Search - Starships

H3110 guys!

This is an idea for the largest entertainment event in the Galaxy - The Starship Race! 🚀

What’s Starship Race?
Starship race is a racing sports event using modified starships, performing extreme races at sub-lightspeed! This expensive race, has been one of the greatest tourist attractions!

Building Ideas!
Starship Race Live-streaming Station - Let your colonists (and tourists) enjoy the exciting starship race, on live! Earns lots of income, consumes tons of rum and food.
Starship Racer Quarters - Having your own team for the Starship Race! Your epic team will participate in the races and bring awards and mountains of cash back! Consumes starship fuel, starships and robots.
Starship Racing Mid-Station - This facility act as mid-stations for starship race, besides race live-streaming, it also provides expensive refueling and expensive repairs for the racing starships! And spectators can see the real racing starships and feel the strength of their blasting engines! Consumes starships, starship fuel, rum, food and microchips.
Starship Racing Terminal Station - What’s the greatest honour for participating in a Starship Race? It’s being chosen as the last station, Terminal Station! Here you can see the most exciting part of the race - Who’s the champion! Consumes lots of rum and food, more microchips and starship fuel, as well slightly more starships, along with cloth, for paving the red mat road of champion!

Remarks: To know where you can get the starship fuel, please read another post and find Starship Fuel Refinery.
You have to consider that beginner colonies won't have starships, so they won't be able to trade if all trades required at least one starship. You have to require a resource that players will have, even from the beginning of the game, like money. Now, if a trade amount goes over a certain point then I would say yes, require starships, oil, money, and civics.

That is unless bast does want to implement starships earlier in the game. You could have a building that has a very limited storage for them and creates them slowly. A mid game building could be an upgrade to the early game factory and have faster speed and more storage, and then that one could be upgraded to the current starship factory. I doubt bast would do this though as people would abuse it and trade starships over gbt, which are high-value.
5y ago
### Hey guys! Don't post much to the forums, but I believe I found a tiny, little non-impactful GUI bug muddling about with imports and exports on starports.

I was just wondering what import prices were for starships, so I naturally went to my starport's import menu. I didn't even notice it at first, but after backing out of the menu after seeing GBT offers and the "Galactic" import price, it told me my storages were full.

I instantly checked to make sure this wasn't the case, as I've been building up towards my 78 starport maps for a full 1m starship export, as well as have multiple 100k+ starship expired offers in my giftbox, and I wanted to make sure I didn't click one.

Panic aside, I only had a paltry 4k left after dumping my starships again, about 30 minutes previous.

I instantly went to global and asked around for players to check their import menus for starships (not that ANYONE would import starships), as long as they didn't have full starship storage, and they have almost all but confirmed my suspicion that this is a tiny little GUI bug in the starport import menu. Hope this helps!

Much love and appreciation,

### edited to add Luker124 as help, and add that this isn't platform specific, and we're using Build V1.6.0 these days.

3y ago
Bast plans to give us the ability to make starships as a resource. These ships would be used in various ways. In my opinion, nothing should actually consume ships, but ships should be a resource like power, where a certain amount of ships are just occupied by a certain amount of buildings, kind of like how power is occupied by different buildings. In order to purchase resources from gbt, you need to have the minimum number of unoccupied ships, but the actual purchasing wouldn't occupy any ships. However, when offering resources on gbt, the gbt keeps track of your offerings and occupies ships for each offering until the offer is taken by another colony.

Unlike power, however, the amount of starships you have depends upon your starship storage, and ships are built over time, not provided instantly. The shipyard will build ships until there is no more room. Starship storage would be provided by hangars, which would store a very limited amount of starships. There would be multiple tiers of hangars, all with different storage capacities, and there should also be a few tiers of shipyards too to make it more efficient for larger colonies to make ships.

Ship purposes: (ship requirement amounts are tailored to human ships, other ships would have differen't carry capacities)
Trade - transporting goods via gbt, 1 free ship per 1,000 resources in trade trequired

Export/import - 1 free ship per 1k resources imported or exported is required.

gifting - 1 free ship per 1,000 resources gifted.

tourism/immigration - spaceport and landing pad occupy 5 ships each.

law enforcement - higher tier police stations would occupy a large number of ships in addition to consuming civics and money.

colonist transport - the department of interstellar vehicles can be established to allow for colonist consumption of ships to produce money for the colony. When a colonist purchases a ship, theywill now appear as a ship instead of a colonist and can travel through the colony free of fatigue, and their ship avatar depicts their class as well. A colonist with a ship would would consume oil according to how far they have traveled, and their license can be revoked individually from their stats menu. However, they need to meet the IQ requirements in order to buy a ship.

Terran/human ships would be built at the shipyard and require hangars to store them. These ships are built from a moderate list of components that the shipyard consumes automatically, and have proven to be the most well balanced ships out of all of the races. They are built at a moderate pace and are moderately sturdy, being able to carry 1k units of resources.
Zolarg ships would be organic and would be genetically engineered and grown at birthing yards and would be stored in lairs. The shipyard would consume sugar and water to grow them, making the ships very efficient to grow compared to other races. They are fast growing, but aren't as durable and strong as ships from other races and thus 1 ship can only carry 500 units of resource(buildings occupy twice as much ships as human building equivalents do).
Reptilian ships could be built and stored like human ships. However, they require a wide array of resources to build and are built very slowly due to their complex designs. They are so far the sturdiest of ships and can carry up to 2k resources each.
5y ago
There should be a storage building for starships and/or relics/instructions/other ancient things/compounds.
Here is what I made:
Starship Hangar
A place for you to store your starships before they are needed
Stores: 10,000,000 starships
tile size: 8 * 8 (64)
requires workers with 120+ iq, blue collar
employs 1,000 workers
produces 1,000,000 money/minute
uses: 100 triantanium, 10 civics and 100 robots to keep running
Tell me what you think!
5y ago
Hi all, first post here although i have been playing for a while. I'm now on atleast my 50th restart for trying new idea's and concepts.I know with the game still being pre v1.0 large scale changes are likely not up for consideration yet but i thought i'd post a few possible ideas for the future.

1; mission based maps. For example, You are hired as a manager for a charities new food production complex. Your aim is to build infrastructure to produce food at a million units a minute with storage for 500million units allowing the charity to feed the galaxies hungry. Or to become a starship constrction base for a war effort with a goal to produce 1000 starships a minute. I'm sure the community here could come up with thousands of other mission ideas.

2, Extreme Sadistic Mode. multiply all building costs by 1000, all research costs by 10000 and forbid G.B.T trades. Im sure again the community could add a few other issues to contend with. Mandatory ice map?

3, A new researchable area allowing the use of a million starships to invade the opposing empires to gain thier tech. For example the League of independant nations would have an option to invade the Zolarg and capture blueprints for one of thier basic builder units, the zolarg equivilent of the rover, buildable through your small viechle factory. This gives you access to all thier tech and researchable options.

4, Researchable teleporters, These would allow, at significant expense, colonists to simply teleport from home to work/recreation ect to avoid fatigue. This could be balanced out with athletic/sporting buildings being added for excersise.

5, Uses for starships, As a use for starships how about allowing the colonisation of the local solar system? Ie, add a new, seperate section to the map for building a solar array around the systems sun thus allowing access to massive amonts of resourceless power. A map representing an orbital station housing a massive cloning array and a stargate allowing the almost instant full colonisation of new maps on a region.
H3110 guys! (^ω^)

What’s the first step for marching into the outer space? Besides begin building starships, you might need astronauts for missions, as well to develop much stronger and longer-life starship fuels.
As well, more things that will keep you connected to the entire galaxy!

New Technologies!
  • Intergalactic Astronomy
    Learn the secrets for ultra-long range intergalactic travels, which will bring you further outside world from the galaxy!
  • Neo Nuclear Physics
    One of the study goal of nuclear physics is to find how to maintain the nuclear fusion-fission cycle. Learn how to achieve it.
  • High Density Manufacturing
    Learn how to manufacture very complexed components that they are as fine as in molecular size.
  • Intergalactic Communications
    Learn how to perform communication in a intergalactic range!
  • Modular Construction
    Learn how to construct machines and buildings, in modules.

New Resources!
  • Hyperfuel
    The ultimate starship nuclear-type fuel designed for intergalactic travels using I.G.H.J.T. (Intergalactic Hyperjump Thrusters). Neccessary for launching outer space missions.
  • High Density Components (SHDG)
    These intergrated components are very fine that they are using molecules as the unit of manufacturing standards, and contains numorous tiny components. They are required for modular buildings, space industries and building better starships.

