicles, workers, or buildings.

Multiple Levels for Reptilian Government Building
I forgot the name, Sorry ^^;

Uses for Lava
This isn't even an idea to only pertain to Reptilians, I feel any that have access to the Lava World relate to this.
I think beyond waiting for it to cool into obsidian, you could use it in the late-game to collect as a resource and convert it into other resources you can't get in a Lava World, but with a ratio of at least or at most 1,000:1 of Lava into any resource not mined on Lava Planets.

Lock Obsidiobugs behind Lava World Start tech
You can't get Lava in an Ice or Desert World.

Lava Worlds can't change Atmosphere
It's not possible to reduce it visually below 500 Million, since you don't need alot of condensers, at least not atm, but with eruptions going off basically all the time, this would make sense. This way, you also don't need to balance consumption of atmosphere of Lava Worlds for new buildings, although you'd have to take Desert worlds into consideration, unless Lava Worlds got their own specialized, more unhinged condensers past the Microcondenser if that is ever a thing.

Replace Landing Pod with Surface Habitat Vessel with Human factions on inhospitable worlds. If Humans will ever get that kind of treatment to be allowed onto Ice and Lava Worlds, this is maybe how you could do it.

That's all the ideas I can both remember, and think of at the moment. Enjoying the game even still, not been too active on here, mainly due to being a tiny bit busy/distracted.
6y ago
After taking a month off for summer travels (and sickness 🤢), I am pleased to announce that the finishing touches are being put on My Colony v0.90.0, which should be hitting all platforms within the coming days! This is a larger update in terms of scale and scope, and contains content, bug fixes, and features. So, what's new? Let's find out!

First, as always, all of the bugs that had been reported through the various app store reporting consoles have been addressed. This mainly encompass hard crashes or syntax errors, which are the types of bugs that get reported to the app stores. So if you were experiencing force close issues, they might be better with this update (although, force closures have been a bit more rare lately).

Next up, I hadn't realized that the Texture Mod feature has been broken for a few updates, since I don't use texture mods myself. Even though there was a thread in the forum prominently saying that the feature was broken 😳. Regardless, texture mods are now working again!

While fixing the texture mod code, I realized that the in-game texture mod browser is in dire need of a UI upgrade, so this has been added to the to-do list. Ideally, I want the in-game texture mod browser to have screenshots, a better description of the mod, and probably ratings and comments.

The next feature I added is available only to Desktop (Win/Mac/Linux) and Windows 10 (store) users, and allows you to change the location that My Colony uses to save data. This new setting is found at the bottom of the Game Data menu.

As the screenshot indicates, this does not move your current saved games, it only changes the game data folder. If you are on the desktop client (or the Ape Apps Launcher), you can move your old saves manually (they are found in your user Documents folder), but on Windows 10 Store installs, this is not possible due to the sandboxed nature of Windows Store apps. If you have cloud sync turned on, you shouldn't have to move anything manually. Unless you know what you are doing, then I do not suggest using this feature, but it is there for those who want it.

For this release, the sort order of the build categories in the sidebar has been changed. They now appear in alphabetical order.

It was always sort of annoying trying to find a specific category, so now that they are sorted properly, it should be easier to find what you are looking for.

I have also added two new keyboard shortcuts to the game with this update, Show Resources Screen (r) and Search Resources (ctrl+r), both of which can be customized in the Engine Settings menu. The Show Resources shortcut brings up the standard Resources statistics screen., whereas the Search Resources shortcut brings up a new popup search bar that lets you type in the name of a resource in an auto-completing form and load the stats window for that resource directly.

The Search Resource function is only moderately helpful at the moment, but to go along with it, I plan a revamp of the resource stat window in the not-too-distant future, where you will be able to launch functions right from the resource stat window, such as trading and gifting.

I made some minor balance adjustments with this update for existing structures. The Zolarg Unholy Core Mine no longer requires the Mysticism tech to build, since Mysticism requires independence, and the Unholy Core Mine is the only way Zolarg can currently get several resources. The Ancient Alien Microchip Factory now requires Gold as an input (a previous oversight). The two tall Residential Towers can now be flipped.

And now for the new content, this update adds 1 new Utility, 1 new Tech, 1 new Resource, and 17 new structures! The majority of the content additions come from the IT Industries Suggestion by @Wadaling , and represent Part 1 of the IT Content Updates.

When I first started coding My Colony in 2016, I actually built it with the ability to have multiple utilities, but I had never tested the functionality out, so I had no idea if it actually worked. When I saw the IT Industries suggestion in the forum, I figured it would be a good time to just see how much work would be required to add a second utility to the game, so I went ahead and added Bandwidth as a new utility alongside Power. Turns out that the old utility code from several years ago handled the new utility flawlessly (so far as I can tell), and virtually no coding changes were required in order to add Bandwidth to the game. Success!

The Bandwidth utility refers to data/network bandwidth, and is generated by the Small Server Building for Humans, the Slab of Processing for Zolarg, and the High Frequency Node for Alpha Draconians.

