Search - my land

Suggestion for my land:

We need new animals and new uses for animals.
Game mechanics:
Zoology value: Similar to attraction value, will attract people to your land as visitors. Independent from the attraction value.
Max Visitors: Will be doubled, and the 120 new ones will be for zoology not for attraction.
Carnivorous Animals: Will eat other animals, increasing in value by 10% of that animal's value. Can also eat from a meat trough.
Scavenger Animals: Will also eat carcasses and eggs, gaining 20% of eggs value or 1 value per carcass.
Omnivores: Work as carnivorous and also as normal animals. Can be scavengers as well.
Normal animals will eat crops.

Duck: Similar to chicken. Lays duck eggs worth $5 each and will increase land zoology value a little. Can go through water as if it was land.
Wild Boar: Similar to a pig. Will increase land zoology value a little more than the duck.
Ostrich: Similar to a lamb, but will lay eggs worth $50 each. Increases land zoology value a fair amount, and also land attraction value a little. Also has a higher max value.
Elephant: Like a cow, but even more massive. Will eat either acacia or palm trees, but acacia will poison them and remove value instead of adding. Will eat normal crops, as well as apples and figs. Increases land zoology value by an insane amount, as well as add a high amount of attraction value. Costs $25,000 and max value is $50,000. It will destroy nearby fences and evergreens, so requires reinforced fence to contain.
Lion: Similar to the cow, but carnivorous. Will increase the land zoology value by an insane amount. It will destroy nearby fences, so requires reinforced fence to contain.
Wolf: Like the chicken but carnivorous and scavenging. Will increase the land zoology value by a fair amount.
Horse: Works like a cow, but with lower max value. Can be ridden by visitors if near stables. Will increase land zoology a little and land attraction a little.
Bear: Works like a wolf, but is omnivorous instead of carnivorous and has a higher value. Increases land zoology value by a fair amount.
Fish: Can only be placed in water and dies if out of water. Works like a chicken but increases land zoology value, and has a max value of $50.
Acacia: Works like evergreen.
Palm: Works like evergreen.
Fig: Works like apple tree.
Berry bush: Similar to hops.
Meat Trough: Similar to pig feeder, fills with meat.
Safari Center: Works like pizza place, but will make more money with more animals next to it.
Stables:Works like pizza place and if there are horses nearby puts people on them for a price.
Corn Maze: Like the hedge but will grow corn that can be harvested, at double the time normal corn grows.
Berry maze: Like corn maze but with berries.
Butcher: Will kill nearby animals and turn them into meat if the population is high. Look at my machines suggestions. The meat will be able to fill meat troughs.
Sand: Works like cut grass, but will not grow or spread. Nice decoration block, slighly increases land value.
Yellow sand: Yellow version of sand.
Red sand: Red version of sand.
Reinforced Fence: A fence but made of metal. Costs $10.
5y ago
My Land v1.21.0 will soon be making it's way to all platforms. This update includes several under-the-hood changes that make modifications to your game file, necessary to support the upcoming My Land 2.0 update, which will be significant in scope.

This update also adds My Tokens integration into My Land!

If you play My Land while signed in to your Ape Apps Account, Tokens that other users have made and set to 'Roaming' will now appear as visitors to your Land. Right now, this is only a visual enhancement, but coming with the 2.0 update, Tokens will play a larger role in My Land, for both the My Land player, and for the owner of the roaming Token.

If you would like to see your own characters show up in the game, make sure to sign in to My Tokens using your Ape Apps Account, create some new Tokens, and make sure to check the Roaming checkbox.

Your account will eventually be rewarded based on how many times your Tokens appear in other peoples games, and there is no limit to how many you can make. You can find download options for My Tokens at the following website:

As I mentioned before, the next update for My Land will be the 2.0 release, and will feature many exciting changes, including many new objects to build on your land, the ability to hire visitors as workers on your property, the ability to influence the county elections to alter your land value and tax rates, and an element of local multiplayer with nearby devices. So stay tuned, there is a lot more My Land action to come!
6y ago
I am considering changes/enhancements to the My Colony 2 engine to be able to handle/support builder type games that are slightly more simplistic. I am thinking of making a sequel to My Land using the Scroll3D rendering engine, but I was thinking that maybe instead of rewriting the entire game logic engine from scratch, I could make a few changes/additions to the modding tools of My Colony 2 to allow for easily creating My Land style builder games as well.

These improvements could unlock the ability for modders to create even more types of games in the future using the MC2 engine.

Changes I am thinking of implementing to the engine in order to facilitate a My Land 2 game. This is more of a checklist for me so that I remember what I need to implement, but this thread can also be used for ideas/suggestions of things that can be added to the engine to either improve MC2 itself, or to help mod creators:

A toggle/option in the game Meta object to allow for instant building, ie just click on an option from the build menu and then place it, no rovers/builders required. This same feature could be utilized for creating RTS type games with the engine, such as a Colony Wars 2 someday.

Spreadable map resources. This is already there in MC1, where resources such as trees and crystalline will spread over time. My Land needs this for grass and other terrain items spreading, and it could probably be used in MC2 as well.

This has already been a requested addition for MC2 anyway, but basic Terrain Modification, such as changing the elevation at specific areas, might be desired. For instance, in My Land you can build irrigation ditches to water your crops. So this ability would be necessary in the engine.

Of course, for a farming game, the engine needs to support Wildlife. My Land has chickens, cows, pigs, sheep, etc. The MC2 engine will need to support basic animals running around. It could be cool for the game in general, some worlds could have native animals that could be utilized for certain things.

For a My Land game, the engine will also need "morphing" terrain objects. For example, a tree sapling object, that "grows" or morphs into a young tree after a certain amount of in-game time, which in turn can morph into a full grown tree.

A Click/Tap to Harvest option will need to be available to terrain objects to allow resources to be collected without a rover.

The engine will also need collectable objects, such as the eggs that a chicken can lay. Animals should be able to spawn objects on occasion. An Apple tree can spawn apples, etc. A collectable object system could be expanded well beyond the needs of a My Land type game. You could even envision it leading to an RPG type game using the player perspective mode of the game. There are a lot of possibilities here.

Connecting structures will be needed. By this, I am talking of a fence like structure, where there are multiple .vpp (voxel) models assigned to be able to make a connection. There shouldn't be too many different models required, since a 3d object can be rotated as needed. Basically, a straight fence, a 90 degree corner, a three way, and a four way connection I think should cover all scenarios, unless I am missing something.

So these are the additions to the engine that I can think of off of the top of my head which will be needed in order to create a My Land sequel using the My Colony 2 engine. I think adding this stuff will also improve the base MC2 game, as well as unlocking completely new styles of mods that can be made using the engine!
2y ago
I am currently putting the finishing touches on My Land v1.26.0, and it should be hitting all platforms within the next couple of days. This update is not necessarily large in terms of new content, but it includes a major conceptual change that will allow the game to move forward over the next coming updates. Also, thanks to the persistence of @DKMK100 , I will be moving My Land up to a more rapid and regular release schedule, closer to the pace of My Colony, while I ramp up the content and add exciting new features to the game engine. So, what has changed in this release? Let's take a look!

For starters, one of the main things that has held My Land back was the fact that the game had only one real resource, money. There were a lot of things I wanted to do in the game, like combine the crops you harvest into other things for instance, but I was unable to since the engine was limited to only one resource type and it was going to be a slight undertaking to change that.

Well, for this update I decided to finally change it, and the game now supports more resources than just Money! In order to accommodate this change, I also introduced the new concept of resource storage to the game, which is indicated by a new HUD meter at the top of the screen.

All resources share the same general storage pool, since I don't want the game to become quite as complicated as My Colony/Antiquitas. You start the game out with 0 storage capacity, and you increase your capacity by building one of this updates' new structures, Silos.

If you have free storage space in your Silos, produce that you harvest will be sent to the silo. Otherwise, it will immediately sell for money like it always has. To indicate this new behavior change, crops that are ready to harvest now show a Scythe icon instead of the previous "bouncing dollar" icon. To manage your storage, there is a new Storage item in the main slide-out menu. From there, you can see everything that you have sitting in your silos, and you can sell it for money if you want. Also, now when you plant new crops, you will first use the seeds that are in your Silo before purchasing new ones for money.

Finally, this update adds one new crop, the yummy delicious Watermelon!

The best part of this update is the new game mechanics that the new storage and resource system will enable. The next thing I plan on adding is a new class of structure that will convert combinations of existing resources into new resources. For example, a mill that turns your wheat into flour, which can further lead to an oven that turns flour into bread, which can further lead to a new bakery tourist attraction. So we are really going to be entering a whole new "era" so to speak, in terms of new My Land content and capabilities. It should be exciting!

As I said before, My Land fans can thank @DKMK100 for catching me on chat and shaming me into blowing the dust off of My Land. The updates are going to be coming a lot faster now, so be on the lookout. I may try to build My Land up to the point where it can be worthy of a Steam release by this fall. For fans of the game though, rest assured that, even with all of the new content and capabilities on the way, I plan to keep the gameplay of My Land similar to how it is now, and I will not be adding a ton of complication like you would find in My Colony. So stay tuned, there is a lot more My Land to come!
5y ago
Hello commanders.

Today I would like to introduce my ideas for expanding the base, and some ideas for buildings!

For faction identifications, I’ll use colour of the text as follows:
United Earth,
League of Independent States,
Alpha Draconians,
Zolarg Empire.

Let’s begin with base expansion.
Currently the way expanding the base in v0.4.0 relies on building buildings in a dense pack (exclude the larger construction area provided by lander and naval yard).
So if we want to expand the base in a better way, we probably need something else.

Here are my ideas.
  • United Earth can still increase construction ranges by buildings, but I would like to have the range provided by buildings are larger.
  • League of Independent States requires Pioneer Rover deploy into a Pioneer Outpost to expand into other areas.
  • Alpha Draconians requires Command Node built within available areas, increasing the construction areas around the base.
  • Zolarg Empire has no restrictions of construction area. Buildings are deployed freely by various Worker Drones. For example, Aerohive Drone is deployed into a Aerohive (the Zolarg facility that produces airforce).

Next up, the buildings.
  • War Research Bureau (Tech II)
    The War Research Bureau brings blueprints and accesses to the high class weapons of UE armory.

    This UE tech building can unlock T3 contents. Model based on the Advanced Medical Research Centre.
  • Rocket Bunker (T2)
    The Rocket Bunker is equipped with rocket launchers. It’s capable responding threats from both land and air.

    It’s good against air units and decent against vehicles. However it can only target one unit at a time.
  • Land Fort (T3)
    Land Forts are heavy defense structure of United Earth. Equipped with 4 long range proton cannons it can bombard enemies in a long range.

    A very strong yet expensive land defense structure.
  • Drone Centre (T2)
    Drone Centre is a facility for building battle drones for air warfare and also the place for at most 4 drones to stand by.

    Air battle facility of UE.
  • Disruption Array (Superweapon)
    The Disruption Array is able to create a strange quantum phenomenon which will release a massive amount of energy, called the Disruption Burst.

    The primary superweapon of UE.
  • Warp Node (Superweapon)
    One of the secret dimensional weapon develoepd by United Earth, capable to teleport a small group of troops from a place to another without the need of portals.

    The support superweapon of UE.
  • Torpedo Platform (T2)
    The torpedo platform is a naval defense structure specialised for responding naval threats.

    The good news is, it can attack submerged units! Meanwhile the bad news is it’s neither anti-land nor anti-air.
  • Sensor Array (T3)
    The frequent stealth attacks launched by LIS makes anti-stealth devices a neccessity on frontlines combating LIS. Besides giving extra sight, it also detects hidden units.

    Special support structure of UE.
  • LIS Lander (Lander)
    “Time to give this piece of land a new meaning!” - LIS Lander deploying

    Resembles the UE Lander.
  • Infantry Camp (T1)
    The Infantry Camp manages both the militias and the mercenaries of LIS forces.

    Infantry training facility of LIS. Will looks like a pack of tents. Upgrading it will unlock T2 infantries.
  • Burner Generator (T1)
    The burner generator powers LIS bases by burning diesel.

    Basic power supply facility of LIS.
  • Watchtower (T1)
    These watchtowers are manned by LIS gunners. Although it’s not a very sturdy defense at all, but it has a good firing range and sight.

    Basic anti-infantry defense.
  • Garage (T1)
    The Garage produces LIS combat vehicles.

    Vehicle factory of LIS. Upgrading it will unlock T2 vehicles.
  • Hangar (T1)
    The Hanger produces LIS aircrafts needed for supporting attacks.

    Aircraft factory of LIS. Upgrading it will unlock T2 aircrafts.
  • Airfield (T1)
    An airfield can hold one LIS fighter or bomber plane.

    This is required in order to produce aircrafts other than Jetcopters if playing as LIS.
  • Drydocks (T1)
    The drydocks is needed for constructing LIS naval warfare vessels.

    Ship factory of LIS. Upgrading it unlocks T2 naval vessels.
  • Proxy Database (Tech II)
    The Proxy Database carries all protected military information of LIS. This facility is needed for producing T3 units.

    The only tech centre of LIS. Requires at least one upgraded Garage in order to build one. Unlocks T3 units like the Hacker and Solar Artillery.
  • Flak Turret (T1)
    Flak Turrets are used by LIS to combat against airforces.

    Anti-air turret of LIS.
  • Beam Tower (T3)
    The Beam Tower utilizes strong beams to destroy enemy forces effectively.

    Advanced defense of LIS.
  • Uplink Station (Superweapon)
    The uplink station calls the devasting Solar Cannon Bombardments, which a rain a rain of solar beams from the space.

    Primary superweapon of LIS.
  • Beam Projector (Superweapon)
    The Beam Projector creates a Beam Cage which will isolate the units inside the Cage from everything.

    Support superweapon of LIS.
  • Floating Bunker (T2)
    The Floating Bunker is equipped with pounder guns and anti-air flak cannon, an all-round naval defense.

    Can target an naval or land unit and an aircraft at the same time.
  • Pioneer Outpost
    This Outpost allows LIS forces to expand into further areas.

    Deployed by Pioneer Rovers. Adds a construction range around it.
  • Engineer Bay
    The engineer bay supports extra constructions of LIS bases and also provides repairs to damaged troops.

    Special support building of LIS.
  • Mother Command Module (Lander)
    MCM in short. This is the centre of a Alpha Draconian base.

    Resembles the Landers, deployed by construction probes. Upgrading this allows access to higher tier unit productions for factories within the range and new buildings.
  • Microreactor (T1)
    A tiny reactor that is powerful enough to power up common Alpha Draconian facilities.

    Basic power generator of Alpha Draconians.
  • Antanium Impactor (T1)
    Even on battlefields, this thing is still an imoortant economy building of Alpha Draconains.

    Act as a refinery.
  • Drone Pad (T1)
    Alpha Draconians warps drones to the battlefield like how they teleport drones to their colonies for resource collection.

    Infantry (drone) training centre.
  • Mecha Lab (T1)
    The place where Alpha Draconian mechas are produced for combats.

    Vehicle factory for Alpha Draconians. Also produces Draconian Orbiters (aircraft).
  • Sentry Module (T1)
    The Sentry Module deploys and resupplies guard drones which can take down enemy infantries.

    Anti-infantry and anti-air structure of Alpha Draconians. One Sentry dispatches 4 guard drones that fires rapid-fire blasters.
  • Ether Reactor (T2)
    The Ether Reactor is powered by Ether, which provides a even massie amount of energy needed by power-intensive units and buildings.

    Advanced power supply building. Strong explosion upon destruction.
  • Tesla Node (T2)
    A very power intensive defensive weapon which is lethal to almost everything.

    Advanced defense of Alpha Draconians.
  • Command Node (T1)
    The Command Node is required to expand a Draconian base.

    Provides extra construction range. Like Mother Command Module, buildings covered by the Command Node requires the Node’s upgrade to produce better units.
  • Draconian War Insitute (Tech II)
    The Draconian War Insitute provide access for Draconain commanders to the better ways of combats.

    Tech building of Alpha Draconians.
  • Electrosphere (Superweapon)
    The Electrosphere can fire a electron ball to release deadly discharges, while can also paralyse those survived and buildings.