New Jobs!
  • Astronaut
    Important for performing space missions yet these jobs are very demanding. For a colonist wished to participate in astronaut occupations for space industries, not just a high IQ is required, they must obtain a Astronomy Diploma from Astronaut Academy.

    If you wish to know what a Diploma is, this is a idea from mine, visit this post for more.

New Buildings!
  • Hyperfuel Refinery
    Begin manufacturing the awesome hyperfuel from this refinery! It turns helium-3, uranium, crystalline, and plenty of oil into hyperfuel.
  • Modular Housing
    While the furniture and facilities now taking less space with the modular designs, these buildings can now housing more people than usual!
  • Modular Microchip Factory
    With modular technogy, the Ancient Alien Microchip Factory is reduced into a smaller size yet the production rate is maintained high!
  • Modular Triantanium Refinery
    Using closely-packed modular machines and appliences, using the same space it can now produce triple amounts of triantanium.
  • High Density Component Foundry
    Manufacture the finest high density components from microchips, crystalline, ant paste and triantanium.
  • Starport Exteded Landing Zone
    This is the way you can expand your starport without much cost and taking less space.
  • Starship Hangers
    A very basic way to store more starships, installed with a evelator to carry the starships into the underground hangers.
  • Ultra-Deep Hangers
    A better version of starship hangers.
  • Astronaut Academy
    Start training your astronauts here for the space industries!

More ideas are coming!
Further ideas and suggestions?
Comments please! (^ω^)
H3110 guys!

Space is borderless. There can be infinite possibilities in the space - From aliens to supernatural discoveries. So here I will introduce the idea of mine.
BTW, apart from reading mine, you can read the post also regarding the same stuff by @Ansom - , we both share the same concept.

New Technologies!
  • Advanced Astronomy
    Learn about the outside world around your little planet, as well how to explore it.
    A technology that requires Low Gravity Oil Production, Nuclear Physics and Basic Education.
  • Outer Galaxy Astronomy
    Learn how to build long range starships that will bring you beyond the borders of the galaxy.
    This tech requires Faster Than Light Travel and Superfuels.
  • Superfuels
    Learn how to produce fuels that is sustainable and super strong that allows starships hyperjump to the borders of galaxy in just a few seconds!

Advanced Astronomy is necessary for accessing to the space exploration, which unlocks the Agency of Extraterrestrial Exploration (AEE) (human), Space Command (insectnoids), or Expandition Department (Alpha Dracos). They are highest command centres for all kinds of space missions, and only this kind of buildings can launch a space mission - and unlock the space mission interface.

This is the comnon sense - In outer space the surroundings can be dangerous. You might need very skillful and smart mission crews in order to accompaish the missions safely - so here I’ll introduce two buildings - Astronaut Barracks and Astronaut Academy.
The Astronaut Academy will train your colonists to qualify the requirements to be an astronaut.
Qualified colonists can be hired in this special building - Astronaut Barracks. When they are hired here, their status will show Astronaut (idle), which means they are available for space mission.
One Astronaut Barracks hires at most 20 astronauts.

Because I planned it is available at the early mid stage, there is a need for a spacecraft construction facility other than the late-to-endgame stuff starships - Space Dock.
This is simply a shipyard that does not produce high tech starships, but it can build various early-to-mid-stage cheapy spacecrafts such as Shuttles and Space Probes.
Of course, I have some samples for the spacecrafts.
  • Small Classic Shuttle
    A small shuttle capable of performing small scale space missions near the planet.
    Durability : 10
    Crew : 5
    Storage Cap. : 100k
    Fuel : Oil, 500 per 100 km
    Fuel Tank Cap. : 2500
    Mining Power : 1
    Velocity : 3 mins/grid
  • Short range scout probe
    A small space probe specialized for scouting the surrounding regions.
    Durability : 6
    Crew : 0
    Fuel : Oil, 50 per 100 km
    Fuel Tank Cap. : 200
    Velocity : 0.5 min/grid
    Exploration time is shortened by 50%.
So what does the stats mean?
Durability means how long it can be used, counted by missions (i.e, single two way trips). Once the usage life has ended, those spacecrafts will require repairs that costs around 30~50% of their building price.
Crews means number of astronauts required to operate the spacecraft.
Storage Cap means how many booties, at most, can the spacecraft bring back.
Fuel shows the fuel type and consumption rate of it over distance.
Fuel tank cap determines how far the spacecraft can travel at most.
Velocity shows how fast the spacecraft can travel over a grid.
Mining power determines the type of resources that the spacecraft can extract.
Creating spacecrafts costs a-lot, so you are suggested to have high production rate of resources, especially microchips, steel and oil in order to launch more space missions.

Once you have idle team, idle spacecrafts, here you can start the missions!
Missions takes time. During missions using manned spacecrafts, you have to pre-supply the food and water just enough for the entire mission. Astronauts' status also shows Astronaut (on mission), at this status, they will not appear in the colony and consumes nothing. Their happiness and energy remains unchanged until they come back.
After a successful mission or combat retreat, they requires some rest and are not available for missions until they are 100%-prepared (100% energy, >80% health, >40% happiness).
Also, here are types of missions you can perform:
  • Exploration
    Always the first mission you perform. This reveals new regions in starmap.
  • Harvesting
    Some spacemap grids have asteroid belts, space scrap, planets, e.t.c, that allows you to harvest resources from them. May yield different resources.
  • Outpost construction
    If you wish to establish external supply lines for your colony, building outposts on resourceful locations can be a choice. Once a outpost is established the outpost will begin supply your colony with resources, with very minor resource consumption (depends on how far away the outpost is) than sending spacecrafts for one-time harvest, however the astronaut team that establishes the outpost will be gone forever and station at the outpost permanently.
    Outpost don't require any management, but you can upgrade them through the mission just below this.
  • Outpost Expansion
    This mission upgrades your outpost to output more resources, but will not have your team gone.
  • Combat
    Sometimes you may encounter pirate camps or spacebeast hives on the starmap and your spacecraft may get robbed or even taken down by these hostile things if your route is close to them, giving disturbance on exploration; and outpost supply and trade routes is also debuffed when these routes are too close too. In this case you may send astronauts or combat probes or even a fleet to clean them up. May cause death, death reports will be reported when the team/fleet returned.
  • Diplomatic
    Sometimes there are city state planets or space stations in the starmap. You can make friends with them, or bring them under your rule, or destroy it for tons of booties. Improve relations with them can help, because they can offer cheaper trades and they may even supply resources to your colony when they are asked to, everything depends on your prestige and reputation. Diplomatic missions helps you to increase your regional reputation.

Though they aren't part of the missions but missions helps build them up. Supply lines are established by outposts and runs all the time. Trade routes are established by city state planets and space stations (if they accepts your trade, they can cancel your trade route if you are hostile towards them). Spacecrafts also travels faster on these routes by 50%.
If you have a GBT built you'll have a International Trade Route on the starmap. Outposts near it will be benefited and they will generate more money to your colony.
All routes except the international trade lines has to be maintained transport vessels such as unmanned cargo conveys (very cheap and basic one) and galactic freight carriers.
right now starships are just a status symbol, if you have them then your colony is rich and everyone knows it. my idea is for starships to act as space warships. colonies would use these ships to establish zones of control on the my colony grid map. any colony in that zone will have to pay tariffs when using their gbt, and if they don't they can be sanctioned. if any colony doesn't like the tariffs put on them they can use their own starships to wrestle control of part or all of the zone that they inhabit.
4y ago
Hello Captains!

Here I am proudly presenting a fan guide for the starship game in My Colony Universe - My Starship.

Background of My Starship

My Starship takes place in the era that colonization of the 4 galactic powers - United Earth, League of Independent States, Zolarg Empire and Alpha Draconians, gradually occupied most corners of the galaxy, which the galactic powers will have more interaction between. Trade, commerce, diplomatic missions, or war.
The new era of new possibilities are providing irreplaceable opportunities for those who dreamed to own a starship. Now, you're one of them - How would you write your legend as a starship captain?

What you can do in the v0.14.0 version of the game

This game has lots of planned features but not all of them have been implemented yet. You can check the overall development progress of the game here.

In v0.14.0....
  • You can accept contacts and missions (that could possibly change the galaxy) from planets to earn yourself primarily some handy cash... And reputation in a long run.
  • Trade resources to earn profit - which will also boost the industrial development of the planets!
  • If you wish to be a space pirate, here you goes - You can raid ships and plunder their cargos (if you can maintain the ship's integrity and they can surrender).
  • Are you a collector? Why not have a full collection of ships from all corners of the galaxy!