To go along with the new utility, there are new IT related structures (and a new Information Technology build category) for each race, although most are early/mid-game Human structures at the moment. The next updates will build out the tree for the other races and add later game content as well. All told, here is a color coded list of the new structures, with Black representing Human content, Red for LIS only content, Orange for Zolarg content, and Purple for Alpha Draconian content.
  • Small Server Building
  • Cybercoin Mine
  • Small Server Farm Operation
  • Galactic Stock Exchange
  • Data Interceptor
  • Small Software Studio
  • NetSchool
  • Advanced Small Research Lab
  • Tech Office Building
  • Arcade Center
  • Colonimulation Hub
  • Integrated Civic Center
  • High Frequency Node
  • Deep Space Interceptor
  • Slab of Processing
  • Circuit Foundry
  • Interstellar Pad of Thought
I am not going to go over what everything does since that will take forever and you can just try the content out for yourself, but I do want to highlight a few things here.

Obviously, the new Small Software Studio is used for generating the new Software resource, which will be hitting the GBT in the next update to the game (v0.91.0). Most of the new structures require Software in one way or another as well.

One of the more important structures for the Zolarg is the Interstellar Pad of Thought, which now allows the Zolarg to generate a bit of Antaura without having independence. There were previously a ton of structures for Zolarg that were only available for independent colonies, and I want to start allowing subcolonies to have these structures too, to encourage being a part of a commonwealth. And with the new Circuit Foundry, Zolarg can now build Microchips also.

The Advanced Small Research Lab and the Integrated Civic Center offer modest upgrades to the existing Small Research Lab and Civic Center, two structures which have long had requests for upgrades. Most of the other new buildings generate large amounts of cash in exchange for Software and Bandwidth.

I think there is a lot of opportunity here to go back and add Bandwidth and Software requirements to existing buildings, ones that are clearly tech related. Over the next few updates, I plan on making these changes, but it will have to be done slowly, with a few buildings at a time. I don't want somebody to log in and have their entire colony go down because they are out of Bandwidth! So be sure to start building up your networking infrastructure!

There is probably more I can say about v0.90.0, but I grow tired of typing, lol. The v0.9x series of My Colony updates is going to feature heavy on new content, and most if it is going to be coming from the Game Ideas, Suggestions, and Feedback forum, since there is currently a lot of good stuff in there. The next update will be Part 2 of the IT update, and will probably be mostly Zolarg and Alpha Draconian. Then there will probably be a Part 3 to top it off. I will also make engine improvements and feature additions with each release, but I am not going to do any major rewrite of a core game component as I was frequently doing with the v0.8x series. I am in a content adding mood.

After v0.99.0 is done, I am going to increment the game to v1.0.0 instead of to v0.100.0. This doesn't really change anything in the way I will work on the game, it just seems stupid to have so many releases of the game without actually calling it v1.0.

So that's all for this update! It should be live on the Web and on the Ape Apps Launcher right now, and will be hitting the other platforms as soon as it is approved by the various app stores. So thanks for playing, thanks for the feedback and support, and stay tuned for more!
4y ago
Or.. Player will need to setup different building with mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, agronomists, engineers ecc labs.

Instead the classic tech tree (like in my colony), player won't be able to select a specific tech (maybe only in advanced game stage), if a player have only chemist labs, will only unlock research related to chemistry.

So.. in late game, when we will have a new tech, bast will able to add a new scientist (es. expert in dark mater), everybody will start to research the new tech in a more homogeneous way, without having players with trillion research points, and others with a few million.
3y ago
bastecklein said:Yes GeneralWadaling this is very similar to what I had in mind.
Do you think all of the heatmaps should be available right from the start, or are they unlocked with different tech? Or perhaps you build a specific building, which can then detect the underground resources available within a certain radius? That might be a good idea too.

With different tech, I guess?
Since you don't need all of the resource heatmaps at the beginning, particularly the alien tech resource heatmap.
With exception of mineral and water heatmap, they are needed since the beginning.
If it is building based, it only differs by players need to build the sensor to discover the resource, the sensor facility still unlocked by tech.

And about the mineral vein sensors... I am actually not certain about that, logically I suppose the planet for colonization have been surveyed before establishing the colony. Yet, of course, sensors are very useful for finding extra mineral sources, and especially alien tech resources that surveys won't usually look into...

Probably some minor ideas.

Advanced power building
We can think about get hands on some advanced power building, which provides more power on its own, but also relatively more expensive (but with better cost efficiency by per unit of power basis), takes longer to build and possibly takes up more space.
Strategically as cost effective way to largely expand power production, but should pay attention protecting it as losing one will be more likely to put your base in low power.
Prerequisite: Tier 2 tech building

Tier 3 tech
Strategically tier 3 tech escalates battle to higher level which provides tools of warfare that is likely to be decisive to battle outcome.
But since tech lab is already taken as tier 2 tech building....... I guess the buildings can be about higher command authorization of strategic weapons, and of course superweapons.
Such as:
United Earth can have Command Bunker, a building that houses higher rank field officers to authorize the use of advanced strategic weapons.
League of Independent States can have something like Operations Center, a fortified command post that coordinates the use of advanced tactics and war assets.