    Primary superweapon of Alpha Draconians.
  • Nanocube (Superweapon)
    The Nanocube contains nanites which allows to put a tempoary invincible armour onto any steel (actually also works with concretes) claded objects. Anything biological will be killed as the armour coating is biologically harmful.

    Support superweapon of Alpha Draconians.
  • Shield Projector (T2)
    The shield projector provides a extra layer of defense to any Alpha Draconian base. If the shield is destroyed it’ll regenerate over time.

    Special support building of Alpha Draconians.
  • Command Post (Lander)
    The Command Post is the core in a Zolarg warfare.

    Deployed by the Queen drone, it’s same concept as the lander. However it won’t do constructions, instead it’ll create various kind of worker drones which deploys into buildings.
  • Sugar Burner
    Very ordinary power generator in any Zolarg colony and military base.

    Basic power generator of Zolarg.
  • Antanium Furnance
    Basically an ore refinery.

    Yes, an ore refinery. What else I can tell?
  • Barrack Mound (T1)
    There’s not much difference between a Barrack Mound and any ordinary mound in Zolarg Empire, except that there’s no Queen but officiers in Barrack Mounds.

    Infantry training facility of Zolarg Empire.
  • Watchtower (T1)
    Where soldier insectoids stays on duty to keep enemies away. One of them is a Rifle-bug and another being Grenadier.

    Land defense structure of Zolarg Empire.
  • Flak Bunker (T1)
    Flak bunker fires explosives mixed with ant pastes into the sky. Those aircrafts hit by these explosives not just have their hull damaged but also move slower.
  • Armourcrafts (T1)
    The craftsbugs in Armourcrafts builds crude combat vehicles for Insectoid soldiers.

    Vehicle factory of Zolarg Empire.
  • Aerohive (T1)
    The air swarms are breeded and trained here, which they are used for bombarding enemies.

    Aerohive is the airbase of Zolarg Empire, producing flying units.
  • Brood Training Centre (Tech I)
    In order to get the insectoid broods ready for field service earlier and the need for better tachics and weapons, the Brood Training Centre is needed.

    T2 Tech centre of Zolarg.
  • War College (Tech II)
    The War College provides full support to any Zolarg Commander who needs stronger powers.

    T3 Tech centre of Zolarg.
  • Boat Yard (T1)
    If you think Insectoids are afraid of the seas, then you’re wrong. They are ready to conquer the seas.

    Ship factory of Zolarg Empire.
  • Altar of Doom (Superweapon)
    The Altar of Doom is powered by the Zolarg Empire’s forbidden power - Antaura. Everyone who see it would feel like it’ll summon something that will cause a doomsday.

    Primary superweapon of Zolarg Empire.
  • The Tower of Mind (Superweapon)
    Anything that has a mind will never able to escape control from this Tower of Mind.

    Support superweapon of Zolarg Empire.
  • Shrine of Destiny (T2)
    The faith will keep your brothers going.

    Special support building of Zolarg Empire. It can boost up the training speed of units.

Hopefully you’ll like my ideas!
Hello commanders.

This post will integrate all of my previous ideas with refinement, plus some new ideas.
The ideas will be updated or added in the comments.


For the objects, the colour of the text represents the following factions.
  • United Earth (UE)
  • League of Independent States (LIS)
  • Alpha Draconians (AD)
  • Zolarg Empire (ZE)
  • Neutral

Gameplay Suggestions
  • Demolishing Buildings
    In case you don't need some of your own buildings.
  • Cancel queued productions
    In the game there's not yet any ways to cancel queue, which means inflexible financial management when you're running out of credits.
  • Area of effect damage
    You know currently we don't have a way to counter the swarming troopers besides producing lots of troopers. We need something explosive...
  • Garrisoning
    One of the classic features of C&C style RTS that will make urban warfare better!
  • Able to control buildings
    If some building is able to make research or has special actions, this is needed.
  • Make training queues building specific like in My Colony
    It is a bit difficult to manage units and unit productions if trained unit just pop up in a random barracks/factory. So I think this will make troop training process better.
  • Visible construction range
    This will help placing buildings without tapping somewhere else you cannot place building.
  • Power meter
    As the game's power mechanism is not yet complete, this is an necessary suggestion.
  • Researches
    Some research elements can change the tide of the war. This will make more amazing battles.
  • Superweapons
    Why not?

  • United Earth
    • Commonwealth Infantry (T1)
      United Earth's proud protectors of prosperity and order. These troopers are put under 3 years of various training before they come into services. With their full loyalty and strict discipline, they are one of your reliable soldiers on the battlefields.

      It is just renaming the in-game infantry.
    • Commonwealth Rocket Infantry (T1)
      Rocket Infantry Camp is one of the divisions of United Earth's military, where newbie troopers are being trained into anti-tank specialists at the battlefronts. Carrying BOAR launchers, they take out enemy vehicles and aircrafts. Best companions of infantries.

      It is just renaming the in-game rocket infantry.
    • Engineer (T2)
      Not all soldiers fight at the battlefronts. These nerdy engineers who complete their school at military universities are one of the examples. Anything about machines and computers are not a problem for these engineers, they are even able to modify alien machines.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      Can repair civilian building when garrisoned into.
    • Jetpack Infantry (T2)
      Jetpack infantries are adopted by United Earth military, due to their high mobility and aerial advantage over most units on the ground. Besides as an effective scout on battlefields with rough terrain, they can also make effective assaults on infantries.

      This thing is already in the game, but why not give them some descriptions as well.
      In addition, I want to give it a stealth detection ability.
    • Space Marines (T3)
      Elite of the elites. Space Marines Corps represents the United Earth's iron fist power, established since 2061. Entering the Space Marines Corps is definitely one of the dreams of United Earth soldiers - given the best training, able to use the high tech gadgets, paid with highest wages, and of course, chance to become hero like Sarge! Most of them are cladded with power armours, though some commandos do not to wear them.

      Tier-3 shock troopers that uses plasma guns.
    • Marines Commando (T3)
      Experienced, outstanding marines will be promoted to commandos, which they will be put into military labs to receive another 3 years of training to master various difficult skills and have some bioengineering modifications on their body. Once they have completed the course, they are SUPERSOLDIERS.

      UE commando can terminate infantries quickly with their heavy machine gun, tough as a tank, and can instantly blow up enemy buildings and vehicles using dynamites upon close contact.
    • UE Harvester (T1)
      Supply lines that are too far away from the home world are hard to maintain. In this case, local resource extraction is the mean to make supplies cheaply. That's why these mining machines get some use on the battlefields.

    • ‘Hound URV-25’ Recon Rover (T1)
      These unmanmed vehicles are not a very new stuff to military even in the year of 2051. They can be remotely controlled, which they have greatly decreased unnecessary casualties during scouting tasks. Low cost and small size is also the reason it becomes popular. Now we can even install a machine gun on it, allowing it participating in combat tasks.

      I just simply give the rover a code name. BTW @bastecklein do you plan to give it stealth detectors? :)
    • ‘Ocelot’ Light Tank (T1)
      The ‘Ocelot’ series light tank has been inside UE arsenal for more than 10 years, as one of the standardized light tank due to their balanced combat ability and a reasonable manufacturing cost.

      Code name given.
    • ‘Tigerclaw’ battle Tank (T2)
      ‘Tigerclaw’ battle tank is the bigger cousin of ‘Ocelot’ light tanks. While shares the similar chassis design, this tank is mounted with a dual 83mm gun turret, which provided the tank with better firing efficiency and firepower. There are rumours about in the first deployment of these tanks, one tank can destroy 5 enemy tanks of similar classes by average before being destroyed.

      Rename the medium tank in the game and give it a code name.
    • ‘Jaguar’ Heavy Assault Tank (T3)
      Like its code name tells, ‘Jaguar’ heavy assault tank can quickly destroy enemies with its devastating firepower. Its 134mm plasma gun can penetrate any armour, while it has a portable regenerative shield for extra protection. They are one of the backbones in most tank formations.

      Heavy tank of the
    • ‘Thunderstorm’ Missile Tank (T2)
      ‘Thunderstorm’ is the new generation of self-propelled missile launchers in UE arsenal. This mobile missile battery has two modes. Artillery mode allows it to destroy enemy from a long range. Defender mode allows it to respond to threats from the air by launching volleys of missiles.

      Depends on your needs, you can switch between two modes quickly.
    • Striker UAV (T2)
      A full development of UAV (military drones) in recent years has successfully replaced manned aircrafts, which UAV comes in with a smaller size, lighter weight, and more capabilities in ground support missions. Striker UAVs are one of the variants developed, which carries a explosive missile for hit-and-run attacks.

      Light attack aircraft. Can target both land and air.
    • Attacker UAV (T2)
      Attacker UAV specialises heavy bombardment tasks, extra plated with sturdy armour for protection. Every liberty delivery includes 3 bombs for your foes!

      Bomber craft.
    • Gunner UAV (T3)
      Gunner UAV is a hovering heavy gunship. This heavy aircraft releases pulses of plasma shots that blasts enemies into ashes, while its heavily plated armour hull can withstand lots of punishments from anti-air weapons.

      Heavy aircraft that flies and fires slowly, but with a large ammunition capacity that allows continuously bombarding the enemies using the plasma gun. The plasma gun is also anti-air.
    • ‘Angler’ Patrol Boat
      Even though not much improvements has made on these old-fashioned speedboats, they are still effective defensive recon boats in UE arsenal. It is cheap, it is nimble, and its machine gun can respond light ship attacks.

      Here also gives a code name to the in-game patrol boats.
    • ‘Grizzly’ Amphibious Transport (T1)
      Amphibious transports has its most significant importance in beachhead landings during operations in oceanic planets.

      As well, give the in-game amphibious transport a code name.
    • ‘Aegis’ Escort Ship (T2)
      The seas can be as dangerous as on the land, ships may get attacked by aircrafts and submarines. ‘Aegis’ Escort Ships are hence built to protect the shores and the seas with flak guns and torpedo launchers.

      In addition, detects submarines. The big drawback of Aegis Escort Ship is it cannot attack land units.
    • ‘Tidebreaker’ Missile Cruiser (T3)
      Traditional battleships with large caliber guns are becoming obsolete in UE arsenal and are replaced by these more lightweight but stronger missile cruisers - the new generation backbone of the navy. Besides wielding higher accuracy than cannon artilleries, it can change firing modes for different situations, either the long range mode for hitting the enemies from a safe distance, or medium range mode for heavy firepower but at a reduced distance.

      Backbone warship.
  • League of Independent States
    • Militia (T1)
      These militias composes the majority of LIS infantry divisions, comes from various colonies of LIS. Though they lack professional training like soldiers of , their devotion to free the colonies from United Earth (and other autocratic sovereigns) is irreplaceable. Their motto: ‘The blood of the martyrs will water the seedlings of freedom’.

      LIS basic infantry that uses old-fashioned rifles to fight. Cheap to train, but relatively weak on battlefields.
    • Grenadier (T1)
      Grenadiers are basically militias who utilises explosives, which their grenades are effective destroying combat vehicles and buildings.

      Anti-vehicle infantry.
    • Hacker (T2)
      Not all systems can be hacked and taken over remotely, in this situation you'll need field operations. That's what these hackers are hired for, they infiltrate a building, hack into its systems, and put it under LIS's control.

      LIS equivalent of engineer, but it cannot repair buildings.
    • Saboteur (T2)
      Disruption warfare is one of the tactics of LIS, aimed to bring down normal operations of the enemy. The saboteurs do the dirty job, they sneak into the enemy's base under the help of optical stealth generators, they can steal credits from enemy silos and refineries, they can turn down generators, facilities and even weapon systems.

      Infiltrator. Stealthed all the time. Consumed when entering enemy building.
    • Laser Trooper (T2)
      Laser is one of the affordable yet powerful choice of weapons. Under years of development, LIS is capable creating devices that launches a hypercharged beam of laser capable to cut through thick alloy composite armour, even in a long range. Leading to the birth of Laser Trooper Division, it further proven LIS has independent military capability to protect themselves, and set more colonies free from United Earth.

      Shock troopers. Has a decent reload speed. Excels taking down aircrafts and tanks.
    • Blue Cross (T3)
      Blue Cross are the elite marksman of LIS military. They hide in shadows where bare eyes cannot see. They can take down armoured Space Marines effortlessly. Even drivers inside the vehicles can be killed only using one shot.

      LIS commando unit. Stealthed if stationary. Also detects stealth. If the target is a vehicle, it may turn the vehicle into a neutral, captureable status, which a UE engineer, a LIS hacker, a Zolarg missionary or a Draconian hyjacker can capture the husk to convert it to own faction.
    • ‘Marauder’ Attack Jeep (T1)
      Attack jeeps are modified from old jeep designs, they have missile pods installed on the top. The high horsepower engines remains their high mobility. When they encounter the enemy, they'll unleash a volley of rockets, devastating enemy light vehicles and aircrafts. LIS usually utilizing it for a guerilla warfare.

      Anti-vehicle anti-air light vehicle.
    • LIS Harvester (T1)
      Though they are assembled using second handed components and husks from black markets and chop shops, they still work in the same way as it should be, which its standard can compete that of United Earth's version.

      Equivalent of UE harvesters.
    • Scorch Tank (T2)
      Even though in this era, flamethrowers are still very effective destroying fortified defenses. With the improved composition of fuel used by these Scorch Tanks, almost anything can be reduced to ashes. Burn baby burn!

      Anti-infantry anti-building tank. Clears out enemy garrisons in buildings.
    • ‘Hunter’ Cruiser Tank (T2)
      Like the code name tells, it hunts for preys. These tanks utilizes strong firepower and high mobility in most terrains to destroy enemy tanks quickly at their weak spots. Though its armour is not very reliable at all.

      Battle tank of LIS.
    • ‘Lancer’ Beam Tank (T3)
      Beam cannons on these experimental beam tanks are not ordinary as you expects, its beam can vaporise anything within seconds. The beam tank not only having a strong firepower, it can switch between modes - At mobile mode it is a strong battle tank. At deployed mode, it has doubled firepower and increased firing range.

      Heavy assault vehicle of LIS.
    • ‘Rat’ Light Self-propelled Howitzer (T2)
      Cheap-to-go artillery vehicle used by LIS for siege and fire support tasks. Though it is an artillery, it can mobilize quickly for quick response.

      LIS artillery.
    • ‘Sparrow’ Patrol Copter (T1)
      These patrol aircrafts are the eyes of LIS military in the air, they effectively searching for enemies, even those hidden in somewhere not noticed by others will not be able to escape from their sensors.

      Recon aircraft. It is armed with an anti-infantry machine gun. Detects stealth. (This aircraft does not occupy aircraft landing pads.)
    • ‘Red Hawk’ Fighter Jet (T2)
      Conventional aircraft for surface support operations and enemy aircraft interception. The coaxial machine gun and the missile pods would help them manage most enemies in the battlefields.

      All-purpose fighter jet.
    • ‘Piranha' Waterbike (T1)
      ‘Piranha’ waterbikes swifts like wind, specialised raiding enemy ships using rockets. A squad of these waterbikes can be unstoppable.

      Hit-and-run light ambush vessel.
    • ‘Salmon’ Transport Submarine (T1)
      These small submarines are specialized for crossing the seas secretly, carrying an assault team inside.

      Troops may embark on or evacuate from the submarine when the submarine is surfaced. When submerged, only anti-stealth units and torpedo weapons can detect them. Detects submarines.
    • ‘Swordfish’ Corvette (T2)
      These simple corvettes composes most of the naval forces of LIS. A pair of powerful ship gun will blast enemies into the skies.

      LIS warship.
    • ‘Stingray’ Nuclear Submarine (T3)
      As the backbone of LIS navy, these submarines has high combat capabilities. While sneaking in the seas, they sink the enemies without being noticed. When they surface, they launch volleys of missiles that bombards the enemies miles away.

      Backbone warship of LIS. Stealthed when submerged. When surfaced, the missiles can also attack air units. Detects submarines.
  • Alpha Draconians
    • Extractor Drone (T1)
      Whenever you are seeing mineral fields are disappearing in an weird way, there might be stealthed Alpha Draconian mining drones digging them. Stealth device protects extractor drone in most cases.