Out of fuel? Advices on fuel management!

In this game, you'll always need to keep an eye on your fuel meter. Transversing over the galaxy will need quite a lot of fuel.
And what would be the fuel? Uranium.
If your ship is out of fuel, you are immobilized. But if you're lucky, you'll find some uranium tanker ships (yet only United Earth has this type of vessels) coming to solve your desperate situation, offering you some cheap fuel deals when they bypass.
If you planned on a long range trip, you'll probably want to buy a bulk of fuel just in case. Or you can also refuel along your trip route if the planets can offer the fuels.

Resources in the game

Resources are still one of the core elements of the game. They are not only goods to make wealth, your starship will need some of them too.
Raw resources are indicated by [RAW] here. They can produce without industries.
  • Food [RAW]
    Who want some patties?

    Food, of course, are important - vital to anybody's survival. At this version, food is only a commercial good only needed by inhabited planets, but expect more in later updates - they will also be what your ship crews (and yourself) needed.
  • Water [RAW]

    Like food, they are vital basic supplies. And yes, water will also be one of the necessities on your starship in future versions.
  • Rum
    You jub?

    These strong alcoholic drinks are still popular in the galaxy. At this moment, a commercial good. In the future, starship crew happiness upkeep cost.
  • Uranium [RAW]
    Let's just top off my fuel tanks with some fresh uranium today.

    Every starship in the game uses nuclear engines for powering the ship up, Uranium will be used as a fuel. Always keep an eye on the fuel meter, you'll never want your ship adrift in the dark space alone.
  • Starship Parts
    Hey! Who have taken my hyperdrive away! That's reserved for a customer!

    Starship parts are necessary resources for upgrading your ship, as well constructing new ships in space docks of some planets.
  • Ore [RAW]
    One of the most common industrial raw material. What else I can say?
  • Gold [RAW]
    Gold. Not only they are valuable because they are shiny, but also a raw ingredient for creating modern electronic components.
  • Steel
    Basically processed ore.
  • Aluminium [RAW]
    A vital construction material for starting high tier industries.
  • Oil [RAW]
    Though they are less common fuel nowadays, they are still important for creating plastics.
  • Plastic
    In current version it is not yet used by any industries.
  • Microchips
    One of the vital construction material for constructing any industries, as well used in high end products like starship parts.
  • Spices [RAW]
    A recently added new resource with high price. Not sure what it is for.

Starships in the game

Every civilization will have different starships, from small cargo ships to military vessels. Here I'll introduce some concepts about them.

Let's begin with the statistics of a starship.
  • Hull Plating is the raw hitpoints of a starship. It will not regenerate, so if your ship is damaged you can only recover by having some repairs at space docks.
    If your hull integrity reached 0, game over.
  • Speed rating affects how fast your starship can travel, and also the fuel efficiency (since fuel consumption is counted by traveling time length instead of distance).
  • Fuel tank capacity is a special cargo space for fuel (uranium) only. Uranium in fuel tanks will not occupy rooms of the main cargo bay on the ship.
  • Cargo capacity shows the maximum cargo you can have on your ship, excluding fuel that are already inside the fuel tank.
  • Shields are primary, regenerative protection barriers of your ship. They can absorb a proportion of damage in combats as long as the shield does not go down.
  • Attack Rating refers to your attack strength in the combat.
  • Radar Range defines working radius for detecting nearby ships.
  • Communication Range defines how far you can recieve the rough information of the planet, primarily fuel availability on the planet.
  • Hanger Bay capacity defines how many minor vessels your ship can carry. Not yet used in v0.14.0.
  • Passenger Capacity defines how many guests you can carry in your ship - which affects the types of requests you can recieve.

Now, I'll introduce the special types of vessels.
  • Government Ships are ships that represents and defends a planet, or the civilization of it belongs if it comes from the capital city of a civilization. If you saved them from adrift, you'll earn some reputation especially on the home planet of the adrift vessel. If you raided them, you'll have a bad name.
  • Uranium Tankers are ships for primarily transporting uranium around the planets of its home faction. They will also respond to any adrift vessels they have spotted.

Last but not least, the special features of starships of each faction.
Ships of United Earth and League of Independent States usually have better hull plating than other factions, otherwise they have very average performance.
Most of Zolarg Empire's vessels may not have quality and requires more ship crews to run, however are more modifiable than others, and they can carry more cargo.
Alpha Draconian starships are small and lightly armored, but they are more nimble, equipped with more powerful weapons, and most importantly, all ships are equipped with regenerative shields. They are the least modifiable, though.

Industries on the Planets

The planets will build up industries according to primarily their available resource stocks and secondarily what they can produce at the moment.
Rum Distillery will always be built, however. No matter do they lack food and water or not.
If the planet produces ores, they will probably build a ore refinery to produce steel.
Some industries like Ore Fracking and Gold Synth. Labs can produces raw resources that the planet does not produce. Planets may choose to build them.
Sometimes they will try build other industries that they don't have the raw resources to run, but they are usually high tier industries.

The demand from the industry can affect the commodity prices on the planet.
Based on this, you can actually create extra business opportunities yourself. If you are able to invest some resources like ores, steel and microchips onto this planet, you can sell other resource on the invested planet for larger profit later when new industries have been constructed.

Time for some quests!

Doing contracts and tasks can be a good start. The initial cost only comes from the fuel, but you can earn big money if you can complete them on time and successfully.
Some quests can be unstable, though. There are possibilities of a additional follow-up quests, which it will be a good bonus additional. You'll also have chance to fail the quests as some accidents takes place. This can affect the fate of your journey - will it end it here with a death warrant, or there will be a twist?
The outcome of a quest will not be simply money payments. It will affect your relations with the stakeholders of the event, either positively or negatively.

Hopefully the guide can help you enjoying the game. Thank you.
I have started putting together an early concept for a new game I have been thinking about for a few years now called My Starship, which is loosely modeled on an old Android game I used to play called Star Traders RPG. In My Starship, you captain a ship and must make money by conducting favorable trades between colonies and by going on missions for the various planetary governments. The game map, planets, missions, and interplanetary relations are all procedurally generated, and no two playthroughs will ever be the same. You can find up to date download links at the following address, or try the game on the Ape Apps Launcher.

The game is currently in a very early beta state, and as of yet, there is still not much to do. The purpose of this thread is to take comments and suggestions of things to add to the game. I will also keep this post updated with my current plans/to-do/progress list. I want to say up front though, that there are no plans to tie My Starship in to the My Colony server. I have decided that this would be better off as a stand-alone game.

The purpose of this early beta is to get feedback and suggestions on where to take the game, and also to guage interest so I can know how much time to put into development. The beta will be available for testing on Web, Android, Desktop, and Windows 10 at first, with an iOS release coming once the game is further along.

Current Build: v0.15.0

Current To-Do List (in no particular order):
  • Save game progress.
  • Choose your own starting civilization and ship, captain name, ship color, etc.
  • Interaction with other ships, including trade, missions, battle, piracy, capture, etc.
  • Captain skills progression, stats, leveling up, etc.
  • Planet stardocks with ship upgrades, buy/sell new ships, ship repairs, etc.
  • Resource harvesting on empty planets.
  • Distress call when ship out of fuel, or:
  • Escape pod when ship out of fuel or loses a battle.
  • Attack, bombard, or blockade a planet.
  • Capture, take control of a planet and it's industrial output.
  • Hire starship crew, manage crew relations, keep them happy, prevent mutiny.
  • Factories on planets which produce additional resources. Planets AI automatically upgrade themselves, conduct their own trades with passing ships.
  • Military ships controlled by the main factions which patrol their own space, protect their colonies, respond to distress calls.
  • Gamepad + Android TV/Amazon Fire TV/Xbox One support
  • Local (LAN/Wifi) Multiplayer
So here you can see my basic idea, what I am/will be working on, and the general direction I see for this concept as of right now. Everything is subject to change based on player feedback. I am basically working on this game because it is something that I personally want to play. The purpose of releasing the concept is to see whether or not others want to play something like this as well, which will determine how much time and effort I want to put into the idea. This is similar to the approach I used when creating My Colony, and as a whole, I think that it turned out alright.

So anyway, this thread is the place for all things My Starship related, as of right now. I will be embedding a link to the thread from within the game, and will be keeping the top post updated as I make progress and updates to the game. If the idea gains any users or traction, I will upgrade it to it's own forum section, but it is really not necessary at the moment. I plan on working on the game every week or so, or whenever I have time. That will increase or decrease based on the reception (or lack thereof) of the concept. Enjoy!