Splash damage
Something I'd like to ask for.
Most units in the game still deals damage to single target only.
But here I'm not asking for big explosion across multiple tiles, we can start with splash damage effect that damages units in the same single tile.
You know children? Yes, those gremlins that take up worker housing early game. Well, I got an extensive idea on how to solve that (The first tech for it being right after colonial finance, so that it comes into effect right when it is needed). I call it: Childcare! These techs and buildings were inspired by another suggestion for eldercare.


Basic Daycares

Prequisite Techs: Basic Education, Colonial Finance

Tech Cost: 150 research

Desc: Colonial Analysis has predicted a massive baby boom! Prepare for it by building Daycares for children!

Needed by: Small Daycare, Children's Home, Large Daycare, Children's Arcology, Child Insurance

Child Insurance

Prequisite Techs: Basic Daycares, Colonial Civics, Advanced Nuclear Physics

Tech Cost: 2k research, 100 civics

Desc: Now that you got Childcare, it is time to make a profit off of it!

Needed by: Small Child Insurance Agency, Large Child Insurance Agency, Child Repossesion Agency

Child Protection

Prequisite Techs: Galactic Governance, Basic Daycares

Tech Cost: 16k research, 500 civics

Desc: Let's face it: there are terrible people around. We need an agency to keep these terrible people away from children!

Needed by: GBCS Colonial Office, GBCS National Office, GBCS Imperial Office

Child Labor

Prequisite Techs: Child Protection, Child Insurance, Self-Governance, Ancient Alien Manufacturing

Tech Cost: 100k research, 5k civics

Desc: With the recent boom in industry, we need all hands on deck! Luckily, with a few law changes, we can raise or lower the minimum working age at our whim!

Needed by: Department of Child Labor, Child Workplace Insurance Agency, Department of Bribing GBCS to Turn a Blind Eye Towards Our Use of Child Labor


Small Daycare


Built by: Builder Bot

Cost: 1k ore, 50 steel

3 Power

Jobs: 1 [Teacher]

Child Capacity: 20

Desc: This Daycare will hold children inside, leaving housing room for workers!

Tax Value: $1

Large Daycare


Built by: Megabot, Megabot Deluxe

Cost: 5.5k ore, 3k steel, 1.6k gold, 50 microchip

30 Power

Jobs: 15 [Teacher]

Child Capacity: 120

Desc: Cram large amounts of children in one area, leaving the other cramped housing free for workers!

Tax Value: $15

Small Child Insurance Agency


Built by: Adv. Builder Bot

Cost: 10k ore, 1.5k steel, 10 microchip, 15 software

15 Power, 10 Bandwidth

Jobs: 20 [White Collar]

Desc: Children are the darndest little things, getting into all sorts of trouble. They surely need insurance to make sure that nothing happens to them... Right?


Money × 50 (4000 ticks [1000 ticks fully employed])

Tax Value: $30

Child Repossesion Agency


Built by: Megabot, Megabot Deluxe

Cost: 15k ore, 5k steel, 3k gold, 200 aluminum, 50 microchip, 50 software

45 Power, 20 Bandwidth

Jobs: 30 [White Collar]

Child Capacity: 360

Desc: When parents do not pay their child insurance, they surely do not care about their children. Those poor tots must be repossesed and put into more caring hands...

Tax Value: $40

The rest of the buildings are up to you, Bast.
I really like this idea. Have you tried posting your idea in the Game Idea's, Suggestions, and Feedback sub-forum?

I would find it extremely useful to have an in game tech tree. The keyboard mapping shows T as the default key for a tech tree but I have never been able to get it to work.
6y ago
Heya Bast,

Mind updating the tech tree on the My Colony Reference page?
It' s missing various technologies.
5y ago
Honestly, I think everything even's out in the end. in order for an investment bank to be a good investment, your colony has to be advanced enough to provide the amounts of resources needed to build them en mass. But if you have a smaller colony, they are a bad investment. For smaller colonies, the conference call is a better investment until they become more advanced and increase their production.

So whether a certain building is a good or bad investment is directly related to the colonies size and progress through the tech tree. At certain points through the tech tree, certain buildings that were once unreachable become barely buildable, and then eventually easily buildable, but eventually those same buildings become too "cheap" or obsolete for your needs. For example, you wouldn't consider the gold mint a good investment if you are able to build a hall of congress in under a day, but neither would you consider the hall of congress a good investment of you can barely build one investment bank.
5y ago
I have researched ancient alien language as zolarg but haven't seen any changes at all to my building queue. I have unholy buildings, wheelmakers lodges with mechs, and all other builders as well as a few of all of the resources in the game. according to the tech tree, I should be able to build/ research alien buildings now too. help!
5y ago
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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