      Alpha Draconian harvester unit. It is rather an ‘infantry’ more than a vehicle. Detects stealth.
    • Sentry Drone (T1)
      Besides on battlefields, sentry drones can be also seen in prison camps and slave camps, or in riots. The minigun equipped on them shreds the flesh of any living things.

      Basic ‘infantry’ of Alpha Draconians.
    • Ambusher Drone (T1)
      Harnessing the powerful ion beams and being stealthed when standing by, no vehicle can stand for more than few seconds when swarmed by them.

      Anti-vehicle 'infantry’ of Alpha Draconians. Stealthed when idle.
    • Hijacker Drone (T2)
      Hijacking devices on this drone are able to take over a facility within seconds, especially useful in battlefields. It also has minimal armaments for self protection against patrols.

      Equivalent of engineers and hackers.
    • Executioner Droid (T3)
      Executioner Droids are superior combat droids that their combat capabilities can be compared to a commando, only one can be assigned to one Alpha Draconian warlord. They are also the only droids given with a personnel teleporting device, which helps them bypass the defense line safely and launch sudden attack on the enemy's weakest spot, or evade from most dangerous situations.

      The droid can teleport itself at any explored location of the map. Armed with a beam gun that continuously damages enemy.
    • Modular Combat Hovercraft (T1)
      A hovering small bunker that obtains armaments from drones that it consumes. Uses anti-infantry minigun when no drones inside.

      Each MCH can only receive one drones for armament upgrade. Recieving a Sentry will obtain a double minigun turret. Recieving an Ambusher will change the main weapon into a stronger beam gun. Recieving a Extractor will give it a stationary stealth generator. Recieving a Hijacker will obtain an EMP emitter that unmobilizes the target enemy. Drones who have entered will not return, due to components being assimilated. Amphibious.
    • Piercer Hovertank (T2)
      Piercer hovertank uses a fully flexible autocannon as a weapon with two firing modes. Tank cannon mode attacks land units, while flak mode attacks air units.

      Anti-vehicle or anti-air battle tank. Amphibious.
    • Monitor Hovertank (T3)
      A new class of artillery researched by Alpha Draconian engineers, which it is installed onto a modified, stable hovertank chassis.
    • Devastator Hovertank (T2)
      Alpha Draconians has make use of their advantage of owning major ether reservoirs, leads to this infantry devastating weapon under use, at the cost of breaking 133 galactic military regulations.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Clears out garrisons in buildings.
    • Dominator Hovermech (T3)
      Dominator Hovermech, the steel behemoth of the battlefield. Its beam-emitting eyes can stare anything to death.

      Heavy warmech.
    • Judge Gunship (T1)
      A nimble, light jet propelled gunship carrying proton launchers.

      Gunship aircraft.
    • Eliminator Saucer (T3)
      One of the ultimate destruction weapon of Alpha Draconians. The saucer unleashes a super powerful destruction beam when flies above enemies. Nothing will survive under its strong fire.

      Bomber aircraft with extremely low mobility.
  • Zolarg Empire
    • Swarmers (T1)
      Unity is the power - that's the motto of the entire Insectoid race. That is especially reflected on these swarmers, make up of various insectoid workers.

      Melee squad. Quick and cheap to train, extremely dangerous in a group, though they generally has a weak toughness
    • Rangerbug (T1)
      Insectoid militias that uses a primitive hand cannon to fight against enemies, which they are common local defense forces in Zolarg Empire.

      Ranged anti-vehicle infantry of Zolarg Empire. Can be switched to stationary mode (flak mode) that changes their attacking target from land to air.
    • Martyr (T2)
      These martyrs are suicide bombers, faithed and determined fighters of the Zolarg Empire. Fires of explosion will purify everything!

      Suicide bomber infantry. A large group can breach heavy fortifications if given appropriate support.
    • Missionary (T1)
      These religious missionaries will make way for Zolarg Empire - Influence buildings through devine powers... Somehow works.

      Equivalent of engineer, hacker and hijacker. Can heal infantries inside the same garrisoned buildings.
    • Apostle (T2)
      Apostles are usually the leaders of Zolarg militias, who ‘delivers the divine message from the Emperor’, fortifying the morale of the fellow brothers. Besides boosting morale, it also provides adequate firepower, from their heavy machine gun.

      Heavy infantry. It rides a beetle.
    • Awakened (T3)
      The insectoid warriors that have awakened their power controlling energy flow surrounding their body. They can release energy blasts from their hands, or unleash deadly melee attacks.

      Shock troopers of Zolarg Empire. Detects stealth.
    • Redeemer (T3)
      The redeemers are insectoid warriors with mastered supernatural powers. Besides able to attack like awakened, it also has a ability to brainwash a small group of enemy, permanently turning them to own side.

      Zolarg commando. Detects stealth.
    • Attack Rollercraft
      (Notes: Insectoids call wheeled vehicles ‘rollercrafts’.)
      These highly mobile attack rollers are manned with a driver and a grenadier, which explosives mixed with sticky ant paste are tossed to enemies at close range for most destructive effect.

      Anti-infantry vehicle. Can temporarily unmobilizes enemies blasted by explosives.
    • Landship (T1)
      Zolarg Landships are primitive tanks, wielding high toughness from thick armour (and a decently strong main cannon). It is also a effective infantry transport on land.

      Anti-vehicle tank. Can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Siege Landship (T2)
      A heavier version of landship. It is not just tougher, its cannon can fire more than one type of ammunition - Cannonballs focuses on countering tanks and destroying fortifications from a long distance, while napalm will set fire that scorches the infantries.

      Note that it does not do anything carrying infantries. Napalm can clear out garrisons in buildings.
    • Boarding Party (T1)
      Boarding parties of Zolarg Empire are not just terrible in the space but also equally terrible on the seas. Their ship will quickly ram onto yours and the boarding party will soon tear your ship into useless scraps.

      Navy melee ship. It is also a troop transport, can carry up to 8 infantries.
    • Ironclad (T2)
      A rather modernized warship of Zolarg Empire. Slow, but has devastating ship cannons.

      Ranged melee ship.
    • Bumblebee Squad (T2)
      A flying group of winged Insectoids, with a duty to throw bombs onto enemy army, or sometimes aircrafts.

      The only Insectoid airforce unit.

  • UAV Control Tower (UE aircraft factory) (4 aircraft capacity)
  • Experimental Tech Centre (Tier-3 tech building)
  • Flak Pillbox (UE anti-air defense)
  • Torpedo Platform (UE heavy naval defense)
  • Plasma Cannon (UE heavy defense)
  • Propaganda Centre (UE combat support/research building)
  • Space Uplink (UE superweapon)
  • LIS Command Lander (LIS command centre)
  • Encampment (LIS barracks)
  • LIS Ore Refinery
  • Burner Generator (LIS power generator)
  • Garage (LIS vehicle factory)
  • Seaport (LIS naval yard)
  • Black Market (LIS Tier-2 tech)
  • Data Bank (LIS Tier-3 tech)
  • Bunker (LIS basic land defense, garrisonable)
  • Gunner turret (LIS basic anti-infantry anti-air defense)
  • Hacker Camp (LIS combat support/research building)
  • Airfield (LIS aircraft factory) (4 aircraft slots)
  • Laser Tower (LIS heavy defense)
  • Sea Sentry (LIS naval defense gun platform)
  • Missile Silo (LIS superweapon)
  • Depot (LIS silo)
  • Microreactor (AD power generator)
  • Central Command Hub (AD command centre)
  • Drone Pad (AD barracks)
  • Raw Material Teleporter (Refinery)
  • Launcher Node (AD basic defense)
  • Offshore Launcher Node (AD naval defense)
  • Stargate (AD vehicle & aircraft factory)
  • High Frequency Node (AD Tier-2 tech)
  • Conquest Center (AD Tier-3 tech)
  • Secret Operation Centre (AD combat support/research building)
  • Stealth Field Generator (AD special defense)
  • Ether Storm Generator (AD superweapon)
  • Home Mound (ZE command centre)
  • Forge (ZE refinery)
  • Outpost Mound (ZE barracks & basic anti-infantry defense)
  • Rangerbug Burrow (ZE anti-air defense)
  • Stockpile (ZE silo)
  • Landship Workshop (ZE vehicle factory)
  • Drydocks (ZE naval yard)
  • Command Post (ZE Tier-2 tech)
  • Shrine of Destiny (ZE Tier-3 tech)
  • War Academy (ZE combat support/research building)
  • Temple of Doom (ZE superweapon)
This topic isn't meant to be a complaint, it's just my ideas of what could be done to improve on the existing planets' designs. I realize that bast isn't working very much on new content and I support that, since what he is doing now is better for the game than making new content. I just figured that I would cover all of the planets for my planet-hub topic. That way people can get my opinion of all the planets.

earthlike Planet specific ideas:

earthlike planet summary: I think that this planet is fine as it is. It's supposed to be a training planet that gives the user the perfect conditions to build a colony, so I think it should be left alone. There are some ideas that I have regarding all planets that also apply to this planet, but I don't have any ideas regarding this specific planet. I do believe that every race should have this planet type so the player can learn to play this race under the best conditions, with the exception of zolarg because they already have a world with the best conditions to grow, their just a harder species to manage overall. reptilians and LIS get the abandoned world, which is earthlike but doesn't have any ore.

Waterworld specific ideas:

Waterworld summary: This planet is really fun to play because you have to be carful how you design your colony layout. I wouldn't chancge anything about this planet and I'm not going to suggest anything because all of the ideas that I have bast is already going to implement soon. There are other ideas that pertain to all planets that apply here, but no specific ideas come to mind when thinking about this planet.

red planet specific ideas:

Red Planet Summary: I really like the simplicity of the map, and I like the laid-back feel that you get when playing it. I also like how quickly it allows you to grow your colony. There is not much more that I would like to see added to this planet aside from the general ideas that I have below that don't apply to any planet. This planet is very well-designed.

red badlands decorations: I think that the red planet map should generate decorations that resemble badlands structures, or weird rock structures that form because wind wears it down into awkward shapes. This should make the map aesthetically pleasing.

generated lake-bed rivers: per the dry lakebed tile idea below, i think that rivers of those tiles should be generated on red planet maps. This allows the red planet to become just like an earthlike planet once terraformed, with rivers that produce infinite amounts of water. It gives the map a more dynamic feel.

Dust storms: These planetwide storms can last for months and would make it more difficult to see your colony. Solar panels would stop working, but you could implement a windmil to take advantage of the storms and it would produce more during these storms than normally. You already have added the ability to block out light by subtracting alpha from an overlaying object to simulate night time. You could create another overlay object for storms and give it a reddish-tan hue. Then just add moving particle affects and wind sounds and your done. These should disappear once the planet is terraformed. There shouldn't be a damage factor to these storms as the dust is too fine to really wear anything down.

Dynamic Terraformation: I think that this planet type specifically could benefit from dynamic terraforming and should be the first to receive such a feature if added since it's one of the most played maps.

Lunar specific ideas:

Lunar Summary: Lunar world is my favorite map because you can jumpstart your colony before you even get your first immigrant. I like the fact that it's terraformable and the regolith challenge is fun as well. There are a few features that could be added to make this world more immersive though.

Jagged rock decos: Since a lunar planet has no atmosphere, it has no wind on it's surface to smooth and erode rocks, so you should see some really jagged rock formations. I think this would add some aesthetics.

craters: I think that large circular patches of darker terrain tiles should exist on the map. These terrain tiles would act the same as lakebed tiles in that they will become water tiles as atmosphere increases. Craters should be random sizes and distances between. I would even have them generate partially off of the map and across region maps to give a very appealing region view. This may might that craters could envelop most or all of some maps, and some maps might get no crater tiles at all, but that's the beauty of it. the player should also have the option to fill in a crater tile or water tile using regolith where they would otherwise use ore on other planets. The player should be able to turn regular tiles into crater tiles as well with the cost of money.

meteor showers: these showers would pummel structures below periodically. Any that land on empty tiles could generate regolith nodes and could have the chance to generate mini-craters that would fill with water upon terraforming, this is why I think we should have the ability to turn crater tiles to regular tiles, and vise versa. The damage from these meteors shouldn't be catastrophic, but it should cause some damage depending on the structure. These meteors should stop once atmosphere is above 1 mil.

Atmosphere leach: Since most planets like the moon aren't big enough to keep an atmosphere forever(there are exceptions), there should be a significant drain on atmosphere that must be compensated for. It could also be a benefit if a colony's atmosphere is too high though. A drain of 5k per minute would be a challenge at first, and you would have to beat that mark in order for condensors to operate.

Forest Planet ideas:

Forest Summary: I don't have much to say about this world, it's pretty straightforward albiet annoying at the start. Not really a big benefit to this world aside from the fact that you don't have to mess with the atmosphere at first until you get bigger. I'd honestly play abandoned before forest any day. Here are some ideas I have in mind though:

Rivers: this should be an addition. Any forest world requires lots of water in order for trees to grow.

mega trees: i think that mega-trees should generate on the map at first and begin to spread. Players could try to preserve these so that they'll have a huge supply later on. Once they they're gone, they're gone.

Asteroid planet ideas:

Asteroid summary:
I like the asteroid world. It's just like lunar, but harder since you don't have alu nodes. I used to play this world back before we had ways to get infinite diamonds. Might take a crack at it again to see how far I get. I have a few ideas regarding this world.

craters: the same concept as the lunar planet.

meteor showers: the same concept as lunar planet

Extreme atmosphere leech: asteroids are definately not large enough to keep an atmosphere for long. Because of this, they are drained by 50k per minute. 100 minutes is all it takes for an earthlike atmosphere level to drop to 0. Major benefit later in the game though when atmosphere is increased rapidly by pollution.

Awkward rotation: An asteroid has a very randomized shape in real life. it can be elongated, flat, and even spherical. Because of this, days and nights on this planet last for random times. Short nights lower colonist energy. Short days reduce happiness. long nights can increase colonist energy and long days can raise happiness. This amount increased or decreased would only apply if the length of a night or day goes past the minimum or maximum limits. if a limit is exceeded, the same amount of energy or hapiness is taken away or given, no matter how far past the limit a day or night is.

Abandoned World Ideas:

Abandoned Summary: I really like the abandoned world map, but my idea for a twilight themed abandoned world would add a mystic and ancient feel to the map. I'd like to see a much darker themed map than the light and cheery theme that it has now.

Rivers: aside form the twilight idea I would love to see rivers on this map.

Ice planet ideas:

Ice summary: I like the ice planet because it's a challenge to get through the crystalline bottleneck. I do have some ideas though:

glacial/ crystal decos: a slew of icy/crystalline decorations would look good for this planet.

unstable melting: When you heat up an ice planet, there's no telling where the oceans and rivers will form and where the actual land will be. Ice melts very unpredictably, so there should be no indication as to whether each tile is a lakebed or regular tile, but they should both still be there and have the same texture. It should be set up to where rivers will form as if randomly and instantly. This would be part of the real-life challenges of terraforming an ice planet, so would make sense here. Sometimes your colony gets destroyed just like in lava world, sometimes you get lucky.

Underwater crystal farm: This new building would need to straddle water and land and would be four-way rotatable so it can be placed in any orientation as long as the front 4 tiles are on water and the back 2 squares are on land. It is a 3x2 structure, and it consumes moderate amounts of water, crystalline, and alcohol to constantly produce large amounts of crystalline. The concept behind it is that some crystals grow faster in a water solution with the nutrients it needs to grow. Water also allows the crystals to grow much larger because gravity is much weaker in water as we all know. The fact that the structure would have to straddle land and water means that the planet will need to terraformed before a player can place on of these and get rid of their green crystals.

desert world:

desert summary: I don't have much to say about this map, haven't played reptilians that much. I do think that it could use some aesthetics though, just one flat plane of land is nothing to get all excited about. But here are some of the ideas that I have:

Yellow badlands decos: weird yellow rock forms, crackly ground, rough patches, and some shrubbery and cacti. These should randomly dot the landscape and would really up the aesthetics on this map.