20210418 - v0.15.0
Added some Chinese translations
Updated menu icons to conform to ADL
Addressed "Cargo is Full" bug
Added Harvest Resources to the planet popup window on uninhabited planets

20200922 - v0.14.0
AI fuel tankers now have a chance to just get more fuel
Player is now warned if cargo is full while harvesting
Added Aluminum requirement to the Uranium Enrichment Facility
Started migrating ship stats screen format into a My Colony-like general stats window
New Resources Added:
- Spice
- Oil
- Plastic
Added Factory:
- Plastic Factory

20200508 - v0.13.0
You can no longer buy/steal goods above your cargo hold space
New Upgrades Added:
- Shield Module Mk2
- Torpedo Tubes
New Ships Added:
- Strut MkVI
- Torpedojager
- Draconian Destroyer
New Resource Added:
- Aluminum

20191118 - v0.12.0
Planets in comm range will show a fuel icon now if they have available fuel for sale
Added a 'Quick Refuel' option to planet options box
Expanded information on the Ship Stats screen
Ships can now travel at diagonal angles

20191010 - v0.11.0
Added Combat!
- You can attack anyship you come across
- Each attack turn you can Fight, try to Run, or attempt to Board
- Boarding let's you take their resources
Added Captain game object, each ship now represented by a Captain
Captains are pulled from roaming tokens from My Tokens
Player automatically assigned to their account default Token
Ships for sale at dock are now sorted by price
Docks now offer starship repair services
Planets now show civilization, contracts, and dock indicators
Civilization capitol now shows an indicator
When zoomed out, Map shows current ship marker and lines between civs
The Planet Stats popup now finally works
Added a pending contract display to the main hud

20190826 - v0.10.0
Planets with a Dock and enough money/parts will now construct new starships
Planets will commission new starships under their flag
You can now buy new starships from the Docks of a planet that has starship inventory
You can now only see other ships that are in your radar range
You can now harvest natural resources from uninhabited planets
- the AI ships will also do this
Ships out of fuel (including yours) will now send out a distress signal within their communications range
AI fuel tankers and government ships will now respond to distress calls
AI ships will now trade with each other
Added back button handling (for devices with a back button)
New ship classes:
- Galactic Freight Hauler
- Galactic Freight Heavy
- Space Jumper
New upgrade modules:
- Shield Module
- Laser Cannons
- Small Hangar Bay
- Guest Pod
- Improved Radar
- Transceiver Upgrade
Added Factories:
- Uranium Enrichment Facility
- Gold Synthesis Lab
- Ore Fraking Operation

20190301 - v0.9.0
Minor bug fix release

20180925 - v0.8.0
Planets will now build Ports when they have the resources
AI ships now conduct expanded business with planets
Fuel Tankers now purchase significantly more fuel from planets
Ships can now purchase upgrades from star ports
First upgrades are:
- Hyperdrive Upgrade
- Cargo Pods
- Hull Plating

20180825 - v0.7.0
Last saved game now appears on title screen
Added Factories, which planets will automatically construct when they meet certain conditions
First factories are:
- Ore Refinery
- Microchip Factory
- Rum Distillery
- Starship Parts Factory
Added Resource:
- Starship Parts

20180611 - v0.6.0
Games can now be saved/loaded
User now prompted to name ship at new game
Civilization governments now start with their own ship fleets
Changes to AI ship movement, destination selection
Government ships will not do quests, but will conduct trades between other government planets
Independent traders will now trade in other goods besides fuel, if the price is good
Added Ship Classes:
- Light Fighter
- Patrouilleschip
- Draconian Patrol
New Missions:
- Compromising Position
- No Laughing Matter
- Emergency Treatment

20180512 - v0.5.0
Implemented Gamepad control support
You can now interact with planets that are within 1 tile by clicking/tapping on them
Added new Ship Stats screen
You can now rename your ship
You can now change ship color
AI ships are now assigned a random ship color
Different ship classes can now start with specific resource overrides
Added Ship Classes:
- Klein Vrachtschip
- Draconian Cutter
- Uranium Tanker
New Missions:
- Conspiracy
- Proof of Loyalty
- Death Celebration
- Body Part Delivery
- Trojan Horse Attack
- Making Amends

20180507 - v0.4.0
Bug fixes
Engine now supports "Linked" missions
Contract timeout fails now work
Added 'Pending Contracts' option to main menu
Added Missions:
- Starvation
- Poisonous Revenge
- Wedding Delivery
Added Ship Classes:
- Delta Runner

20180503 - v0.3.0
Added Ship Contact screen when coming in contact with another ship
Can now conduct ship to ship trades
Global resource prices now slowly and randomly fluctuate over time
Raised the number of independent traders in the galaxy
Game ticks now keep happening when ship runs out of fuel
New planet type: Water World

20180430 - v0.2.0
Resource icon now shows up on trade menus
Changed the Fuel/Cargo readout bars on larger screens
Starting AI merchant ships are now picked from a random ship class
Added Settings button to the top UI bar
Added Resources:
- Ore
- Gold
- Steel
- Microchip
Added Ship Class:
- Draconian Sloop
- Ruimteschip
Added Mission:
- Rum Party
6y ago
feds should be allowed to pick their structure type, it can be an oligarchy, a democracy or a monarchy. a fed can become an oligarchy or monarchy via a vote, or via a coup, which will take starships. This coup won't affect the individual colonies and thus nobody will lose their resources. a coup has a certain chance it will succeed, the more starships there are attacking, the more likely it is to succeed. of course, people can choose to defend their federation with their own starships, which decreases the likelihood that the coup would be successful. in an oligarchy, the richest 10 members of the federation will control every aspect of the fed. in a monarchy, the monarch controls every aspect of the fed, and in a democracy, the members vote on everything. if the monarch or oligarchs wish to change the government back to democracy they can do so by passing a law. the federation members can also stage a revolution (which is essentially just a coup in reverse) to change the federation back to democracy by pressing the revolution button. If 10 members all push the button within a week then a revolution will begin.
5y ago
I am currently putting the finishing touches on My Colony v0.84.0, which should be shipping out to all platforms over the next few days. Here is what to expect!

Firstly, as with every update, I went through and cleaned out all of the reported bugs through the syntax error and crash log databases. The good news is, these errors are becoming fewer and fewer with each update, so I believe that over the last few months the game has gotten a good deal more stable overall.

A just happened to find a mistake in the code while I was cleaning stuff up related to saving unlocked techs for region games... I am praying that this finally puts a nail in this issue that people have been reporting since regions initially came out. Let me know!

Since adding the auto-trading feature to the GBT, some of the resources like Food and Water have been totally flooded with contracts, in many cases causing performance issues when rendering the contracts in the GBT. To address this, whenever a resource has more than 100 contracts available (some have way more than 100 now), the GBT automatically filters some of them out for you. For instance, contracts that you either cannot afford or that are such a bad deal will be hidden, as to not clog your GBT with worthless deals. This only impacts resources that have more than 100 live contracts available.

I still have to make some user-configurable changes to auto-trading, and this will be coming in the future. So far I am pleased with the auto-trade feature, and I think it is particularly helpful for newer users, so I do plan on improving and expanding upon it, I just didn't get to it for this update.

Next up are a couple of minor balancing tweaks. First of all, I have reduced the time it takes for the Landing Pad to bring in new colonists. One of the most commonly occurring complaints in the app store comments from new users is about how long it takes to get new colonists. With this new update, the Landing Pad should now be about twice as fast as it was before. I have also sped up the Cloning Facility a bit as well.

Next up, users can now add a description or notes to a regional subcity, in order to better keep things organized. The note input section can be found on the statistics screen within a subcity, and if you attach a note or description to a city, it will now show up on the mouse-over popup that shows up on the main region view, under the population readout, like this:

Next, I have made a couple changes to some of the maps. The Forest World map now includes a river, and also has some Mega Trees growing on it. This actually makes the map just a bit easier, as there is now a constant supply of water on the map.

The biggest change though, is for the Abandoned World map. The Abandoned World now has sort of a pinkish hue to it and has a river made out of the newest Resource to be added to the game: Ether.

Ether is a new resource that can only be found on new Abandoned World maps, and will never be able to be produced synthetically on any other map. The substance is a byproduct of the nuclear disaster that destroyed the Abandoned World civilization many eons ago. It is mostly harmless now, but can be reconstituted into Uranium by the Reptilians using their new Ether Processor facility. For health, entertainment, and tourism, Reptilians now also have a new Ether Baths building at their disposal. Ether can be harvested by Reptilians using their new Ether Extractor drone.