Tar(oil) pits: instead of water flowing through the map, tar pits would give it a more desert feel, as you find these pits naturally in deserts. just like rivers on the earthlike planet yield infinite water, these pits should yield infinite oil. The major downfall with this benefit is that you need workers to collect the oil, and that can be pretty tedious and may slow down performance.

raise the atmosphere: Since deserts are supposed to be hot, we should raise the atmosphere to above earthlike. This also corrosponds to my thermal idea below. In addition to this, I would recommend adding a fully terraformed stage where atmosphere is reduce to between 5 mil and 15 mil. I'm not saying that deserts don't exist when atmosphere is at perfect levels because the saharrah wouldn't exist if that were true. It's just that since bast still hasn't added any thermal or moisture level factors to terraforming, I thought that lowering the atmosphere was good enough to simulate raising the moisture level and lowering thermal levels to make the planet cooler and wetter.

dry-lakebed tiles: I think that the dry lakebed tile idea would particularly help this planet as once it is terraformed from dessert to earthlike, you'll have rivers flowing through the landscape.
Sandstorms: Not to be confused with dust storms, the storms are much shorter, yet can be devastating to colonists and buildings. These storms should cause colonist sickness, slow down movement, and accelerate the decay of structures by a certain amount for the duration of the storm. Depending on the direction of the storm, walls placed on the map will block the storm from getting into your cities. It's best to surround your cities with walls so that you get as little exposure to the storms as possible, just an extra challenge. These storms should cease once atmosphere is reduced to earthlike and life is brought back to the planet.

Lava planet ideas:

lava summary: I liked this planet at one point, but I think it's rather pointless to play being that it doesn't have an end-goal and you're colony is never safe no matter how far down the atmosphere goes. My list of lava ideas on my planet hub topic should cover all of the ideas that I have for this planet, and they all still stand.

Fissure vents: These gigantic cracks in the planet spew forth ash and toxic gas into the atmosphere. Because of this, atmosphere is increased by 2 thousand atmosphere a minute, even if the atmosphere is reduced to between 5 and 15 mil, atmosphere will still pile up, requiring you to build more buildings that use up atmosphere to balance it out. The only thing that would need to be added is a passive loop that continuously counts down 60 seconds and then adds 2k to the atmosphere number value. Good luck terraforming this planet.

ideas for all existing planets:

Dry Lakebed Tiles: I've suggested this a few times, but basically dry lakebed tiles should replace water tiles in low and high atmosphere planets. These tiles can be built on, but watch out, because when atmosphere goes over 250k or falls under 30 million, these tiles will turn to water and any buildings on them will be destroyed. There should be an apparent difference in color shade or texture between regular tiles and the dry lakebed tiles. remaning Ice deposits should also turn into water deposits at the same atmosphere level.

Dynamic terraforming: I've mentioned this a couple of times too. It's simple, if atmosphere goes too low, the terraformed planet becomes barren, just as if it were a red or lunar planet; if atmosphere goes too high, then the planet becomes hotter, becoming first a dessert and then eventually a lava planet, with all the eruptions and lava spreading we know and love. . I also think that atmosphere requirements for all atmosphere stages for region games should be multiplied by the number of tiles on a region. This gives the player a longer playthrough and also encourages them to develop cities on every tile. I think that downside is worth it and it would be a fun challenge to work towards. I think that aside from the tiles changing texture, trees should generate across the map on empty space once atmosphere either rises past 5 mil or falls past 15 mil. I also think they should disappear while outside of those ranges.

Thermal factor: I feel like there should be some sort of challenge regarding keeping your colonists at a good temperature. Perhaps you could add a meter in statistics that indicates thermal level of the entire colony. Too hot or cold and your colonists will become sick and loose energy and hapiness. An earthlike planet, or any planet that's been terraformed to between 5 mil and 15 mil, will not affect the meter at least, but too much atmosphere and the meter will start to go up and too little atmosphere will start to subtract heat from the meter. You should be able to build coolers or heaters to supplement the loss or gain of temperature. Currently most planets start out at no atmosphere, which means that they will start out cold. Lava is the only planet that would add the the thermal meter at this time but I think that the desert type planet should have high atmosphere so it can add to the meter.

Regions acting as mc campaigns: Now, some people would disagree with me on this, but I think it's totally fair to call region mode and sort of "campaign mode." This is because with regions, you get a longer playthrough and it takes longer for you to develop the space given to you. I also think it's fair that region mode requires premium, as most well-developed apps offer a free trial(single map mode) and full version with campaign mode(region mode). Some of yall might disagree. but here are the main ideas that I have in mind:
- design random mandatory goals to have a chance to pop up for each tile a map occupies that grant the player money, research. civics, happiness, or other resources, kind of like quests. But these would be more like story-line quests. a medium map would contain four of these quests. These should take a decent amount of time to complete and should make the game progress slower.
- design smaller optional side-quests that pop up randomly occasionally and grant smaller bonuses.
- each tech should require a certain number of complete story-line quests before being unlocked, even if you have enough research. There would be only one quest per tile so this would encourage players to develop all the tiles to complete all of the available story quests.
-Make individual map progression depend on the completion of story quests. For instance, you can add a population cap that unlocks after the quest is complete, and for medium maps with four quests, you could increase the cap in increments to allow the player to develop further after each quest, but not indefinitely until all quests are complete.

Overall I think that these ideas for campaign mode should add a very interesting element to regions mode and would make it more worthwhile and entertaining to play and a player might be entertained for a very long time before becoming bored.

But anyway, those are my ideas. I wanted to go over each planet so that everything was covered in my planethub topic. I'll paste this link so yall can access it easily. Let me know what you think and which ideas you like/dislike.
5y ago
This post is basically like my old post(link below) but some of the ideas below were outdated and had to be refined, so here we are.

Firstly, before I present any new ideas, I want to say that I am supportive of bast's focusing on game quality over content. I also don't expect any of these ideas to just be copied and pasted into the game as is, although it would be nice. The main reason for why I create these posts full of ideas is so that bast has a lot of ideas to think about and gain inspiration from when developing his own ideas for mc. I'm going to try my best to generalize my ideas without trying to name specific buildings and units to be added, as it's bast's job to think of the specifics. Now with that out of the way, let's begin.

The rigidity of MC's atmospherics:
My colony is one of my favorite games to play, so I mean no offense in saying this, but I have to say it. My colony is very rigid when it comes to how the planets respond to terraforming. For most planets, you get from 0 to 5 mil atmosphere and then the planet is fully terraformed, and stays that way even if you run out of atmosphere or accumulate 500 mil atmosphere. There's no consequence for failing to manage the atmosphere, and the terraformation process is very short, in fact, it's so short that you can terraform the planet relatively quickly just with industry alone. You should not be able to do that, and the journey of terraforming a planet should be much much longer than it is now, especially for regions. In real life, it takes hundreds of years, an unimaginable amount of money, and countless workers to terraform a planet. While I'm not saying it should take hundreds of years to terraform a planet in mc, I do think a significantly larger amount of effort, resources, and time should be required than what is now. Also, another way that mc is rigid is that it only takes into account atmosphere when there are other factors to consider, like heat, moisture/sea level, gravity, radiation exposure, Planetary core condition, ozone level, etc. This thread will discuss all of these factors as well. Now, with all of that out of the way, let's talk about some general atmospheric dynamics.

General Dynamics:

Step one: In order to get a good start on smoothing out the rigidity of mc's atmospherics, we need to start by raising the atmosphere requirements for each atmosphere stage.This elongates the journey of terraformation. For instance, stage -2(microbial stage) could be at 1.25 mil atmosphere, stage -1(plant stage) could be at 5 mil, and stage 0(earthlike) could be at 25, so we would be making the process 5 time longer. Now some would say "but that's boring, if it lasts longer, we'd just be doing the same thing for much longer," and I would agree with you. That's why I've come up with some ideas of different features to add to each stage to make each stage feel like a giant leap for your colony, but we will talk about those later.

Step two: We need to add upper limits to each stage that must be met in order to be in that stage. The upper limit for each stage is equal to the lower limit of the stag above it. This ensures that if you drain your atmosphere, you will also digress through the stages until you eventually end up with a barren planet, no matter what planet you start on. if you have any buildings that require a certain stage greater than -3, those should deactivate once their requirements are no longer met. This is what I was talking about regarding consequences for not managing your atmosphere, but since industry always aids in increasing atmosphere, and since the stages are much further apart, it would also be 5 times easier to maintain that it currently is, and currently it's very difficult to keep atmosphere between 5-15 mil in end-game, however, keeping atmosphere between 25-75 mil is a different story.

Step three: add the upper stages. These stages determine what happens when atmosphere get's too high. Stage 1 could start at 75 mil and would cause any buildings with stage 0 requirements to shut down. Stage 2 would be at 150 mil mil and would cause any buildings that require stage -1 requirements to shut down. Stage 3 is the highest atmospheric stage and could start at 500 mil and would shut down any buildings with stage -2 requirements. So think of the stages as a bullseye, with nested rings. the closer you get to the center, the more buildings you can build and the more earthlike a planet is, but the farther away you are to each side, the more barren a planet is. So all buildings will have 1 out of the following four requirements: -3 or 3(barren stages), -2 or 2(microbial stages), -1 or 1(plant/fish stages), and 0(animal stage/earthlike). Additionally, the upper stages could add haziness in increasing density to simulate a dense atmosphere. So you could tell the difference between a barren planet with no atmosphere and a barren planet with too much atmosphere.

Step four: add in special effects. Each stage should look different that all of the others. In a way, mc already does this by changing the ground texture, but I believe that more differences should be added. For instance, the dry lake-bed terrain that I've spoke of several times could come in handy here. in stages -3 and 3, these tiles will resemble dry lakebeds, but in any other stage, these tiles turn into water. it's the same for water that is already added to some planet types, if you were to drain waterworld of its atmosphere or overload it with atmosphere, the entire map should dry up and leave you free to walk about and build where the water used to be. In stages -2 and 2, plants cannot exist, so trees would disappear and most farms would become inoperable. upon entering stage -1 or 1, trees could be generated around the map and would be left to spread around the map. That's really all that I have for this step for now, but I have an even bigger idea coming up soon.


This section discusses ways that we could implement a heat aspect to the terraformation process to make reaching an earthlike state more challenging. I'd like you to remember the bullseye example that i talked about earlier, but now instead of a 1D line, going from left to right(atmosphere), add a second line going up and down(heat). This system creates an imaginary grid that your planet's status is on. Not only can your planet be hot and high and low pressure, but it can be high heat with low pressure, or low heat with high pressure, or vice versa. This greatly increases the factor of choice when it comes to terraforming your planet. This illustration is just to show you how these two factors of terraforming can be tied together.

The combination of heat and atmosphere exponentially increase the possibilities for new planet types. There would be consequences for not maintaining heat as well, along with rewards for keeping heat and atmosphere at an optimal medium. New structures would be needed in order to manage heat levels, as well as buildings that take advantage of colder or warmer climates. In fact, heat could also be a biproduct that's released by all buildings that release atmosphere as a biproduct. This would simulate a more accurate global warming effect. As for special effects, I wouldn't go too far out, but maybe give the lighting a dark red hue that grows denser as heat increases, and a light-blue hue as heat decreases. Obviously these should have limits, or else the entire screen could turn opaque red if too much heat is gained. Maybe some black particles for ash can be seen falling on hot planets at a certain heat level, while snow, which already has its own particle effect, could fall on cold planets at a certain heat level.

If atmosphere is low, heat will slowly decrease, if atmosphere is high, heat will slowly increase.


This section talks about a sea level feature. This third element adds a 3rd dimension to the bullseye diagram, creating yet exponentially more options and outcomes. Bast can choose how to display or organize these three factors. It really doesn't matter how they are displayed, even if it's just in the form of three separate status bars, the bullseye illustration is just to show you how all three of these elements tie together

The basis for the effect that sea level has on a planet revolves around 3 additional terrain types, high ground which is mountainous territory, middle ground for hilly territory, the main mc ground that we build on now would be known as low ground, which is optimal sea level. And finally, when sea level depletes, a new lower level is revealed, called the dry lakebed level, and the water eventually disappears, leaving a ground of dried lake bed in it's place. However, if sea level grows too much, it'll become level with middle ground, then high ground, and then eventually the entire map/region will be covered in water. When water covers a level, everything on that level is utterly destroyed except for any buildings that are supposed to be in the water, and vice versa, if a water building is built on water, but then the sea level recedes, and the tile that it was built on becomes land, it will also be destroyed.

Obviously we would need buildings that can manage sea level and buildings that can take advantage of high or low sea level. If heat is low, water will become ice, if heat is high, sea level will slowly boil off and recede.


Gravity should be a less-important feature to mc, but I still think it would enhance the terraforming system. Each planet starts off with the same atmosphere, heat, and sea level depending on planet type, but regardless of planet type, gravity should be randomized upon planet generation, creating a different result for each new game. This simulates how planets can be of the same type but vary greatly in size and mass. Too much gravity reduces colonist tolerable commute distance and increases heat due to more volcanic activity, not enough gravity will lower colonist maximum health and slowly drain the atmosphere. Certain buildings cannot be built when exposed to certain gravity levels, and some end-game solutions to undesired gravity level should be available.

radiation, core condition, and ozone levels:

Radiation should be fixed in it's amount depending on the planet type. This could allow for more planet type varieties. Radiation isn't like all of the other factors; instead of there being a happy medium for radiation, no radiation is good, so in perfect conditions, a planet has no radiation. Radiation at any level will damage colonists over time. Now, there are two ways to solve the radiation proble, and both methods are naturally used on earth:

Raise ozone level: In real life, the ozone layer of our atmosphere protects us from some radiation, but not all types of radiation. Perhaps you could add buildings that consume atmosphere and other resources to produce ozone, and then the higher the ozone layer, the less radiation exposure you have.

Secondly, in real life, our molten iron core creates a magnetic field that gaurds from most kinds of radiation. You can accomplish this in mc simply by adding more buildings that benefit from the deep digging tech and consume heat and steel to increase core health. The high the core health, the lower the radiation level.

Whichever way is simplest to you. Just know that certain buildings shouldn't be available when radiation goes over certain points. higher radiation should leech away atmosphere and increase planetary heat.


This section will be more complicated than the former sections. Biospheres adds a very dynamic feature to terraforming, and this feature makes each stage of terraforming feel like it's an accomplishment. First off, let's do a quick description. Biospheres is all about living organisms and how they interact and support each other and the environment. This system would allow you to create and customize(to an extent) the appearance and abilities of the organisms and have them spread over the map. The system would have two main categories, land and sea, and would have four sub-categories under that for microbes, plants, herbivores, and carnivores. Each organism produces support for the next tier of organism based on the abilities you give it, and can also be given abilities to affect the environment in certain ways. Each creature has a maximum amount to the abilities that you can give it, and the more abilities you give to an organism, the more support it requires from organisms from the tier below. Some organisms will be hardier than others, and some will need more support than others. The support system goes like this:

Microbes don't need to rely on support and provide support for plants.
Plants need support from Microbes and provide support for herbivores.
Herbivores needs support from plants and provide support to carnivores. Carnivores need support from both herbivores and other carnivores., as their support adds to the same type as herbivores.

The way that we will apply this system to each stage will be by requiring different atmosphere, heat, and sea levels for each catagory of organism. Seeing unique looking trees and grass spreading across the map and seeing creatures roam about the land would be amazing, especially if it happened in stages.

In stage -3 and 3, the planet is barren, but in stage -2 and 2, you can start utilizing microbes to produce many different resources and terraform, and in stages -1 and 1 you can start using plants, which opens up many different possibilities for resource production, since you should be able to farm your own custom plants for different resources. Then in stage 0, you gain access to animals, which you should be able to farm your own unique animals for different resources.

each organism, whether on land or in the sea, needs to be maintained. You must have enough land slots in order to create a new land organism, and the same applies to sea organisms and slots. Slots are given by structures that maintain the organisms, and more advanced structures have more slots. This prevents a player from easily amassing creatures that can quickly produce a certain resource or terraform the planet quickly. Each organism also has a health percentage that determines how well it's species is doing. If the percentage reaches 0, the species goes extinct and it's slot is freed up for another organism, but the higher the health percentage, the more support a species produces, the more effective you can be at exploiting it for resources, and the more effect it has on the planet. The health percentage has no upper limit, but it depends on how much support it has and how suitable the environment is for it.

Hopefully I've described this system well, but i believe that this system can bring life to mc and make it a more dynamic game and should increase it's value as a game.


To wrap this up, I think we all have witnessed how rigid mc's terraforming system is and I think that these ideas would expand the possibilities for more planet types and would make the game more of a journey to terraform than just a waiting game. I hope everyone else feels the same, but once again, I don't put these ideas out there just for people to agree with me or for every detail to be copied and pasted into the game, I do it to provide ideas for bast to think about when he runs out of them.
5y ago
This post is a collection of a lot of ideas and features I think need to be added. Some of these have been requested by other people but I am putting it all in a big collection and explaining how it would work together. I will be working on this post for a few days so expect to see edits adding new ideas. I will make the textures, with help from a friend, if this post becomes popular enough. Considering the amount of ideas here, this will take a while. I understand all this could be an unrealistic amount of additions but I am doing my best to make it reuse all of the existing code to the fullest. Thank you for still reading, a lot of people would have left by now!.

Please tell me what you think of all my ideas!

The first part of my ideas is a new planet type: Geyser World. I already made a post on it but I will go more in depth here:
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-Lunar Rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-Lunar Rover
Non-Buildable Buildings:
Small Water Pump
Small Solar Panel
Starting Atmosphere: 10 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 7)
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Steam Vents(around 10)
Rock Fissures(around 20)

New Resources (items):
-Boiling Water: Looks a lot like water
-Mineral Water: Looks like water but with little spots in it.

New Vehicles:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects boiling water from boiling water deposits.
Cost: ore: 100 steel: 2 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.

-Treated Waterbot:
-Heat Resistant Waterbot: Collects mineral water from mineral water deposits.
Cost: ore: 1000 steel: 20 wheel: 6
Tech Required:Basic Mineral Resistance.

New Tech:
-Basic Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 20 steel
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Unlocks: Tiny Mineral Extractor

-Mineral Resistance:
Cost: 25 research
Prerequisites: Basic Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Small Mineral Extractor

Cost: 500 research
Prerequisites: Geyser World Base, Human Base, Mineral Resistance
Unlocks: Thermoelectric Generator, Advanced Water Condenser

New Resource tiles:
-Steam Vent(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground, has a puff of steam coming out. Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.
-Rock Fissure(1x1): Just a tile that exists. Looks like a crack in the ground with obsidian inside Counts as another kind of terrain, kind of like salt water or lava. Damages rovers and buildings nearby, similar to lava. Will not spread. Contains no resources.

New Buildings:
-Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Twice as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel, 1 gold
Built By: Builder Bot
Upgrades to: Advanced Water Condenser

-Tiny Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 2
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost: 200 ore, 200 regolith
Upgrades to: thermoelectric generator

-Thermoelectric Generator(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Generated: 5
Tech Required: Thermodynamics
Build Cost: 2000 ore, 250 steel, 5 gold

-Advanced Water Condenser(1x1): Built on steam vents.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Six times as much water as small water pump.
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:5000 ore, 200 steel, 100 gold, 50 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:2
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as the water produced by a small water pump
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base
Build Cost:500 ore, 20 steel
Built By: Builder Bot

-Small Water Conditioner(1x1): Built on normal terrain.
Power Used:5
Resource Production: Turns boiling water into water, same amount as six small water pumps
Tech Required: Thermodynamics, Advanced Construction
Build Cost:2500 ore, 50 steel, 10 gold, 2 aluminum
Built By: Advanced Builder Bot

-Tiny Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

-Small Mineral Extractor:
Power Used:5
Resource Production:Turns mineral water into a very small amount of gold.

The second part of my ideas is another new planet type: Soaring Cliffs. It is a similar idea to the water world but will play differently. It goes great with the avian race idea below.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE):
-forest rover
Starting Rovers(UE)
-forest rover
Buildable Workers at Start(Zolarg):all
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:5 million
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Ore deposits(around 5)
Fir Trees(a lot, similar to forest world)
Cliff Face(replaces large drops that are adjacent to land)
Large Drop(generated similar to water on the water world)

New Resources (items):
-Krypton Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Krypton

New Tech:
-Rare Animal Zoology:
Cost: 20000 research
Prerequisites: low atmospheric zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

New Buildings:
-Mountain Goat Pen(2x2):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, Soaring Cliffs Base OR Rare Animal Zoology, 5 mil atmosphere

-Weaver's House(1x1):
Build Cost:200 wood, 20 ore, 10 wool
Built By: Forest Rover, Greenbot, lumberbot.
Resource Production: Wool 10/Minute
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge NS(1x1):Built over water, salt water, ether, gas deposits(see next suggestion) or air.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Rope Bridge Anchor(1x1):Built on land and cliff faces. Just a decorative road to go along with the rope bridge.
Build Cost:20 wood, 10 ore, 2 cloth
Built By: Rover, Avian Rover, Forest Rover, Avian Forest Rover, Builder Bot
Required Tech: Human Base OR Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

The third part of my ideas is yet another new planet type: Gas Giant. The Progression would be based around floating helium balloons due to how easy it is to float in a planet with a very dense atmosphere.
Planet Details:
Buildable Rovers at Start(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Starting Rovers(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Rover
Custom Lander(UE,LIS):
-Balloon Lander
Non-Buildable Buildings: none
Starting Atmosphere:500 billion
Resources Contained(numbers are for medium world):
Regolith deposits(around 5)
Gas Deposit(contains infinite xenon, covers most of the world. Generates like water in water world but even more frequent.)

New Vehicles:
-Ballon Rover: Works similar to a lunar rover but can fly over buildings.
Cost: ore: 100 helium:20 wheel: 6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base.
Can Build:Tiny helium-3 condenser, helium-3 condenser, helium compactor, regolith compactor, storage tank, suspended storage tank, regolith crusher.

-Ballon Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings
Cost: ore:100 wheel:6 helium:50
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base

-Small Builder Zeppelin: Works like a normal advanced builder bot but can fly on gas deposits.
Cost: ore:1000 wheel:6
Tech Required: Geyser World Base, Human Base, advanced small scale construction

-Balloon Lander Airborne: Airborne version of balloon lander. Can land on gas deposits or normal land.

New Resources (items):
-Xenon Gas: Think Helium-3 but its Xenon

New Buildings:
-Balloon Lander(1x1): Can be built on Gas Deposits or on normal land.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: Balloon Rover.

-Tiny Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: Regolith 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at a quarter of the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium-3 Condenser:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: ore 20
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

-Helium Compactor:(1x1):
Power Used:1
Build cost: regolith 20 helium-3 20
Resource Production: Turns helium-3 into a small amount of regolith

-Storage Tank(1x1):
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 500 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 100 Helium-3 25

-Suspended Storage Tank(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits
Storage: Ore 1000 Regolith 2000 Helium-3 750 food 100 water 100
Build Cost: Ore 150 Helium-3 100

-Floating Helium-3 Condenser(1x1): Built on Gas Deposits. Looks like a water condenser but white and with a balloon on top.
Power Used:1
Resource Production: Turns atmosphere to helium-3 at the rate of a helium-3 extractor.

The fourth part of my ideas is a new race: Avians. These part people part birds have close ties with united earth, and use many similar technologies. Some of the items here are from the soaring cliffs idea listed above gas giants.

Avian Tech:
Low atmospheric zoology and rare animal zoology they can unlock the same way as humans.

New Resources (items):
-Feather: Used to make some flying vehicles.
-Bird Steel: A lightweight yet strong metal used in more advanced flying vehicles.

New Vehicles:
-Avian Rover: Works like a normal rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 5 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Small solar panel, small vehicle factory, small water pump, greenhouse.

-Avian Forest Rover: Works like a normal forest rover but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: wood: 40 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: Fir Trees, Charcoal Hut, Wood Hut, Goat Pen, Chicken Coop, Water Well

-Avian Builder Bot: Works like a normal builder bot but can fly over buildings and terrain features, similar to the airborne lander.
Cost: ore: 15 wheel: 6 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

-Avian Constructor: Builds some unique avian builds/
Cost: ore: 150 wheel: 8 gold:20 Feather: 6
Tech Required: Avian Base
Can Build: everything the builder bot can

Avian Lander Airborne: Airborne version of Avian Lander.

New Buildings:
-Avian Lander(1x1): Similar to the normal UE lander, the lander the Avians start with.
Power Produced:2
Housing: 2 colonists
Can Build: rover, forest rover, Avian rover, avian forest rover.

-Chicken Coop(2x2):
Description: "Avians like Chickens a lot, so they keep them as pets. Many think that avians evolved from chickens, although the more plausible theory is that they actually evolved from a white variant ravens."
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Wood:200 Ore:20
Built By: Forest Rover, Avian Forest rover
Requirements:Avian Base, 5 mil atmosphere

-Enclosed Chicken Coop(2x2): An enclosed version of the chicken coop
Resource Production:Feather 10/minute
Cost: Ore:2000, steel 250, gold 100
Built By: Builder Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base or rare animal zoology, low atmospheric zoology

-Avian Solar Panel(1x1): A version of the normal solar panel that can be placed in the air or on land.
Power Production: 8
Cost: Ore:250, steel 10, feather 10
Built By: Buildr Bot, Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

-Wind Generator(1x1): A passive generator that must be built in the air.
Power Production: 12
Cost: Ore:250, steel 20,gold 10, feather 20
Built By: Avian Builder Bot
Requirements:Avian Base

Some WIP textures are below, along with a few pictures of what this would look like in-game:
Soaring Cliffs as Avian Race:

Gas Giant with United Earth:

I'm making a texture pack with the textures if anyone's interested.
Cliff Terrain:

Cliff Face:


Gas Deposit:

5y ago
Since multiple colonies will be sharing a single planet, eventually some of those colonies will get close to each other, which means its only natural for competition to occur. Wars give colonies a way to annex land from other colonies, or to make a colony subservient to your commonwealth (basically annexing the whole colony, making it a sub colony).

In order to fight a war you need a military, which needs:
Soldiers: a unit that is used in battle to take territory and destroy enemy soldiers
Military vehicles: armoured vehicles made attack the enemy, while also transporting soldiers to where they need to be
Military buildings these buildings produce the equipment needed for the military or can act as a base of operations.
Barracks: housing for soldiers when they are not fighting
Training centers: these buildings produce soldiers.
Aircraft: for attacking targets from high up in the sky, or to move soldiers to a far away location.
Technology: you can't build a plane without blueprints, which is why you need your scientists to research military tech. This should be cheap, maybe 1000-10000 science.

Once you have your military, next you will need to declare war against someone who also has military technology unlocked. Once you do this the war starts immediately, so don't perform this step until your absolutely ready.

Here are the rules of war:
Every soldier has 1 goal, to capture as much land as possible, and they do this by standing on enemy territory for 30 seconds. Soldiers can try to capture territory alone, but usually they will fight together in battalions and capture swaths of land as they go. You get to decide where each battalion in your army goes and how fierce they fight by clicking on the spot where you want them to go and then moving a slider that will determine how fierce the battalion will fight.

When 2 battalions encounter each other they will start attacking the other automatically. Eventually one will be victorious, and this all depends on how aggressive , well trained, and well equipped each battalion is. If one is aggressive and the other is passive, then eventually if the passive battalion loses enough soldiers it will retreat. If they are both aggressive however, then after 1 minute of fighting the game will pick a winner based on who had better equipment and training, plus a little luck to make sure rich players don't always win every battle. The losing battalion in this case will be wiped out and any remaining soldiers (the number of which will be decided randomly) will be captured as prisoners of war.

So when does a war end? There are 4 cases:

Case 1:
If you chose to annex some land rather than take over an entire colony, then the war will end once all of the land you designated to be annexed is taken.
Case 2:
If you wanted to annex the whole colony, then it ends when you take the capital building.
Case 3:
You run out of resources or just dont want to continue the war anymore and the attack is declared a failure. This means your troops go home and you get nothing.
Case 4:
your enemy surrenders and you annex their land or their whole colony.

One final note, wars cause damage to buildings on the front lines.

Thats all I can think of for this feature, tell me what you think? Anything else that could be added, or changed?

4y ago
Greetings My Land players! Decided to publish a nice little update today, adding a couple of new things and some new engine features carried over from the latest My Colony update.

First, new stuff. I have added a new cheap Dirt Path if you want/need an absolute bottom dollar walking path for tourists early in the game. I have also added a new animal, the long requested Sheep!

Sheep are managed similar to cows, but they grow a bit faster and are worth a bit less when you sell them. The main difference is that their baby lambs increase the attraction level of your land, as visitors love to show up and pet the baby lambs.

Secondly, animals that are getting close to starvation now show a little red square under them to let you know at a glance that they need food ASAP.

Finally, similar to the little red square above, animals now also show a little green square when they have reached max value and are ready to sell. This should come in handy more than anything else.

So that's all for this update. I will be pushing it out to all platforms over the next couple of days here. Feel free to leave more suggestions on things you want to see added to the game. Since My Land has become more popular over the last few months, I will try to update it at least once per month with new content. I have also been removing a lot of the hard-coding in the game, making it easier to publish content updates. And since My Land uses the same rendering engine as My Colony (which is under heavy ongoing development), it automatically gets to benefit from My Colony updates "free of charge." Anyway, enjoy the update!
7y ago
This is a fairly straightforward idea:

In early games of Sim City desktop series, when you created a new map, you were able to choose which edges of your map would have beaches, you could have a river going through your map going vertically or horizontally, and you could choose to have a lake in the center of the map. This was chosen simply by clicking any combination of 7 buttons, 4 of which represented each edge of the map, 2 to represent the river buttons, and one of which represents a lake in the center. the latter three buttons would only allow one or no selection, but you could select all 4 of the first 4 buttons if you choose.

For example, choosing the north and west edge would make it so that the north and west edges of your map end in ocean. In those games, you could use this to make island with a lake, two islands(due to the river-like body of water splitting one island into two.), a peninsula, or even just a regular one-sided beach map.

I think that this would be useful in creating a new my colony map, for any planet, because it would allow you to choose what kind of land formation you want to build on and you can choose how difficult or easy the map is based on how much land will be available for you to build on. To make things interesting, I would keep the random generation, but I would alter it to adhere to the customizer, so while bodies of water would still be randomly generated, they would be limited to the customization choices of the player. For instance, if the player chooses to have a regular island with nothing in the center and water on all sides, he shouldn't just get a square island with square beaches, but the edges of the island should be smooth and natural looking, and a random generator can be tuned to perform this very task. This way, every time you make an island map, it's going to be a completely different shape every time, unless the game happens to use the same seed, which is so rare that it would be like rolling a million dice and having all of them land on the same number.

I also think that this could be applied to all worlds, except lava world at this point in time. Red planet could have ice tiles that resemble frozen oceans, which rovers and colonists can walk on and buildings can be placed on. However, once the planet has enough atmosphere, that ice turns into water, and anything on the ice tiles that can't fly or swim will be destroyed. I would also like to see earth-like water bodies come to forest, abandoned world and sugarland, and I would like to see the ice world gain the same ice bodies as mars. I also want to see that ice world is terraformable but I've never gotten that far into an ice world to see if it is or not. Lunar could also have formations that indicate where water would form when the planet is terraformed. I really wish bast would go all-out with this, because these ideas would definitely be worth it, at least to me.

Now, regarding my sea level/water level resource idea. I think that my colony would benefit from a statistic or resource that detirmines how much of the map is covered in water at any given time and whether more or less tiles should be covered from one second to another. Maybe in the near future bast can consider throwing out his randomly generated rivers for a tile elevation system. If he wants to keep things 2d and doesn't want to add textures that pop up out of the tiles and act like mountains, cliffs, or sorelines, he can simply create a random generator and tune it to make a random topography of the map and assign each tile an elevation value based on the customizations chosen by the player before creating the map. When the water level becomes more than a tile's elevation value, that tile turns into water and every non-amphibious unit/structure on that tile is destroyed. I would have the tile turn from normal ground into sand before it turns into water just to warn the player of the rising sea level, and to ensure that the bodies of water are surrounded by sand.