Over the coming updates, Ether usage will be expanded to all civs, but it will only be harvestable from the Abandoned World map. I also need to add more Reptilian structures to make getting an Abandoned World city up and running a bit easier, since it is currently a long and slow undertaking. That will all be coming soon. Ether will be available on the GBT next update. For technical reasons, I can't put it on there yet, since most clients do not have the Ether resource in their game yet.

Ether is the first in a series of new upcoming resources that are going to be locked to a specific planet type, and will not be able to be generated synthetically. I mentioned this in the last episode of the My Colony Podcast, but I realized that if I am going to eventually implement starship trade routes, there actually has to be a purpose and reason to use trade, and I think resources that you can only get on certain planets will help. Although, the GBT might negate the use of trade routes also, so I might instead think of an entirely different purpose of starships. Another idea I had was using starships to add an additional Asteroid landmass to your colony, sort of like the way regional subcities work now, you could also have separate off-planet asteroids or moons that your are mining, and you use starships to transfer resources back and forth. We will see what I come up with. Suggestions are welcome.

So that is it for today's update. Even though I decided to add a bit of content this time, I don't want to give the impression that I am giving up on the crusade against bugs, so keep letting me know what you find. That said, I do think that a lot of progress has been made and I feel more comfortable about adding new structures and units to the game now. So next update will probably expand on Ether, especially for other civs, and I also want to add a series of keyboard shortcuts to the game that were mentioned in this thread, so that might be in next update as well.

Anyway, as always, thanks for playing My Colony, and stay tuned for a whole lot more!
5y ago
yes, and then starships value would have to be decreased. The essential end-game resource is starships since they are so expensive. with regions, people would just fill maps with starship creators and they would be rich. It would just break the GDP
5y ago
hi, I recieved a gift this morning of approx 900 starships, upon returning this evening my cash balance has dropped 50k along with the starships disappearing. Could this have happened due to the update? Not exactly complaining but as i'd just started a new colony last night, the cash boost from the starships would have been a great benefit upon unlocking the G.B.T.
I originally posted this on a discord server so i apologize for the grammatical errors and formatting.

I feel like starships could have a great use maybe later such as in colony wars later on or......
maybe use a couple hundred including a couple million microchips and steel / ore to make a mothership that you can actually build special things on? (maybe it shows up in your region just floating around, and you can build a little city on it?) In my opinion, I feel like this could be useful in many different ways.

Imagine floating cities (of course there'd be a maximum of them) where you can have a WALL-E like style mothership. Imaging having that, and having a couple buildable spots where everywhere else is like prebuilt into the mothership like the road (which is of course the shape of the mothership and the engines etc.) and then you can have living sections where you can build special housing areas that can only be built on motherships and nothing else? or fast food restaurants that show up in the middle of a plaza inside of the mother ship, or maybe a capitalist style economy inside a mothership being an option? colonists can build their own building depending on the demand of what the colony wants? not sure about that, but could be interesting. Seems like starships have a lot of unlockable potential for the future, I truly hope something like this would show up, not sure if bast would be willing but I feel like it'd be special. Also, imagine using motherships to move mass resources and even people to other colonies you send it to? anyways i'm done i hope somebody high up thinks that this is a good idea too. peace out. ~Bait 😉
4y ago
Note: This is all for human colonies.

So I've currently got a region colony which currently has quite a few problems regarding resources. I've got 2 maps full of just tree farms, a map where 1/4 is full of wool, my clay production is sad, and my bricks, pottery, and toys have nothing to do. Additionally, the endgame right now is pretty fast to get to, and as buildings and techs are easier to add to the game than new features, I think it'd be nice to have quite a bit more content. So, to fix these problems and a few more, here are some idea for buildings and some other general improvements I have:

Make megatrees grow A LOT faster. They are so slow, you can barely sustain a middling zolarg colony with them. Sugar canes covered the entire map before I even got 5 new megatrees.

Disable auto-trading on the GBT. It's really cluttered now.

Widen the game. Currently, the tech tree is growing upwards, with new techs and building being added for later in the game than current ones. Instead, focus on adding more buildings and techs to current techs and mid-game play.


Advanced Biology: Requires Low Gravity Husbandry. Unlocks: Underground Tree Farm.

Bioengineering: Requires Advanced Biology, Human Cloning. Unlocks: Megatree, Megatree Farm, Human Repair Lab.

Synthetic Biology: Requires Bioengineering, Transcendence. Unlocks: Bioprinter.

Commercial Shipping: Requires Faster Than Light Travel, Galactic Finance Theory. Unlocks: Small Shipyard, Planetary Freight, Ship Showroom, Refueling Station, Mega-Elevator.

Asteroid Mining: Requires Commercial Shipping. Unlocks: Asteroid Tether.

Underground Tree Farm: An upgrade to the tree farm which goes 5 stories underground for 5x faster production. About the same cost as a dig site. Requires: Advanced Biology

Megatree Farm: An upgrade to the underground tree farm for 2x production. Requires: Bioengineering.

Human Repair Lab: Heal humans by giving them robotic parts. Consumes civics and robots. Requires: Bioengineering.

Bioprinter: A 3x3 building which prints any organic material and consumes food, water, and robots. Produces 5 units of one of wood, charcoal, sugar, or wool every 5 ticks. Needs no workers. Requires Synthetic Biology.

Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and water. Requires Clay Production.

Advanced Clay Mixer: Produces clay by consuming ore and ant paste. Requires Ant Paste Synthesis and Clay Production.

Toy Store: Just sells toys in exchange for money.

Build-N-Bricks: Sells toys for even more money than the toy store (they're Lego knock-offs). Has a lot of entertainment capacity, too.

Ansible Array: Produces 10000 Bandwidth. Consumes ether, software, and a lot of power.

Ape-Apps-plex: An endgame software producing building, churning out software by the thousands while consuming robots. As an idea, make it require a technology called "Singularity".

Small Shipyard: 5x5 building. Produces Miniships much faster than the shipyard produces starships. Consumes less resources too. Still very expensive. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Planetary Freight: 2x7 building like interstellar freight. It is not an upgrade. Enables a new feature for auto-trading with commonwealth members. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Ship Showroom: 9x9 building. Consumes both Starships and Miniships very slowly. Sells them for an unholy amount of money to the richest of your colony. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Refueling Station: 5x5 building, is just a pipeline leading to the sky like the space elevator. Refuels Starships, produces an unholy amount of money while consuming oil, crystalline, and ether. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Mega-Elevator: 2x7 upgrade to Space-Elevator. Is much wider. Even bigger trading capacity and immigration. Requires: Commercial Shipping.

Asteroid Tether: a 7x7 building which is unbelievably expensive (like really expensive, 10x hall of congress maybe?) and costs many Miniships to make (you have to pull the asteroid over), but produces immense amounts of ore, regolith, aluminum, gold, diamond, uranium, and alien artifacts. Maybe 10000 ore, 10000 regolith, 50000 gold, 10000 aluminum, 10000 uranium, 5000 diamond, and 100 alien artifacts every 150 ticks? Requires: Asteroid Mining
4y ago
Just tested this bug, and it still exists in 0.99. @bastecklein I'll walk you through the process to replicate this issue.

I load my region up, I have 120k starships in storage and the estimated value when I hover the mouse over it is 4.402T worth.

I enter a built up city, and the number immediately drops to 3.111T estimated worth.

Enter a non built up city and the value remains at 4.402T. At this value, the export price per million is 2.258T money. If I try to export after the worth of the resource has been reduced to the 3.111T from entering the built up city, then the export value drops to 1.596T per million.

If you return to title and reload the game, it resets back to 4.402T estimated value hovering over 120k starships.

If you don't enter any cities, just load in, return to title and repeat a bunch of times. The value goes up. After a number of resets, the estimated value for 120k ships peaks at around 5.703T.

From there, if you enter a non built up city, the value remains the same. And the export value per million had been raised to 2.920T.

This works for all resources, not just Starships. This is a significant problem because it makes it very inconsistent to export and import (the problem works exactly the same for import prices). With the values changing like this, you either have to spend a long time trying to reset and playing under certain conditions to get your money's worth for resources or you just accept the lower amounts from the glitch.