This would also allow for multiple new structures for each raced to be added to the game that have a direct correlation to sea level. You could have buildings that rise and lower the sea level so you can get the desired sea level. Certain buldings could also remove and add to the sea level as a side effect as well, such as the atmosphere condensor, which would add a little bit to sea level, or the basic water pump, wet mound, or wet cone could remove a little bit from sea level turn to them drawing water out of the ground. once the sea level is completely at 0, with the exception of the water pump, the wet mound and cone don't work.

This water level feature can also determine the overall dryness of a planet. If the planet is too dry, colonists will sleep during the day and work at night to avoid dehydration, and they would consume more water and produce less food, and you could have dust devils or sandstorms that do damage to buildings. If the planet is too wet, colonists would get sick because many diseases lurk in moist environments, but they would produce more food and use less water, and you could have monsoons that greatly and suddenly increase the sea level for a short time. This factor would play a key role in terraforming dessert and ocean planets in case you were thinking about adding those. Imagine starting out on a small island surrounded but a vast ocean. In order to get more land though, you must put your space saving skills to the ultimate test and work toward lowering the sea level and eventually freeing up more land.
7y ago
I do think that each planet should have it's own events and hidden challenges, and I like the idea of a dust storm.

Dust storms would indeed darken the map, but just in case the player sets the engine to always-day, I would override that with this disaster. Dust storms would tear at structures and increase their decay speed substantially during the storm. Also, the storm should randomly deposit ore in open plots. This would be a rare occurance to have ore deposited on a plot of land. Colonists exposed to the storm would lose some health, but their health would only go down as far as 50% due to the storms. These storms should stop occuring would the atmosphere reaches 1 million.

The ice world disaster would be hard to implement though because bast has yet to implement any sort of heat aspect to the game. ice and crystalline meteor impacts would be nice, and the user would need to build shield generators in order to protect their buildings and colonists. Any meteors that manage to land on an open plot of land will either leave an ice or blue crystalline deposit depending on their type. This should not happen often. This would stop happening after 1 million atmosphere though.

lunar planet: meteor bombardment - meteors made from regolith and aluminum pound the moon every hour or so, so it's important to keep your structures shielded. Buildings that meteors land on take massive damage, and colonists and rovers would be killed on impact. If a meteor lands on an empty plot, it will drop regolith or aluminum depending on what type of meteor it is. This ends when the planet is over 1 mil atmosphere.

asteroid - living on an asteroid can be dangerous, because meteors are constantly colliding with the asteroid due to the asteroid being in an asteroid field. meteors made from any of the base resources, ore, gold, aluminum, uranium, regolith, crystalline, and ice, land on the asteroid in spurts. In fact, meteor strikes would happen the most often on asteroid planet types. When a meteor lands on an empty plot, it leaves it's resource behind, but if it lands on an ore node with the same resource type, it adds it's resource to that node. Be sure to build shield generators to protect your buildings and colonists.This way asteroids can get at least some aluminum. This ends after 1 mil atmosphere, so be sure not to terraform the asteroid if you like this effect.

I would make it so that paradise planets, or planets with atmosphere's between 5-15 mil atmosphere, would have no negative disasters.
6y ago
I am just putting the finishing touches on My Land v1.27.0 and it should be hitting all platforms within the coming days. There are a handful of exciting changes and updates in this release, so let's take a look at what's new!

Firstly, the Harvester has gotten a bit of a boost in this release. Now whenever the Harvester is just sitting there idle, it will automatically seek out crops that are ready to harvest, and then go do the work! It's not perfect, and the pathfinding is a little dumb compared to My Colony as I don't want to bog My Land down with some of the performance problems that pathfinding can cause on My Colony. That said, it does generally work. When you have the Harvester selected, it is automatically switched into manual mode, and goes back to automatic when you deselect it. That way the Harvester does not try to go and do it's own thing when you are trying to use it manually.

Two new storage resources were added in this update, Flour and Bread.

Flour is created at the brand new Flour Mill structure, which you can now also buy. The Flour Mill is a wind powered mill that converts stored Wheat into Flour. If I remember right, I made the ratio 6 Wheats = 1 bag of Flour. This is the first structure which can actually convert one resource into another, and the code added to the engine to make this possible is going to unlock a bunch of fun new stuff in the coming updates.

The other new resource Bread is both created and sold at the also new Bakery structure. The Bakery is a visitor destination structure like the Pizza Stand, except it is also a production facility like the Flour Mill, in that it creates Bread also. The Bakery turns 1 bag of Flour into 5 Breads. When a Visitor walks by your Bakery, they will also purchase a loaf of bread for higher than the price that you can sell it for straight up on the Storage screen (if they have the money). The Bakery also raises your land attraction rating.

In addition to the above mentioned content, there were a handful of minor tweaks and bug fixes added in this release.

The next few updates are going to continue to focus on adding new concepts and capabilities to the engine. Once I get everything how I want it, it will be all content from there on out. Next, I want to add a Shed type of structure that can store your Harvester and Lawn Mower, and maybe also a Barn that animals can go inside of. I also want to add extra options to the animals. For instance, right now you can click on a Cow and get the option to sell. Instead, I want to design a new popup window with options like Sell, Milk (to get a new Milk resource), Slaughter (to get Beef), etc. It will be different for different animals, like you can get Wool from the sheep. These new resources will in turn allow other types of structures. I also want to add a way to expand the size of the farm property, and a way to increase the Visitor limit of the property.

So that is it for today's update. It will be hitting all platforms within the coming days, so be on the lookout, and thanks for playing My Land!
5y ago
I have just released My Land v1.28.0 with a host of new content, features, and bug fixes! This update should be hitting all platforms within the coming days, so let's take a look at what is new with this release.

Firstly, two new resources were added in this update, Bacon and Beef!

Now, we all know the cold truth about where Bacon and Beef come from, so to facilitate these new resources, a new function has been added to the game - you can now slaughter your livestock.

Before, when you clicked on an animal, the only option you had was to sell. Now there are more options, depending on the animal. You can now rename them, you can sell them (with a small chart showing what their current value is related to their max), you can butcher them, or (on baby animals) you can see how long they have until they mature. There is a similar new menu with Chicken Eggs, which can now also be collected and added to storage for use in other processes.

Of course, with the addition of Bacon and the ability to collect Chicken Eggs, the game obviously needed a brand new Breakfast Diner.

This new establishment will attract customers and exchange 1 bacon and 1 egg for their hard earned cash!

Finally, I know a lot of people think that all of the little in-game pop up messages can be annoying, so now there is a new option in the Settings menu to turn off all popup notifications.

Coming up next, the rest of the current animals will need slaughter options, and new shops will have to be added to cater to all of the new animal resources. I also still plan to add an option to expand the size of your property, and to add a way to increase your Visitor cap. And once I feel like the in-game content has been sufficiently expanded, I also plan on porting the game over to Steam, although once it hits steam, the price for Premium will also be going up a bit, so just be aware of that.

So that's all for today's update! Stay tuned for more, and if you haven't played My Land yet, find download links for all platforms on the official My Land website:

5y ago
Today I am releasing an update to My Land that is minor from the users' standpoint, but a fairly exciting one from a coding standpoint. My Land v1.29.0 is now finished and will be hitting all platforms just as soon as it gets approval from the various app stores. Here is what's new.

Firstly, something that has long been requested by users, you can now manually pick what season the game uses for the ground and graphics!

Found in the regular Settings menu, the new Season picker is pretty self explanatory. The game has different graphics for each season, and if you set it to Automatic, the graphics will change based on the time of year (according to northern hemisphere time). If you do not like the look of the season, you can now manually choose whichever one you want. This will come in handy soon for all of the people who complain about the Winter graphics, which I get more than a few e-mails about every year.

Next up, the side-bar build menu now has a text-input filter dialog, similar to the one found in My Colony.

Simply type the name of the tool you are looking for in the list, and it will automatically filter itself based on your input. This will become more and more helpful as I add content in the coming updates. To go along with this new filter bar, I added a new keyboard shortcut to the game, for users who are playing with a keyboard and mouse. Pressing will now bring up the build menu and auto-focus your cursor on the filter box, so you can just start typing right away. I have updated the online Keyboard Controls Reference to reflect this new addition.

The rest of the changes are internal to the engine, but were required to make in order to move the game forward. Firstly, I have finally completed a major change to the engine that I started working on in My Land v1.3 way back in December 2015 - the removal of hard coded content from the game engine! This probably does not seem like a big deal to the users and you shouldn't notice any change to the game, but it was a huge deal for me.

When I first released My Land all the way back in the summer of 2014, I did not separate out the game data code from the engine at all, and so special logic was coded in the engine for every single type of crop/animal/object in the game. This was a stupid design decision and has made updating the game and adding new content a huge pain. As of this update, I believe (99.99% sure) I finally have all of this hard coding removed from the engine, and all game content data is now completely separated from the core game engine, putting the core design of the game more on par with My Colony. This was a long/slow/boring/annoying process, and I am extremely glad to finally be done with it. It will also make it a lot easier to add new content to the game in the future!

Finally, your game save now internally records a whole bunch of stats and trends related to your game while you are playing. It may not seem very cool now, but it is going to allow me to add fancy graphs and charts and a detailed Statistics window to the game, similar to what currently exists in My Colony!

So that is all for today's update. I am sorry that I didn't add any new content this time, but once I started diving in on the hard coding removal and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, I decided to just work on that instead and get it over with. Since I did not add anything new this time, the plan for the next update is what I said I would be putting in this update in the last post, so I will just re-copy/paste it here for your convenience:
Coming up next, the rest of the current animals will need slaughter options, and new shops will have to be added to cater to all of the new animal resources. I also still plan to add an option to expand the size of your property, and to add a way to increase your Visitor cap. And once I feel like the in-game content has been sufficiently expanded, I also plan on porting the game over to Steam, although once it hits steam, the price for Premium will also be going up a bit, so just be aware of that.
With that, enjoy the update and stay tuned for more!
5y ago
Water worlds are worlds were buildings are built on platforms are land that is raised using land terraforming button it should be in decorations so instead of water you get land. Also water worlds provides food buy fish farms and ores by Rigs that mine Oil ,Gold or Ore roads or made on land like normal or on raised platforms. Also add new products can be only made from ocean worlds .
7y ago
Suggestion for My Land:

Crops could have genetically modified versions, such as:
Faster Growth: Grows Faster
Bigger Crop: Harvest worth more. If you take my machines suggestion it would instead give more units of crop.
Internal Pesticide: Immune to birds, but worth slightly less. If machines suggestion, it would instead give less units of crop.
Spreading: Spreads to nearby empty land. When spreading, small chance to gain or loose a genetic modification trait.
Beauty: Adds to land attraction value.

Animals Could also be genetically modified(would be passed on by breeding, small chance to gain or loose a trait):
Improved Metabolism: Requires Less Food to grow
Fattening: Higher max Value
Improved Breeding: Breed faster, but babies worth less when born.
Cuteness: Adds to land attraction value

It would be super duper cool if these could be mixed and matched in a settings menu. Each one would add an additional cost, and could maybe require researching(genetic lab building??)
5y ago
H3110 GUYS!

Generals on the call!

Okay, here I wish to introduce some new ideas here :p

    Landmines are designed for defending against vehicles. When they run over, you know what happens...
    They are also triggered by other infantries except engineers.
    Barbwire is the cheap barricade to stop infantries marching. It's quite effective against Zolarg troops which uses mostly infantries at earlier stages. Infantries cannot destroy them.
    However these barbwire barricades can be passed through and destroyed by vehicles.
    Land Forts are heavy-duty defensive buildings that fires explosive shells. Has long attack range and heavy damage, but fires slowly.
    It’s the same concept as landmines, but it works best on naval chokepoints.
  • A.A. GUNS
    Anti-Air guns are very basic anti-air defenses. Can only attack air units.
    Sentry turrets can attack both land and air. An ideal defensive building.
    Sensor arrays are expensive multi-radar stations. They give extra sight for friendly troops to see enemies far away from them and also reveals stealth units.

    Not the self propelled one, it is considered as infantry. Though slow, but the howitzer has impressive range and damage, with cheaper cost.
    Self propelled artillery are combat vehicles with heavy launchers to fire explosive shells and destroy enemies from longer range.
    Special tier 3 engineers for LIS, expensive, however, they are not noticable unless they are in sensor array’s or anti-stealth radar truck’s range.
    Very basic, cheap, and weak airbornes. (Not the Zolarg infantry Rifle Drones.)
    LIS special unit that replaces marines. They are not visable to enemies until their first attack or detected by sensor array or anti-stealth radar trucks. Only little stronger than ordinary infantries.
    Stealth attacks are more common when others reached tier 3 technology. This tier-3 unit is mobile counter-measures against those stealth units, revealing them to friendly units. It also has better visability.
    It’s a sea varient of AS rader trucks. Important for detecting submarines.
    Stealth tanks are ‘invisable’ tanks that can launch suprise attacks! Because it is ‘invisable’, it won’t be funny when we lost ours... Visable to enemies when it is in range of sensor arrays and AS radar trucks.

Super Units
Super units are expensive special units. These super units requires a secondary resource, crystalline, to build one.
Human fractions builds them in Experimental Factories.
    Behemoth class tanks has land-dominating firepower which it has 5 big turrets mounted on it!
    Mobile fortress meches are truely the toughest enemy to take down. They are heavily armoured with crystalline-based triantanium plates.
    Supersoldiers are quite expensive as the armoured marines but they are not easily get killed even get shot by an explosive shell, and capable to bring more heavy weapons for raze the base of your foes!
    You may have heard this world when you study history of World Wars, but these massive warships are BACK into battlefields as they are awesome ship sinkers.
    Blimps? They are still not large as these flying fortresses - the untimate flying hazard of the war!
Hey @Bastecklein

I think for the 100th update, something special to add could be uniform terrain generation across an entire region. Right now rivers generate randomly in each map created on a region. I'm thinking we should generate the rivers on each tile of the region as the region is being created and ensure that the terrain on each tile fits together to make natural land and water formations, so that the player can look at the whole region and decide which place would be best to build based on the bodies of water it's near.

Sure, this would break the option to have a blank map, but I'm thinking that even if a player chooses a blank map, they should still be forced to deal with the bodies of water or ether. To make up for this, you could implement a new resource called Land-Fillers that could be used to eventually remove the water and give the colony more room to grow. Also, rivers could be less abundant when generated throughout the region, so players could still get maps that are entirely on land. I also imagine some seas and beaches being a generated thing as well.

Also, in addition to those, would be awesome if the player could look at the region and it's terrain to see if it looks like something they can work with , and have the option to press a regenerate button to randomly regenerate a new map to decide on, before even creating the region. The game Factorio has a similar map "preview" feature if you need an example of what I'm talking about. It wouldn't have to show all the little resource nodes, just the land and water masses.

I think this should be a feature in a completed game, as the per-map terrain generation looks a bit janky and half-baked if you ask me. A whole-region generation would be like wax on a new car that's yet to be sold, it would make a gigantic difference and be very fitting for a 1.0 release.
5y ago
The list of complete changes coming to My Colony v1.0.0 just keeps growing. So far Regional map generation and Power/Bandwidth utility grids have been completely rewritten, and now I am adding another major change to the list. Currently in testing, the way the engine handles colonists is now also being completely rewritten, as it applies to their jobs, entertainment, housing, education, and medical. Basically, the entire colonist simulation engine is being rewritten, which, along with the other changes already mentioned, is making v1.0.0, at least under the hood, almost a completely different game....

Before discussing the new changes in detail, I should explain how/why the existing system came to be. Colonists were first introduced to the game in v0.3.0 (July 30, 2016) at a time when the biggest housing unit was the actual Lander that you started out in. The game was designed as the Colonist being one of the central features of the simulation. Each colonist had a name, a job, his own stats, and went about his life in the colony. He had an energy level, a happiness level, a day/night sleep cycle, and so on. The intention was for each colonist to be a unique entity with it's own relationships, feelings, etc, sort of like in the Sims.

As time went on and the game grew though, it started morphing into more of a city-builder type game VS an individual colonist simulator. So as more (and bigger) buildings and features got added to the game, the original system based on the individual colonist was simply expanded and adapted in order to keep pace. Eventually the game got to where colonies with populations in the hundreds of thousands and even millions were possible, but the core colonist simulation engine remained as it always had been.

Simulating that many individual colonists brought along major performance and memory issues, especially on mobile. I tried to work around it by implementing a "virtual avatar" system, whereby after a certain population, the game just extrapolated out statistics based on a virtual avatar, where by one "real" colonist would represent 5,000 or more "virtual" colonists. This worked OK for performance, but it always caused strange statistical problems for things like Entertainment, Schooling, Medical, and Work. For example, if one colonist would get sick or unhappy for some reason, all 5,000 of the "virtual" colonists he represented would also take on his sickness/anger, which would lead to situations where 500 virtual colonists are not working.

For the last few years, each update is a constant battle against the old colonist system, with performance issues and complaints about certain stats not lining up as expected. Game functions like Entertainment/Medical,Education barely work in a consistent manner. Moreover, the colonist day/night cycle, which I thought was somewhat neat/unique/realistic to the game, was often confusing for new players who couldn't understand why nobody was at work in their buildings.

Anyway, I think it's long been time for a change, so with v1.0.0 I am stripping out pretty much all colonist-level individuality and data, and moving to a pure statistical model, more in line with a traditional city-simulator type game. After this update, the colonists you see walking around are pretty much for show only, and will no longer have their own individual stats. You will not be able to click on a colonist to see his name, where he lives, what is job is, etc. You will not be able to assign a colonist to a specific job. The individual colonist no longer matters.

So that's the sad part. It's sort of sad because I liked all that stuff about the game, but the reality is that those kinds of things are for a different type of game that My Colony no longer represents, and keeping them in the game has only caused performance issues and forced strange workarounds in the code.

So let's discuss the new system that is currently being tested. Starting with My Colony v1.0.0, all colony stats, including productivity, health, happiness, IQ, etc, are based on (roughly) on the overall land value/approval rating of the specific areas of your colony. It sounds more confusing, but I will explain more.

Housing structures are now the basic unit responsible for generating statistics in the game, taking place of the individual colonist. Housing structures now have internal statistics based on the availability of Schools, Entertainment, and Medical facilities in their proximity. While not yet implemented, there are also internal stats for Crime, which I plan on adding (along with Police Stations/Prisons) in v1.0.1 or v1.0.2.

While these numbers might be tweaked before the final release, you basically need enough Medical to accommodate 5% of your population, enough Schools for 20% of the population, and enough Entertainment for 15% of the population. These facilities must also be within range of the housing units. Medical facilities need to be within a 50 tile radius, schools 35 tile, and entertainment 25 tile. So basically, on a small sized map, an entertainment facility in the center of the map can theoretically service the entire map.

For work, job sites have to be within a 50 tile range of available housing. Jobs are prioritized by distance to house, IQ requirements, and pay. IQ level is impacted by the School rating of the housing unit. Each housing unit keeps track of the average travel distance it's residents must take to get to work, which impacts it's land value/approval rating.

The approval/land value rating of a structure is based on how fully it's needs are met in those categories, with Crime soon to be added as well. When colonists look for new places to live, they will place priority on high value dwellings first, and only reluctantly fill in the slums if necessary. When crime is implemented, criminals will originate from slum areas of town, so the more low-value areas your colony has, the more crime will be generated. Crime in turn will further lower the value of the area.

With this new system, the colonist day/night cycle is gone. As long as approval/land value conditions are good, buildings will be operating at full capacity at all times, so there is no more sitting there waiting for workers to come back on duty.

Some people will not like this new system as the change is large and will probably render many existing city layouts ineffective. You now have to think about the macro-conditions of each area of your city, making sure that there is sufficient medical, education, and entertainment for all residential areas. Since these stats were largely underutilized before, most existing cities will probably have shortages right off the bat. I plan on introducing new education and medical facilities as I get further along on the v1.0.0 update, as they will probably be needed.

There are some positives that come along with this change. Firstly, save file size and memory usage is greatly reduced, as the game no longer keeps a reference table of all workers/buildings. The game no longer conducts the expensive job/medical/school/entertainment search routines for individual colonists, which involved expensive operations of sorting all in-game structures by distance from each colonist, and then weeding through destination candidates one by one.

I estimate that most colonies will see improved performance with this change, particularly on the high end. In addition, this new system will allow me to implement probably the most requested feature of the last 3 years - mass transit, which I tentatively plan on introducing in v1.0.3 with either a new subway or monorail system (depending on what I want to draw). Since the engine no longer has to figure out paths for each individual worker, it now only needs to make sure that a mass-transit system is fully connected to itself, and then figure out a building's distance to the overall transit network, making it's implementation much, much simpler and less performance intensive than trying to resolve mass transit paths for each individual colonist.

So I've written a book here, but the reason for the long write up is because this is probably absolutely the single largest engine change to the game since it first came out, and it represents a complete rewrite of one of the core mechanics of the game. I am trying to design it in a way that will not feel overly different to long-time players and will not be overly disruptive to existing games, but with a change on this scale, you know some people will be impacted.

If you have issues/observations with the new system, you can post them in this thread. I will be working on this particular part of the game for a few more days here. Be advised, that if you open a colony on v1.0.0 from this point on, the engine changes are sufficiently large that re-opening your game in a pre-v1.0.0 client may cause issues, as v1.0.0 deletes a lot of depreciated properties from in-game objects.
5y ago
Here is a basic/quick rundown of the new approval rating system coming in v1.0.0 of My Colony. More will be explained in the eventual patch notes.

Overall approval rating is basically a sum of all of the land value ratings of all buildings in the game, +/- global approval impacting factors that come from policy settings or (eventually) atmosphere/trash levels.

There are several impacts that approval rating has on the game. Firstly, when colonists are choosing houses, the game sorts all houses in order of land value from best to worst, and the best houses fill up first. So colonists will only live in the lower-values areas if nothing else is available.

Secondly, once overall approval gets below 30%, a certain percentage of the population will be rioting, with that percentage going up, the further down approval goes. The % of people who are rioting will not be working, so that will impact your production. So basically, if your overall approval is above 30%, there will not be a direct impact on production, other than the fact that houses with low land value may not be occupied, and so nearby factories may not have enough workers.

Individual structure value is determined different for residential vs commercial type buildings, and by a combination of both for buildings that serve as both.

All buildings value is dependent on building condition, accessibility (whether or not it can be accessed by the pathfinder), and safety (crime level, which will be coming in a future update).

On top of those factors, a residential building is rated by average distance to worksite (commute), medical coverage, education coverage, and entertainment coverage, average salary of the workers vs global average.

Commercial buildings are also rated by availability of customers.

So all of the above factors combine to give the building an overall land value, and all of those values combine for the overall colony approval rating.
5y ago
Could use map topography were the land is different heights would only need a few numbers to show the height of land. Anything low would be were water would be. Could also use valleys for dirty polluting industries to keep pollution away from housing etc. Could also have higher housing areas on mountains etc.
7y ago
This is good advice, thanks. Also, I haven't played the game, so I'm not sure, but it sounds like you could push the lava completely off the map if you spread your paths out when the lava dries, as the lava has to spread from other lava, so if you push the lava out to the edges, you could eventually eradicate it from the map. However, you wouldn't get any more obsidian.

So here's what I would do:

Build paste production asap

surround every corner and edge of each lake with paste, or just start by spreading out from your main.

You will want to have a xl/mega map for this, but reserve the bottom corner of the map for your main. Put the most important stuff further into the corner, which means you should reserve a lot of space near the point of the corner for important stuff and then build paste tanks outside of that area. This way, when you finally get to annex land, you will be extending the space that your main is next to, allowing you to build more toward the corner of the new land instead of outward toward the lava.

push the lava to the top corner, which is the furthest point away from your main. Do this by claiming land with paths when the lava recedes, and then do it again when the lava recedes even further back. Do this until you have a 25x25 square to reserve for lava. If you have a pretty large map your main should be out of danger at all times as long as you isolate the eruption lobs until the cool, as they can cause lava to spread back over the barriers and toward the main.

Make sure that you make as much paste as possible for this. We will want to make a paste path grid after a while so that there isn't any wide open area left for the lava to spread in. That should slow any spread and allow you time to surround little areas of lava until they cool. It should also provide channels for easy access to obsidian since there would be so much paste path in the game and your rovers would have access to more surface area to mine. Make sure to keep that 25x25 area of lava and let it erupt and spread just a little so you can get so obsidian into the grid squares, but like cobya said, we want to keep the lava at least 40 tiles away, so don't let it spread too far out of the top corner.
7y ago
Beginning in mid January with the next update to My Colony and rolling out to several other apps in the coming months, My Tokens are an upcoming part of the Ape Apps accounts system that will add a bit of (optional) variety to several different games.

So, what are Tokens? Basically they are little avatars you can customize and make and save to your account. You can store however many you want to your account, but you can only set one as your primary Token. If you don't care about Tokens, you can have none.

Tokens can be used as your avatar/profile picture on the Ape Apps site and within the different apps, but their real feature comes with how they tie into different games. Take My Colony for instance. Right now when you have tourists come to your colony, they all look like the same dopey guy walking around with a camera in his face. Sort of boring.
With the addition of Tokens though, there will now be thousands of unique user-created tourists showing up to your colony from all across the galaxy. Note that this feature will be optional, and you can turn it on or off at any time. In a similar way, the visitors to your farm in My Land will also be replaced with user-generated Tokens.

One of the coolest implementations though will be in the upcoming game Death 3d. As I alluded to in this blog post, people will be able to play online multiplayer deathmatch games using their own custom Tokens as their characters. This game is essentially the reason I created the entire Token system, so that I would not have to manually create a bunch of deathmatch characters. You will also be able to play against global Token characters during offline single-player skirmish deathmatch games. There will be so many possibilities that you may never have to kill the same AI bot twice!

The Forum chat will also be getting some Token love. In addition to the regular text based chat, there will also be a new option to switch into "token chat" mode, which lets you chat like normal, but also walk your little token guy around a virtual room. It might evolve into a basic RPG type game at some point. Might be totally pointless on the main Ape Apps chat channel, but could have some cool uses on the RP Forums channel.

My classic game Level Up will also get it's own token upgrade in the form of an all new multiplayer arena mode, where you can go head to head and fight other players online, earning coins and experience to upgrade your online-only character. Also, I was playing the classic NES game Punch Out over the Christmas weekend and was thinking of making an over-the-top boxing arcade type game using Tokens as the characters. It would have both offline and online multiplayer and I could probably make it in just a couple of weeks or less, since Tokens would take care of most of the visuals. We will see.

Anyway, these are just some of the initial features coming with Tokens next month. If people like them I might add more stuff. I was thinking of adding a way to somehow send 'gifts' of some sort to other players through the token system. Like if somebody's Token visits your farm in My Land, you can click on them and give them a pumpkin or something which in turn can be used in My Colony or Level Up somehow. But I haven't totally thought it out yet. Like I said before though, everything Token related will be completely optional, since I know there are many people who don't like this sort of nonsense. But for the people who do, it will be just one small thing to sort of tie the different Ape Apps games together in a fun little way!
7y ago
This planet has a vast landscape of ruined cities built by a long-extinct race that were likely responsible for rendering the planet uninhabitable. The history of this race is long-gone, probably degraded by the torrential downpours of radioactive acid rain and the ever-churning acidic oceans that would dissolve even the largest of marine vehicles within hours. Most races in existence today avoid this place like the plague and treat it like a dumping ground, jettisoning toxic and radioactive waste into the atmosphere from space with their waste transport ships, so waste of all sorts can be found here, even the dangerous kinds. Will anyone dare attempt to return this planet to it's life-giving state? Will the mistakes of it's former inhabitants ever be undone? Only time will tell. But for now, the glowing green planet will remain desolate, inhospitable to all life that we know.

This map idea was inspired by the toxic planet in starbound, where oceans of toxic water exist with an entire ecosystem of creatures adapted to live in the toxic water. On that planet, you can also see ruined cityscapes in the background as you traverse the dangerous planet. The radioactive element was inspired by the fallout series, which many of you probably know about.

Instead of ore and gold nodes dotting the map, ruined towers and skyscrapers would dominate the landscape, creating an ancient cityscape. Each tower would provide a large amount of ore, steel, and gold. Eventually the player will be able to build ore fracking plants, gold labs, and steel refineries. These towers would not be removeable without harvesting them. This means that you can't destroy them with the bulldoze tool and there is no option to remove in the options menu. These towers should be an obstacle to the player's attempts to expand and organize their colony layout.

The map should contain generated rivers of glowing green water. The land itself is not dangerous, but the water is. When waterbots try to collect water from the rivers, they end up collecting defiled water, just like my previous map idea(The Bog). Colonists will drink regular clean water when they can, but when they run out, they'll get despeate and start drinking from your defiled water reserves to stay hydrated, which should ultimately result in severe to fatal illnesses. This poses a challenge in that you need to make sure that you have plenty of water for the amount of people, because your colonists would likely be better off going without any water at all then drinking defiled water, since drinking it has a high chance to cause illnesses that rapidly reduce health. The same concept applies in real life to salt water, which when drank rapidly dehydrates the body due to the excess sodium in the salt water, ultimately leaving the drinker worse off than they would've been going without water. Any water vehicles and structures should take damage over time and explode when out of health. This also includes structures straddling water and land.

Another thing to watch out for is the radioactive waste dumps that dot the map. Colonists and organic workers should accumulate radiation when they stand near these. Their radiation percentage is directly subtracted from their health and will be fatal when 100% is reached or sooner if the unit is already damaged by sickness, starvation, or another factor. Hospitals should be able to slowly reduce radiation levels in an organic unit. However, these areas can be harvested with uranium rover to collect large amounts of uranium. Even after these area ares depleted and start disappearing from the map, uranium fracking plants can be dug into the earth to harvest uranium indefinately from the endless waste buried below. In fact, if you have a waste reclamation plant, it should be able to produce all kinds of random resources by extracting waste from below and refining it.

Acid rain should be a thing, and it should rain every now and then, doing decent damage to buildings and causing organic unit's radiation levels to rise slowly. Always inspect your buildings to make sure that their damages are repaired so they don't explode. That is until you get a consulate, where you can auto-repair buildings. Always build plently of hospitals as well to provide radiation treatment for your organic units. For draconians, their inability to care about their insectoid slave workers means that they will constantly be replacing their slaves, since it is against draconian law to admit insectoids into their hospitals. For zolarg, you may want to build better hospitals. The insectoid carapace of the zolarg people are impervious to acid, but aren't impervious to radiation, so watch out for that.

meteors of radioactive waste should fall to the ground on rare occasions, providing random resources when harvested but also destroying buildings in a small radius and causing radiation damage to every organic unit in the vicinity. This should be added because as I mentioned before, trash is jettisoned into the planet by waste transport ships and falls to the ground. This is why there is so much radioactive waste. As you play, those ships won't even notice a colony on the planet at first, but as you terraform the land, those bombardments will slowly reduce in frequency. If you wanted to leave the planet in its toxic state, but you didn't want the bombardments to continue, you could implement a beam beacon that can be seen from space in order to let ships know not to drop anymore waste. That beacon should be a late game thing.

On top of all of this, the atmosphere should be several times thicker than earthlike levels. This is to simulate the immense industrial pollution in the atmosphere that rendered the planet toxic in the first place. This would require colonists to wear their astronaut suites to avoid breathing in the toxic air.

Just like my previous map idea, this map should be terraformable as well. Once the atmosphere is reduced to earth-like levels, the map will become and earth-like map, with the same ground texture and with trees generating in the free spaces of the map(s).Thus, the planet is returned to it's inhabitable and life-preserving state. It may not be feasible, but I would make it so that any planet that reaches above a certain atmosphere level should become a toxic planet, where any water becomes toxic water and snow and rain are replaced with acid rain.