This should be very easy to replicate the issue, so this might make it a bit easier to track down the problem. Hope this helps bast.
4y ago
right now, anybody can declare independence as long as they have money and civics, but what if they needed to fight for it. my idea is to give the main colonies the ability to fight back against independence using starships, while also making the game more fun and realistic. Here is how this would work, once a sub colony has enough money and civics, they can declare independence, leading to a war with the main colony. during this war, the entire population of the subcolony is drafted and become soldiers. the soldiers will fight against starships from the main colony, many soldiers will die, but at the same time, many starships will also be destroyed. if the sub colony loses their last soldier, they lose. in order for a revolution to be successful, the sub colony has to keep their soldiers alive for 24 hours, after which they will become independent, but all their infrastructure will be damaged, and they will lose a percentage of their money as soldiers aren't cheap.
4y ago
I have heard a lot lately about the GBT and auto trade, so here are a few ideas.
1. The GBT is filled up with huge 100mil or 500 contracts, making it impossible to get what you want
What you could do is make a filter for contracts so you can see certain sized contracts. Also, with auto trade, I would maybe like a way to edit how much I trade and when I trade it, so I am not losing productivity to it only trading 1/10 of my storage, very slowly. Also, when you buy through auto-trade, I would like to adjust that too to where you can set it to what you want.

2. Another thing is that I feel that the insectoids' new structure (Unholy hall of Ancients) is a bit overpowered. Like the other civilizations, I feel that maybe the insectoids should have multiple structures, so maybe the Hall of Ancients only produces money, civics, and research, while there is another building that maybe consumes something like money and research to produce relics, instructions, and artifacts. Also, maybe the insectoids get a structure like the Draconians' Center for Ancient Extraction. To add on, possibly that structure and the Center for Ancient Extraction could both store starships, as they would use them and the Draconians one costs starships to build. It would help them be on the same level as the human civs when it comes to producing, consuming, and storing starships.
4y ago

I have some ideas about more things in the space.

Major civilizations might deploy starbases in the open space for defense.
Attacking these starbases with your ship might be foolish, they are heavily armed, and able to defend against fleet attacks.
Starbases, unlike planets, yields no resources and does not sell starships. But they can offer quests.
Captains with military passes of specific civilization can use the starbases of corresponding civilization for ship repair and refuel, at a higher cost.
Starbase model names of different civilizations:
  • United Earth : Star-fort
  • LIS : Relay Station
  • Zolarg Empire : Hive Citadel
  • Alpha Draconians : Defense Node

<Other objects in the space>
There might be other objects in the galaxy.
Such as, dangerous space minefields.
Interesting space abnormalities.
Wild aliens in space, like space squids?

Technological developments pushes civilization to another era.
And new era might unlocks more items.
My ideas for eras are like:
  1. New Colonization Era - The earliest era possible, when the 4 civilizations begins colonizing undeveloped planets of distant systems or conquer minor civilizations.
  2. Quantum Era - The rise of quantum technologies brings in the quantum engines, which long range travels becomes possible without a supply chain.
  3. Dreadnaught Era - Major civilizations begin building large starships, for logistics and military.
  4. Nanotech Era - This is an era of modular innovations - compacted components brings massive possibilities for the starships.
Hello @bastecklein !

I'm having an idea to have a civilization game in a My Colony fashion.

The perspectives will no longer be on one planet anymore, we're putting it into the galaxy.

It's kind of like My Starships game, except what you control is a superpower in the galaxy instead of a ship.
Players will play as one of the four major civilizations - United Earth, League of Independent States, Zolarg Empire and Alpha Draconians.
Like civilization games, we develop cities (planets), conduct researches, advance to the new era, explore the galaxy, and conquer new systems.

Except... You can only settle new cities on new planets.
And only three structures you can build in the open space: Extraction Outpost (on resource fields like gas reservoirs and asteroid fields), Spacestation (for defensive, sentry and fleet supply use) and Starbase (advanced Spacestation).

Resources are also featured in the game... AS USUAL!
City yields:
  • Food 🌽 - for local population growth.
  • Production ⚙️ - Industrial productions which are needed in all kinds of constructions locally.
  • Credits 💰 - For maintaining some districts and all military of your empire. If you wanna shorten the construction time to one turn, this is also where you'll use them.
  • Civics 🏛️ - Expands political territory in the space, as well as accumulated for implementing empire-wide policies.
  • Research ⚗️ - What else a document of knowledge can do except creating innovations for your empire?
  • Stability 🚩 - You'll always want your planets to be stable and riot-less.
  • Energy ⚡ - Some advanced districts needs energy to keep running.

The next thing to introduce is the combat system.
Combats has two types. One being starship battle, another one being ground battle (on planet).
The former one would be (supposed) the most common battles you may encounter. The later one only occurs when you bring troopers to invade the planet.
To take over a planet, the fleet battle must be won first. If the fleet battle is won, troopers will deal with ground forces - that's the ground battle. If defender planet loses both battles, the planet will change hands. Of course, some districts are destroyed and some resisting population will die in the takeover.
If you only bring starships to intrude a planet, after winning the fleet battle, the planet will only get blockaded (trade route blocked), and the starships can only bombard the planet when told to. Bombardment kills population, and also have chance to kill ground forces and destroy districts on the planet.
Some defensive structures helps repel invasions. For example, global shield reduces bombardment efficiency, ground defense networks boosts defending troopers' ability, minefields and GSW (Ground-to-Space-Weapons) damages enemy bombarding ships as well as weakening incoming ground attacks.

Now let's talk about another gameplay concept - Empire-wide policies.
Policies costs accumulated civics to implement. They'll provide buffs, instead of unlocking items.
Such as, Free Thoughts policy provides extra 0.5 Research yields per 1M population, and Militias policy boosts ground defense by 10% per 5M population.

My ideas will end here, and hopefully this can bring you some help expanding Ape Apps game collections, or just simply helps!
It would be nice if federations had a purpose in game instead of being a symbolic group of colonies. I have made a list of features that I think should be added to federations in My Colony 1 or 2.

1. Federation territory: federations should have the ability to control a section of space on the the my colony grid map. Perhaps they could annex ungoverned space using starships. All colonies located in the fed territory will have to abide by fed rules, even if they are not a part of the federation. This means the federation would be able to tax all subservient colonies and commonwealths, impose restrictions on their production capabilities, and more.

2. Fed wars: to make the game more dynamic, federations should have the option to go to war with each other to gain territory. When 2 feds declare war on each other, they will each send star ships to start attacking each other. The starships will be sent out in batches and controlled by players in each federation. In order to capture territory you must fly your starships over enemy territory for 5 minutes, after which a chunk of the territory will be siezed. There are 3 ways to end a war, 1st is to surrender, and let the other side take full control, the 2nd is to negotiate an end, and the third is to capture the the main colony of the commonwealth that is currently leading the opposing fed resulting in a complete victory. If you choose the second option you will still lose some territory but your fed will not be erased from existence, like if you where to surrender.

3. Federation eez and other economic features: federations should offer some kind of economic zone where all members can trade freely and establish colonies without fear of them being annexed. This will give players another reason to join federations, especially new players who still need help to Jumpstart their economy.

Thats all I have for now, tell me what you think in the comments.
3y ago
Just a list of ideas of starships, and drones that are put into hangar bays.

  • 'Mayflower' Class Cruise Ship
    Basically a large long range civilian transportation vessel. It has a large passenger capacity and a moderate cargo capacity, however with quite minimal self defense.
    These ships often carry some luxury goods like rum and spices.
  • Buffalo Type-C Drone Carrier
    An industrial class vessel for, most commonly, carrying mining drones, with a built-in mining beam cannon used for both mining business and self-defense.
    Usually they will head to uninhabited planets for their mining operations. And due to that, most of them carries a variety of minerals.
  • Bradley MKVI Cruiser
    Bradley series 2nd generation cruiser are developed after the Human Civil War under the military renovation plan of Marshal Bradley, the head of United Earth Security Council.
  • Comanche MKII Gunship Drone
    A combat drone with well-balanced power, cost and reliability.
  • B-24 Generic Engineering Drone
    A highly practical multipurpose drone that are used for repairing starship in space or participate in mining tasks.

  • RumiteCaravan Vrachtschip
    Standard Multipurpose Cargo Ship which are built for Zolarg Empire.
  • Bijenkorfschip
    A military class drone carrier used by Zolarg fleets. They are well known for having one of the most efficient hangar bay designs.
  • Sprinkhaan Combat Drone
    A notorious Zolarg military drone feared by any enemies of Zolarg Empire, able to disintegrate any ships within matter of minutes. Though not highly reliable.
  • Steenworm Mining Drone
    Cheap yet reliable mining drone used by most Zolarg mining fleets.