Those are my ideas, I'll try to come up with more in the future. Let me know what you think.
5y ago
Suggestion for my land:

We should be able to buy new adjacent properties and have a bigger empire. When you buy a property adjacent to the original, its $10,000. One adjacent to one of those is $20,000. One adjacent to THOSE is $30,000. This pattern continues, adding $10,000 each additional layer. When annexing land, it would have fences next to yours, as if it was a completely new game. However, these fences will now be erasable. On the sidewalk side, it would work similarly but these sidewalks cannot be destroyed because it is the public road. If you would want to be able to connect the two sides, look at my verticality suggestion.
5y ago
Hello guys!

Here I'll 'dump' some ideas of 'new' (ordinary) units (and buildings).
(T-) represents tiers. Higher tier of troops requires tech centers.

. Infantries
(T2) Grenadiers - If you want something more explosive, here you're!
(T1) Rifle Infantries - Fires enemies from a longer range.
(T2) A.A. Stingers - Cheap troops against flying stuff.
(T3) Heavy Marines - Armored troops for tough battles.
(T2) Jetpack Infrantries - Attacking from above? Seems a good idea.
(T2) Flamethrower Infrantries - Let the fire penetrate and burn the foes! Burn baby burn!

. Vehicles
(T1) Kamikaze Rover - These destructive rovers will definitely blow up everything on the way.
(T2) Mortar Light Tank - A light tank mounted with a mortar instead of a turret specialized for breaking defenses.
(T3) Artillery - When enemy has got reinforced defenses you'll need it. Enormous splash damage included.
(T3) Missile Tank - Slow, weak armored, but strong long range units capable to destroy both land and air units.
(T2) Walker - Basic meches, slow but tougher than the tanks.

. Ships
(T1) Gunboat - Sutible for scouting purpose. Large quantities of them also causes trouble.
(T1) Patrol Ship - Some basic navel units mounted with machine gun.
(T1) Torpedo Boat - Trouble with defenses on the sea? The mid range torpedoes will take 'em down!
(T2) Pounder Ship - Common navel units, mounted with a twin-barrel cannon.
(T2) Battleship - Heavy navel unit, however not anti-air.
(T2) Submarine - Hides underwater, and here comes the surprise attack! (Torpedo is the weakness)
(T3) Destroyer - Super strong navel unit that will give your navel battles advantage!
(T1) Landing craft - Carries troops and tanks across the water.

. Aircrafts
(T1) Light Chopper - Weak helicopter, but has the modest strength.
(T2) Gunship - Heavy anti-land missile gunship.
(T2) Dropship - Transport jet plane.
(T2) Interceptor Drone - It is capable for taking enemy aircrafts quickly.
(T2) Jet Raider - Rapid aircraft best for rapid raids, equipped with machine guns.
(T3) Jet Fighter - Won't need me to explain?
(T3) Bomber - Take it down before it gets too close, or else...
(T3) Firefly - Super-heavy gunship, with anti-air ability. Totally sky dominator.

. Buildings
(T1) Pounder Turret - It is slower, but effective against armoured stuff.
(T2) Sentry Gun - All-round turret, attacks both land and air.
(T2) Anti-Air Missiles - Strong anti-air missiles that easily takes weak aircrafts down.
(T1) Floating pillbox - Basic offshore defense.
(T2) Artillery Battery - Counter measures against long-range attacks.
(T2) Floating Mortar Platform - Like artilley battery, but it is offshore varient.
(T3) Lazer Cannon - Destructive close range defense
(T3) Plasma Artillery - Super strong single target artillery
(T2) Floating Flak - Offshore anti-air defense
(T1) Tech Centre - Unlocks T2 units and part of the resaearch
(T2) Experimental Lab - Unlocks T3 units and advanced research
(T3) Nuke Silo - Makes nuke warheads using uranium and launches them
(T1) Shipyard
(T1) Aircraft Hanger
(T2) Lazer Drilling Pad - Provides surplus cash, with minor Uranium production
5y ago
This is mostly about My Land but I have something to say about My Colony too,

For my colony, I couldn't help but notice that On Earthlike, United Earth has no way of producing, nor storing fish, I found this strange since you can still view the GBT fish trades, but cannot buy any because of storage, and it is also strange because the fish hatchery, cannery, and the department of adv fish mating studies are available.
I'm not sure why I can't have fish, I'm a penguin, I need fish...

About My Land I have a few suggestions,

-Fish-Basically just another animal that swims in ditches filled with water/rivers, they would attract visitors and (maybe) could be sold for $

-Bridges-A simple bridge that could be placed over a ditch or river, visitors could walk across this bridge, but maybe animals couldn't, or there could be an animal version.I

-House-Just a house for yourself, would be about 2x2 wide and wouldn't have much of a purpose but it seems like it would make sense.

-Barn-A 2x2 tile similar to the house, could be like an upgraded version of a silo and could "house" cows.

-Horses-Just another animal that would be like a copy of the cow, could eat yay father than grass and could maybe be riden by visitors

-The Player!- I found it odd that they are visitors but no player, could give the house mentioned earlier a purpose!

-Hay-just an extra "resource" that could be for the horse mentioned above.

-A Wolf?-somebody said there should be wolves in the game? Idk if that would fit the theme but I thought I would mention the idea.

Just a few ideas but I would really love to see fish in the game of anything, thank you for your effort in making these games,

So I made this list because it is a lot better than the last one...

--------New Tiles/Buildings---------
--short-growing grass-animals cannot eat this grass, but it stays short forever and does not have to be cut, would cost more than normal grass.

--bridges-bridge over rivers and ditches that allow visitors to cross over

--animal bridges-bridge over rivers and ditches that allow animals and vehicles to cross over

--deep rivers-not my idea but I thought it was worth noting, not sure how they would work

--house-2x2 building that the "player"/farmer could live in

--more crops-just more crops in general, not really need yet

--vancy tollbooth-just like the normal version but visitors have to pay more, also vote more to build and decreases attractiveness more

--large silo-stores more than the normal will

---------New Vehicles----------

--large lawn mower-normal lawn mower but 3 wide or 2 wide

--large harvester-normal harvester but 3 wide or 2 wide

--automatic lawn mower-normal lawn mower but mows by itself

---------New People--------

--Rich visitor-pays twice as much for everything but rarely appears

--Famous visitor-pays normal or slightly increased amount but increases attractiveness level temporarily, if unable to leave for too long, disappears

--Farmer/player-doesn't have to be controlable, but lives in house

--------New Animals-------

--Horse-like a cow but eats any

--goat-Like a cow but eats multiple things

--fish-swims in rivers and (maybe) increases attractiveness

--wolf - not my idea

--dog/cat-would be pet of farmers and could follow visitors around for a while (should probably have a limit for how many you can have)

--------New game mechanics------

--encyclopedia - just like the one from My Colony

--chatrooms - just like the ones from My Colony

--rain-decreases attractiveness but speeds up from growth
--clouds-basically rain but less effective
--high winds-slowly destroys crops waiting to be harvested(they would still regrow)
--hurricane-would be like a hard mode thing, would pause drop growth, lower
attractiveness to 0, and would scare away any remaining visitors

--hard mode-increases difficulty of game, slows from growth slightly, adds hurricanes, makes every cost slightly more, could add a few "disasters" causes animals to grow slower, harvesters and lawn mowers would eventually break down... Things like that

--easy mode- decreases difficulty of game, increases crop and animal growth, reduces prices, things like that

--land annexation- not my idea, but a great one! would probably work similar to how it works in my colony, just gives you more land

--badges/achievements - this would be cool for My Colony too, you would get an achievement when you "completed" the game, got your first harvester, planted every crop, got a specific amount of cash, and so on...

-----------------that's all!-------------

Just want to say the fish would be cool and I love this game, thank you B A S T!


bastecklein said:I don't plan on adjusting the ratios, I plan on adding bigger medical facilities and schools.

The ratio is good for most of the housing. Only 2 house can be problematic, and only one house can generate big problem (Fantasy Land). For all other housing the ratio should't generate problem using the already present building in game.

If you change the Fantasy land, or adding an upgrade with some medical/edu/entr slot, like the Arcology? Like a "Revenge of Fantasy Land Arcology", 20k pop, 4k inside worker, 16k normal worker, 600 medical slot, 3500 edu, 2500 entertainment? People will need to build some utility, without the need to use half of the map for education, entertainment and medical care..

ps. and the other race? because insect and draconian don't have much to offer..
5y ago
Today I have released My Land v1.32.0 and the patch should be hitting all platforms shortly. This update brings a handful of bug fixes and performance improvements, but also some new goodies. Let's take a look at what's new.

Peach trees have been added to the game! You can now sit back and enjoy a fresh delicious Peach. They work similar to apples, but are worth a bit more. Also, there is a moment where the tree is in bloom and the flowers increase the attraction level of your property.

Next up, I have added a new "Fast Sell" button to the interface:

Clicking the button will put you into sell mode where you can quickly sell a bunch of animals without having to bring up the menu for each one of them. Speaking of the animal menu though, there is also a new Move option for animals:

This will help you build new fencing and reorganize your animals in case the population starts getting out of control, or if you just want to do a bit of house cleaning or redecorating.

Anyway, that is all for this update. As I said before, it should be hitting all platforms soon, so be on the lookout for it, and stay tuned for more My Land to come!
5y ago
In today's riveting episode of the Ape Show, Brandon Stecklein discusses what development frameworks are used at Ape Apps, the game My Land, and the upcoming Civilization clone called My Empire.

Please subscribe and find all episodes of the Ape Show here:
4y ago
What if other players could go to your colony, buy plots of land and place buildings there like mines. They would own and operate the buildings by themselves, and you would just tax them to make a profit (so for instance if a gold mine makes 10 gold, you would take half of it to use in your own colony). This way older players can help new players without handing them billions of resources like that. Down below are some ideas on how this could work.

Bonds: a colony can issue bonds to collect money and finance projects. Bonds are certificates that guarantee lenders will get their money back plus interest in fixed payments ( like in real life). Once you issue a bond, you must pay it back on time or else the lending colony can foreclose on a significant amount of your buildings. Also if you dont pay back a bond your credit rating will go down making it unlikley any other colonies will loan you money.

Private property: plots of land that are inside your colony but owned by another player. Your laws still apply in these areas, but you can't build on them without permission of the owner. If you want to build a massive building however, you might be able to use eminent domain to reclaim the land, but you will have to pay the other player a minimum amount of money.

Corporations: organizations owned by multiple colonies whose sole job is to make money for their owners. Corporations will take money from all their owners, pool it together, and use it to invest in other colonies. Corporations are useful for small colonies as they allow them to pool their money together and compete with the giants.
Corporations are taxed the same as individuals.
4y ago
Alright, it is here: a more organized ones

The New Era - Space Race
US and EU established a FutureTech Alliance and successfully colonized Mars, in a much faster rate than expected. Such envying success unfavoured the old Eastern powers, China and Russia, they established Red Satellite Treaty Union for a direct rivalry to FutureTech Alliance.
On the other hand, many third-world nations broke off from United Nations with the help of a unknown religious organization, forming the Brotherhood of Polaris. They aimed to bring themselves the ‘Promised Land’ in the space race.
The space race was supported at the cost of ecological destruction, this had brought up the worries by ecologists and eco-friendly supporters. They did not join the space race, but they decided to make use of the space race to save the species on Earth from possible ecological calamity - That's why they established Project SEED.

Venet-55 - Main Theatre of the Space Race
Venet-55 is a large system discovered to have the richest amount of industrial raw resources known to humans, it become the centre of space race between Alliance and Union.
At the beginning Union was on upper hand, their mass production capabilities had brought them a largest colonization fleet among all factions, they quickly gained influence in Venet-55. With the first escorted supply line established by Union, the Union expanded very quickly.
However, corruption cases are revealed among Union colonies, setting them back temporarily. Alliance taken the chance to reduce difference between the Union and themselves.
As the Venet-55 was totally colonized, the competition turns from colonization to influence. Alliance had taken over half of the system. Union launched a massive propaganda campaign, it turned out to be successful that the space race in Venet-55 became a stalemate.

Earth Firestorm Crisis
As the increased resource exploitations on Earth, the ecological destruction was catalysed.
After the stalemete on Venet-55, it had been more serious - The intensified conflicts in Venet-55 had caused both factions sending extra supplies to Venet-55, it means more ecosystems had to be destroyed.
The ecological calamity struck Earth for the first time. Project SEED's headquarters on Earth recorded the first Firestorm in human history. However, distracted by the space race, the powers didn't seen it as a problem, until the Firestorm begun turning the lands into ashes and desert.
The Firestorm killed lots of people on Earth, led to global riot opposing the space race. Alliance and Union halted all assistances to their colonies at the same time in order to deal with the ecological crisis.
Without supplies, over half of the colonies in Venet-55 died. The remaining colonies in Venet-55 agreed on a permanent ceasefire treaty in order to survive.
The Firestorm crisis was not solved until the last SEED colony delivered the Miracle Formula obtained from the terraforming failure. Yes, the Earth was saved, but the powers were all exhausted, with the destruction of most humanity. The civilizations began to collapse uncontrollably.
What about colonies in Venet-55? They were deserted by their home world, forgotten in human history. Their survival was still uncertain.

The Exodus - Path to the Promised Land
The Brotherhood of Polaris, though officially as a space race rival to the other two, however they choose to stay far away from the centre of conflicts - Their aim wad to break away from this unfair world.
Their destination of their so-called ‘Exodus’ destinated on a new system discovered by the Brotherhood - Nod-73, which it was moderately habitable.
The beginning was a great success, all their colony ships arrived Nod-73 with remarkable zero crashes. The construction of promised lands were progressed smoothly, and the colonies were working in harmony.
Indeed, the Brotherhood fights for their collective interest. However, the brith of ambitions and conspiracy cannot be stopped. In Roundtable Incident, some colony governor's ambitions were revealed - These governors, instead of building a new utopia for all, they aimed to control these resourceful colonies for their own good.
The Roundtable Incident planted the seed of the conflicts - the Brotherhood in both Nod-73 and Earth was gradually divided into seperationist camp and loyalist camp.
Eventually the Brotherhood Civil War broke out. The 5-year long war had teared the Brotherhood into fragments, with their previous efforts on the promised land almost ruined, the colonies must rely on supplies from Earth headquarters.
The Firestorm Crisis was unstoppable that Brotherhood must also put all attention on dealing with the ecological disaster, having all supply lines cut.
The Brotherhood did not survive long. Headquarters were stormed by the ecological disasters and civil war, all leaders died.
In the same fate as other deserted colonies, over half of the colonies died from a lack of necessary supplies. Even though the Brotherhood was destroyed by the ecological calamity and internal conflicts, their project of the promised lands won't be stopped. That was the unforgotten ultimate aim. What will their promised land be like? Nobody knows.

The Ark of Life - to the Next Eden?
Project SEED aimed to save species on Earth through building a new Eden where they could survive - the Ark of Life program.
Project SEED obtained limited assistances from FutureTech Alliance by promising the New Eden would also be a second home for humanity. The colony ships were spread to the habitable planets of surrounding systems.
Project SEED developed the state-of-the-art terraforming devices in the era, which theorically, it changes a planet in a controlled way, without harming local ecosystem too much.
Nothing special had taken place until SEED-03 colony's failure, caused by unexpected terraforming changes.
Besides the Ark program, Project SEED also tracked about the climate change on Earth. As expected, but far earilier, the ecological calamity caused by human activities for space race, had begun.
The Firestorm Crisis had put the headquarters in panic. The headquarters ordered to hurry the project to save the remaining species before the Firestorm destroy the planet.
Pushing the limits had led to the terraforming abnormalities more intensive, SEED colonies fallen one by one. With the further development of Firestorm Crisis, the last four colonies, tried to keep their terraformers considerably normal while rushing the project. Sadly they all failed.
Yet, the last SEED colony saved the humanity - Inspired from the terraforming failures, SEED scientists derived a Miracle Formula that can reset the condition of Earth back to as good as 20 years ago.
Heroes of humanity, their irreplaceable work will be remembered, but eventually unable to escape from the fate of destruction - the Terraformers exploded because of overloading, killing all SEED staffs. Even though, they were also dissovled in the global collapse of human civilzation, Project SEED did rescued the ecosystem and humanity in the way they didn't expect, and created a new possibility for a greater human civilzation.
And what is the possibility it referrs to? The rise of United Earth in 2050.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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