  • Draconian FuelArk
    Fuels like Uranium are one of the most important strategic resources of Alpha Draonians. This FuelArk is designed to escort and transport these fuels - Designed to be one of the heaviest armed cargo ship in the galaxy.
  • Draconian Ransacker
    Yes, even for Alpha Draconians, piracy is also strictly not allowed - unless you have piracy license from them. The Ransacker is designed for licensed pirates. One of the fastest lightweight starship with reasonable armaments, and a bestseller years ago.
  • Draconian Predator
    A type of frigate which are equipped by Quick Response Unit of Alpha Draconians. Like a predator, they won't allow escape of any hostile ships. Their nimble speed is almost unmatched.
  • Draconian Extractor Probe
    Extractor probes are very common in Alpha Draconians. From their colonies to their mining fleets, these mining drones can be seen. They are created to equip best technology and bears the best quality, but also very... expensive.
I finally caught up with the tech tree and am producing starships now. But... why am I doing that? :D What are they for?
5y ago
Hello MC Community,

1.I would like to suggest that the warehouses be adjusted a bit. The warehouses store almost all resources except wood, oil, paintings and starships. The fact that the warehouses can not store starships is logical, because of the size of them, but why should the warehouses be unable to store wood, oil and paintings. Therefore, my suggestion, please add wood, oil and paintings to the warehouses.

2. Would it be possible to give humans a building that produces Crystalline? I would suggest the "Crystal Growth Chamber / Accelerator". It uses a bit of crystallite, lots of rum, a bit of helium 3, a few robots and a large amout of power to grow crystals. The process is fully automated and does not need any workers, or maybe one that oversees the process. The cost of construction could be money, research, civics, ore, steel, aluminum, antanium, ant paste, diamonds, microchips and wood. The by-product is atmosphere.

3. In addition, it would be nice if there were another resource chart in statistics that shows which buildings generate how much energy.

Thank you for reading. I would be glad to receive feedback on my suggestions.
5y ago
Some suggestions and ideas
I think that zolarg and draconian starships when on map should look different. Also, PVP should have rewards. Maybe different lvls of starship! Ability to name starship!
I think these are some good ideas also how do you get starships?
5y ago
Kinda unbalanced, starships are meant to be really hard to make. If we could easily store them then it would be pretty simple to make 10k+/min

And the charcoal idea while it's good I say it produces way to much and is to small, perhaps 1000 charcoal/min (uses same amount of resources) and is 5 * 5? Because you only really need 20 or 30 if it's 10k/min + I think ore should be the easiest resource to make for humans. Also the problem with charcoal production is getting the wood required for it, not actually making it. Once you have 1000 or so charcoal factories you've got enough for most things. Can't think of a lot of things that require charcoal, other than diamond (I'm sure there is a few things)
5y ago
hi123456789 said:Kinda unbalanced, starships are meant to be really hard to make. If we could easily store them then it would be pretty simple to make 10k+/min

And the charcoal idea while it's good I say it produces way to much and is to small, perhaps 1000 charcoal/min (uses same amount of resources) and is 5 * 5? Because you only really need 20 or 30 if it's 10k/min + I think ore should be the easiest resource to make for humans. Also the problem with charcoal production is getting the wood required for it, not actually making it. Once you have 1000 or so charcoal factories you've got enough for most things. Can't think of a lot of things that require charcoal, other than diamond (I'm sure there is a few things)
It is hard to constantly make relic study centers and alien charcoal transformers, but I realize that it might need to be larger, such as 5 *5, or 6*6
5y ago
Well, I'm sure you'll get there someday. Crime would be an interesting feature. You could instead use starships to transport criminals from colony to colony and such, and that way the stargates can be left to tourists and immigrants. A prisoner transport center could be in charge of that, and you would have full control over how many prisoners you want to send to another player's colony or another city in your region with the cost of starships. In early game, you could implement a prisoner transport element into all of the import/export buildings so that you can just export the prisoners out in smaller amounts and pay a transport fee. I feel like early-gamers have enough challenge on their hands, so let prisoners be a challenge for later gamers.

Just my take on prisons and crime:
Would be cool if we could have forced labor policies in place for prisoners, that they have to work longer hours and they have to stay within a certain boundary that could be set with prison walls. Colonists wouldn't be allowed into those boundaries either, so you can separate them that way. you could also have separate buildings for a command center(which would employ one warden and have some tourist space), guard-bot garages, prisoner barracks, solitary confinement cells(could provide a small amount of education), a gym and basketball court for entertainment.

I feel like in order to implement crime, it would take a number of things, but could also give colonies a useful way to send help in the form of people to other colonies, which is a huge advantage. Each colonist would have to have another boolean value and an integer value in their statistics. the boolean value would determine if prisoner/criminal or colonist. The integer value would detirmine for how long a colonist will remain a criminal. When a colonist commits a crime, they automatically become a criminal and the seriousness of their crime will depend on how big the integer value is. Every time they go to sleep, the value is reduced by 1. A low IQ colonist is more likely to become a criminal, and once they become a criminal, they'll keep on commiting crimes and adding to their counter until they are caught. Once caught, they can live out their sentence without adding to it.

It will be up to police bots to chase them down and put them in jail, which each police station should have some jail space. Police bots will go for the criminals with the highest counter first and then work their way down. Colonists will stay in jail for 5 cycles of sleep, at which point they get automatically sent to a prisoner transport center and you get notified when that center is near full. Then you can go in and transport the prisoners to another colony in the same commonwealth or another map in your region.

One other thing that could be cool is if you dump your prisoners into a region map or fellow colony that has no prison, they become pardoned and will become colonists again and you can use them to build whatever you want on that map. A real life example of prisoners being dumped into a frontier territory to develop a colony is Australia, where prisoners of the British empire were sent to develop a colony there until they eventually declared independence.
4y ago
These ideas are simply to cover some of the gaps that I see in the zolarg playthrough.

first of all, I think that at some point, just like humans, zolarg should gain the ability to produce every resource automatically instead of requiring micromanagement. Some people might fight me on this, but if zolarg are going to be as powerful as humans are now, they need automation just like humans.

The below names for the techs and buildings are just examples of what they could be named. It's the concepts that matter the most.


Alien genetic engineering: The ancients were very skilled at designing organisms to their liking. Learn their ways of mass producing organic resources.

Tall construction: learn how to build and grow sturdy buildings that reach for the sky and save space.

Organic megastructures: Learn how to build massive organic structures that people can live and work in. They heal themselves as long as they receive food and water, and they allow for a higher level of industry. This technology far surpasses the ancients in the field of organic engineering. It's all uncharted territory from here.

Insectoid shipbuilding: this tech already exists, but I was thinking of expounding on it

Insectoid clay works: Insectoid have finally learned what to do with all that clay they've been collecting. Learn how to make bricks and pottery.


Brains: These are the insectoid's version of the microchip. This organic form of computing far suprasses the microchip, and thus less are needed in order to fulfill computing needs. However, the cost to build them is high.

Organs: I feel like this one is self explanatory. Organs can be used in hospitals to heal people, and they could be used to make complex organic systems. you'll also get to see how they are used below.


Basic organics:

unholy brain grower: This building grows genetically engineered brains that, in all intensive purposes, are basically supercharged microchips. Since organic data storage is much more compact and powerful than traditional computing, one brain could do the work of 1 thousand microchips. This allows insectoids to now build complex structures that can do things for them. Consumes antaura, clay, food and ant paste in large quantities to prouce a small amount of brains.

Unholy Organ grower: Alien stem cell research and antaura research has given rise to organ growing, which has revolutionized the insectoid's health and technology fields. Consumes water, oil, and antaura to produce organs.

Organic robot factory: The insectoids have learned to genetically design and program organic robots to do their bidding. These robots are smarter and more flexible than rigid mechanical robots and they are cheaper to build. Some people even treat robots as pets as they can be given emotions and trained or programmed to do anything. However, the demand for these robots is higher due to organic products being less durable than mechanical ones, and there's the fact that any building that uses them requires food and water as well. consumes microchips, organs, food and water to produce robots.

Sacrificial alter: Any religion has it's share of required sacrifices, and insectoid religion is no different. By sacrificing their robotic pets, insectoids are given access to massive amounts of antaura. Consumes lots of robots, generates massive amounts of antaura.

unholy cloner: Using the ancients organic technology and the raw power of antaura to mass-produce more insectoids. requires alien artifacts, antaura, food and water during use.

Insectoid shipbuilding:

Starship grower: Consumes microchips, organs, robots, food, water, and ant paste to produce starships.

Starship lair: Houses and nourishes starships. Consumes food and water regularly.

Misc. Buildings:

Insectoid hotel: a tall, organic hotel that tourists can stay in. performs the same functions as the human hotel.

insectoid restaurant: a simple, antanium laden building that performs the same functions as the human restaurant.

large park: Insectoids have the necessary resources the build this building as well, so they should be able to build it.

Spire of revelations. When uranium is infused with antaura, it creates a powerful hallucinogen that fills an insectoid's mind with revelations from the gods. This generates pure knowledge, leading to massive amounts of research progress. however, this substance takes it's toll on the one using it and they could wither away rather quickly from radiation poisoning if they aren't given constant medical care. Would be an upgrade to the spire of knowledge.

Organic megastructures:

Unholy Paste extruder: A massive organic factory that uses antaura, water, trash, and sugar in large amounts to constantly produce a large amount of ant paste. It will still produce ant paste when out of trash, but trash accelerates the production. This gives insectoid that ability to take care of their trash problems.

clothing sweatshop: Same concept as the human sweatshop, except that this sweatshop is a massive organic factory and employs more workers. Consumes tons of cloth to produce tons of money.

Clayworks factory: Produces large amounts of pottery and bricks, but is very inefficient and uses more clay than necessary.

Organic hive: This building would be an upgrade to the unholy mound of worship, but it wouldn't produce anymore antaura. The building is entirely organic and houses many more insectoids. It pulls it's food and water from the ground through roots like a tree, so it doesn't consume anything and will never take damage.

Organic arcology: A mega-hive that houses tens of thousands of insectoids and grows it's own food and provides lots of entertainment and jobs to its residents. consumes sugar, water, and triantanium constantly to produce food, feed itself, and heal structural damage.

Unholy wood synthesizer: An organic megastructure that synthesizes wood. Ant paste, when combined with antaura and cloth and then hardened, becomes fibrous like wood and can be used in all the same ways as normal wood can. consumes antaura, ant paste and cloth to produce wood. Bast can decide how much wood is produced. It doesn't really matter as long as we get an automatic way to make wood for zolarg. I feel like cloth is largely unused but easily produced in regards to zolarg.

Overmind command center: Turn your unholy command center into an organic megastore that can think for itself and govern your people. Requires the most amount of brains to build out of any other building, but rewards you with even more civic production.

Charcoal buildings:

Charcoal hut: add the same hut that humans have in so that zolarg can use it to make charcoal. I feel like if insectoids know how to burn sugar for power, they should know how to make charcoal from wood.

dark power spire: like the power spire, but feeds off of charcoal instead of sugar. Could be useful on a sugarless planet.

I'll come up with more over time.
4y ago
My Colony v0.86.0 Windows 10

I place an offer to sell starships on the GBT and it doesn't appear in the offers list.
After a few days I get the starships back when they don't sell, so it appears to be tracking tracking everything correctly, the offer just doesn't appear just doesn't appear in the list, so no one can buy them.
4y ago
This idea is mainly here to solve the independence issue that zolarg have when they absolutely have to declare independence to progress through the game. I don't think it's fair that an insectoid commonwealth can't grow because all of it's underlings have to leave in order to grow further. I also don't think it's fair that if we like the cw we're in, we have to still leave that cw to grow further.

So here is my solution:

Two different outcomes would befall the zolarg. They can either declare independence and go down the black majic route, or stay on-board with their colony and go the second route(eternal servitude), using other forms of technology, but still getting some of the same advanced technology that you would otherwise get from independence. Both outcomes will lead to the same end of the tech tree, but they will use different methods to reach the end-game. Those that go down the eternal servitude route will eventually be able to attain independence in end-game, but that independence will costly greatly more than the normal independence, and they will also eventually be able to access unholy tech. The same applies to the unholy path, they'll eventually gain access to the second path's tech. But the purpose of this is to keep to the lore of Zolarg not allowing unholy tech by giving colonies that wish to stay dependent a unique tech of their own, and then eventually giving them access to everything.

Bast can do anything with this and add whatever tech he wants for the second path. However, I can't give an incomplete idea, that's just not my style, so I've provided samples below.


Eternal servitude: Congratulations, you have swore an oath of unending servitude to your commonwealth. You will serve them forever, never to declare independence. Because of this, you will never be allowed to access unholy technologies. However, your commonwealth has blessed you with a wealth of new technology that is only legal for eternal servants to use.

When unlocking this tech, the option to declare independence disappears until you unlock the next tech below or until your contract is rescinded.

Brute force Independence: You can expect an all out war with your commonwealth should you decide to force your way to independence after swearing your eternal oath. This will be a very expensive endeavor, but freedom is priceless. requires starships, civic, money, research, food, water, and a certain number of colonists will need to be sacrificed in the war effort.

This tech allows colonies that wish to follow the eternal servant path to declare independence in end-game, but is much more costly to purchase than regular independence.

Sample techs:

Organic/living technology: Zolarg are able to take the alien's research into genetic engineering to the next level, developing organic resources, and eventually organic mega-structures and starships. Organic buildings repair themselves as they get the resources they need, but wither away if they can't get the resources they need. Organic technology would allow zolarg to do more things with the organic resources(sugar, food, water, wood, charcoal, oil, paste, plastic, cloth) that they have instead of working with non-organic resources like ore, gold, uranium, relics, arts, aluminum, diamonds, or antanium. Those organic resources can further be used to build more advanced buildings in place of non-organic buildings.

Holy technology: The next option is to give Zolarg tech that uses the opposite kind of energy to antaura, Zolaura(bast can name it whatever). This resource is also untradeable and does wonders of it's own, but it different ways. It can be used to produce power, but it can also enhance most production buildings as well. However, I wouldn't just renamed and recolor all of the existing unholy buildings and call them holy buildings, the tech should give dependent insectoids unique advantages over independent insectoids. Perhapse zolaura's core mine digs up crystalline in place of diamonds, allowing for crystalline to be automated, or perhaps zolaura gains access to wood and charcoal generators instead of oil and uranium generators. Holy power spires should definately perform the same as unholy spires, and in end-game, insectoids should get a building that cancels out antaura with zolaura to produce massive amounts of power.

4y ago
H3110 guys!

@bastecklein has developed an awesome My Colony spin-off My Starships, and I definitely like this spin-off game that brings adventures like Star Trek!

Today I’ll present my first batch of ideas regarding the game.

New Classes of Ships!
Galactic Commecial Freighter Class - Like its cousin Uranium Tanker Class and unlike, this big ship carries industrial goods around the galaxy.
Armored Freighter Class - An armed freighter makes it not an easy target for robbery.
SpaceJumper Class - A lighter starship, which it has less storage but higher mobility.
Ironclad Class - A more armoured starship with more weapon compactibility, providing modest protection from pirate attacks.
Light Curiser Class - It’s generally a better all-round starship, having modest defense, storage and speed.
Destroyer Class - Strong starships for national defense.
Galactic Ferry Class - A commercial starship, having large capacity of goods while having a medium speed advantage.
Mobile Lab - Want some exclusive upgrades? Try to catch it up and talk with the engineers!
Mobile Market Class - A super-large commercial use ship, for selling goods and providing supplies.

Ideas for Weapons
Torpedo Launcher - Has high accuacy that other weapons cannot achieve, although not very strong at all.
Lazer Turret - Default weapon, with modest strength. Slightly penetrates shield.
Plasma Bazooka - It does deal lots of damage, smashes shield, but low accuacies has been a problem.
EMP Torpedo Launcher - Paralyse enemy starship for a short while.
Thermit Torpedo Launcher - Can seal enemy weapon by chance, but it majorly concentrates on its damage.
Lazer Gatling Turret - Definitely an ideal heavy weapon!
Beam Cannon - It 100% penetrates shield and deal direct damage to enemy vessel!
Boarding Craft - These quick boarding crafts carries bomb drones and destroys enemy ship from inside.
Mini-Inceptor - Automaticlly attacks enemy per turn (if battle system is turn based)
Hammerhead - A melee weapon that greatly increase ram damage.

New Gameplay Mechanics?
Introducing the Specialists System!
You can hire specialists from some planets with specialist markets. They can help you in various ways, here are some examples.
Trade Bargainer - Every trade will have discounts!
Engine Specialist - Increases engine speed!
Security Officier - Your starship takes less damage in combats!

Pirate Attacks!
There’ll be pirate ship on the map, some are noticeable but some not. Try to get prepared all the time and avoid travelling in open space.
Ansom said:
This structure need to be reworked, or at least the Starships production need to be removed. Because this (very cheap) structure make obsolete the Ship Yard, and stupidly easy to grow star ship.

I agree, @Ansom. Producing starships is a huge expolit for a black market which produces resources much more quickly than convertors.
Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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